
>>120457 (OP)
Finally, some good taste. BWS, pewbutt, w-oo-t? Literal fucking garbage compared to Robot001's masterpieces.
>>120457 (OP)
nah, sorry.
That's not getting anyone's seal of approval, not even the animal kind.
Ah yes, I like art that looks like a 10 year old drew it, great taste
How come many don't like robot001? If you don't mind me asking
look at the OP's image or his entire gallery and take a wild guess
his artwork is 50/50 at best
Artwork simply is not sexually gratifying, too amateur. Credit where credit is due though, he definitely could find a living making comic strips or something i'll give him that
>>120457 (OP)
Honestly I like his work. Sure we can say it’s not great blah blah blah but it does give good ideas
>>120457 (OP)
The standards of you three must be extremely low if you like his work even the smallest amount. He's a bottom tier artist. Absolute trash.
(501 KB, 266x150, oki2lpL.gif)
Pic related; Alt isn't the city dump, so if you're gonna run Robots garbage off, you run it off the whole fucking site.

He's one of the worst artists in the game when you take active time into consideration.

You want ideas, just go watch an old movie or series.
I love Robot's stuff, I think the artstyle is charming, and he does a lot of characters that I don't see bigger artists even consider
You can't create a style without any skill and Robot has no skill.
Except he literally has no art style? The way he draws is utter shit

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