
(34 KB, 600x600, ec1.jpg)
Withered edition.

You know what to do.
I dislike x-ray shit, it's essentially a vanilla version of vore (next to pregnancy), which I also dislike.
(31 KB, 549x550, apesextwin.png)
The last one was already 15 you dirty bastard. You better watch yourself. You won't be sleeping easy for quite a while...
X-ray stuff is never hot. All you see is a view of some big food lump. or they draw the food in individual pieces as if the chick ate a whole meal without chewing.
I know this will be broadly unpopular here but I greatly dislike everything about the assembly line, plastic-y, anime drivel that 98% of this board and 100% of Twitter artists shove out. There is nothing erotic or interesting about it, and it elicits no reaction. Such a total lack of flaws or stylization is wholly artificial and gives nothing. The generic looking AI stuff is just the natural conclusion of this trend
I am all the way with you on this. I will never understand the broad appeal of this stuff, and the nasty reputation anything even vaguely "western" in art style has, when anime-esque WG art is so sterile and bland.
>sterile and bland
The jaytee containment thread is a few pages back.
I wouldn't say I dislike it, because I'm absolutely NOT above generic big belly moeblob with thin arms and face #9420; but I strongly agree that they are precursors to AI art whether they accept it or not.

Of course someone like Kip is not gonna lose commissions anytime soon since that's more of a cult of personality; rather than a waifu conveyor belt.
Bamboo might be on suicide watch, though.

>>119889 (Cross-thread)
I don't believe anybody owns the output of Stable Diffusion. Similar to how no one owns a breeze that rolls through your window, rain that falls on your head, or a squirrel on the lawn.
Hell, I agree. I've personally been trying to move away from anime influence in my own shit. Come out more strongly with "my own style" Don't know if it's very successful though.
(824 KB, 1570x305, Welcome.PNG)
DeviantArt implores you to welcome all these new artists! Art theft aside, the true 'owner' of this junk is whoever is paying to store it on their hard drives. The quantity of "creators" has increased 10000x in a month, whose going to pay for all this garbage? Best part, I clicked on these guy's profiles. They're legit uploading 100s of pics a day. Compared to the low number of actual artists who typically upload at most a few pics a day. AI art is looking like a denial of service attack on art platforms. GG
>Sorting by newest and complaining about a lack of quality control

Do you also go to clubs/bars wearing low cut tops and fishnet stockings, then complain about being "objectified"?
Sorry not everyone has the exact same taste as you, dickstain, I'll try to consider your erections more next time I'm beating off
(757 KB, 985x563, skynet.png)
If articles like picrelated are to be believed, then we ain't even seen the half of it yet.
AI generated art in it's current state is generic, copy-pasted, trite dogshit for retards. There is no quality in any of it AT ALL because by principle it's completely fucking hollow. You have to be legally fucking blind if the rise of it isn't alarming to you in the slightest. The cranking out of these dogshit images en masse is obviously, clearly happening because of how stupidly easy it is to do and it's flooded nearly all the places I go to find fap material. I couldn't jerk off to that shit even if I didn't fundamentally despise it because it's just fucking ugly. AI art is never going to give me raging, flaming boners like human art can. It is a complete mockery of human art and by defending it or creating it you are directly going against humanity.
AI will be an important tool in the future, but it's just that, a TOOL. Uploading raw AI generated images is not an artistic activity because anyone who wanted to see that kind of picture could make it themselves easily. You have to be modifying them, collaging them adding narrative or progression, etc for them to be worth anything. But sadly even that level of effort is beyond the average deviantart user.
(286 KB, 1107x611, arvalis-1583424668752441345-img1.jpg)
Well, since we're starting this thread with AI discussion right off the bat, I feel like this is an important video for people here to watch before they discuss the issue further. It's an excellent take down of the whole thing and just how much worse it's going to get:

Also the argument that AI counts as "transformative" art is laughable when the same technology used for music explicitly avoids using anything copyrighted.
You sound like a twitterbot, lol
Do you think "transformative" means 0 copyrighted content? Good luck with your lolsuit.
I'm saying it isn't even art to begin with, much less transformative. The makers behind this technology have practically admitted this with Dance Diffusion, with the only reason they're training Stable on copyrighted works anyway is because they don't fear artists like they do music conglomerates.
(194 KB, 1170x1435, FfRL-gKXwAElpsz.jpg)
Taking preparation for a hypothetical contingency is not an admission of guilt. People file frivolous lolsuits all the time. Especially when their egos are hurt.

I have no intention of watching the video you linked, but I figured the title would be worth a laugh and sure enough "The End of Art: An Argument Against Image AIs". Yep, that is definitely biased and melodramatic enough to be considered worth a laugh.

Here: I'll brainstorm a couple of alternative titles.

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling: A doomsday Essay"
"My life is over, the tale of a procedurally generated noose"
and my personal favourite:
"You are literally raping me everytime you bootup stable diffusion"

Some of them might be tough to monetize though
(38 KB, 520x536, FRNX5VMVsAA0z9u.jpeg)
I hate Fellatrix so fucking much, man. 99 percent of his art is on the cusp of being fappable, but then he can't help but add an element that spoils the whole thing. Whether it's making the fat bitches the futa, those godawful blowjob faces that borderline makes them look like /d/orses, the random bimbofication, or worst of all the bestality. I swear if I see one more goddamm horse dick I'm punching a hole in a wall.

I genuinely can't tell if Fellatrix actually gets off to this shit, or he just adds random shock value to his porn to make him stand out more.
He's right, short-cocked nigga. Go back to licking jaytee's asshole
If the potential lawsuits are frivolous then why aren't the same precautions universal? It's the double standard that's damning.
>I have no intention of watching the video you linked
So you've decided to remain misinformed and contribute nothing to this conversation, good to know. At least I know to ignore your dumbassery now.
Sorry, I'm not under any obligation to join your twitter echo chamber.But hey, maybe if you make a few more angry tweets the technology will un-invent itself!

Good luck with your lolsuit.
"Lol-suit" You're so pitiful, clown
(563 KB, 993x610, Truffa.png)
Anyway, gonna post this shit again because the old thread got axed
(114 KB, 1170x753, Ffisad_WIBU9XhS.jpg)
You see it's a play on the word "lawsuit". I put "lol" in the word because you're making me laugh out loud.

Get it?
Most of the BBW art is an anime fanart, what else do you want? Commissions want to pay for a pretty style and not a grandma faces anyway.
(1.6 MB, 2800x1640, dfa3myp-220f6a8e-bb63-41c6-90e0-a723810395ef.png)
SlimeyJayStudio should learn how to stick to one fetish whenever he does anything. He does some alright weight gain, but when he mixes it with pregnancy, vore, or x-ray shit, it ruins things. Image is under spoilers for vore.
I thought he had drawn this shit months ago? It's really bad for sure, and I hate the character since she is supposed to be a spider, but maybe he's stopped
Other examples include a sequence that's currently ongoing where a group is dealing with a plant monster, which was only female weight gain at first, but later included x-ray and male weight gain. And another sequence from a few months ago where two women were going through extreme weight gain, but he then included some stupid shit called "pregnancy sponges" for one of them. I'm not going to bother posting all of those though.
I wish people only drew things I like.
I wish that people that don't draw things I like began drawing the things that I like.
I wish that people that don't draw things I like, and won't draw things I like, would stop drawing altogether.
(424 KB, 1080x713, Polish_20221022_080832776.png)
This is a petty nitpick unrelated to the topic, but boy do I love the 'quality control' on display here. Missing color in corners from using the Paint Bucket tool, and overlapping lines galore.
It looks as if he's improving though, I'll give him that. I think the main reason the vore looks kinda ridiculous is because he insists on the prey being fat as well. It'd probably look a lot better if he made the prey thin and maximize the contrast.
(123 KB, 1080x1351, Svinja.jpg)
Ai drawings dont look crisp, they are wacky and soapy in texture. I mean, they are pretty easy to spot if you've ever seen one.
How do you cook pizza in italy?
And I thought vorefags were good artists.

>>120267 (Cross-thread)
Kip, cie malka gówno nawet nie rysuje cycków.
Hell, not only does he rarely draw boobs, but he also can't draw nice looking nipples. A complete waste of time. How does this retard even stay relevant?
All he does is teasing and cockblocking while larping as a good writer and an artist.
Total lack of discipline, not even a couple of edits of that image he does for patreon.
Eww, what the fuck is wrong in his head? His drawings were decent at first, but I always found the characters' eyes weird. I'm glad I stopped following him, this stuff is utter shite
Insane levels of 'tism, buddy.
That's the whole problem. People want generic pretty looking, trite plastic and artists, rather than establishing independent styles, bend to the will of the masses
(187 KB, 1152x1420, F9FC0A34-2771-498B-AC23-938F59527D45.jpeg)
>why is the fattywank meant for people to jerk off to drawn in a somewhat attractive artstyle??? It doesn’t matter if it looks disgusting as long as it looks different!
That’s you
Holy shit a weeaboo called me a soyjack. Whatever shall I do? You have to be actually deranged to consider the current faux-anime style "attractive"
Agreed, there's just some sort of nuance that is left out that doesnt quite hit the same.
When I got worried about ai art, I was struggling to figure out why. Turns out it's next stage of circle art and whatever that poser program crap was. And just like them, they never tag their stuff so I can filter it out.

At least there's a few unicorns that do something else with it, writing stories and what not. If you want a whole bunch of something, or need a few ideas, then it does that well. As long as your fine with the same damn thing over and over again.
>Turns out it's next stage of circle art and whatever that poser program crap was. And just like them, they never tag their stuff so I can filter it out.
Time really is a flat fucking circle huh
(107 KB, 1170x1139, FfXtblLX0AAEgKe.jpg)
I know I already responded to this; but I don't think I stressed enough how absolutely unpersuasive the video you linked was. I had it playing in the background while I was writing a mean comment on it...the first 5 minutes is literally nothing but moral grandstanding and appeals to emotion. "There are artists looking inside the jaws of the beast saying that it might be hospitable because there were bits of food stuck to its teeth"....dude, really? This sounds like a parody of preachy video essays, except he's actually serious.

That was not made to change anyone's mind, it's not even meant to convince people who are on the fence: the video purely exists to validate people who are already against Stable Diffusion. This is a literal propaganda piece, and the title should've made that obvious.

The thing that gets me is that none of you can seem to tell me what the machine could've done differently to make its output ok. You don't seem to have any solutions except the final solution: ban assault computers, so frick it, I'll try being constructive. Here's my link to a (half) hour long video no one will watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5ZmVheuxpo

and no, it's not a stable diffusion dev sobbing into their microphone that no one thinks about poor widdle pwogwammers.
Then what is it, a Stable Diffusion shill screaming that "people are too mean!!"?
The solution is literally in this thread and being heavily requested by artists - don't train your model on art without consent. NovelAI needs to hire the 100 best artists in the East to draw waifus it can steal if that's the product they want. Either licensing already existing art or drawing new art with consent for re-use, similar to stock images. It'll probably cost them a couple million dollars but if that's the product they want to build, that's the only ethical way. And if you type 'Aqua' into the prompt and it gives you back Konosuba's Aqua, the model is fucked. If you type an artist's name that isn't licensed in and you get back their style, model is fucked. If you want Aqua the prompt needs to describe her by trait and for it to draw it as if it was any random waifu OC, not draw an existing IP's character. Unless I guess they also go to IP holders and get their characters licensed for use. So people can subscribe to their 'Shonen Jump' bundle to get their characters in and etc. Long story short, by the time an ethical model is built it'll be more expensive to subscribe to it and use than commissioning an artist for a one off. It's really a 100m+ product to create that'll maybe add value to mangaka/2D animators or something to trace over / get inspiration from. That's the 'AI ART IS A TOOL' argument people want. Won't be a tool for you or will be bundled into your Adobe subscription for professionals and it's output will probably be nothing useful without further work ontop of it. GG
(47 KB, 600x600, R.jpeg)
>don't train your model without my permission
Okay, nevermind the fact that nobody needs permission to save a publicly available image.

You're effectively asking them to un-release the current model that was presumably trained on every publicly available image that showed up on google, and then censor the name of every living artist from the prompts. Even if they did manage to do that, do you think the orbiters on twitter would stop screeching "You literally murdered my favourite artist!" just because it was trained on public domain pictures?

This is just "ban assault computers" with extra steps involved...and a bunch of paywalls because apparently you had dollar signs in your eyes while you were typing this.

It's 360 VR footage of me fucking your mom in 4k. While wearing a cat costume.
(858 KB, 1193x669, 1614727995951.png)
>Reddit spacing
>Actual unironic moeshit
>Drawn by a mutstern shartists no less.
Your favorite character is bejita. The only good kinome are shounen. What you posted is unironic tranny moeshit. Gents... These halls need cleansing.
>Still using weeaboo instead of just weeb (For chadime KINO) or moecuck (Troonshit for westerners and chinks)
Jiren is a shit character and one of the weakest villains ever. There, I said it
For real. I get that this is the bitch-and-moan thread, but some of these complaints are hilariously self-centered. An artist doesn't draw the exact way you want them to? And? They're not obligated to adhere to your dogshit taste of you're not paying them, you're just along for the ride
NovelAI is better at making porn than stable diffusion because it was trained on Danbooru images. Danbooru's TOS states that by uploading images there, you are granting them an unlimited, royalty free license to use the images for basically anything, including allowing downloads from users. The TOS also states that if your copyrighted work is on Danbooru, you can send them a cooyright claim and they will remove it if they deem your claim vaild. So any copyrighted work that remains on the site only by the implicit consent of its creators.

Of course, you can argue that copyright claiming everything that some random person uploads is prohibitively difficult for the average independent artist, and you would be right. Which brings us to the crux of the problem - the internet is already set up in a way that is extremely loose and permissive about image copyrights. It's simply impossible to put strict controls on image use when anyone can "right click, save as" and have fully ability to use and modify any publicly hosted image. LAION and StabilityAI are just the first to leverage this to its fullest extent by crawling basically the whole internet and making a text2img model with a billion image dataset.
Where's the reddit spacing you dumbass? If you don't know what you're talking about then shut the fuck up.

THIS is reddit spacing
Thank you for reminding me to pray and thank the Lord for not knowing what any of those words mean
Oh no, the Jiren retard's comments disappeared! What the hell happened?
>>120474You're are waifu sat down too hard and broke them.
Huh. Today I learned BBWchan prevents reddit spacing. Neat.
(47 KB, 736x862, 4071d667fae30cd0e003c165f9dc757e.jpg)
Shut up, you swarthy thug. Nonwhites don't get to have opinions. We used to hang you from trees and you should feel glad we don't want to go back to that era. Personally, I would love to hurt you because you're a nigger. I enjoy hurting niggers.
Okay nigga, I challenge you to a fist fight
Not really WG related, but I only just found out about inflation artist "Imbapovi" getting one of his random old animations shown on a Tucker Carlson news segment where "Bakunyuu" is mistranslated as "Exploding Milk Porn" might just be the second cringiest thing I've seen all week. The first cringiest thing is the original incident that brought up the topic in the first place, which is so unbelievably cringe and everyones probably heard about it already so I'll spare the elaboration.
(64 KB, 600x641, 1508713721729.jpg)
Damn I love my fat fetish hentai board.
Hope there isn't a whole thread off their meds.
Guess he was too gigachad for mods lmao.
Guess he was too gigachad for the mods lmao.
I'm sorry for sending the same message twice. Feel free to call me a stupid autistic manchild or what other insults you got.
>Okay, nevermind the fact that nobody needs permission to save a publicly available image.
Just like nobody needs permission to download a piece of publicly available music?
>You're effectively asking them to un-release the current model that was presumably trained on every publicly available image that showed up on google, and then censor the name of every living artist from the prompts.
It's simply asking them to put Stable into the same model as Dance Diffusion, and it's complete horseshit that it isn't solely because the former doesn't have litigious lawyers potentially going after their asses.
Someone just migrated from Reddit. Gigachad AND liberal use of slurs? Happy late 11th birthday bud
>rather than establishing independent styles,
I would unironically prefer nothing but "generic pretty looking" anime faces than whatever the fuck independent style for faces I keep seeing from people like that mk_artichoke furfag that other artists I follow keep retweeting into my feed. Asterisk with some scribbles around it may be an independent style, but fuck, I thought furry artists were supposed to be above average.
That's the exact problem. Most people would rather have a million samey artists rather than having to contend with a decent amount of bad ones. But it's not only ugly styles that are being smothered by the excessive demand, it's great ones as well.
(245 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_20221022-235258~2.png)
Fuck the people like >>120290 (Cross-thread) who say "Why do you care if male fetish art gets posted on this board?", and fuck the people who post said male fetish art here. There's an entire bhm board because people bitched for over a year about there not being one after the old one was lost from the site reset a while back. However even after they got the new bhm board that they wanted, they still decided to post male fetish art here, then act like I'm in the wrong for not wanting males here. And for reference sake, this screenshot is from the Force Feed Thread on this board.
You are retarded if you want art to be treated in the same way as music by copyright law. Nothing would ever be made again. You can be found guilty of copyright violation for music if you "copy" 4 notes.
>a decent amount
Grossly understating the amount.
>it's great ones as well
Like fucking who? Who is being suppressed by this elaborate fanfiction you've concocted about "plastic-y anime drivel"? I've read through this thread and you have yet to give one example of someone who has a great independent style that's somehow being supressed. Meanwhile I can cite a second and a third example of yet more independent facial style that looks genuinely awful, idle-minded and TAD.
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I've already posted this in the classical art thread but here are two contemporary artists, Lucian Frued and Viktor Lyapkalo who create art much better than most of the stuff I see, cause it has more stylizatoon whipe also looking more real with the details, the way the fat hangs etc
Have you ever considered that perhaps people like the more stylised stuff BECAUSE it's not realistic? Don't get me wrong, I don't like the super generic A.I. "Big tiddi tomboy goth girl number 4802" type of art, and I don't like the extremely toony Solitary Scribbles type of art either. With that being said, I'd sooner find myself finding those attractive than realism art pieces and actually real obese women.
If that's you, that's you. I guess that just means you're far deeper into the fetish than I am. For me, a fat fetish means I like obese women, and all the flaws as well as benefits that come with that. I mean, I personally am not attracted to most girls over 400 lbs for that reason. I suppose I just want a more realistic vision to be sold to me in the art because that's what I find attractive. Regardless, you can acknowledge that while the more exaggerated fantasy stuff may be your cup of tea, it still kind of dominates the whole scene to an unreasonable degree, right?
Personally l don't care about any single OC. Every time when any artist start to draw they OCs again it looks like they will gonna move to the constant waves of OC art like a cakeshotaboyhoarder.
Jesus christ. You are trying to create some kind of bizarre style-elitism-slash-artistic-oppression because you don't want to beat off to real women nor do you want to beat off to anime or cartoonish styles. Please, for the love of god and I don't say this lightly, have sex.
mk_artichoke is great though, sounds like you need better taste. If anything styles like that need to be encouraged, the only other artist I know comes close to it is Fuzzywooly.

Never heard of these guys before, but I like what I see. I'll check them out, thanks anon.

I never understood this sentiment. Even if an artists draws an established character, they'll draw them in their own way, warping them until they're a different character entirely. Just look at any Nintendo character, you can't tell me any fat art made of them are anywhere remotely accurate. The only difference between an OC and a canon character is that the latter already had traction beforehand.
(370 KB, 1600x1200, IchokeMk-1581438672406450177-img1.jpg)
Nobody cared then, nobody cares now
Simple as

>Just like nobody needs permission to download a piece of publicly available music?
I hope you understand that this anal approach to copyright with music is why piracy was able to disrupt the music industry, and why royalty terms are as fucked as they are now.
It's also why frivolous copyright claims and abuse are pretty rampant with music, relative to other forms of IP.

He's right. On one hand, copyright exists at the moment of creation; but on the other, it *can* be waived depending on the platform you upload on. That's part of the contract you sign in agreeing to the terms of use.

Maybe Cozy had a point

>mk_artichoke is great though
He's honestly one of the best around, if you don't mind the fur
(1.3 MB, 832x832, 1663932623595.png) (1.5 MB, 640x360, Jiren vs Moeshit.gif)
>Twitter meme
>Mutts law
>Hating browns while using sneedbonics
>Getting angry for literal moeshit
Saying your favorite character is bejita would be an insult to bejita. Your skin is the same color as my poop. But not even the good poop. I’m talking shrimp fried eggs.
>Male shit
>On the female board
Mods are frezzer bro’s confirmed
You were chosen because you were cheap, Toyotaro. Not because you have talent
>Fat Bunny girl
Made to be Jiren’s wife

Realism doesn't always equal ugly or unhealthy looking. The body type on the paintings you've demonstrated is more typical for women in their mid 40s or early 50s. There are actual women who are the same size/slightly bigger than these, and yet their fat doesn't look that saggy and doughy, but relatively firm and plump. People have different fat placement that's affected by various factors, such as age, diet, metabolism, genetics etc. Some women get a pudgy beer belly, with the fat barely going anywhere else, while some start getting saggy and sickly after 20 pounds.
>Of course someone like Kip is not gonna lose commissions anytime soon since that's more of a cult of personality; rather than a waifu conveyor belt.
doesn't kip have strict rules to get a commission out of him anyway? like you have to be a $100 patron and even then it isn't guaranteed?
I'd mostly agree. I also think people are blowing my statements out of proportion. I don't hate all anime art, not even close. I just think that it generally is not as good (by default) as other styles, it mostly depends on the artist
(688 KB, 790x563, 1648021395417.png)
>I thought vorefags were good artists
What made you think that?

The road to creating your own style, tends to start with inspiration but there's nothing to be inspired by in the west without going into old works which as seen by how even anime barely gets any attention for its older better stuff, ain't gonna happen much if at all.

>inflation artist "Imbapovi" getting one of his random old animations shown on a Tucker Carlson news segment where "Bakunyuu" is mistranslated as "Exploding Milk Porn" might just be the second cringiest thing I've seen all week
That shit was fucking hilarious.

No one who sees themselves as part of the fats community has the dedication needed to make more realistic pictures. Most of them can't even pull off a consistent cartoonish or anime style.

>For me, a fat fetish means I like obese women, and all the flaws as well as benefits that come with that
That makes you deeper into your fetish than he'd be with his stance against the flaws and ugliness of reality. I'd keep that shit in check if I were you; could easily end up into slob or health issues without even realizing it.
It is risible to rail against a style of pornography because it is "hollow." Masturbation is already soulless. I hope to God you do not hold yourself superior to others because you wank to material with "artistic merit." That would be horribly embarrassing.

It needs very little insight or reflection to appreciate that peoples tastes are very diverse. I, for instance, can accept that others loathe the current AI style, while personally preferring that style to the works of any artist here. I therefore consider the spread of AI art to be an unalloyed good for me. Awful for you though, certainly - at least until the technology improves, and it can start pumping out stuff you like as well.
iirc, Kip has like 10 or so slots on his patreon, which cost 50$ each month. Each week, someone new gets their request drawn. That’s basically a comm every 3 months if you also take poll winners and the 100$ tier into account (basically it’s the same 50$ tier, but without the limit of 10 slots, so if you’re really fucking desperate for a comm and can’t wait for someone to drop out of the 50$ tier, that’s an option I guess)
(76 KB, 680x383, I_am_who_I_am.png)
>1st pic in a row
Chud strength, dude can bench 4pl no cap.
I can do 40 pull ups in a row, but I'm nowhere near the power level of that specimen.
He draws monobutts? Uh oh.
Excuse moi, it's carboymechshotacakehoarder, monseigneur.
1st pic
Idk, saw some highly detailed artwork here and there, but of course it's not representative of those shit tides that happen to fill the deviantshart up.
So uh, you pay extra 50 dollars a month for a vague chance of Kip drawing you some stuff?
Effective paywalling right there.
>So uh, you pay extra 50 dollars a month for a vague chance of Kip drawing you some stuff?
Effective paywalling right there.

No no, all the commission slots are guaranteed as far as I know, he rotates through everyone in order and then starts over from the beginning
There are two things that I think are really worth complaining about in regards to not just and 2D/3D fatty wank material, but also the quality of this whole site that mods ban on sight.
1 is how many artists are coming out of the woodwork with gross, homosexual art of fat dudes and gynophilic crap where they are the fat of she. Even based artists like Piv get gooned into wanting to draw guys.
2 is how rude, uncivil and straight up immoral black people are on this site. From the mess that is booty, the constant complaining about these sloppy ass hoes (on a website made to share pictures of fat bitches) to the fact that MOST IF NOT ALL candid videos of women just minding their own business are shot by an ape with a camera. It's disgusting.
So I just gotta wait 10 months and spent 500$ for Kip to do my commission? Sounds easy ngl
Okay autistic manchild. Don't think you can avoid bans like this, you little nigga retard
I said in my post before that it takes an average of 3 months (150 bucks). I can’t tell if your reading comprehension is just that bad or if you’re being disingenuous on purpose anon
I'd say it's a mix of both
hate the fact that cartoony navel shit often gets lumped together with monobutt/pear stuff. sometimes there's great shit and then it gets completely soiled by some oversized outie navel, or some cartoony "X"
t. RJ Palmer
For the first time in the history of this board, mods are gods.
There's something about Monobutt that triggers a genuine seething rage inside of me, and I don't know why. Nerd TF does the same thing.
>monobutt fetish is a thing
Oh damn... its like when I lurking around /d/ and discover more and more new bizzare stuff.
hate people who fetishise the fact its a monobutt, i always thought it was just the shape that people liked but no people genuinely like the concept of a "monobutt" wtf
I don't know how or why more people haven't commented on this.
>The only difference between an OC and a canon character is that the latter already had traction beforehand.
Isn't that the exact appeal of canon characters though? At least for me, canon characters are fun to draw and engaging for the audience not only because they have an appealing design but also because they have an interesting backstory or personality that lends themselves well to fats. Either being shameless gluttons or having an obvious connection to foodstuff (like Peach and cake or whatever) or being so prim and proper that drawing them fat and bursting out of their tiny outfit is a massive contrast (like gap moe but for fats) That said there is something to be said about it being kind of a numbers game- it's in an artist's best interest to draw what's popular to make a line go up, and some commissioners want nothing more but Yor Forger 400 pounds sexy hot sweat fuck. But I don't think canon characters are preferred totally arbitrarily.

It's certainly not /impossible/ to make an appealing OC, but it's one hell of an uphill battle to get people legitimately invested in a character design without it winding up either too bland and forgettable or too garish and overly horny. Canon characters are just easier for artists to use and easier for the audience to relate to.
ofc it's an uphill battle, because most people who make OC stuff tend to get no traction on the stuff that isn't explicitly NSFW. then they only do NSFW stuff, and that doesn't get the same appeal as seeing characters who are initially SFW get put into these NSFW drawings or scenarios. A few artists out there have interesting OCs that i like seeing. I've even tried it, but i'm not really all that concerned about numbers or anything though.
You say "plastic", I say "cute". You say "realistic", I say "fucking ugly". There's a simple reason a huge proportion of creators on the scene tend towards eastern styles, and it's not for whatever meme armchair psychoanalytic reason you're trying to peddle. One style makes people's dicks hard and the other doesn't, it's as simple as that. Maybe consider that (You) are the deviant and that these "samey" styles are naturally drifted to out of a desire to improve their fappability rather than laziness or whatever the fuck you use as an excuse to defend your shit fetish.
It hurts to look at. I genuinely don't know how anyone can possibly find it sexually arousing. Maybe it's some Pavlovian mechanics in play, otherwise I don't have any ideas why.

Also I absolutely hate westoid cartoon fetish art, and since it does overlap with monobutt niggers, it maks me hate them even more.
See >>120143 (Cross-thread)
Your post just wasn't that interesting. How much discourse were you expecting it to generate?
(100 KB, 577x559, thepainthatburnsalive.jpg)
They/them army has a foothold over here for quite a while. You know, they view us the bbwchuds or something, never heard something like this before, but here it is. So they crusade here trying to bend the board tastes to fit their own perverted ideas of what content has to look like.
I don't understand them.
>draw a female
Type that it's male. Except it is drawn like a woman.
I remember the times when I was ignorant on the shysho question, until something happened. I won't mention what exactly. And that's not only him, but many, many more.
Oh my god what the fuck is this abomination!?
Why does it have to be interesting for it to matter? I'm trying to get this board back on track, goddamn it! It's infuriating that people pull that shit, yet hardly anyone else tries to combat those fuckers. What's even worse is that when I tried to fight it, I get treated like I'm wrong for not wanting males here even though there AN ENTIRE FUCKING BOARD dedicated for males because those posters bitched about for over a YEAR. Feel like my head is going to explode because of the absurd amount of indifference most of you have toward the issue!
"I'm trying to get this board back on track, goddamn it!" This fucking place has never been against males, you goddamn dunce. It's about time that tiny brain of yours understands
I mean, it kinda is by design.
If it weren't, there wouldn't be a separate BHM board to begin with.
I have little stake in this argument because this isn't a point of contention in the generals I frequent, but you sound like a faggot and that makes me want to disagree with you on principle. The rampant caps and exclamation marks certainly aren't helping your case.
That’s what I hate about him now, before he was drawing actual fat with actual believable proportion and fat looking shape, not it’s just that super cartoony crap with just super round belly and the rest is thin or the super elongate shape that everything is stuck together
>Nerd TF does the same thing
Don't remind me, I've seen that shit so much lately and it never looks appealing.
From a commissioner perspective I don't even get why you wouldn't just comm your shitty OC at tha point.
(1.1 MB, 3112x1939, Harvey's Comment.jpg)
Everytime I see someone complaining about another person drawing lolis or underage characters, and they ALSO draw characters who are underage, I lose 10 years of my life. And then there's the annoying motherfuckers who are always like "WHY DID YOU DRAW [insert Pokémon Trainer], SHE'S 10 YOU P3[)0!!!!" Also, NONE OF THE PLAYER CHARACTERS IN POKÉMON ARE ""10"". Most of, if not all of them, have no officially given ages. The only ones that do are Red, Hilbert/Hilda, and Elio/Selene (for those wondering, 11, 14-15, and 11 respectively. Brendan/May is debatable because only their *Rival* counterparts are 12), and they are not 10.
>I want to draw this character but I'm worried they might be underage
Mf if you want to draw them just do it. A fictional character's age means literally NOTHING.
>This fucking place has never been against males, you goddamn dunce.
Lies like this make me want to end it all.

Finally, someone else gets it. Christ.

>The rampant caps and exclamation marks certainly aren't helping your case.
How else am I supposed to illustrate a point or push that this issue genuinely angers me? Trying to get how I feel across with only basic text is not easy to do, and selective reading is a common thing here, so I had to try to make my points stand out more.
Remember when you could Sage a message without bumping the entire thread itself?
As a massive proponent of AI art. This shit is hilarious. You can pay 10 bucks for some guy to use the AI that costs 10 bucks? Not even cause if you have the GPU for it, you can run it for free! Lmoa
More important is how their drawn, I could never get off to a pokemon girl if they look like their canon age.
Thats not really as foolproof as you think.
The training data for these AIs are built by and curated by people. And once their made no amount of asking nicely to have your art pulled from danbooru is going to remove you from the already trained model. To make the SD model someone has to choose what images go in or not and that's subject to bad actors. Some guy on the novelAI thread already made a BWS dateset and uploaded the results.
Sure pal.
>I could never get off to a pokemon girl if they look like their canon age.
Nearly all of the characters in the entire franchise don't have canon ages.
>Shilling this much for shitty western copy artists.
Post your top ten chadpenese artists RIGHT now. You have no excuse as they don’t hide their fatfaggotry anymore. Post your top ten jap fat artists post haste!
Ash and most of his companions in the Anime have canon ages, as well as the main protagonists of the games and manga.
As I clearly stated, only three of the main protagonists in the games have canon ages. The "all trainers start at 10" thing from the anime does NOT apply to the games.
>As I clearly stated, only three of the main protagonists in the games have canon ages.
You forget Victor/Gloria from Sword & Shield who are said to be 12, and technically Hilbert/Hilda are 17 because of B2W2. Red is also much older in Sun & Moon.
>The "all trainers start at 10" thing from the anime does NOT apply to the games.
All the characters you named with confirmed ages in the games are also all ones who don't appear in the Anime.
Nowhere does it say that Victor and Gloria are 12.
I was also referring to Red in Gen I/FireRed and LeafGreen.
Stop making bullshit excuses up lmao
If you're an obese man and you're attracted to obese women, that's not a fetish; it's comorbidity.
Yeah? And who the fuck asked?
I love firm and plump women as well as doughy ones. I'm just saying that there should be more variety, as the "firm and plump" camp has a near monopoly right now
Pure cope. No amount of shielding what you enjoy under traditional looking anime art that normies enjoy will change the fact that you have a fetish which most of society deems unacceptable. Might as well acknowledge that, of not embrace it, rather than pretending that your preferences are just normal and can be engaged with in a purely normal way.
A whole hot thing about the canon characters is they massive story, interactions, friends and rivals and they personality. This complex stuff and what if this exactly character would be fat and how it will change a story is the hot thing for me. This is why I can't feel anything about the OCs.
Exactly, you can't even provide a source for something that isn't true.
Your point? I don't see what moving the goalpost to all genres of porn proves. It's just empirically true that in the realm of fatfaggotry, you're vastly outnumbered.
You guys ever come across this one drawing and it on god looks like a girl, the figure shape and the fatness, but nope. the artist say's it's a guy? that shit is dumb I swear.
So what? My opinion isn't the most popular so I should just concede? I literally prefaced by saying that most people will disagree with me. It's utter nonsense to say "well you're just outnumbered so clearly you're wrong" Ridiculous
It got found out that they were like 15-16 so they dipped off the face of the internet and hasn't really come back, at least not in this scene
Fuck femboys/traps, too.
I'm okey with OCs if the artist in question actually has some sort of project that is included with them, so you can actually grow attached to them.

If they just create the design, and give them some sort of vague personality etc, then I agree with you.
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228 pages. let that sink in. this is where we are after 228 pages.
Fuck people who try to gaslight others too. It's like they didn't bother learning how to respect boundaries back in preschool or kindergarten.
What’s wrong with where we are?
It's not really gaslighting. Just lying. No need to be overdramatic
Mf I was talking exclusively about femboys.
>nooooooo mk_artichoke is good because I SAID SO
I accept your concession. The dude is straight up bad:
- every piece of work is unfinished scribbling being passed off as a completed piece, shapes are poorly defined and guidelines are everywhere
- awful colorwork, riffs on the Tawawa pattern of monocolor without any of the shading that makes it work
- all of his faces are scrunched "sour lemon" faces or asterisks surrounded by circles
- furshit
The literal only argument your previous post contained was an appeal to popularity, as did several before I joined the conversation. Which is it? Or rather, what are you even trying to argue at this point? You're an absolute clown, bordering on non sequiturs at this point
Conservatives have been complaining about entertainment becoming perverted since Joe Biden got elected. They are only doing hentai stories because liberals associate anime and bakunyuu with being right wing while their globohomo movies flop due to lack of interest. The left can't even sell She Hulk twerking even though Stan Lee would've had that story written.
what isn't? tessa has a pot belly at most. saiya won't shut up about her tiny little gut. there is zero progress on this terrible excuse for a love story. they went to the gym last week and finally, after four pages, were finally getting to the work out. instead of fan service we get crunches. I expect push ups next and any other exercise to avoid showing fan service. he will deliver maybe one or two pages but it will then get interrupted, probably by aika running in inviting saiya to church because she is now evil personified. this is supposed to be fan service but its everything but and the plot is straight up garbage.
(60 KB, 600x771, 1545995877503.jpg)
Nothing but the most disrespectful stereotype where your best hope is that at least it doesn't have any slob elements.

>How else am I supposed to illustrate a point or push that this issue genuinely angers me
Reaction images.

Just type "sage" in the email field.

>Hilbert/Hilda are 17 because of B2W2
Was it stated that they were a year older than Bianca?

>Red is also much older in Sun & Moon
That trash butchered Red.

Feels less like a monopoly and more like a lot of people not knowing how to draw fat and people who draw blobs.

Feels like a bunch of people just said "Don't mind if I do".

Why was she lifting her shirt? More of Kips attempts at godawful comedy or is there actual reason?
>Why was she lifting her shirt? More of Kips attempts at godawful comedy or is there actual reason?
for some reason kip keeps trying to push saiya not liking her belly. thats why I don't get people swearing up and down "it would be so nice if saiya gains". this woman barely has a pudge and she's over here panicking. it aint happening.
Gotta love how the people defending all these lame shows think that people are hating it just cos it's supposedly "political" and "diverse" and then point to older examples like the OG Star Wars and Mulan. Bro, people don't hate it when there is politics and diversity, people hate it when it's so poorly tacked on and the writers have such little skill in interweaving the political themes that it just feels like watching a 2 hour lecture.
She-Hulk is especially agregious because even though the show is literally called "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" the writers literally had zero prior knowledge to She-Hulk or lawfirms. I actually think it would of been incredibly cool to get a sort of female Better Call Saul but with a Super Hero world and all the struggles and laws that would arise in that type of society, and you could still fit in the sexism themes as well. But nope, they instead just made it the anger suppression olympics with some of the worst comedy I have seen in years.
Oh crap, this is a site dedicated to obesity. Uh, I also think it's sad that people are only fuelling the fire by making fetish art of the shows interpretation of the She-Hulk character.
She Hulk just doesn't work as a serious character. She works as a gag character.
>I also think it's sad that people are only fueling the fire by making fetish art of the shows interpretation of the She-Hulk character
Impossible, Marvel already murdered She Hulk to a degree that makes the live action turd look reasonable.

What makes you say that? Only Hulk I'd say only works as a gag character would be Amadeus Cho and only because he has no reason to be a Hulk and by the time they turned him into one, Marvel threw people who know how to write and crime fighting out the window for tumblr rejects and activism.
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Holy fucking shit, I am getting so sick of StrangeMoist. Fucker literally brought back the Bridget controversy out of nowhere just to spam his tantrums all over my feed. I like his art, but good GOD he's far too insufferable to tolerate for it.

>Conservatives have been complaining about entertainment becoming perverted since Joe Biden got elected.
You either have the memory of a goldfish or you're no older than 12, because they've been doing this shit since time immemorial. Remember when Pokémon was the devil's instrument used to corrupt young children? Or the moral panic with D&D and how it was occult shit turning nerds into Satanists? The entire Conservative MO is turning anything that doesn't conform to their narrow worldview into boogeyman to be scared of for a week before moving on to the next boogeyman.

>The left can't even sell She Hulk twerking even though Stan Lee would've had that story written.
That whole show was a walking contradiction. It was a show for nobody, even the people who stuck with it until the end and was genuinely invested got nothing but the middle finger for it with that dogshit "meta" ending.
>She-Hulk is especially agregious because even though the show is literally called "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" the writers literally had zero prior knowledge to She-Hulk or lawfirms. I actually think it would of been incredibly cool to get a sort of female Better Call Saul but with a Super Hero world and all the struggles and laws that would arise in that type of society, and you could still fit in the sexism themes as well. But nope, they instead just made it the anger suppression olympics with some of the worst comedy I have seen in years.
would marvel dare go there? would they dare show people like daredevil doing his job as matt murdock lawyering? this is disney+. this is for kids. I really don't think wed get something like that from marvel. maybe if marvel still did the max line, like punisher max written by garth ennis. id read this she-hulk you speak of but I doubt it'd ever happen.
>The entire Conservative MO is turning anything that doesn't conform to their narrow worldview into boogeyman to be scared of for a week before moving on to the next boogeyman
Conservative or not, people have been pointing out and dropping the cartoons that have been getting made in the past decade over the degeneracy that's been getting increasingly shoved into them, if the awful stories didn't already have them walking away before they got to it. Shit's gotten so bad the creators and writers behind the shows have been openly admitting to their desires to introduce their audiences to masturbation and sex, among other things.

Disney's thing isn't being for children, it's being family friendly
>id read this she-hulk you speak of
I doubt Marvel has anybody left with any skill in writing and they have no money to get anyone who could.
>I doubt Marvel has anybody left with any skill in writing and they have no money to get anyone who could.
they have disney money now which is why people are going to snap if kingdom hearts IV doesn't have the xmen, daredevil and star wars in it.
I find it amusing that they chose a niggress to play the role of she-hulk.
Nah, dude is fun.
You're right, it wasn't the slippery slope, it was a nearly vertical drop into the deepest pits of degeneracy. Kinda funny how it all went from the acceptance of the gays and lesbos up to the present day, where there more gend-uhs than ever. Wonder what the endgame will be.
Big media is pumping out cultural propaganda, that's why most movies today are an awful heap of trash. They serve the purpose of demoralization well, however.
That manchild identifies as a they/them so let's hope he joins the 41%, preferably alongside Moomy, EatMoreCake (or whatever he's calling himself these days), and Chillday. Fucking insufferable faggots, all of them.
>Cozy comes back
>Tries to plead his case that he was in a bad spot mentally and also very very intoxicated
>Gets immediately dogpiled by trannies and lesser artists
He really could be full of shit, but I do empathize with him in the fact that he can't fully articulate his thoughts due to his poor english. I feel that those dogpiling him should at least consider that. Not fulfilling commission obligations is still scummy though, no language barrier there.
Absolute kino
Makes bamboo and toro seethe
Makes imageboard and twitter fags dilate at the same time.

There's no forgiveness with these people.
Cozy’s English is fine. Kek-lmao. This isn’t the first time he’s tried to fish for pity points on shitter. The average shitlian artist has worse english than cozy. Yet they complain less
>Was it stated that they were a year older than Bianca?
No. Junichi Masuda said in a fan meeting that Cheren, Hilbert/Hilda, and Bianca are all the same age in BW (14-15).
(171 KB, 1200x1500, official_portrait_of_president_reagan_1981_cfc728f8_large.jpg)
I am not buying the whole political and diversity hatred of shows. Nobody complained when Captain Planet had a diverse cast, or The Proud Family had a diverse cast, but it's always science fiction and fantasy that always have to whine a black person was included in their boring fantasy.

I mean that She-Hulk, like the X-Men just doesn't work as serious characters. They're better off doing their own thing.

Anime, Dungeon and Dragons, and Pokemon were fads. Plus, it was conservatives who deregulated television standards to allow it into America. I am sure the Gipper would be okay with Pokemon, Dungeons and Dragons, Dragonball, and Call of Duty.
I get the hounding over the commissions, and I get the general distaste for him 'cause he's traditionally been a schizo, but these tw*tter fuckwads are such insatiable vultures it even makes (Me) uncomfortable. Man comes back and starts apologizing for stuff he's done, the replies are immediately filled with "fuck you never come back" and mentions of old dumb things he said and clearly regrets. I just don't understand the endgame, like, do you *want* him to have another schizo fit? Even if the sincerity is fake, why not entertain it for a bit and see if he can get stay respectfully quiet and start rolling out art again? They're self-sabotaging.
It's going to take 2 or three months for artists to do commissions cause many of them like Zdemian or Riddle August are getting old, or in some cases the artist is in poor health and keep up with the workload. It's what happens when artists use Patreon or Paypal as their main source of income.

>I am not buying the whole political and diversity hatred of shows. Nobody complained when Captain Planet had a diverse cast, or The Proud Family had a diverse cast, but it's always science fiction and fantasy that always have to whine a black person was included in their boring fantasy.

I think you confuse having a diverse cast of actually likeable and well-written characters for the "message" being shoehorned everywhere, blatant obnoxious preaching about "muh super duper racist and super duper sexist US", those are not the same.
(40 KB, 669x454, Untitled1111111111.png)
The Cozy self-hate saga is over.
At least he recognized what it was and apologized for it. Dude has more integrity than most artists in this scene.
some people are legit hating cozy for this on twitter, why? i've been pretty anxious about my fat kink a ton
(92 KB, 1111x747, EnJWnFaXMAMrbkI.jpeg)
>Anime, Dungeon and Dragons, and Pokemon were fads
I refuse to believe you are this retarded. Hell, you literally contradict yourself woth your next point.

>Plus, it was conservatives who deregulated television standards to allow it into America
The US had anime LONG before the deregulation, you moron. Astro Boy, Speed Racer, Kimba the White Lion, Gigantor, etc. Anime has been a staple of US television since its inception. The only thing deregulation accomplished was allowing corporations to reign entirely over children's television, turning cartoons into glorified advertisements.

Because he's done this song and dance before? Why the hell should anyone trust a known schizo that might go back on his own word in a week?
Tezuka's works are science fiction or outright fantasy. I don't think he can be counted as anime considering Astro Boy was unpopular with the Japanese youth for sucking up to authority. The youth of Japan cared more about Ashita no Joe, a simple boxing manga, or Fist of the North Star.

70s-80 anime were just as preachy as modern stuff. It's just that characters like Megatron, Char, or Biff Tannem just didn't care about governing but indulging in vices. It's only a problem now cause Zoomers like to LARP as vigilanties.
>I don't think he can be counted as anime considering Astro Boy was unpopular

No one is agreeing with you on this logic. You are so out of touch with reality it's unreal. It's like saying ice cream isn't liked because strawberry isn't anyone's favorite.
(184 KB, 500x313, tumblr_inline_p7fy23ejDQ1rz1yrk_500.png)
Anon, you are getting too worked up over a cartoon. Plus the best ones are where the villains are laid back. None of this getting out to arch the hero. Its all about being comfy
Don't be so hasty, this dude's flip-flopped on liking fat enough times that he's a viable competitor to Fapin in terms of self-loathing his kinks. Remember, he's already deleted one account before and never refunded his commissioners he left behind or even finished those pieces. Dude's never apologized for THAT one, so I dunno if that counts much towards "integrity".

I know you guys wanna dab on artists or Twitter's public opinion but the dude's got a track record and habit of slipping back into his self-hating schizo ways. He's earned the skepticism at this point.
(62 KB, 716x716, FUSZeJdWIBATDo2.jpg)
>thread always devolves into bickering over fictional characters and their fictional ages
gg focusing on the shit that matters guys

he still wants attention so let's see if this sticks this time
>thread always devolves into bickering over fictional characters and their fictional ages
yeah, and it always happens when I'm sleeping so I wake up to a flood of pedobate (pedo debate) shit and I lose track of any previous interesting conversations/gear-grinding people were having. I think the pedo defenders are morally worse than the anti-pedos but frankly this is a chan so morals shouldn't matter as much, you need to be particularly egregious to be worth complaining about imo. the anti-pedos need to stop going out of their way to find underage stuff and complain about it - if you wouldn't have cared about an artist if they hadn't drawn underage characters (i.e. you don't follow them/aren't a fan of their other works) then why get so emotionally invested in them when they do? If you follow an artist and they start doing weird stuff (non-pedo example: axel drawing diapers) then you have a right to complain though.
Okay troll. I'm not even arguing the merits of Astroboy itself, just saying to dismiss its importance because you don't like it is wildly revisionist.
I hate whenever I see EMC's art. Her style is not appealing in the slightest and I have no idea why people like it to begin with.

Doubt it. I give him 2. Maybe 3 weeks before he goes back to what he was doing before.

Same thing with arguments at the trannnies. Rent free.

No related to anything else. But God. I wish people would shut up about AI art.
>Dude has more integrity than most artists in this scene
You're so full of shit lmao. Having crazy breakdowns and then coming back and apologizing only to have another one a year or two later isn't what I'd call having integrity
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Any ideas of what's going on with Nihijack? He hasn't given an update with how the final parts of weight gain drive are going since October 12th, even after he said he would have sketches shortly after posting them. He has been active since then, as his most recent Twitter post was on the 18th. Wish the dude was better about keeping his word, especially about something people paid him for. It's irresponsible.
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There's just a difference between being skeptical and, say, calling him a cunt and baiting him to re-initiate old arguments he's made no recent mention of, not to speak of these cliquefaggots self-fellating over their "callout posts" or whatever.

It's at the point where it's so prematurely vitriolic that you can tell they would prefer another meltdown so they can farm more like-a-rinos from their "mutuals" to the man actually improving himself, like, they go out of their way to tear him down further and try to get him to lose his temper. What's so hard about a simple
>I'll believe it when I see it
post followed by silence and observance?
Attention deprivation syndrome in combo with expendable relevance in online social spaces yileds to some rather interesting results.
Can agree as well.
It is boring to insanity.
Yor's face looks all retarded, imo.
He finished any of the dropped commissios which he is payed for?
Yeah no that's kinda how nihijack is. It's pretty common for him to work on a project and then really not do anything for weeks. Granted he has been doing a lot better in keeping his word. My guess is maybe just some personal stuff or that he has a bunch of projects he set up for himself but can't really decide which ones to tackle.
>My guess is maybe just some personal stuff or that he has a bunch of projects he set up for himself but can't really decide which ones to tackle.
Let's hope it's personal stuff then, because he really should hold off on other art related projects until he finishes what he owes first.
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>Tezuka's works are science fiction or outright fantasy
...are you implying that anime is REAL, or that Sci-fi and Fantasy can't be anime? If it's the latter then shit, better let those Evangelion and Isekai fanboys know about that. If it's the former, then Jesus Christ.
>Astro Boy was unpopular with the Japanese youth for sucking up to authority.
Holy shit, this is the worst take I've ever heard out of these threads, and that's saying A LOT. Not only is it objectively, embarrassingly false on it's own (Astro Boy was actually at its LEAST popular when it tried emulating those darker anti-authority heroes, because the people complaining about him were a vocal minority. Once Tezuka leaned back into what made Astro popular it became popular again), it isn't even relevant to the goddamn conversation.

This was about anime always being a thing in THE WEST as far back as it's inception, which it was. So much so people have referenced those anime for decades. You're just a coward trying to derail the original conversation away after getting BTFO.
Nobody likes your old man anime. The idea that robotics is going to lead to a harmonious future is dated. Even Tomino acknowledges that a lot of the stuff in old anime is just amateur philosophy. You are one of those boomers like Mamoru Oshi, who demand execs just bankroll their vanity projects when they don't sell. There's a very good reason none of the stuff Tezuka made is adapted: broadcasting in Japan got stricter and Japanese society doesn't want otaku escaping from reality to babble about cartoons.
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Even old anime like Trigun and Lupin had to be made youthful just to appeal to the young generation because they can't understand sophistication. Studios have to ignore the boomers whining that man-anime is dead to make it work. Imagine if they get their hands on Tezuka's works and make Astro Boy a zoomer to appeal to angsty teens.
there are definitely sides much louder than the other, but yeah, making it your whole personality is never a good thing

once again
>>119586 (Cross-thread)
>doesn't matter if you screencap his posts, you're still talking about him and that's what he wants you dumb fucks
>I am not buying the whole political and diversity hatred of shows. Nobody complained when Captain Planet had a diverse cast, or The Proud Family had a diverse cast, but it's always science fiction and fantasy that always have to whine a black person was included in their boring fantasy.
the proud family was an amazing show and people love it to this day. the newer version, however, has been rumored to be a hot mess. I heard that it has "gone woke" but I don't know.
that new trigun is going to be a mess and everyone knows it. it doesn't even look like they attempted to try to keep the story of the original manga. forget the anime, the manga was much better. now as for lupin, ill deal with this as id be very interested to hear stories from when he was first starting out.
Proud Family's alright. There's a woke episode, but it's more about peer pressure and being ireespbonsible. There's also an episode with a gay couple that moved in and Oscar overcoming his homophobia for his own benefit. But that's about it. I wouldn't exactly call it a hot mess.
Black men don't overcome homophobia. I think the Boondocks was better by showing that Riley will still be sexist because he grows up around sexist like Uncle Ruckus and the Wunclers. Oscar isn't going to tolerate gays except Michael cause he knows gay men won't make a move on his daughter.

Trigun's story is pretty much over. There's not much you can do with Vash once he doesn't kill Knives.
My hope is that one day someone calls StrangeMoist out for this "potato" thing just being disguised loli porn so the dude just fucks off.
>dude who used to like my anti-SJW posts is now an insufferable Bridget cocksucker

many such cases
glad I dropped his ass
(293 KB, 754x1249, __mine_fujiko_lupin_iii__f1842dd5780eace195e66def8799032c.jpg)
Lupin had to be made "youthful" in what way? I think nu-Lupin's remained more consistent to the older animated Parts than Castle of Cagliostro, which most people aside from contrarians consider a classic. You can easily argue that nu-Lupin's tone is different from the original manga, but you can say the same for virtually all the animated series and movies. Monkey Punch's vision of the character wasn't exactly fit for TV 40 years ago, and not much has changed since then.

>just to appeal to the young generation because they can't understand sophistication
hasn't this always been true? Most people love simple, relatively mindless entertainment. Was Trigun even THAT complex? What about boomer Lupin? Compared to something like Stand Alone Complex, I'd say "No."
Lupin is explicitly stated in the pilot movie to be a man's man and a take what he wants kind of guy. Plus, Lupin had a functional backstory in Red Jacket and Pink Jacket. Also, entertainment is not simple and mindless. People still love Westerns, cop shows, and romances because they are drawn to the story. It's only anime that always want to tell sophisticated stories that go nowhere. Much like how Dragonball Villains in the movies always want to take over the world up until they fall back on getting revenge on Goku. How are audiences supposed to make sense of sophistication if the villains devolve into revenge against the hero for being slighted?
I sometimes question my sanity going in this thread.
Kisame here. I am pretty much sane. Since I am not allowed to commission fetish art, I am pretty much working and have free time for other pursuits.

Man-Anime isn't dead, we got Bastard to make a grand comeback.
(259 KB, 768x725, media_FdRNOKtXoAIY_Ok.png)
>they have disney money now
Disney doesn't even have Disney money anymore; they've been pushing their park costs to the breaking point just to cover their bullshit and once their whales finally have enough, the entire thing's gonna collapse. That all being said, we're talking about the comics which Disney has shown they couldn't care less about them and if any attention will be paid to them, the corporation will just shut it down and outsource the properties.

>kingdom hearts IV
People aren't gonna snap because of that, they're gonna snap because Disney finally starting putting its hands into that convoluted shit with the third game and as shown with Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and Squeenix's garbage Marvel games, it's gonna be a cheap fan disservice.

>Wonder what the endgame will be
Communism has been ticking upwards with it so I can only say the designer genders is only part of the road towards mass starvation and the fascism they claim to fight against.

>very very intoxicated
I always fully believe they're full of bullshit after someone has an episode but that part takes any doubt I had because Russians can't get drunk.

>I feel that those dogpiling him should at least consider that
They aren't the types to think and listen, they're driven solely by emotion and current thing.

Yeah, I figured they were all 14 in BW which would make them 16 for the sequel from the two year time laspe.

>I mean that She-Hulk, like the X-Men just doesn't work as serious characters
Lay off the speedballs, Reagan.

If Wizards doesn't monopolize their gains from the coof lockdown and stop trying to pander to loons, DnD sure as hell will become a fad.

>turning cartoons into glorified advertisements
Did Cartoons even last that long before it started to subsidize itself with toys?

>Why the hell should anyone trust a known schizo that might go back on his own word in a week
Because it happened with a bunch of other people and their fans came back.

I thought Transformers started out as American before the Japanese bought it up and around the 2010s, Hasbro bought them back.

Most artists don't have integrity.

>Worst person imaginable
Trash doesn't have an imagination.

>Japanese society doesn't want otaku escaping from reality to babble about cartoons
How'd isekai get so fucking out of control?

I will never get behind that haircut for Vash.

If my sister ain't having it, it sure as hell must be a hot mess.

>Riley will still be sexist because he grows up around sexist like Uncle Ruckus and the Wunclers
He became the way he did because he ate up the worst that entertainment had to offer. I don't know how the comics panned out but the cartoon made it blatant he didn't care about either by its end.

I hope there's a loli Fujiko in Zero and that she's a tomboy.

>Much like how Dragonball Villains in the movies always want to take over the world up until they fall back on getting revenge on Goku
Those are just popcorn flicks, they only exist as a fun little romp to squeeze extra money out of a popular franchise.
replying to more than 4 people at once should be a bannable offense
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I know you can't read this but I pray for your full recovery from illiteracy.
The way imageboards treat pedophilia and jerking it to children is the equivalent of Reddit "shh let people enjoy things" where anyone with conviction about the utter moral degeneracy just has eyes rolled at them like "ah jeez this this again" Yeah, this again dipshit. Pedos should kill themselves
I've heard rumors. lets see when it comes back and how long it lasts.
I have to respect you taking the time and effort to post all of this.
>Disney doesn't even have Disney money anymore; they've been pushing their park costs to the breaking point just to cover their bullshit and once their whales finally have enough, the entire thing's gonna collapse. That all being said, we're talking about the comics which Disney has shown they couldn't care less about them and if any attention will be paid to them, the corporation will just shut it down and outsource the properties.
that aint never gonna happen and they know it. but you could be right. they're literally trying to take over everything. I found out just a week ago that they got buffy the vampire slayer. what in the world were they thinking? who cares? are we getting kingdom hearts IV with buffy, luke skywalker and wolverine? then whats the point?
>People aren't gonna snap because of that, they're gonna snap because Disney finally starting putting its hands into that convoluted shit with the third game and as shown with Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and Squeenix's garbage Marvel games, it's gonna be a cheap fan disservice.
to be fair, kingdom hearts always sucked. I mean really think about it. the game was never that good and it never made sense. it rode on nostalgia. people were so hype seeing final fantasy characters that they lost their minds. I don't blame them. I was one of them. once they took the final fantasy characters out and repeated the same stupid levels that no one asked for they were asking for trouble. they know how to make this series good. they just refuse to do it. the plot is too convoluted. the levels suck. no one wants a water level. why can't there be a level where people fight side by side with luke during the rebel alliance? they had star wars then. join xaviers school for gifted youngsters? they had marvel. now people could join buffy fighting vampires but will they do that? no. it'll be the same mess on a different day. I have yet to buy kingdom hearts 3. I refuse.
>I will never get behind that haircut for Vash.
I can't believe actual trigun fans support this garbage. the animation alone was a massive fail. how is this supposed to be good?
>I hope there's a loli Fujiko in Zero and that she's a tomboy.
do tomboys even exist any more? I really hope they don't go "woke" with this.
>Those are just popcorn flicks, they only exist as a fun little romp to squeeze extra money out of a popular franchise.
read the manga. they aren't even trying any more. black frieza literally came in and ended the arc by killing the bad guy, turning him into dust, punching goku and vegeta then flying away in his ship. dragon ball is a joke but its fine. I can live with that.
why can't people just read the posts and comment instead of being so mad about it?
God they fucking love milking drama, hanging around kink creators like these must be exhausting
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>Nobody likes old men anime
>Kino ball z always fails with shithan and pan when freezer and godku causes it to reach top sales every time.
KEKALOOKEYDOOKEY! MoeDOGS everyone. Will they ever learn?
Telling people to kill themselves over drawings make you seem totally sane.

Twitter would love you.
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>that aint never gonna happen and they know it
Anon, the economy is currently Dobson's wet , gas prices are insane, and we're in a recession; there's no way they can hold this trajectory and especially so with two more years left.

>they got buffy the vampire slayer
And? That's just reruns. If I were you, I'd be pointing out Disney sniping Bleach and the rest of their push to get in on the Japanese market but that also shows how desperate they are from having been seen as a titan in animation and now having to import to flesh out its streaming site.

>to be fair, kingdom hearts always sucked
But it never sucked to its fans.

>they just refuse to do it
Well yeah, they can't just kick Nomura off of it, I mean, who else could Squeenix use as a replacement? Shit Toriyama? That'd just end up with Lightening popping up everywhere.

>fight side by side with luke during the rebel alliance
Disney has shown an outward disdain towards Luke and the original trilogy.

>join xaviers school for gifted youngsters
And get blown up every Tuesday?

>they had marvel
I don't think they had the movie rights from Fox before KHIII was finished and before they outright bought the company, they were doing everything in their power to kill the XMen, so that Fox wouldn't have anything to work with for a movie.

>now people could join buffy fighting vampires but will they do that? no
Thank god. I get the only reason you really want it is for Buffy done up in Nomura's style to commission a pile of animu Buffy.

>I have yet to buy kingdom hearts 3. I refuse.
I only ever bought Kingdom Hearts 2 and only because I saw it cheap at a Hollywood Video that was shutting down.

>how is this supposed to be good
Maybe the fans believe in the creator. Could be worse, could be a Netflix live action series like Yuyu Hakusho and Hellsing.

>do tomboys even exist any more
Only real numbers exist in lolis while everything else feels like walking through a desert looking for an oasis. And you can't even expect any of the known ones from loved or popular series to get any fat pics; I started rewatching and finally finishing Yuyu Hakusho and I still can't understand how Kuwabaras big sister didn't get anything.

>read the manga
I'm looking at the movies from both the old line back during the Z era and the new ones under Super.
>they aren't even trying any more
Super was only brought into existence to further profit off of Dragonball's undying popularity and also to try and write GT out of the line.
I don't want to come off as entitled or ungrateful, but I'm curious if there's a Kemono update schedule for specific artists, i. e. they are only updated on specific date, no earlier or later. Also, if there are any anons who routinely upload content to Kemono on this thread, perhaps you could post a list of artists that a)will never be updated again for certain reasons, no matter how many requests are made b)are only updated on specific dates c)will not be updated anywhere in the near future. It could prevent annoyingly incessant request posting in the appropriate thread if people knew there was no point in making any more of them regarding certain artists.
Your problem is that you have this asinine need to grandstand about "morals" over fictional characters on a website dedicated to jerking off to morbid obesity and you genuinely believe that people should kill themselves because you somehow have managed to equate them to real life abusers. Please develop self-awareness and take an extended break from modern social media.
>God they fucking love milking drama, hanging around kink creators like these must be exhausting
I dunno about this take bro, we're basically on Thread #16 of BBWchan's designated drama thread, pretty sure we have our own drama addictions to sort out, especially with re-occuring topics who show up in every thread like Jeetdoh, Kipteitei and Trannies in general
This tends to be less Drama and more repeated complaints.
>artist always gets updated the day before his REGULARLY SCHEDULED pic releases each fucking week
Whoever is updating Takaya's KP, please stop doing this.
>Thread #16
It's the only venue people have to air complaints or other gripes that isn't gatekept by legions of children, Twitter manchildren, and those with actual mental disabilities - mostly autism and I'm being dead serious. That last group is actually a genuine problem for the fetish, in my opinion.
>drama addictions
Drama means there's active conflict between two or more parties. Most of it is just eye-rolling.
Jeet hasn't come up in months.
The mod team have forced any and all discussion about Kip's dumb comic into this thread, it gets deleted from the Kip thread and this thread is used as a containment zone for it. I don't care about Kip's comic but people cannot just let it go, I know it's bad, we all know it.
Always going to be a hot-button issue at this point.
"the community" is a joke for this, if they had actual standards they would realize they're glorifying a genuinely hazardous fetish and would drop the fart huffing
but they won't because the good boy points are too important

trannies are the new bronies, until they stop being generally annoying they will keep being brought up
Yeah, we all know trannies must be burned
>I dunno about this take bro, we're basically on Thread #16 of BBWchan's designated drama thread, pretty sure we have our own drama addictions to sort out, especially with re-occuring topics who show up in every thread like Jeetdoh, Kipteitei and Trannies in general
>The mod team have forced any and all discussion about Kip's dumb comic into this thread, it gets deleted from the Kip thread and this thread is used as a containment zone for it. I don't care about Kip's comic but people cannot just let it go, I know it's bad, we all know it.
its one thing to be a bad comic. comics like living large are bad. they mind their own business. people complain about kip because not only is he bad he gets special privileges like all bad comments being deleted. people cannot have a civilized discussion about the comic without comments getting deleted. and the sad part is the comments are usually good ones getting into whats really wrong with the comic, how it could be fixed and other what if kind of plot lines but for some reason kip has people downright obsessed with him that are bent on having comments deleted all the time. living large sucks. it has potential but it sucks. the art is getting better, the mc is a jerk and he has no right banging megan who is clearly clueless. he also somehow managed to bang the teacher as well and get her jealous yet this man lives with, dates, stuffs and goes to college with megan? how does that even work? it makes no sense yet no one is on here caping for it. every time anyone says something bad about kip its "I aint reading all that", "don't like it don't read it" or "at least its free". thats why people keep complaining. the same thing is happening on the ehentai board. they're complaining about it there too and they're also being told to shut up. who are these people that keep telling everyone to shut up?
(63 KB, 1280x720, saruman.jpg)
It's intentionally bad FETISH comic, if he ever wanted to make something decent, he'd already have hired a writer.
I've capped the fetish part, because some people tend to forget this tiny little nuance, with it being the one and only redeeming quality of that trash.
But oh well, there's little to no fetish content in it at all. Maybe just enough for it to classify as a fetish comic.
>maturity rating
Incredibly mild, no strong sexual themes, no strong language, some wimpy drinking scenes?
As if there was any, just scrap it already.
>at least it's free
You know, the cheese in the mousetrap is also free. He lures retards to his patreon, where they become his devoted paygips, who vent all of their blueballed frustration out defending their master all over the internet.
Kek, paykips. Pay(never)gibs.
>But oh well, there's little to no fetish content in it at all. Maybe just enough for it to classify as a fetish comic.
not anywhere near enough. I think we've had maybe five good scenes in the entire 260 pages were looking at.
>Incredibly mild, no strong sexual themes, no strong language, some wimpy drinking scenes?
one scene, I think? which makes no sense? aika drank oven cleaner. how did she get drunk off of beer or whatever in the world she was drinking? how in the world is saiya aroused by this?
>As if there was any, just scrap it already.
I was referring to living large. it has potential. art needs to get better but he or she is visibly doing better with each comic. the plot is trash. the good thing about this comic is that its simple. each one is about five pages long and by page 2 the woman is already being stuffed. thats what kip needs to do. get to the point already. it took two weeks for them to sit down in class and then another week for them to start working out. he's intentionally padding out his writing and its mind blowing that people defend this so hard.
>You know, the cheese in the mousetrap is also free. He lures retards to his patreon, where they become his devoted paygips, who vent all of their blueballed frustration out defending their master all over the internet.
this is why I said disney is here to stay. you have some folks who willingly throw money out the window and just do not care. how does kip make $7k/mnth on this trash? serious question. how? who is caping for him this hard? people should be able to have legitimate conversations in the threads but no, they're deleted. who has the time to report every single comment? why do the mods delete the comments in the thread including the good ones with legitimate questions? I never understood that.
Let me preface this by saying I care absolute zilch for whatever comic Kip is making, but I legitimately do not understand why you're still reading this comic and talking about it in nearly every insane ranting thread without fail. Like I get it, the comic is bad and completely indefensible and this sea of piss is your only outlet, but like if I read a comic I didn't like I'd tap out after 20 pages, let alone 200.
I'm not saying "don't like it don't read it" because criticizing Kip is bad or whatever, I'm telling you it because I legitimately do not understand your endgame with reading a comic that you don't like and will probably never like just to prove a point. Are you even having fun mocking it in a so-bad-its-good sense or does it only bring you misery?
>"don't like it don't read it"
If there's one thing I've learned about this fetish, you CANNOT change the minds of the genuine autistics who fund the artists to keep dumb things going. There is no possible way to get enough people on board for any complaints to mean anything. Overwhelming majority of people into this fetish who either don't create or orbit artists eat any kind of handout up without thought. The only way you're gonna find any kind of solace with this Kip comic shit is to just let it burn and move on with your life.
>why do the mods delete the comments in the thread including the good ones with legitimate questions?
You're severely overthinking what's happening. It's a flame war between the complainers and the autistics + orbiters, so it's all just getting nuked. There are enough autistics on the complainer side that they kept stoking the flames with every some odd pages that the mods just said "fuck off to the salt thread".
tbh, annoyance, frustration, and there really is nothing better. lets be honest here. there really arent many good comics out there. vale-city does pretty good work, such as that cumflation with the lifeguard, but vale-city prefers to do animals more often than humans. I like bws' latest comic. thats not bad at all but losing control was a severe disappointment. this is really all there is out there and if people outright admitted "this is all there is" I think things would get much better all around. so I continue to go in hoping that maybe, just maybe, well get something this week and yet nope. whenever he actually gets anywhere near good hell give maybe two comics and drop it. like I said, tessa is working out. we have four comics of them already and what did we start off with? crunches. because why fanservice? next I expect push ups for two pages or so. when we finally get to things like jumping jacks expect that to last a page or two then aika to burst in and mess it all up. its frustrating but what else is there?
and no, don't come with "if you don't like it pay an artist to commission a new comic". I tried that multiple times. I find it downright hysterical that I was drug for filth a year or so ago for saying that artists charge entirely too much but just recently, in another man baby thread, they admitted that artists charge way too much. if they were cheaper id have been commissioned something. I seriously would love to do some goof off one shot comics called 'one serving choice cutting room floor' or something where we do deleted scenes of where it could have gone, for example, but I can't afford $200+ for a single character sketch. one comic showing how the stuffing scene could have ended, another comic showing the real ending of the mall scene. of course there'd be stuffing. why wouldn't there be? and yes id dare bring cindy in. but who can afford this mess for a single comic page? so I just sit here, frustrated, and complain.
My comment got removed. Typical. Anyway, there's this rhetorical device called hyperbole, you should research it some time. Maybe while you're researching therapy on how to stop jerking off to children
Try taking your meds.

Not being able to separate fiction from reality is a serious illness.
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Jeez I wonder why a comment telling someone to kill themselves instead of actually arguing your point got removed. Truly boggles the mind.
I've been looking for that Kanna puc for a while, thanks.
What should we do, now that we know the mods are black (AKA niggers)? They keep banning people who are anti-black.

Should we try and dox them to get them removed? If so, can you still send thousands of boxes to someone's house with the UPS system? Do you think the KKK can help with this?
(2.5 MB, 1200x901, Chadza.gif)
>Thinking all the mods are mutts
>Doesnt know judt hoe much retarded shit from poo's get deleted here.
The real problem on this entire site is the mods hatred for all dbz characters NOT named bejita. Aka, the prince of fucking jobbing! Mods LOVE bejita. They literally seethe in real life when anyone insults thier precious princress.
Enny rennn benny jenny Roooooo! Stinky poopy doodle doooooo!
Do your parents know you're using the computer like this?
Did 4chan finally manage to ban your VPN?
Be careful not to cut yourself on all that edge, bud
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Dear Mr. Godscript, there are plenty of affordable artists that could bring your Godscript to reality. I have assembled three artists who commission sheets you may find below, @ChunkerChunks, @YummySinpie,@ MochiiStar. As you can see, they specify that they take comic commissions and provide pricing that is cheaper than you imagine. Further, do consider reaching out to others like @BigHammy9 or @DebuIsCool1 who have worked with @DrMiharu [DrJackBlack] on comics too. I am certain there is an artist with a style to your liking eager to work with you.
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>this is why I said disney is here to stay. you have some folks who willingly throw money out the window and just do not care
Dude, Disney costs at least 10k to get much of anything out of it while they've ran off a chunk of their brains behind the park over to Universal Studios who has also gotten the rights to make Nintendo shit. Disney has been blowing money on additions and changes that no one wanted so nothing new that has been added is drawing people to the parks. I don't think they've come close to recovering from their buyout of Fox, their having lost a lot of their movie animators to Blue Sky or whatever it's called, and they had to borrow a ton of money from the banks to help survive the coof. The only people who will be able to afford Disney will be the rich and if no one wants to go to Disney, I think even they will leave since the main draws of going to a wallet killer is for the fun and to gloat. Lotta people have been cutting off streaming services in their attempts to tighten their belts, so they're losing in that area too.

>how does kip make $7k/mnth on this trash? serious question. how? who is caping for him this hard
A bunch of people slapping a couple of bucks down. I don't know how you're surprised by this; most eat whatever they're fed.

Looks like a knockoff of Lady from Devil May Cry.

Chunks needs to learn other body types, doesn't Sinpie have a tracing problem, Mochii is shit.
She cute.
Fujoshit xenomorph hands.
Yeah, it's freezuh, out local warehouse loader. Since he is a manlet, it gives him extra advantages in this trade.
Is DrBlackJack some sort of a pimp for fat fetish artists?
No. He just has his money and uses it wisely. I honestly wish I had the funds to do what he does. I've written multiple comics and never had chance to comm a comic. Although. I qould prefer to do it myself. Relying on another person to make art for it can leave the room for error and other problems.

His FNAF games were cool. And so was the DDLC wg story.
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Are you ready for the fat ai invasion that its happening right now, its the new meta, artist cant compete against machines, eventually all art will be some form of pure ai, this is soulless man
>No. He just has his money and uses it wisely.
*Looks at his Kayobi no Kancolle series* I strongly disagree. 75 pages of many different characters who look very similar get fattened up while the main character has stayed around the same weight for a majority of the series. It's a cycle that's been on repeat and no one stands out from each other. That's a big waste of money if you ask me.
Is Kemono Party down again?
I am the only one who can keep up with the machines, but artists complained that my ideas were boring when I pitched them for commissions. I know artists want to tell stories, but a lot of comics that fans love take up too much time to plot and with little payoff.
Nah bro, he is just a fucking idiot of a millionaire. He hates vanilla weight gain and always wants to put a spin on things because why the hell not, which is a stupid idea
This is wholly unrelated to the conversation, but for all the comics that he's written for, I would've expected he would've learned how to write comics at this fucking point.
Hopefully, one of these days, he'll actually bother to learn how to compose a comic page, rather than a fucking collage of vignettes.
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Vanilla is better cause it capitalize on the strength of characters. Its why Stocking looks hot in 2-D instead of anime. She's fat but she doesn't care about her looks. Anime cannot make their characters attractive because it's too many details
I think that it is uh... it's literally anime.
Heavy stylized, but still anime.
>Inb4 how do I even know you love western cart*ons
>2-D instead of anime
Bruh 👁👄👁
(193 KB, 598x561, dookiumcopium.png)
This whole situation is actually funny as fuck, everyone's circlejerking with dook rn over a FRECKLE-REMOVAL edit and they're more focused on the editing rather than the blatant reposting

I can't tell if they're that ignorant, "man"babyish or just a complete retard lmaooo
Cope harder dook, never draw freckles again
Christ they're just having a laugh by exaggerating what's really a minor specific edit into a war crime. You must be the autist in question if this is enough to make you seethe.
Hi Dookus! Friendly reminder that fetish art is sexual in nature, so cut it out with the asexual bullshit. Okay?
He's always been a thin-skinned faggot. There was this one time where he posted a picture of Skyla groping a fattened Elesa's ass, and some random guy asked an innocent question about if there was a version that showed Elesa in better detail since the framing made it unclear as to what Skyla was squeezing. Instead of politely telling him no, Dookus acted really flippant about it and sicced his followers on the guy.
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Posting your own minor edits of someone else's art is weird, but lmao it's kind of understandable when the original 'freckles' look like this. They're just splattered on with no respect for lighting. It's like there's dirt on my screen.

i always felt that being asexual and into fat means fat turns you on but you aren't actually into the act of sex

like I get that, I'm more turned on by a fatty struggling to walk down the hall than one being dicked.
Same, I get turned on by fat girls, I don't really enjoy sex stuff. Not asexual I don't think as I get horny and stuff, but I don't want to have sex.
Lmao, Pyra looks like she has sand all over her body it's distracting
Is Dookus in the room with us right now?
If anyone's ever curious as to where artists are getting Patreon bux from despite whatever dissent is posted here, it's the kinds of people in this guy's image.
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The meaning of the asexuality label has been watered down by underage discord and twitter retards who are desperate to be part of the lgbtbarbeque.
Some genuinely believe themselves to be ace simply because they don't think about sex 24/7.
(365 KB, 720x1053, Screenshot_20221026-154718~2.png)
Then you also got people like BWS's Patreon who vote for the most boring fucking thing just because it's an OC of his. For reference, there's a Sketch Upgrade poll going on right now and option 1 is winning.
Fabled anatomy of BWS blobs, as I see
Doesn't help that the pose for 4 out of the 5 of them are the same, but at least Options 9 and 16 got plenty of squish going on. Any of them would still be better then Option 1, as it's the most commonly drawn size he does.
Isn't sketch 12 traced or at least heavily referenced? I feel like I've seen the very same pose somewhere.
They're not different groups of people, they're the same massive group. For reference, 5, 8, and 12 are repeat votes that have been suggested for months, maybe over a year soon, and have not won. 14 is just a perspective change on a piece he did for a Raildex girl. When I said genuinely autistic people were ruining this fetish, I meant it.
See above: it's not that you've seen the pose somewhere else, it's that you've seen the exact same image in this context.
The problem is that the person who made the edit steals art without credit
He also manipulated me into unfollowing people I followed just so he would unblock me. This was back in May before I abandoned Twitter for good.
Not just that but most of the art on said page isn't even other edits, it's just reposted art with zero credit.
>For reference, 5, 8, and 12 are repeat votes that have been suggested for months, maybe over a year soon, and have not won.
Yeah, I've seen that Nessa sketch be an option several times. It sucks that BWS doesn't do any kind extra vote thing like Pixiveo does to help characters that lose several times.
Elaborate, you've got me intrigued.
why do you hate me? I never said my script was godly. in fact I don't even have a script for this. that was just an idea. I just said and posted many different ideas in the kip thread. I have no idea how many outlines I've posted at this point which is why I thought "wouldn't it be nice to make some one off comics like where this comic could've gone". there is no script. the outlines were there for proof. mods deleted them. in fact, mods are still deleting and I get it, I really do, but sometimes they go way overboard. like deleting general conversation, the outlines, even now they deleted a bunch of comments but yet the bashing of fan art continues. seriously? if I were a mod id just ignore any and all reports from kip threads or delete everything and just leave the pictures.
I like drjackblack but are all of those his comics? I see he has like ten of them going at once. I don't even see him listing himself up for commissions. those other ones are kinda cheap. that I can work with. thank you. maybe ill work on some quick comics some time.
Months ago, Dook blocked me just because I followed Mistystuffer, RIDICULOUSCAKE, and Eishiban. Then he forced me to unfollow them "and never follow them again". I felt like I was being held at gunpoint.
OP of dook post here, to everyone defending Dook end your lives. And to those GENUINELY seething over freckles, also end your lives

Me, myself and I - I don't like the freckles, honestly think it ruins a pic, especially with how he does them. The amount of sheeple mfs supporting him and shitting on the editor is crazy and worrying; it was a harmless edit and the main thing that should be focused on is the reposting but ofc dook has to be a weirdo and seek support from his retard followers.

I love Dook's art, it's amazing. Him as a person however, he's as unbearable as that moistfag
>the framing made it unclear as to what Skyla was squeezing. Instead of politely telling him no, Dookus acted really flippant about it and sicced his followers on the guy.
What the hell are you talking about? I don't recall amything like that happening.
The editor steals art and gets popular from other peoples works.
>The amount of sheeple mfs supporting him and shitting on the editor is crazy and worrying
The reason people are shitting on the editor is because he posted Dook’s art without crediting him. You’re a fucking idiot OP.
See but here's the thing, that wasn't the main issue Dook had with the editor. An issue yes, but it was the edit itself that prompted this. If he had said editing is one thing but reposting and blocking to prevent any outcry warrants the callout then yes because reposting without credit is well, wrong. However Dook didn't say that and then gave a half-hearted backpedal that can be surmised as edits are find but if I find it it's on site and I'll release the hounds. Hell the editor despite doing a fine job in the removal didn't even edit the dialogue so Mythra pointing out Pyra's freckled ass just comes off as her being an idiot not knowing what Pyra looks like which I suppose is comedic depending on how you look at it. Should the editor have given credit? Yes. Did Dook have to throw a hissyfit over basically nothing? No. End of the day, grown man cries on Twitter, sheeple give him pity points, sky is blue, grass is green and I can pretty much assure you someone's gonna start an Dook edit account just to stick it to him.

Yes credit should have been given and blocking really doesn't help their case but when the edit has more respect for lighting than the original when it was by all means a simple edit because let's face it, someone was going to do it at some point anyway, and Dook's temper tantrum over it, yeah I'm sorry but this is more a pity party rather than anything else.
>I can pretty much assure you someone's gonna start an Dook edit account just to stick it to him.
I wouldn't mind seeing that. Increasing boob size and shrinking hip/butt size to balance things out would piss him off so much.
I really don't have a horse in this race, but I'll chime in some artists anyway because you're clearly baiting for recs.

I can respect him trying to make fat art into something more than what it is, its just that his ideas don't really grab me much. His latest comic, the drawing perspective one, is a nice little horror story, but isn't really something I'd fap to at all.
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Actually just requested an edit over on the Edit Thread because of this whole TDookus topic. If anyone wants to do this, that would be amazing, but I know it's asking a lot.
It's not even a temper tantrum. It's two posts but it looks like more than it really is because he has a million orbiter followers in the replies. Just call him a retard with shit taste like you want to.
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Half the comments are about the edit, the other half are dicksucking
Dook quite literally could of politely asked either for credit or for it to be removed because if you actually looked on the DA editfucker's profile, people asked him to take shit down and he did so

So yeah. Dook's being a fucking "man"baby over something he could've just been blunt but ok about, but no he needs his twitter followers to fondle his balls and pamper him. Suck my cock, Replyfag
dunno about this whole situation OP but i will admit he's a complainfag and will constantly mention his opinion on something. good example is that edgerunners thing recently, mf just had to shit on it just because it was popular and not 14 year old squid girls
>Dook quite literally could of politely asked either for credit
The dude blocked Dook before Dook made the tweet. Try actually reading retard. This thread is quickly becoming embarrassing even by manbaby thread standards.
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>fetish art
With what people put out, it's easily comes down to perception

>He also manipulated me into unfollowing people I followed just so he would unblock me
It isn't his fault you're a spineless little shit who bows to massive tools.

>I followed Mistystuffer
Pic related, he should've just bullied you for your terrible taste.

>gets popular from other peoples works
Other peoples stupidity.

>mf just had to shit on it just because it was popular
You sure it isn't just a mediocre series at best? That's the feeling I get from never having heard anyone talk about the series instead of just Rebecca.
I'm almost positive that's a commission. There's no way he drew that on his own accord.
I'm surprised by how underappreciated Balanced weight distribution is. It's usually bottom heavy or hourglass shapes that are the most popular.
>It isn't his fault you're a spineless little shit who bows to massive tools.
Uhh, what are you trying to prove? I actuslly have a spine.
>dude look Dook is TOTALLY seething and coping
>proceeds to seethe, cope, AND samefag
Embarrassing. Not to say that Dook being stupid enough to actually tweet this trash out and give it even more attention isn't either, but that's just what being a terminally online Twitterfag does to people.
>admitting to following Mistystuffer
I would have just told you to kill yourself.
You think I have time to hear people complain to me over drawing a character?
getting blocked and then groveling at the feet of the person who blocked you to tell you why isn't forcing you to do anything, retard.
I'd prefer if you didn't draw at all.
Why do you let other Twitter losers moderate who you follow? Stop being a pathetic pushover.
>Why do you let other Twitter losers moderate who you follow?
As I clearly stated, that was months ago, and I don't use Twitter anymore.
>stops replying the moment you get called out for being a weirdo sperg
politely asking you to kill yourself immediately once again.
So on top of being a moron you’re also a schizo and samefag. Giving Gecko a run for his money as the biggest embarrassment to come out of these threads.
Giving Pyra freckles for absolutely no reason is the same as those crappy goth edits or nerd TFs. Doesn't help the freckles look like she's just covered in cinnamon. But again, we shouldn't exactly be surprised cos Dook is the same guy that feels the need to give a hot take every 5 minutes about how stuff is overrated and then proceeds to draw the same Pokemon and Splatoon girls over and over again.
He was better when he was a Darkfireballz clone.
>a Darkfireballz clone
Alright calm down he's nowhere NEAR that bad.
Literally anyone with a shred of integrity would've blocked you for following MistyStuffer.

This isn't about the freckles, it's about you being a faggot and overblowing Dook getting mad that someone was stealing his art. I don't like Dook himself at all, but he has every right to be mad about that and you're a pathetic jackanape.
darn he better go and tell the last thirty years of EVA fandom that they're being bad
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I'm saying. Holy shit that was unwarranted and I don't even like Dookus.
Myst get out of here like the fart stink that you are.
>mental maturity doesn't matter
I love watching all this fucking chaos unfold with you guys.
Who the fuck is SugarRoll? I swear someone just uses browser dev tools to edit Twitter posts to make these people up.
he's been around for a hot minute and is naturally a frothing troon-advocating commie
I forget. IIRC, Hidekai Anno make Neon Genesis Evangelion to criticize the super robot genre for making teenagers pilot war machines to fight aliens. It gets lost in translation because Betterman, Nadesico, RahXephon copied the normal high school pilot with god robot plot from Evangelion that the critique did not stick. The problem is that while Asuka and Shinji have problems, they're just not as messed up as say Amuro, Kamile, Domon, or Char from Mobile Suit Gundam. Anno also hated ADV films and Funimation for taking creative liberties with the script to appeal to fans and made sure that Evangelion was a straight forward serious science fiction film and not a comedy.
I find it funny that the same people who will see Rebuild Asuka or Shinobu from Monogatari say shit like "it doesn't matter if they're an adult mentally, they have a child's body so it's pedophilia to be attracted to them" while at the same time they say Mushoku Tensei is for pedophiles because "it doesn't matter if the main character has a body of a child, he's mentally an adult so it's pedophilia for him to be into the teen girls". Also people drew porn and fetish art of Asuka and Rei years before Rebuild 3 and they aren't gonna stop any time soon so fuck off with these fandom policing nonsense.
The appeal of Asuka is just she's a brat who wants attention. She doesn't have any problems like Shinji, Misato, or Ritsuko. Tomino and other creators make fun of Evangelion for being made by people who want to feel sorry for themselves.
(453 KB, 720x624, doge confused.png)
>she doesn't have any problems
>saw her mom hanging from a noose at age 5
>neglected by dad and step mom after actual mom committed suicide
>trauma even furthered by piloting the Eva
I don't see the hypocrisy. Both are examples of people being attracted to child bodies.
Go outside and touch some grass.

Learn the differences between fiction and reality.
Nigga even if instead of "child bodies" I said "cartoon bodies" they're both the same situation. Where's the hypocrisy?
I assume this clown's artwork output and commitment are both INCREDIBLY shit because I have never seen any of their work.
He's a berryfucker and is popular among them so the bar is set very low.
(1.4 MB, 1920x1080, broly-fighterz-launch-screen.png)
So? Broly was either ordered to be executed or banished by King Vegeta, forced to be Paragus's weapon, and went insane with power. You don't see him whining about it. Yet women like Asuka demand an excuse for being psychos.
Genuinely explains everything: doesn't have to practice or think about much so the moron gets to soapbox on Twitter all day. Christ. Hate that this fetish gets so much cross-contamination from inflationfags.
Not to talk shit about DB since I like it myself but I don't really think Broly is a remotely comparable character to Asuka
Lemme spell it out for you then. It's hypocritical because one moment the mental age of an anime character doesn't matter when it comes to lolis but it does matter all of a sudden for Mushouko Tensei.
Kishirika eating a lot but no one will draw her. It's sad.
>So? Broly was either ordered to be executed or banished by King Vegeta, forced to be Paragus's weapon, and went insane with power. You don't see him whining about it. Yet women like Asuka demand an excuse for being psychos.
for one thing, broly can barely speak. the man did go insane with power and then cheelai took him in the back and she's working with him.
for another thing that is probably way more important, dragon ball is a joke. there is no way in the world they would come anywhere near touching the plot of how mentally damaged broly is from everything he has gone through. people watch dragon ball for fights. neon genesis evangelion is an entirely different ball game. thats like comparing guts in berserk to law in one piece. I mean come on. theres no comparison.
I don't even get how people even like Evangelion; Rei has no personality, Shinji is a candy ass, and Asuka is the type of girl you can't help but want to a Hostel. It's like people only watch it to feel like they're some kind of intellectual or they dream of getting whipped by the cunt or having a tea party with the doll.
Yeah, it's like, he can do whatever he wants with his money, but I *must* hate him as a consumer for regularly wasting great artists' time and effort on pretentious garbage. Particularly irritated he's monopolized BigHammy recently. His scenario ideas are so far off-kilter that they're borderline anti-erotic, and his storytelling isn't good enough to carry the long-term projects he keeps attempting. Basically just flushing commission slots down the toilet.
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>draws fat fetish art
Notoriously pretentious zoomers.
I've played Super Robot Wars V where the characters of Neon Genesis Evangelion function just fine. It's just Anno hindering the characters by giving them problems.

Zoomers care about being pretentious. It's why fetish art has been stagnant. God forbid characters just expand for humor
Saying something is pedophilia isn't the same as saying it matters. I'd call both of those situations pedophilia, but I don't think they matter.
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I am convinced that Disney or someone in Disney really wants to make feature length weight gain films, but they don't want to offend their conservative base so they come up with pretentious concepts. It's the only explanation I can give for why their progressive films are done like fetish art, but the anatomy and writing her somehow bad.
>conservative base

really nigger
Hollywood liberals and the NAACP have always hated Disney for not having any literary merit, or making positive role models. It extends to the present day where Tim Burton and James Cameron and Martin Scorcese criticize Disney for changing the culture of film away from sophisticated cinema to family friendly superhero flicks. To Disney's defense, Hollywood should be more angry at Steven Spielberg for making Hollywood family friendly.
For real though. People always like to point the blame on Superhero movies ruining cinema or whatever, but every reason they give can be given to Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and James Cameron movies from the 80s and earlier. If we really want to give lame reasons for why movies have supposedly become "trash", then it's been "trash" for way longer than they think.
are you really going to compare Jaws and Terminator to Disney goyslop. Is this really the hill you are willing to die on.
OK and all, but channeling what where?
Cetrain criteria do exist for a reason. Fat ballet dancers would absolutely wreck their toes and joints on a go.
>Inb4 looks like a man with a beer gut
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>I am convinced that Disney or someone in Disney really wants to make feature length weight gain films, but
>The company that exists to produce and make money off of mostly family-friendly films secretly wants to pander to my minority fetish, BUT
This place is honestly becoming just as bad as the Twitter-Tumblr cesspool.
The problem is that the character just doesn't look that any different from the million of fat art on DeviantArt. It's just a smug fat chick. It's not like Passion Patties where Clover just treated getting fat as a mild inconvenience.
Actually he seems to let artists draw what they want so it might be more the artists just wanting to draw this stuff anyway.

I don’t blame them, most of what commissioners ask for is just ‘do the same thing but with a different girl in a slightly different pose but fatter’.
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I found a regular from here who posted this during the whole Tdookus edit fiasco. If you're reading this JotunTheWriter, you're a massive hypocrite, cause you repost stuff here all the time.
>There's a very good reason none of the stuff Tezuka made is adapted
We literally just got a Dororo anime not too long ago, you dumbass. Also a Pluto anime is in the works as well.

Why even lie about something so easily disproven?
Starting to think that Dook doesn’t even understand what if means to be asexual lol.
and some of that makes sense. look back at gundam wing. those teens went through some serious mess. in the first ep heero broke his leg and snapped it right back into joint. the boy was like 14. sure that was cool to everyone because most of us were were teens then but as adults you look back like "what did that kid go through that made him that hardcore". how would these kids really react to being sent to war and straight up slaughtering people on a day to day basis? this isn't fun and games like most anime want to pretend. I can respect anno for going there. you know another one thats jacked up? gunslinger girl. I have yet to read past the first volume and its been years.
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>akshully the problem is that
The problem is that a bunch of dumb coomers have become so detached from reality that they are genuinely hypothesizing that the media conglomerate specializing in family-oriented content with yearly global revenue exceeding $70 billion dollars is secretly pandering to fat fetishists. Their reasoning? One of Disney's subsidiary production studios under the Disney umbrella put out an animated short about a heavyset preteen with self-confidence issues due to her weight with the assumed plotline being she overcomes those issues by developing her skill and discovering her own self worth.

It is the absolute farthest thing from fetish material. At most, some actual (pre)teens will have some kind of fetish awakening when they realize they get excited looking at her. Come the fuck back to earth.
This is the correct argument. Based anon.
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Thigh focused Hex Manic by TDookus. An overdone character drawn in an overdone way. Why do people like him again?
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The reason Hollywood flicks have become trash isn't because of super hero movies but instead, that Hollywood has become completely creatively bankrupt while also heavily leaning on focus groups to figure out if they're gonna put out films.

That string of bathroom graffiti became complete shit the moment he said that otaku hated the main dude getting taken away from their waifus.

I'd rather just watch Dual if I gotta watch mecha about a weak dude, a bitch, and a block of wood, or Betterman if I gotta watch a mecha about people getting stuck with miserable existences.
Most Teens I know don't watch Disney and people can barely afford to go to Disneyland. So how is Disney breaking bank when Meta and Kanye West are losing billions? You are like the boomer Jim Cramer
Just admit you don't understand the economics of entertainment and move on.
>Seething Dook post by anon. An overdone post posted in an overdone way. Why does no one like him again?
So when are we gonna talk about Stolfakari being underage (they confessed they're 17)
This is how you tell people you're underage without actually saying it.
Twenty years ago I would have loved to see someone do this. Now I wish they wouldn't. I miss the days when fat girls didn't think they were oppressed. If I was a kid now with all this "fat positive" stuff around, there's no way I'd get a fat fetish.

At least we have "Plus-Sized Elf", a rare piece of media aimed at us perverts who like fat girls.
plus-sized elf is pretty decent, I admit.
>At least we have "Plus-Sized Elf", a rare piece of media aimed at us perverts who like fat girls.
That only applies to those who like chubby sizes. It does nothing for me personally as chubby sizes are a bit too weak, so I still have to wait until someone does something with an SSBBW size.
BBW Elf or even SSBBW Elf would be great.
Not surprised lol, they draw like they're even younger. I haven't seen him namefagging today so I hope he's gone.
Doesn't help that by Japan standards the characters would already be considered too fat. I don't think the author is apposed to larger sizes though, considering they've liked a bunch of blatant obesity fetish stuff as well as somehow doing an art-trade with Lewdsona.
I do wonder if there's even the slightest possibility of Plus-Size Elf getting an anime, even as ONA shorts or something. At the same time though, something tells me that it might cause some irreversible changes in the """community""", like being overtaken by cringe body positive Tiktok girls that will try and say the show is shaming the obese by forcing them to exercise. Still, I won't lie, the prospect of some high quality belly jiggles in an official anime is mighty enticing.
id love preggo elf but I'm just happy we got this much.
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Outside of that era during the 90s and early 2000s where Disney was creative as fuck; I'd rather not have anything involving fatties.

>I still have to wait until someone does something with an SSBBW size
Go get a gun with and a single bullet; give it to your hopes.

The Japs will never be able to truly grasp the wonder of a high magic fantasy world and will only nipple at the weak garbage that should've been burnt away that are the elves.

>somehow doing an art-trade with Lewdsona
YOU'RE SHITTING ME!!. There's no way in hell anyone would take such a raw deal!!

>something tells me that it might cause some irreversible changes in the """community""", like being overtaken by cringe body positive Tiktok girls that will try and say the show is shaming the obese by forcing them to exercise
Too late. I can only see it being picked up by a company trying to find something to pander to the west.

Anyone knows when the last time the munchkin got any real time?
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>so I still have to wait until someone does something with an SSBBW size.
We already have that though, it's called "Alakshmi is the Goddess of Bad Luck." It even has an entire volume out so far, with volume 2 coming out tomorrow. It's just that no one bothers translating it for some reason.
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>no one bothers translating it for some reason
Call me crazy but I'd say it's because the art doesn't look good. Dunno about the actual story since I never read it.
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The art itself is fine, there's manga with FAR worse art getting tl's atm.
>Dunno about the actual story since I never read it.
It doesn't help how you CAN'T read it due to lack of tl's.

Its because its hard as shit to even get proper raws of this manga. Story is meh, I only really like it when the goddess of luck gets all pervy over Alakshmi. There was one guy on the other chan who was able to properly download it but they just disappeared
i remember some asshole on twitter did an edit that elf-san was getting an anime
that shit was cruel as fuck, fell hard for that
Now that I think about it, yeah that might be the bigger issue here. Hopefully with the volumes out people can just scan the paperbacks instead of hoping someone can crack that dogshit site.
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Fat love and mistakes isn't ssbbw, but close enough. Fat woman is ssbbw, she shrinks to bbw near the end, and the story is pure bile.

The first and second volumes with extras is on amazon and kobo, which are VERY easy to strip the drm from.
I already watch Popeye,Pink Panther, Looney Tunes, and Tom and Jerry Cartoons on ME-TV every morning. When is Disney going to stop making bland Pixar films? I can barely tell these Pixar like designs apart in their shorts. I don't think you realize how boring Frozen, Tangled and Super Hero 6 are. Like Sora, Donald and Goofy were just shoehorned into the background in the game's retelling of the movies and nothing happened,
>pov: Dookus telling you to unfollow things he doesnt like, or else there will be consequences
What are you, his battered spouse? Just ignore the faggot, or block him back if you feel petty. If you really want to see his account at all times, just make a fuckin alt lol
Ok, pedophile. Not my fault your Disney pedo cartoons are flopping >>121820
Or better yet. Use Nitter. They really have no power over you in this situation.
What the fuck are you talking about
>blame on Superhero movies ruining cinema or whatever, but every reason they give can be given to Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and James Cameron movies from the 80s and earlier
Except cimena had WAY more than just those movies. Theaters were able to afford popcorn flicks those directors made as well as every other kind of movie under the sun. But with this near corporate monopoly the only thing left in theaters is Disney trash and capeshit.
>who can suffocate you with her thighs any time she wants
Yeah, I'm sure she can catch me.
Please remind me why there has to be a mainstream fat fetish media again?
What the actual fuck are you on about? Are you in those cartoons' target audience?
Pretty sure they just realized everybody watching their movies is fat as fuck, so they decided to make a protagonist that resembles them.

It's the same reason Black Panther and Captain Marvel made a gorillian dollars. Representation matters. I do find it funny how all of the media coverage for this film has just been calling her fat but in a way that makes it sound like a compliment.
It's clearly not a sexual thing, shorty's built like a bowling ball.

That feel when your only personality trait is being racist.
>It's the same reason Black Panther and Captain Marvel made a gorillian dollars.
It was made before Endgame, that's literally it. Captain Marvel is an especially egregious example, Disney outright advertised it as "a crucial piece to Endgame", lying to their audience because they knew the movie couldn't stand on its own.

Black Widow came out after Endgame and that shit bombed miserably.
>Budget: $200 million
>Box office: $379.8 million
You and I have a very different idea of what "bombing" means.
(31 KB, 601x261, just shut up and leave.PNG)
In light of the news of Elon burning money:
Yeah okay. Good luck with that. Pic related.

Sad to say it, but that manga peaked when the succubus had both the dummy elf and the doc gaining weight together only for them to lose it the next chapter. It's been tire spinning ever since then.

Kinda hope syn just goes back to drawing fetish porn.
>he doesn't know about "Hollywood accounting"
Movies need to make AT LEAST double their budget in order to break even, partially because of how much advertising and theater space eats up a huge amount of money.

Where the hell have people been saying that? If anything it's the opposite, people are scared he's going to start censoring the lewd shit. At this point, everyone's expecting a similar situation to the Tumblr exodus. Which seems likely seeing as how the first this Muskrat did was gut the majority of the moderation team.
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page 230. I don't think kip did that bad with this one but I'm still asking why in the world were having them working out. why is saiya talking about how she has to get serious with this?
>At this point, everyone's expecting a similar situation to the Tumblr exodus. Which seems likely seeing as how the first this Muskrat did was gut the majority of the moderation team.

Literally who is saying this? Nothing's suggested this direction, and the moderation team was gutted for the censorship they'd been doing prior

>moderation team

That's a peculiar way of spelling political activists.
All of the super popular posts are about how they "will tank twitter just like they did with tumblr" which is a retarded comparison because tumblr tanked itself by banning lewds. I don't see that happening because if you check Elon's likes there's lewd fanart of Rebecca from Edgerunners.

One of which was a vocal advocate for keeping actual, straight up child porn (not drawings, the real deal) on the platform.
> but I'm still asking why in the world were having them working out.

I think it's just fanservice; big sweaty bellies jiggling around. I agree that, by page 230, we should be farther along than this, but it beats some of the other boring filler in this shit comic tbh
>the same reason Black Panther and Captain Marvel made a gorillian dollars
Black Panther only did as well as it did because they were playing the racism game to bait sociopaths with victim complexes.

Twitter hasn't been profitable long before Elon even humored buying it out.

>Which seems likely seeing as how the first this Muskrat did was gut the majority of the moderation team
Because they were inept at their jobs and were ignoring everything people with the same politics did while banning opponents for stuff that wasn't against the rules.

So long as the people you enjoy aren't posting CP, there's a low chance of getting burned. I'm saying 50/50 on lolis getting kicked too.

It's great for showing off a growing body if done right. It would be useful to help paint a believable story since most people attempt to lose the weight through exercise when they finally notice they gotta push their belly a little upward when they're fastening their pants.
Clearly since adults like me pay for cable while toddlers are watching Cocobelly and Chocomelon on their tablets. I am assuming that Disney wants the Cocobelly and Chocomelon audience and are cutting animation to appeal to children while I get to watch my old cartoons uncensored in the morning.

The left hates Elon Musk because he shift from liberal to libertarian like Joe Rogan. The left can't get rid of him because they need Tesla to sell electric cars to their minority voters. Best way I can describe Elon Musk is that he's pretty much a 21st Century Henry Ford.
yawn so strangermoist is a fucking idiot, huh

retards with a large following are dangerous
What does he did again?
(20 KB, 736x102, unknown.png)
Reminds me of that old internet rule that says it isn't your personal army. How times change.
>I don't see that happening because if you check Elon's likes there's lewd fanart of Rebecca from Edgerunners.
If you're implying that Elon isn't a hypocritical fuckwit that wouldn't outright ban the artist he retweeted just to repost it as his entirely, you haven't been paying attention.

He runs entirely on "rules for thee, but not for me", his self-awareness is non-existent.

>Best way I can describe Elon Musk is that he's pretty much a 21st Century Henry Ford.
I didn't know Elon browsed this board, because only a clown that big would even make such a comparison.
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Fuck off, OpPainkiller, you don't get to come here and whine after what you did.

>StrangeMoist does a giveaway
>free art to a random twitter user
>only catch is that AI art is banned
>some "artist" gets triggered by this
>used AI to outright steal art of Moist's OC on a burner account to start his own giveaway of Moist's OC
>gives them to any twitter users that ask, some of which were Moist's own followers
>Moist understandably gets pissed at this
>he finds the original account
>he tells people to report both accounts for this shit
>the faggot that started this shit is effectively blacklisted by the community
>as well as every person that took part in the AI giveaway
Does anyone know how to report pages on Kemono Party?
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>someone does something intentionally provocative to provoke a proven manchild
>proven manchild acts like a manchild
>I'm supposed to side with the manchild
Pic related, I hope both get banned for harassment.
Dude can't stop stepping in bullshit these days. First digging up the guilty gear autism when it should have been buried by now, and then giving a troll exactly what he wants.

Look I'm not a Musk fanboy but I'm definitely not someone who is terminally online over him either. I doubt he can't do twitter any worse than the shitheels who used to be in charge.

And if he does, hey, fuck that site lol
It's not my billions I burned for a shitty social media platform.
AI art really is the gift that keeps on giving.
Manchild or no, effectively stealing someone's OC is the lowest of low.

>and then giving a troll exactly what he wants.
Seeing as how said troll is literally crying and shitting his pants on Twitter, this absolutely wasn't what he wanted. Dude played a stupid game, and he won a stupid prize.
This thread was less then one minute away from lasting one week.
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It is the furthest thing from my problem that retards are reaping what they sow with this "adoptables" shit. When someone explained how that market works I almost fell out of my chair laughing. Anyone who assigns that kind of thing a monetary value deserves what comes to them, hope both sides are seething hard. It's NFTs except you don't even have a fucking receipt in an actual ledger.
The most active thread on a niche fetish imageboard reached its logical conclusion. Does the notion of an egg timer going off give you a thrill, as well?
What the fuck does adoptables have to do with any of this? It's straight up HIS character, you retard.
StrangerMoist's OCs are all derivative shit that are very blatantly "existing character: but mine," so it brings me great pleasure to see that even an AI can figure this out and mass produce it, especially if it makes them have a melty in the process. His garbage is as unoriginal as whatever that bot is spitting out.
i'm not that AI-art faglet, retard. What he did was weird yeah but moist has been a complete cunt for a while now - he doesn't even draw anymore, all he does is bitch, moan and whine

he has an UNHEALTHY obsession with bridget for some reason

As a whole artists need to shut the fuck up about AI art and how "bad" it is. If anything it's helpful and good for practising art or giving ref for a character you have but are unable to draw yourself; it's only when retards who claim it as their own come in that yeah, they can fuck off and die but shitters like moist just ALWAYS have something to say
I've said this on a few threads. But AI art is here. Either get used to it. Or bitch and moan about it for the rest of your time on the internet. Given. It can be has been used for the wrong reasons. It is also helpful and a nice alternative for those who can't create art. And want to make something with their character specifically or from an underrated franchise or something.

It has it's pros and cons just like anything else. And if you're scared of some ai replacing your art. Maybe it was never that good to begin with.
>It can be has been used for the wrong reasons. It is also helpful and a nice alternative for those who can't create art. And want to make something with their character specifically or from an underrated franchise or something.
Simply using an AI generator requires taking bits and pieces from already existing work, so it's stealing by default. There's no right way to use it because those programs shouldn't have been created to begin with.
>And if you're scared of some ai replacing your art. Maybe it was never that good to begin with.
What a lazy as fuck thing to say. Not everyone who hates it is an artist you retard.
Man remember when these threads could at the very least call out some actual bullshit or at the very least make for good laughing at retard material instead of whatever the fuck this strangermoist meltdown is about I kind of miss that.
That's the bisexual flag.
So Cozynakovich is a good guy now?
>hollywood accounting
so...an asspull to avoid admitting you were wrong, then? Alright

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