
A bit morbid thats shes going to suffocate to death in her own far or drown, but still a hot page
That might be the fattest face he's ever done.
its really the fattest body hes ever done, I mean theres been bogger photos on blobs that look like theyre bigger but this one is by far the most fat consumed, around the arms and legs and head and shit
Yeah, she definitely looks fatter then others that are technically bigger then her. Focusing more on the fat aspect regardless of size is something I wish someone like BWS did more too, as Pixiveo did an incredible job with this tube feeding scene.
In the last thread, I wondered if this tube feeding scene was worth sitting through the roughly 270 pages that came before it, which took 2 and a half years. This tube feeding scene is genuinely among the best art he's ever done, but at the same time, I never want to sit through that many pages ever again just to finally get the payoff we longed for.
idk, she's still in that linker, so... idk
Linkers can still die and shit, so i imagine in the next few pages itll just fade to black and then were back to her real body
Wow this is actually really cute

Her ass touching the cold wall while being filled with fat is some GOOOOOD shit. I'm not familiar with this comic, nor I plan to read the whole thing since it looks boring, but that sequence is wonderful.
Is this thread locked?
Are you black?

Obviously, because you're so fucking stupid, and people of Sub-Saharan African heritage are genetically retarded. Fucking retarded pocs.
You motherfucking nigga retarded
Based quads of truth.
Holy shit thats great, cant wait to see her real body in the next few pages
Also this is now BY FAR the fattest that pixiveo has ever drawn
Holy fucking shit, we just need a textless version of this to admire it fully
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So I guess she isnt gonna drown, just someone is gonna find her weighing like a thousand pounds, either before or after she gets logged out and returned to her real body
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Shes going back to her real body now, damn she got massive
Darn, are we not getting one more full front view before she goes back?
looks like the next page will be that, while shes fading into the glitch void or whatever it is, the next page or two she wakes up in her real body. Excited to see how big shell be
She is outgrowing the tank, alright.
And she will have her new body, alright, but the fat will be fully compressed by the time she "logs out".
Damn she's huge, too bad the outside of the tank is all water. Could you imagine if she broke out of the tank and there wasn't any water? She'd be sprawling out of there with all her fat.
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Yep, this is definitely his fattest Myu yet if we're going to compare this to his other Myu blobs. A huge part of me wishes there wasn't any flooding involved so we could truly see how fat she is when she's not in her pod. And just imagine Ilya's reaction to this happening in front of her eyes, she would be excited. Now I just wonder what will happen after her log out since this is just getting interesting.
Is there any new posts?
No, stop being a fucking beggar
Also, it's ironic how you guys are now praising Log Myu like it's the second coming of Christ
No one here has been praising the comic as a whole, we're only praising the feeding tank sequence. Getting to this scene took far too long.
i forgot to say, another page tomorrow :D
Log Myu is easily the best feedee comic ever made (not counting awgd, different mediums) and it’s completely because of the amount of material we’ve had. All these pages make these payoffs worth it, and it’s just gonna keep getting better and better if this keeps up
Strong disagree. Even though the tank feeding sequence has been amazing, it still doesn't make up how needlessly long the set up was. If this feeding sequence happened around Page 100 instead of what's close to Page 300, then the payoff would've been absolutely worth it. This took way longer then it should've to happen, and I say this as someone who was a patron of his for about 1/3 of the total pages.
Well this comic is more story driven than anything, I for one have enjoyed the story
Yeah hard disagree
The main problem I see rn it's that it will go back to status quo once Myu abandons that body. There is a possibility that we might see more shenanigans with it after she bursts out of the tube: her trying to walk, maybe her rolling, her getting hungry, and even perhaps we might, just might, see her living her life at that weight for a bit, but Im smoking a lot of hopium here. There are better feedee comics, example being the one Salt is currently working on, or Annonxys' comic and there are far better story driven comics, like Belt Busters'. Log Myu is alright I guess, it's not as bad as Kip's setups that take pages upon pages only to show a single panel of action that drives his fans crazy. Log Myu while not being the biggest outlier, its not as good as it could be
Good for you, there is still too much amateur writing for a porn comic. Short and simple > years worth of nothing but disappointment. It can't even be called payoff at this point.

Wish porn artists had someone storyboard and write for them. Because it's clear almost none of them know how to do that and are just learning as they go along.
Holy shit she got fat really quickly in her real body
I might add I'm really excited for upcoming pages now, especially explaining how she got so fat and the possible fallout with ilya. This shit is hot as fuck
Fuck, you poor bastards are just desperate for content this is what the tenth time he's made a character fat only to immediately trim them done
What are you even talking about?
Shes not conected to the linker machine so she probably was in coma for some time after being log out.
Wait wait... her hair is really long, either shes still on the linker or a lot of time has passed, plus shes not conected to anything and linkers dont need any life support...
Yeah thats true.. I'll hedge my bets that she was in a coma and was really on the feeding machine for a really long time. If so I wonder how long its been, atleast a few months right?
lmao geez take it easy, guy. What are you high?
If its been a few months I'm just gonna look forward to the other character's getting bigger, 'specially Ilya
It really depends on if you are really into worldbuilding and the character arcs. I for one am really into Myu as a character, I can relate to some extention to her and the pay off of her desire was pretty nice, but I can understand if someone is just into the porn aspects of this comic. Really, I'm the first one to say that this comic should have been a visual novel or a game-ish experience with a POV from Myu's perspective; cause the format itself doesn't suit what Pix is trying to do, but that's just me.
Yeah, he was just too ambitious with this...unlike a certain retard called Kip
Lol, imagine kip worldbuilding or making anything ambitious. Time for 200 pages of filler that doesnt actually do anything to progress the plot, story, world, characters or relationships. Sure log myu may be long as fuck and took wayyy too long to pay off but atleast the filler had some meaning to it and built up the all the things I just mentioned
Myu is beautiful with long hair
Hello, can anyone please upload a folder with all log myu's pages at this point?
I dont remember that girl at all, who is she and was she fat before now?
looking at it its def her. has she ever shown up in the comic before?
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So damn she got fat, thats a cool revelation
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From wehre can I get the fukk comic miyu?
i think you are in the wrong thread friend
I wish we could have seen her get fat in the skin tight linker get up. I have a feeling the weird pink chick is gonna show up and proposition her next.
Is Myu or her sister the fatter one?
Looks like her sister right now but theyre probably gonna stay pretty close in size. I wonder how long she was on that feeding tube before someone was like oh shit why is she being fed that much or if they never questioned it somehow. I just have alot of questions with the two month timeskip, her sister, ilya, what happened to the linker, etc etc etc
Its all addressed
During the feeding tube arc when she was sorta drifting between forms she overheard a scientist going "what the actual fuck" and the other ones were saying "we have strict orders to leave everything as-is" with "as-is" being the tube cranked to max

The weight gain is slow but the story is planned out to the max
(imo i wish artists stopped with these massive skips she went from "overweight" to straight up fat in real life without issue, i like the slower gains showing every stage)
>imo i wish artists stopped with these massive skips she went from "overweight" to straight up fat in real life without issue, i like the slower gains showing every stage
How can you say that on this thread after it took nearly 300 pages for Myu's weight gain to finally show some progress? The nerve!
Maybe it's because some of us enjoy Pixiveo's world just as much as the prospect of the fetish art involved.
Pixiveo has a world that I find personally interesting, and characters that I find endearing. So even if the comic wasn't fetish oriented as long as it took place in the same world, I would probably still read it.
The coma time skip isn't "some progress." She puffed up a good 70 lbs in what feels like out of nowhere. Fusa's works are an example of hitting a better balance.

I get that gradual gain is very hard to show well, but it feels like something of a cop out to tease out a long story like this just to have the character balloon out of left field.
Now I'm more confused, what happened where the hospital and her employer were fighting over waking her up? Maybe they wanted to research her connection with the linker or they just found the giant fat linker and wanted to punish her or something?

Also love how fat her sister is
This angle definitely shows the sister being way fatter. I wonder if the mom got fat too, probably from stress eating from worrying about Myu since despite their strained relationship Myu is still her first child.
During her second glitching moment she was able to hear that the companies medics weren’t able to disclose any information which pissed of the hospital medics because it made healing her harder.

Clearly the company cares more about its trade secrets than its employees condition.
Maybe there's a bug and myu's concious was duplicated and now linker myu is still trapped in the tube with normal myu awake as well aka 2 myus
The company didn't want to get sued for making her fat, Illya turned up the nutrient feed to Myu's real body as she was being evacuated. They probably wanted to keep Myu asleep until she shed the weight so she wouldn't sue them.
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Hey does anyone have the link for the archive? We're at over 300 pages so there should be a new link to all the log myu pages
Because slow weight gain allows for better stories.
I mean Pixiveo is telling more than just a pure fetish story.
WTF are you talking about? This isn't the next fucking Great American Novel, he either didn't think this story all the way through and made bullshit up along the way or he wanted to see how long he could get peoples money before they eventually got pissed off enough and unsubscribed to his patreon
You lack ambition, anon
Glad to know I still have logic and common sense
Yeah, fuck no. Retard.

Domino Effect is what you're describing except good. This has just been boring until the tube feeding arc, and not just because of the gain. It's been the first time there's been something exciting going on and not just Pixiveo's autistic lore.

Did you start reading this right before or during the tube feeding arc? Because there's no way you enjoyed this while waiting for the release each week.
>Because slow weight gain allows for better stories.
First of all, the first stuffing scene happened around Page 215, and was the first bit of weight that stuck with Myu, so calling it "slow" is being too generous. Glaciers move faster then this story. Secondly, slower stories tend to not show the central character in all sizes.

Way to contradict yourself. The balance between story and fetish has been extremely lopsided in favor of story, and if you say you enjoy Pixiveo's world just as much as the prospect of fetish art, then the lack of fetish content in the comic SHOULD be bothering you, so I think you're lying. You enjoy the story far more then the fetish aspect.
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>the first stuffing scene happened around Page 215
Correction, it was around Page 195. It took about 20 pages to get through which is why I thought of 215.

He even had characters made exclusively for fanservice because he knew Myu wouldn't be gaining any weight for a long time. Both of these characters and Myu won Patreon polls because people wanted to see them even bigger as the comic wasn't going anywhere, spending an excessive amount of time on setup and world building. It's why his Patreon polls were so OC dominated before he later banned them as suggestions.
It doesn't bother me because I enjoy the story just as much if not more than the fetish art.
>before he later banned them as suggestions
Pixiveo didn't ban them, he put the ban up for a vote and the Patreon subscribers voted overwhelmingly in favor of the ban. Patrons wanted the ban.
Pixiveo literally was writing a VN all the way back in 2014. He only cancelled the project because his English wasn't very good at the time and he was struggling going from French to English.
Some of the characters that we have seen are from that original VN cafe concept. (Kune still works at the cafe, so it is in the same world.)
He absolutely planned the comic out, but the format once again is making the comic seem much slow than it is any other comic format would have been better than strip, but that doesn't mean the writing is bad. Reading it all at once is actually fine. It's only because of the waiting that the pace is artificially inflated.
I know because I was still a patron of his when the vote happened, and it resulted in OCs being banned as suggestions. If they're part of polls anymore, then it's Pixiveo's own doing.

>Reading it all at once is actually fine. It's only because of the waiting that the pace is artificially inflated.
How much free time do you have on your hands to believe this? There's way too much goddamn text. I gave up following the story when Myu and Zina had their argument because I thought it was ridiculous that Pixiveo would make Zina try to talk Myu out of gaining weight after the 140 pages before their argument was purely dedicated to world building and characterization.
>way too much god damn text
You obviously don't read visual novels.
>I gave up following the story when Myu and Zina had their argument because I thought it was ridiculous that Pixiveo would make Zina try to talk Myu out of gaining weight after the 140 pages before their argument was purely dedicated to world building and characterization.
That argument wasn't about Myu. That argument was Zina projecting her own insecurities onto Myu. Like seriously it was just more characterization, and by that point myu was already gaining a little weight.
Seriously, you are just salty that it isn't a fetish comic first. Maybe if you were talking about Kip who can't write for shit maybe I would agree, but Pixiveo can write(and is a significantly better writer than Kip), and I for one am enjoying the story just as much as the fetish content that is there. Is that so hard to understand?
And all of the complaints about pacing are worth nothing to me, especially since I am used to monthly manga that only have 10-20 pages per chapter. Again, for someone who is reading the comic from start to finish, pacing won't be an issue.
>And all of the complaints about pacing are worth nothing to me, especially since I am used to monthly manga that only have 10-20 pages per chapter. Again, for someone who is reading the comic from start to finish, pacing won't be an issue.
Not everyone is you. In both his comic and Kip's, the most favorited pages by people on DeviantArt are the ones that have fetish content or some other fanservice, and the ones that don't have any only get between half to a quarter of the amount of favorites. Pixiveo even acknowledged the criticisms of his comic on Patreon a while back. He knows that there's a solid amount of readers who don't like it.
Glad to see Myu has a legitimately caring sister.
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Hate to beg, but does anyone have the nude version of this?
Would’ve loved to see myu’s actually body get fatter over time, that’s too bad
Either they fired Ilya or the monitoring doc
To be fair Ilya did tamper with Myu's real body without consent from the company or Myu herself. Despite Myu probably would have been fine with it anyways it was still inexcusable for Ilya to do. If this wasn't a fetish comic there was no defending her in this regard.
we could still get a flashback-sequence of her friends visiting her in over time, like one page
Can't have been Ilya. She was holed up in her apartment when Miyu got stuck in a linker, and considering Miyu was transferred to a hospital, I don't think Ilya would have any jurisdiction there.
Scratch that, I went back and double-checked, and Illya did indeed crank up the feeding tube on Miyu's body, but that was DURING the storm. Considering they apparently didn't catch it while transferring her to the hospital, even if Illya was the one who changed it, some other idiot failed to catch it for two months. And since Illya doesn't work at the hospital, it's most definitely the idiot who failed to realize Miyu was being overfed.
What if somehow they think Rena was the culptit and got her fired because one of her roles technically should have been responsible for at making sure everything with Myu was alright.
It can't be Ilya, or Rena. Then it's a new character! But we won't know for sure, until we get to the next page!
Also, the one that that cranked up the dial was a robot version of Ilya.
Also you are right, she did left home to her apartment after helping empty the feeding tanks.
I actually like this development in the story. Myu finally got considerably fat it wasn't technically her fault, so she won't be seen as a fat obsessed weirdo by the public. Basically she gets to enjoy life as a fatty without some the social consequences. I wonder what else also happened in those months. Zina's hair might have returned to normal and who knows who gained or lost weight during the timeskip.
It was only 2 months. I don't expect any drastic weight changes.
I wonder if Ilya will be bigger from the guilt of doing that to Myu, because damn like she said everyone has suddenly put on weight while she was asleep for 2 months.

I'm honestly just excited to hear about the whole conflict with the company and the hospital and what what happened while she was asleep with the linker and stuff.
Rena has a very nice pearl shape while also having a respectable bust size and upper body fat distribution.
Could someone with much better art skills rhan I outline Rena's body to give us a better visual on how her body may look without clothes in the way?
Not at all? Rena is now her manager which means shes been promoted, not fired.
bbwchan up let's go
Hell yeah!
This is cope and you know it.
Where's the new page
> I bet [Zina] must be stress eating again.
Fuck yes, let's go.
I wouldn't expect much. Myu was out for 2 months, and was set up in a way that made her gain very quickly. Zina was feeling insecure about her own weight, so if there is a change, I imagine it would be minor.
On the contrary I have a feeling Zina doesn't handle stress well, especially when it comes to Myu where she might feel somewhat responsible for her being in the hospital and stress eating from the guilt, regardless of how minor her actions were leading to where we are now. It could be if only she didn't board the train that day or if she still remained myu's roommate none of this would have happened in her mind.
Wish I had your optimism. Zina having a worthwhile change would make up for the argument her and Myu had, cause I felt like it was pointless.
i really wish to know if the 2 months of feeding changed Myu in other ways like her appetite and stomach capacity, and well her metabolism too.
By the way, who's Aart?
Where's the new page
Rena the manager rules!
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I guess were back at 100 pages of filler before something happens
Does someone have a cropped image of Rena with a simlar pose earlier in the comic for a direct comparison with how she currently is?
I can't tell if that's supposed to be Aart being suspended and Illya just looking nervous about the whole thing, or Illya being suspended and that being her union rep in front of her. I'm guessing the former since there's nothing to suggest Miyu has been suspended, and I don't get why Illya would be suspended if Miyu wasn't suspended either if they were both doing what the cover story suggests.

And the contract with Maia being broken is probably for the best, considering it was her faulty headset that got Miyu stuck in the linker.

Still, poor Zina. Blaming herself over something not even her fault. Wonder how big she'll be when we next see her.
I have a feeling aart and maybe ilya got suspended rather than fired since, like Rena said, as far as everyone was concerned it was just a series of unfortunate events rather than malicious practice or illegal activity. I think the suspension went through anyway mainly because someone did get injured (myu) and thus some kind of disciplinary action had to be taken which fell on her manager. I'm curious about Maia though. I always had a bad feeling about her from the start since something was off about her character and true motive unsure. Was her headset really the cause of all this?
It was. We were told so because Zina dropped off the stupid black box item that was supposed to fix it. Probably half the reason why she blames herself I bet.
What was rena's starting weight?
Post the next page please
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god damn make it stop, is so boring
Oh my god its like 10 pages of talking who cares
What's this dudes record of just dialog if 10 pages is nothing to you?
Pix should stop this mid if this is just gonna be pages of drama, exposition and boring worldbuilding with some highs of gains here and there
"Reular-ass coomer try not to get triggered by a comic with a plot challenge IMPOSSIBLE"
I'm actually liking the world building in the comic so far, more so now than earlier on when it seemed like the wg wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Would a fair compromise be to still have these exposition pages but for pixiveo to spice up the visuals with more various shameless angle shots of Rena and myu's bodies for these panels instead of drawing mostly static poses at similar angles?
If you think the word "plot" means "only good plot" you are retarded.
>idiots start shitting on the one comic with an actual World and well-written characters
>good writers leave
>stuck with Kip-tier writing and simple fetish comics whose characters start and end with weight gain full stop
Who fucking shot Hannibal.
Bros, "Log Myu is interesting" is the start of one epic meme
I don't get how he's been making the same comic for so long and hasn't realized how utterly shit of an aspect ratio he's working in. Everything is so cramped and there's so few possible page layouts, making everything feel the same. I hate it so much
Pix realized it long ago, he just won't do anything about it. I can't remember the exact words but the gist of his comment was that he was stuck with Log Myu as is and called it a liability or something similar. Considering how much shit he gets for it I wouldn't be surprised to see the comic end sooner than expected.
>Considering how much shit he gets for it I wouldn't be surprised to see the comic end sooner than expected.
Has anyone said anything on the posts themselves on Patreon, DeviantArt, or Twitter? Can't say he gets shit if everything is said here and he's not here to see them.
oh wait i mistook him for kip
haven't slept
can't delete, janny fix pls
Fair enough. I tend to believe all artists check bbwchan at least once in a while because there are so many complaining about it on Twitter. Of course I can't be sure Pix does but I know for a fact he used to post in drawthreads and he mentioned a couple times criticisms about Log Myu that I don't remember seeing on DeviantArt or Twitter.
I mean when you cancel your patreon subscription you can put your reasons.
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Who tha fuck asked for bureaucratic bullshit on their wg comic...
It's saying something when the person sharing the pages early is not happy with the comic. I hope there's people on Pixiveo's Patreon voicing their displeasure about to comic.
At least we got to see more of rena's plus size figure.
Rereading the whole comic so far from beginning to current I'm actually enjoyed the story being told. I do agree that waiting days if not weeks for a new page to come out just for that page not being want from a fanservice perspective is understandable. Not sure if a better system like speeding up the rate of the lore dump pages being posted while slowing the pace for the wg pages would be a better solution or not. At least for me I would be happier waiting a bit longer for a wg page if I know what to expect rather than each time waiting gives me either satisfaction or disappointment
>I do agree that waiting days if not weeks for a new page to come out just for that page not being want from a fanservice perspective is understandable.
Except waiting times have sometimes been months, not just weeks or a month. Hell, Myu's tube feeding sequence ended almost a month ago already. The story to fanservice ratio is not balanced at all, and the only other fanservice sequence this comic has gotten was the stuffing sequence 70-80 pages ago. Everything else has been one off images.
No comic should need the amount of drawn out explanations that this comic has gotten. It's hard to enjoy when that's what 80% of this comic has been; talking and not much doing. Sometimes it's better to let the people themselves piece it together themselves instead of making them sit through hundreds of pages of set up.
>themselves piece it together themselves
Shit, I'm so deep into explaining my problem with the comic that this happened.
None of this, because the people on the patreon are actually invested in the story. Even in the Log Myu Discord channel there are people talking and theory crafting the story. So unlike bbwchan, Pixiveo's Patrons like the story and world of Log Myu.
People on this site are ALWAYS acting like babies!
So like 5 people out of his 1300 patreons care about the direction of the story...
I like to image they're mad because they can't masterbate their horny asses to a story
I still can. Walls of text/exposition get me rock hard.

And this comic is full of them.

Imagine paying a porn artist and not wanting porn. Lmao
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This image will easily become cursed if the bald doctor lady had animal ears
Wonder how her hearing is with 4 ears
Not great, she needs to use an Earing Aid.
I was wondering wtf was wrong with the doc. Then I rembered Log Myu's world has other species besides cat/fox people. Maybe she is a monkey or something?
It's the latest craze... Humangirls...
All the kids are into it these days.
>>129288 Hmm.. Well what do you mean like lesbians? I prefer human females, especially the lesbian variety.
I wonder how a wg sequence would play our if the bald doctor lady won a poll. Who would even vote for her?
Moeshit rots the brain.
Welp, see you guys in a year when shit actually happens.
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We finally get to see what that blanket was hiding.

A loose gown!
I think today is the one month anniversary of Myu waking up and we finally get to see this.
Well, not loose for long.
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The bald doctor lady gives me the vibes of a creepy pervert.
To be fair, you have to have a pretty high IQ to understand Log Myu.
Only loosers brag about iq
<your head>
They look like that guy from Misao and Mad Father
I got the reference to the meme with that Rick and mortey reddit though I do think this is somewhat true since understanding what the hell is happening requires more brainpower than the typical fetish story and even then high IQ people may not really fully understand pixiveo's intent and exposition. I personally would appreciate a better explanation for what exactly was going on with maia and why the contract for canceled. I understood that it was her product which caused the issue but was it her or myu's company that broke the contract? Would Maia be in legal trouble now?
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Hopefully the doc will give her advise on gaining
It's oddly refreshing that fat fetish characters don't really keep their intentions secret nor are crazy maniacs about ir
New page
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Will this garbage get interesting by the next century?
It'S gArBaGe CuZ iT iSn'T sTrAiGhT uP pOrN!
Is garbage because his lore ramblings either get unused or dont make the plot go anywhere
I feel this comic will get a rushed ending when pix bleeds out of patreons. It tries so hard on stablishing a background that is only appeling to his cooping old supporters.
Seriously like why do we need to know this, so a doctor is cool with someone trying to get fat ok literally most of the characters in this stupid comic don't care or try to fatten her up anyway
Would you dingbots just shut up already?! Pixiveo's taking his time!
"dingbots" thats a new one
A story has three things a plot, conflict, and conflict resolution. Plot: Main character thinks about gain gaining weight. Conflict: Some characters are against her gaining weight while others ae in support. Conflict Resolution: Main character decides to gain weight anyway despite what the opposing characters say. It's a cut and dry method but Pixiveo constantly backtracks to a previous spot the "story" in an attempt to make it long. Why, because this is a SCAM he's just doing this to prolong getting peoples money.
you know honestly I could put up with more filler and exposition if pixiveo would just cut away to a fat girl sometimes. A little eye candy goes a long way in breaking up the long stretches of nothing.
just admit you just want something to masturbate to rather than an actual story.
"Why can't you dingbots catch that confounded hedgehog!?"
"Guh, I dunno Boss, he's pretty quick."
"Of course he is! That's why I gave you rocket thrusters!"
"Oh, THAT'S what those are!"
"I swear, you heaps of scrap are even slower than Pixiveo"
Comics are a scam because of the long delays and cancellations that comes with a serialized narrative. Unless the artist has a freewheeling style like Akira Toriyama, comics will never be a thing in fetish art.
I wonder if all this lore building will ultimately culminate to revealing the people who made the eugenic policies having major fat fetishes all along and paired people up solely to create future generations of people who gain weight much easier under the guise of maintaining a pure bloodline or something.
No, this artist is just copying the new trend in shoujo where the main leads are already a couple instead of going thru the trials to prove their love. It's basically Chobits, Fruits Basket, Tenchi, and all other manga without temptation. The artist is just a junkie that needs his fix.
It’s more likely it was unintended. They got rid of all the things that made fat unhealthy but still view it as shameful. I think myu is going to point out that hypocrisy later
Nah man, people like me are not interested in comics. Fetish Art man just fell for the director-creator meme that a lot of for profit art schools and film schools push. Neo-noir, Neo-Western, Neo-Weight Gain are terms made up by teachers.
Pixiveo is already setting up his next fetish comic.
In this being fat is biologically consequence-free? I know this is a weight gain comic but shit like this ruins my suspension of disbelief. It's hard not to go into an autistic ramblings on this sort of thing but man it's hard. Especially when a doctor - someone who's job is to help patients live a healthy life completely disregards their patient's health.
First off, it's a different universe that doesn't operate like how our's does. Secondly, if the patient is fully aware of the risks they're taking by choosing to be obese, then let them. The doctor can't make them do anything, and shaming the patient would be considered discrimination.
Lmao this comic has animal-eared people, surrogate bodies, massively bloated bellies, super fast weight gain, but it's fat being biologically consequence-free that isn't realistic enough and ruins your suspension of disbelief?? I'm speechless lol
Oh yeah, I cAn'T bElIeVe It AnY lOnGeR, iT's ToO uNrEaLiStOc
Of all the things this comic has thrown out, that is a step too far for you?
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We all have our limits on how much we are willing to suspend our disbelief. When it comes to sexual fantasies in comparison to you guys I have a lower tolerance. Is that a crime? “iT's ToO uNrEaLiStOc” is an oversimplification, it’s vaguely in the right direction in terms of how I feel but I digress. Fat transfer, rapid weight gain, and consequence-free fat will take me out of a story and make me a ask a bunch of questions that will never be answered but I can brush it off and continue. Every blue moon I’ll voice my displeasure to get it off my chest and move on. It’s the doctor’s dismissive wave that truly grind my gears and said, "Hey!"
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There are at least 3 other comments that are saying more than “iT's ToO uNrEaLiStOc” that you didn't respond to. I also wouldn't be surprised if there was a cut-away for a page or two to go over plenty of the questions about the rules relating to it in this fictional universe but then the rest of people in the thread will complain about that.

Basically what I'm trying to say is you're all retards for different reasons.
Not gonna lie, this reads like some shit out of a sci-fi dystopian novel. "Citizen Ship Level"? "Government Sponsored Marriages" that read more like mandates? "Ministry of Eugenics and Human Evolution"?

This series has always been kinda lore heavy, but I feel like we've taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
If there is one thing that Pixiveo has always done, it's provide in-universe lore explanations for all of the shit that happens in the comic. The rapid weight gain stuff was explained completely, and consequence free fat is currently being explained. We already had a secondary explanation where people use linkers to go hog fucking wild with their inner glutton. So in theory, that is already consequence free fat. I think the bigger explanation is that due to the eugenics program instituted by the previous government, genetics are so heavily controlled such that people can literally alter their biological and physiological structure to either force them to be thin, make it increbily hard to gain weight, or allow their bodies to more easily function at high weights. It's called "Guided evolution" for a reason.
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>There are at least 3 other comments that are saying more than “iT's ToO uNrEaLiStOc” that you didn't respond to.
There isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said before.
>I also wouldn't be surprised if there was a cut-away for a page or two to go over plenty of the questions about the rules relating to it in this fictional universe.
Better than nothing. bo-the-sno created their own concept of consequence-free fat. I read their concept and said, "Aye, fair enough."
>Basically what I'm trying to say is you're all retards for different reasons.

>If there is one thing that Pixiveo has always done, it's provide in-universe lore explanations for all of the shit that happens in the comic.
I'd have to read Miyu's Log up til now. Maybe one day I'll do that. Currently rapid weight gain, consequence-free fat, and fat transfer are pet peeves. I wont do much aside from voice my annoyance.
>I think the bigger explanation is that due to the eugenics program instituted by the previous government.
Eugenics is concerning and gene modification is bullshit but they are more than enough to keep me quiet.
I believe that's why all of this is supposed to have happened in the past. In a sense, it's not very different from our history.
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That shit is idiotic anyway. Transgression is a major part of the appeal in this fetish. If you remove consequences of being overweight, you kill most of what makes it erotic.

Why is the bar for attractiveness so much lower in the weight gain community than in the vanilla porn community? It's because the main focus is the transgression, not its vector. An average looking girl can get a decent following as long as she debases herself in the most outrageous manner. And that's a consistent pattern accross fetishes, the more extreme and/or humiliating the practices, the lower the bar for the actress attractiveness.

A positive way to approach the subject is to have the main character learn about overcoming their fear of others' judgement, not to imagine a society of special snowflakes free of any social friction.
>If you remove consequences of being overweight, you kill most of what makes it erotic.
Why do you think visible health issues (Medical tubes, needing a walker to move, looking sickly, etc) is so unpopular in fat fetish art then?
im sure thats the case for some people, but honestly i just like seeing cute or sexy female characters getting fat. closest thing i have to this transgression and consequences stuff is that i prefer it to be permanent

for whatever my two cents are worth ofc
well that and i like immobility. but still
Almost 40 posts in a row of nothing but neckbeards screeching about the comic.
Fuck it I'll join in.

Can we all drop the copium and agree that the comic is dull as shit?

The guy releases the equivalent of 1/3 of a page if it isn't just one panel, at snail pacing, with exposition levels of LOTR, with the communication abilities of a fucking robot. Each character also has the same robotic personality. Myu just sat up from a COMA and starting expositioning some complicated politics that no one would talk about.

There are (FA)artists out there that have shown that there are objectively better ways to do this. BWS, Belt-Buster, hell even fuckin Kip has caught on to how pacing and comic progression works.

The way Pix fixes this, is either stop and write a book, or make a comic with the option to look into the lore on the side. Make a wiki post about how that headset was involved in some ponzi scheme politics, not waste 2 months of time explaining it in-comic. It'd unravel all of this congestion.

Aight let the screeching continue.
Oh boi I've seen some bad takes on the fetish, but this one takes the cake. I'm sure it works that way for some people, probably the same people who enjoy slobs, farts and similar "transgressions", but please, stop generalizing your personal degeneracy as if it applies to everyone.
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Probably my theory of the gastric balloon pills is correct.
I like these developments
100% Her parents did some weird shit when she was a kid.
>I disagree with this guy, but since I have no valid argument I will make up stupid shit about his supposed tastes instead of debating.

I'm sorry, did you think you were on twitter?
I was talking about social stigma and the psychological aspect of transgression, either you're pretending in bad faith I didn't or you read my post VERY lazily.

Yeah I said transgression is a major part, not the only part. But you can be sure a bunch of halfwits was going to jump in to pretend that I said it was the ONLY driving force of the fetish and that my argument was subverted by my supposed own personal tastes. The same motives than the classic accusations of -ism, typical of people with zero sound argument. Exceptionally misguided in this context considering I have no interest in extreme content. Thing is, if you write a story about characters wanting to become/becoming morbidly obese, you're not appealing to people's preference for slightly chubby body type. And practically, no one is instinctively driven towards extremely unhealthy body type, for obvious reproductive reasons. It always has a psychological origin (usually a conflicted relationship with food or a tendency for dominance over others).

No, I can see his point, despite how morbid it sounds when spelled out without any clarifications. Softcore "transgressions" have been present in the fat fetish community for over a decade and were explored by some of the most mainstream and well-known artists in the field, such as BWS and Kipteitei. I'm talking about things like the story emphasizing the loss of physical fitness, how the body of a woman who once was ripped and masculine becomes weaker and more feminine. BWS' Losing Control and Mari from the Domino Effect immediately come to mind, as well as Tessa from Kip's OSC. The LC and OSC's authors have dedicated multiple scenes to showcase how out of shape the girls have become after gaining weight, and I guarantee that we will see some very similar scenes involving Belt-Buster's Mari in the future upon after her weight actually becomes a problem. The same goes for things like women struggling to control their appetites the more weight they gain or to beging with for some other reasons, becoming "softer" psychologically-wise due to the hormonal changes brought upon by weight gain (it's not something I made up, you can look up the effects of large quantities of fat on the people's hormonal balance and personality). At the end of the day, I believe that those who are into the softcore aspects fat/weight gain art are not just mesmerized by it due to an existing mental disorder of some sort, but also due to the feminizing factors of weight gain making girls more stereotypically womanly, closer to the ancient standards of beauty. There's a reason why female weight gain is times and times more popular than the male one, and it has a lot to do with the fact that on some level, chubby/reasonably fat women are sexy due to females having a higher propensity towards weight gain and appetite suppression than males.
>you can look up the effects of large quantities of fat on the people's hormonal balance and personality
Just to add, body fat acts as its own hormone producing organ. Besides hormones like leptin (which the body grows resistant to when there's more of it, increasing weight gain), it produces estrogen. It can even use other hormones to make it!
>It always has a psychological origin (usually a conflicted relationship with food or a tendency for dominance over others).
Sorry for double posting like a retard, but can you elaborate on this?
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Ok, thats a bit unnerving

Myu's family: gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
This anon gets it. That's expected some people would reject the notion since it conflicts with their self-perception of being morally virtuous, but the way some of them cope with cognitive dissonance in the most grating manner is always an annoyance.

>The same goes for things like women struggling to control their appetites
Hell yeah, that's good stuff. I'm not into big sizes, but slightly chubby girls that can't stop themselves eating and get worried about gaining is my personal favorite. My issue with ridiculously fat girls is that they're already in lost cause territory, so the satisfaction of the transgression is mostly lost. That and they're less conventionally attractive, obviously.

A lot of feeders have an history of anorexia and/or bulimia. Eventually to protect their mental and physical health, they project their conflicted relationship with food unto others. Of course the process is mostly unconscious. And since eating and having sex stimulate the same parts of the brain, and transgression is a motor for sexual excitement... you get the idea.
For others it's more a matter of dominance. Controlling the amount of food your partner ingest (may it be by force-feeding or plainly being an enabler) establish a strong position of dominance over them. It can also work the other way around, it's not uncommon for abusive people to starve their partner, may it be by psychological or practical means. Although this last part is often much more sadistically driven than feederism. Feedees usually take at least some enjoyment in being fed and encouraged, while people pushed into anorexia by their partner, not so much.
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Agreed. I think something I always liked about weight gain sequences is that women become daintier, and more fragile. They lose nonfeminine traits they had when they were skinnier, and oftentimes they are treated as lesser or teased by a dominant. It's why I'm a big fan of the brat art that MidniteMorty does, there is always a sequence of a girl being skinny, doing something bad, and then becoming fat as karma, and all the physical consequences, like being more soft and squeezable, humiliation, and being less nimble and able to retaliate against teasing or feeding.
This fetish has a lot of baggage jesus. Uhm, here's a drawing.
Jannies once again prove that they're only capable of reacting to things they don't like personally, rather than useless threads and potentially illegal shit...
New page
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Is it just me or does Pixiveo has been making quite a few grammatical errors and typos in the comic as of late?

*Has Pixiveo been making quite a few grammatical errors and typos as of late?

Yes, I know, making an error in a post criticizing someone else's grammar is the very definition of irony.

English isn't his first language, and when I edited some of his stuff years ago he wasn't familiar enough with it to be aware of his typos. Like in the page you linked, I wouldn't be surprised if he simply didn't know "more than meet the eyes" was incorrect.

Unless he's got an editor, then idk.
New page
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My disappointment is immeasurable
This comic has taken years already. What is he thinking?
It’s not actually going to take years. It’s trying to emphasize how difficult the situation is for her. There’s obviously going to be a workaround.
It will probably take IRL years just to get to that workaround too.
You can not be fucking serious right now, it was established how hard this journey is for her like a hundred pages ago when literally every other character got fat without trying while she barely got chubby
above all else i hope i don't have to see this character again. her bald head bothers me on too many levels.
At this point I just hope he fucking dies one of this days leaving this comic incomplete forever.

Naw man, this is pretty genius actually. He just made the torturous pacing CANON. Now he can draw out this subject-less comic out for yeeaaaaars more.

At this point he probably knows that he's making more money off of the absurdity and potential of anything happening in the comic.
This feels like self aware commentary on the state of the comic.
Also I cannot wait to see the response from pix's "fans" now
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Theres only so much fucking around Pix can do until he founds out
Mate, I can find more fap material on a drying paint than this tapeworm of a story.

You must be talking about an old razor flip phone. Low quality camera
Zina returns to try and save this comic again what a shocker
You do know that he posts other content besides Log Myu right?
You fucks make it sound like he doesn't draw anything else lmao
also lmaoing at the fucks that don't want to fap to anything else Pixiveo makes

Like if you want fap material, Pixiveo posts like 5 normal art pieces/sequences a month.
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You are all ungrateful fucks that just can't admit that you want glorified fapping material than an actual story with WG. Take the new page out of spite.
I feel as if we are close to wrapping up, or maybe a middle point. Either way, Pixiveo is setting up some kind of stopping point.
His chubby and plus size art fails to stand out right now because those sizes have been the bulk of Log Myu. Super size is popular for redraws and is the ending size for the sequences he does, while ultra only gets one pic every two months. I feel starved for ultra sizes, and I hope I'm not the only one who feels that way.
Alright doomer fag.
We don't even have a full perspective of Zina. You are probably one of the faggots saying that Myu was going to burst her linker.
God no, I'm not into morbid shit. I prefer
my fatties alive and intact.
(306 KB, 900x600, 137.png) (294 KB, 900x600, 138.png) (372 KB, 900x600, 233.png)
Just wait for the next feedback post

You are still being a doomer. 137-138 are both from when Zina was 200lbs. I assume that Zina had lost some weight by 233, but that isn't confirmed. The perspectives in 137 and 138 completely shift how big Zina is, so no conclusion can be drawn from just this single page like you wish you could. Stop doomer posting.
How is it doomer posting when I called Zina's mild change correctly?
Zina is only 24 lbs heavier than Rena. Not sure whose taller but they're sorta close bmi wise I think.
All this shit is fetish fapping material you dumb cunt

Stop acting like it's something more like some pretentious retard. At the end of the day it's like the boring slow-burn porn your grandma reads.
Let's be real this comic is slower than that
did we also find the cure for cancer? have we extended our reach to the cosmos? have we done anything aside from having neko girl gain fifteen pounds?
the future thing or the fact she gained weight"
no sadly
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No more doom posting
Eh. She's still not that different then before, even with a clear view now. That being said, her shirt is an accident waiting to happen.
Glad she's growing her hair out again. I'm hoping she moved back to the apartment while Miyu was out since her bitch of a mother wanted her to cut it and lose weight.
The people on this thread are literal manbabies.
If only we had a thread to contain them...

oh wait.
She literally gained 60lbs holy cope
Can someone please upload Page 322 of Log Myu?
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I hate all of you ungrateful bastards.
But I will still post the page because fuck you.
Many thanks fam, real MVP
People here really be more pissed that an artist can't spend all their time working on a comic. Art takes time, writing takes time, dialog takes time. Colour takes time. Characters take time, background takes time.

But all they keep complaining about is it's too slow and I wanna see her fat now!
>Writefag strikes again
In two month's time, this comic will have been going for 3 years. Over that time we've gotten a lot of characterization, world building, and overall setup of how the linker system works. Consider all that along with Myu's current size, at it makes sense why people think this comic is going so slow. Learn to see from other people's perspective.
Yes. And how many pages did Pixiveo make, while doing other things on the side. Hell, everything takes a long time. I can't think of one thing that doesn't take a long time to be made.
My question is "Did it need to be this long"? Don't get me wrong, I'm impressed that he's kept up the art schedule he has for himself, but sometimes he overdoes it. Thankfully not in the same way that would cause his art quality to drop like it would for MetalForever and sometimes Better With Salt.
He could stand to be less verbose in how he writes, and that's doesn't only apply to his comic.
Saddest part of this is that writing this story takes time. A fucking monkey pulling porn plot points from a hat could write something less boring.
At the very least the characters are getting fatter, we're consistently getting panels and nice angles of fat girls. Just...hope they do something soon.
You fucks don't deserve his newest image.
I'm not posting it.
I only post Log Myu for you ungrateful bastards out of spite.

This is going to end up deleted with all the shitstorm that it will cause. Just watch.
For you, who between Zina and Rena has the biggest butt?
Are the foxes going to be revealed to be sisters, step sisters, or neighbors?
So she didn't move back in, rather Zina lives with Rena now? Guess that explains Rena's gain. When Zina began stress eating, Rena got dragged along.
None of the above. They are roommates now.
All women'r stupid. Some'r more stupid than others.
If you don't write realistical characters then what's next? I don't think girls need any more "protection" than they have already been warranted. Unnecessarily, I might add, and that it's been too much "protection" for their own good, causing society to collapse, but that's just my opinion, I suppose. Carry on with your bullshit, I suppose, but I try to make my female characters believable as a rule of thumb. Mature and stupid. Almost like a brute.

Did you ever have a mother? I hesitate to ask what she was like.
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Well well well, look at what we have here. How about you go back to twitter? You know theres ways of figuring out who you are and I guarantee it, once I do you will not be the same.
>incel incel! bark bark bark!
Too late. Ask them for my address. They have been sharing it on more than 3 porn sites. I think the model's name started with vice like vice city or something like that. Ugly fucking bitch. I would fuck her though. She had a nice ass. I'm sure you can buy my address from her someway. kys
Oh and I have evidence that they can either hack phones or intercept text messages and calls too.
I don't mind being entertained by a bit of digression but could you halfwits at least try to keep it civil?
What the fuck is happening in here?
Morons being morons again with a theme of misogyny. Par for the course at this point.
When will Myu be as fat as Zina?
After another 300 pages.

Pixiveo'll have to name their successor at this rate
We already did, almost 3 years of it
I was being sarcastic. I don't actually know when Myu will catch up if ever.

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