
It means that OP is a big fag
>>118466 (OP) Come on OP, do we look like a dictionary? Just google search words you don't know.
You're either trolling or really fucking stupid, or both.
No, like I really don't know what OP is I'm new here
There is no link. Original Poster means whoever created the thread we're currently in, and in this case the OP is you.
>>118466 (OP)
Something that Enver Hoxha put a lot of in Albania.
If you really must know what every term means, you don't need to make a thread asking about it.
its obvious, use your brain, think of the context
get lost, vanilla tourist
The fact that this thread is still up means no one is reporting it. This is why I was being a "mini mod" before, but now my confidence in reporting anything was shot after a talk with the mod. I don't know what to do anymore.

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