
Why'd he leave?
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We don't know. For all we know it could have been a mistake, or he could also just do what he did before and rebrand under a different name. Either way, he's still doing art assets for some games, so I doubt he full on quit and bailed doing art altogether.
What games has he worked on?
One I know is Forks (take that with a grain of salt iy may just be a super similar artist) A.KA the game thats been in development for like 2 years and has gotten one 30--45 minute demo.
He's worked on Forks (The one you mentioned) and another game called Magical Aria, also made by the Forks developer.
The forks dev hell has been closer to 4 years, and pretty much everything with Magical Aria is being re-done after a years worth of progress. I feel really bad for Toro.
Sad to hear. I heard people talk about him working on games in a positive way before, and he has the skill to do art for big real productions, so hoped he had an actual career in games going. He and I were online friends a long time ago, and while we didn't stay in touch, I was wishing the best for him.

Hope he deleted his Twitter for a reason besides frustration.
Yeah I can't speak for if he got the art done on time for Forks but all I know that looking back it was posted in January of 2019. So 3 1/2 years ago, cant imagine thats very good work for him. It's really sad because the game looks promising but it's just in fucking development hell. Its like 1/8th done demo wise but the dev keeps saying "oh were done the story and almost done the sprites" acting like its actually gonna come out and that people care about it anymore

Could you be a bit more specific on the "Magical Aria" game? I've googled the name and couldn't find anyhting about it.
Actually rip bozo forks then, dont think the art was done so probably gonna have to switch artists. May aswell bury that game lol.

Sad to see him go though, but I imagine he'll be back in a long time
Damn, it's a whole-ass retirement huh? How long's he been drawing for? Idk how long he used the Foxfire account for.
Well damn, that's hella sad. Hope his future will work out for him. He became one of my fav artists overtime. Don't know what this means regarding the games though.
That one at least went all the way back to 2004 and probably even earlier
Tron just released the entire dev branch of Forks and cancelled the game. This includes everything Toro drew for the game, which means we have every weight stage. The only thing left for Toro to draw for it was CGs and some backgrounds.
Dang, that's bittersweet.
I guess it's cool that we can finally see all the art he did for it that we might've had to wait a decade to see.
Well damn, he couldnt have just hired someone else for CG's and backgrounds and just been like sorry deal with the style change?
Nevermind, just read the post and it seems toro was basically the last thread holding the project together, although he left it opem for anyone to finish but I doubt that would happen.

Couldve been a really great game if not for some unforunate events, really hate hannah though, shes ugly as fuck
Did anyone get the game assets before they got taken down? I'm worried it was an accident and Tron will just leave not knowing its not up any more lol
Its known, Tron said in the comments hes fixing it. I also have them downloaded alongside alot of other people so it's fine. Still sucks to see the game go like this though, especially one in development for 3 years. Now I wait on Apostles updates which is one of the best weight gain games IMO, before that it was coven of calahree but that games done and on steam and stuff, really great game.
Sorry if it's a little impatient then but would you mind saucing it over? this whole thing has left me a bit bitter and I just gotta see what toro left behind
Did he had any sort of exclusive art on his Discord (sketches or whatever)? When I finally decided to sub to his Patreon and join it was already gone and now I'm kinda sad because I liked his characters.
(8.4 MB, 1918x1076, forksgoodbyeprogression.gif)
Kinda random, but since Tron released the game assets, I put together this gif of each weight stage of all the girls. It's not the best since I had to stitch different parts of the sprites together, but I tried. It's cool to finally see what the larger sizes look like. If you're wondering why some are clearing not the same size as others, I'm assuming that different characters have different max sizes. Most of these are just the default day outfits, but I might do one for the underwear/swimsuit outfits later
Does anyone know if he ever published page 10 of Love Food (a comic he worked on while still being FoxFire)?
Rip, Toro was my fav artist. Hopefully he makes another comeback one of these days...
(4.2 MB, 3296x1649, unknown.png)
And as a bonus, here's that extra practice pic Toro did in his newer art-style
did he ever finish that comic he was doing? the home tutor one?
He did, but it was right as his patreon ended so lots of people couldn't even read it or know it was finished.
There's two different versions of the comic, and both can be found on e-hentai and other sites.
Big Sister Bae is the name of the old/unfinished version.
Bigger Sister Bae is the name of the finished version.
It's very "Hentai-y" but it's an ok comic I guess. He was definitely out of his depth when making it though.
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Oldfag here: Been following him since he was featured on the shithole that was AFAWG/AnimeExpansion and then Deviantart.

He's one of the few from that time who's art had such a quality trajectory while remaining one of the better parts of this scene.

Good luck out there.
Damn Rea got fat as shit.

Too bad the guy making the game was trying to make multiple games at once. Such a waste of good art assets. We all knew it would slowly fizzle out with how little content it received over 3 years.
Could you do them as separate images
Are there any CGs beyond the demo's that were finished?
Presumably no. It seems like CGs were the only things Toro had left to do for Forks, assuming there also weren’t other side characters and outfits that could of been added.
I don't know why everyone is so sad when Bamboo ale exist who pretty much became a toro apprentice.
You either retire a hero, or stay long enough to become a villain. Kinda the case with Toro and Bamboo Ale respectively.
A Weightgaming user already did. I would post them here, but it don't want to clog up the thread.
Your point would maybe stand if Bamboo art wasn't so...whatever you would call what his art is.
I was thinking the same thing.
You die a Toroboro, or live long enough to become a Bambooale
What's been up with Bamboo anyway? I dont keep up with his personal life posts.
Still the same berating on AI art as always. I'd rather not elaborate it on this thread.
Here are my archives, apart from the gamedev of Forks and Aria stuff this is all I have. I have included the sprites from the old version of Forks with the old concept art posted on weightgaming.
If something is missing, don't hesitate to report it. For the content of the two old Patreon there must be almost everything on Kemono.
You mind posting the second to last and last frame individually?
What did you use to make this
This feels like a really weird comparison, how is Toro a hero? Aren't him and Bamboo pretty similar beyond art style/subjects?
Not really. Bamboo-Ale is a grade A cunt and is openly antagonistic towards the fat community in general. Meanwhile the most controversial thing Toro's ever done was lie about the reason he decided to rebrand while he was Foxfire. Which is still pretty shitty, but is at least understandable.

Bamboo-Ale's closer to Cozynakovich than he is to Toro.
What did cozynakovich do?
>What did Cozynakovich do?
A lot of things
I'm sure the fine folks on the insane ranting threads will be more than willing to elaborate.
Inb4 they return under ANOTHER new username in a year or so
Can't wait for this fucking idiot to return on social media under yet a different username in the span of a year. Y'all forgot he had an older Patreon page called Foxfire? It's still on Kemono Party, you can check it out for proof
(157 KB, 1280x720, 2366466.jpg)
He single-handedly blew up the entire Asov Batallion and now he's co-ordinating plans to fly a plane into the Ukranian Parliament.

>blew up the entire Asov Batallion

You're saying it like it's a bad thing, come on man!
Heck yeah, let's lick uncle Putin's ass!

I know, licking neo-nazi ass is superior, forgive me for my heresy!
(390 KB, 667x1000, After_The_War_by_FoxFire5.jpg)
If he's really gone for good this time, then it's been a good, long ride watching him from way back when he was literally a 13 year old on DA.
Oh my god...time to doxx him!?!?
Why'd he decide to rebrand again? It's been so long that I've forgotten.
Also goddamn, what year's this from?
I think it was because he got a new job around the time he closed his Patreon page and decided to change his identity on the internet?
I believe a mixture of getting a job and also wanting to be known for more than "just fat art". Pretty sure he said he got tired of drawing that one blob streamer chick and when he came back he started dabbling in different styles like Disney Princess and semi-realism.
I like both phases. The FoxFire phase was more out there, some really great stuff while still under an aspiring artist glow, kinda like a great indie band (I also like the comics/stories from this phase, which were sadly never finished). Toro was his big label debut, ironically sacrificing the bigger blob sizes he would occasionally do for smaller but higher-quality girls. Might be my yellow fever talking but the girls he made as Toro were his absolute best, even in the pics were they were just curvy. One hell of a run, was fun seeing an artist this good grow in talent and as a person. His art reaching the mainstream/normie Twitter was also nice to see, with guys like Bamboo I didn't feel the same.
But there may be the possibility that at some point in his life he will come back, right?
I mean yeah, there is. But seeing as he has kids and a wife now it seems unlikely until the kids are independant or moved out. And by that time you can assume hes a good bit older, would it even be an interest anymore or would anyone care. Basically on the very slim chance he does return its gonna be atleast 5-10 years down the line
Excuse me, I still can't believe you're gone.
I believe your confusing Toro with Tron, the Forks developer. As far as we know, Toro hasn't started a family yet. I got the impression that he was getting professional work.
So, there might be a chance that Toroboro will return in the not-too-distant future, right?
I feel safer if I leave this here, I would have liked to see more progress of her
(2.1 MB, 1822x818, TorochanProgression.png) (2.3 MB, 2194x622, BaeProgression.png) (2.2 MB, 2178x616, DalgiProgression.png) (2.2 MB, 2036x718, KyohoProgession.png) (585 KB, 724x628, DotoriProgression.png)
I’m willing to bet I’m the only one who cares about this stuff, but I find it interesting how much Toroboro’s OCs changed throughout the years. Not just as his art style changed, but also how their proportions but also main outfits and even personalities changed as well. It also got to the point that each time he would draw his OCs they would look different simply because of how long his hiatuses were.

She could barely even be considered an OC when Toroboro first drew her, because she was literally the first girl he drew on his Toroboro account and really wasn’t anything more than “Thicc Horny Asian Girl”. That idea was basically just recycled into Bae, but for whatever reason Toroboro must’ve had a soft spot for the original design, so he brought her back and slowly gave her more unique characterisation. It seemed to be a back and forth thing on whether or not Bae was thicker than Toro-Chan or which one had a thicker belly.

She is easily the most consistent OC out of them all, because aside from some very minor adjustments and inconsistencies in her proportions, she has stayed relativly the same throughout all of her “redesigns”. I say redesigns lightly because she might as well have been never redesigned, and her constant new reference sheets were most likely made out of Toro wanting to represent his main OC in his most up to date art style.

Dalgi changed quite a bit over the years. She was originally the belly focused girl of the group, while Bae was meant to be the ass focused one. For whatever reason though, Toroboro slowly made Dalgi’s belly smaller and her hips wider until it got to the point where Dalgi had one of the smallest bellies in the group and even bigger hips than Bae. I think bigger hips fit the strawberry theme better, but I do think it’s a bit funny that she basically made the pear girl’s title effectively irrelevant. He also gave her blonde hair once for some reason. I remember Toroboro saying that he changed her personality a bit because her former personality was basically just being flustered all the time. I’m not sure if I agree that this was a good decision though since she basically seems to just be another smug horny girl, which is basically what happened to Kyoho’s original personality as well.

Kyoho is probably the character who changed the most. She basically became 3 entirely different characters as she progressed. She even started off having a different name, being ‘Podo’ which is Korean for Grape, which fits better with the other girls since most of them have Korean names too. I can only guess that he changed her name to Kyoho because its sounds better as a name, even if it means she’s probably Japanese as opposed to Korean like everyone else. Again, I think it’s fascinating that she went from onee san tall girl with big boobs, to busty fit girl, to imouto short stack with huge boobs, to tall girl with huge boobs, to shy big tiddi goth girl, to even more goth girl with even bigger tiddies, to somehow ending up as the belly focused girl of the group. She might as well have not even been the same character, because at least with girls like Toro-chan and Dalgi you could tell that they at least look similar to their older counterparts. With Kyoho though, the only semblance she had to her OG counterpart was her vaguely similar hairstyle, but her latest incarnation removed that, so she basically has no remaining qualities of her oldest incarnation.

I think it’s safe to say that Toroboro basically forgot about her. I’m really only including her because she was in the same OC ref sheet as the other girls in the group, as well as being a part of the Halloween bundle thing. After Dalgi stopped being a belly focused OC, Dotori seemed to have taken up that roll instead. She was probably the most overtly fat focused OC Toroboro made after his rebrand. It’s a shame she never got a full coloured drawing that focused on her alone, since was slowly distinguishing herself from other characters more and more. She didn’t change that much, she really only got a bigger and bigger belly, a more obvious personality and more unique clothes. A gamer lifeguard younger sister with a massive belly was an interesting concept, but I guess Toroboro wasn’t as interested in drawing her as the others.

There’s also Darae, Bae’s supposed rival, but I don’t feel the need to include her because she basically didn’t go through any redesign whatsoever. She did seem to be part of the same group as the others though if the Halloween bundle is anything to go by.


Honestly my head canon is that the reason why some of the girls changed so much is that they literally just changed as they got older, like Toro-Chan becoming lazier, Dalgi hitting the gym and doing squats, and Kyoho going through a goth phase and picked up one too many habits from her crush Dotori.

And yes, I just did an analysis over a bunch of fictional fat chicks from a deleted twitter gallery. You’re welcome.
Heh, this was a nice read. Shame the last girl didn't get some time in the spotlight. He nailed those round tummies like no other.
One of the most entertaining posts in this shithole of a website, thank you
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I really liked his art during the FoxFire phase. The blob streamer girl, Kiari, is probably my favorite of his characters.

I remember someone mentioning that there was fiction written about her at some point of other. I'm interested if any of it survived
Yeah, I recently checked the FoxFire Patreon page on Kemono Party and found that Halloween-themed drawing as his last one (Aside from the sketch). It was so fucking good, I think Kiari is my favourite character too
Also, this may be what you were referring to. He uploaded all of his stuff along with the stories
Gonna miss this guy.
He came in, started out young, and just got better and better, becoming a genuinely talented artist and broadening his skills, being known as one of the best artists in the relatively niche field, while not falling into the issue of becoming a cunt, political, developing a cheaper art style, and then when the time was right, announced his retirement in a polite and open manner.
Not a quitting, a damn retirement.
Toroboro is, or I suppose, was, the David Attenborough of fat art. Skill, quality, and sophistication all the way.
And a damn good inspiration.
>while not falling into the issue of becoming a cunt
>developing a cheaper art style
He had a good early run but both of these things happened, he's nowhere near the patron saint you're making him out to be. Plenty of other artists who both managed to continue an upward skill trajectory, not sacrificing creativity, and didn't start self-loathing about their fetish. He definitely went out on a better note than quite a few other artists, though.
Bumping so my boi can get a potential reup, even though I don't need it.
i dont understand why he had to delete all his stuff to retire, makes no sense.
can we please get a reupload on mega or something that will stay up?
That's new stuff, this account which exist since several months is shared between Bamboo and Toroboro (they end up with the same style even if their early works were different).
It was at first only for fat furry stuff, but it's now for regular fat too.
TAlso oroboro already deleted all his stuff once when his nickname was Foxfire before go back as Torboro.
Good fucking riddance LOL
Does someone happen to have a full collection, or close to full of all this work? Probably some of the best stuff I have seen on the net in terms of fat art, please & thank you!
Can anyone reupload the archives? Sad to see toro go
(174 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)
I've always wondered why Toro suddenly developed such a massive lust for Koreans after he stopped being Foxfire. Any theories?
At first I thought it was because he was Korean, but then I learned that he wasn't and he was basically just a Koreaboo. Looking through a lot of his works, theres a wide range of girls of different cultures, races and ethnicities, so I think he just decided to focus more on Korean culture to research it and learn the language because he found it interesting.
So he really was just a Koreaboo all along. He got me good.
(426 KB, 1935x600, Aria1.jpeg) (6.4 MB, 5000x2500, 7.png)
Anybody looking for a "Full Collection" I highly recommend browsing the various galleries of his on eHentai. They contain 99% of his Foxfire and Toroboro stuff, and well as stuff from his Patreon and the different takes on the doujin he made.
If you're looking for Forks stuff, the thread of it on Weight Gaming has a full archive of all the assets he made for it.
As for Magical Aria, there was a small dump of assets on the patreon, however the patreon was deleted shortly after Forks and Aria were cancelled. There is, however, a Kemono Party page for TeamSpoon aka the Magical Aria Patreon. Only problem is its not up to date and doesn't have the post of the tiny asset dump. So because it's not updated, I'll post the pics from that asset dump here. Not super sure about some of the rules here regarding Monster-Girls, so some will be spoilered just to keep it safe.
(9.3 MB, 6557x3263, 5.png)
Rip I didnt even know about this game :/ sad to see it go alongside forks with this.

He was in the military and stationed in South Korea for years back when he was known as FoxFire. He's actually a huge military head, drawing girls in uniform with full arsenal.
Yeah, that was my theory too. My guess is that he's some dude from Arizona who joined the military and got deployed to Korea. That's when he stopped using his FoxFire account. Then, he got mega yellow fever and started a shit ton of Koreans on Toroboro, his new account.
Also it's a shame seeing all the work he did for some vaporware VN when he could've been doing other stuff. Hope he was compensated well for his work.
(261 KB, 500x500, 1643919593498.png)
>"I'm retiring for real this time guys, I swear"
>nukes account, again
>scurries off to post fats under his shared account with Bamboo
Never change, FoxFire, never change.
Hahahaha...I fucking hate this autistic liar
This was to be expected of the joint account with Bamboo, but it hasn't even been two months at this point. How is it that almost every single artist that's done this hasn't learned the simple concept of TAKING A BREAK.
Burned out? Tired? Wanna do something else? Looking for work?
You don't have to burn everything down to take a break, just tell people you're taking a fucking break and come back whenever the fuck you feel like it, even if it's once in a blue moon or never.
See that would make sense from a rational persons perspective but most of these artist are a bunch of irrational autists sooo……
>deletes account
>makes the hottest image right after
idk what's happening, but i'm here for the ride
I'm not, sadly. He lost all of my trust after coming back for the second time, and it will happen MANY more times
>Toroboro leaves
>He makes new art
>It's on the bloody cringe ass inside joke shared account with Bambooale who's taking all the credit from twitter users who don't know any better
Whyyyyy. You went out with style dude. The art's fantastic, but at this point you should of just kept the account up and just had a pinned tweet saying "I'm effectively retired, so only expect the occasional drawing, if any at all" or something. This crap is just sad. Part of me just thinks the retirement was just so he could free up his drawing time to not work on those games anymore and do his own stuff.
But if it's at the cost of using the Zhuli Huli account, aka the "Haha look guys Bamboo and Kafe are the same person! Look at this ass Pyrocynical commsion!", then is it truly worth it.
what was the point of deleting his account? if he needed a break he should have just said that. the artists in this community are so fucking autistic man istg
Honestly Fuck Toro. I'm fuming. His art and ocs were near perfection. He nuked his acc just to share an account with fucking bamboo ale? And it's not even good art its literally furry shit and blobs😤😤😤 I was waiting on the Dalgi Doujin for three god damn years and he closes his account to draw for the worlds hugest faggot bamboo ale???? FUCK ! I seriously hope Bamboo ale gets cancer, aids and leprosy in that order. Toro if your reading this, stop deleting your accounts dawg. I expected more from you....
S Tier comment.
A Dalgi doujin was never confirmed. He only implied that she would be the next one to get a doujin after Bae, but given that his Patreon was made for the Bae comic, and he eventually shut it down because he couldn't keep up with it, I always highly doubted that he would even bother with another comic. Need we be reminded that he had 2 or 3 other comics that he never finished back on Foxfire?
At this point it's obvious that the motherfucker sucks at keeping promises, as he always breaks down when under pressure and can't work on anything. I kinda think he was overrated the entire time
>I seriously hope Bamboo ale gets cancer, aids and leprosy in that order.

Go outside, please. Preferably to a therapist.
>Artist leaves
It's bad
>Artist comes
It's bad
>Artist DOESN'T come
It's bad
>Artist is dead
It's bad
>Artist is alive
It's bad
>Artist returns
It's bad
>Artist is gone
It's bad
>Artist draws
It's bad
>Artist doesn't draw
It's bad
>Artist speaks
It's bad
>Artist is quiet
It's bad

there really is no fucking winning with you snivelling cunts
Wow where did they get it from? Toroboro has another Twitter page? please tell me
Go suck their cocks somewhere else
Heh, you're one of those cocksuckers. Go to hell
>scurries off to post fats under his shared account with Bamboo
what account would that be
have a hobby
>CG background
Does anyone have an archive of all his stuff?
Lol you guys get so invested in smut artists
I'd prefer to do that than to even glance at your """art""" for more than 5 seconds.
>>129238 ......................What a g
Oof, oh man, i gotta go run that sick burn under some cold water. 100/10. I don't know how I can ever live with myself after that slaying.
(126 KB, 600x600, 1648594604140.png)
These motherfuckers are messing with the wrong fucking schizo!
Second pic is Bambooale
Can these guys have some sense of clarity for once. The fact that Bamboo is even putting slightly bigger than average butts on the shared account as well is extremely questionable.
>>129712 Look I don't mind having a fat fetish and all, but the girl on the right and the Bamboo picture just don't vibe well with me due to the proportions.
They all look 8 feet tall at the very least. It's classic "being fat turns you into a giant" bs I'm sure that bamboo has made fun of at some point.
I wonder if that bitch on the right will get an electric shock therapy if she was to fall into the pool with her keklmao scoot.
Free healthcare, at the very least.
Haha seeing her drown would be so funny right? Go fucking kill yourself
it would be pretty funny
(630 KB, 640x464, afall.mp4)
Hahah, yes.
But don't you, shit floats sometimes.
(200 KB, 602x1012, a86.png)
Does anyone have a higher res version of this Zelda Sketch he made?
not to sound like an asshole but would anybody be able to reup the full art archive? wasn't able to catch it the first time
Interesting! Especially Kyoho. Becomes a bit of a Ship of Theseus lol.

Very late reply, but I got it from a free Patreon post for a game he worked on that was cancelled when he """quit""".
Genuine question. What do you think is in store for Toro's future in this kind of art?
Wtf are you talking about? Shit float almost everytime.
I don’t know about everyone else but I’m glad this guy found something that works for him. Even if it’s rarely or on a shared account like this I’m glad he’s still posting art in some capacity while also busy with life stuff. I just hope this one doesn’t get deleted someday.
his older stuff was so much better shaped imo
Man anyone have his frankie foster he did years back on da?
Damn i was just about to download today
Could i get a reup please?
If you can respond plss

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