
I miss DaysDays content.

Speaking of things I miss, it's not wg art but do any of y'all remember the Avatar female weight gain interactive story on Writing.com? Had Korra being secretly fattened up by Asami. Was amazingly written and then deleted. Not saved anywhere.
buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks
I don’t care if I ever cum
Yeah. DaysDays was good shit. Posted an update a few months back, then ghosted again.
God I wish people would just shut the fuck up on Twitter.
Ayo? Did we seriously get an update from Daysdays in 2022?! I remember when that dudes stuff was considered peak WG content. Good times.
I always find it curious when artists that don't even remotely draw loli, end up drawing Kanna for some reason and don't think anything of it. Plumpknight, Oda-Lee, and Dewsh Lawnde come to mind as examples. Of course, I don't mind, but it is interesting that their fine with Kanna but will draw the line at other characters.
(490 KB, 3516x2850, 2e4f7e56ecdf5f390a6b44352a09dc4d.jpg)
>>117373 (Cross-thread)
>>117382 (Cross-thread)
I didn't even know SquidBiscuit started upping the female fats; they were so rare when I first came across her.

>>117385 (Cross-thread)
>Tomboys can't be beautiful
Anon, I think you're getting reverse traps mixed up with Tomboys and even then it's just a hairstyle and a way of dressing that throws people off.

>>117389 (Cross-thread)
>Is it just me or does anybody else is kemono starting to ignore the bbw drawn community as a whole
Maybe the brunt of artists are too garbage to bother with.

>>117483 (Cross-thread)
>3 AI threads
AI wars when?

With Elon looking to actually being pushed into buying the junk heap, maybe then.

It's just hard to not want to spoil and pamper the dragon loli, she's just that adorable. I wonder how many delude themselves into thinking she's not the same age as Saikawa.

Oda-Lee did loli before Kanna was a thing.

>>117389 (Cross-thread)

It's possible that the update guys have become fed up with constant requests and bitching, so they rarely update anything wg/bbw related out of principle.
(223 KB, 1024x1366, seek_a_way_out_by_thedookus_dete09y-fullview.jpg)
Remember when TDookus made balanced body types like this that were great? Wish he'd go back to doing this more instead of favoring hips and asses so much, cause this shows he can make amazing bellies and can draw boobs too for how much he likes to shit on them.
God I wish people would just shut the fuck up about Twitter
(205 KB, 2200x1400, D9-FPYiUcAAZ8NK.jpeg) (1.9 MB, 1900x1450, out_of_rhythm_by_thedookus_ddh3rgy.png) (1.5 MB, 1850x1300, an_abundance_of_love_by_thedookus_ddb7hva.png) (1.4 MB, 1400x1465, timeline_f_by_thedookus_ddp16jh.png) (825 KB, 2000x1100, mother_s_day___motherly__thighs____by_thedookus_dd6sov8.png) (1.4 MB, 1800x1500, mar13_by_thedookus_dd22etw.png)
Hate to break it to you, but he was always in the pit of ass focused pics. That pic is one of the rare few ones he's done that is well balanced. I didn't mind it much before because his style of doing fat was more on the extra squishy/floppy(?) side of things, but his style nowadays seems more engorged and swollen which doesn't look as good to me imo, especially on bottom heavy characters. Also not a fan of the way he draws faces nowadays, but thats just me.

Pics related are examples of the average body types he would draw before. At least he made the legs look good.
This is probably cheating since not only is this dude a WG artist, he's also a furry WG artist but name me someone who's the absolute worst of this kind if thing that isn't Jimbo Husky because I don't think that possible honestly.
wow. we waited a week for this? hopefully next sun will be worth viewing. wed to get there, fri to set up, maybe sun wont suck.
The ONLY time I agree with that Roxas motherfucker, and just because I like Kanna
What's with all the lineart commissions made by Jeetdoh on his patreon? His prices are way too fucking high, 125 dollars for an actually decent drawing is a crime and he knows it
(312 KB, 516x586, Screenshot (333).png)
Every fucking time some holier-than-thou artist declares jihad on loli completely unprompted, I will always assume they're an actual child predator trying to make themselves look good.
I'd embrace their pedophilia side if I were them
Dook has literally never not drawn almost exclusively girls with massive asses, and when he doesn't its usually a commission.
Figures it would be commissions.
Who on earth is this, another artist orbiter? There's been an uptick in this kind of person being mentioned and it's gotta be our Twitter tourists doing it. Who cares?
>>117365 (Cross-thread)
>>117368 (Cross-thread)

I'm interested in imageboards and textboards generally. Heyuri, WAPchan, Autistic Paradise, you name it. Whenever I see one I check it out for a while. Most of them kinda suck, but I have my favourites.

tbh I hope those "advertisements" are just baits set up by the feds, otherwise it's fucking awful...
What’s the longest time any of y'all had to wait for a commission?
Paid 60 bucks for a 4000 words WG story at the end of August and now the fucker just ghosts me.

Fuck stuffedwaves man.

5 years and still counting from the AmericanDream
Maybe everyone's burnt out from something else or they mind all the cred the last time he posted it.
sometimes it's best to ignore complete nobodies instead of giving them attention
He's still in the right here, I don't know what you were expecting posting this again.

He might be partially in the right, but the aura of vain self-importance and arrogance make me want to send something AI-related to him purely out of spite. Like "oH nOes i cAnT tAlK tO dA GrEaTest arTist iN eXisTeNce WAAAAH" is that what he thinks people who get blocked by him feel? He's almost completely irrelevant at this point, it's just obnoxious attention seeking.
I don't see the point in complaining about AI art. My artist friends and others I see on my tl are posting about it. And for the record. I've seen more people bitching about it than i have the art itself. I get their woes. But at the same time. I doubt the people who use AI think about you as much as you do them. It’s here. Get over it and learn to move with your lives.
He's in the right for being an asshole?
I don't think anybody likes the AI, but you can't stop it. It's only going to get better and him plugging his ears and going "LALALALA" while blocking people on twitter isn't going to stop the people developing it. It's going to keep getting better and the only real discussion is "How can I remain competitive, or embrace it and use it to my advantage?"
Lmao, there is no 'remaining competetive'. It spits out works near instantly. No artist can match the output, and once it's been improved, no artist will be able to match the skill. And once it comes to the point of needing to 'embrace it', drawing will cease to be drawing, but just editing busywork. If that was what artists wanted to do, you'd see way more tracing lol. AI is the death of digital art, just accept that.
"Remain competitive"
I didn't say sheer output. That means remaining competitive, no matter what is is you have to do, whether stylistically or marketing, whatever you can do. Editing busywork included, that's why I bought a professional GIMP course

>What artists want
I honestly don't really care about what they want. The only reason they care is because it hurts/ think it hurts their bottom line. They are mostly greedy, narcissistic, and selfish, so this wll force them to actually give a shit. They don't try and raise discussion about anyone else whose going to get rendered obsolete, so why should I/we care about them?
>Hey I have serious concerns that my skill that I spent years honing and marketing so I could get a job is going to be made obsolete and I won't be able to do what I love anymore because I can't make any money in it
I bought books to learn, like a month ago, so keep trying.
(293 KB, 1242x1463, FedwljPWIAEbxHA.jpeg) (146 KB, 1080x1273, FegigF5WQAAzRYu.jpeg)
>but the aura of vain self-importance and arrogance make me want to send something AI-related to him purely out of spite.
I don't even like Bamboo but fucking get over yourself, jesus christ.

>I don't see the point in complaining about AI art
When the vast majority of the people pushing this shit are amoral vultures taking joy in stealing people's art just to bastardize it, then artists have every right to complain about them.

Please, look at ANY AI-generated artwork and tell me that it's indistinguishable from something made by a real person.

Sorry, I meant to quote your ignorant ass. You are pretending like me saying that I think forcing peoples hand somehow corelates to me being salty, when I just started
Not any now, but it's only a matter of time. There are already false accusations of using AI art being flung around. The line can only continue to blur.

You don't know who I am.
I'm drunk and I quoted the wrong post. I meant to quote. And I've been uploading AI art for like a week and have almost 1000 followers, so if anything it to me shows people dont give a shit as long as it's "cute girl with big belly"

(3.6 MB, 1280x720, AI.mp4)
(102 KB, 949x720, 8AF272E7-6B14-40E4-B08C-2EDD08653B45.jpeg)
Is it just me or has there been a huge surge of absolutely dogwater artists as of recent? Like, I get we have to start from somewhere and all that, but some of these fuckers are either basefags or just don’t know basic art principles that they could at least practice and learn before starting to post shit
Pic unrelated
any examples of said artists?
That's been the case for a long time. People overvalue their shit, you'll see people who look like theyv'e been practicing for a decade charge pennies, while someone who looks like they are in kindergarten charge a kig's ransom
So, you're complaining that people are, sharing their art publicly without meeting your rando quality standards? Bro fucking look away, block em' if it grinds your gears so bad. I get this is an inane bickering thread, but this is still pretty petty.

Most of the reason I'm defending them is because some people don't have peers to share their work with for critique, so they take to posting publicly to get that response to improve. As far as I'm concerned as long as they aren't acting like hot shit it's not a big deal.

Real shit though I do see this a bunch. Wild to see good artists undercharge to shit, while people who show no improvement charge out the ass. Definitely exhausting as hell.

Why does the artstyle remind me of fafcomics2?
there was a rumor that myfetishsituation/goshawg was, in fact, faf. I don't know anything about faf to comment. I just remember that rumor going around.
Going to Kemono Party recently has brought up a lot of artists using AI generated profile pictures, so they're trying to capitalize on what happened. Hope they flop, because fuck all of them. If any of you pay AI users anything at all, then you're trash.
I was wondering when one of the more known artists would speak up about this.

I think it's a valid complaint if the AI massively ramps up in quality, and I'd say that's a fair concern to have, but I just don't see it reaching a level to match skilled artists.

Even after it gets advanced, the user would still be at the mercy of prompts, which pails to what someone can see in their imagination and be able to create if they were skilled at drawing. Also those prompts would result in a more rigid product vs a more genuine natural one from a human.

At the moment, at least fat fetish wise, a lot of them are somewhat soulless because of how similar much of them are and lack of unique poses. Also it'll have issues with drawing kinks like burps, force feeding, and stuff like that.

I'd argue that fat artists are probably the most safe when it comes to the AI generator given how it'd be difficult for the AI to depict stuff like that.

I get the concern, but I don't think AI art will ever be able to match the creative ability of more talented artists, but it definitely sucks for those who aren't as talented and they see AI whip up something better than they can, that'd probably be really demotivating.

I guess time will tell overall at how impactful it'll be in the grand scheme of things.
(217 KB, 1920x1080, 1611659847137.jpg)
Fucking hell, that's the worst kind of vore comic. No savoring the moment or having her gain any kind of meaningful weight, just reset back to zero next panel and start all over again.

Also those backgrounds still looks like ass, he really needs to quit it with the 3D models.

It absolutely is him, either that or Faf's a separate person taking over art duties. Just look at Faf's old furry comic, it's the same style.
Oh god, what is this shit? The eyes, the anatomy, the shading, ths 3D backgrounds...
>it definitely sucks for those who aren't as talented and they see AI whip up something better than they can, that'd probably be really demotivating.
How many artists in BBW/WG community can actually draw on par with the monstrosity that is AI with its soul siphoned Frankenstein technique of every top tier artist in the east slammed together? Probably like, 5 total? Yeee sucks to not be those 5 artists lol
>Most of the reason I'm defending them is because some people don't have peers to share their work with for critique
The level of the people he's specifically talking about wouldn't need a critique to tell what was wrong and anyone capable of good critiques would only be able to tell them to go get a book or video and learn the basics and just that because there's nothing positive that can be said about the picture they posted.

>I think it's a valid complaint if the AI massively ramps up in quality, and I'd say that's a fair concern to have
Does nobody realize the retards in charge of software development? If that doesn't stunt its growth, the alphabet soup orgs will, when they force through laws to cripple it.

Maybe if it actually turns into something, it'll finally get the bastards off their lazy asses and dedicate themselves into becoming great artists.
(991 KB, 735x987, CHADren.png)
Trips on, bambo. Your shitty kiketreon doodles and kekol-ai shartations will never peosuce works that compares to Jiren the great.
>Reddit spacing
You LOVE bejita
You can already fix some of that with the image references. You can edit/draw poses and force it to generate based off of it, and with something like burping, anyone can add it in post.
Stop it with the Jiren posting, you fucking retard
(134 KB, 341x247, Morbidren The Obese.png)
>S-Stop it with the
"The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.THE INDOMITUS REX THE ALPHA OF ALPHAS THE KING OF KINGS THE LORD OF LORDS THE JUSTICIAR OF JUSTICE CHADREN THE GRAY APEXPREDATORren the MASCULINE GRIPren the CRUSHING INSURMOUNTABLEren the UNSURPASSABLE INDOMITABLEren the UNYIELDING AESTHETICren the BEAUTIFUL SWOLEren the RIPPED TANKren the RESOLUTE PHYSICALLYIMPOSINGren the INTIMIDATING GLAREren the DOMINEERING JUGGERNAUGHTren the UNSTOPPABLE DISCIPLINEDren the ENLIGHTENED ZENren the SPIRITUAL POTENTren the VIRILE ALMIGHTYren the INVINCIBLE VALORren the DAUNTLESS IMPERIOUSren the DOMINATOR INVICTUSren the ETERNAL MAELSTROMren the TITANIC QUAKEren the SPACE-TIME SHAKING COLOSSUSren the LEVIATHAN BEHEMOTHren the MASTODONIC MONSTERren the TERRIFYING LORDren the KING DEITYren the CHRIST CRIMSONren the LEGEND SUPERNOVAren the TRANSIENT RENCHAD THE JI JICHAD THE REN RENCHAD THE CHAD KINGCHAD THE LORDGRAY THE CHAD OF CHADS ENCHAD CHADREN CHADCHAD CHADCHAD CHA CHAD. ENTER CHADREN!"
I remember him from older Insane Ranting threads, which is kinda baffling to me. I guess some stupid anons really do become memorable
were you the creepy one at school?
(238 KB, 512x512, 00007-1975452798-anime stuffed belly girl.png) (258 KB, 512x512, 00011-2458868253-fat inflated belly pixar mom tight belt.png) (283 KB, 512x512, 00006-3176249844-anime stuffed belly girl.png)
You don't get "high quality artwork instantly". You get artwork with some good stuff (maybe?), and a lot of jank that needs to be reworked, either through inpainting, new prompts, different settings, or post.

As the scope of the piece increases, so does the margin of error. Even under the best circumstances damn near everything the machine spits out needs to be editted in photoshop.

The machine uses references, and so do you. (Assuming you ever actually draw at some point, instead of just Rage Against The Machine) Both humans and AI need to know what they're making before they make it.
People claiming that AI artwork is "evil" or "stealing" give off the same energy as people from the late 1800s who thought sewing machines would put the textile industry out of business. Or even old fogeys from 15 years ago who thought drawing with a digital tablet was somehow "soulless" or "cheating".

Were the pictures you provided supposed to make the dude posting his AI model come off as a mild-mannered, art enthusiast; while all of the replies came off as bitter, vitriolic, cry-bullies? Or was that just an unintended side effect?

Literally just learn how to draw hands and you'll be ahead of 90% of AI art. It also helps to not treat people like shit. lol
At least prepare for a lot of Power from Chainsaw man this season.
(302 KB, 1080x1744, FcsdlxUXwAApnl2.jpeg) (377 KB, 599x579, aitheft.png) (236 KB, 565x617, aitheft2.png) (337 KB, 533x587, aitheft3.png) (258 KB, 1070x1435, FeYH3HiWAAA7kUQ.jpeg)
Yeah no, you don't get to pull the "references" horseshit when there's been tons of accounts of AI flat out plagiarizing entire works wholesale, with AIfags even admitting to using artists themselves as part of their prompts. You aren't "training" an AI, because unlike humans AI by definition cannot create anything new. It simply takes tons of existing pieces of art and mashes them into a fucked up collage. It's google search photo bashing.

>Were the pictures you provided supposed to make the dude posting his AI model come off as a mild-mannered, art enthusiast
Only the most disgustingly dishonest shill imaginable would say shit like this, because you are fooling no one.
This completely falls apart when you realize yaoi manga is primarily consumed by straight women, who do not care for actual faggots IRL.
Tell that to the AI pajeets or eat shit.
go fuck your play station if you like ai so much
cope harder pedo
I wouldnt really call it an admission. the shit being done on twitter is just predatory. Theres a big difference in some scumbag twitter bots using img2img at 70% weight vs the shit in the threads here.
whether any of these are art is its own debate. but calling it all plagiarism inst one.
(471 KB, 512x704, garbage.png) (451 KB, 512x704, garbage2.png) (2.9 MB, 2533x3326, notgarbage.jpg)
Here are two examples of novelAI blatantly copying existing art, posted on this board (real version by @L30N10_)
(843 KB, 1441x1032, chrome_0mVXAaVjBb.png)
We all know how this shit ends
-The outage gonna die down when niggas get bored of it.
-The usual preachers that were on their soapbox aren't gonna give a shit outside of petty remarks or their usual cult members continuing to parrot the same message.
-New outrage sparks
What the fuck does “Mannish Face” mean anyway? I seen it been used as a criticism for multiple artists on this site and I have no idea what some of you guys are getting at.
>Women getting off to drawn men are attracted to men.
You're just proving his point.
A really lanky Sorceress
On an imageboard...
Youre not wrong, using someones art as direct input is obviously plagiarist, thats literally the definition. But no you found 2 counterexamples to my broad point over 100s of posts. I guess I'm owned.
People are actually taking A.I. prompt commissions...Imagine thinking you should get paid for not even making the art yourself
I only caught that one by chance, by being familiar with what it was copying. Unless you knew literally every piece of fat art fed into NovelAI, you wouldn't be able to catch every instance of direct plagiarism.
I'm simply posting it as proof that NovelAI does not strictly create unique images, and is very capable of copying existing art without the user even knowing.
>>118023 Bamboo needs to learn proportions. I can see this probably going to the edit thread.
I don't know, I think he just doesn't care or he's so messed up he finds fucked up proportions erotic.
Either way he definitely has fallen off.
(221 KB, 246x529, 122345.png)
Looks like it is a normal human body under this heavy folds of lard. He just placed the what as he want.
>NovelAI does not strictly create unique images
I never said it did, and I seriously doubt the earlier examples of plagiarism in this thread were done by mistake or thinking they werent just copying shit.
But that doesn't make them gay, moron. Nor does it translate to them wanting to see fags doing it IRL.
How convenient the obvious plagiarism examples are just products made by bad actors to you, and not an inherent issue within the system itself.
Spittin'. Everyone should absolutely realize it's gonna fade once people get tired of huffing the copium that people simply need better prompts to fix the weird issues the AI renders have.
It sounds pretty obvious, facial structure with masculine traits on a female character. This is one of the top results in my google search when I searched for "female vs male facial structure": https://design.tutsplus.com/articles/the-differences-between-male-and-female-portraits--vector-14954
Dude realized the lowest common denominator in this fetish have low standards a long time ago and are only picky about the most inane shit (i.e., obsessives with some subkink like blobs, sumo, etc.) and he's been coasting ever since.
Legs are a bit too short, the tapering of fat to the knee and below makes them look twiggy, and their general positioning feels really "off" and make them look like an afterthought. It's a shame because I love everything above the knees and decent Sorceress fats are hard to come by.
They used an image as a base and had the AI iterate on that. I literally specified as much earlier. It is, in fact, bad actors using the tools available to badly.
You have no proof for this claim.
Dude I hate AI art so much, been posting so all week. Whoever is pulling these examples seriously needs to save the text prompt and seed, along with specificly what model they used. (and anything else? Those check point files?) So the situation can be reproduced. Otherwise, yea, everyone will just say it's img2img. I'm sure the situation is super achievable, especially with a ((artist)) tag but they need to back it up. But at end of the day, we already know it's copyright theft that's well masked with slapping so many layers of theft ontop of each other. So would love to see one of these magic prompts that make it clear as day.
I dont think you know what these AI do to generate the images in question. It's in the name, diffusion. You have the option to give it an image as input to iterate on, not a requirement.
You can see the post here >>116515 (Cross-thread) , along with the filenames that show the tags. The images are posted with one other that isn't the same (that still has the same tags), why would this be the case if it was a batch made with img2img?
Again, you have no proof to label this img2img. All you have is your bias.
>But that doesn't make them gay, moron.
You know what they meant, pedant.
Yeah, you can change the poses and everything, I think these people literally just use one of the first batch that came out of the generator. and didn't even try to change shit.
Bamboo's always liked fucked up proportions, that was basically his entire output when he was Foxfire. If anything this is just a return to form now that he has an alt for it.
This is probably an inside joke I'm not getting, but foxfire is Toroboro. Bamboo and Toro are friends. Once fire stopped doing huge fats, bamboo was influenced by his new style.
(159 KB, 350x350, cf9.png)
God fucking DAMMIT, this is so fucking hard to keep track of.
(471 KB, 512x704, binge, losing controll, on stomach, hand on own stomach, princess, ginger, eating, food, horny, sweating, jewelry, fat, sweaty clothes, blush, heavy breathing, food on breasts, foo s-2293634145.png) (1.2 MB, 2085x1177, Close.PNG) (304 KB, 512x512, 00402-2293634150-binge, losing controll, on stomach, hand on own stomach, princess, ginger, eating, food, horny, sweating, jewelry, fat, sweaty c.png) (342 KB, 512x512, 00404-2293634152-binge, losing controll, on stomach, hand on own stomach, princess, ginger, eating, food, horny, sweating, jewelry, fat, sweaty c.png)
Hmm I'd then assume it is legit. It's too bad, the file name has a lot of info but the PNG meta info is scrubbed when uploaded here. With the prompts and seed from the filename I got 2 results on first try that had gotten the same seeweed food thing in her mouth. If anyone gets a really good look alike save all the configs you made to gen it. The courts will be needing plenty of good examples if they don't have enough already.

Look at her left leg in the first pic lmao
And to add, hair color, pose, hair shape is all the same on this seed with the truncated prompt. 99% chance this is legit and the AI happily spits out a 95% replica image to someone else's work when not even referencing that artists' name in the prompt. How does this work for the "you use references too!" - what human can duplicate something to this degree and not get laughed out of the room for tracing and/or sued into oblivion? It's copyright theft and now we have a named damaged party among thousands to be determined. Anyone thinking this will just die down is clowning themselves.
If you want to screen-cap every motherfucker using IMG2IMG at 0.1 diffusion strength then you do you, boo.

The person you're responding to is using a text prompt: without an image reference, and no artist's name in the prompt. Who specifically is being stolen from in this instance? Who is the rightful owner of the images generated in their batch?
AI art is pretty cool.
YOU'RE pretty cool. >:(
It doesn't help that they lean into the confusion by sharing accounts and OCs.
Cakecatboy is the worst. Why does she have any fallowers with this shitty shota spam? All her 70k fallowers are waiting for a normal bbw art?
Something I hate about this board is the double standard of how people treat those who like USBBW and Immobiles and the people who like lighter BBWs and Chubby sizes. The former group gets a lot of shit for what they like, while no one says anything against the latter group, even though they're the ones who whine more.
Keep seeing this schizopost come up a bunch recently, why do people think Foxfire/Toroboro and Bamboo are the same person? They're clearly two different people and previously had two distinct styles, they're just buttbuddies is all. You can still see some of the minor stylistic differences between them in their content on their buttbuddy twitter, it's just much harder to discern.
Blobfags rightfully get a lot of shit because they encroach on "regular" fat art by constantly whinging about how nothing caters to their subset of the fetish despite a constant stream of immobile content AND how "regular" fat art should be fatter to match their tastes. That shit makes up a quarter of the content in the BWS thread alone. Gott strafe blobfags.
>That shit makes up a quarter of the content in the BWS thread alone.
Until BWS begins to refuse to draw blobs, then I think it's fair for those people to want that from him. Your argument does work however for other artists who do refuse to draw blobs.
(38 KB, 592x443, 1660120184132424.jpg)
No, that bucket with screws does not use references the way humans do.
>feed that shitbox completed works of the different artists
>it mashes it loosely following the prompt
>omg it can draw!1
It's humans who can, while all you have in your disposal is a glorified google search.
Funny proportions?
Because they draw girls with the same set of mass-gabarite specs. Bamboosingularity of sketchy-esque paintlerly style with some gloss as a neat bonus.
>Number go up?
Sigh. They really don't know of any self-restraint.
(923 KB, 1125x1575, one_serving_choice__page_223_by_kipteitei_dffdq3h.jpg)
called it. maybe well see tessa working out by sun. this makes no sense btw. we had ten pages setting up for class, saiya didn't have her homework, class ended, tessa is in the corner modeling her fat gut and saiya approaches her to ask about working out. this makes no sense whatsoever and I'm expecting aika to come ask saiya to church because saiya is clearly demonically possessed.
Damn 223 pages in and finally the two main characters are on normal talking terms with each other. It's been quite the unnecessary journey, but Kip was able to get here by short cutting pass any scenes you'd expect to have happened in the middle to get Tessa to the size she is now.
Don't jinx it don't jinx it don't jinx-
jinx what? were about to get a few more pages of talking at the very least. I'm expecting aika to waddle in and ask saiya to go to church at the very least.
>Until BWS begins to refuse to draw blobs, then I think it's fair for those people to want that from him.
The argument isn't about BWS's content, it's about the incessant begging and whinging from blobfags, you imbecile. Arguments don't "stop" working because you tried to move the goalposts. Also what >>118170 typed, the BWS thread is a porn police state: if the jannies don't clean it up, BWS's obsessive autistic buddy will start causing a shitstorm in the thread.
(658 KB, 1024x1468, 23998686_p0.jpg)

The fuck are you talking about, lighter than BBW is the most vilified of all the groups. The only real shit immobile gets is from people lumping in slob when they make their pictures and at least for me, there's too much compared to the lighter stuff.

The fuck is "whinging"?
(1.1 MB, 2000x1400, dfdojuc-ee465b3d-e7ba-40a0-b81a-6e1f3b061ff8.png)
>The only real shit immobile gets is from people lumping in slob when they make their pictures
That's something I'll agree with giving them shit for, Slob brings Immobile art down significantly. After using this site for over 2 years now, I notice people are quick to jump on people saying something like "make her fatter!" even if it's something the artist is willing to do.

>at least for me, there's too much compared to the lighter stuff.
For me, that depends on the character or artist. I'll give them shit if they're talking about an artist who either does them very often, or refuses to do them at all. As for characters, one example is that I see people bitch about Shantae a lot for not getting enough chubby or BBW art even though she gets more then plenty.

>The fuck is "whinging"?
Think they put in an extra "g" by accident.
>Think they put in an extra "g" by accident
They did it in their last two comments.
Yes, literally a girl, dipshit.
>The BWS thread is a porn police state
It's not just the BWS thread dude
What's up with all of these moralfags simping for copyright law when it comes to AI art? This is a website dedicated to sharing paywalled content for free.
I'm pointing out why people are ignoring any bullshit she pulls.

They feel threatened for their favorite artist.
Yes, whinge is a word. It basically means whine. It's probably just a non-american thing, cos I've heard it used all the time.
Looked it up, it's a German word.
Dang. I've noticed this happen to a lot of people's twitter accounts. Good thing I archived almost all of his good stuff a few months ago. I guess this is what redrawing 50 sprites over and over again for all eternity does to a man
>I guess this is what redrawing 50 sprites over and over again for all eternity does to a man
Are you referring to Forks or that new one?
He nuked his Patreon too.

And has been pretty much silent on his Discord.
(163 KB, 511x356, Untitled.png)
they should make it a rule to not post AI shit outside of its respective threads, this shit is worthless
Cakecatboy started with a very nice fanart. Now is no reason to fallow her, it will be only the shota garbage and shitty OCs. Better if she just continue to draw fanarts.
Every day I miss Pyxxl more and more
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In latest AI Thievery news, some cunt grabbed a screenshot of an artist streaming a drawing. Used img2img to 'complete' it and posted it sooner than the original artist did. Now they are claiming the original artist referenced their AI Art. Remember, there is definitely no injured parties or copyright theft occurring with the use of AI Art. There is no reason for real artists to be upset. They need to adapt or whatever.
I too look forward to the impending forced retirement of all the artist's whose art I enjoy and there only existing AI art. We don't need any morals and we don't need real artists that can feed themselves from their work.
He nuked his Patreon ages ago.
The new one AKA Magical Aria. They put a demo out and from what I heard the art was hands down the best part, but now they're redoing it all because they did the art too early and they went with a location and setting that they don't want to write for anymore. I know Toro wants to do paid work and all that, but I feel kind of bad that he's been forced to work on two seperate visual novels for a guy who's too busy to even be doing this stuff in the first place. The programmer's got a wife and kid now and has barely enough time as it is to work on one game, but now all of a sudden he decides to start another one that's even more ambitious. Like, what are you doing my guy.
I saw one guy suggest that they don't even remotely try and touch the art until everything else is done, and then update the art as part of a patch or something, which is something that I would vastly prefer over to the recent stunts that have been pulled, like waiting for a new update to posted 6 months later than they said they were going to. Stuff like this just makes me want to make my own game and release it into the world so other people don't have to deal with every fetish game in existence being in Dev Hell.
I genuinely wonder what went wrong in this person's life to bring them to this point. When artists can't even do literally anything in peace without getting stolen from or doxxed, then it's no wonder why more and more people are less motivated nowadays.
Just at a guess, the dickhead AI artist probably doesn't have much else going on in their life, and so that's where the desire comes to undercut someone else's hard work. If you can't improve yourself, then just cut someone else down and that's enough to sooth their internal self-hatred. You can tell the AI artist is someone who wants to receive adulation and praise, that's why they said they've only started drawing a week ago and why they didn't have any training (to prompt people to praise them on their skill), and then why also they tried to set the actual artist up as the one in the wrong, trying to manufacture moral superiority over them and receive people's sympathy for having 'their' art stolen.
The thief got called out almost immediately and his reputation is in the trash. Even the "I did it first!" shit won't work because the original artist was streaming it, meaning there is literal video evidence of him drawing it. If there's a vod/archive of the stream, that just further proves the drawing was started before the other guy stole it.
Don't get me wrong, this is one of the absolute scummiest things a person could pull and I can't speak for how the OG artist feels, but I don't understand why people want to throw in the towel because of this. I'm an artist who wanted to "make it" but gave up on that dream because of an extreme lack of skill and confidence that I still struggle with to this very day, but I also know I can't be replaced by AI. If you love art for the sake of art, AI is no reason to give up. If you want to make a living off of art, you should understand that the grind is real and there is more to art than having a finished product. If you already make a living off of art, you are doing something very specific that people want to pay you for and you should be comfortable in the knowledge that you can't be replaced by a machine even if it's fed all of your other works as reference.
Yes, AI art is going to make things harder and more annoying in some aspects, and it's going to feel really shitty when people just copy off of all your hard work and skill, but I don't understand how this is making people want to quit when there's already so much hardship and struggle that comes with being an artist, professional or not.
(489 KB, 512x512, 00005-1045384941-A top-down view of a stick laying in a field of grass.png)
Again, you are blaming the program for the behaviour of a malicious 3rd party. People have been doing this for years: right click -> save as -> shitty Photoshop filter -> "I drew this myself". Should we ban Photoshop too? In fact, saving images is by far the largest contributing factor to online art theft. How about we ban saving?

This is not a problem with AI; if anything this is a social media problem. Also, you still haven't answered my question: >>118085
Don't you know that Englisch is a germanic language, despite being heavily cut by frenchoids?
It's not Forks by this point, it is a goddamned harpoon.
AI art worth equals to the electricity spent on generating it.
Fucking pajeets, I swear.
Not real, wake up. It's not intelligent in any way, shape or form. Especially if it's made by a pajeet.
I predict bamboo getting back into drawing blob sizes since AI are about 90% there with producing art indistinguishable from his current samey smaller stuff already.

With AI being able to copy artists who pump out the same stuff over and over again, it might make some artists less complacent and get them to do stuff besides their same winning formula over and over when a machine can do that quicker and cheaper than they can.
>twitter users
Don't mistake threads getting 404'd off the board for actual janny action, the jannys are actually pretty good otherwise and just enforce the most blatant "do not" rules. Don't tell that one sperg though, he'll start rattling off every minor guideline infraction on the board and scream about them not doing their job.
In all honesty, not a whole lot was lost since he came back.
Doubt he'd go back with any kind of willingness, dude's damaged goods. It'd be funny if someone took his modern output and ran it through the AI generator, could make an entire gimmick posting generated images of his modern content with randomly chosen or generated video game locations. People probably wouldn't notice a difference.
>Surge in blobs because the AI can't do them
So as I understand, people dont like Bamboo because he stop drawing bellies? And as I remember he tried to leave fat art or something but thats all?
No, people hated him long before he stopped doing that because he's just a massive asshole in general. He acted like a cunt with contempt for his own audience, making fun of them and even other artists before having a meltdown and deciding to fuck off to another audience.

It's understandable to want to appeal more to the mainstream, but he burned a lot of bridges in the process.
Bamboo became a goofy asshole during his blob days, with weird shitpost attacks on other artists and seeming all coked up and frantic. Then he deleted his deviantart without warning to go all in on twitter, and tries to pretend he never drew blob and never acted crazy. Then he just kept making technically skilled but boring as fuck big butt skinny chicks for twitter numbers, while hiding his blob art on Patreon, without explaining that's what you'd get if you joined. He doesn't go around being as weird and salty now, mostly posting nothing except art but every million years he posts some preachy self righteous stuff that just seems hypocritical considering how he used to act himself and how he just tries to bury that rather than actually admit or apologize. With how scrubbed and dull his online persona got, and how zero personality and imagination his art got, he seems like somebody who lobotomized himself instead of actually getting his head straight.
Call me whatever, but I get the vibe that Bamboo & Toroboro aare/were/have been as displeased with making fat art as Cozy is.
They just don't turn their dislike into a hoopla every other week.
(370 KB, 512x512, 00028-2301975075-A pair of DnD dice on a wooden table.png)
I wouldn't say it's simping for copyright law, seems more akin to just misunderstanding it. Maybe intentionally. Putting someone's name in a prompt does not mean they own whatever gets generated. That's Daddy Derek levels of copyright ineptitude. It's like asking an artist to give you "something picasso".

For what it's worth: I do have sympathy for artists that are concerned about the future of their careers. I don't have sympathy for twitter crybabies acting like everyone who downloads Stable Diffusion is some kind of criminal.

Now tell me: who did I steal from to generate these dice?
Most of the theft accusations I've personally seen have been targeted towards the people making the training models for the various AI, and the anger at people generating AI has been more towards people claiming they are artists because they typed in some keywords

That being said, theoretically these AI programs could actually keep track of which parts of their training models are used in whatever is generated. All the images are tagged with various keywords and can be kept track of when they are used in the generation of a new image, so I mean in that respect if the people maintaining these programs felt like it, they could actually let you specifically know what was used and then who made them could be figured out if it's not already a tag tied to the various images

Like these AI dont "learn" the concept of dice and then make new ones on their own, they take a bunch of examples and with image processing they look for general patterns and try to recreate said patterns while blending elements from the examples together, every time a new one is generated some subset of examples tagged with those keywords is being referenced directly in some way
Lotta art that gets posted here, is worthless.
Don't worry, he'll be back.
Those VNs he was working on might not be though.
They were both just announced to have been cancelled.

What a waste of talent.
Start archiving anything of Bamboo's.
After this, I'll be genuinely surprised if he's still putting out fetish content by the end of the year.
Even without Toro retiring those VNs were never going to get made anyway, both projects were mismanaged as fuck because of the writer/director.
>and betraying that is not in my DNA
says the dude who canceled his Patreon as Foxfire while he still had ongoing obligations.
Imagine the one that supported the Aria how much they got screwed, giving their money to ultimately something that will never happen
I think Bamboo is on a fast track to having a blowup and deleting everything. You can see him getting really worked up about AI art, and seeing what other people have said he's done in the past, I think soon enough he'll just delete everything in a kind of self sacrificial take that to AI art that really means they've beaten him.
Lmao really I haven't checked up on him in a while, but I don't why he'd get so assmad over computer art, lol. Guess I'll archive his twitter shit
I never really understood it anyways - what was the point of doing 2 games at the same time? I'd be worried Aria was going to get sidelined by a third game lmao.
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>Piffledoodle retweeted some shit crying about people finding the new vtuber Pokemon girl hot
As much as I'm tired about loli bitching I can at least get why people are off put by it, the shit that baffles me is when there's no confirmed age and the character doesn't even look particularly young so how the fuck is it pedophilia to be attracted to Lolo. The world would be a better place if people just didn't care about shit like this.
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kip lives to waste paper. poor trees. can we just cut to the workout already instead of this horrible excuse for a plot?
He won't do that, for the reasons obvious enough.
His free comics are a lure to get his traffic onto patreon and monetize it.
His comics are trash, his art is mediocre, his writing is abominable, and YET there are still people left chomping zealously on that shit.

He should do everyone a favor and stop making that laughable "art".
I'm curious, how many panels with bare bellies and boobs there are in this comic? What a load of horseshit, it's fucking trash and disgusting mess of crap. A few sexual themes, Bollywood tier camera movements, fucking TEXT BUBBLES everywhere.
I'm tired of this.
(215 KB, 1280x1076, one serving per golem.jpg)
>b-but it's FREE!
>I'm heckin' lovin' these slow burn storierinos!
>it's a QUALITY product
>if it's bad, w-why just not look at it
>please offer CONSTRUCTIVE critique
>I like my weight gain with a slight buildup
>I love facial expressions Kip uses
>I'm curious, how many panels with bare bellies and boobs there are in this comic
honestly? id say five. ill say that we have about two pages, tops, if you put all of them together.
What possessed you to make this horrid image
>b-but it's FREE!
Truly the one positive, brother
If this were a print subscription like the ol' days, I'd be royally pissed
/qa/ niggers and soybooru users are mentally ill
>Like these AI dont "learn" the concept of dice and then make new ones on their own, they take a bunch of examples and with image processing they look for general patterns and try to recreate said patterns while blending elements from the examples together
StableDiffusion takes an image of random noise and iteratively denoises it according to its understanding of the text prompt. The model is trained on a huge number of images, yes, but once training is done it's only a few GB of data. It's impossible for it to contain even a fraction of the images used to train it, which means it can't be said to directly reference any specific image.

For img2img generation, there is a more clear cut copyright argument, but skilled users can often get very specific things by using img2img on other AI images, or on their own sketches, and never have to use any copyrighted material.
It sounds like you're making an argument for why a compressed image does not directly reference the image it'll decompress into, considering the compressed version is a fraction of the size. When the magical algorithm decompresses itself into a copyright infringement of a Disney IP and an AI artist slaps their name on it for sale, GG. Their argument will be every single thing the model spits out is influenced in some fraction of a part by their IP as input so anything it ever created is an infringement.
How is Kozyfuckovich?
He hasn't posted since the back to back meltdowns. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised is the major backlash for both events means we won't see him for a while.
Show me an image compression algorithm with 10,000% efficiency
Protip: you can't because it's physically impossible
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Defending the republics of dumbass.
Also, kipfags should rope.
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So I've discovered the pivk00 guy, and he looks like a weird mix between bambooale and belt-buster.
Extremely weird.
I'm honestly wondering if he got conscripted.
Account's been inactive, so I'm hoping he found a way out of FA art. I know he made an Instagram account for his more professional art.

Nothing more cucked than someone who won't side with their country
Think a fucker being born in Russia means they need to kill and die in a war they don't believe in? That's not loyalty, that's giving up all personal belief and responsibility and wasting your life doing something awful just because someone you've never met says so. If you're gonna be that much of a pathetic whimpering "whatever you say sir" sub, at least choose a better Dom to be stepped on than goddamn Vladamir Putin.
30个社会信用已存入您的账户! 干得好猪狗!
>>117591 (OP)
Should these kinds of threads be on other boards?
Other boards have this kind of thread too, though much less active. Mod also doesn't want negativity on artist threads.
Are you new here or are you that profoundly dumb twitterbitch who keeps whining about these threads?
(392 KB, 598x628, 1647143443805.png)
How about killing and dying in a war because NATO broke an agreement not to expand to Russia's border and because the assholes currently in charge decide to print off billions to give to a place they were all saying had a nazi and corruption problem just a couple years ago in a war everyone knows they can't win, in spite of your own that has had crippling inflation from said constant printing of money among other things which is making it impossible for people to live; to die in a war because the establishment has alluded to their desire for WWIII as far back as Hillary's run for president, and that's why they all refuse to find some kind of middle ground and continue to exacerbate the situation and try to shut up anyone attempting to quell the sitiuation.
you need to get your info from places other than far right conspiracy chats my dude. I'm not even going to waste my time refuting all the stupid points you made, everyone can see that they're wrong and you're an idiot lol
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eVerYtHinG i dOnT aGrEE wItH iS a fAr rIgHt nOtZie hUwHitE sUpREmAcy fIsCiSt cOnsPiRaCy thEoRy!!!111 Aaa, a classic clown moment. No attempts at making any actual counter arguments (which you have none), just name calling and baseless assumptions.

Oh, that's right, completely forgot about this genius argument - you're a pro-russian far right nazi, unless you vehemently support the UN, NATO and Ukraine. Very brave of you to support the current thing.
What is it with gollygeo constantly schizo posting about “Ooh I want to be a lardass”
I hate autogynephiles so much
...as opposed to supporting opposite of current thing?
I'm starting to speculate that Gollygeo's supposed GF might be that amateur model, Lewdoole, and a part of why she hasn't been posting much.
Blind nationalism is something the far right is very fond of so
Wouldn't it be a good idea to keep notes on who is against underage yet is more than willing to retweet or like art of Rebecca from Cyberpunk? That would a good topic for this thread to follow, I'd think. TheAmericanDream is against underage yet they just liked a piece from Rebecca not even 12 hours ago, at this time.
The underage thing is bullshit, I've sen plenty of them post underage characters but claim they are against it. It's generally "I don't do underage unless it's a character I like"
Rebecca is an adult woman, and only petite though. The loli thing was a mistranslation/media sensationalism.
Yeah, but that doesn't matter. It absolutely was sensationalism, I'll give you that; but they'd say what you just said was "an excuse" in any other situation, so that makes no sense to give them that benefit of the doubt.
Keep coping, she's a loli.
>that would be a good topic for this thread to follow, I'd think
What exactly would you even do with your "list"? Put it in your book of grudges and circlejerk over it?
Official sources say Rebecca is "around 20" so the whole "she's underage, gotcha!! >:))))" aspect is immediately thrown out the window.
Why are you so pressed? Again, that DOESN'T MATTER. Official sources also say Kanna from Dragon Maid is 100s of years old, but you sure as fuck see people giving shit to others who draw her, and it doesn't matter if you say "the way she acts" the fact stands she looks similar to how Rebecca does, so it makes no sense why people selectively give a damn. Are you unaware of what thread you're in, also?
Legal loli is a thing my guy
Yeah as much as this discourse and antis annoy me, keeping a "list" of this is fucking cringe. Just ignore and don't support artists who pull that kind of bullshit if you have to.
Kanna and Rebecca look nothing alike in terms of figure, are you blind or retarded?
Lmao, why so angry? Forgot your meds?
>the fact stands Kanna looks similar to Rebecca
There are over 35k eye doctors in the US, I suggest seeing one
>Are you unaware of what thread you're in, also?
With my keen eyesight, I can see that this is the bitching thread; you're bitchin, and I'm bitchin back at ya
>Rebecca is an adult woman, and only petite though
literally the same argument people give for the 1000 year old vampire loli: "she's an adult but just petite" and to which the usual response is "doesn't matter, she looks like a child". So which is it? are 1000 year old lolis adult women or is Rebecca a loli?
With the 1000 year old vampire trope, it's literally flavor text fluff attached to objectively loli characters. In the case of Rebecca she is literally an adult woman, just small. I've seen women like this irl. For the record I don't care if people draw or like loli. I'm just autistic about people getting their terminology wrong.
> For the record I don't care if people draw or like loli
same, but I dislike that some people play this double standard game.
>Rebecca she is literally an adult woman
That's fine, but I don't think that has any bearing on if she's a loli or not. I would define loli as a body type not an age
>the 1000 year old vampire trope
this feels like just moving the goal post by saying "it's just a trope". Ok fine, I'll play along. How about other loli characters that are within normal human ages? Konata Izumi and Futaba Igarashi come to mind. They have the same body types as the loli trope characters but are just 18 and 22 respectively. Would you say they are lolis?
(149 KB, 960x823, media_FIspJtoaQAI70FX.jpg)
Rebecca is over 18.

Rebecca is a woman but is also a loli.

>Official sources also say Kanna from Dragon Maid is 100s of years old
Link, I was reading the mango and it said Kanna was the same age as Saikawa, while Tohru is 16 which is the same age as Iruru.
It's been a while since I watched either season of Dragon Maid so correct me if I'm wrong here but I think it was either implied or outright stated early on that all dragons are hundreds or thousands of years old and age much more slowly than humans so Kanna would be a kid in dragon years and Tohru and Ilulu would be older teens or young adults.
It was stated that Kanna has technically lived longer than Kobayashi. Despite this, she is still a kid as far as Dragons though. This does raise a question on whether or not Kanna will still be an obvious kid when Saikawa and the rest of the class reach middle/highschool, however considering how strong Dragon Magic is, as well as how some dragons can even completely manipulate how their human forms look (Ie, Ilulu shrinking her boobs, because apparently they'd somehow be bigger if she didn't conceal them) then it is entirely possible for Kanna to potentially change her appearance as her classmates get older and she herself mentally matures by getting a human education. And yes, I'm putting this much thought into a hypothetical that will ultimately probably not happen because why would they un-loli the lolis.
Rebecca dont even looks like a loli.
I've been thinking about this but honestly remembering how the Jeet shit went down makes me not want to do it. People having inconsistent standards on ages/appearances for fictional characters is still better than starting up another Twitter mob art purge. I'd rather edge people toward openly admitting this >>118876 and making it more about personal comfort than just making more shit off limits for no reason.
It seems unhinged to obsess so much over these people that you stalk their likes and chronicle even the hour they do something and want there to be a group effort to chronicle it. It doesn't fucking matter, Jesus. What are you even going to do with this information? Just keep being mad about it? Why? I won't say cope because TheAmericanDream's likes tab isn't something you should care enough about to even need coping.
Why are there suddenly standards in this thread?
>Official sources say Rebecca is "around 20"
[Citation Needed]
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Awful lotta shit have characters age to a mature state before father time fucks off.

>It was stated that Kanna has technically lived longer than Kobayashi
When? Give me some actual proof.

>Ie, Ilulu shrinking her boobs, because apparently they'd somehow be bigger if she didn't conceal them
Yes, they can alter their appearance like pic related but that wasn't magic or concealment, that was tied to her emotional state.

>mentally matures by getting a human education
A school education has nothing to do with maturity.

Only way the Japs ever put lolis into western IPs now.
The absolute desperation of lolifags to normalize their tastes and root out "hypocrisy" of their detractors really is something to behold.

Just admit you like jerking it to fictional children and move on. If you truly believed there was no issue with it you wouldn't constantly be seething about this.
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On another note, Is it me or is bws at his worst when he does blob/ssbbw art? His proportions go out of wack and the body type is just not satisfying to look at. Then again, immobile/ssbbw in general is just not my cup of tea.
Don't know, but I'm not a fan. Noticed he keeps adding it lately.
Nah you’re definitely right, BWS is at his best when drawing chubby/bbw, his proportions are on point there. Him drawing blobs just looks comical most of the time, but I guess blobfags will take whatever they can get

Speaking of, I dropped my pledge to him after he posted hyperfats in July, even admitting himself that he had gone too far, but everyone in the comments was egging him on to do more, so I figured the slippery slope was already progressing
(38 KB, 720x225, Screenshot_20221016-113520~2.png)
Oh, so you're this asshole. When he said that he'd gone too far, he followed up an said that doing so wasn't a bad thing.

>SSBBW and Immobiles aren't my preference so I'll bitch about his proportions.
You shot yourself in the foot by stating your bias. Damns all of your possible credibility.
The absolute desperation of twittertroons to normalize their tastes and root out "hypocrisy" of their detractors really is something to behold. Just admit you like grooming actual children and move on. If you truly believed there was no issue with it you wouldn't constantly be seething about this.
I'm not a bws aficionado but I think in the second and third drawing the boobs overshadow the belly way too much, not really respecting the size of the latter and making the belly seem almost flat like it has no dimensions. The last one is much better at demonstrating the size and shape of the gut and the boobs lay on them
You really fell ass backwards into this one huh?
You really fell ass backwards into this one huh?
>"Lolifags are incredibly oversensitive and project their insecurities onto anyone who rightfully believes they want to fuck fictional children"

You got me bro. You definitely seem sane.
>you're angry at people saying there's a moral dilemma with something you enjoy so that means you also think there's a moral dilemma with it
Having a hard time following your line of logic here, chief
(187 KB, 535x342, 321.png)
Anon, the issue is that Twitter is literally seething about lolishit 24/7 for the sake of clout. It has been proven time and time again that none of these vapid faggots care about actual children, hell a good chunk of them are either actual predators, or are complete dopes that would fall for catfishing accounts using photos of minors. It's annoying as shit for artists to constantly grandstand, using their goddamn fetish accounts to pretend they do and circlejerk about how oh so morally righteous they are.

If artists simply didn't draw loli out of preference, made it clear once and stopped talking about it, nobody here would complain. But no, we have to hear about this shit every other day because Twitter rewards making every little fucking thing a retarded tribalism spectacle.
Call dem mods, we've got another raid in the source thread.
Why plural, it's been just one dude who got clowned on for being cringe
>What is a potbelly
Please look at real women, I beg of you.
RAID ALERT!!! A sus thread and a sus post in the sauce thread, call upon the moders!
I want to believe its an attempt at lighting on this obvious gut but I could be wrong. besides that glaring issue he didn't do so bad drawing her from the front. I have no idea why saiya is even there in an oversized shirt but whatever. shell pass out from blood loss once tessa starts jiggling everywhere.
Real women don't have bellies that literally stick upwards. This just looks awful
Is it any worse than any other artists who try and draw these sizes? Where the legs are obviously detached and the rolls make no sense? I think BWS while not great at these sizes is better than most. Based on the end of your comment I think it's more just that you don't like these sizes.
RounderSofter is amazing with these sizes. Completely shits on BWS.
>I view Roundersofter as a better artist than BWS
i agree, unironically. i prefer his style over BWS
the zero-gravity fat roll
Seconded, he's easily my favorite artists for larger sizes
I can see why, honestly they're about the same level on difference is that Roundersofter is criminally underrated on this board, to they point there isn't even a thread dedicated to his art, I doubt anyone here even realized he just finished what I consider a pretty great comic.
He's good all around, I really like his blob immobile level stuff, but its a preference of taste usually people who don't like it will criticize it more harshly than his other stuff, even though its about on par with the rest of his drawings
good for you for instantly shooting down my point because of that?
Ok fine but that's all personal taste, you can't say BWS's big stuff has bad proportions and is overly cartoonish and then point to RS and say they're better.
>Ok fine but that's all personal taste, you can't say BWS's big stuff has bad proportions and is overly cartoonish
Neither of them said either of those things. Why are you trying to put words in people's mouths?
(920 KB, 2234x1420, Oneshots.jpg)
>Twitter shartists status? MIND TO THE FUCKING BRROOOKEN!
RounderSofter is great but you can tell when he really doesn't give a shit about the subject he's drawing and the quality dips. That being said, as a huge FEfag, I really enjoy his work regardless.
Those are the main criticisms that have been brought up against BWS's bigger drawings earlier in the thread, didn't really bother to see if it was the same people though so fair enough.
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>but you can tell when he really doesn't give a shit about the subject he's drawing and the quality dips.
Yeah, I noticed that with this Arezu he did earlier this year. He went back to update her after someone pointed out things for him to do, but even after the update, I still think she's the weakest of the Patreon Poll Winners he's done so far. Looks like he gave up on her part way in.

>That being said, as a huge FEfag, I really enjoy his work regardless.
He likes Fire Emblem a lot too, and his art shows that he does. Plenty of his best works are of Fire Emblem characters.
Really didn't say anything about BWS, he's great too but I specifically like RS more because he doesn't limit himself to "realism"

RS doing FE is a huge part of the appeal for me too, especially since he does characters from the older games pretty commonly though that might go more on the people that comm him
i think you could argue this in some respects but you're really not doing yourself any favors with those particular examples
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I think he meant the fold over the potbelly that makes it looks like something is pushing into said potbelly.
There are no victims in lolicon
That seems too convenient for you to say "they look like shit" without explaining why that is and then immediately think the opposite of what I thought wasn't good while also not explaining your reasoning for that either. I smell a troll.
Am I the only person who thought toro and bambooale were the same person for a split second? They both have this style where they focus too much on the ass and thighs and end up making good but somewhat disproportianate art.
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Jesus christ, anastimafilia is becoming the new saxxon in terms of how much fucking useless and repetitive piece of text he puts in his art. I wanted to die after the first sentences.
Go to the eye doctor.

You might be legally blind.
Man, I sure love how the mods still haven't deleted the "squeak squeak" thread that shouldn't even be there.
Just report it and if that don't work let it get buried under all the other threads and pray that no dumbasses bump it up.
Another deflection. Let's play a little logic game, shall we?

If you jerk off to drawn images of fat girls, you've got a fat fetish. If you jerk off to drawn images of girls' feet, you're a foot fetishist.
Therefore, if you jerk off to drawn images of children, you're a pedophile.

Like the other guy said, if you truly and honestly believed there was no issue with that, you wouldn't feel such a desperate need to justify yourself. But you do, so here we are.
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>>119150 If you love shooting games you're a crazed shooter. If you love hot dogs it's the only food you eat. Anyways remember common sense does not exist anymore and you are what you like, so when you're brain tells you that setting yourself on fire is a retarded idea ignore it because you think the Human Torch is fucking cool. Great logic
your brain should have told you making this post was a retarded idea
> I don't why he'd get so assmad over computer art
Because his art is easily reproduced by AI. He's the fat bitch equivalent of digital fantasy landscape art.
Is this your first time here? There are a fuck ton of 2d fat fetishists that would not fuck a fat chick, and most ntrfags would absolutely hate to get cucked irl. The stuff you jerk off to does not always equate to something you would do irl.
I wouldn't say RounderSofter is bad but his coloring and shading most of the time isn't very good which makes a lot of his work look a bit lifeless (mainly talking about skin here). His anatomy is also a lot worse than BWS too honestly, especially with non-blob sizes. And again, I don't want to shit on the guy but they aren't even close to be on the same league because of what BWS does at a technical level.
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Nah they're right.
Anyways I was thinking about jumping across high buildings in my superman costume this halloween any thoughts?
>how long
For me it is around 15-30 min if it is not a complicated cell shaded art because if you know anatomy, it is just a mechanical stuff. You need to do a construction, basic bones, etc. Need a 6+ hours for a realistic detailed render.
>If you love shooting games you're a crazed shooter.
False equivalence. In order to be a crazed shooter, you have to have shot someone. You're comparing direct actions to experiencing attraction, which does not require a direct action.
By your logic, half this board couldn't say they're straight by virtue of never having fucked a woman.
2-3 hours if its a render. sequences take way longer but baseline its 2 hours
Man that's a name I haven't heard of in a long time. I liked his stuff. A shame he nuked half his gallery before ghosting. It's funny, he was making that comic and in the description of the latest page he joked he'd get it done before the start of 2018 and now it's been 5 almost 6 years since then
Having an unfinished comic was a trend among popular fat artist at one time. MetalForever had Stuffing Sena, it only took him 5 years to draw 10 pages lmao. Kip had BWS on hiatus for a long time, Pixiveo has The Kitsushi on hold since 2015 and DaysDays/NanoCarbs has Long Distance.

Given how both BWS and Stuffing Sena ended, I wouldn't hold my breath for Long Distance if I were you.
I'm not, I'm just saying the timing is funny to me
I'm not interested in policing people's thoughts. If you want to feel victimized by a drawing of a fictional character, be my guest.
>>119187 Nigga that's literally your fucking logic
The funny thing though, anon, is that experiencing the desire to do something morally reprehensible is neither unusual nor worthy of damnation provided that you don't actually fucking do it. Thinking it'd be thrilling to shoplift, or wishing you could kill your asshole boss, etc.

In a nearer vein, an absurd number of people have a rape fetish, like, that's consistently polled to be one of the most common paraphilia, and yet rapefags don't experience a millionth of the vitriol lolifags get because of this perpetuated virtue-signaling meme that's grown in popularity over the years. It is absolutely not a false equivalence to compare this to the "violence in video games" media schtick, because there is simply nothing morally wrong with fantasizing about doing something morally wrong. You don't have to find it tasteful, but trying to actually police it is just being a cunt, because it harms nothing and no one but your squishy virgin eyes.
except there are a shitload of people who are exclusively attracted to fat women in drawings but not in real life, so...
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Bitch, your actions are literally all that matters at the end of the day. Having thoughts and impulses is nowhere near the same as actually ACTING on those thoughts and impulses, and only a lunatic would argue that fantasy = reality.
Genuinely confused as to why? I know fetishes aren't exactly logical, but if you have the capacity to enjoy mainstream things, why would you waste your time looking at this shit? Unless there's some sort of asexual " I get off but have no interest in lust/romance" angle. Just trying to make sense of the world.
Probably because idealized artistic depictions of fat women do not like the ones in real life.

{spoiler]similar to how lolis don't look like actual kids[/spoiler]

They're probably the same people who only like drawings where their arms and faces are still thin so the rest of us are just stuck with 1,000,000,000,000 copies of that.
>if you have the capacity to enjoy mainsteam things.
this isn't a requirement people can just enjoy things in general it doesn't always have to be whatever the "cool group" is into. Also some people are just socially inept and this a form of escapism for them.
Could just be cute like a chubby pet or baby; could just find the changes entertaining. It's insane how few people in fats aren't stuck thinking in black and white.

>They're probably the same people who only like drawings where their arms and faces are still thin so the rest of us are just stuck with 1,000,000,000,000 copies of that
That was the artists and nobody else.
You know it's bad when you're getting WORSE than Saxxon, even he knows to keep his larger walls of text outside of the image as captions, these are practically smothering the image.
> Unless there's some sort of asexual " I get off but have no interest in lust/romance" angle

I fall into that category, I can beat off to fat wank stuff but I have no desire for sex/interactions in real life. Only a few more years before I get Wizard powers too
The future of expansion art is going to be walls of exposition because it's less effort than drawing the character grow.
Ah, finally a niche for the fetish writers to step into
"lol lmao" the file name speaks for itself
If you didn't think there was anything wrong with just being attracted to kids, since you don't take any action on it,why would you make so much of a song and dance to avoid being labelled a pedophile? Why would you try so hard to stop that from happening, instead of just accepting it?
I'm not interested in policing people's thoughts either. You can jerk off to all the underage drawn girls you like, but that objectively makes you a pedophile, and you need to accept and own that.

Look up the definition of pedophile numbnuts. You dont have to actively physically molest children to be a pedo. If youre into loli (kids) youre a pedo. Which is disgusting.
I love lolis and I don't give a shit if you call me pedo, Twatter users. Keep seething
Honestly a little salty over the vn, was waiting so long for that shit.

I understand the main writer/programmer wanting to be done with it but also cant understand why he couldnt just find someone to finish the remaining background art.
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>"In an age where mere accusations with zero evidence is enough to get doxxed and harrassed for life, why would people take such offense to being accused of a serious crime they did not commit?!"
Elon Musk pls.

Okay, rebecca is short and has small tits.

Kanna from dragon maid has the anatomy of an actual child.

These are not the same, pedo.
Being a pedophile isn't a crime, dumbass. Statutory rape is the crime. And like you've said, the actions are all that matters, right?

What's the problem, eh?
Is this your first time in society or something? Anyone who gets even accused of that shit has their reputation ruined if it sticks. Even if it doesn't you're marked and need to watch yourself.
>Being a pedo isn't a crime
You sure you want that on your resume?
If only every lolicon was like this.
This is an anonymous image board, pretty far removed from society. If your so scared of getting your reputation ruined then why admit to being a lolicon in the first place? Normalfags still view them as pedos.
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What are you talking about, I've seen a dozen pics posted here of Saxxon filling his pictures with just as much text.

I don't know how you didn't expect it to not get finished.

Kanna has more ass than Rebecca; if you're gonna contrast the two, you're better off using their brains but Rebecca is still at a disadvantage from her rampant cursing.
I saw on the toroboro thread that Bamboo ale and cozynakovich are considered terrible dudes, can anyone explain why that are so much hated here?
bamboo used to post lots of spiteful jokes about the community and then deleted their deviantart gallery without notice and stopped drawing fat art, so people got mad. cozy is very pretentious and complains that other people in the community aren't making 'real' art, makes big posts on twitter about being unappreciated making fat art, and is a big supporter of the Russian invasion of Ukraine (he even went on holiday to crimea in the weeks after the invasion started and posted pictures of it to twitter iirc).
both are pretentious jackasses who thought they were hot shit and too big for the fattywank community, and so they've been shunned by it pretty much.
Because lolis are famous for their rampant cursing, of course...
They aren't, really. You're on a manbaby thread, expect manbaby ranting from schizos.
>Why would you try so hard to stop that from happening, instead of just accepting it?
Because the perpetuation of this retarded idea gets people violently harassed? I don't understand what's so complicated to you about not wanting to be cancelled. Even speaking as a non-public figure who could afford to burn a twitter account or two, it creates a fear-space in community that prevents many ambivalent or disagreeing creators from drawing what they want to draw out of fear of drawing the ire of the anti-loli clique. It is literally preventing content from being made and/or disseminated. You're either being willfully disingenuous or are an absolute 3IQ twat.
>retarded idea
About as retarded as thinking people who are attracted to anime women are also attracted to real women.
>I don't understand what's so complicated to you about not wanting to be cancelled.
The people who cancel and harass lolicons will do so whether they admit to being pedophiles or not.
>fear of drawing the ire of the anti-loli clique
Just by having lolicons in a community you're drawing their ire. Calling them pedophiles isn't going to change anything. The anti-loli clique already believes that anyways.
>their minds will never be changed so we should all just be quiet and embrace it!
Yeah, no, go fuck yourself. I've had general success arguing my point on the individual scale, so even if it's not gonna jumpstart some kind of wacko cultural revolution or whatever and change EVERYONE's minds, I'm going to continue arguing it for the marginal net positive doing so results in. That is a massively cucked and defeatist mindset you're peddling, and it's probably result in the state of things getting even more oppressive if lolifags actually subscribed to it.
Anti-loli is a very western-minded. For a foreighner here its sounds very sjw-driven (loli bad but fags good). How attracting to the drawing of fictional magical girl is worst than attracting to the dicks if you are a man (fap to futa or traps) is beyound my understanding. Loli - ok, it is a girl. "I am a dude and wink wink I get a boner by looking at the dicks" is a clear "fuck off" for most of the people outside of US safe space and fag propaganda. For most of the places outside of US: loli (fictional) = bro, dicksucker = not bro.
>Nooooooooo antis I'm not a pedo you gotta believe meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
Sounds pretty cucked to me. Even if you don't think lolicons are pedos I'd respect you a hell of a lot more if you'd just tell antis to fuck off instead of bending over backwards trying to placate them.
>both are pretentious jackasses who thought they were hot shit and too big for the fattywank community
See, this is the vibe I've gotten from Toro/Foxfire for years. He did the same thing of deleting and trying to distance, only to come back with a "new" style and slowly started settling into his old ways, only to try distancing and deleting again. I think it's telling that he'll make an announcement on Discord to his fans, only to then turn around and delete his Twitter without so much as a peep.
I just don't really see your game here. It feels like you're making a really idiotic and false equivalency between this and a typical "you can't own the haters" situation. Being cavalier about antis only works if they're not actually able to cause any damage on their own, but anti-lolifags definitely can and have. You're applying the wrong lesson to the wrong situation, having this attitude would just make everything worse.
Alright fair point. I'm letting my hatred of antis get the better of me. However I still think you're going about it the wrong way. Instead of trying to convince antis that lolicons aren't pedos you should instead convince them that, as you said earlier, "there is simply nothing morally wrong with fantasizing about doing something morally wrong". While doing the former benefits lolicons, it also throws everyone with 'problematic' fantasies under the bus in the process. The latter benefits both groups in the long run.
FoxFire did a backlog of his old stuff before rebranding as Toro, and never came across as assholish as Bamboo. And this time, with a family and a job, I think he just decided enough was enough. It was a good run. At least there's some closure and not years of silence like say, Satsurou.
To be fair, didn't most of the big artists in the mid 2010's have some kinda weeby Japan trip/meet up? The thought of meeting up with a stranger to go on a trip to another country because you, what, both draw fat girls? Either that's cringe or I'm the weirdo for thinking that's cringe.
What is your absolute worst fat artist and why?

And I wonder if there are artists you love/hate for various reasons.
Like say they draw repugnant things but can score a good pic or two every now and then.
Axel would fall into that for me, as would TheAmericanDream.

Absurd prices for commissions (150 for simple line art) and they constantly make obnoxious tweets that are all "OMG I love fat and I love getting fat, don’t you love fat too haha?".

Also fuck Stuffedwaves in particular. Hate it when people constantly tweet about random shit instead of actually working on a commission that you already paid for.
Cakecatboy. Personally don't care about any OCs, fat or not. And the rest of her art is a shota stuff. Also I think that she don't care about BBW anymore, all her BBW art seems not hirny at all unlike her very first BBW pictures.
Going purely by art and in relation for how long the artist has been around I think it might be Kip or Axel for me.
The thing with Kip specifically is that he really isn't bad just that he doesn't do proper fats. Stuffed or inflated bellies more than anything.
Yeah there was some convention in like 2018 or 2019. I remember Toro, squarewave, Jeet, and Bamboo going, probably some others too
Size Con? I've been trying to get more info on it.
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Don't you? I thought you guys said there was nothing wrong with it if you didn't act upon it. If you truly, honestly believe that, why not?

This guy basically got it right:
This isn't "society", this is an anonymous imageboard. There's no consequences for openly admitting you're a pedophile, and yet here you all are, desperately trying to avoid doing it.
The only logical conslusion is that deep down, you realise how fucked up and terrible it is to be attracted to kids, but your egos won't let you admit it.

Honestly, this guy is the only one of you I actually hold any respect for, marginal as it may be. At least he's willing to own up to what he really is.
Thanks, anon. I guess this is better than nothing
Somedays I really hope someone would just leak all of Bad Maid, just to piss him off
>cozy's schizo ass returns
>tweet about him

doesn't matter if you screencap his posts, you're still talking about him and that's what he wants you dumb fucks
can't believe we gotta do this song and dance every single time
Dude never actually claim to be a pedo; just said that he doesn't give a shit about the label you've been obsessively trying to pin everyone with for the past week.
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>didn't most of the big artists in the mid 2010's have some kinda weeby Japan trip/meet up
No, I meant overclocking their weebery and actually moving to Japan.

>Either that's cringe or I'm the weirdo for thinking that's cringe
Not really cringe to meet up with someone you met with online that you talked with a lot and consider a friend; you just take the precaution of always being in heavily trafficked areas and getting different hotel rooms until you confirm they're good.
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7mnths pregnant kip? seriously? this isn't pregnant. this is either a really small pregnant lady, id argue about 3mnths, or a really big food baby. and why is it that now, after all of this time, saiya is finally eying up that gut again?

Fucking this. Let's talk about the person we don't want to give attention to, that'll show'em!
Is everybody that's working with them AI generators just using the same set of prompts as everybody else lol because AI art all look the same
based anon, let the twatters and vanillatards choke from their own foam
kippory desperately trying to explain why they look preg and not fat lmao
Worst artist, you named it. TheAmericanDream. Repugnant is the proper word for what he creates, it's at best morbidly fascinating. I've never felt anything but a profound disgust for his style, it's revoltingly ugly.
id actually be interested to see a heavily pregnant tessa. I doubt anyone would notice with aika as shed eat so much no one could tell but tessa would be huge all over.
I used to like their shit back in the day, especially the android 18 vs buu gif. That one never gets old. But I have to agree, a couple years later, his art just seems to have... tripped over itself is how I would describe it. It just ain't clicking no more.
Kip is unironically more interested in pregnancy art lmfao
I know. I wish he'd stop trying to fake it and just do some pregnancy content already. id love to see a story of connor and cindy years from now, cindy pregnant and stuffed and connor happily feeding her. kip has a goldmine of content that he just refuses to tap into.
I wish the AI fags on deviantart would tag their stuff with Ai tags, so I could filter the terrible art away.

they can do whatever they want but tag that shit.
That, plus it's the only prompt that actually gives out anything even remotely decent. Turns out the AI is complete shit when it comes to anything outside bland hyper realism.

This, but for male fat art as well. I still end up finding that shit while dumpster diving through DA's front page despite me muting every possible tag with male in it.
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He was way better when he did just a normal animu style faces.
Before I cant search for any BBW art because of endless low quality trash like a MS paint circles. Now the AI. Maybe this is one of teh things which are killed deviantart.
Cozy is just a Dobson 2.0 and I miss Dobson.
The moment he went into slob art, his artstyle immediately went to shit. Doesn't help that he barely draws anything now.
what did you commission him for, is it something other writers don't tackle or just regular fats?
Cozy isn't even close to a Dobson and he's got nothing on the artists going full tilt down that road like Bamboo and Axel/Cutter.
How about aloysiuseroticart
(436 KB, 720x1265, Screenshot_20221020-093618~2.png)
Using a program that steals existing art to make money is scummy as fuck. Why does anyone defend AI art?
I mean, if anyone has any standards they commission an actual artist, so if they are willingly paying for this, then they don't care about quality in the first place.


Ironically I think the cheapest one looks the best, looking at the eyes. Since the shading on the right one and the cleanup somehow makes it look worse than the sketch.
>I mean, if anyone has any standards they commission an actual artist, so if they are willingly paying for this, then they don't care about quality in the first place.
That doesn't change the fact that the person is trying to make money from stealing art. The attempt by itself is worse then the commissioner's lack of standards.
Sadly there's a fuckton of WG fags happily paying for his shitty comics, so he will never draw the really good stuff
Because it's not the AI's fault, but their creator's? They invented this shit willingly even knowing the consequences of their own actions, aware of the fact that people would try to make money off this fad
Doesn't really matter though?
Just don't buy it if you don't like it, simple as that
If AI is outselling you as an artist, maybe you just aren't that good
What the fuck did you tag me for? I wasn't attacking AI art, retard. Read messages twice next time
I'm not an artist. I'm a commissioner who wants actual artists who put in work from the start to thrive. AI content and the people who try to make money off it are stains.
I believe this wave of AI riders will fall off soon enough given how everything from AI looks samey. It will definitely clap back stronger next time but to me it looks like that next time is still a ways away from now, so let's just let it slowly die out in the meantime.
He'd have to piss off every single person that knows about him to be Dobson but the whole self hating fat artist thing isn't a rare thing, so I can't see many giving much of a fuck.

Ban assault computers?

You think too highly of the standards of people who want fat art.
Literally anyone can post a commission sheet, it doesn't mean people are actually paying them. But if someone hypothetically was interested in AI art but too technologically illiterate to run stable diffusion I suppose it logically follows that they'd pay someone to do it for them. I think that's retarded; but people have spent money on stupider things.

>stealing art
Okay, which artist did they steal from to create that commission sheet?

>Twitter groupie autistic screeching in hopes that senpai will notice them

Imagine my shock.
Anyways, I looked into this "AkaiHouseki25" individual a little bit further. They've sold a couple commissions. They don't disclose anywhere that any of their pieces were generated by AI. Including the commissions.

I wrote a comment on their commission sheet. "All of these commissions and examples were generated by AI through a program called Stable Diffusion. Using Artificial Intelligence to generate pictures for yourself is one thing, but if you're going to sell them to other people then you should at least disclose that they were generated by artificial intelligence."

Refreshed the page and then my comment was deleted. This person is a scammer.
They're a scumbag is what they are. They know what they're doing is wrong.
No shit sherlock they are, I think I'll make a post about this on my deviantart profile
As scummy as this is this is also comically unsustainable if all it takes to make stuff on the same level of skill is 10-20 bucks for a novelAI subscription and an hour of your time
>a program that steals existing art
That's not how it works lmao
NovelAI's TOS even says that users have full rights to the stuff they make with it. And obviously if you generated the images with your own hardware, they belong to you.
learn how to read please
Sweet deal, I'm going to trace some Disney art. It's mine if I steal it with my own hardware!!!!!!!!
>using "dogwater" to describe anything
Kys kid
Genuinely amused by the backlash to AI. It's 100% not going away, and it's readily apparent that it already does some stuff (e.g., sequences) at 40x the speed and 3x the quality of 95% of traditional artists.

This whole board has never cared about paywalls or copyright, so anyone who thinks it's likely to start caring about the ethics of AI image generation needs their head checked. Good luck shutting down the sharing of this stuff on every anonymous imagedungeon online. Very few people are going to care whether it's ethical or not.

Anyone who says "But AI can't" clearly isn't paying attention. 3 months ago, it couldn't generate a character who didn't look fucked up. A week ago, it couldn't generate a character much past 250lbs. People are working out how to blow past every limitation at breakneck speed, and given it's being driven by horniness, you can expect it to only accelerate.

I'm sympathetic to artists, whose commissions are about to shrivel, and whose social clout is liable to decline to nil within five years as they become a quaint sideshow with an increasingly odd and anachronistic hobby. But them's the breaks.
Rajani go back to your India.
(1.9 MB, 2877x3465, 1666316056754691.png)
>Reddit spacing
>Dramafag giving a shit about chinksect artists
>Implying you still wont come here if ai acutally overtakes kinostuffer kino-art
>Too retarded to download the novel ai leak, so he resorts to acutally paying those kikes for a subecription.
>Finally, not using combined models since novel wws trained on danbooru, which is shit for fattard stuff
Your skin is the same color as my poop. You were better when you wete just a pink retard.
(1.3 MB, 498x351, 1666319385401641.gif)
>Reading skillcheck: fail
>GokuGokuGoku. Out of fucking NOWHERE!
>Implying the best artists like like gnight, buttlova and kinostuffer didnt start as children and mastered their styles later on in life.
Renny ennny Roooooo! Jiren fucking WARPED you!
People are so retarded with tags. I've seen people draw pics of boys, with not even a single pixel of a girl present, and yet the tags are chock fulll of 'bbw' and 'fatgirl'. I think they just know that bbw gets more pull, so they put those tags on purpose so they can get more views on their work.
>I've seen people draw pics of boys, with not even a single pixel of a girl present, and yet the tags are chock fulll of 'bbw' and 'fatgirl'. I think they just know that bbw gets more pull, so they put those tags on purpose so they can get more views on their work.
I hate that shit so much. At that point you have to block them.
If all it could do was trace literally no one here would give a shit about it because it would be a fucking STENCIL.

Bad analogy. Bad you.

>B-b-but someone used stable diffusion to make a copy of an already existing image and then pretended they ma-

Okay, then that person's acting in bad faith. They represent themselves and only themselves, only a fool would pin their behaviour on everyone who downloads stable diffusion.
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>I'm sympathetic to artists, whose commissions are about to shrivel, and whose social clout is liable to decline to nil within five years as they become a quaint sideshow with an increasingly odd and anachronistic hobby. But them's the breaks

AIniggers are so vindictive, KEK
Artists who draw a character/OC at a size you enjoy then gradually draws them bigger until it passes your fat event horizon, and you no longer find them attractive.

BWS is a BIG culprit for this.
Meanwhile I've seen a couple pics of Yamato of One Piece with no female tags in sight, like they're activly trying to get less clicks by saying a thicc busty long haired tomboy is a "BHM"
gotta cater to as much as possible, birdbrain
Can't tell if bait or guy with below room temp IQ.
>3x the quality
LMFAO you've gotta be a fucking blind retard, because in no world is the bodyshape-changing same-angle bullshit that's being made in any way close to the quality of wg sequences made by actual artists. Quit lying to make your dumb hobby sound better.
I feel shortcuts like these are fine if the goal is to save time, and it's more common in industrial art than you might think, particularly in 3D modeling. At the same time, newer artists should focus on being able to draw such things consistently before making use of these shortcuts.
(563 KB, 993x610, Truffa.png)
Uhhh...guys, how about we talk about this fucking scammer? He's opened commissions like four days ago and he hasn't even mentioned it's all AI-art
Its opposite of how does art works... Pose would be mishapen if you are drawing like this, for example bones should be connected. If you can draw well its nothing hard to redraw a fucking mouth or hand. I can do it at seconds for a sketch and it would be a correct sketchy hand for example, because I done the same body part million times before.
Thing that pisses me off most about TAD is that he seems incapable of actually finishing anything anymore.
I had to threaten him with a chargeback on Paypal to get my commission finished a couple of years back, because he kept saying "it'll be done next week", "it'll be done by the end of the month", "it'll be ready in the next week or two".
How long's that fucking Ohya pack been in the works? You can't tell me it takes this long to finish 5 or 10 pictures of the worst Persona 5 bitch belching.
Nah, he's right about most people who draw fat art; it only loses out against actual skilled artists and there's only ever a handful of them with every generation. It also has practically no competition for more realistic or non anime styled works.
I liked him until he started doing lots of burp stuff and just...presenting it in the most disgusting font/way imaginable. Really turned me off hard.

And I actually like that stuff!
How could any one of you guys like The American Dream's art? His drawings are absolute shite (The art style is just bleugh, the kinks even worse), and I'm shocked one of you even had the gall to commission him once
I try a different strategy. Instead of telling antis to fuck off, I just block them on sight.
This is like Count Olaf disguising himself as Kit Snicket; nobody was fooled.

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