
(1.5 MB, 1433x2027, Dimitrescu.jpg)
Let's start again after what happened last time.
I swear god I'm gonna start war again-
"Noooo what the fuck have you done!1!!11"
we do a little trolling
We do a little retarded brainrot trends
Let’s see how many weeks it takes for Kip to go full Jeet or Worm
Anyone got the fanart of Kips characters?
Wait, kip is drawing males now? Since when?
Blob-chan identifies as a blob, no worries!
Since it became in vogue to obsess over a femboy that got John Moneyed into a “girl”
Like somebody said in the old thread
,,dont care, looks female enough”
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I don't hate Kip's current output or anything but his old pics go a bit harder
The first pic is just 🤌
I'm not strong enough for these.
How hard is it to draw characters like this now?
Really frickin' hard. Poor Kip, too lazy to put actual effort into drawing...
Kip's specifically said before they don't like that large fats.
Gotta agree too, I like plump, chubby and fat, not obese and blobs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I wonder why the hell he even bothered to accept and draw those Patreon requests, then. I just checked his Kemono Party page and the drawings are from mid 2015-early 2016, I think they were both requested by a dude called Razor lol
i like chubby too, but nothing kip draws looks chubby. they look pregnant with no growth to any part other than the belly
>I wonder why the hell he even bothered to accept and draw those Patreon requests, then.

If I learned anything about this fetish, there's a lot of experimentation about how much you're into it. Kip maybe been experimenting back then and isn't into stuff that big now. Which is fine.

I like progression pieces so I initially liked the concept of comics and followed them but we all know how diversive kip's comics can be the past few years with their pacing and speeds.

The (___) with sister series also went larger than present day but the pacing was much faster and it didn't try to hide it was fetish content like the modern kip era comics strangely try to do.

I don't Haye kip or anything, and I don't think others do either but they can still wish for an earlier kip that had better comic pacing and more honest about the comix content being made.
Aika being fatter than Tessa instantly makes me prefer her. I tend to prefer his fattest OCs the most with my original favorite being Kip herself.
Yeah, I definitely miss the old Kip. His art style might've been rougher, but he wasn't desperately trying to hide he was a fetish artist (And he was okay with drawing bigger girls)
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>>117219 Here's the original version, free of any edited-in garbage.
Saiya’s going to be interrupted by aika taking her to church
Fanservice Tessa scene or boring Aika church scene, place your bets!
The worst case scenario is probably the most likely one
kip would like that but it wont work. no way saiya is stepping foot in a church. aika may ask and saiya will shrug it off trying to be 'cool'.
Holy fuck, why can’t we get some fan service scenes with Aika? Like damn Kip, I want to see some action with the biggest girl here. I don’t want to choose between pot belly and church.

But yes, Kip’s law vs Saiya’s “coolness”.
I only hope that he will not go down the road, where Tessa would lose fans and become insecure submissive fatty.
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Okay since the comic is so shit rn I'll try to make our day better with some edits, send up somel of your favorite kip panels with edit ideas and I'll try to edit and maybe animate them :)) doing God's work fr

From all his series btw
That’s exactly what’s gunna happen
Or the opposite where her fans love it and she gets super popular and does feedee streams pr some stupid shit

Ok so either path for the streamer based character loses, got it. Gotta love bbwchan kiptards lol
Best outcome tho, hot af
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If your generous enough to take this then could she also have a fuller face?

Saiya here also looks kind of chubby already so maybe she could be a little bigger? I imagine if she had a sliver of belly poking out from the shirt it would look cute
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To the anon in the last thread, I did give up on the comic
is saiya really nude and humping tessas gut? never saw that coming. kip would never go that far but it'd be an interesting twist. this could've gotten really interesting too.
10/10 more content in one page then 100 of kips
extremely based and quality art. even if you gave up on this comic, you should still do fat art, this is great
Fantastic art! If you have a profile for your art or any contact details, please let us know, I'd love to follow.
I love Tessa proudly boasting she can eat all that food and internally wondering how she can ever fit it all inside her belly. Great work on the faces all around, and evil Saiya looks great.
I need to stalk whoever made this.
RIP I guess, Kip's characters are doomed to obscurity again
why'd you give up? lack of ideas? didn't like how it turned out? I had a few ideas myself that may help you, if you were looking for any. basically take any scene with tessa and saiya together and write it how you think it should have ended. this would have been a perfect ending to that tessa stuffing scene. instead of stacey bursting in and forcing her to work we have them making out. next id go for the fitting room make out scene and / or the mall scene with her walking around in the mall. I refuse to believe tessa was no longer turned on. she enjoys this so those people asking if she were pregnant probably got her even hotter. they just got done making out too? to the food court where tessa would gorge herself in public. tessa would stuff herself until she is barely able to stand then they would go somewhere quiet and make out again. you took it where kip never had the guts to go which is amazing. you did wonderful work. you should keep it up.
I don't know if what I wrote came out right. what I'm saying is this panel, what you drew, is a perfect ending for the tessa stuffing scene in her apartment.
Disappointed to hear you didn't finish it, but thanks for posting this page.

Would you consider drawing vore with Kip's characters? I have a powerful need to see Tessa as a pred. Saiya or Stacy would be great as prey, too.
saiya just trying to watch that fat bounce.
I have a lot of trouble differentiating these similar-looking characters in a long-running continuity that I do not want to read from the beginning. I wish Kip did did character bios or something.
bio on what? aika, blonde, loves to eat, as smart as a boulder. tessa, tessakitz, youtuber, huge breasted amazon with the pot belly, loves saiya and stuffing herself. saiya, emo because she thinks its cool, serious belly fetish, in lust with the biggest belly in the area. there are your bios. this is what we have in 223 pages of content.
There's a bit more than that
>Aika is a goody two shoes church girl and also a slob
>She's fat because her family feeds her too much

>Saiya is from a poor family, but is a good student
>Her gayness is very repressed

>Tessa has money problems and a rough relationship with her mom
>She used to be a huge dork until Stacy groomed her into a sensational streamer

>Stacy is a rich bitch and the brains behind the Tessakitz operation

The sad thing is most of these details were established early on and then never brought up again
The problem is that I can’t match these descriptions to their faces
"bio" would imply these characters have, well, character.
They aren't character traits if they literally haven't been a thing since they were mentioned in a single panel.
We JUST got our first callback in like 100 pages that Aika goes to church and she doesn't DO anything, so how can she be a 'goody two-shoes'?
When has Saiya's financials ever come up? How is her gayness repressed? She JUST masturbated to Tessa a few pages ago.
Tessa has money problems? Since when? She just bought Saiya a whole new outfit and herself one too. Who is her mother? Genuinely have zero memory of that.
Stacy is rich? News to me. I thought she just made a cut of Tessa's streamer income since she manages her.
That's why I gave up. I wanted to do a vore alt comic with Tessa and Saiya but Kip never responded to my dms, so I don't want to make vore with his characters without permission and I don't want to waste time drawing it for him just to say no.
I can respect that decision, however I doubt he or the general community would have a problem with it. Dr. Worm did a vore alt of a stuffing pic with Sydney and Tina and the world didn't end. You gave Kip a chance to have some input on your use of his characters and he ignored you, so it's clearly not very important to him.

Plus it's been suspected in the past that Kip is into vore, judging by him having drawn it in the past, but he might be afraid of losing his current fanbase were he to draw more of it.

Or, he could have just outgrown his vore kink.
Allow me to be another to say that would be nice to see. Do it anyways. People make fanart scenarios & cosplays of Kip’s characters all the time. I mean I think someone literally got Sydney tattooed on their arm and didn’t have to ask Kip first so, please do what YOU want to do. It’s perfectly okay.
anyone got the new art
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Ah so workout girl either likes Tessa or only wants to be with her for her fame, both are likely
can we just get to the part where we just watch tessas fat jiggling? thats the only reason saiyas there and I'm surprised workout girl didn't call her out on her obvious weight gain.
Workout girl knows about Tessas weight gain, always has. She was trying to help her get thin without stacy knowing (what Tessa is referring to)
BattleshipGascogne did nothing wrong.
Kipjeet will drift away yet again.
If his art wasn't so mediocre, I already would have made a batch to feed the Ai and get something interesting already. Still might do it out of spite.
wait why does workout girl hate saya? she's only been in 'satanic' mode for like 1 day, but workout girl clearly hated her before.
She seems to be a social climber type and probably views Saiya as a useless dork and a liability the same way Stacy does
This pretty much, wouldnt be surprised if she wants to keep Tessa to herself to get clout too
I guess that tracks, but the way she passed up Saiya (when Saiya referenced having a connection to Tessa) directly after Tessa's wardrobe malfunction made me think Tessa was losing popularity among the girls due to that incident. I guess not though, and the only mention/effect of her nip slip was the bros joking about it, huh
I love seeing Tessa acting all cool and confident while her tits and gut spill out of her clothes. It'll be really sad if she doesn't embrace being a chubby, gluttonous amazon by the end of this comic.
you're going to be sad then. remember this isn't about weight gain. this is a lesbian love story.
It's not a very good lesbian love story ngl, I wouldnt be so disapointed if the stuff outside of the weight gain content was actually compelling and had any hint of romance but it just fucking sucks
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The fuck it is.
This is where we were the same number of pages in No Lunch Break.

This is just rambling at this point about 3.5 different characters, and currently 3 of them are bitches for no apparent reason, and none of them even have a close connection to one another.
The ONLY one to do any form of lesbian love more than randomly groping one another and never talking about it confessed her long held feelings at a party, seemingly forgot about it the next day, and neither character has EVER brought it up again in the past 77 pages which include a time skip. I could read a better lesbian love story at the Quicksand in Balmung.
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And you.
Kipjeet defense brigade comes into the play, right?
There are more than many good authors who write and draw excellent hentais/stories that you tell me Kip does.
It is utter garbage.
He larps as a weight gain artist and a good writer. Come on, the reason why he has his following is because he used to draw weight gain. But now he acts like a pretentious cunt.
We already saw this with Aika not long ago though, who was fatter no less. This workout will be another waste of time.
I know I said I'd wait a few more months before commenting, but honestly what'd you expect, I dropped this thing after around pg 20 and probably won't read it again until he's in the 100s. Kip never changes and its funny how this somehow compounds all his issues even further.

>Its a fetish work thats not about the fetish
Man maybe kip should drop the fetish entirely and go see how his "amazing" storytelling stands on its own without.

Its why his breakfast with sister series where his peak, they stayed more or less focused on fetish because he actually listened to what the audience wanted, but then felt "dissatisfied" and decided to write with no restrictions and that explains the quality we've gotten in his last few comics. So insistent on him being a good writer who puts the fetish in the backseat even though its the fetish itself that should be the appeal of a fetish comic.

Anyway see lads again in a few more moths, i'm certain it won't get any better
>Kipjeet defense brigade comes into the play, right?
nah im not defending kip. just tired of my posts getting deleted. tbh I don't think kip knows what this is. I think kip thinks he's a good writer. that much is obvious. I think kip doesn't know the first thing about writing. like this story, I feel like there is nowhere near an outline or anything. he just makes it up on the fly and you can tell with just about every comic.
to be fair, tessa has thrown herself at saiya multiple times now. aika is the overweight slob that 'confessed' at a party and its never been mentioned again. your point is valid though. all it did was give kip a reason to have saiya go 'emo' and avoid aika altogether. the problem with that is kip can't write emo, saiya aint emo and her new 'cool act' is even worse than who she originally was.
id very much like to hear what kip thinks this story is but I think its best that I just sit here and shut up because he has no idea what he is doing and his explanation will be even worse.
its okay. this is not something to wear to school, college or nah. and I'm still trying to figure out why no one has mentioned tessas obvious gut besides stacey. how is saiya functioning around her when she was masturbating furiously just a few pages ago and barely hung on when aika waddled into the room?
a little bit before that we saw tessa working out. that scene was okay. now that I think of it, aika is still wearing her work out clothes. what if kip had them all working out? saiya would anime nosebleed and pass out.
>Its why his breakfast with sister series where his peak, they stayed more or less focused on fetish because he actually listened to what the audience wanted, but then felt "dissatisfied" and decided to write with no restrictions and that explains the quality we've gotten in his last few comics. So insistent on him being a good writer who puts the fetish in the backseat even though its the fetish itself that should be the appeal of a fetish comic.
Anyway see lads again in a few more moths, i'm certain it won't get any better
it might have been the last man baby thread where someone posted kips explanation as to how he grew to hate writing because of taking his fans advice. he is no longer doing that. sadly this mess is what we get. what blows my mind is that people continue to fund him and he just outright deletes anybody that says different. even legitimate plot issues are ignored which is sad. the man should at least consult someone about this comic. who told him making aika drunkenly confess love for tessa was a good idea? emo saiya is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever seen and I'm telling you tessa should be beyond twice this size by now. this story should be wrapping up not spinning in circles. how do people get to this level that they literally tell their fans 'this is what I'm writing, screw you, cope and seethe' and the fans agree to it? this isn't tolkien. this is a fetish comic and crap at that. I just don't get it.
>who told him making aika drunkenly confess love for tessa was a good idea? emo saiya is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever seen and I'm telling you tessa should be beyond twice this size by now. this story should be wrapping up not spinning in circles.
IMO the plot became a lost cause when he revealed that Aika was gay too. When she went to talk to her pastor I was absolutely convinced she really was asking on Saiya's behalf to confirm that her friend wasn't going to burn in hell for liking girls. But then she confessed to Tessa at the party and things went off the rails fast.

If Aika is straight then
>her ignoring Saiya's obvious lust for her is normal and not retarded cluelessness
>Tessa, Saiya, and Aika have a clear resolution to their relationships (Tessa and Saiya become a couple, Aika is friends with both of them)
>The focus of the story remains on Saiya and Tessa overcoming their personal issues and bonding romantically
>Stacy is straightforward villain that wants to keep Tessa dependent on her and must be defeated by teamwork from all three girls
Sure wish we were allowed to know what this was in response to, but censorship mods strike again.
it was my comment. ironically enough I had just written that I stopped posting in here because I was tired of my posts being deleted.
I really think that kip thought that would be a good idea in that moment and now has literally no idea what to do with this entire story. in fact, i think he had said that in the man baby thread post about his prior story. he got sick of the story and the characters. does that happen when you're actually writing from an outline with a story to tell or when you're literally making it up every day? I'm a writer. when you have an outline you don't get sick of it because you know what you're doing and why. when you write by the seat of your pants it gets old because you have no idea what you're doing when and you get stressed out trying to weave everything together.
> he got sick of the story and the characters. does that happen when you're actually writing from an outline with a story to tell or when you're literally making it up every day? I'm a writer. when you have an outline you don't get sick of it because you know what you're doing and why. when you write by the seat of your pants it gets old because you have no idea what you're doing when and you get stressed out trying to weave everything together.
My experience with writing is that I simply won't have the motivation to do it unless there is something I am working towards and I think it's worth sharing with others. My characters don't exist independently of the stories I want to tell with them. So I really don't understand the mindset of someone who wants to write the comic equivalent of a novel and make it up as they go along.
Ass hole mods deleted my comment too, probably because I called kip a he or whatever. Anyway I was making case for the fact when you write fetish material the fetish should be at the forefront, but Kip seems delusional thinking that "they" can write a story and put the fetish in the backseat. The breakfast with sister series did so well and is so very liked because most of the pages were dedicated towards the fetish (well save for end parts of dinner with sister), and the reason why is because Kip listened to what the audience wanted, but then they decided they were unhappy and would write with reigns off and thats how you get 3(?) comics with kip doing the same thing people don't want back to back. Anyway I'm sure le mods will delete this comment too because I dare put the word he next to kip in a sentence.

you've gotta be kiding me so he decided to focus on the "characters" (instead of the fetish) and now is bored of them and the plot (which people don't come for for wank material, they come for the fetish first and the story serves to elevate like spices in a dish), you can't make this stuff up.
>My experience with writing is that I simply won't have the motivation to do it unless there is something I am working towards and I think it's worth sharing with others. My characters don't exist independently of the stories I want to tell with them. So I really don't understand the mindset of someone who wants to write the comic equivalent of a novel and make it up as they go along.
exactly. thats the point of an outline. you're actively working towards a goal of telling a certain story. making it up as you go along does not work so I have no idea how he thinks this is going to work. but what do I know? I'm not the one making $7k/mnth.
>you've gotta be kiding me so he decided to focus on the "characters" (instead of the fetish) and now is bored of them and the plot (which people don't come for for wank material, they come for the fetish first and the story serves to elevate like spices in a dish), you can't make this stuff up.
no, my understanding is that he talked about bws and how he didn't like that story because he did what fans wanted. he seems to have had a certain idea as to how the characters would gain and so on and changed it for the fans. I didn't really follow him then so I don't know but I do recall one of those sister stories was so trash he had to make a proper ending to it. now he's actually doing what he wants so there is no reason for him to complain.
and I still argue that fnn is his best work yet which is pitiful because that took 50 pages to get good, had three good pages and the ending made no sense. connor didn't stuff her, I refuse to believe they'd have had sex and then cindy just slid out the door? it made no sense. if kip wanted to tell that story he shouldve done a slow burn with connor and cindy hanging out, her stuffing herself, so on. thats what people wanted but he refuses and instead gives us this trash.
anyone else notice that tessa's "agent" is the only one that complaining about her weight. she literally has her belly out now and the class is just blind apparently. Im just surprised there isnt more fat shaming from other characters especially since aika had some and she was already chubby.
ive said that multiple times now. this is the kind of stuff that kip does that frustrates me. this is a glaring plot hole. can someone at least mention it? "hey man, tessakitz is kinda big", "ikr, I'm loving it". thats it. nothing from no one. even saiya, the one in lust with her, is totally ignoring it but she was gaga for aika in that work out outfit.
Tessa also hasn't lost any feathers even though she embarrassed herself live on stream with the nip slip
some of the people at the mall mentioned she looked pregnant, although that mall scene had plenty of flaws to make up for it (such as why Tessa didn't even try to disguise herself)
Damn she's getting big.
Hoping Saiya gets shamed for her chub
Also for a repeat of the Tessa workout scene (which is probably the best couple of pages so far)
Careful, tall like that will get you censored.
She looks exactly the same...
By any chance do you post somewhere or have an account 👀 definitely wouldn't mind seing more of your lovely work
why does the top of her stomach stick upwards? that's not how fat rolls work
in kip verse? probably a few days at the most.
actually she looks a little fatter before. her breasts were definitely bigger back then.
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The best recent pages we've gotten
The replies below this post just proves y'all like chicken scratch drawing just because it's horny content kek. It's just funny how y'all bash Kip art but praise this? Not defending Kip here, but someone try to makes sense out this lol
It's receiving praise because it's genuinely very well-drawn. The "chicken scratch" sketchiness doesn't take away from the solid proportioning or sense of anatomy - if anything, the looseness of it all helps exaggerate the sweat and motion on the right hand side. Line art is more of an artistic decision than anything, while fundamentals and an understanding of your medium make or break a piece.
I don't see many people bashing kips art. maybe asking questions like "why is this line here" but thats about it. most of the problems are with this stupidity he wants to call a plot line. that 'chicken scratch drawing' is only three panels and did what would take kip three months.
It's an unfinished sketch but it still has good proportions and expressions, which are the most important things for erotic art imo. Highly polished art like what kip produces looks nice, but I've never found it more erotic than loose, sketchy stuff.
that's not really the same thing. Tessa's stomach is literally sticking upwards. These girls look bloated, but their fat goes downwards like a normal human
from other perspectives it is though (like in these pages >>119082 ). I agree from the specific example kip went a little overboard trying to show belly cleavage (???)
in those pages she looks great; I was specifically referring to >>119064
my criteria for good fetish art: does it look good? is it not ugly? does it give me a boner? thats it, quit being such a retarded faggot
Simple minded, you belong to the streets.
>simple minded
you do realize youre literally on a porn site? this is the absolute last thing you want to be pretentious about you freakazoid 😭
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I see now why artist anons quite posting here. you're dragging anon for his or her lines and trying to prop kip up instead. kip may have decent art but the plot sucks. anon got to the point in three panels. kip is still teasing 226 pages later.
>I'm an artist as well, so I know the good from the bad lines.
Post art
lol, look where you're commenting ya poshtard

no one gives a shit about your classy or intellectual standards of art form

at the end of the day, this is all just fatty wank innit?

line work, perspective, and anatomy is not the best, I can see that much however, compared to the lowest of the low that I've seen in my lifetime of looking at fatty wank, it's not as irredeemably trashy as you imply it is

if I were to put jeetdoh as a level 4 artist, out of 5 levels, this fellow would at least be level 2

and besides, this anon artist is contributing relevant shit to the thread, you, on the other hand, are contributing jackshit
>I'm an artist as well
Better back that up, anon.
>Kip forgets what visceral fat is
Why does it seemingly feel like 95% of fatfags only think subcutaneous fat exists
im not sure as to these fat definitions but you just reminded me, shouldn't tessa have a good deal of muscle under all of that fat?
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Ask and you shall receive. I can become your favorite artist, favorite artist. I made this under 50 minutes btw.
HAHAH! holy fuck, nice trace bro. Good "artistry".
gtfo here dude

Never underestimate the memory of an antisocial, porn-addicted coomer, anon!
This made me laugh so unfathomably hard.
>>119665 or that Google lens exists.

I didn't google shit, just found it on deviantart through the "Sachiko sketch/nsio pose practice" terms.
wouldn't it be ironic if that was the same artist and he or she put something else up to prove it?

if you are that same artist do you take requests anon?
in under 50 minutes eh? fucking sluggish, mate
not to mention the fact that it's a fucking trace
get outta here poshtard

No, I'm not the artist, but I'm really familiar with his work, hence why I recognized it so quickly.
>when "I recognized that buldge" ends up not creating more interest to the person that recognized it
anyone got the new pic
No, you motherfuckers better stop begging
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I didn't know kip did vore before, but I'll still wait a bit to see if he responds. Otherwise, I'll probably end up drawing it later since Dr. Worm did it before. For now, I'll just do fat focus stuff with his characters occasionally and post it here.
I go by LTAF, I mostly draw vore for warning. I do plan on making a side account for non vore stuff.
You're probably the worst art crab I've ever seen. You claim my art is bad because it's not as good as a Jeetdoh's art whose got 15+ years of art experience under his belt. You call my sketches "chicken scratch", meaning that my lines are unconfident and directionless. Meanwhile, you start boasting so hard about how good your art is, that you even go as far as to say "I can become your favorite artist's, favorite artist". You then post "your art" and immediately get caught tracing someone else's art. Poorly traced too just looking at the chicken scratch knees. It's kinda that you can't even trace confidently, but what can you expect from a guy who got jealous that my art was getting praised at the moment and not Kip's.
based anon, we're rootin' for ya chief
do you do pregnancy as well? probably not but can't hurt to ask. I'm very curious as to how a massively pregnant tessa would look since kip keeps drawing her looking around 3mnths pregnant.
Don't pay attention to the autist, this art rocks. Great to see Tessa so sexy and smug. Rubbing our face in a sweaty fat girl belly really is the dream. Thanks for sharing.
Lmfao, got fucked instantly.

Bro, your art is amazing. Fuck the other dude. Hell, it’s even changing my feelings a bit for Tessa.
Fuck the other guy anon. I, as another artist, think your stuff looks great. I love your contribution!
Sexy as fuck, just what I needed to see after the fitness girl said Tessa looks eight months along. Lovely to see her struggling with being so full of Saiya's yuri babies.
hey thanks anon, I really appreciate it! thats some good work too!
see this is what I was saying. after all that pregnancy talk kip got me really wondering. tessa would be ridiculously huge because you already know saiya would keep stuffing her the whole time.
I knew I recognized your art style but I didn't want to say anything in case it wasn't you. Make great shit. Been following you since the samus Palutena comic!
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Kind of off topic but this Nsio nigga is really good. The stuff we could get if he went full fattywanker...
Man that other fag was blind. I can see some slight inconsistencies on the perspective and some scratchy bits on the line-art, but to call it "chickenscratch" and dismiss it as handily as he did...What a retard.
I don’t know HOW you did it saiya but congratulations!
I like that you make the arms actually fatter unlike kip who always keeps them too thin. Also how big are willing to go
So what, I like sketch art quite fine, sometimes even more than "finished" art because it allows more looseness and can be published in quicker fashion. Compare how much stiffer kip's modern art is compared to his older one, despite the newer one being more "refined"
finally its about to get good again. tessa about to drop the fan service on saiya and on us. now wheres stacey or aika to mess it all up before it even starts?
If theres one thing that kip does well its the funny fucking faces on saiya
I'm glad that you can finally see how big Tessa has become, in other pages she only seemed pregnant...
You always say she "seems pregnant". Just fucking chill for once, it's like you're obsessed or something
Nah, that clown will never understand lol
I wish he’d have Tessa burp more like beginning of comic
Kip expressions have generally been pretty good
On god, biggest nut I busted last year was that panel of Tessa burping Saiya in the face, hope we get more of that at some point
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the best one kip ever did, which has yet to be topped, is cindy's ahegao burp. I think that tessa may top that once we really get some time with saiya stuffing her but who knows how long that'll take? I agree though. we need way more burping from tessa.
Stacy and Saiya be having the best facial expressions, so I can agree on that.
Nah, it's still shit. Kip's post-2016 art is objectively awful
post examples of what was so good back then.
"Hurr durr Kip should just draw pregnancy art at this point!1!!11"
>Kip doesn’t draw blobs anymore
That's wrong, because Kip never drew blobs to begin with.
Just wanted to say that those LTAF drawings absolutely shit all over kips output for at least the last 2 years. If you’re reading this, great work and post them on your twitter please
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I'm a different artist anon, but since ya'll seem chill with fanart in this thread I wanted to share this little animation I made. Workouts are such prime fan service material, I had to give it a shot
Cute and hot, quality animation. You should do an animation of Tessa exploding out of her corset
thanks! that was the next thing I wanted to draw lol
thats pretty decent anon.
y'all really want this corset don't you? if I saw that I want her to have this stupid large gut that like, slaps her knees its so huge. and maybe a loud belch. I wrote an outline about that before.
Any idea where the new page is?
Well, considering that the corset appeared twice already, in both occasions it didn't even showed a sign of tearing and bursting, and I at least can't see reappearing again since everyone knows about Tessa's fat belly, I guess someone(me included) is going to want something about corsets related somehow to this comic
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Not that shes gonna gain any weight but I love that shes a little chubby
yeah I realized just yesterday that this wouldn't be worth anything. figure kip is going to bore us with squats and push ups before he gets to the good stuff.
Can you guys go make a fan art thread or something? I'm glad you are learning to draw, but your content isn't what we came for...
did you come for the high quality, compelling story? Or the anatomically correct fat art? Because kip doesn't really provide either of those things lmao. The fan art is on theme and fine, it should stay in this thread
How does her belly look almost different in every single panel
Oh wow, she already lost a lot of weight. The workout is working super fast this time.
Oh ho ho, the answer is incredibly simple my dear friend.
Kip can't draw any good for the fuck's sake, therefore all those size inconsistencies you see.
I'm off to bbwsalt thread, yk.
its on topic. enough with the gatekeeping. everything else gets deleted anyway.
I like how kip took literally ten pages to get here. this was supposed to be the pay off and he is clearly breezing right through it.
I would assume to simulate her moving and it bouncing everywhere.
check out how she can't even do a pushup because her belly is so big. she isn't this fat yet but well notice the difference soon. my question, and what bugs me, is this. all this work to 'lose weight' right? where do saiya and tessa go from here? tessa acting like there is no relationship even though she just got manhandled the night before in a fitting room. we know aika is sliding in any moment now to try and invite saiya to church because she's clearly gone evil. will aika join the work out? or will she come in afterwards? we do know saiya and tessa aint leaving this together and it also makes no sense for there to be any sort of stuffing scene after this. the only thing that would make sense is stacey coming in, forcing tessa to stream or aika coming in and somehow getting saiya to go to church. that makes me question what the point of these 'work out's is besides getting people to come back to this comic for fanservice.
Damn, Tessa is really going for it. Maybe there is some strong-fat shenanigans in our future. A man can dream, at least.
Comments like this are why the weight gain crowd never get what they want anymore. "I want strongfat!", I want weight loss!", I want more yuri scenes!", seriously, stop it.
>”I want weight loss!”

Who the fuck? Drop their IP right now.
man a lot of comments got deleted but the insults to the fan art didn't? seriously? I get deleting comments but come on.

people have been begging for that forever. they want tessa to be a strong yet fat amazonian that towers over everyone. I don't get it. I also don't get the insistence that saiya will get fat.
Strong fat is still fat, calm the fuck down with the canceling. Not everyone prefers blobs, and Aika will already fill that role.

Frame 2 looks butchered somehow, Tessa's proportions seem weird. 4 is great though.
Ha, I figured what looks wrong in frame 2. Tessa's ass is too small to stick out that much, gives it a butt implants appearance.
>Not everyone prefers blobs, and Aika will already fill that role.
nope. tessa is actually bigger than her at this point.
tessa has no butt and I don't think she ever did. she almost looks pregnant in panel 2 but we've already discussed that.
I know her shorts are tight and squeezing in her ass, but it still looks comically small there
>Not everyone prefers blobs, and Aika will already fill that role.
You need some glasses if you think Aika is a blob, and knowing Kip's stubbornness, she'll never become one, or a SSBBW for that matter.
I like big dominant gals and I think Kip's character designs could use some variety. Why not capitalize on the size difference between Saiya and Tessa by making Tessa into a chubby amazon? We already have Aika as an apple shaped fat girl.
she's already a chubby amazon. havent you seen the panels with her making out with saiya? and no, aika is not shaped like an apple. if she continues to gain she will more than likely be a blob.
What? Tessa isn’t bigger than Aika. Unless kip’s weird size change is fucking me up

"Will", indicative of future tense.
I knew that you said "will", but I believe that Kip won't.
>What? Tessa isn’t bigger than Aika. Unless kip’s weird size change is fucking me up
she is. it keeps switching but tessa definitely looks bigger these days.
No way, Aika is wayyyyy bigger, just look at the previous pages of her sitting down
Nah, as >>121535 said Aika is definitely way bigger than Tessa. Her getting stuck in the chair is a good example.
anyone got the new pic
Panel two is laughably bad. What is that fat distribution Kip? Why are her thighs and ass so tiny? Her arms are twigs. The other panels looks better, but that one stands out as particularly bad.
Anyone else notice the hair changing between panels?
Now that you mention it, yeah
oh wow lol, her hair cones are gone in the second panel
maybe. Its been awhile but I think tessa has been looking larger. maybe its because we've seen her more. I've just gotten confused.
I've noticed her hair wings are huge. what does that mean again?
The bigger your wings the higher your social status, which woulf make sense for Tessa. but usually when they gain weight they fall out, but it's kip so dont ever expect any sort of consistency
She hasn't suffered a huge popularity hit from her weight gain yet, and if the dudebros are any indication her fans don't mind that she's gotten fatter. She also hasn't lost her self confidence yet even if she's not completely happy with her weight gain.
Could be because people think she's pregnant or something, but as Stacy has said, as long as Tessa's boobs are huge her fans probably don't care.
Oh look, he drew a normal looking belly
So fucking boring, i dont need a 10 page workout scene where nothing fucking happens
meh, it's better than 10 page romantic drama where nothing happens
I would almost rather that (with Tessa) because it moves the plot forward atleast a little bit. Can't stand any scene with Aiks though. Liked her at the start and she just kept becoming eorse and worse and worse of a character
why is she doing push ups again in that final panel? ill give kip credit for finally making her look fat though. good job on panels 1 and 2 though I'm real sure her breasts would have flopped out of that top and smacked her in the face.
I've been asking this for weeks now and I know no one has the answer. how does this move the plot forward? this feels like obvious fan service to keep people interested. there is literally no point in tessa working out. no one cares that she's blowing up. she went to school with her gut out and the men commended her for nipple gate. the only one that cares is stacey and where is she right now? what is saiya even doing here? I get that she got roped in in an attempt to watch her but what is this "she's giving it her all I shouldn't get left behind" crap? why is she giving it her all? I thought the entire plot line here was that tessa loves saiya and the person she is around her. she's enjoying stuffing but she's trying to hide it due to stacey and her career. that isn't a bad plot. saiya is in love with aika but tessa wants her. still not a bad plot. both saiya and aika are terrible characters. saiya doesn't know what she wants and aika is just there to move the plot along, such as her now asking saiya to go to church. wait for it, its coming. stacey wants tessa to stay thin but again, everyone loves her weight gain, men are losing their minds and above all none of that matters when tessa just went to school, gut out looking half pregnant and no one said a word. what is the point of this besides fan service? but this isn't a fetish comic.
The plot of a love triangle all fighting for their loves isn’t bad, it’s the execution. I’m all for fan service but this ain’t it.
aika aint fighting and neither is saiya. tessa is the only one putting forth effort. she clearly has feelings for saiya. saiya can only register large bellies and aika only cares about food. I feel like kip thought aika crushing on tessa would be a good idea right until he did it which is why nothing has been said about it since. now he's totally lost as to what happens next which is why this story keeps repeating itself.
I was thinking that myself; the Aika loves Tessa plot thread got totally dropped. She hasn't even mentiiones that she's interested in Tessa again
One of the best Kip pics in awhile
Alright I know it’s a constant complaint people have of Kip’s work, but I had to point it out because it’s so blatant in this image in particular. She genuinely just looks pregnant.
some people do gain weight like that but I know that is nowhere near what he's trying to do here.
>She genuinely just looks pregnant.
Just how I like it.
>he doesn't know Kip is into stuffing and foodflation
>he doesn't know Kip is into pregnancy
>he doesn't know Kip had minor self-inserting autogynephilic episodes with covert pregnancy fetish depicted in his very own comics
kip into pregnancy? since when? man would make a killing if he started drawing random illustrations like cindy heavily pregnant and stuffed by connor or tessa obviously pregnant and being stuffed by saiya.
He's too lazy and stiff to change his ways now. And he makes already more than enough. 7k/mo, breh
>Inb4 has he ever drawn a vagina?
I'm well aware. thats why we have this trash. but I'm just saying if he has a preggo fetish it'd be nice to see it more often instead of this stupid "oh she looks pregnant" comments that he keeps having random characters say.
if the trainer is fattening her up, this suddenly feels like we've stumbled into a different WG comic, completely unrelated to everything that's been set up so far. I'm not (necessarily) complaining, since everything that's been set up so far has been pretty dull, but why did it take 200+ pages to get here?
Maybe shes not and its just gross green diet smoothie or something. You never know with kip
tbh I could see that. 100 more pages subtly implying trainer is fattening Tessa, only to reveal she isn't and her suspicions are unfounded. It'll suck from a story standpoint, but at least it will subvert our expectations
Tessa is looking W I D E in this one
yea she looks pretty good here; one of kip's better pages lately as far as flab goes
>if the trainer is fattening her up, this suddenly feels like we've stumbled into a different WG comic
I don't think it's right to call this a weight gain comic. Serious question, when was the last page that had any weight gain and I'm not talking about a character being fat.
nothing since dinner with sister
Or at the very least Tessa spikes the drink with something fattening to make it taste good which will only make her fatter
why would the trainer bother fattening her up? I mean come on people. I know we want tessa fat but this needs to make sense.
I'm going with gross green diet smoothie.
in that case, maybe. but wed have to at least see some kind of gains on tessa.
she actually doesn't look pregnant this time.
the stuffing scene that stacey broke up but otherwise you have a very valid point.
maybe, if the trainer gives her some to take home with her but where would she get it otherwise?
I must have said this at least ten times but ill say it again. if you're in this for weight gain then find something else. I am very sure that neither woman will get much bigger than this. also, we have to realize that our current comic might be at most three days after the party where aika said she loved tessa. the pace is glacial, I know, but the day after that tessa invited saiya to her home where the stuffing occurred, then the store make out session the next day and now were in school on the third day. its easy to lose track. I know. at most this has been a week.
I'm pretty sure only a week or so has passed in universe in the last 100 pages, so the lack of gain given the time isn't too unrealistic. the issue is that it took 100 pages to cover 1 week
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During my fact checking, I realized this workout scene that's going on now is a recycled idea from Page 113. Only differences is that Saiya is now in the room with them compared to spying on them back then, and Tessa is very slightly fatter now.
and heres where my question is. why is saiya there? last time she all but ran out of the workout with an anime nosebleed. I get her coming in now to watch tessa but whats this about her doing her best in the workout? it just doesn't make sense. nothing about this comic makes sense.
man it took four pages for them to get in the classroom and sit down, saiya didn't have her homework then we cut to this workout scene and btw, fan service is over.
saiya's trying to lose weight to impress Aika
>and heres where my question is. why is saiya there?
>but whats this about her doing her best in the workout? it just doesn't make sense. nothing about this comic makes sense.
You answered your own question. Another answer is that Kip just does whatever he feels like in the moment rather than thinking about the long run.

>man it took four pages for them to get in the classroom and sit down, saiya didn't have her homework then we cut to this workout scene and btw, fan service is over.
Please don't remind me of the classroom scene and the complete lack of consistency going on there with the seating. Kip's well of ideas for fanservice have been dry for a while now. We're not getting anything as long as Tessa keeps the spotlight.
Wasn't it the other way around?
no, Aika's trying to lose weight to impress Tessa
Ugh... fuck this story. It makes my head hurt.
And Tessa is trying to lose weight to impress Stacy while also trying to gain weight to impress Saiya
no. stacey convinced aika that saiya is avoiding her because she's fat so she's trying to lose weight to get her friend back.
>Another answer is that Kip just does whatever he feels like in the moment rather than thinking about the long run.
thats what I think. kip goes with what sounds good but he never thinks further than that, hence aika "loving" tessa and kissing her in the party. kip is a perfect example of why you cannot write a story by the seat of your pants and you need an outline.

>Please don't remind me of the classroom scene and the complete lack of consistency going on there with the seating.
forget the seating. I'm still trying to understand how tessa walked in with her gut out and jiggling everywhere and no one said a word. this is after she got shamed the night before at the mall for looking pregnant.
>We're not getting anything as long as Tessa keeps the spotlight.
you don't want aika in the spotlight. I think all of us can agree on that. when she was working out no one cared until we got back to tessa.
>stacey convinced aika that saiya is avoiding her because she's fat so she's trying to lose weight to get her friend back.
Even though that's the opposite of what Saiya wants, but Saiya not being honest and up front with Aika makes Stacey's lie work.

>you don't want aika in the spotlight. I think all of us can agree on that. when she was working out no one cared until we got back to tessa.
I would still take Aika because I never cared about Tessa. The potential of Aika's weight loss failing is the only thing keeping me even slightly interested, and Tessa's multi management seems like it's going to drag on forever without accomplishing anything.
>Even though that's the opposite of what Saiya wants, but Saiya not being honest and up front with Aika makes Stacey's lie work.
now that I think of it, the lie doesn't even work. lets look at tessa. she's hanging out with tessa who is also clearly fat. if she's avoiding aika because she's fat why would she bother with tessa? why is she hanging out with extremely overweight tessa every single day now?
>The potential of Aika's weight loss failing is the only thing keeping me even slightly interested, and Tessa's multi management seems like it's going to drag on forever without accomplishing anything.
both aren't going to go anywhere. I think I'm holding out hope for another stuffing scene but at this point its more like just reading it to see how much worse it can get.
Well, Aika's not the brightest, so I'm not surprised she doesn't notice why Saiya's into Tessa
She might not intentionally be fattening up Tessa but maybe by accident. Drinks like what she’s giving her only work if you commit to a healthy diet. She’ll probably tell Tessa to not stuff herself like she did today. (But will anyway)
hopefully this scene will end without aika busting in asking saiya to church and instead having saiya and tessa go out to eat. maybe then well get a stuffing with tessa.
>if she's avoiding aika because she's fat why would she bother with tessa? why is she hanging out with extremely overweight tessa every single day now?
First of all, Tessa's not "extremely overweight", she's very far from it. Secondly, Saiya's an idiot, possibly moreso then Aika is. Maybe she's still bitter about what happened at the party, or she's trying to figure out why Aika is into Tessa.
I don’t think saiya will actually go to church. She’ll just try to act rebellious and say it’s dumb, making aika worried yet flustered by her new attitude.

If there’s another passage of time sequence it will probably consist of gym failures on both Tessa’s and aika’s end.
well, yes. but tessa has an obvious gut and I'm finding it real hard to believe that no one has noticed. but you're right. aika is quite an idiot. in fact, do you recall the party where she said she loved tessa for her slim figure?
oh of course not. if saiya goes to church then that will go against her new goth / emo phase. she can't go to church with aika but that doesn't mean kip won't try it.
Alternate timeline where Tania is an active gainer and specializes in helping people get big quickly and efficiently
I recall the party, but not Aika saying that. She got drunk early on, and was completely wasted by the end of it. It's possible that it was the alcohol talking, because now she seems more bothered by Saiya avoiding her then she is interested in Tessa, but it's hard to say because of how little focus she's gotten since the party.
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this isn't just her being drunk. she admitted she's always had a crush on her and that she's been watching her streams. she's always had feelings for her and was hiding it. she finally got it in her to admit it when she got some liquor inside her. notice also that she talks about how much she likes tessas slender body and huge breasts. now, less than a week later, tessa has a huge gut and saiya is hanging out with her but she's avoiding aika because she's fat? it makes no sense.
One serving choice pages being better out of context than in context might be the biggest indictment of Kip's writing. Like if you knew nothing about this story and read these pages you'd assume it was part of a really juicy and dramatic romance story but the reality is that Aika's comfession hasn't been brought up in dozens of pages and when it happened it was a complete asspull with no meaningful foreshadowing.
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heres your "foreshadowing", 70+ pages before. the pace is literally so slow that its almost impossible to remember. people thought she knew of the whole saiya x tessa and was asking for saiya but that made no sense. so it seems she was asking for herself but uh, when did tessa ever show any interest in her that shed go asking about if its okay if she could date her in church? tessa wasn't really rude but it seems like she just kinda dealt with her being there.

What if Aika asked that actually for Saiya, knowing Saiya was into Tessa. Then, using her immense aptitude as a friend, put on a performance faking her attraction to Tessa to push Saiya over the edge to become like Tessa in order to attract Aika. This way Saiya spends more time with Tessa and can explore her feelings for her.

...or on page 25 Aika is actually getting Saiya to avoid spending time with Tessa.

Who knows. Pretty sure Kip just rights some fun hook like "There will be No Lunch Break!" and carries the story ad hoc until that moment.

Just make them fat please.
Someone you trust more than anything else to help you lose weight, actually secretly fattening you up, is kinky as hell.
Let's cut the Aika subplot and run with this, shall we?
that's what I'm saying. it's a good twist, but it's like 230 pages into this comic when it should have been the main thing from the start
that would be a good twist if this story wasn't a hot mess already. I hope the trainer is genuine because that would just be drawn out another hundred plus pages and nothing would happen.
I want vore
an anon already did that. hopefully they'll come back and continue it. I'm more into pregnancy myself but I'm curious to see just how big other people would like to see tessa get.
I want the hole i die in to be a pretty lady's mouth
Good answer and if that anon does Tessa vore or somethin i am here for it too
And there’s gotta be more Cindy x Connor content sometime. FNN sequel at movie night or pool party would be nice.
I have no idea why we don't have that already. kip had made a lot of people really happy with fnn. there is no reason why he didn't immediately follow it up with cindy and connor on a date. he could've even tried it when he did no lunch beach but instead we got that horrible mess that called itself a comic.
Because Cindy knows that Conner wants her fat, and that's an easy invite for people wanting her to get as big as possible. This is something Kip doesn't want because he doesn't like bigger sizes, even though he's done some USBBW sizes as commissions before. It's also part of why Dinner With Sister had a rushed ending and never got proper conclusion.
to be fair, fnn also had a rushed ending. if you go back and really look at it it took just about 45 pages to get anywhere near good. we did get the legendary ahegao burp but that was it. the stuffing was a single page followed by that make out session that was a few pages, sex that lasted what, a single page and that was it. all that build up for nothing and when it finally got good he sped that up and ended it. now we built up to a relationship and he just decided to move on to a different series.
>to be fair, fnn also had a rushed ending.
Was it? I thought it went longer then Kip planned, or was that No Lunch Take Out I'm thinking of?
May have been the case for both, but I do remember FNN going a tiny bit longer than Kip had originally planned. On Patreon after FNN, kip said that there was more content planned for those two but it never ended up happening. Well, at least yet or anytime soon for that matter.

But yes it would be nice once this rollercoaster is done with we can go back to some Connor x Cindy content. Hell I’d be down for some more Sydney x Tina too. The brief beach comic of those two during a two week OSC hiatus was fine but it would have been nice to expand more on those two actually e x p a n d i n g at the beach.

Can’t please everyone unfortunately, but I think we can agree that Connor/Cindy and Tina/Sydney are Kips primary ships and who we’re mostly here to see content for. However this ends, even if it’s Tessa/Saiya like I’m hoping, they won’t be mainly what comes to mind when I think Kip. It’s gonna be Cindy shoving that massive block of lasagna down into her gut as Connor watches her gut blort out…..well that and Sydney and Tina’s sexy time in the hot tub.
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As a matter of fact, we’re overdue for an appreciation post for those fabulous fatasses
of course we couldn't get back to fan service. lets draw this out even longer.
I don't know that people will tolerate this comic hitting 1k pages.
This is actually the worst comic ever. Jesus christ.
lewd pole is coming up. what are some lewd edits you all want to see?
In a properly paced story, this development would have happened around the 30 page mark at most. Also, let's not forget a few pages back, the page was topped with the header 'School Day Start', essentially implying that this day will be a significant chunk of the total comic, and probably has several dozen more pages before even this singular day ends
the main problem is theres no plot. what is the end goal? and this isn't like Seinfeld where there was no plot but we tagged along because it was funny. every single comic is "what is this mess". I tune in for fan service. I'm to the point I laugh when kip doesn't deliver. its really funny how he keeps doing this. all of this time and were here for the story? now lets just say that the trainer is interested in fattening tessa up. we have aika, who loves tessa. never spoken of again. tessa loves saiya. saiya loves bellies. saiya claims to love aika but she loves bellies. now we have the trainer copping feels on tessa and falling for her? kip couldn't do the simple relationship right, made it a triangle, failed and now were adding a third person to it? tessa clearly doesn't like the trainer patting her belly but let me ask, why is she doing that? if she's into tessa and her being fat why is she actually making her exercise? she had her doing push ups and crunches right? that would build muscle right? why is she not having her do other things like run in place or jumping jacks just to watch her fat bouncing everywhere? why is tessa so obviously uncomfortable? I'm not complaining. I'm trying to make sense of it.
Lol that was like 20 pages ago, jesus this thing is dragging on. Its good to atleast have confirmation shes fattening Tessa up I guess
where is this confirmation? just her patting tessas belly?
> what is the end goal?
this has been an issue for a while now. This comic would greatly benefit from some concert or event Tessakitz is expected to make an appearance at, so her gain and attempts to hide it can build up to her getting exposed at such an event (assuming Tessa getting humiliated is that focus here)
we had that. twice. nothing happened.
Tessa fattened up in her music video outfit
Her telling her not to work out, giving her giant protein shakes. Not sure that she likes her, could hate her even. But shes 100% fattening her
This is a complete guess, but what if this is supposed to be a workout fetish comic? I remember LordStormCaller commenting on this comic early on saying that's what he wanted, because that's what he's known for is And just like Kip, he dislikes bigger sizes. What if this whole thing was his fault?
its not a fetish comic at all. kip is trying to tell a story and I'm sure he has already said this is not a fetish comic. I dont understand why he keeps putting fanservice in here if it isn't a fetish comic but thats the way he wants to tell this story.
There hasn't been enough working out for that to be the case; only about 10 pages out of 230+ are exercise scenes. Also, LSC's comics, as simple as they are, are significantly better than this imo
One of the main things a personal trainer does is push you to work out harder than you would on your own. Tessa showed up ready to kick ass and Tania is handing her protein shakes and trying to get her to slow down. It's obvious that something is up.
No idea if Kip actually would, but the idea of them taking the image where Tina is cosplaying I-No and instead giving her the lewd poll treatment sure would be nice

I'm not sure I agree. As a fat fuck whenever i've tried to exercise and "go hard" i've always been told to stop and slow down.

Fitness people and personal trainers all the time tell you not to push yourself too hard when starting out. It leaves your muscles sore the next day, leaves you tired & miserable, and makes you less likely to do consistent long term training

Instead they try to get you to start small. They want you to build up stamina and more importantly make excercise become a habit.

The whole kick ass and take names push yourself to the edge thing is more when you've already got lots of stamina, work out every week already, and are trying to break through your plateau
At this rate Ima finish my college degree before kip finishes his comic
You underestimate the amount of morons on the internet
Holy fuck, each time I see this thread it's infinite complaints.

And they are likely justified! I mean, I stopped following Kip after that fucking Dinner With Sister cliffhanger page where he just gave up and going full time on No Lunch Break I think. Then I witness that current comic which apparently has like a million pages and it doesn't look like it's going very far.

I remember being into Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner with sister where it was mostly fetish stuff between sisters. Did Kip even finish Dinner With Sister? Oh yeah, now I remember Dinner With Sister getting weird when she swallowed an entire lobster in one go lmao but still, has it even been finished?
Dinner With Sister has finished for years now.
A lot of the points about the writing have been fair, but I honestly prefer Aika over Tessa so I would rather cut out the Tessa subplot rather than Aika, but yeah Kip needs to stop waffling and just choose one or the other. It's getting annoying
People should've figured something was wrong with kip the moment he started an incest comic
You assume Kip has any idea what working out actually looks like. The way he’s written this segment makes it really feel like Tiana or whatever her name is, has ulterior motives.
anyone got the new pic
throwing a million plot threads at the wall hoping something sticks

someone break this down for me. I'm confused. panel 1, they skip the showers. panel 2. saiya showering. panel 3 saiya thinking. panel 4 saiya scoping just how massive tessa is. I'm surprised we really just passed by that that fast. panel 5 saiya walking into the locker room and panel 6 someone is coming in? am I reading this right? we want to see tessa half naked but she's either going to have on a towel covering everything or its aika finally asking saiya to go to church. I'm still waiting for that btw.

Pretty sure that's Tessa in panel 2, not Saiya.
I'm disappointed by Saiya's towel censoring Tessa's ass in panel 3 (perhaps Kips has forgotted how to draw ass, since no one in this comic seems to gain below the belly at all). I'm also surprised Saiya doesn't seem to care about butt naked Tessa right there, but is entranced by her poorly proportioned silhouette right after.
my mistake. you're right. she looked so thin I confused them. shouldve looked at the wings and hair color.
I was thinking that as well. I don't know why there was no scene whatsoever with her walking up or anything. and I also don't understand how saiya is so calm and cool and collected. whenever aika does anything with her belly she outright loses her mind. she was basically masturbating just a few pages ago which was literally the night before at the very thought of tessa. tessa was clothed. now she has butt naked tessa next to her and then sees her silhouette, still looking pregnant, and she just nods and walks away? it isn't adding up to me.
Where on earth is the fourth panel taking place?
Saiya was beside Tessa, turns around, walks away, looks back, and now she's next to her closer and seemingly lower than before but there's fogged glass between them?
(773 KB, 1125x1575, 233.jpg)
everything's so painfully up, made a quick edit
significantly improved, thank you
What is that silhouette? Her body looks ridiculous
I get what Kip’s going for but his shapes suck
If you want her to have a visceral fat beer gut that barely hangs, don’t draw it like a flabby ass subcutaneous gut
His namby pamby bullshit is getting real old, draw her like she’s pregnant and has a ton of visceral fat in her gut, or give that gut more sag
it took multiple looks before I understood. tessas gut droops a bit more in the edit. that is very well done anon. now she doesn't look preggo any more. and there isn't anything wrong with looking preggo. I know two women personally who gain in breasts and belly and anyone would swear they are due any day now. but I really don't think thats what kip is going for.
I don't think kip knows anything about all of that.
kip definitely needs to move towards this look as the belly only look gets ridiculous at larger sizes. while the ending of NLB was hot in idea, sydneys shape was unattractive and just looked wrong imo
Any fatfag worth two shits knows that stuff, he needs to fucking learn
Can someone repost the fanart of Tessa being fed ice cream by Saiya? Or the name of the artist who made it? I can’t find it anywhere. There were also a few others pictures created by the same person.
Kip really is the star trek of the fat fetish community. His old stuff was amazing but the quality is just spiralling
I don't know if Kip is even interested in 3d fat stuff, it might explain why his anatomy is wonky sometimes
(622 KB, 1125x1575, ayy2.png)
Quick v2
hey, no fair. lower decks is an amusing cartoon.
saiya couldn't handle all that anon. amazing edit but saiya wouldn't know what to do if tessa were that big standing in front of her. I seriously doubt kip will let her get that big either.
Glad you gave Saiya some love as well

I have literally no idea what this is supposed to be conveying, this panelling is so bad
after staring at it on and off since fri I think I get it. panels 1 and 2 are literally saiya and tessa bathing side by side. panel 3 is saiya walking away from the shower. panel 4 is her turning around seeing just how large tessa is. panel 5 is her walking into the locker room then panel 6 is her getting her clothing on. this theory has some issues with it. if they are side by side in panels 1 and 2 how is saiya walking away in panel 3? how can she see tessa in panel 4? why did saiya not look to her side in panels 1 and 2? isn't she too far away to see how huge tessa is after walking away? panels 5 and 6 are pretty easy. I'm expecting aika. no way kip would have half naked sweaty tessa walk in. its aika asking saiya whats wrong and to go to church with her.
Thanks brahs.
Things I edited go as following:
>edited out the kipflaps, in this story they serve literally no purpose
>blanked out the speech bubbles, with one of them being edited out
>gothic cum inscription with an arrow pointing at the saiya's head on the 2nd panel
>made tessa's arse visible through the wet towel
>added some boobs to saiya, with them being visible under the towel
>properly fat tessa, and not some inflation fetish material
>some arm and belly squish to saiya
Thank you for your time.
>edited out the kipflaps
Holy shit I didn't even notice until you said
(787 KB, 1125x1575, Page234.jpg)
Damn already becoming the new tessa, i see the outfit and hairstyle. Not that shes actually gonna lose weight lol
My god, dare I say this looks GOOD? Like, she looks actually fat and not pregnant like the usual. I'll cherish this while it lasts
yeah, this looks decent tbh. aika looks fat in panel 1 and her ass looks pretty good in the last panel
I can't believe it. He actually did it. KIP FINALLY MANAGED TO DRAW A NICE ASS!!
wtf i love aika now????????????
No you dont, shes still a retard
>it's an Aika chapter
It looks like Aika is going a bit pear shaped, which would be a very welcome departure from Kip's usual body type. Do you think that will continue, or will she go back to the classic kip figure next page? place your bets
I’m positively surprised for once, Kip actually nailed Aika’s proportions
>kip drawing ass
>it's actually good
a pleasant surprise
Fuck all of you, new goddess just dropped.
I was right and I was wrong. kip did bring aika in but I never expected him to have stacey force her to work out. he really did good with her design too. wheres tessa when you need her?
She's W I D E
(5.1 MB, 4000x6247, 1667773379501.jpg)
Aika at her smallest vs her current size (and don't ask me how was she so slim in these particular strips I too have no idea)
maybe they're really small and tight clothes? I know women who purposely wear clothing thats small to act as a sort of girdle. but wait, aika would never do that. never mind.
keep in mind that only a few days have passed in kips universe. thats why tessa is so small so when did aika get so stupid huge? tessa has got a lot of stuffing to do to get anywhere near that size. in fact, I'm very curious to see if she's going to walk in, her jaw will drop and then go home and gorge herself to get that size.
Several months have passed between these 2 comparisons tho, there was like a 3 month timeskip around page 90, not sure where you’re getting >a few days from
Maybe she just gained a lot of weight off screen lol
the party. its probably been a few days since the time skip. I'm losing track due to how insanely slow this comic is going. she ballooned out of nowhere and tessa is still somehow the same size.
>the best parts of the comic have been happening off screen
This is so fucking cursed
Who knew all I needed was a fatass bunny girl as motivation?
this is against what the good book says? seriously kip? and how is stacey yelling "good lord" when we've established God is known as "the great winged one"? I can see why saiya would be foaming at the mouth here since tessa has like, no booty to speak of, but saiya loves BELLIES. why is this so hard for this man to remember?
I think she just likes fat in general
that could be the case. if so what is taking tessa so long to waddle herself back into this room and get in on the action? and btw yall, kip could end this story right now if he had saiya stand up to stacey. she's watched her bully both tessa and now the 'love of her life'. there is no reason for saiya to not say anything besides being a horrible character over all.
Because kips awful writing. If you ask why something doesnt make sense or doesnt line up, thats the answer
wild card predication, but I think it's setting up Stacy to be tsundere for fat chicks, hence why she has such a hands on approach to training Aika. she's not bullying her; she's into her

>this is against what the good book says?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't gluttony and sloth supposed to be major sins and a big no-no for religious people? Unless in Kip's universe, the Seven Deadly Sins aren't even a thing.
Saiya didn’t tell Tessa to fuck off either when she was messing with Aika at the party. Guess she’s a pussy or doesn’t care, or like the other dude said, horrible writing.
From what I see in the last panel where Stacy is playing the best that the comic has offered so far... well, you see that the door opens, maybe Tessa comes in and Stacy or Aika have a reaction when they see her? Stacy maybe get mad and Saiya or Aika even do something or Aika go crazy seeing Tessa almost naked and Stacy or Saiya inject? I don't know... the writing of this story stopped making sense a long time ago...
I really hope not. kip is struggling enough with the story as is. I'm afraid of what this story will become if she's into fat chicks too.
I believe so. I believe thats Catholicism and I have no doubt aika is his universe's version of Catholic.
that was different though. now she's watched stacey bully tessa multiple times. she has fondled all over tessa and found tessa isn't a bad person. she claims to love aika. she's supposed to be 'tough' now. if she doesn't stand up theres no other excuse besides horrible writing.
the way things are looking I'm expecting tessa to walk in fully clothed after everything calms down.
The writing is really bad and the pacing sucks, but Aika looks awesome so I'll take it
Forget Tessa, I NEED this on my face, please god
>that was different though
No it wasn’t. Just another bitch bullying Aika lol. It was before the boob incident and changing room shit.
Damn I just noticed the door creaking open in the last panel, probably means we’ll have a half naked stand-off between Aika and Tessa next page
What is the general consensus on what is Kip's best series?
Personally I say Full Night Nanny, which I feel likely is the general consensus but you never know.
anyone got the new pic
Does anybody have that pic with the colored Stacey in it? I think it was concept art for the comic, right?
please tell me all the exercise has made her hungrier and led to more excessive binges, because she looks even bigger
You might be right but it could also be Saiya bailing out of the locker room
Yeah np bro
Aika is also tall, seems Saiya just hasn’t drank any milk as a kid.
I know that a lot of people despise Aika here, but this concept image makes me hate Saiya so much more.
She really has just always been Kip’s autistic female self insert. At least Aika started out interesting and witty, Kip just assassinated her character entirely later on, but Saiya has always been terrible and dumb af…
why does stacey look like someones stressed out mother?
that wouldn't be a bad place to take it. tessa walks in and tells saiya she's hungry, goes to the buffet and stuffs herself even larger than aika. it won't happen but we can dream.
kip would do something like that just because he seems to hate saiya and wants everyone to hate her too.
the only one in this comic worth liking is tessa. saiya is just a trash human being. aika was okay she just wasn't very smart. after that party she's just as bad as saiya. lets not even talk about how she forced that kiss on tessa 'because she was drunk' but yeah, saiya is evil because she didn't do her homework, she needs the great winged one in her life. stacey is just kip yelling at everyone. at least tessa seems to be a half decent person in an otherwise horrible story.
id love to see saiya and tessa going to school with connor and cindy. let tessa meet cindy and see how that goes.
cool, reminds me of the style of adjectivenouncombo's rendition of craving control from back in the day
def a decent amount fatter, also has fat around her lower legs which for some reason kip completely avoids
What actually happened? I'm confused at the sequence of events
Got scared after Tessa walks in and gives Stacy a major concussion. I wonder if her getting smooshed by Aika is gonna make her an FA eventually or if it's just another stupid gag.
Tessa walked in, everybody got flustered, and Aika facesat Stacy when she jumped back. I think.
Tessa walks in on Stacy groping Aika in the first panel. Cue shocked faces from the three girls. Stacy tries to save face by pushing Aika, but either she ran into her when she got up or Aika fell down in her. I think it’s the former.
Tessa walked in, Aika's ass deployed a defensive countermeasure - a reality warping gravitational field pulling Stacey's face head first into her booty. Take note the wavy lines on the lockers behind them - even they are being drawn into Aika's posterior.
Starting to think the characters in this should just talk to each other
Why does does Tessa look like she lost 100lbs and is the same size at the start if the comic? I swear this shit is like groundhog day if after 230 pages she does 10 push-ups, loses 100lbs in 20 minutes, and we just repeat the exact same events over and over.
I think it's just kippington being inconsistent; she'll be huge again next page, just watch
I’m getting tired of Stacy getting to live every one of my dreams while I get jackshit. Give me Stacy pov, Kip.
kip has skill I will admit that. no one ever knows where this comic will go next. I have no idea where he can take it from here but Im also a bit frustrated.
I think what happened is that tessa walked in on stacey seemingly fondling aika, stacey tried to push her away but her behind is just so ridiculously big that it just ricocheted and went back into her face.
no. they should not. kip cannot handle what he has on his plate already. we do not need stacey admitting she likes fat women because no one will be happy and hell drag that out for another 300+ pages. remember, we still haven't dealt with aika proclaiming her love for tessa.
she wasn't on aikas level but she was big. maybe that shower took off half of her weight? no wonder saiya keeps going back to aika.
>>124702i guess it's just kip being unable to give proper proportions. No fat has been stored on her hips or around her ribs, so as soon as she turns sideways you gonna see that bulging gut. Speaking of two-dimensional characters...
If any of them were capable of even having that thought, something would have happened in the plot 100 pages ago.
tessa would be like over double saiya's height here if they both stood up

Happy Kip is getting more Azur Lane boat comissions
Pretty hot seeing Aika try to suck in her gut to impress Tessa, since it's so pathetically useless.
iit's also nice seeing how massive Aika's thighs and ass have gotten. big step up from kip usual, poorly proportioned gain
Yeah Aika's proportions are one of the only nice things I have to say about this comic. Aika looked like the usual kip proportions in the last page and I almost said something but I decided to hold me tongue just in case. Happy to see I was wrong.
Yeah the gut sucking in is very hot, though I am baised. It's something I do quite enjoy. That panel in no lunch break of Sydney trying to suck in her gut in that tight dress at work comes to mind
In terms of gut sucking, surprised you didn't mention the page earlier in this comic where Tessa was trying to fool the fitness girl, who pinched her nose to force her to exhale. Hottest version of that I've seen.
I love that first panel, Aika’s face, her mispronunciation, and her trying to suck in her gut.

Also Saiya is a whole mood.
Arguably the best sequence of this comic. I’m just sad to know the plot is going to continue throwing the progress back in the drain. Hopefully something actually happens.
Kip needs to learn already that the top of the ass isn't at the same level as the crotch, oh my fucking lord...
question though, why is aika sucking in her gut to impress tessa? aika was losing weight to impress saiya and get her friend back. remember stacey convinced her that she didn't want to be bothered with her because shes so fat? thats why she started working out to begin with.
Anon when a character isn’t 1-dimensional and has multiple motives that determines their actions:
yeah, she might be trying to impress both of them. She's supposed to have a crush on Tessa, after all
These threads never fail to disappoint
no. I seriously doubt it. that might work if aika had enough of a personality before but she doesn't.
im not trying to put this comic down any more. I'm just trying to make sense of whats going on.
there we go again, stacey telling and saiya still not getting the point.
Saiya is so fucking stupid holy shit
Cool, another dumbass Saiya take. I swear Saiya’s dumbness rubbed off onto Aika, probably why her personality got destroyed.

Anyway, place your bets, when will we get to see that beautiful fat ass again?
I'm just realizing this. is that tessa putting her bra on in the fourth panel? It has to be because who else is there? are we really trying to say that saiya had tessa nude in front of her and really just ignored it to ask herself what stacey meant regarding tessa competing with aika? and why is she not foaming at the mouth over tessas belly?
I think its the other way around. aika was never very smart nor did she have much of a personality. saiya is getting worse the longer this story goes on. I mean I have literally no idea how this is going to end. tessa has all but told saiya she loves her. she literally slammed her against the wall and made out with her two nights before. what other way could tessa show her that she likes her? gaining weight? she's doing that. letting her stuff her? she's doing that. is saiya doing this on purpose?
It ends with Saiya waking up from a coma, it was a dream all along.

Wonder if Tessa is going to end fatter than Aika at some point, since the lardass has a watchdog now and Tessa is still running after Saiya the slowpoke.
anyone got the new pic
You can tell Siaya is the main character here, as she's so fucking dense that her gravitational pull forces the plot and characters to revolve around her.
Even though that cliche is meant for male main characters.
>I'm just trying to make sense of whats going on
Anon, it's pretty obvious why she was sucking in her gut.
Finally, the setup is over
I still think Saiya is a retard but at least we're going somewhere now
I can't help but feel this has all become a bit too convoluted. Tessa is getting fat because
-she's losing control of her diet
-she's indulging her own fat fetish
-the trainer is fattening her up
and now
-Saiya is fattening her up
Like, pick one of those things and go with that. The fact that it's all of them makes it way too messy, story-wise.
IDK, maybe it's just me, but I prefer it when there's only one clear motivation for the girl or girls gaining weight in stories like this
Sorry buddy but I think that might be just you.
You’re basically complaining that these characters are too complex and you wish they were more one dimensional.

They're not omplex. Kip's attempts at depth and complexity remain embarrassing.

But they're sexy and reasonably pleasant, so who cares?
I'm fucking banging my head against a wall, please god can this comic do anything right
It socks that Saiya isn't getting fat herself though I guess she thinks Aika likes thin women.
I think you're conflating convoluted storytelling with complex characters. Having all these different factors contributing to Tessa gaining doesn't make her more interesting at all, it just drags this comic out far linger than it needs to. Domino Effect has significantly more complex characters who have progressed further in their gain in much less time because the story is told better
Ah, finally. The Saiya singularity. Let's see how Kip fucks it up.
calling it now, Saiya's schemes will eventually fall apart and end with her getting rejected, which will cause her to binge eat due to stress/rejection. Probably about 600 pages from now.
It still utterly baffles me that Saiya is so blind to Tessa's feelings towards herself. I do hope that when the penny finally drops, we see a panel or two of Saiya realizing what a shitheel she's been to Tessa all this time as some means of contrition.
We are being raided again, this time with some actually vile shit, but I honestly don't expect the mods to get rid of it that quickly, they're only good at removing things when it's the opinions they don't like.
a brain blast to truly rival jimmy neutron

It also doesn’t help that even though there are half a dozen forces at work trying to make her fat, she barely gains any weight at all.
that is obvious. it doesn't make sense.
wow. we really got a whole comic on saiya trying to understand whats going on. kip really loves making these comics with saiya deep in thought.
>I can't help but feel this has all become a bit too convoluted. Tessa is getting fat because
>-she's losing control of her diet
>-she's indulging her own fat fetish
its beyond convoluted. I think the main thing we know for a fact is this. tessa is gaining because she saw how saiya liked aikas belly and she wants that kind of attention from saiya. while stuffing herself she also grew to like it but the problem is that she is on a diet and she is slowly getting into this herself. she's a youtuber, no one is tuning in for her with a huge gut. thats what stacey wants her to believe but she's wrong. or is she? see thats where it gets convoluted. the day before she made out with saiya in the fitting room right? then her clothes were stolen and she was forced to do the walk of shame. everyone thought she looked pregnant and this was even online because aika saw pics of it and stacey yelled at her not to become like that. today she comes in to school. gut hanging out, and all men are worshiping her. no woman says a thing. are they disgusted with her or not? the only one that cares about her weight is stacey. thats one problem.
>-the trainer is fattening her up
-we assume the trainer is trying to fatten her up. I don't see it but I do find it odd that she thought it okay to start rubbing tessas belly after that workout. try that mess with a woman in real life and you'll get slapped.
>and now
>-Saiya is fattening her up
tbh I didn't understand most of saiyas thought process. I don't know if its the language barrier or the fact that this is all so incredibly stupid. but that is what I got out of it. her conclusion was that if she fattens tessa up then she will get aika for herself. if that is truly the case then kip has done one thing right. he turned his mc from an unlikable main character to a downright terrible villain. the fact that she still hasn't gotten that tessa likes her and aika doesn't give a crap blows my mind. why is she even on aika? that has yet to be established.
>Like, pick one of those things and go with that. The fact that it's all of them makes it way too messy, story-wise.
I still believe kip has no idea where this story is going and he's making it up as he goes along. thats the only way to explain these massive plot holes.
>IDK, maybe it's just me, but I prefer it when there's only one clear motivation for the girl or girls gaining weight in stories like this
they're easier to enjoy that way.
this isn't complex characterization. this is idiocy. theres nothing complex about these characters. kip created characters and he's outright changing the personalities as he deems fit. I get that characters change as the story progresses but this doesn't make sense. you want an example? were going with aika is trying to suck her stomach in to impress tessa right? so were sticking with aika loves tessa as she admitted at the party. okay, fine. in the party she also told tessa she loves her thin figure. tessa had a corset on that was struggling to contain her. the night before people thought she was pregnant in the street. stacey used her as an example of what not to become. now aika stood in front of naked tessa, tessa with her huge gut out, and tried to suck in her stomach to impress her? she's fat too. thats been heavily established. one of the main things she liked about her is no longer. why is she trying to impress her again?
aika said that at the party which is why it makes no sense that she's trying to impress fat tessa.
I just stumbled across some comic named maddy that eats this thing for lunch. it has all the same issues, woman mocked for her weight and all, yet it turned out to be a cute love story. I think thats ultimately what kip wants out of this but he's failing miserably.
aika dont want her. I don't get why she hasn't gotten that through her head. not only that, she's never even shown interest for aika to tell her that.
and that is the truly frustrating thing here. the plot isn't bad enough. its the stupid fact that these women are barely gaining any weight. I almost think this gym subplot is some mess to make sure they don't gain and keep the story going longer but the problem is that its literally going nowhere.
Does anyone have the Android 18 fanart?
She’s got some fat which will hopefully be enjoyed at some point but, this is OSC we are talking about so we can hope but my expectations are lowered
Isn’t that traced from one of the comic’s pages or am I trippin?
probably, but it's still cute.
Calling it now, Saiya's schemes will fall apart and she will get rejected, leading to her binge eating from stress/depression. Probably in about 600 pages
>Calling it now, Saiya's schemes will fall apart and she will get rejected, leading to her binge eating from stress/depression. Probably in about 600 pages
I remember this comment from earlier. what is it with y'all being obsessed with saiya gaining weight? why would she binge eat? I mean, seriously, plot wise, why? she has barely eaten in all of this time and she's already expressed concern over her little belly. why would she binge eat?
I guess people want all the main characters to be fat? I see the same comments with Stacy. I don’t get it either.
Literally every WG comic fan and content creators MO is to make any female that shows up also fat, I don't know why you're in a kip thread and don't realize he's has literally done that with every comic why would this be different?

I dont give a shit how long it took to get here, i really wantes saiya to start pushing tessa to eat and abusing her in and out of private like this and there was plenty of fanservice along the way. Manbabies can piss and moan all they want
Wow this kinda actually makes you hate Saiya. Tessa is so genuinely happy to just be going out with her crush and little does she know Saiya is just using her. Honestly kinda feels like shit, I hope Saiya gets her comeuppance and realizes shes been treating Tessa like shit and an object this whole time while Tessa has just been nice to her.
To add on one thing, I dont know how Tessa of all people has become the only likable person in this story
lol, i was thinking the same thing. I know this is a weight gain comic, but I'm kind of rooting for Tessa to lose weight and realize how toxic her relationship with Saiya is
probably because she's the closest one to actually having a personality of this bunch
the plot doesn't allow it. there is literally no reason for it to happen.
who would complain? people would be happy and tessa would love it.
>probably because she's the closest one to actually having a personality of this bunch
exactly. its the fact that she's the only one with a personality and what >>126525 said. tessa is not only the only one with a personality she's actually a nice person. saiya has only been out to get her rocks off since the beginning, she isn't very smart so the plot has drug on due to her and she's just not a good person overall.
Pretty much everyone around Tessa is exploiting her or manipulating her in some way. Even Aika sexually assaulted her at the party (which, in universe, was only like a week ago, so it's odd their conversation at the gym was so causal).
Tessa is so moe. I want to protect her. By which I mean, protect her from exercise and losing weight.
Also, random prediction about Saiya gaining; she'll trick Tessa into eating fattening foods and convince her that they aren't unhealthy by eating some herself, causing her to start the gain too
Yeah, the more this goes on the more this comic becomes really fucking depressing watching everyone use Tessa as an object and literally sexually assault her :( I know we complain about kip alot but all of that seems unintentional amd played off as a gag by kip. I genuinely just want some feel good moments and theres almost none of that except Tessas cute happy face in the bottom right corner.

-You have stacy grooming her to become a streamer and abusing her
-Aika sexually assaulting her
-The trainer using her
-The guys at school harrasing her
-Saiya manipulating her and using her for sexual gratification while thinking shes actually a complete asshole

Probably more on the list but thats all I can think of, jesus give her a break kip
I want to protect Tessa’s smile!

Darker plotlines are better, i wanna see some unhappy fatties

"Who would complain?"

Any of the people who find something or conveniently forget past pages in order to have something to whine about since its kip, he doesnt draw to their exact tastes unpaid, etc.
Absolutely, shes so precious to me now
darker stuff and humiliation is great, but this is just convoluted imo
Cute Tessa face on frame 4.
Obviously it should be one of these conveyor belt sushi, should be interesting.

Anyway it's too bad all the inner thoughts parts are focused on Saiya, Tessa has some interesting internal strifes. She's not on the usual "from obsessed with being slim to obsessed with being fat" usual train.

>The guys at school harrasing her

It's never really been actual harassment, they're literally worshipping her as a goddess and have never touched her physically or tried to flirt with her openly. Honestly, I have no idea what everyone here is talking about, Tessa is just your average manipulative, shallow E-thot who makes a shit ton of money from her looks, I can't feel bad for someone who used to have a stuck up, asshole-ish attitude in the beginning, then became more timid and weak due to weight gain and humiliation, all the while still making bank from her mindless simps.
Idk why suddenly Tessa is a wholesome bean who must be protected to everyone. She’s a bitch through and through. Also implied Stacy and Tessa have shared income, and honestly I’d be like Stacy too if someone was fucking with my money.
>Tessa is a bitch through and through
Hardly, just a little full of herself because of her fame, she's gentle at heart from what we see so far
>Implied they have shared income
Yeah it's implied Stacey is exploiting Tessa for money, they're not a married couple, Tessa isn't "her money"

Moralfags gtfo. I'm just here to see skinny bitches get fat and fat bitches get even fatter. Nobody cares about your, "Manipulation is... le bad!" soapbox. If you're so righteous, stop jerking off to these drawings because you, like you say Saiya is doing, are just using everyone in the comic to get YOUR rocks off.

Not only that, nearly every comic Kip has ever done has involved manipulation or nonconsensual touching or feeding. The "With Sister" series is chock-full of force feeding, Grace manipulating Kip, groping, and all three girls manipulating the step-mom into fondling them for their own sexual pleasure, not to mention the incest. In NLB, Sydney "manipulates" Sandy into sexual situations by taking advantage of her "cluelessness," Tina forces herself on Sydney on at least two occasions without consent, and at the end, Sandy straight-up abducts Sydney and her friends and force feeds them all. In NLTO, Tina force feeds Sydney in public after she explicitly says she's full and she doesn't want to eat any more. In FNN, Connor manipulates Cindy into eating the lasagna for him when she clearly indicates she wants to lose weight and go on a diet, but eventually sees through him.

So yeah, Kip's shit has always been full of morally reprehensible shit. But this? THIS is where you draw the line? Get off your fucking high horses and just beat your dicks to the fatty smut like the rest of us, you hypocritical faggots.
some people just got into kip. I only got into kip with fnn and I don't consider what connor did that bad. cindy did it on her own once she found out he liked it and then they had sex. thats very different from aika forcing herself on tessa at a party and tessa being obviously uncomfortable. compare aika at the party with tessa and the reaction to tessa in the fitting room with saiya. both scenes the women forced themselves on the other which is wrong but then we have something different. tessa wanted saiya, saiya fondled all over her and kissed her back. same with force feeding. tessa told saiya to force feed her. now saiya is using tessa, force feeding her not for her own amusement as in those series, but to make it so she's too fat for her crush. your examples just aren't very good.
Two-hundred-and-forty fucking pages just to get to something even remotely resembling a plot. What the fuck.

Convenient how you picked the mildest example out of all of them to prove your point. Crazy how all the shit in "With Sister" and "No Lunch" just didn't come up. It's all exploitative and manipulative, and it's always been just as in your face. Your only problem now is that it's being done by a character you don't like to a character you do like instead of between two characters you like. As I said, spare us the lecture and just beat your dick and shut the fuck up.
>she's gentle at heart from what we see so far
Gentle to her crush, if even.
>Yeah it's implied Stacey is exploiting Tessa for money, they're not a married couple, Tessa isn't "her money"
Then Tessa should quit lmao. She has a job to do and Stacy is her manager. Yeah being exploited sucks, but it’s not like she isn’t aware of it. EX, party pages when she spills a drink on herself, or when the booba stream was starting Stacy openly said the fans won’t care as long as her boobs are in frame. Tessa knows, doesn’t quit, and is trying to lose weight for it.
Unbelievably based. Holy shit dude
I don't see why people care when it's all fictional
there's a lot of fucked up things I've jacked off to because it was fiction, but never would engage in IRL regardless of the feasibility
anyone crying about moralfaggotry for literal made up characters is just wasted virtue signaling
I don't disagree and it's all fiction in the end, but what's wrong with feeling sorry for a character for a moment and then going on about your day?
>Probably more on the list but thats all I can think of, jesus give her a break kip
It's implied that she has a poor relationship with her mother and that a lot of her streaming income goes to her family. This is also probably the reason she can't just quit being a streamer.

The problem is coming to an online fatty wank imageboard all high and mighty and professing how virtuous you are for feeling morally outraged on behalf of a fictional weight gain porn comic character.

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