
What the fuck? Even classic art now...?
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Man's desire to coom knows no bound and is not shackled by even the throws of time, soon we'll have threads talking about posting old prehistoric statues to coom to. Its both an awful yet awe aspiring thing
unf, that ass and love handles look great
Did you go use like a catalogue or something
Ah shucks, soon there'll be a thread for every period of art now.
lmao soon there will be a thread featuring the fertility doll sculpture caveman thing
Terminology wise they used to call chubby ladies "Rubenesque figures" in the baroque period. Cause Peter Paul Rubens was based, and knew one day someone would be able to appreciate his taste in women.
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It was more or less the standard at the time. In almost any European nude painting from the Renaissance to World War I, the women have bellies and big butts.

Also that Titian painting is one of the sexiest things ever drawn.
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>>116432 (OP)
Finally, a thread where I can shill one of my favorite artists, Viktor Lyapkalo. He's a Russian boomer formally trained back in Soviet times, and he paints gratuitously-large asses among other things. His pieces aren't always technically perfect, but I still love looking at them.
grug pay many clamshell for big of she rock
you now pay grug or no wathc she rocks
Wow, I didn't know there was a museum in Malta dedicated to this certain kind of history. Man, some of our ancestors really appreciated some of the finer things in life. These kinds of Fertility Idols are a great blessing and discovery!
unga need more meat for wife, wife become big mattress for unga

People like to cope and say these statues are pregnant women depicting themselves, but personally I believe humanity's history is far longer than is currently accepted and that humanity has at least an agricultural society far before is commonly accepted, and that there were degen fat fags like us back then also.
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>>116432 (OP)
Did you really make a thread for this? Guess I can't complain. It's already better than manbaby threads.
Not like the mod cares anyway. He'll let the site rot.
So glad that people are here to hijack this thread meant for actual classical or classically inspired art with more generic anime drivel
Fuuuck this is some of the best art I've seen
Accidentally posted twice. Ignore that
that's the biggest res available? shame
Screensaver material right there, I'd actually like to buy one of his paintings and hang it up but they must be crazy expensive
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French impressionist artist Pierre-August Renoir is well known for having later in life, almost exclusively changing his work to depictions of thick/overweight women lounging around nude in the woods.

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