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the most successful series of threads in bbwchan history, now clocking in at over 5000 posts behind us
so, what's getting under your skin today?
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>>115455 (OP)
As for the daily happenings, furries got themselves nuked my soyjak posters. There was a soyjak poster in these threads too, so maybe he also participated in the soy offensive.
So, I've thought that Kipteitei should change his username, since he is no longer making the comics involving Kip.
Also, his names sound like a retarded mix of Finnish and Japanese.
Things I hate:
>retarded names
>boring "story" or whatever it is
>sameface syndrome
>Bollywood tier camera movement
>Girls having size inconsistencies
>Girls not looking fat, but rather bloated or pregnant
Therefore, I conclude that kip is a mediocre artist and a terrible writer. The only thing that makes him relevant is that he was here long enough, slicing off a decent chunk of the market.
I KNEW I missed that raid, bruh. Anyway...let's resume the Kip hatred. Her stories are so shit, but the fans eat them up anyway because some of them are spending money on it and don't want to accept the cruel truth
I only really enjoy Kip for the art they put out on Patreon, the comics are hot garbage.

Irks me that they never post stuff outside of Patreom tho
Xmasterdavid is infamous for this shit, I think he's been called out multiple times on twitter but he always replied like the arrogant prick he is
Anon, I...
It's 30 something year old autistic finnish man.
I feel as if his art is slowly getting worse, less imaginative, with repeating poses and bambooesque look to it. Anatomy is weird as well, just look at those weird thin roll he likes to put just below the chest.
Now he tries to cater the pregnancy and stuffing fetishists. And so I start to despise him.
He's clearly overvalued.
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Ok yeah I just looked into it. Seems like there's rarely any comments on their latest.
>>115463 he also did that one thing with NFTs
Yeah anon, I sure as hell wish I'd earn 7000 bucks a month drawing shitty art
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So many artists bitching about AI as if they weren't creating silly shit in dall-e back when that was the big trend.
Kinda dumb to target cryptobros with fetish art, but bold all the same

I've yet to see a good artist bitch about AI
Yeah, this isn't new at all. Like the last thread pointed out, this community is rife with plagiarists and tracers because no one on Twitter's willing to call these hacks out. Xmasterdavid's the exception, but even that's only because he's an asshole and people needed ammo against him.
I feel the only artists who are at risk of being replaced by AI are industry concept artists who photobash most of their shit to begin with. I firmly believe that illustrative art will always need the human touch. You won't be seeing AI generated manga anytime soon.
t. artist
There's actually a reason for that. Most of the 'actually good' artists that are bitching about AI are actually vanilla ones. The fetish artists already know they are safe since numerous AIs already disable NSFW terms (or simply don't know how to render them properly) and so they aren't really under threat.
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(Pic Related) Hand drawn illustrations can never be fully replaced. But I don't think that's why the AI was created in the first place. But it can produce some good stuff if you know how to work it. I haven't seen any fetish artist talking about it.
Kips drawings are mediocre too. And that's because he rarely draws beyond one body type. And when he draws someone. Kip's same face makes them look like his character in cosplay.
"Hurr durr AI is copying artists!1!!11" My brother in Christ, it literally needs inspiration to render the drawing just like you goddamn idiots
It's time the BB Furries board was removed like the male one. Tolerance for this kind of thing is how we got to this current political environment. It would also be easier on moderation. Reply if you agree.
Wojak was the worst thing to ever happen to chan culture, change my mind.
It's not going to replace vanilla artists either because
1) It can't create anything on its own and requires already existing art to steal from
2)It's literally an indian/techfag scheme conjured up immediately after NFTs failed
3)AI art can't be copyrighted, making this whole charade pointless.
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Fuck off, I'm not giving up the only board here that has Toriel fats solely because you're a faggot that can't leave shit alone.

You're not even getting a (you) from me.
"Those other guys are all degenerates!" posts local anon on porn board dedicated to massively obese women
It's the same thing with CGI. When it was first introduced, animators thought computers would make the animation themselves, when it's actually just another animation tool.
Imagine feeling threatened by degenerate furry porn a site dedicated to degenerate obesity porn. Soyjak fags are worse than trannies.
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All furries deserve the oven but that's just downright inhuman.

>Breaking news
>Local anon found having sex with corpse of child in solidarity with necrophiliac and pedophile degenerates right after having a meal of human flesh to be closer with Cannibals.
Chillday got banned from Twitter. No reason has been given
Banned for cultural appropriation of the Inuits.
>>115527 You are a walking meme.
Lol FA artist with mediocre talent, charging 200 plus for single character are funny as fuck.
No fucks have been given, either.
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Why would anyone use a backside perspective for this pose? Front or side are so much better.
Didn't notice it immediately, but what the fuck is with her hand and fingers?
>1) It can't create anything on its own and requires already existing art to steal from
This doesn't matter if it's good enough for most people
>2)It's literally an indian/techfag scheme conjured up immediately after NFTs failed
Where did this NFT connection come from? These AI generators are created by AI professors and research scientists at giant tech companies. The people creating the AI are not indian NFTfags.
>3)AI art can't be copyrighted, making this whole charade pointless.
This hasn't been established yet and I bet a lot of the AI art users don't care anyway.
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>This doesn't matter if it's good enough for most people
But it DOES matter to the people it's stealing from. AI art is inherently a legal nightmare.

> The people creating the AI are not indian NFTfags.
Look up a guy named Ahmed Emad. He's literally an Indian NFT/Cryptofag and is also the main guy pushing Stable Diffusion. He's admitted that he sought investments from Amazon and the UK, and has 75 India-based marketers on his business and personal discord servers.

This fucker is the main reason why the internet's been drowning with this garbage. Even most 4chan boards were flooded with AI art spammed by pajeets until the jannies got sick of it. It's just the next phase of the NFT grift, nothing more.

>This hasn't been established yet and I bet a lot of the AI art users don't care anyway.
It actually HAS. The US has repeatedly denied any attempt at copyrighting AI art, due to the complete lack of human input and authorship.
The artist is mediocre at their best.

>It's just the next phase of the NFT grift
NFT's are fucking dead and any lingering spasms will be dealt with from shit economy.
>The artist is mediocre at their best.
That has more to do with his poor decision making rather than his style. He's his own worst enemy.
I'm talking about his skill, not his style.
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AI can do a good abstraction/nature/city. But its did a mindless designs for a living beings. Armor/clothes/pose even the face is a mess. Even the "realistic" one.
My assumption is that he went from sperging about AI to full-on A-logging about how he wants to kill AI artists. His account isn't suspended (yet), but fellow clout-chasing zoomer dusk-nobody's going down a similar trajectory.
Ai will eventually replace artists I feel like. Deny it all you want, but it only gets better. The only people I feel like might be safe are people who draw porn because companies don't want to associate with beater material.
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I welcome our robot picasso overlords
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Do you think 3D shit will get borged too? I don't see much discussion of it apart from a few mo-cap developments. And what about writing? Every time I look up "AI Writing" it's some incoherent shit like a forgetful 8 year old wrote it.
I hear some people say that it won't manage to write until "Artificial General Intelligence" is reached--basically, AI sentience.
Just casually reminding people that certain AI artists already block NSFW terms and I can guarantee you the moment investors and techbros see fetish art being done with AI when it hits mainstream even more blocks will happen.
You are only going to see even more big-headed porn and fetish artists. Do not fall for the meme. You are going to set people up to be even more arrogant and charge more for "uniquely human" art
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Literally fucking called it in the last thread she's only getting more popular from her fuck ups. later pages there will probably be chubby chicks thanking her for flauting her gut in the mall or something
Would be great if artists would draw more of the classac waifus instead of endless flavor of the month. Dont forget the classic waifus!
Define "classic waifu", I don't like flavor of the month either but we don't need fat Tifa/Samus#19873246
Man this comic really does keep going in circles, huh?
I can't tell what tone it's going for. The previous page seemed like it was setting up serious drama about Tessa's gain, and immediately follows it with a joke about her nipslip a few pages ago
>Define "classic waifu"
Venus, Hela or even Mary, mother of God
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>Kip is overrated
>JayCUMa is a scammer
>Yeetdoh has fallen into the abyss
>Pixxxiveo is the worst long storyteller of all time
>Metalforever does 5% masterpieces with 95% trash
>Bamboo Ale is a manchild
>BWS made a deal with the devil and now has infinite money but has to make Lucy remakes for the rest of his life instead of actual good content
>Dr.Worm is basically a WWE midcarder in the 2010
>Chungusart is a minor
>PDC is too busy doing Disney arts
>LordStormCaller got a wife and retired to avoid getting exposed
>Shy-Sho is now doing males
>SWC is now doing females
>American Dream has become irrelevant
>Miramiraclerum has dissapear from the face of the earth
>Robot feeder is going to become a Terminator at any second

am i missing something
called it. I asked before how and why saiya didn't see the nipple gate video and now I'm asking again why and how saiya didn't see the pics of her in the mall that aika pulled up in the gym. aika actually got an alert and at that same time saiya was about a step away from exploding with lust. how are these people seeing things saiya doesn't?

also, where are they? are they still in class? where did these dudes even come from?
I don't recognize a quarter of the artists you've named but pretty accurate. Man, I hope Miramiraclerun is doing well, extremely genuine dude and his Patreon system wasn't cheeks.
>SWC is now doing females.
Why did you list that when that's a good thing? Her announcing that she's not doing males anymore was the best thing to come from this year.

>Man, I hope Miramiraclerun is doing well, extremely genuine dude and his Patreon system wasn't cheeks.
I feel the same. Not only those, but his art is arguably the best.
You missed SangySquish being a shameless tracer.
>Why did you list that when that's a good thing?
Because i had to balance out the shy shoo one
besides, im still kinda caution because his males and his females are the same
She removed all the males she's done from her DeviantArt, and hasn't made any males since that announcement. She's been very committed to her decision.
Shysho on the other hand is the one you should be careful about. I blocked him cause I'm not putting up with that shit.
Magicstraw went on hiatus for like a year, did some k-on art as a last hurrah, then dipped from social media all together without even saying why or saying goodbye. It was so abrupt that I didn't even know what to feel.
Him and pixiveo are really dragging these stories for as long as they can (either that or they're creatively bankrupt and don't know what to do). Toriyama and kishimoto are saluting to them out of respect.
i miss magicstraw so much. he was like the top tier of fat art, even if most of it was sketchy pencil on paper drawings. I wish he'd come back someday
>Yeetdoh has fallen into the abyss
God help the shotabot and trap.
>Metalforever does 5% masterpieces with 95% trash
I'd hardpressed to say 3% decent pics and he's incapable of making any masterpieces.
>Bamboo Ale is a manchild
Bamboo is an egotist.

Magic ran a fucking gauntlet and got completely burned out from it.

Didn't Toriyama pass the torch with Super, and wasn't it just Toei wanting to milk the IP again like how they threw money at him for GT?
Same, I liked his art. It had a great cartoonish style to it that was satisfying and friendly to people who stumbled upon it. I can slightly undertand how colleen clinkenbeard mistook his work for harmless fat appreciation.
> Magic ran a fucking gaunlet and got completely burned out from it.
He was the best of us all, godspeed wherever you are.

ShySho is twisted. Giant groomer and a turd fucker. Avoid.
I dont have twitter and most of the info i get on these guys are you, so please tell me wtf is this nigga doin
>Him and pixiveo are really dragging these stories for as long as they can (either that or they're creatively bankrupt and don't know what to do). Toriyama and kishimoto are saluting to them out of respect.
kishimoto is milking the series. toriyama is actually providing help with super.
>Didn't Toriyama pass the torch with Super, and wasn't it just Toei wanting to milk the IP again like how they threw money at him for GT?
I think they did throw money at him just like they did when he tried to end dragon ball with namek exploding.
Fetish stuff is incredibly hard to produce; the training data has almost nothing to work with, it can't even do genitals well. I expect a few updates for clip will allow people to make specialized datasets with relatively low samples.
In the meantime, you can get decent results doing crude edits in your image editing /drawing program of choice, then running it through img2img with a low i it image strength
His art was really good, but the best? Nah brah

Why did people think LordStormCaller was that amazing? His coloring was flat, he barely explored body shape, every comic is about weight gain/exercise/denial cycles.

He's the epitome of mediocre.
haha what the fuck for real
He made decent furry art that looked more human than furry, in a sea of actual shit that is furry porn, he was decent, and thus, amazing in comparasion
Rebecca from Edgerunners. Mid Tier at best.

I assume their AI rants got too heated.

There's not nearly enough weight gain art of Samus to me. It's always pregnancy and whlie I'm not against it. Some variation would be nice. But you know. These are popular and iconic characters. Art will be made of them all the time. I just personally can't stand Zelda art.

Rip. I actually liked that story about the femboy gamer.

It's shitty overrated art honestly. That comic he did about Fariytale was pitiful.
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So someone earlier double posted a mutual weight gain of Lissa and Male Robin on the Couples thread, and I reported both images while telling the poster that fat males were still not allowed on this board, and how there was a Mutual Weight Gain thread over on the /Alt/ board. The poster acknowledged what they did, and said that deleting both images was fine. However, the Mod only deletes one of them despite all that. Mod, if you're reading this, what was that all about? Why only delete one of them despite the multiple reasons why that image shouldn't be there, and that the poster themselves acknowledged that they should be deleted?
Before someone clicks it, the spoilered image is a screenshot of the mutual WG pic the mod left behind to prove his fuckery.
because no one likes a mini-mod faggot like you acting like a dickhead in every single thread you don't like. at first i was just going to ban you for spamming me with your useless reports every day but it has turned out to be much funnier just letting you write these impotent posts crying at everyone and endlessly seething instead. i will continue farming your tears until you learn how to use the hide post options. get a hobby
Well, who else is going to try and get you do your job? It's sad that you don't always uphold the rules that you yourself put in place. Also, my reports are only useless if you don't act on them, as I have no power myself. I'll admit that I could be nicer about how I do things, but compared to your spite toward me for trying to uphold the rules here, it's clear you're the bigger asshole here. At least I have good intentions.
>There's not nearly enough weight gain art of Samus to me
She is literally one of the most common Nintendo girls to draw. Mario Princesses, Zelda, Samus - literally top 5 in output. There's a numbered Nintendo girl thread and plenty of other themed threads where you'll find plenty of Samus content that spills over. Genuinely amazes me that Nintendo girl fans have never actually looked at how much content their characters get and how it dwarfs dozens upon dozens of series.
And regarding your "just use the hide post option" argument, I shouldn't have to if it's something that's against the board rules.
I liked LSC's stuff. it's not perfect, but it leaned just the right amount into the shame/denial side of weight gain without being to serious, and I have a humiliation kink so his comics were good to me. unfortunately he had the shitty habit of starting comics and never finishing them or starting several other comics before finishing them.
>Genuinely amazes me that Nintendo girl fans have never actually looked at how much content their characters get and how it dwarfs dozens upon dozens of series.
Because they're all literal fucking morons. Why do you think they like walking plastic models devoid of personality in the first place?
How is Kozynakovich? Already a soldier?
>She (Samus) is literally one of the most common Nintendo girls to draw. Mario Princesses, Zelda, Samus - literally top 5 in output.
I'm willing to cut Peach some slack because most of the art she gets is not good, as not many high level artists draw her. Others like Daisy, Zelda, and Samus on the other hand, I won't defend.
Oh boy where do I start.
The best way to explain that guy is that he's a massive autistic masochistic cockroach that can never die.

For starters, he was almost definitely a minor when he went by his old username Shoclu. I genuinely thinks he gets some kind of sexual kick out of being shamed, because the most notorious thing he did was draw fetish art of people's OC's and personas and send it to them unsolicitedly. At first it was only the odd OC here and there like Lily the Fox Mechanic from Lost Pause, which only got a response from him years later when he said something along the lines of "Oh yeah, someone made a Chonky Lily one time. I'm sure it had good intentions, but it was weird." Unfortunately, the intentions were almost assuredly not pure, as what Sho is probably most known for was his incessant fat and slob fanart of Jaiden Animation and other storytime youtubers, and because he's a creepy masochist, he tagged all of them so they would see it. People mostly found issue with it because Jaiden had recently talked about her struggles with body dysmorphia. When people would ask why he did it, he would give a different answer every time, ranging from "It's just a joke" to "Me so horrrrny XD". Don't quote me on this, but I want to say that it even got to the point where Jaiden literally told him to stop doing it and delete his drawings of her, which he did...but then he started doing them again anyway.

There was another BHM artist who was a minor who now goes by "Plumpy-Bread" or something (He's thankfully an adult now). One time Sho made art for him which caused a bit of a stir because he was basically sending porn to a minor.

I don't know for certain since I never personally saw it, but apparently he was also a particularly egregious member of the furry community for how he would draw people's fursonas in overly extreme fetish scenarios that the owner of the fursona's didn't like (Such as drawing some hyper scat shit for someone who doesn't even remotely like slob). Again, I don't know what he did exactly, but a couple people have talked about it so I might as well mention it.

Eventually Sho finally stopped being a rarted manchild and decided that what he was doing was cringe and so he gave a heartfelt apology and decided to delete all his social media and art accounts while promising to never return to them again...Yeah, he came back a month later under a new name.

He is the biggest loser of the LGBT community that it's borderline parody worthy. He decided that he is a "Slob-Sexual" and even had his own "Slob-Sexual flag" as the background of his profile picture like the ones you would always see LGBT people use.

A minor problem, but alas, I also think it's worth noting that he also doubles as one of those overly prolific commissioners that has way too much money for his own good. Belt Buster's patreon is literally stained with really cringe commissions of Sho's self insert. Not to mention a few years ago, he commissioned every artist under the sun, including a bunch of clueless Japanese artists, to draw his shitty OC that is a Cat girl with multiple tails and has a full body tribal tattoo that looks ass.

He also has some weird fanboyism for trinity fate by copying his artstyle from time to time as some sort of lame tribute. I wouldn't be surprised if Sho is one of the reasons why Trinity Fate left.

Even if you somehow have the perspective of "separating the art from the artist", the majority of his art has spontaneously become nothing but overly degenerate self insert art of himself and his boyfriend.

TLDR - There's a reason we don't talk about ShySho

>3666 characters
If I remember correctly it wasn't that Jaiden told him to stop (I don't think she's ever directly called anyone out for porn of her avatar) but he said himself he was gonna stop. Only to start doing it again. There is debate over if it's okay to draw real people or real people's avatars in porn (I personally don't care as long as you don't go full Shadman and start drawing real children in which case fuck right off) but even ignoring that, the fact he actually tagged for those posts is like what the actual fuck are you doing my guy.
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alright I have seen enoguh degeneracy for a lifetime, time to uninstall myself from this reality, good night lads, and thank you
Whatever happened to Amiibos anyways? As stupid as it was, that seemed like something they could easily milk soyboys for years.

>No one will ever fatten up the characters of Nintendo's sole horror game

>He is the biggest loser of the LGBT community that it's borderline parody worthy
>had his own "Slob-Sexual flag"
Oh, so that's where he gets his forcing himself upon everyone.

>I also think it's worth noting that he also doubles as one of those overly prolific commissioners that has way too much money for his own good
It went without needing to be said when you said he was a furry.

>including a bunch of clueless Japanese artists
They weren't clueless; the all mighty dollar is a universal language.

>I wouldn't be surprised if Sho is one of the reasons why Trinity Fate left
To furries to escape the furry?
Lol fuck that was a really good read, I didn’t realize I’ll learn so much fun lore.
>Whatever happened to Amiibos anyways?
They still make them but the fanfare isn't as big as when they first started.
>I'd hardpressed to say 3% decent pics and he's incapable of making any masterpieces.
His patreon genuinely isn't worth it.

>Genuinely amazes me that Nintendo girl fans have never actually looked at how much content their characters get and how it dwarfs dozens upon dozens of series.
Someone said this before me. But peach often over looked in favor of Daisy. Which I don't hate. Maybe I'm just not looking in right places? Honestly. There so many more characters I wish artist go around to instead of the most basic few. No More Heroes fats aren't as common as I'd like.

Our only saving grace in good WG comics is The Domino Effect.
Isn’t he german? That’s all I need to know he’s a worthless subhuman.
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Some purged free think from the BWS thread on why Salt and other artists don't release multiple comic pages a day. Incase anyone wanted to continue the discussion here.
>25 off topic posts about how fetish artists on DA should have the same output as manga studios
Truly this is the most heinous censorship I have ever seen. Tell me you are a kip shitposter without telling me you are a kip shitposter.
My apologies, my desk must have suddenly shifted positions and I found myself in this thread 😏
>slob fanart of Jaiden Animation and other storytime youtubers

Beyound autistic.
>No one will ever fatten up the characters of Nintendo's sole horror game
Are you talking about Fatal Frame?

I think he means Eternal Darkness
And they're right. I don't read Manga as much as I'd like. But you're comparing artist with full teams of people helping them vs. One artist who barely has help. If any at all. And that's not accounting for the fact BWS is actively making more than just the comic.

As for Kip. They do produce a lot. But A: Kip is only doing the comic with VERY few things on the side. B: Kip's art for trh comic is rushed sometimes and it SHOWS.

What I'm trying to say is. Give BWS some fucking time. They aren't a machine. They are human. And have a life outside of making art too.
A lot of fetish artists post their work on D.A. because normal publishers like Marvel, D.C, Archie would reject weight gain on the premise that it's offensive. The manga industry and anime industry only works because editors and publishers know that big boobed women or big assed JK sells. I doubt anons would persuade Jump to make a fat character who gains weight. Sure Ryza Stout is fat, but she's not obese.
>Someone said this before me. But peach often over looked in favor of Daisy.
"Nooooooooo Peach has ONE LESS PICTURE than Daisy!!!!!!!!" - Nintoddlers

The last time someone bitched about Peach "not getting any good artwork" two skilled artists put out high quality art of Peach. One was just a pure Peach sequence and another was Peach & Daisy. You faggot manchildren genuinely have no self-awareness.
The two get around the same amount of art, but I'm talking about the rate of quality the two get, and Daisy completely smashes Peach in that department. Although I think I know the pure Peach sequence you're talking about.
While I agree with what you're saying, you need to chill with the namecalling bro.
>because normal publishers like Marvel, D.C, Archie would reject weight gain on the premise that it's offensive
yeah, but that's true for media in general, were just never gonna see a humiliating weight gain Story line like the early 2000s ever again. Fuck me.
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Was it said that they should be putting out 300 page comics a month with the same attention to detail or that they should be able to put out 5 or 6 a month, with nothing said about them putting the same quality of a manga?

Mean Eternal Darkness; think Tecmo bought back Nintendo's half of the publishing rights, for multiplat releases. Sucks nothing came of Fatal Frame, it's the only horror game with butt jiggle physics.

Didn't Jump start up a publishing thing for upstarts, so they'd only really need to make a good enough story, art, and fight scenes, to attract people even though you've stuffed it full of fat chicks?

>Didn't think to get them to work their mojo on someone without any fat

Anything's better than the trash those three are putting out; DC is already on the road to being shut down with its characters outsourced, Marvel can only last so long with the movies and series failing left and right but they've already been dipping into Japan, and Archie lost the bulk of what attracted people to them when Sanic and Megaman got shut down and tried to bank on shit like the edgy Archie series.

This era of feels is dying and if we do get a major war, it'll swing hard in the opposite direction but I don't see it moving to bible thumping puritans.
"Noooooooo Peach has ONE LESS HIGH-QUALITY PICTURE than Daisy!!!!!!!!!" - Nintoddlers
No? Nintoddlers have a vise grip on this fetish and still whine that there isn't enough content pandering to them. There's no more being nice after 15 years of their capeshit-fan level of manbaby bullshit.
"Nintoddler" is fine; but cool it with the homophobic remarks. It's 2022.
Ignore him. All his exaggerated posts damns his credibility. Not point in arguing with someone who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Underage people shouldn't be on BBWchan. Because anyone tossing out "Nintoddlers" unironically as much as you are has to be 15 years old.

Or a mentally stunted manchild.
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The more I find out about artists hidden fucked up fetishes the less inclined I am to listen to them when they get on their soapbox about stuff they deem immoral.
So do you actually have something against gay people; or is this just like a running joke for you?
How does a single artist monetize their work like this though?
All I said was Peach didn't get as much as Daisy and I apparently made you so angry you called me a manchild. I was not complaining at all about Daisy getting more art. I literally said I didn't have a problem with it.
DC and Marvel are always been subpar where they play it safe but god forbid if they hire guys who cross the line and come out with something else. All what was left were their slutty waifus who were later butchered into Mary-Sue's, yet there's that guy scratching at the bottom of the barrel getting off to that shit.

Who finds appealing the token female character? At least Chun Li has a nice body while Peach she's just there for the girl who was dragged to play crappy Mario spinoffs or that rare main Mario game where they do something different and defy Nintendo's stubborn higher-ups.
>it's really sad that Kemono is just killing off patreon artists
Almost any artist you look up on Graphtreon has a gradual increase in the number of patrons and income they generate per month, not a decrease, and more artists then ever before are starting up their own Patreons/Fanboxes/Kofi/etc. The few artists I can think of that don't have that increase are ones that decide to quit-comeback-rinse-repeat, ones that try to pull away from certain types of content, ones mired in controversy, or ones that try to combat the piracy by fucking with prices or how they release their content.
I wouldn't use Chun Li as an example as she doesn't feel like a token female character, and wether or not she has a nice body is subjective. Personally, she's got way too much muscle for my tastes, especially those tree trunk thighs of hers. While Peach's body doesn't help her stand out, it does open up what kinds of outfits she can wear, and she has a deep connection with cake. She has far more potential for scenarios then Chun Li does, and her basic design helps with that.
>she has a deep connection with cake.
I'm not just talking about her history of baking cakes either, as her presence is prominent in most Dessert levels.
>DC and Marvel are always been subpar where they play it safe
No, they used to play it safe while occasionally mixing things up to grab peoples attention again before jumping back to the status quo; now the Big Two are going out of their way to destroy their characters for newer unlikable replacements and with stories that make the Japanese oneshots look godly by comparison. Worst thing about their dedication to suicide is that they didn't put out that Nu Warriors comic with the internet gas and Dora the Explorer; that would've been worth a good laugh and even more evidence that bullshit doesn't sell.
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Every time I read a GollyGeo tweet, my skin fucking crawls. There's just something about his overly cutesy writing style juxtaposed with his overt autogynephilia that sends my fight or flight instinct into overdrive.
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He's back, and the first thing he did was try to shit on this place. Again.
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I think we're, as the twitter kids say these days, living rent free in his head
It's a woman, what do you expect?
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Anon, I...
>literally EVERYONE dunking on us in his replies is a pronounshitter
Common Twitter L fr fr bruh
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On a more serious answer, most creators if they're lucky are pulling a $50 gain or so each month if they're on the way up. Which takes them from far below minimum wage to still below, and probably not out pacing inflation either.

For example, let's look at belt_buster. What's he doing wrong? He's on the mid-high end of earning creators in this space, which is under U.S minimum wage. He's gained $50 in 8 months. A lot of people say his comic is top tier here. The Kemono thread is literally begging for his every update. I'm getting the impression piracy could be impacting him. Good creator is having all his content stolen and can't increase his following or earnings.
To be fair I worded it very poorly, but my point was that piracy/leaks don't kill an artists' ability to make money. I also never said that ALL artists had steady growth (which may be an over generalization on my part) and that whenever I saw a decline in support, there was usually something you could point to that caused it and not just the fact that people pirated their work.
I'm not advocating piracy, but I'm not condemning it either because it's just a facet of life at this point and an artist's growth/decline is multi-faceted and doesn't depend on just one factor that can't even be effectively measured.
Amen to that, it's a one-man job after all. If you're an artist or if you've ever even picked up a pen and drew something, doing comics is teeeedious af. Most if not ALL your creative juices and energy is poured onto one project. First few pages, you're still fine. Dozens later, heck, even just a few pages later, ho boy, it starts to become such a fucking drag. Not to mention the self-criticism you give yourself when you start noticing yourself drag your feet to work and reflect that attitude in your projects. Props to everyone who's playing the long game and somewhat overall sorta holding everything together. Such things take COMMITMENT. So just be fucking thankful they pulled through and delivered the shit they promised to deliver in almost near perfect consistency. Go suck your own dicks if you don't have the patience to wait for the final stretch of releases. And go get a life ffs. You're just leeches reaping the loots off of pirates. Y'all ain't entitled to jackshit. STFU.
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IRL BBW E-Thots suck and are turning too many people into simps. Not even being an incel right now when I say that these would commit arson if it was the cost of getting free custom belly videos

The only acceptable ones are the Japanese ones cos they are based and don't give a damn whether the post they liked featured a fictional minor

Nihijack needs to be detained from witnessing any online presence of females for the 48 hours.
He's been getting very sidetracked from doing the end of the Carol weight gain drive. He was doing some OC reference stuff on Patreon that didn't involve any fat art, then he's now saying all this thirsty stuff on Twitter. I was one of the people who paid toward the weight gain drive, so I wish he'd get focus more on what he owes.
Hey Mod, don't think I didn't notice you deleting a comment that was pointing out that mutual weight gain art being misplaced in a kind manner. Your problems are with me and me alone, so for you to delete an actually nice comment someone else made just to continue your spite towards me, that's fucked up.
>Such things take COMMITMENT. So just be fucking thankful they pulled through and delivered the shit they promised to deliver in almost near perfect consistency. Go suck your own dicks if you don't have the patience to wait for the final stretch of releases.
Really suggest getting a real job for a reality check.
Piracy is impacting all artists, let's not use this as an excuse for middling performance, it's how artists get lazy. Almost all big artists threads are updated minutes after they post new content, Belt isn't an exception.
>What's he doing wrong?
Belt's artstyle is objectively messy and slobbish. Good lighting can't make up for that. All the artists doing numbers on Patreon have higher standards of cleanliness.
>A lot of people say his comic is top tier here.
If what bbw-chan thinks is good was what the payers thought then Kip would be at $2k/month and Belt at $7k/month.
Isn't that almost everyone with a fat account on Twatter?
>What's he doing wrong?
Patreon isn't like building and running and then selling a startup. Startup weirdos are cliqueish like artists are, but the actual startup business of finding a market and then engaging in typical entrepreneurship (provide value to and extract value from customers) is feasible without relying on a clique. In this particular fetish space, although there are some things within a given creator's control, Patreon success revolves around too many things that are either difficult or impossible to control without some kind of supporting clique to shill you or run interference on the internet.
>Belt's artstyle is objectively messy and slobbish
His general art skill and attention to detail has grown to be pretty top-notch, especially since he had a knack for it from the start, unless you're talking about the actual content like sweat, cellulite, burps, etc.
You can't just point to the .01% of the community as an example. Also .01% of the entire Adult Drawing & Painting genre. With that rank 559 in the world he is even in top 1% of ALL of Patreon creators. And considering his Patreon's start is in 2017 he has done more than half of his growth pre-Kemono' existence.

It's kind of damning actually, with the level of talent BWS has and where he is now, it still takes a full 4 years to start breaking into a barely livable wage.
Half of that is just Lucy Guy and DrBlackJack
It's simple really, Belt's anatomy is kinda bad while Bws's is close to flawless. If he just learned the underlying structure of the body a little more, his work would be ten times better.
DrBlackJack? What does he have to do with BWS?
>It's simple really, Belt's anatomy is kinda bad.
Do you have any recent examples of his latest works which has bad anatomy? Since I didn't particularly notice since I think all his works looks pretty nice and painterly.
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Dude is doing well. Kipteitei is no longer king of the mountain.
Come on. Come on.
>make some 3d renders and fancy presentations
>have (((connections))), obviously
>secure funding
>outsource the development
>secure more funding
>make an IPO dump and leave
Unless you live in some shithole.
I don't like how he draws faces.
>Belt's anatomy is kinda bad while Bws's is close to flawless
This sounds fabricated/favoritism. There have definitely been complaints in the past that Salt suffers from "girl gets taller as she gets fatter" anatomy. If anything, Belt has more realistic anatomy even if it isn't preferential to some people's fantasy. Do you have any of those diagrams that artists draw to show what exactly he's doing wrong anatomy-wise?
>Come on. Come on.
There are plenty of modern companies that began as/still exist as startups and actually provide tangible services without any memery. Zappos, Stripe, Dropbox (arguable since they're losing the market), any food delivery app you've used in the past 5-7 years including groceries, PayPal.
>I don't like how he draws faces.
This is your personal preference, not the actual question of anatomic correctness. The faces he draws are really good actually.
>If what bbw-chan thinks is good was what the payers thought then Kip would be at $2k/month and Belt at $7k/month.
imo yall hype belt up too much anyway but I will admit it boggles my mind how kip is bringing in $7k. I really do believe people are just giving him money and not paying attention to anything he does. its like he's a failed Kickstarter or something. they consider it a lost cause, keep meaning to get their money back and never do.
Yea, I think belt should earn like minimum 3k with the work and content output he has. At 2k I kinda feel bad, but still better than other fat artist patreons I've seen.
I've seen the complaints about "girl gets taller as she gets fatter" and I think they're massively overblown.
I wouldn't say either is better at anatomy necessarily, but rather they focus on different things. Emphasizing different shapes and such.
yea, bws definitely focus more on rounder 'cartoony shapes' with a soft/cellshaded approach, vs Belt being more realistic flabby softness to it with a painterly style.
I take my words back, I haven't checked him in a while. It is an improvement.
Yes. I don't dislike fhms as much now. Something switches for me when I see a fat face. They look mor elime some teddy bears of cheeky toddlers, so I don't find that sexy, but cute for certain.
Anime faces are basically shovels with eyes. Bb took the semi-realistic approach. The key is to find balance. Once I found a pic of an anime girl with excessively realistic, anatomically correct musculature, you'd think a talanted sculptor did that. But it had a moeblob animuface plastered instead of the one you'd expect on that piece. So that was uncanny. Long story short, it's right to find the balance.
I don’t even think I was as fucking sad as these two when I was an absolute turbo virgin up till a few weeks ago. Like Jesus Christ man, mi disdain for coomers and cum4brains dipshits only grows each passing day
It really sucks, I like Geo's art but the dude is a walking red flag. His posting style reeks of insincerity, like he's overcompensating for the fact that he's most likely a horrible person IRL.
I don't mind artists liking BBW e-girls, but they should at least show SOME level of restraint around them. Just treat them like actual people when talking to/about them and spank it in private, this shit is just pathetic.
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>Kipteitei is no longer king of the mountain
Being the king of shit mountain ain't something worth being proud of.

>Anime faces are basically shovels with eyes
Stop watching so much of the stuff trying to maximize the merch profits by stuffing the anime full of the innocent acting characters.
>Being the king of shit mountain ain't something worth being proud of
Yet here you are, consuming the content. If the artists are shit, then you're lower than shit.
>it still takes a full 4 years to start breaking into a barely livable wage.
And Belt's Patreon is only about a year and a half old. It takes time to build up support, just look at any of the current big hitters and compare their first year with their third or fourth. Belt was already an established artist when they opened up Patreon which helped kick things off, but they still have plenty of room to grow I feel.
Also you seem to be forgetting that for some artists, their Patreon/Fanbox/whatever is a side hustle and not their main source of income. Content creators should never expect to make enough money to replace their job, especially right out the gate. Even when you make a very comfortable amount from your content creation ventures, it's incredibly risky to quit your stable job because of how flaky and unpredictable your income and the platform you work on are.
Typing out your super explicit coomer fantasies as something "cute and uwu wholesome 💖✨" is such an uncanny thing to do. It's like painting an atomic bomb with baby blues and pinks and then adding Peppa Pig stickers for good measure before dropping it.
I get that it's a fetish and all, sure, but come on now— that's dormant sex pest levels of creepy fixation already.
It's not that Geo's art is shit— just a really creepy fuck.
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I think it is always infinitely hilarious how Twitter is the same place with massive SIMP honeypots as the people screeching and crying about all things sexual 24/7.
I was thinking that the first 3 tweets were a joke, but there is a serious problem with the dissonance of rampant uncontrolled libido and having common decency. But who would I be other than a faggot for saying this on a fat girl porn website?
Not trying to tell you to be a kofi-slut or anything, but there's usually only three-ish meaningful options left if you're unsatisfied with the state of the fetish scene. And thats either commissioning artist out the ass, picking up a pencil yourself or having to live with never having your fatty wank precisely the way you want it.
I unfollowed Geo when all her tweets were either reposts of older art instead of actually new art (I don't think there's been a new piece since August and even before then the output seemed to be really slowing down) and the horrible "OWO me and my girlfriend are getting so fat glorifying obesity good" posts. It's one thing to make cumbrain posts, I'm used to seeing that since I've been lurking in these circles for years now, but combining it with the already massive red flag of the sickly uwu wholesome personality is just... ugh
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>Yet here you are, consuming the content
Consuming jackshit; I'll give them a try but they all fall into the same bullshit every time and I drop them like a sack of bricks.

It always felt more like a bad case of arrested development that makes the person look pathetic.

Or taper your hunger and going to the Japs but either side of the world, you're not gonna get much of anything worthwhile in comics unless you want them barely pudgy and getting porked with a rarely interesting story.
The only winning route is sacrificing your sanity to become a mysteriously wealthy furry.
My comment there is directly in reference to how ridiculous that line sounds to anyone who has worked any kind of difficult and/or precise job in the real world, because that's a really common expectation in the workforce and you'd get pink-slipped for going "go suck your own dick, this fiscal year's budget will be ready when it's ready", but I'll humor your misinterpretation.
>And thats either commissioning artist out the ass
Doesn't exist in the modern era if you aren't a previously known comm whale, an insider, or proverbial you get extremely lucky if an artist with a style you likes opens comms with a brief Twitter post and you get chosen between all the whales AND the artist actually agrees to your submission.
>picking up a pencil yourself
Unfortunately, I have other things I want and need to devote my time to. I would love to be the change I want to see, but I've budgeted my time with different long-term goals in mind.
>or having to live with never having your fatty wank precisely the way you want it
To be frank, after all these years, there's just enough that's been produced that hits and as always, the East will always have someone producing good shit. I also have other things that get me going that have happier artists and better content without the bullshit.
Why does Powergirl look like a cosplay hero out of Kickass?
Yeah, it makes you look like a tranny retard (Which Geo probably is)
Blewdle's object transformation and diaper ageplay fetish alt accounts still roams in my nightmares.
One thing that really pisses me off about MFS/Gosha's modern artstyle is how terrible the backgrounds look. It's literally just traced 3D models with a character lazily photoshopped onto them, and it clashes super hard. For how much he's been reducing his workload, it's a significant downgrade from his early comics in every way.
sounds like you have such a menial arse job anon, don't talk about getting a real job when you're actually in the art business yourself
When an artist draws girls chubby, and fat then moves onto almost exclusively SSBBW beyond your preference.

Also, this board's hate boner for all things burps. Forced to fraternize with the fart fetishists when you don't find that attractive personally.
Especially since the nastiness of farts is highlighted often in the art, with it looking like Wario let one.
It's easy to criticize art when you don't know jack shit about it, and this is the perfect example. People talk out of their asses all the time lol
One day I just want to learn all about art anatomy, perspective, etc so I can understand what people are talking about lol, I'm so baffled
Really? Tell me what Belt is "doing wrong" then
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Okay, okay.
For how long this shit will even drag.
I can't stand it, it pisses me off already.
>menial job
>when you're actually in the art business
I guaranteed that I make more in a month than you do in a quarter and I have better work-life balance, calm down bud.
Am I a retard or did he just drop battle of the wailords out of nowhere and never looked back?
Oh, so you're concerned about the spread of diseases: does that mean you're vaccinated?

More importantly, if a good-ass artist were to make a public statement about how they're bisexual now, but they're still only going to draw girls, would you be able to look past their "degeneracy" and appreciate the artwork; or would you unfollow them on the principle that they're now "subhuman".

Basically I'm asking if your hatred of homosexuals outweighs your appreciation for fat art.
Bold of you to assume the people complaining about anatomy actually know what they're talking about.
Is that the La-Dash-a of that universe?
thats his excuse? reducing his workload? because he's barely doing anything at this point. I didn't even notice what you had mentioned. I'm still baffled at how he went from okay art to parody but not bad to decent to straight trash and then, if that weren't bad enough, said forget all of it and decided to make a single panel or two into an entire comic page. I refuse to believe people are still paying for this which is why I think his work is so sporadic. once in awhile someone will come in and throw some money his way but this isn't steady income for him and I'm very curious as to why his patreon has straight up disappeared since he moved over to subscribestar.
this is supposed to be college. that is not a turn on. thats stupid. I don't know anyone that ever wanted anything to do with the one that wanted to just sit there and fail. lets just suppose that somehow aika is concerned and wants to 'tutor' saiya. aika is too stupid for that and saiya would there to kick rocks anyway so that she could keep with this dumb character she's going for.
to be fair wailords was going nowhere fast. I preferred his short belly girl stories. she came, she ate, she got huge, on to the next adventure. he dropped that, went into wailords with those anime crossovers that made no sense at all and then he started bad maid and its only gotten worse since then.
Please clarify. In general, yes.
>made a statement
As if I'd ever read whatever they post on twatter. I'm saying it to you in simple words, if I open up nitter.net and all I see in the tweets tab is some pronouns shitting with some fucked up bio with a. bunch of faggot flags, they are worth no shit.
Plus, those pronounshitters usually happened to be rather mediocre and trash artists, who compensate their utter irrelevance by forming they/them gangs and engaging in some petty twatter witch hunts. Good and decent artists don't do that.
As if I have Twitter installed.
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I have to admit his faces have gotten better, but there's still something uncanny about them. I believe it's the eyes, to much shine on them maybe?
Allow me to prove that I know what I'm talking about, I'm still learning as is. Anyway his anatomy lacks understanding in particular the hands and his perspective and a few minor details of balance.
AI art will make human artists obsolete and that's really stupid, just how long will it take for people to understand they should ditch this kind of stuff?
yea, I agree with these, probably should invest 1-2 hours more rather than trying to finish the piece in ~2 hours.
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These images are always really cool, I have learned something today. Thank you for doing this. I still think he's good at what he does but I guess it's way easier for those in the know to pinpoint where things fall apart that non-technical fappers will more than likely not be able to see.
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Even though I don't understand the "hand is reversed" on the 2nd image, since pinkie is on the right side of the cake? inwards to the body.

Unless you are refering to something else.
Thumb goes on the other way.
Real quick, the leveling line you used, is that the horizon line or something else?
that's not the thumb I pointed too, though.
heh, ofc ya do
which is why you'll never get it
I guess it's the horizon line.
Glad you understand anon!
Yes, that is the horizon line, the line where everything you look at should neither be from up or down, but straight on.

That claw grip? Nah, who holds a piece of cake like that lol it would work if she was holding something more cylindrical.

Yeah I see what you mean, but try to make that
hand pose against your own mouth and you'll immediately see how uncomfortable that is. Do what is natural, and it'll also feel natural.
hand pose against your own mouth and you'll immediately see how uncomfortable that is.

Just did now, and it didn't feel uncomfortable? Felt natural to me, but I do use the grip with lot of stuff like eating a burger or, eating a brownie etc. Just helps it keep it more stable with one hand!

But still, it's beside the point, I was just pointing out it was the pinky, and not the thumb being on the wrong side like the others said, and was just unsure what you meant by "hand was reversed"!

But yes, the new hand is more natural or more normal to see being used when holding something like a cake.
I don't think you actually understand that my reality isn't an internet bluff. Again, maybe you should try getting a real job instead whinging about having delivery deadlines, shifting requirements, and an unspoken requirement for quality since you're being paid to provide some kind of service.
>Just did now, and it didn't feel uncomfortable
Did you raise your elbow to match the angle of the arm?
I agree that "muh pronouns" and the hundred different rainbow flags have gotten out of hand; but dawg...I literally just mention "bisexual artist" and your mind goes straight to some kind of twitter SJW. I'm starting to think that's the only interaction you've ever had with non-straight people...which would explain a lot.

Forget twitter. If some dude went into a thread about his work on this website and said "I'm tired of women and their bullshit so I blew a dude on Grindr and then I drew this succubus girl with a phat ass here you go."

Would that really be a big deal to you?
If i remember, Belt pushes himself to make 3 drawings a day, that explains some of the perspective and anatomy issues he has on some pics.
You don't see the continuity between these two?
You may call it a slippery slope fallacy, and I call it the logical inevitability. When you let a cancerous lump grow, what do you expect? A full recovery?
Such spineless attitude towards those first and meek wishy-washy attempts to normalize something inherently sick to its very core left you with those sour fruits, and yet you don't see it?
And don't throw me any hypothetical questions, since I would despise every single faggot, be it a product of your mind or a real life one.
Yeah if you do it with the arm raised like this, it's super uncomfortable.

Kind of impressive he can crank that kind of work in 2 hours, but they always say that you can't rush art.
this is a website where people jack off to 1000 lb blobs. literally in no position to call fags degenerate.
Are you sure to speak for every single person on this website? Are you?
If everyone on this website jerks off to 1000 lb blobs, than why there are different boards and artists with fixed interests on how big they like to draw their characters?
1000 lb is extreme for me, so please speak for yourself
okay yes that is an exaggeration on my end but it's still a fucking wg porn website.
I only jack off to 999lbs women, please stop misrepresenting me
I am truly sorry for my transgressions, I will make sure to not misrepresent other on this website from here on out.
Gross dude, past 800 pounds they're starting to get a bit over-overweight for me. You have to limit them to 20 big macs a day or it just gets out of hand.
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And I read bbwchan.
Yes, and? So what that there is some?
Does it mean that faggots should be tolerated, because apparently you view that being into women that are bigger (and that is quite a relative measure) evenly matches the unspeakable degeneracy of said faggotry?
Despite the cultural and historical evidence that women that are bigger than average were preferrable, you still insist it is the other side of the same coin. Faggotry serves no evolutionary purpose, unlike the preference in bigger women.
Not my fault you are too far on the spectrum.
Didn't see as much of it, most of the content is pretty vanilla.
Brah, just because you took the exact numbers used in the figurative sense and than flipped them to be taken literally, doesn't make you witty.

Anyway, when you preference in women starts to look like a fetish, it's a clear road sign that you need to turn back. Do no harm to those you love.
However, there is an issue with the fashion industry. Models there look like pieces of cardboard, and its in my opinion because that industry is ran by homosexuals.
You sure love to play semantics don't you?
Damn looks like the dude who was crying about gay people got janny'd. Anyways.
I like Belt-Buster's art generally and most of the time I don't notice any anatomy errors or they're generally minor enough that I can ignore it but he might actually burn himself out doing this and it could lead to much bigger mistakes in the future.
2 and a half hours max!? Holy shit man, this is actually kind of insane. He should take a bit more time to iron out the nagging flaws in his art
While I'm generally not into the whole speed-drawer mindset of "You're not a real artist if you don' draw every day!!!" I can respect Belt's dedication and pure skill in Drawing high quality stuff in that short of a time multiple times a day and do it consistently for the past several months. It's kinda crazy to think that not too long ago Belt had disappeared into the ether. I honestly think Belt might have the best patreons of all the WG artists.
Oh crap, I forgot where I was for a second, uhhh Bamboo is cringe and Jeet is gay!!!!
Plumpknight and Chilli went into an argument over a FE character, bc Veryfilthything went to Chilli saying "uh why are you rt a post with a minor character".

Like if the person who makes fetish content with Pokémon and posted a Jasmine from G/S/C IN THE SAME DAY had something to say.
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I remember Chiliday during the Roxas Anya drama was like "no it doesn't make hypocritical that I've drawn teenage characters from Persona because Anya is prepubescent" and now he's freaking the fuck out that a Fire Emblem WG poll had a... teenage character as a choice. Holy fucking shit I hate antis so fucking much. Also I like that what PlumpKnight said was incredibly calm and not at all aggressive and just instantly Chili starts flying off of the cuff.
Oh I read more and it got worse. Chilli claimed Nino is a "toddler". Because 14 year olds are toddlers but if you draw a 15 year olds from Persona and RWBY suddenly it's a-ok. The sheer fucking hypocrisy on display.
Love how little thought Chill put into the poll just because he saw Lucina as an option and had to shill for the character that already has aft art out the ass anyway.
Nino is by FAR the least likely winner out of the lineup which makes the "outrage" extra unjustified
Raging about fictional characters is fucking retarded and the more this type of shit goes on the more it becomes incredibly clearly the people who virtue signal about this are not just hypocritical a lot of the time, but even when they aren't they are negative IQ levels of fucking stupid.
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I also love how a lot of these artists that freak out over minor characters always turn a blind eye to Pokemon characters. Like, I don't care about people lewding those characters either, but I always find weird AF when people will be like "How could you draw Futaba and NOT make an aged up design for her!!" and then proceed to foam from the mouth over screenshots of Gloria in a crop top and other Pokemon characters that are even younger. It also blows my mind that some of these people are the same ones who only depict Gwen from Ben 10 as she was when she was a tween and no one bats an eye despite the fact that she already has older and adult depictions across the various series.
I also love it when these types of people will be supposed "good friends" with a bunch of artist whom most of those actually either used to do loli art or still do but in secret like Pivk and Darkfireballz.
Part of me likes to wonder of an alternate universe where Spy x Family became a full on ecchi featuring scenes of Anya's bare ass out of nowhere right after the anime was getting popular with normies.
I hate to admit this but I used to kind of be like this. Not in the "bro even aging up is pedophilia" way and even back when I was a bit of an anti I thought jailing people over drawings was going way too far but I would get needlessly angry over loli shit. And then slowly I just realized it's best not to freak out over shit even if it's something I don't like because it's not hurting anyone. And then like a year after I mostly realized that the Uzaki chan controversy happened and that was the real wake up call as to how fucking demented that kind of thought process really is.
Saying all this while posting Anya damns your credibility, although I agree with the point about Gwen from Ben 10. There's no reason to post her kid version when there's both teenage and adult versions of her that exist.

>Topic as a whole
It has to do with body types. The reason why the Pokemon protag girls don't always get shit despite most of them range between ages 10-12 is because they physically look like they could pass as teenagers. Nino's appearance damns her even though she's 14.
The problem with anime like Spy X Family and Uzaki are that they're grounded in reality with a limited world. Even fantasy anime like Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, and My Hero Academia have more restrains. As a result, teens act like teens. As a result, people are more overprotective of the characters than say Naruto and Bleach where nobody would question the order of the world cause the anime had more writers to fill in the blanks.

Cartoons like Ben 10 are like this, but are bad at covering up how limited the world is by making characters lesbian or gay. Just look at how Scooby Doo is making Velma Indian and Shaggy black, while Velma's a lesbian and Shaggy's white in the direct to videos. There's no internal consistency with the west, while there's more internal consistency in Japan
(396 KB, 711x890, nino.png)
This really is just a matter of body types.
I've mentioned this in a previous thread but nobody ever bats an eye over Yoko Littner being 14.

In her original FE7 artwork she doesn't even look any less younger than Pokemon protags.

Also one last addendum since that's the main thing that got under my skin to begin with: There's a trend brewing up on Twitter where people will retweet polls from artists and tell their followers to vote their waifu and its always done with the most basic bitch characters that already have plenty of fat art. Lucina is just one of many examples.
(231 KB, 348x297, Wimpyhotdog.png)
Gainax protagonists like Asuka and Yoko tend to be far more free spirited than troons. By contrast, Nintendo characters have no free will. They have no traits that makes them iconic like say Wimpy, who uses cunning to outwit Popeye and Bluto for hamburgers or Pete from Disney who manages to fight Hercules to a standstill and redpill Scar in KH
Imagine S2 with a beach episode and Anya wearing a bikini like the Roxas drawing, these motherfuckers would be mad as hell lmao
Man. "Let's shit on Nintendo girls" is a running theme with these threads. Never understood why when modern anime loves to copypaste
all the time and are very shameless about doing so. At least the classic Nintendo women like Peach, Zelda, Samus, and Palutena don't copy anyone from any other highly populated media or have obnoxious personalities. I'll take them over some psycho, tsundere, or disgusting bitches any day.

I honestly forgot that Nino looks more her age in her FE7 art as opposed to Heroes where they made her look younger.
Soldier wasn't kidding when he said future robots were here to steal American jobs, lol.
>The reason why the Pokemon protag girls don't always get shit despite most of them range between ages 10-12 is because they physically look like they could pass as teenagers.
Uzaki is literally in college and everyone remembers how the twitter clowns took that one. Going "they look like they could be of age!" is literally a meme/issue older than most of the twitter clowns commenting on it for 15 minutes of fame. Who the FUCK is "Veryfilthything", anyway, isn't that some actual pedo?
>"Let's shit on Nintendo girls" is a running theme with these threads
It is because they simultaneously have had over a decade of non-stop fetish content and are the most garden-variety choices for any kind of fap material.
>don't copy anyone from any other highly populated media or have obnoxious personalities
They don't have personalities period, there's nothing for them to copy. The first three you listed have extremely minor speaking roles in their games, let alone characterization, same with other obsessive favorites like Rosalina. Palutena is literally the first one to have any sort of characterization and is from a franchise Nintendo considers dead.
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Every time I see artwork commissioned by Pyrocynical pop up in my twitter feed I die a little inside.
What's the pic? How can you tell?
>are the most garden-variety choices for any kind of fap material.
And? It's called appreciating the basics, and I like women similarly to how I like cheese and pepperoni pizzas; cheese is plain and simple, while I sometimes throw in that slightest of extra kicks, which pepperoni is for. A lot of modern anime women have too much of that extra kick or some other weird shit, kinda like a meat lovers pizza, or ones that have chunky sauce fucking pineapple on them. This kinda crap applies to characters like Daisy.
>Unfortunately, I have other things I want and need to devote my time to. I would love to be the change I want to see, but I've budgeted my time with different long-term goals in mind.
Cope, you're just lazy. You've posted 14 times in this shitty thread on this braindead chan, you cannot possibly tell me you don't spend AT LEAST an hour a day sitting on your ass idly browsing the internet or arguing with tards. You could take a quarter of that wasted time (just 15 minutes!) and pick up a pencil instead. Do that every day, day after day after day, and you'll see improvement, likely rapid improvement at that. You don't need to devote your entire life to drawing fattywank to get good at it. Ask me how I know.
Does anyone know why Metrack3 locked his Twitter account?
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What's even funnier is that antis are literally regurgitating every argument used to DEFEND lolis, solely because they just so happened to like Rebecca from the Cyberpunk and don't want to admit she is one. Being an anti is practically a mental illness at this point.
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That is by far the dumbest shit I've heard in these threads, and that's saying quite a bit.
>bc Veryfilthything went to Chilli saying "uh why are you rt a post with a minor character".
The absolute gall of this motherfucker, especially after saying this shit.
She isn't though, she's literally just petite.
>you cannot possibly tell me you don't spend AT LEAST an hour a day sitting on your ass idly browsing the internet or arguing with tards
Here's a brief sampling of the things I've done while "idly" sitting on my ass this week instead of drawing: reviewing how Java lambdas work under the hood, taking a course on AWS Kinesis stream processing, keeping up with WaniKani, drilling execution in two different competitive video game genres, and analyzing my own gameplay in those competitive games to continue participating in their scenes at an acceptable level. All of these require a lot of mental energy and focus, despite the latter two being part of things I do for fun. If I'm not doing something productive while on my ass, I'm doing something I enjoy, chit-chatting elsewhere as a way to switch gears, or I'm fulfilling my own personal obligation to go to the gym.

Yes, time exists: I could take from one thing I focus on and apply it to drawing. Like I said, I have budgeted my hours differently with different goals in mind. Fifteen minutes a day is also an extreme exaggeration, the most common daily timespan cited across practice materials is between 40 minutes to an hour. I highly doubt 15 minutes a day got you anywhere, do you have any starting examples of your work vs your most recent?

>food analogy
Having bland or limited interest is fine but acting like you're some kind of abused minority because people are tired of the never-ending Nintendo girl content tsunami is unbelievably stupid, even for this thread.
Those could very well be mistranslations, deliberate or otherwise.
If an artist is uncomfortable with drawing underaged characters in fetish art or doesn’t want to see that kind of thing at all. That’s perfectly fine. It’s not so fine when said artist goes out of their way to harass people that don’t mind. I doubt the people who draw it or commission it are doing it because they find the characters hot for how young they are. Probably more so because they either like the design of the character, the personality, or both. Hell in some cases the character in question could be from the artist/commissioners childhood. Which could mean that the person was either younger or around the same age as that character. Just in general I doubt the age of a younger character is ever a factor for why you’d see fats of them.
The funny thing is that I've seen cases of people say one moment "it doesn't matter how old a character is, they're designed to look like children" in reference to lolibabas or Uzaki only to then later rage about someone being into MHA characters because they're 16. It's nothing but blind rage and when they get caught doing the same thing they'll make up any excuse on the fly.
Woman who saw pedophilia allegations and went "uhm akshully how do we know it was pedophilia" is VERY upset that somebody would draw a minor character
Chillday hangs around with people who sext teenagers (VikingSkirts) so he can go fuck himself forever when it comes to being an annoying anti
>acting like you're some kind of abused minority because people are tired of the never-ending Nintendo girl content tsunami is unbelievably stupid, even for this thread.
I never once said that they were lacking art in general, because that would be false. I said that some like Peach lacks GOOD art when compared to others over the years. To use her as an example, she got one amazing sequence that was just her, and maybe two or three great standalone pics, that's it. Most people that draw her are either low level artists who are new, use her for practice, or have her play second fiddle to someone else. My whole argument has been about the rate of quality, and when you compare her to others like Daisy, Samus, Lucina, or a bunch of non-Nintendo characters Peach fares VERY poorly against them. I don't get how this is so difficult for you all to understand. I've been around too long to make any of this up.
And you could very well be a fucking retard, deliberate or otherwise.
Did VikingSkirts ever clear up that situation or prove she didn't know the person she was sexting was underaged because if not then holy fucking shit I never want to hear any bitching about lolis ever again if Skirt got away scot-free with groomimg. And the fact Misty "the age of consent should be 12... or lower" stuffer is now running around on Twitter and jack shit has been said about it on Twitter, though considering MS is a nobody in the community these that one could easily just be people don't know about him.
jfc every single thread devolves into people bitching about people bitching about underage characters. I know this is the manbaby thread but there has to be a point where this just gets boring/repetitive for everyone involved, right? or are the regular underage arguers here autistic and this is their special interest. not calling underage characters bad/good btw, I am manbabying about the manbaby thread
Sometimes there comes a time where nobody would like to have an argument, when all we are usually going for is literally posting someone else's work on threads. Every time, I always have to ask myself "is this even worth it if the mods will just erase the entire thing?" That's the problem right here.

>talking about users calling artists out for sexualizing a child character.

These kinds of things are what I consider as "borderline". Meaning that it's in a gray area. The most confusing part is linked to a simple thing about these drawings: fiction. It can be anything. Any size, any age, pretty much up to the artist's imagination. Now, granted, real-life pedophilia is not something to be taken lightly, and should be avoided at all costs. Nobody in their right mind would willingly want to have sexual contact with a child; it's not only demoralizing, but illegal as well.
Artwork of fictional characters, regardless of the character's age, is in a gray area, but otherwise not as problematic as it is supposed, in real life.
*or opposed to real life
Her only excuse was "I didn't know their ages" but that's debatable at best. She admitted the messages were real, including the nudes. Her friends circled the wagons cuz she's trans and she came back like a week after her "long break" to keep posting again like nothing happened. Her any anybody associated with her can get fucked.
I do agree that it does come up too much in these threads but it'd probably help if we didn't have retards like Chill and Vern running around complaining about it in the first place.
it's the twitterfags that won't stop bringing it up, we just react
Pretty sure vikingskirts knew that the 3rd person who called her out was 15 y/o when she sent the messages.
(978 KB, 841x849, Based Eggman.png)
Plumpknight: Based latino
Chillday: Cringe latinx
Simple as.
For real though, Chillday is such a fucking faggot, and I'm glad he's finally catching shit here. He's so goddamned annoying.
Indeed they did, tourist. Now go back to twitter and keep felating whichever artist whose honor you're trying to defend.
Quit Twitter cold turkey years ago after realizing just how much stupidity I was needlessly getting upset over. Thank the fucking lord I never used it for fetish shit.
If people are going to use this thread to "react" to the same exact Twitter drama every other day, it literally just becomes Twitter with less dick sucking, more slurs, and mods who indiscriminately nuke shit when they feel like it. I feel like there has to be other things to talk about.
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Operation crush artist's patreon monetization via Kemeno party is showing great results. The next step in stomping out all artists is AI art theft. These generated duplication of their work will cut off their commission supply lines, sealing off their last attempts to feed themselves. After we successfully retire them we can desecrate their corpses and use AI theft necromancy to generate fatties in their art style's likeness. Keep up the good work everyone, seeing promising results in the NovelAI thread already. Remember, paying money directly to the chief-art thieves -- I mean, 'data set curators' is OK. We'll be needing every thief and necromancer we can get once all the real art dries up. 👍
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Bamboo is such a bitch these days holy shit. For someone who talked a big game for years about being above it all he just comes across as an insecure bitch trying desperately to be seen as something more than a fattywank artist by others. Never forget his reasoning for deleting his deviantart account was because of DA "promoting NFTs" when they haven't done anything of the sort and had actually made a system to let you know if someone was trying to use your art for an NFT.
Ok retard.
Yeah. Whenever he makes some kind of post it always comes off as really insecure.
>>116878 I left after they started implementing that age restriction stuff and I refused to make an account just to see art I could see on archival sites. Not to mention how much of a infinite-scroll of shit memes and politics, brain cell losing, toxic site it is.
Bamboo is probably just salty that his art is lifeless and sterile enough to pass as A.I. art. I don't even like this A.I. art trend, especially those NFT/Crypto esc bros that try to convince you that the ideal future is consuming entirely A.I. entertainment, but c'mon, you mean to tell me that it's block worthy just to fool around with a lame waifu making website.
Every-time Pyrocynical commissions Bambooale he should be reminded that he could pick literally anyone else to commission
Unrelated, but anyone with a "pog-champ" version of their OC as a profile picture should get brain surgery to restructure their sense of humour.
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I always pegged Jasmine as an adult since Bugsy filled the single young gym leader slot they had before Pokemon went to shit.

>an argument over a FE character
>uh why are you rt a post with a minor character
Since when did Fire Emblem say the ages of its characters?

Anyone has the JPG of loli Lucina by the Etrian Odyssey artist that triggered everyone?

>some of these people are the same ones who only depict Gwen from Ben 10 as she was when she was a tween and no one bats an eye despite the fact that she already has older and adult depictions across the various series
I honestly can't blame them for that; every version of Gwen, after OG, looks like shit but that doesn't excuse them for ignoring Ben 10k Gwen.

>Part of me likes to wonder of an alternate universe where Spy x Family became a full on ecchi featuring scenes of Anya's bare ass out of nowhere right after the anime was getting popular with normies
God help us all if you ever become a god; especially my sides.

That's nothing, Kotaku outdid them years before with Dragons Crown.

>The reason why the Pokemon protag girls don't always get shit despite most of them range between ages 10-12 is because they physically look like they could pass as teenagers
They've shown teenage characters in Pokemon, they do not look like them.
>Nino's appearance damns her even though she's 14
I'm taking he posted a pic from Heroes instead of the original game; he should be attacked for funding FEH instead of fattening the loli.

>There's no internal consistency with the west
There's a reason why Zaslav throttled so many things beyond tax write offs. I don't know how the creator self insert Velma series survived but everyone who's not insane will only see it as an alternate universe if not just fan fiction to be completely ignored. Even the Mouse has its foot on Marvels throat when it comes to changing the big names beyond acting weird and out of character.

>A lot of modern anime women have too much of that extra kick or some other weird shit
Stop watching only what is popular.

That shit was fucking hilarious, not only did the woman know a loli when she saw one, but she also pronounced the word correctly.

I fucking hate AI art since it lacks anything interesting but every time they do shit like this, I find myself supporting it.
Apparently the NovelAI got leaked too.
>Since when did Fire Emblem say the ages of its characters?
Only some games do. Binding Blade, Blazing Sword (The game Nino is from), Shadows of Valentia, and Three Houses list character ages of their playable casts.
>I'm taking he posted a pic from Heroes instead of the original game; he should be attacked for funding FEH instead of fattening the loli.
I missed the post before he took it down, so I don't know if he used Blazing Sword's art or if he used Heroes' art.
>but every time they do shit like this, I find myself supporting it.
What's it like having no values of your own?
The problem is that Uzaki is 4'11 while her love interest Shinichi is 5'11. She's the height of a child. Compare that to Goku and Gohan being 5'9, or Hinata being a realistic 5'3, and Naruto's 5'6.
Dude, short chicks exist and she's canonically in college. It doesn't fucking matter in the long run, don't be like the twitter cunts.
I generally just blame japan for designing characters certain ways creating this stigma. Like, characters will have the bodies of a model or godess with exposed body parts and japanese mfs be like "he/she's 14". Bleach, mha, pokemon, anything gainax/trigger, and etc. will come to mind. Like there definitely HAS to be some pedophiles out there the anime/manga industry.
(6 KB, 225x225, Number One.jpg)
Computer, generate a woman with a really fat ass and nothing else, 3/4 back view. Title it with a dark souls location.
That's because manga and anime are for children in Japan and made with children in mind. Nobody wants to read stressed out adults whining about their mortgage.
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Bitch or not, he's entirely justified here. The fact that they used an artists work IMMEDIATELY after they died made it clear AIfags are the same breed as NFTards. They have less than no respect for art or how it's made. There's zero point to humoring these assholes when they're just going to steal your work to fuel the machine, and mock you in your face while doing so.
>I fucking hate AI art since it lacks anything interesting but every time they do shit like this, I find myself supporting it.
Being a mindless contrarian doesn't make you cool, it just makes you a fucking sheep.
That's probably the worst excuse for why most anime/manga are about highschoolers and young adults. There are 100s of adult focused shows/anime/games/books that exist out there and are popular. If that's actually the reason anime/manga is so child focused then the japanese lack nuance and creativity and think too narrow. Then again, their workers are treated so badly there's a name for people who've commited suicide out of stress.
I can't wait for when hating on ai-art is seen as nothing but bitching and attention seeking.
>>116914 What artist died and had their art converted into NFTs again? I feel like I saw it a while back but I forgot. I remember that the artist's sister/friend called the people responsible out on it.
I don't disagree with you on that being a scummy move. Me calling him a bitch was mostly aimed at the "post any AI art, even as a novelty, and I'll block you!" tweet he made.
Kim Jung Gi, dude was famous for making making amazing pieces of art on his first try, and died pretty young at only 49. Which just made it all the more insulting how his art was fed and shat out by an AI/ The faggot that did that even had the audacity to claim that he wanted credit for that shit.
Good news friend, as there will be no longer any artists left you won't need to see their bitching. It'll just be AI thieves bickering over people copying their prompts. A squabble over one AI thief dropping another ones' thievery into their img2img to generate the same poses. And when your favorite AI thief TipKeiKei's generated WG Comic Full Menu is getting boring, you can just generate the next pages for yourself I imagine. Looking forward to it 👍
Oh shit I forgot the Kotaku writer who thought the Sorceress was a child and therefore pedophilia to be into her. Projection is one hell of a drug.
Uzaki is barely shorter than the average height of Japanese women you fucking dense tard. Also I'm sure irl women who are below 5 ft would love being compared to child and wouldn't be utterly offended by that suggestion.
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Who will pump their egos now that robots are acknowledging how to doodle?

Don't forget how he played le based and meta funneh man by mocking other fat artists, only for him to succumb into a bigger safe space than DeviantArt. Now don't reupload his shit, how is he supposed to keep his cattle to fall in line?
(4.0 MB, 926x690, pre 2007.webm)
If I was part of the "this is stealing" group, I'd see your point but where I'm standing, it's just dull and that's something I feel about the vast majority of drawn fat art that gets created these days. Why would my values even have anything to do with hating boring art?

Short people got no reason to live?

I blame people in the West losing their ability to not give a damn.

No, people treat it that way but there's still a lot geared towards adults which you can see in how they make profits.

All the anime you listed are geared towards children and teenagers; watch shit that isn't tied to Shonen and glorified toy commercials. The reason there's so much focus on kids and teenage protags is because the Japanese love the child's journey towards adulthood. All but Trigger shows growth of their characters before they become an adult at the end.
>Apocalypse Zero
based taste in weeb shit
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When they compare their hours spent stacked up against our minutes spent stealing their years - watch as they crumble.
issue is there's no fucking soul in any of these images

Is it just me or is it relatively easy to tell that it was artificially made?
(348 KB, 1400x937, linn_lm1_jul81_pg52_ck.jpg)
AI vs. real artists are like a drum machine versus a live drummer. The difference is pretty obvious if you know what to look for.

I know a grown woman in her 30s who's 4'6". When people hate a group they make that group as large as possible. If people hate lolicons, suddenly everyone who isn't in their group is a lolicon and every anime girl is a loli.
Even the least skilled artist has a personal touch or something that makes their shit distinct and AI art has none of that since it's just cobbling together the most average depictions of each tag you feed it. I wish these people would realize that and just keep working instead of falling into either performative outrage or genuine despair over something that will never be able to compete with the human mind.
Its like these "twitter artists" don't know what goes into making art to begin with.
They just seem to think "big tiddy, big butt = likes". Which ofcourse a bit true, but people follow people for their distinct way of doing art.
Lmao cakehoarder's husband became trans so she divorced him for her biggest paypig, absolutely incredible
tbh I would also file divorce if my SO decided to do that. lol

I take a paypig then.
I mean I would too how she was always open about him being her husband until the second he came out, then it was her "roommate" before he dropped off her profile completely and she was advertising her paypig as her boyfriend. Just funny, I guess
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Cake can go fuck herself honestly. She's a horrible human being who needs to get off the internet and keep it that way. Between outright treating her fans like shit and the switch to streaming for clout and all that shota shit Cake did. I'm surprised she even still has a fan base. People sure love to turn a blind eye when their favorite creators are involved.
Considering her horrible track record as a person I have to wonder how long she was fucking the paypig behind her husband's back while she still had a husband
Who the fuck would pay to her... All she do is a shota crap and OCs. No waifus, no fat of she. Literally nothing to fap.
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Jason Schrier also knew about the ridiculous amount of sexual harassment going on at Blizzard for years and said nothing until the news hit the mainstream. It's crazy how consistently scummy anti-loli crusaders can be.
So many fuckers would rather bitch, moan, and roll over and die rather than put in the effort to give their art that human element AI can never capture. John Henry would be ashamed of these pussies.
I got no words other than pic related.
Anyway, lolis are great and I don't give a shit if y'all twatter users hiding here call me a pedophile. Keep screaming into the void, somebody will probably hear you if you're loud enough
>artists and other creatives gloat for years that they'll still have a job when atomization come for other fields
>AI somehow ends up coming for art first
>people completely lose their fucking minds
AI art doesn't even look that good yet anyway, is it just me or does all this whinning about it comes off as incredibly insecure?
It's just because people think AI will take over the world or something. Bunch of insecure retards, I tell ya...
Ok, I didn't want to say anything before because I was sure I just misunderstood something, but I went through Wayback machine trying to find some of her old stuff I liked that she deleted but I ended up finding some weird anomalies. First up, I want to say that this new partner is less of a "Paypig" and more of her former furaffinity roleplay "Daddy" (This is assuming that "Cows" and "Cowszers" are the same person, which seems to be the case since Cowszers linked the "Cows" furrafinity on his deviant-art page.)
What I found weird though was that I was that I knew about Cakehoarder being married, but I always assumed that it was to Cowszers, but I recently learned that this isn't the case because I found out about this "Cake-Feeder" guy who was apparently her actual husband (And the acutual creator of Cake's notable OC, Pichi) around 2018-ish. This is VERY sus though because Cakehoarder was doing the whole Furry Daddy-Daughter roleplay thing with Cows (And Metalforever too) even after she became married to a completely different dude, which just comes across as really weird and borderline some kind of "E-Adultery" (That is also assuming that this "Cake-Feeder" guy isn't Cows, which I doubt since there's multiple accounts) I guess polyamory is a thing, but either way this shit is wild to me.
I can't find anything about this supposed "Cake divorcing her husband because he became trans" but if that's the case, then holy damn the double standards/hypocrisy she has to become non-binary, be represented as a femboy online and have a new husband who is represented on her streams as a fat dragon girl.
I'm sure the BBWchan users of old already knew everything about this, but I just wanted to document this since it sure is news to me. Plus, it just goes to show how less drama and discourse used to plague the very identity and presence of fetish art due to people like me only bothering myself with the artist's galleries and nothing else. But alas, "Who killed Hannibal", Bamboo's "Japes", Jeet's "Talk" and the hell that is media tweets just had to rain on our parade. And just as art was beginning to get REALLY good.
TLDR - Cakehoarder was potentially intimate with two different dudes at once before divorcing one only to go after the other. Classic moment.
Children and teens are the only two groups of money in Japan to spend money on games. Dragonball is the only manga that made sure Goku aged from a boy to a man because Toriyama said the story shifted from adventure to action. Mobile Suit Gundam does away with the adult cast because a married man like Amuro or Char would be unattractive.
Did this happen like just now? I can't find anything about it online other than here, and I can't find an archive of her twitter with him in the profile

Also I wonder if it's related in anyway to her hard dropping fat art last year to go into the vtuber asset/streaming scene, and then doing a complete 180 back to fat art and not streaming for nearly a year
How long before this post is taken seriously, screenshot, and shared around twitter to prove how awful this place is?
But really, how the hell is AI art this threatening to people? It's not going to replace you or your job and it's not going to invalidate your art at all. AI stuff can look good but people that have even an inkling of standard are going to vastly prefer art from an artist and not a machine.
Yes, there are icky aspects to it and the guy trying to do an "homage" to that recently passed artist is gross as hell, but Pandora's Box is open, AI art is out there, and you can either piss and moan and bitch about it or just accept it and move on. There are even artists, myself included, who see some value in it for the creative process or something fun to play around with. I think trying to monetize AI art or passing it off as your own is shitty and I really don't want to see it spammed to places like Pixiv/DA, but Bamboo's statement is completely overblown and there is no reason for Danny to get dejected by it.
I laughed at this way harder than I should've.
This can't be real I refuse.
I would never have seen it, had it not been for my local library having had a copy back when I was a teenager.

Dany is the type of artists that should be pushed out; how can you expect to protect your precious territory if you don't actively develop your skills.

Did the based action by the canuck, get her eaten by her own, yet?
Funniest post on this website.
Eh its just my opinion, but at least Iveo has consistently good art in the many comic pages. Kip's anatomy is all over the place. Aside from a couple odd turns I actually quite enjoy Log Myu's story, Kip's comics are just a complete fucking mess with a rare hot panel to fap to.
(3.8 MB, 448x720, c'est fini.mp4)
Kip drew Bridget.
What are the implications of this?
Since this character became a highly political topic on Twitter, it can mean only one thing.
Kip is on the "le quirky trans girl tee hee" side. There is a possibility of him getting blackmailed by twatteroids.
Let's say you don't draw this character, and they paint you as "ebul transphobic natsee".
Normally, Kip pinups don't get as much replies as they did today. But since this topic is obviously controversial, it is highly prone to astrotufring from one of the interested parties.
(In this case the twitter/discord troon cabal)
You can see them astroturfing it, coming out of thin air, seemingly with "positive" intentions.
Let's see them:
>>117034 (Cross-thread)
>>117035 (Cross-thread)
>>117088 (Cross-thread)
And a honorable mention of >>117089 (Cross-thread)
Again, either Kip was blackmailed or he willingly embraced it.
If her past husband trooned out, it means he had weak sperm.
To be honest, it’s not hard for a machine to beat Dannyantto, he only draws one character, and in his work, he mostly do one pose or view and his perspective skill aren’t good, like they look flat and small despite the fact they are supposed to be fat
You forgot the part where twatter users were the ones who hated Bridget's trans reveal in Strive lmao
>"Anything I don't like in my safespace is astroturfing"
(6.3 MB, 3024x4299, spellsx_ayakowg_1_cover.jpg) (299 KB, 1280x1821, spellsx_ayako_wg_2.jpg) (352 KB, 1280x1821, spellsx_ayako_wg_3.jpg) (287 KB, 1280x1821, spellsx_ayako_wg_4.jpg) (351 KB, 1280x1821, spellsx_ayako_wg_5.jpg) (361 KB, 1280x1821, spellsx_ayako_wg_6.jpg)
>people pop out of nowhere to defend a certain point
>not astroturfing
There are rules on this board, and no dishonest by its nature mental gymnastics would change the obvious fact that twatfucks defend a drawing of a man on the BBW board.
I've stated my point clealry.

Back to posting girls, I guess.
This artist mostly draws furries, so be warned.
Go check her twitter right now you'll find posts calling Cowzers her boyfriend and ToastTornado is nowhere to be seen, which lines up her server where he's got she/her in his name
(858 KB, 892x872, pepe frustrated.png)
We literally just went over how getting mad at drawings is fucking retarded when it's the anti loli/anime crowd and now we're getting mad because Kip drew Bridget. For the love of Christ just let niggas draw whatever character they want obese.
BBW, do you get what it means?
It should be taken to /ee/ or /bhm/ and rightfully so.
fine I suppose but
>there is a possibility of getting blackmailed
that statements proves you're a fag
No, because these BBW-chan niggas hate anything male lmfao
It's not even the fact a lot of people get turned off by femboy/trap characters (even though honestly anime femboys look nothing like irl femboys), I get it it's BBWchan not BHMchan. What kills me is that some of the anons just go into a blind fucking rage.
Eh, their loss. They're skipping over a lot of great art
I tried to play as a Kip's advocate, won't do that again.
They are intruders who try to force their faggotry onto others. They'd get far less hate if they knew their place and stayed in their containment boards. You are a tourist too.
Here's the question, why would you subject yourself to the idealistic dualism, if you know they look nothing like their IRL counterparts?
You certainly aren't a closeted faggot, aren't you?
No, thanks, go be a faggot somewhere else.
Hey if they don't like it that's fine, that's not the issue.
you're starting to sound like that one tard who was like "I fucking hate fags. Also did you know this website isn't a porn website since not every piece of art posted to it is outright sexually explicit?"
So if someone drew a canonically female character who looks male you'd be fine with that being posted here?
How a woman can be male?
There is no way.
I think it's called Tomboy. And I would be okay with that. Or reverse traps, but that's other thing.
But they don't look like an abomination with severe hormonal disbalances.
(349 KB, 509x491, pepe laughing.png)
>knows the term reverse trap
>gets mad at the description of what a reverse trap is
Ah, my mistake. Have seen this word couple times propped up here and there.
>A pretending to be B looking like A
Unfortunately, it makes no sense to me.
Its bullshit in its own right. It's either a woman or a man.
I made a grave mistake using faggot terminology.
Also, your pepe posting feels natural. Almost.
He's just actually using his brain, you should do it too
HEY MODS, WAKE UP!!!! Can someone delete that suspicious new thread that may or amy not contain something horrifying?
Mods abandoned this shithole (Which may be a good thing depending on your point of view, not gonna lie)

No, it's not a good thing. If it's something illegal, EVERYONE even tangentially related to this website is fucked. Someone needs to call the mods ASAP.
(338 KB, 500x403, 11b.gif)
>jannies won't be online for a while because they don't wake up until 6 pm
(5 KB, 287x176, cans.jpeg)
My bad, it fell to the ground. Let me pick it up. Here it is.

I doubt you'll be this facetious in federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison, while receiving your daily anus demolitions from Tyrone.
okay yeah in all seriousness what the fuck is taking the jannies so long. if it's not illegal it still doesn't belong and if the download folder is illegal content then that's uh... bad.
Why are you so worried?
In telegram there are times such whorebors would pop up under pretty popular news channels and shit it all up. Why is it such a big deal for burgers?
And stop projecting.
They are too busy with those hot pockets
it's been like three or four hours since the possibly sus thread showed up where are the jannies when you actually need them
(11 KB, 480x360, 1653338094049.jpg)
>even though honestly anime femboys look nothing like irl femboys
People want perfection from art, not reality. It holds true for everything, woman, loli, and even traps.

Real tomboys never get much art beyond the crappy ones from popular series. Why is this world so cursed, Anon?
Alright I started looking into the drama with Bamboo-Ale after only hearing whispers about it over the years and hoo boy he seems like a massive fucking cunt. It's not even that he "stopped" doing full on WG and blobs (he still fucking does on his Patreon and another Twitter he pretends isn't him), I don't take issue with Trinity-Fate doing furry content now or sweetdreamcoffee moving away from male wg to only do female wg, the difference is Trinity-Fate and SDC aren't massive fucking cunts from what I hear.
As an expert in Bamboo lore, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Like, yes, there are arseholes out there who hate people just because they stopped doing WG art. The reason why people hate Bamboo is that he's acts like an ass about it.
I will admit, it IS a good business strategy to make an account that appeals to a wider normie demographic for more commissions, but Patreon locking fat content is just lame.
Guys, have you seen that new thread?? What the hell is going on?

Seriously, is there a way to restrict thread creation and leave it to mods only?
failed raid and/or bait attempt. dude who made it is probably salty that the thread that led to questionable download links got rightfully deleted.
I'm surprised I haven't heard much complaining about that outside of these circles. You'd think at least one person who likes regular BBW stuff like Bamboo's current public output would complain about seeing immobile shit on Patreon when there's barely any advertising for that. Or maybe all his Patreon are old fans who refuses to move on.
What would be the point of an image board then?

Been feeling like a lot of people allowed themselves to degenerate into wanting piles of woman above all else.
(433 KB, 1125x870, 0D8553FB-EAE0-40A6-A655-A91B16715C31.jpeg)

yeah i’m not gonna hold you i was horny and bored that night lol. i’m not really a simp by any regards, no active plans to sell my left nutsack to see a girl shake her gut on video, i just started to ramble and people seemed to enjoy listening. most of it wasn’t exactly directed at the idea of a “real” person, moreso just concepts of fat shit, a form of fetish writing since i enjoy that sort of thing. could i have been a little more restrained? yeah probably. but i run a fucking fat fetish art page lmao who actually cares. worst case scenario i scare the hoes away, not like drawing porn doesn’t risk that on its own.


yeah no, that’s my bad. the OC reference sheet was something i’d wanted to do for a while, and the Gwen fanart was very impulsive. ended up getting sick immediately following that and it had me out of commission. i’m back to a decent level of strength now, so i’ll make sure the drive finale is my sole art-related focus. shouldn’t take too much longer to wrap up either. again, i apologize, especially to those who donated, for the wait.

p.s. you’ll probably see some character bio shit but that in no way is something that distracts from the drive, it’s something i do when i’m busy with other non-nihijack related bullshit and can’t draw in the moment lol

saying it again here, i run a fat fetish art page, my whole brand is based on wanking my shit in front of everyone lol.

but that’s mostly to fictional concepts, believe it or not, i do actually have a functional brain that can tell the difference between fiction and reality, and everything i jack off rant about does not correlate to my actual beliefs— i’m not hitting e-girls up like “omg you’re so hot i love women did you know i love women and i think fat is awesome do you like fat? do you like wg??? can i watch your boyfriend fuck your rolls????”

to be entirely frank, i’m not looking for a partner tied to this community period, if it happens that way? cool. i’m not on a love-quest though, i’ve got other shit to worry about, like the carol drive. and like, i don’t know, other shit.

anyways. now that i’ve made two desperate replies trying to justify my balls being so full of cum, feel free to air any other grievances you all have with me. i’m always lurking.
I get ya bro. Distinction between reality and fiction is something that I never necessarily doubted you had. And it's not like we're not used to seeing every godforsaken twitter account horny post themselves to oblivion either.
All I'm saying is that it doesn't stop it from being a tad creepy.
And while I'm here, if there's anything to take away from us losers here, at the VERY least don't spread it to media tweets. I'd rather not have my skin crawl from your horny posting when I just want to gaze upon some erotic drawings.
No hard feelings my guy. 👌
Thank you for the follow up Nihijack, you're one of the good ones. Hope you can still continue a while longer and after you are retired we will use our AI necromancy to continue creating art of Carol. The reference sheet will come in handy 👍

No worries, my dude. Your mature and humble reply proves that you're self-aware, I didn't expect this level of restraint in response to some of the comments.

as it stands, i’ve got no plans to make horny posting a regular habit— or at the very least not one that floods my media tab. i’m particular about keeping that fairly art-focused as i know it can be a turn off for a lot of people who are just there for the art

i’ll try and phrase future stuff a little differently as well, admittedly my one gripe is that it came off a little like i *was* exclusively viewing fat chicks as inanimate fetish fuel, so, yeah, i can see how that might come off a tad creepy.
It's all good bro 👍
I guess it really only bothers me because it's the type of thing that I'd usually expect to be relegated to private chats, so when it's posted on main it doesn't really do a lot of favours (Or maybe it does, considering the average twitter user seems to approve of this kinda stuff)
Either way, we all misjudge our actions sometimes, so don't let this discourage you bud
>So if someone drew a canonically female character who looks male you'd be fine with that being posted here?

I wouldn't be fine with that. Refer back to the acronym, "BBW"

That second 'B' means that the girl has to be "Beautiful" as well as a woman.
Its not that serious. I've been on a few very sketchy imageboards and textboards where CP and rape videos were advertised all the time and nothing has happened to me yet. I don't think the feds keep that much of an eye on sites like these as people think.
What was the thread about actually? CP?

I'm afraid to ask, but what did you visit those threads for?
(243 KB, 1582x1636, 1665271302496096.jpg)
Artists who drew female but now only really tend to draw male irk me.

At least do both.
The worst offender is FungusFangs.

He used to draw this. Now I look on his Twitter and it's all guys.
Have you ever heard of...preference?
nobody could really be gay dude, it’s all a psyop by big homo pharmaceuticals (they made the frogs gay) to ‘degenerate our society’ so that something something profit. only heterosexual male artists exist and if they say they’re a homosexual man or heterosexual woman who likes drawing men then they’ve been drugged by the chemicals in the water. if we don’t whine and REEEE about people drawing ‘not women’ now then society will collapse and marriage will no longer be real. how can sexy drawings of (female) children exist if our genitalia aren’t real? made ya think
FungusFangs is Squidbiscuit who has 95% of the time always drawn male but did female for comms. I used to work with her a lot before she went full histrionic cunt impossible to communicate with.
Because tomboys look handsome...of course...
Is it just me or does anybody else is kemono starting to ignore the bbw drawn community as a whole? These are some of the events that make me consider that this might be the case.

1. It took literally took close to 2 years to get Alix Rose finally updated. (imcomplete archive & update btw).

2. Jolene Dubois is close to 8 months without any updates whatsoever.

3. It was quite the hassle getting Jasmine's Secrets updated on the Jay Tee page.

4.Quite often the pages are updated through the cheapest tier available.

5. And finally page updates are not done properly. In some cases only after putting up a flag, they are conveniently updated fully.

P.s. I also acknowledge that a lot of bbw artists have been thoroughly and properly updated for which I feel extremely grateful to kemono. However since this is not the case for most of the bbwdrawn artists out there especially for some popular artists we are all familiar with, I feel that I have no other choice but to ask this question.
What the fuck? People don't owe you anything, bro. They update the artists' pages when they have the money (Or when they feel like, whatever). There's also an auto-updater that does the same thing once in a while. Just be patient or find other websites for this kinda shit
Hey if u wanna wait for 2 plus years for an update of ur favourite artist, be my guest. Just dont expect others to sit on the sidelines let it slide. I think next time I should highlight the post script more properly. Plus if u have seen and observerd the weird stuff that has been occurring in kemono not just in the last few days but also the last few months, u would understand why I made this post here >>117389
And honestly the problem is not the money, its the appropriation. I have already explained why this is the case with an example earlier.
Kemono doesn't update anything you fucking retard, it's just a website. Everything that gets posted there is because somebody paid for it and was kind enough to give their data to the site. If nobody buys it then it never gets updated and whiny little bitch posts like yours certainly don't inspire buyers. Fuck off, beggar.
Didn't know that, but now that you mention it I can totally see it.
Oh u fuck off, I have every right to be here. I am well aware that the patrons are the ones that update the pages on kemono. Which is why I said the problem isn't the money but appropriation due to lack of awareness and various other factors on the side of the contributors. I can give a thorough explanation regarding this but it's apparent u can't fucking read and understand context since whatever I type will go over ur feeble minded head. My intial point mentioned here >>117389 is about the increasing negligence regarding the proper updates of bbwdrawn artists' pages along with the frustation a lot of us have faced in regards to try and remedy them. It's an undeniable fact that a lot of artists' pages haven't been updated for 6 months (some almost a year). Doesn't matter if u believe me or not. Look it up urself. So next time, u or any other 'idiot' like urself suddenly get the bloody gall to call me a retard or a beggar without actually reading what I had typed properly should take into mind that u r insulting urselves only. As I have mentioned in the post script (which I think u forgot to learn in English class), I am truly grateful to kemono and I have my right to voice my grievances. Any one here who feel my grievances are unfounded should provide constructive criticism instead of outright insulting me. I asked a question. This is a discussion.
And another idiot joins the club. Keep callng urself that mate.
Is this what you chan people would call a schizo?
No dumbass, nobody is waiting for their favorite artist. They support them with $2 to $5. And they don't upload their favorite artists' stuff for scum like you to see. Wake the fuck up.
Again u missed the point. Like I have said b4 pls read thoroughly and understand the context of the posts b4 commenting. U r only making fools of urselves. Now if u guys don't have anything constructive to say, I have other pressing matters to attend to. Anyone here interested to know abt why I have said what I said here >>117389, do ask. Will be happy to oblige. Good day.
that is a piss poor attempt at "defending" yourself after it was pointed out that you have no fucking clue if I've ever seen one
just admitting that you are a 14yo would save some time because you undeniably write like one
*ahem* fuck all the artists who refused to draw poke girls and le underage 17 year and 11 month old girls, and drove those who would away. I can now generate unlimited poke girls with higher quality than any of your pics for FREE
When did I start an arguement that I have to 'pretend' to be 'defensive'? Simple thing, I asked a question, expressed a grievance and wished to start a discussion regarding this which I am pretty sure is why this thread was made in the first place. And time and time again, I advised ppl to first read throughly and properly understand the context before commenting. Anyways at this point, I don't think I would get anything constructive out this endeavour. So I'd suggest u guys ignore what questions I have asked since I am taking em back. I'll find my answers elsewhere. I have foreseen how quickly this discussion will devolve into a flame war. Requesting the mods to delete the posts referenced here starting with this one before shit hits the fan.

Don't know what this is abt, all I am gonna say is ,Hope u are underage too mate.
Here is your "constructive reply":
Why are you treating like posting pirated content or "updating the kemono" is some sort of group effort or 'wholesome' community based activity for those on BBWchan? You have so much entitlement so far up your ass you are literally sitting here complaining people isn't posting paywalled content people support.

If it's such an issue, why do you not pledge to those content makers yourself and do it? Afterall, it's only 2-5 dollars. ;)
Now go back to your autism treatment center.
(1.9 MB, 498x372, star-trek-surprised.gif)
Oh how surprising, only when I take back the question, do I get a constructive reply. What part of discussion is over did u not get? Mods pls also delete this post and the one referenced here as well >>
lmao you have no idea how a chan board works do you
(658 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png)
>Hope u are underage too mate.
You're in plenty of other threads getting off to underage girls. Hope you aren't a hypocrite mate.
I do actually. Thought u guys were smart enough for the kirk gif. Guess I need to upload a gif with a placard that says sarcastic smirk next time. Anyways mods pls delete the posts.
No pretty sure I deal with ppl and works of legal age only, mate. Though not so sure abt the people in this thread though.
>No pretty sure I deal with ppl and works of legal age only, mate.
Uh huh...

>>86298 (Cross-thread)
Here's you discussing Ayano's Weight Gain Diary which has an underage school girl as the main protagonist.
>>97218 (Cross-thread)
Here's you in a Totally Spies thread; a series that follows the adventures of underage school girls.
>>299 (Cross-thread)
Here's you in a Little Witch Academia thread; another series about underage school girls.
>>112902 (Cross-thread)
Here's you in a Kim Possible thread; yet another underage school girl series.
>>31798 (Cross-thread)
Here's you in a Konosuba thread which features Megumin who's underage.
This is the real reason you're not supposed to use a name on imageboards. Neurotic weirdos will obsessively stalk you.
why are there three AI threads
there only needs to be one
One of them was created by a mod or admin after this site was down for several days as an apology, and it's close to getting bumplocked. The AI Guide thread is completely unnecessary though.
Simple. Fetish artists don't want to draw weight gain for the easy 20 bucks and now AI are doing art cause they're perfect and instant. People are going back to the 19th Century where being an artists as a career is seen as unfashionable.
Reminder that Zephyr frequently used to get nuked and reprimanded for having schizo meltdowns on the other boards in addition to scaring off Malorne and alerting Fusa to the overseas piracy in the F&H threads and is not mentally stable enough to hold an actual discussion or display a capacity for critical thought. Any attempt to argue or otherwise engage with him is a waste of time.

Fortunately he's too retarded/self-absorbed to ever clear his name field even when he has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand so he can easily be avoided. I suggest you all do so.
I don't know who any of those people are. Why do fetish arrtists act like Instagram models?
>Fetish artists don't want to draw weight gain for the easy 20 bucks

20 bucks is barely any money. lol

>AI are doing art cause they're perfect and instant

more like bland and flawed to begin with.
Let them. Just shows how unaware they are since this arguement is so bloody stupid.

Ayano is legal now. If u noticed the recent pages, u would know that by now. Same goes for Sage-chan as well. Kim Possible (btw do u realise how old the show is mate?) is not the reason
I go to the Banna Galactic Thread. Its for Mystic Magna Maidens and the main Banna Galactic comic and other comics which btw have characters that are all legal. All Seriojainc comics comes with a disclaimer stating that the characters are 18 years and above.

Also if u had watched The Totally Spies (another old cartoon) , u would have realised that in future seasons they graduated and became university students which is also the actual setting for the TSI comic. And finally do u realise how old mangas like Konosuba and Little Witch Academia are. They are just one year away from their first decade anniversary of manga publication (both ended in 2020). The time settings and ageing of characters are different from what we experience. Most of us were technically underage when those mangas came out. It was also around the same time the anastimafillia comic Not So Little Academia 1& 2 were released. And finally coming to the Darkness Meets Fatness comics, sure it has Megumin is in it. But its Darkness, Aqua and Wiz who go through the transformations. They are all legal btw as per the fandom wika.

No I just picked up the pace of the translations of Ayano and Afterschool (which was also Malorne's translation work at the beginning as well) when Malorne was busy with other works. For quite a while we were coordinating with each other in translating Ayano and Afterschool. Miss the guy. Don't u have better things to do tha spreading false rumors. Oops my bad, forgot which thread I was in. And they say I talk from my arse.

Now I am more sure than ever that most of the anons are underage. Requesting mods to look into this.
(96 KB, 587x683, E-dXszQXMAgUhkf.png)
>PlumpKnight reuploaded an old Kanna piece of his on Twitter
Possible shit storm incoming but after the nonsense Chillday pulled I welcome a little trolling
>Ayano is legal now.
She wasn't in the pages you were praising. If you're so keen on treating fiction like reality then at least be consistent. If Ayano was real she'd just be eating herself to death, but I guess that's fine according to you hypocrites.
The only thing I understood from your frickin' wall of texts is that y'all adults are retarded. Chill for once, will ya?
it's bumplocked already!?!
Come one man that post was important
Anyways doing it again in a simpler summary
Ayano is legal as well Sage-chan. They are both in university as per their story arcs.

All seriojainc comics have an age disclaimer that states that their characters are 18 and above

In the Totally Spies tv series, in the later seasons they have graduated high school and are university students which is the actual setting of the TSI comics.

Mangas like Konosuba and Little Witch Academia are close to a decade old now. Most of us were practically underaged when they were first released. The anastimafillia comics Not So Little Witch Academia released around the same time. The time settings and ageing are different in mangas as compared to what we experience.

And finally regarding the Darkness Meets Fatness comic in which Megumin is present doesn't have any transformation scenes involving her. Its mostly focused on the other characters, such as Darkness, Aqua and Wiz who btw are all legal according to the fandom wikis.

Once again do not delete this is an important explanation. Pls delete the earlier ones aformentioned.

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