
The only guy to ever make western adult cartoon characters actually attractive imo
Where did you find that fanart?
(184 KB, 1280x1080, cm__prohyas_and_zange_by_superspoe_ddysqod-fullview.jpeg) (164 KB, 1280x1479, cm__rally_vincent_by_superspoe_dd9n8mb-fullview.jpeg) (126 KB, 1280x1172, cm__bumblebee_by_superspoe_ddlzw74-fullview.jpeg) (133 KB, 1280x459, cm__princess_whatshername_and_andraia_by_superspoe_ddvfddz-fullview.jpeg) (311 KB, 1280x1280, at__claire_by_superspoe_ddw8a7a-fullview.jpeg) (237 KB, 1280x1352, cm__couch_angel_by_superspoe_ddeuura-fullview.jpeg)
>third image

has he done any fat junko enoshima art?
Do we have to crowdfund the rest of Vacation? That whole comic fucking does it for me and the fact that it's one guy commissioning it is a real bottleneck.
Why is this spoilered? This sequence doesn't break any rules, and it's great.
Be thankful that that guy made it go that far. I imagine he paid a lot for it.
yeah, we're more than thankful, that's why we're gonna crowdfund for more of it lol
Does anyone else confuse SuperSpoe and Solitary Scribbles? I can't tell the two apart majority of the time.
From afar, maybe.
Scribs seems to almost exclusively focus on the bellies, while Spoe actually draws characters fat, albeit a lot of them are apple-shaped. Scribs is less detailed.
(2.2 MB, 1960x2937, vacation_part_9__part_1_7__by_superspoe_dfew9bn.png) (1.3 MB, 1969x2987, vacation_part_9__part_2_7__by_superspoe_dfew9c1.png) (1.3 MB, 1939x2969, vacation_part_9__part_3_7__by_superspoe_dfew9cb.png) (828 KB, 1969x3013, vacation_part_9__part_4_7__by_superspoe_dfew9cl.png) (788 KB, 1981x2963, vacation_part_9__part_5_7__by_superspoe_dfew9cv.png) (1.1 MB, 1975x3043, vacation_part_9__part_6_7__by_superspoe_dfew9d6.png)
Have I got good news for you!
Not totally sure on the accuracy of that one.
Superspoe has more creative and just overall better shape design. Solitaryscribbles is worse.
If you're wondering the character is named Rebecca The Teacher and there's already good chunk of art of her being a blob. I forgot the owner's username though.
It's btetris99 and I'm aware there's other art of her. I just want to have the rest of the story out to the point that I'd donate to a GoFundMe to have the installments out quicker or on a regular basis. The roadblock is it's one guy doing the commission and frankly he's got a good enough vision for it that I want to support that happening.
Anything New?
bump. keep this alive
That calamity pic is so fucking godly holy shit
(317 KB, 1417x991, gwen_tennyson_weight_gain_by_superspoe_by_diflynt_denmzjp.jpg) (2.3 MB, 1935x2834, gwen_tennyson_weight_gain__part_2__by_superspoe_by_diflynt_denmzxy.png) (3.3 MB, 2639x3866, gwen_tennyson_weight_gain__part_3__by_superspoe_by_diflynt_denn0af.png) (1.8 MB, 1935x2834, gwen_tennyson_weight_gain__part_4__by_superspoe_by_diflynt_denn0df.png) (1.7 MB, 1935x2834, gwen_tennyson_weight_gain__final__by_superspoe_by_diflynt_denn0gs.png)
Apparently the same guy who comm the first one paid him to redraw it.
Anymore superspoe pictures?
I like this Verosika, I like her a lot.
An alternate world where Blitz wasn't shitty to her
It's actually an alternate world where her career tanked because of the Spring Break incident, but then, she managed to bounce back by becoming a fat streamer, and got back into songwriting, eventually becoming Hell's new, fat sex symbol, while Blitzo became Stolas' indentured servant because of his illegal use of the grimoire.
(840 KB, 2722x2074, Soup SuperSpoe.png)
I think this is fairly recent, but I don't know the character.
nope. not gonna die on me.
Then post art, bitch. Otherwise it deserves to die.
I commissioned it. He hasn't posted it anywhere yet, as far as I know.
(2.8 MB, 3000x2718, IMG_7044.PNG)
Edited to remove bothersome elements for this board.
I think that’s great idea. I have heard the guy loves to work with others especially to bring Rebecca more stories so definitely contact him.
Guys we need to def help out
Someone should contact btetris to run the idea by him. Might be best if starting the actual funding campaign is on his initiative
I seriously love these. He makes the best Verosika pics.
Rebecca has to be one of my favourite ocs around, she is so well-developed, especially in this comic. IT'S JUST BEAUTIFUL
(3.4 MB, 6000x5500, 1675452895564.png)
Just saw this on /co/, I think it's a commision because I haven't seen it anywhere, but anyways I think it came out great I gotta commission Spoe myself some day
(3.9 MB, 4549x3009, wilm.png) (4.8 MB, 5161x5442, monocom.png)
I already have a sequel to that Wilhemena one in the works for valentines day. And not a fan of my first comm with him (Hanekawa) turned out, but felt like posting it here anyway
>>116511 have they done more yet? This comic is just a marvelous experience to wait for
Does anyone have Superspoes official Rock monster OC?
>>142763 Uzumaki fats? Out of morbid curiosity, what other Junjifats are out there?
(431 KB, 2857x2187, 20230302_061155.jpg)
Would anybody be willing to do some light edit work?

venus of willendorf gets drawn a lot around here, and cellulite dots get drawn substantially more, and way too much in my opinion. However this has git to be the single ugliest venus of willendorf I've ever seen, and I say this as a straight man who has always loved freckles. It's hideous.

It doesn't get shown in bbw clips, but I've always wondered what cellulite crators look like at an angel, from the side. It's something interesting to me as I have not seen a large ass face to face in my entire life. It is the things I sometimes dream of at night. I would love to see cellulite dimples from the side more often. A rippling effect. Ripples cascading downward on a large round bottom. Tiny pools of liquid where sweat has been trapped after intense round of sex. Oh... The sweet simple joys of being alive.
BUMP! Quick save the threads! They're back and going to kill the whole bbw chan threads!
Why are there so many schizos here?
there was a board called /qa/ that contained all soyjak retards in there but it got shut down and now they're let loose on all of the internet
that board was in 4chan i forgot to mention, obviously they were still shitting up other parts of the internet before but that was the last straw
(6 KB, 345x255, 16754323432515.png)
As the empires fall, the best clowns rise up.
>Anyway, what the actual *FUCK* is this thread? There used to be facilities built just to remove and house patients like this away from society, and even then most of those patients didn’t exhibit this kind of deluded and anti social behavior. Who or what the fuck even raised you people? This fucking website isn’t your mental daycare. You either have too much time on your hands in which case you need to meet and make friends, or you’re genuinely sick and need to meet and make friends with doctors. It’s frightening to even think you people are out there. Fuck off.
Hey same guy who says they're back. But why do they keep doing this to all threads including one of my favorite threads?

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