
>>114793 (OP)
Eh, the last thread of theirs died from inactivity pretty quickly. They're overrated anyway.
First, speak for yourself. Second, they posted a ton of art. How the hell would the thread die from inactivity?
>How the hell would the thread die from inactivity?
Because not everything they make gets posted here. People here usually only post what they like from an artist, so that would determine how long a thread lives regardless of how much art they've actually done. That's not hard to figure out.
He draws more frequently than other famous artists on Patreon, like BWS, yet the old thread died? That reeks of bullshit to me. I doubt Softservice's fans are a minority
Yet here we are having this back and forth, because that other one died. I don't get why the truth is so hard for you to accept.
You can see this thread dying now
(1.7 MB, 3013x4961, aug22 yor - Copy.jpg)
Soft's good imo, excels with unique varied poses in art so nothing ever feels samey and has good facial expressions. The art skill is present but the upload time can be scattered or not too frequent. Understandable given the quality but overall can be bad for a thread which is why it's prone to dying. The Kemono page has been frequently updated which invalidates the thread as well.

tl;dr Softservice good, thread probably unnecessary.

Fauna is vegan, immersion ruined
It’s veggie burgers, hence the tummy trouble
Why couldn't we get a full piece of the tummy on the right, I'd kill for that
(61 KB, 178x208, Screenshot_20221010-113608~2.png) (40 KB, 178x161, Screenshot_20221010-113620~2.png)
>Soft's good imo, excels with unique varied poses in art so nothing ever feels samey
His focus on Stuffing makes a lot of his work feel samey, and his poses are reused constantly.

>has good facial expressions
Nope. Look at these, they're horrible, and they're present in nearly all of his work. His facial expressions are by far the worst part about his art, and how exaggerated they are is a mood killer for how much they clash with everything else about his art.

>My verdict on him
He needs to stop making grossly exaggerated expressions, and has to work on his variety more. He has done some good Weight Gain art, but his favoritism towards Stuffing holds him back.
The goofy expressions are the best part you busta ass haydurr

Although I do wish he wasn't [yet another] artist who's absolutely MORTIFIED at the thought of one of his subjects gaining even a molecule of chub in their face or arms.
Soft should start dressing in drag and identifying as they/them. That'd get the post numbers up.
The expression is literally the best part about the Mythra drawing what are you on about
>The goofy expressions are the best part you busta ass haydurr
No they're not. I'm fine with slight silliness, but the faces he does are too much. They take away from the rest of his work.

>Although I do wish he wasn't [yet another] artist who's absolutely MORTIFIED at the thought of one of his subjects gaining even a molecule of chub in their face or arms.
That's something we can agree on. I never understood why some artists are afraid of making faces and arms fat if they're going to make the rest of the body fat. They need to realize that they can make fat faces without makings them blob faces. Slight double chins won't kill anyone.

Soft's actually a her. I wasn't aware of it myself until I watched some of her art streams on Discord.
I never would've guessed that from the profile pic she went with. I almost never hear of women using a male for their profile picture.
Why do soft chats die

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