
Lucyguy must either be a millionaire or a furry, otherwise I can't explain all the money he burns on commission
People make plenty of bad/irrational financial decisions, he's just another example.
Lesbians make it so they don't have to draw a dude, which can be beneficial for them because the moment things start to get sexual, tons of people will start complaining about how they don't want to see guys
"What? These fit yesterday/last week/last month/last year!"

>Commissions anime girl
If i have to read "i'm getting so big." or "I just bought these clothes a week ago, etc." I will jump off a cliff.
He might want to hide his furry identity, ya know. Lucy is the perfect excuse lmao
From what little I've read of his fan fictions (Bleugh), the main character is a famous musician or something. And since it's all self insert shit...oh yeah, it's all coming together
While I don't dislike his current transformers craze and his art, I do miss when he'd make fat art and commissions once in a while. What happened?
He was converted by the LGBT crowd, that's what happened. I'll never forgive them
>character eats absurd amounts of food
>"now I'm satisfied...for now at least!"

>Its a goth or a gamer girl (or both)
Yeah, there's a reason why lesbian porn is popular, and it certainly isn't because of actual lesbians lmao
Goddamn the ones where the lady is the size of a fuckin house and say "I'm not even one billionth of the way to being slightly satisfied" or some shit like that is the worst.
>uh yeah, I'd like to commission a pic of Cynthia and uh make ger really dominant
Pretty sure he opened comms a while
It's a shame we never get to see a lot of the comms completed though. He apparently did a fuck ton last time and I think we only saw maybe 2 or 3 of them.
Gotta pay for patreon i guess
Were they featured there? I figured if that were the case we'd see them here.
The kemono page hasn't been updated in a while, but I assume he's just drawing trasformers and other cursed shit at this point
Get ready for another banger, I'm expecting another "exposed" post soon, except for the fact I still don't really care, and I don't think it actually counts if I knew the dickheads were going to screenshot and whine anyway.

But you want to know what pissed me off today?
How about a guy on patreon saying comms and shit were going to open for months (probably busy, but that's not what I'm mad about) and then when he finally opens it's one of those "Send me ideas and I might get back to you" open to only patrons. How the fuck am I supposed to be ok with a guy insulting his patrons by having them request to be privileged to give him more money? And then on top of that you had one of his twitter "friends" on discord bragging about how he got chosen a week early, as if he didn't know he wasn't guaranteed a slot, and not only that but bragging about getting preferential treatment, that everybody knew was going to happen behind the scenes, on top of that.

I figured his choices were just going to be all his two or three whales, with others only getting chosen when they ran out of money, which is probably the only reason it was made open to everybody to begin with. Needless to say, I gave them a few harsh words and then pulled my support. Maybe I'm wrong and they are like, the nicest person ever, but I pulled my support nonetheless.
Imma just say this. Everyone is a bad person, and you can only trust yourself lol
Gecko, at this point...

It's 100% a YOU problem.
Love the mods deleting the comments in the spy x family thread that were telling the dude posting literal child porn to fuck off. I may be a degenerate but even we should have some standards.
You do realize that's intentional, right?

And you can make fun of me all you want, doesn't phase me much, but as far as I'm concerned nobody has actually given me a reason yet as to why I shouldn't be aggravated yet.

The only person I think was completely unwarranted was Squish, and that's more or less because he thinks I have an issue with him, but I actually don't. I just wanted to put it off for another week or two and felt bad and didn't want it to devolve into an argument, and would have said that sooner but he announced to his followers he was going to stream it so I felt like I should have gone through with it at the moment.

And everyone thinks I just go around starting problems, but I'm just sick of all the fakenes and blatant favoritism that everyone just pretends isn't a thing.
Instead of you know, deleting the child porn
Even the mods are pedophiles, who would've known!?
Three words: Fuck off, clown
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Furio isn't a trans woman. He's clearly a pedophile. Trans people look like Ursula or Dr Frank N Furter. Maybe we should lay low and left the left accuse each other of being transphobic. This is comedy gold.

Yep. Still nothing useful to say. Complains about shit all day long, but when I call it out, I'm the villian.
Alright listen here you fucking schizophrenic, nobody was fucking chosen for the comms yet, get that through your thick fucking skull holy shit. But in your delusional ramblings, you are right about a single thing: favouritism, only it's not the kind you think it is. Getting what you think is "preferential treatment" isn't that hard, you just have to act like a decent fucking human being and people will actually be nice to you. You should try it sometimes instead of having your schizo meltdown and calling people faggots out of nowhere and acting like what the voices in your head tell you are facts. As for the so called "callout post", I'll let you in on a little secret: the artist doesn't give a single shit, the world doesn't revolve around you, you're banned from the server and that's the end of it.

Your comms and edits fucking suck btw, that belly button thing you always do is disgusting. I hope you overdose on your meds and spare all artists from the nuisance of having to deal with you in the future
YES. God fucking damnit, someone who finally said it
>Nobody was picked
The Sullied faggot was literally bragging about it like 3 posts above so...
> artist doesn't give a single shit
Good. He makes enough money off you whales so I don't see why he would.

>you're banned from the server and that's the end of it.

I wouldn't have called you out on your bullshit if I didn't plan to be banned.

>Your comms and edits fucking suck btw, that belly button thing you always do is disgusting

Aww look, I made a pretender mad. I guess it's a good thing I don't spend money on what you like

>decent human being

>I hope you overdose on your meds and spare all artists from the nuisance of having to deal with you in the future

Really? I didn't realize I wished death upon the people who fuck with my money. I just call you a doodyhead on the internet lol

And yet you still haven't explained to me how someone getting burnout immediately after charging me $200 is ok.

You still haven't explained to me why someone you barely know mediating conversations is ok

You still haven't explained to me why a narcissist blowing you off for months is ok

All thiis shit everyone complains about all day long, and they have every right too. But when I get pissed off that people insult their fans or fuck with my money, that's a non-issue

Which artist are you? Oh wait, you probably wont tell because you have the balls to tell me to literally die and you know that makes your faggot ass look bad.
>tfw you find out ursula was voiced by a man and not a sultry milf bbw queen
You want my identity? Fine. I'm Mistystuffer.
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I don't even know which artist you are but holy based.
I used to be on your side (because let's face it, there are always things of that nature at play) and hoped you'd take the opportunity to calm down and approach these situations better, but you have not done a single thing to change. Shut the fuck up. Stop posting. Pull your ethernet cord. Go do something with your life instead of being a serial commissioner. Life is too fucking short to hyperfixate on being "wronged" by an artist, just chargeback and go find something that actually makes you happy instead of obsessing over Lucky Star fat fetish art.
Yeah you’re probably right, I’ve had a little thing I like to call the “Orobouros Theory” where they’ll just keep attacking everything (including a majority of their own and people who support or tolerate them) until they fizzle out of existence due to their own vices. Just like the volatile substance they are …

Anyways back to fatty lovers drama, I swear there are a disproportionate amount of MtF motherfuckers in this shithole just tryna get some lesbian coochie
So fellas.

The fat art community kinda sucks actually.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Alright, Let's see. Sullied Grace, and then B4TL were the mods on that server from what I remember, so I'm guessing it's one of you two, because you mentioned how I was banned, which implies to me that you are either the man himself or one of his thralls. There might have been more mods or I could be wrong, but who knows, you are a bullshit artist.

>I used to be on your side (because let's face it, there are always things of that nature at play) and hoped you'd take the opportunity to calm down and approach these situations better, but you have not done a single thing to change. Shut the fuck up. Stop posting. Pull your ethernet cord. Go do something with your life instead of being a serial commissioner. Life is too fucking short to hyperfixate on being "wronged" by an artist, just chargeback and go find something that actually makes you happy instead of obsessing over Lucky Star fat fetish art.

Literally the first person I can recall who actually says anything, thank you.
You know whats funny? I had a co-worker the other day tell me about how super chill I am and how they couldn't imagine me getting angry. The one person who knows me better says they can tell I have a temper but I don't act on it though. You see, believe it or not, I'm not usually this aggressive. It's just that I've dealt with so many manipulators and liars that I can more or less identify (or think I can)( it fairly easily . Several member of my family were literal sociopaths, the kind that would kill small animals and shit, and I'm obsessive compulsive.
Is it an excuse? Probably not. But hey, calling out these cocksuckers is faggot behavior apparently, I just have a low tolerance for peoples bullshit. The people I frequently commission actually have a really good working relationship with me, because you know, they aren't dickheads?

Sooo.,, you still haven't explained anything, right?
I really wish Kiwifarms wasn't down, you're on your way to becoming thread worthy.
There's no "we" here, twitter tourist. Now fuck off.
She was voiced by a woman, though: Pat Carol.
So I've heard.
Still hasn't given a valid reason as to why these con artists are in the right. But people are weird when it comes to porn.

As far as I know people usually resort to insults like
Generally means that you are at least partially correct.
Yeah. He's not just a lolcow, he's the whole fucking herd
But you see, even the farms I think would agree with the fact that getting pissed over someone trying to steal almost $200 is understandable
Be grateful someone hasn't found your house address and sent the SWAT there. These people can be dangerous
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Are the fatty artists trying to steal from you in the room right now?
Are you trying to threaten me now?
Calm down now, boy. I'd never do something that risky. I'll just let other people do the dirty work
I own a glcok, and if you send anyone to my house uninvited, I will shoot you. I'm not boogie, I will actually fucking kill you.
I don't live in that shithole called America anyway lolololol
Wheres my 50, mochi-boy?
I told you I'm Mistystuffer.
C'mon, we want to see the two of you fight
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>I own a glcok, and if you send anyone to my house uninvited, I will shoot you. I'm not boogie, I will actually fucking kill you.
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>I own a glcok, and if you send anyone to my house uninvited, I will shoot you. I'm not boogie, I will actually fucking kill you.
Alright so we've established that nobody can actually give me a reason as to why I'm in the wrong, I'm a lolcow for not tolerating the bullshit you guys act like you are against, and that I'm unhinged but ultimately still morally superior. Im buzzed so I'm loggin off before I escalate further Anyway, have a good rest of your day, the free entertainments been great.
JFC the last one only lasted a week and now there's already 50 something posts
there has recently been an uptick of twitter lunatics coming here to "epicly own" everyone. some of you seem to take great pleasure in bullying them off the board, which is perfectly fine with me, but the rest of you mostly come off as just annoyed by them shitting up the place. should I remove the twitter fags as soon as they are spotted or just let you deal with them yourselves? your choice, i'm fine with either.
I feel removing dissenting voices, no matter how annoying or where they come from, only serves to create an echo chamber. Plus it's funny.
"Mom, can I epicly own Gecko!?!?"
Still waiting for that own bro...
>Says he's leaving the thread all smug
>Is actually sticking around to see if people are talking shit
Remove them. There's been so much garbage here lately from people overstepping their boundaries with content, like trans and males making their way here even though they both belong on different boards. I think it's those Twitter fags doing this that given how it started not that long ago.
I'm more concerned with this jackass >>112039 over the twitter morons. Like, this dude's a loser even by this board's standards.
The commissions dude is still here even though he said multiple times he'd abandon this place, how about that? lmao
Unless they clog up the board with a whole lot of nothing (like our friend gecko here does every time he posts) then I say it’s fine.
Twitter fags acting retarded on stage for clout is a great show, they won’t even get tied of doing it because they think they’re winning.
Yeah, those twitter autists are perfect for a hearty laugh. Gecko ain't even funny and it feels a bit sad
Gecko is absolutely hilarious and every time he posts we get new lore.

Because you know I'm right by complaining about things I'm financially involved in and you don't actually have any argument as to why I'm wrong?
Because spending loads of money on this shit means you're automatically in the right
We told you in the first thread you popped up in, that you're god awful at communication, fly off the handle at a drop of a hat, and overall an unreasonable person to deal with. We saw both your screencaps and artists and came to that conclusion. So alls left is to laugh at you.
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To be honest, I'm getting tired of the Twitter shit, but it looks like I'm alone versus those who just want to laugh and clap like the "deez nuts" guy because some spectacle is unfolding. None of them will ever understand the concept of separate communities, let alone lurking. If there's an actual dissenting opinion obviously leave it, but most of this shit is just the Twittertards trying to epicly own the board, and now we've got a reverse case where someone is bringing them here in hopes of a epic own.

My eternal hope for this thread is that while it's about complaints and gripes, it'd either just be a place to vent or lead to some kind of productive solution or compromise. The thread already found out about catfishing accounts and Sizemo was able to come here and clear the air without feeling any kind of pressure: the thread has accomplished more than any of the fruitless Twitter campaigns ever could. I'm more for getting rid of them than letting them play the fool by trying to own the imageboard users.

They can avoid this (hint, hint) by understanding the typical behavior on imageboards and posting normally instead of acting like a paranoid schizophrenic because they think it's about screeching slurs and for other people to kill themselves.
Nah bro, they'd rather keep acting like the attention-seeker retards they are

I understand this sentiment but honestly, most get scared away and post like one thing from here in hopes of trying to salvage their egos. While they DO spam threads, as long as Banana and Barclay don't see it as a big deal, neither do I.
I just want you to make use of all the boards we have on this site, and it's really gone to shit since the Twitter fuckers have been coming here more. I'm the anon who fought with you months ago about trying to keep males off this board, and I'm furious that you've been very on and off about what stays and what goes, especially now that we have a BHM board so there's no reason to have art of males here anymore. Also, have the Loli thread that popped up today be moved to the Alt board because the one there is about to get bumplocked and that's where all the Loli threads have been so far. No reason to have it here.
if peoples cant make loli thread on here, then put it somewhere in the rule or at least a link to redirect peoples, i had a hard time finding it, had to dig to find
Alright, all I remember is people name calling and assholes like
Telling me that I should die because I'm tired of their rampant favoritism. As far as I'm concerned, that along with the insults he threw in tells me there is some grain of truth to what I said.

Either way you people are making me even worse, which is probably what you want.

I had a slot with explod, so whether you like him or not, I told him to just give it away. It's already paid for, so just tell him I sent you to claim it and I guess whoever is first gets it. I'll also cancel any pending with the people I have good relationships with unless they agree to keep it private. Ill keep getting them, but I won't share.. Since you know, they are so disgusting,despite the over a dozen dms praising me for it . I'm sick of funding free art for a bunch of people that don't like me anyways. I won't be missed, sure, but go claim that free spot and I don't ever want to see what it is. See you around
The motherfucking loli thread is finally gone. Those mods must be blind or something
Hopefully whoever passes by your house will call the cops
>>111987 There will be two women who can get fat though. Instead of some guy being in frame.
So he's like Voldemort?
QRD on the gecko autism?
I haven’t been paying attention to the autism and I’m curious who the fuck this is and what artist he’s bitching about
He's someone artists should avoid at all costs regarding commissions, especially when he asks for Lucky Stars art. He's the king of all autists
Just delete the Gecko posts, he's clearly the issue in this thread.
>endlessly bitches about getting ignored for commission slots because ""favoritism""
>finally gets a commission slot
>cries and cancels it to totally own bbwchan!!!
You have to be trolling. There is no way a fully evolved human can be this fucking stupid.
I would have to assume at this point he leaves stuff like that up for a while on purpose just to make crybabies like you even angrier. Very funny if that's the case, I hope he keeps doing it.
Keep laughing, clown. Your time will come sooner or later
thats the idea, make the schyzos come out of the wood
oups, didnt mean to say that
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I'm assuming gecko got the thread temp locked but now my post is outdated
Idk about you guys but I haven't thought about Furio ever since the shit show in the last thread went down I was only now reminded of her. Actually fucking embarrassing behavior. Also how the fuck is posting on a chan board instead of twitter hypocritical the fuck are you even on about.
Djjacob1954, mostly infamous for leaving a lot of really dumb and vapid on WG and inflation pieces. I am 90% sure that he's the fucker who always commented "is she okay?" on any inflation or WG art that ends with bursting.
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>hehe im using their words
Starting to think that more of the shitflinging we've been seeing in recent months and years is also from the orbiters like this Furio weirdo who cannot stop thinking about the meanie posters on da 4chain-looking site. The only reason I even remember this nutjob is because they've been posting here like a lunatic and other posters who give more of a fuck than they care to let on are posting their tweets. Someone post the "STOP TALKING ABOUT PANCAKES" image.
Which artist? The only one that comes to mind is Prisonsuit-Rabbitman, and he usually does male fats.
The one and only Jeet, of course. That piece of shit of an artist corrupted him with pictures of boys wearing maid outfits or something, from what I remember
I think the maid stuff is cringe too, and it's obvious he's being influenced by others for it, but I think to completely strip him of free will in this is pretty patronizing. He's not your precious art god, tainted by the Eternal Troon. He's a kinky weirdo doing kinky weirdo things.
He's doing kinky weirdo things we don't like, to be more specific lmao
it's fair to not like it, but I do think some people here sperg out about it way too hard
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Not even going to lie, seeing the Twitter retards stomp their way to this part of the playground just to bitch moan and complain has radicalized me more in the past few months than The Red Team in the States has done in the past few years. No joke, they act beat-for-beat like my baby brother.

Like, you guys are some of the biggest losers around, but atleast *some* of you are self aware enough not to take it so uber seriously and have a VERY SMALL shred of honesty. I feel like along the way there was a grave mistake where campaigning and advocacy for positive change turned into public pissing contests and, ironically enough, Insane Ranting. It was a mistake thinking that the online signalers were ever arguing in good faith about things like "Trans rights", "Gay rights", and especially "Black rights". Just... fuck man.

It's been a huge, disappointing wakeup call knowing that all the hashtags and whatnot are either misguided children trying to make a positive change or shrieking mandrills that get heart palpitations when their follow count decreases. All that bitching about global world issues and fabricated online issues and for what? Getting "le epic comeback" and being "based and morally superior" over your conceived enemies? When sometimes this exact shit makes things WORSE by shitting in everyone's cereal?

It's one thing to think thar people are vapid and shallow, but its a whole new world when its proven to you time and time again.
yeah, i'm in hell now (let's be honest god would not let fat fetishizers into heaven) and it's as bad as they say.
I'm genuinely confused by his choice of becoming a femboy maid. Jeet never really talked about feminine shit nor seemed like he swung that way. Didn't he have a girlfriend?
>sees the 11th thread nearing it's end
>goes to sleep
>wakes up
>goes to work
>comes home from work
>sees a 12th thread that is already a quarter of the way to being bump locked

What the actual hell happened here
It's mostly Gecko and some twitter nobodies spamming.

We're currently getting "owned".
these threads need to move to bbwgen already, they absolutely shit up this board
>Alright so we've established that nobody can actually give me a reason as to why I'm in the wrong
Okie-dokie, I'll bite.
>"Send me ideas and I might get back to you" open to only patrons.
There is nothing wrong with this, if an artist wants to filter their commissions, that is their right to do so, and opening exclusively to Patreon or giving their Patrons first dibs isn't uncommon.
>How the fuck am I supposed to be ok with a guy insulting his patrons by having them request to be privileged to give him more money?
Are we talking $1, $5, $20, how much? I've seen many artists stipulate that Patrons in higher tiers are eligible for discounted commissions, and most people won't bitch about a buck or two. Just look at artists who do voting polls. Some people only get to vote at $1 but their choice doesn't always win. Some people only get to make suggestions at $5 but their suggestion doesn't always win. You can consider that extra $1 or so your entrance fee to being able to be commissioned.
>one of his twitter "friends" on discord bragging about how he got chosen a week early
Favoritism and nepotism exist, get used to it. The concept of wanting to do business with someone you're on friendly terms with shouldn't be this alien to you. Also was this person actually bragging, or did you interpret it as bragging?
>Needless to say, I gave them a few harsh words and then pulled my support.
I was trying to be neutral, but I'm going to be brutally honest here: Things didn't go your way so you decided to bitch about how someone chooses to conduct their business. Situations like this are precisely why artists choose to filter who they work with and vastly prefer working with people they know or are friends with.

And now you're choosing to act out of spite and make working with you more difficult with the few people who you DO have good relationships with... to own a couple of internet nobodies who don't like you? You could've just been that one guy in the community who commissioned Lucky Star art but you made yourself into more and more of a character and you keep digging your heels in when people tell you off, even after people were initially sympathetic towards you. My genuine advice is to try and learn how to pull back from situations that make you upset or frustrated and re-evaluate it and how you feel. Read what you've written before you post it and see how you come off and, again, re-evaluate how you feel. Try not to care what people think about you because there will always be at least one person in life who doesn't like you no matter what. If people are obviously trolling your or trying to get a reaction out of you, don't engage. These are difficult skills to practice, but they can take you far in life.
(702 KB, 1078x630, Yikes.png)
Sounds rough.
Twitter really has become the new tumblr with that whole "I'm gonna troll the channers!!!" type of attitude.
Am I the only one who hates when theamericandream overdoes it on his art nowadays? I'm not a fan of slob art and I hate the colors he uses to make his art look somewhat grotesque.
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Can anyone recommend a place like kiwifarms to read about lolcows? I dont like lolcowfarms, it is about gross cows who are boring af and just straigh up disgusting. I pay with Aqua.
Absolutely praying he reads this, top notch post.
lolcow.farm but be warned that you best know how to lurk. HIGHLY recommend not posting ever on that site if you aren't an old school head who understands everything implied by lurking because that site has a mod team that puts plebbit jannies to shame.
>Why don't they come HERE and speak their mind?? a bit hypocritical innit
Let's consider the following:
>You get blocked and the discussion dies
>You get labeled something "problematic" on your public account and are ostracized by the community
>You get reported for "hateful speech/harassment" if you say something even remotely off-color or that can be construed as off-color. You can then get deplatformed.
>Most people with common sense and just a bit of decency won't go up to someone and bitch at them about something they don't like them doing because at the end of the day, live and let live.
>Calling someone a dumbass away from that person, even in a public setting, is not harassment, but if you go up to someone and call them a dumbass to their face, THAT IS ACTUAL HARASSMENT.
It may come as a surprise, but not everyone who says mean shit wants to bully and harass, most people just want to discuss, bitch, or point and laugh and be on their way. Had Furio not engaged and continued to bitch about it, they would've been a footnote in a thread and the discussion would've died out, but they came here and flamed the fans and are talking about it on twitter still. You don't get to say "lol rent free" when you make a spectacle of yourself. Don't engage and everyone will forget about you. If people say mean shit about you, ignore it and don't acknowledge it. Boom, I've solved your problem with BBWchan.
>>112213 KF is still up on tor, check the telegram for the link.
And twitter has a character limit. And only spergs make twitter threads, it's such a rock and a hard place thing. Do you want to actually express something longwinded or do you want to succumb to smug catch-all brevity.
It's not reading but if you don't already, I'd highly suggest watching Mad at the Internet. Null puts on a good stream, especially his person streams. Been going through some old Mister Metokur streams and videos too.
>I may be a degenerate but even we should have some standards.
Always funny to see someone trying to bring pathos into the realm of beating it to fat chicks.
Huh, I wouldn't have guessed before given that he never did anything for me TBH.

This. I'm indifferent and just ignore male fats, but I won't try to stop others from enjoying it.
Just call them Latino...
I'm longing for that time before the death of Tumblr when people weren't all trapped on the same website together. Nowadays everyone's bred into this same dogshit mentality of spreading misery and making "gotcha" posts.
This furio guy seems like a real faggot.

Anyway, imageboards are probably the most entertaining part of the Internet.No one's putting up any appearances to preserve follower count or because it could get them depersoned.

The Internet as a whole is this very slimy and insincere realm, like a world of snake oil salesmen,but imageboards are probably the least of that.It's just a man and his argument in the best cases, or a man with his eccentricities in the worst cases, and both of them are quite enjoyable to see.
Having a girlfriend turns you gay, us virgins are the only straight men left on this planet
Absolute facts. At the end of the day, virgins will reign supreme
This thread is a good reminder on how NOT to treat people.

...now stop it. I can't fap and laugh at the same time.
Hey, laughing is a great cure for fappin'
impressively based
yes, you should delete them and the entire chain they generate, because most of the people trying to "bully them off the board" just provide (You)s without saying anything clever and actually end up inciting them to post even more in a fit of self-indignation. the last thread wasted like 100 posts on incredibly inane nothingposts because of this
If a fat porn board made you change your political affiliation, you probably weren't being honest about your political affiliation in the first place and were looking for an excuse to shift sides but not have it be "your fault".
That's basically the mantra of Trump bootlickers

Well You are right.
>Also was this person actually bragging, or did you interpret it as bragging?

I think I just interpreted that way, but he knew he was going to get it so I don't know why he needed to announce it. They make posts calling each other friends so it's not really delusional to put two and two together and recognize they got a clique going on.
>Things didn't go your way so you decided to bitch about how someone chooses to conduct their business. Situations like this are precisely why artists choose to filter who they work with and vastly prefer working with people they know or are friends with.
I was just more irritated at the fact they were getting peoples hopes up for months, and then when they finally do it, they tell everyone it's not a fair game. So you sit there and read all his fans getting excited, but when in reality most of them aren't going to hear back and it's all going to go to his whales, and that just agitates me.

I do think I know who wrote that angry post earlier, one of them would ping me and try to instigate shit but it would quickly get deleted by IDK who. Then I just got into the habit of deleting everything because trying to talk with anybody about anything was useless. Squish and like one other person (I don't want you to ruin it for me so no name dropping until it gets posted) are literally the only two people who actually feel like you're talking to a person. The fakeness just gets to me, and here it's either insults or honest contempt which is better than false kindness. I just bullshit to complain and then I think everyones entertaining
Still here? My brother in Christ, you said multiple times you would've abandoned this shithole because you "owned us", but I see you keep replying to every message mentioning you. You really find it that funny, huh?

It sure has nothing to do with fuckheads bringing politics into the community and ostracizing people who previously didn't give a shit about politics or even used this place to get away from it.
>Anon thinks hordes of Islanders fans, Syracuse, UAlbany, and Utica are going to roll up on him in Pickups, Escalades, and Lowriders blaring Salvadorian Music.

Are you a Southerner anon cause this hatred of Trump reeks more of a fear of Northern Aggression
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Yeah, they are unoriginal with their writing.
Why I'm not surprised atthe sight of twaddler shite, et al?
As your wish will be, but it's good to see you dont mind sharing power in this way, delegating tasks here and there.
Think he is a local attraction of sorts.
Mind telling more?
>that screencap
Gg, you saved that. I can dump more of stuff like that, but the jannies will nanny me to death, as many times before that.
500 South Buena Vista Street Burbank, CA United States.

Let´s raid Disney for monopolizing the entertainment industry.

Time to wipe them out.
I don't even know why anyone outside of BBWchan would try and defend themselves here, the one big life lesson not everyone seems to learn is that ABSOLUTELY NOBODY is obligated to like or agree with anything you do or say. And no, you can't change that with a verbal debate, many have tried but you can't just force someone to change their entire world viewpoint and suddenly like you.

Plus despite 12 threads of this I don't think anyone's even really been aggressively stalked, confronted or even lost any significant amount of Commission/Patreon income. It simply doesn't hold any power outside of the anonymity that BBWchan and 4chan have.
Wrong site, glowie.
Jeetdoh is the Hideki Naganuma of the fetish community.
I think some of his old stuff was more hardcore, but some of the body hair stuff he started doing squicks me out a bit
I miss Jaykuma's old style. All of his new pics look like shit. He's trying way too hard to be bamboo ale, he should go back to ripping Trinity Fate off
The problem is, these people aren't even trying to have a debate, which can actually be fruitful on places even as shitty as here. Just look at the prior thread where people were trying to implicate Sizemologist because he drew stuff for those creep accounts. He came here and explained himself, and although he was defensive (as he had every right to be), he was open and the reception to him coming here and speaking his piece was overwhelmingly positive and understanding.

Then we look at >>112044. This person said nothing mean or transphobic or anything in the entire reply chain to Furio, they're merely trying to point out that jumping into the wolves den to "own the haydurs" is not going to change any minds, isn't going to do Furio or trans people any favors, and may actually be doing more harm than good. But no, Furio wants to call them an awful person for "associating with such bigotry". Furio then starts complaining about him defending the behavior WHEN HE NEVER DEFENDED IT. But that doesn't matter, because if you don't 100% disavow wrongspeak, then you're just as bad as those heckin' transphoberinos.
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Everyone have their guilty pleasures.

>Trusting yourself

>I own a glock
Famous last words in a nation that owns over 40% of the worlds guns.

Nothing works nearly as great as a flood of lolis.

It's pretty obvious when not only are the loli threads stuck in /bbwalt/, every time someone gets pissed about a plump loli, it's always said that the only rule against loli is toward generals.

He's high level but I wouldn't call him the king.

I totally missed the last one.

Thought most people stopped bothering with TAD after his art started going to shit.

>Jeetdoh is the Hideki Naganuma of the fetish community
Explain yourself because that sounds like a load of bullshit.
Nothing to do with any of your points or any ongoing discussion, but I just wanted to let you know that when I see faggots like you trying to hold literally 9 conversations at once, I completely skip over your entire post and ignore anything you were trying to say. Learn to compartmentalize
>Explain yourself because that sounds like a load of bullshit.
not that anon but I found the comparison perfect

- bends way too easily to peer pressure
- made embarrassing "I'm sorry" posts because his fan base is easily offended
- abandons what he's known for to try and find success elsewhere

naganuma made his shitty bed and how he has to sleep in it, jeet is about two steps away from doing the same
I don't think Jeet and Hideki have a ton in common other than both having annoying tranny orbiters. Jeet's content has shifted towards Transformers/maleshit, while Hideki continues to make hot beats regardless of whatever bullshit happens on Twitter.
SunsleptOS/SunsetteOS has so much wasted potential. About 95% of what he does are Dragon Ball girls despite having a Patreon, and roughly half of them are Bulma. He's both talented and shallow, and I wish he'd start drawing more women from other franchises more. The fact that he makes nearly $800 a month from Patreon despite the lack of variety of women is criminal.
I think it's fine if the artist specifically likes drawing from certain series and it's a running theme. Clearly there's a market because Dragonball is one of the beaten-to-death franchises in this fetish, but I get the sentiment. I think it's one of those cases where the artist likes what they're drawing and is getting paid for it, so why mess with a good thing?
Are you fucking kidding me? There's only 3 women that people bother drawing from that franchise. Bulma, Android 18, and Android 21. Chi Chi is too much of a cunt for people to draw her, and Launch is so obscure that most people forget she exists, and when she is remembered, it's always her angry blonde version. Would you still be in support of the idea if someone did the same thing with the human Mario girls (Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, and Pauline)?
Forgot to mention Videl, but that only adds to my point. She's not drawn much either.
We need more Cheelai love.
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I can see what you're saying now but I see Jeet as worse since he back handed his own fans.

I wonder if that chinese knockoff of Jet Set Radio helped exacerbate the situation.

I'm not gonna clutter the thread with extra posts just to humor your autism.

Sounds like his problem isn't so much sticking to one franchise but ignoring all the females for the select few who gets all the art.
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Honestly, my only real pet peeve is just the common as hell sounds used with weight gain or inflation animations. I've noticed this as a constant where it's just the public domain crap. Hearing it ad infinitum as "placeholder" really just ruins the animation to me.
Sunslept here, just wanna say that while I understand where you're coming from there's also a reason I draw the things I do.

Ultimately, I draw first and foremost the things i enjoy. Whether I'm making $0 or $800 has never really changed my choice of content and it never really will.

I enjoy drawing Dragon Ball because I grew up on it, and I've been into the series for 10 years strong now. I also draw my OCs, Megaman, Steven Universe, etc., and I've actually beenm doing a LOT of OC specific stuff lately.

A rule I have for myself is that I'll only post art and do art as my job so long as I enjoy it, and when that comes to an end I'll just go back to having a normal job like I used to. I'm very appreciative of the people who follow and support me, but they don't really guide what I draw outside of commission slots and patreon polls.

It's not really wasted potential if I'm enjoying the content I produce and many others are enjoying it. I respect that you want other content, and in turn I have to say that there are many other artists (many of who are better than me) who draw other characters from other franchises.

I dunno, just always felt weird to me for people drawing what they like to be considered wasted potential, you know?

And yes I know I'm in the ranting thread and this stuff is to be expected, don't worry, and I don't hold any ill will or nothin. I just figured since i posted about it I owed you the respect of explaining it directly as well.
If I ever start doing WG animations, I'll use exclusively Hanna Barbara sounds.
at least try to hide its not you @Baqua7
>I dunno, just always felt weird to me for people drawing what they like to be considered wasted potential, you know?
I think you're slightly misunderstanding me. You drawing your favorites is not the part that I'd call wasted potential, and to be clear, I'm not criticizing you for having favorites or for what those favorites are. What I do consider a waste is that you stick ONLY to them, however I'd never suggest nor tell you to do things you actively dislike or hate. That would make far less sense then sticking to your favorites as you are now.

Above all I'm surprised by how well you're doing for how much you limit yourself, or if that's how small in number your interests really are. But I can at least respect you wanting to remain true to your principals, and respect that you took some time to come here and explain yourself.
It's not so much that my interests are small, just that a lot of the things I enjoy don't really have much to them for drawing weight gain content. Like I tend to not draw IRL people and there's just a lot of games with no real characters to fatten, that kinda deal.

I've also ironically been trying to expand the range of characters I'm drawing anyways by pulling on my wider range of interests, it's just that I've been putting out so much content that even posting every other day the backlog is massive lmao

I mostly just draw primarily my favorites because they ARE my favorites and when I started there really wasn't a lot of art of them, idk. Now I'm just vibing.
That's why I like Saxxon and fucking abhor his commissioners. His girls are qUirKY.

Shitty/corny dialogue has watered down my fetish so much that I can't even take it seriously anymore. I should thank them, really.
I'm in a similar position with commissions. There's a lot of women I'd like to commission artists for, but I've been putting them off because of money management and circumstances regarding certain characters. To give an example, I've commissioned Female Byleth a few times because there wasn't that much fat art of her at the time and I wanted to strike while the iron was still hot. Now that the iron has cooled, I can start clearing my backlog and commission other characters again once money management has calmed down.
One possible source of new art inspo for me might be fortnite since I've been playing that a lot lately and there are some neat women in there. Already did a chun li piece which is Street Fighter ofc but I got my attention drawn to her via fortnite so like hey it do be like that.

So like, TL;DR: I'm totally down to draw non-DB women, I just gotta find that source of inspiration so that it's coming from genuine enjoyment. I always vaguely understand people who wish I drew other characters even if I feel my reasons are sound anyways. Just kind of can see both sides of it.
It genuinely blows me away that I have never seen anyone complain about this, but literally every expansion animation which involves a crowd of people screaming uses THE EXACT SAME public domain sound effect. It's this one to be specific: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZuH4_Zn6YM
I have seen hundreds of videos and animations use this sound effect and it just comes across as amateurish when it is something this recognisable. It gives the same effect as iMovie title cards.
I think you're doing just fine, honestly, I wouldn't let that dude weigh on your mind too much. I'm not that big on Dragonball stuff because it's a pretty saturated series, but you're doing what you like and I think that's the most important thing. At my previous job I was doing some things I liked but mostly stuff I wasn't crazy about, making far less than I am now. Now I'm doing stuff I like for way more and I feel way better, also learning more.

There are cases where we see a lot of a given character or characters because some serial commissioner is running amok or something like that, but I never thought that was your deal. Reminds me a bit of lala_halal who mostly draws her husbando even though she's done incredible work of the girls from FGO; not into the dudes but who am I to trample on what gets her going? I'd draw my favorite characters all day if I could draw.

Personally glad you stopped by to chime in, gives me hope that relations in general can/will become more positive.

Baqua's posted here quite a bit despite not outing themselves and it was still pretty obvious that it was Baqua, you're a little late to the party.
I always try to be civil or at least approach things from a good faith angle on here, because there really ain't anything different between me and every other person on this site. I can draw but that doesn't make me better than other people and I always try to keep that in the front of my mind.
Now granted the time a dude came INTO THE DRAGON BALL THREAD and complained about me drawing Dragon Ball I was a bit less charitable but I feel like that makes sense at least.

It's definitely not a serial commissioner type deal, I've just always liked Bulma and when I started drawing back in 2016 it felt like there wasn't a lot of art of her. Honestly I joke that my shit makes up 50% of the DB fat art at this point cause it's almost all I do. I'm def branching out a bit more ,recently did some stuff with Launch and Ranfan for example, though I think those are about a month out on going public?

I'm always just sort of passively lurking, and I won't deny self esteem issues have me in these rant chats ctrl+f'ing my name. I've always tried to come off as drama-averse and civil at the very least, even when i do pipe up here or on Twitter.

I just kind of enjoy directly interacting with the community.
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How is Dragonball saturated? Zoomers are drawing Chi Chi more than Toriyama does and keeps her firmly at Movie1 and Movie8 levels of quality. Compare that to Super where Bulma is seen as an old hag who needs the dragon balls to look young.
Don't you think the people who support him on Patreon do so -knowing- he draws a lot of DragonBall? 😏
Well, even if someone's gonna try tearing you down for not making multiple Certified Fat-of-Shes for All Dragonball Girls, just know you have at least one fan here.
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>One possible source of new art inspo for me might be fortnite
May god have mercy on your soul.

>Compare that to Super where Bulma is seen as an old hag who needs the dragon balls to look young
Pic related; everyone who was around for GT.
Has she even gotten near that old looking? I quit Super early on because of Funimations bullshit leaving them untrustworthy.
No, the joke of the new movie is that Bulma uses Shenron to make her butt bigger and look younger. She's seen as petty for hoarding the eternal dragon to herself.

Dragonball's problem is mostly that all the background characters like Zangya, Seliypa, and other female fighters are superfluous.
can i clown you guys yet?
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holy fuck im back in it. Post fat girls get this goofy ass thread in alt or something if any of you dork ass mods have sense for the love of god
nah, I got banned for speaking the truth so I know damn well someone got the message and didn't like it. I think alot of people on this board think everyone om Twitter hates literally everyone here. Not the case. I frequented this board before 2020. I lurked, saw the most fat phobic, racist, transphobic, etc shit all the time. I always excused it because "that's just the internet lol xd" and fear of doxxing. Now, I'm not saying I can change people's minds by myself or at all, but if I can piss even one asshole off, then I'm having a good time. Screenshotting this in case mods delete this or I get banned again
Going out on a limb and guessing that you're Mistko again?
yep, hey guys! (go back)
At least dragon ball is constantly getting fat art (half of it isn't good but we have alot). Dragon quest has maybe 2 handfuls of it despite it jumping up in relevance(dq 11 and the hero's guest appearance in smash bros).
I mean I was very up front in that I posted to Twitter too. I'm not being two-faced or trying to lie to you my guy.

My tone is different here becuase I'm able to talk to you personally and discuss it with you personally. On that thread i'm discussing a general sentiment as this is far from the first time i've been told something like this and people aren't always as civil as you about it.

Don't try to make it something it's not lol.
>for speaking the truth
All you did was piss your pants about the ebul imageboard and think you were "owning" the users by throwing a weird temper tantrum, you got annoying to the point that a mod banned you.
Chi Chi is a cunt in Funimation Dub. In the original Japanese text, she's pretty much just as ignorant as Goku due to being a hick. It's really noticeable because she and Goku talk like hicks while Gohan and Goten speak proper Japanese.
artists please stop engaging in this thread it’s so fucking embarrassing to see people trying to le epic own random people on an anonymous image board. Your social media clout has no influence here and seeing you guys act like you’re doing good work by posting cringe here just feels pathetic. Not trying to be mean about this - just an honest observation.
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I've lurked for years with the ocassional post but you guys are fucking weird and by you guys i mean literally everyone on this thread and twitter. Anons love to complain about how they are not getting specific art they want from an artist for free and gossip like a bunch of housewives trying to stirr up shit or prove how artists are flawed (wow we are humans who would of thought wow) and never being satisfied even if you give them exactly what they want, twitter users and artists are no better either, they have paper thin skin and proceed to have a breakdown at any slight mean response, the average follower of an artist is a mindless cocksucker with scripted responses and some artists are no different from anons on the gossip department in their closed echochamber discord servers.
You might think I hate this community but I don't, I've met wonderful people that I speak to daily and most of the time it's not even related to this fetish, at the end of the day we all share a dorm due to what we find attractive and rather than feeding on this >COMMUNITY BAD idea we should at least attempt to improve the situation. I'm aware of how this near impossible task is thanks to it being from the nature of a collective effort but there are basic pinpoints such as reducing the stigma of the boogeyman that this website is (for real, imageboards are just horny users throwing shit for giggles cause there are almost no repercussions and you shouldn't take what is said here in face value), not gatekeeping everyone because dish ish my shecret edgy wesbhsite but only the terminally online people that have their head deep in their ass, not seething at certain groups for just existing like a drone, giving actual criticism towards an artist if you are not contempt rather than crying and throwing a temper tantrum and not being a gossiping bitch that cooks drama in the background,etc.

Overall improve the relationships within users by being mature people, feeding onto this bad behavior will only further alienate the community into even smaller circles than it already is. You can see this is not such an impossible task when people that are not native to the site are able to integrate or how the average Joe starts to understand artists are not machines that print out art nor gods that should be idolized
It's always hilarious to me everytime an artist comes to bbw-drawn to try and be damage control, but they always get knocked on their ass by being unselfaware and attempt to flex their clout or someone shuts them the fuck by showing evidence of something they did or said.
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but u guys literally deleted everything I said in order to cope. From my pov the exact people I was talking about reacted pretty much how I expected. I personally preferred a time where this thread didn't exist. and people posted actual fat porn. like idc about the fucking drama or "owning" people, I already know I'm better than the people who genuinely get mad about shit like that. The only un-selfaware people are people who censor others on a fuckin chan board
also mostly agree. Hearts in the right place
Honestly it's why the best parts of the community for me lately have been on Discord, especially private groups (including Patreon-orientated ones).

Fact is public places like Twitter and the Chan Boards are a goddamn circus where everyone is constantly on-guard and being politically motivated on both sides of the spectrum to have maximum Good/Bad Boy Points when really a lot of us just wanna enjoy some fucking fat girls and whatever other kinks we may have on the side as horny fuckers.
And I am well aware Discord can be abused for being personal bubbles and I've seen both sides of the spectrum form toxic spaces to put it lightly, but many of them are just laid back with friends being friends, where nobody's trying to make a goddamn point or statement, it's just people being casually horny and chilling. LIke the Chat Rooms and small Forums of the old, better days.
It almost feels like we're going backwards compared to the massive growth the community had in the 2010s but it might actually be for the best.

If anything I'd say if BBWchan or Twitter makes you that goddamn mad, just stay off it. "The Wider Community" isn't worth it with how much it's blown up, just stick to the circles of people and artists you actually goddamn like.
>I mean I was very up front in that I posted to Twitter too. I'm not being two-faced or trying to lie to you my guy.
>Don't try to make it something it's not lol.
I never doubted that you were being honest, and I still don't. I just thought it was weird because of some others we've had to deal with on here, but in your case it was a misunderstanding on my part, so my bad. I need to keep in mind that not everyone from Twitter comes here for malicious reasons, just like how not everyone here is a scumbag.
Nah you're fine! I honestly considered taking down the thread cause it felt a little aggro. It's just me having to be more brief and general since twitter character limits is all.

I generally dont want to be an over-sensitive twitter artist or nothin so I apologize if I was at all reactionary in all of this! You seem pretty chill tbh and I've tried to take everything in good faith at least.
Neat, I'll have to watch the sub and see if that changes my opinion on Chi Chi. I only ever watched the dub growing up.
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i am begging moist to stop being a little bitch, bamboo isn't going to fuck you

this and only this
if you want people to massage your prostate, go back to twitter and fucking stay there already god damn
I apologize for my hostility at the start, and even though I can't delete it, I retract my comment about calling you shallow. It's clear that you're not.
Honestly if it weren’t for the Chan boards I would’ve never gotten involved and started making digital art at all (even if it is fetish shit)

And even if the artist who dragged me in proved to be a two faced prideful asshole I know that ain’t the norm. It’s hard not to take worst aspects of two sites whenever you just see shit constantly thrown back and forth by people who are socially deaf and could never act how they do online, in person.

While I don’t like calling this fetish a community (because that just reeks of parasocial attachment to artists) I have made some great friends.
I'll play ball with you. I realize that you said it's a monstrously impossible task, but maybe if it's aired in the open we might get somewhere, even if it's just a step forward.
>such as reducing the stigma of the boogeyman that this website is
There are two things that are going to make this difficult.
1. There has to be an acknowledgment of "the imageboard is NOT the boogeyman" from the artist+orbiter side. The artists will always have more power, with (proverbial) their vulnerability being the current "wartime" obsession of coming here to dunk on the board and various artists admitting they ctrl-f the thread to see if they're being mentioned. There are plenty of artists who have drawn their lines in the sand in regards to 4chan's /d/ and this site's /bbwdraw/ board and simply won't reciprocate.
2. I personally, as just a random anon without mod/janny powers, cannot prevent the existence of Lucky Star Fan With Anger Issues and people like him demanding that artist draw [character]. However, artists (again, proverbial) will respond to me as if I'm the site admin and blame me and possibly other anons for allowing those people to exist.
>not gatekeeping everyone
Where do you see the gatekeeping? Is it the general idea of imageboard culture and usage? Additionally, the only reason posts DO get deleted is if they're in violation of the few rules this place has (i.e., illegal content, "noise" posts that are the equivalent of spam).
>not seething at certain groups
I can tell this partially references the general distaste for/dislike of transsexuals. Again, I cannot personally change this. The roots of this stem from 4chan's general attraction to counter-culture and the co-opting of the culture+site by election tourists.
>giving actual criticism towards an artist
Most of the time it's really just gripes that any given anon's favorite character isn't being drawn, but I think that's the closest some anons can get to criticism. Others, like myself who at least understand there are technical elements at play, can only make comments by feel (i.e., this doesn't look right, is that a second left hand, etc.). Artists should also generally be aware that some of their fans are going to be underage and lying that they aren't when following your accounts. I almost think there might be a space for a "business analyst"-type role of someone who can bridge the gap between artist and fanbase.
>watching artists with considerable skill make absolute fools of themselves online due to their overinflated (lol) egos
I used to admire their abilities but seeing how fucking thick skulled some of these people are makes me lose all respect.
No hard feelings aye, I'm just glad we could have a solid discussion. It always makes me happy when I can just sort of pop into one of these chan boards and have positive interactions.
I'm not a mod/janny but I can tell you with a solid degree of confidence that your posts were deleted because they were simply read as white noise or spam: I said earlier that you threw a weird temper tantrum as your way to "burn it all down" (remember, you said this on Twitter) and that's more than likely how your posts were interpreted as by the mods. Almost every post is left up; to dip back into the transsexual fights, both sides bringing up their laundry lists of reasons why it's good/bad/other are treated equally. Despite the disdain many imageboard posters have for them, any and all posts attacking the disdain and supporting transsexuals are treated exactly the same.

It's as old as time: your actions DO have consequences, and it extends to seemingly inane things like whether or not your posts are kept up or deleted on a fetish imageboard. You came with the intent to duke it out, you were originally allowed to romp around, but it got to a point where it was clear you were only here in bad faith despite whatever intentions you actually came with, and the mods acted accordingly by cleaning up the mess.

This might be a part of what >>112420 was talking about w.r.t. gatekeeping but I've been here and on imageboards *far* longer than you have (you have your age in your Twitter profile). Long-form comments are usually encouraged on imageboards, even though most discussion can happen in just one or two sentences. Not every post has to be a nerd essay but you have more than 240 characters to work with, and not every interaction is about hostility despite the prevalence of slurs and telling others to off themselves. Obviously changes once people start taking things to chatrooms and stuff, but chatrooms are a separate environment with their own inherent culture. Again, I'm not a mod/janny, but I've been around the block and I thought it might shed some light as to what was seen by the mods and users vs what you're saying is censorship.
I've been in 3 so far and I've only had experiences ranging between neutral and bad; I left one and I just stay in the other two for art that the artist posts and occasionally someone else links good stuff. I don't know how a lot of these Discords are forming, but discovery is impossible and don't get me started on curating individuals. Discord does not seem like the wave, honestly.
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Why is there a tussle about loli at all? I try not to sum up my ambivalence with the phrase "it's just a drawing" because people who give a shit dismiss that almost instantly.But it's such a non-issue that I can't even think up any defense for it except stating the obvious.It's just so strange to me that anyone could care so much about shit like that.It reminds me of this crazy teacher I had who took 10 minutes out of every lesson to rant about 'dirty faggots' and 'the government', while all pf us in class stared at him with glazed eyes...
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So between all the insane ranting threads;

>Let a bad commissioner expose himself

>Brought attention to catfish accounts

>Squashed two beefs with artists

Pic related
And trannies still get mad, LOL!
>"The Wider Community"
There is no "wider community"
There's a point where any one community grows large enough that it inevitably becomes fractured. When that happens, continuing to act as if there is "one community" is pointless, since whichever "sub-communities" result from the original will end up developing in very different directions and end up having very different environments.
At that point, trying to act as if all the segments of the original community are the same is like trying to mix pepsi and milk, for lack of a better analogy. Sometimes, some tourism happens, and that's both fine and inevitable, but the obsessive fixation that one segment of the community has with the other is downright retarded, and making the "community at large", that some people still believe exists, infinitely worse as a result.
So, posting this here I guess as this is the Gen of the art community and mods told me to post in gen.

For some reason this didn't post, so here I go again. Whoever is deleting any discussion about this comic is directly hurting this fanbase. This is my favorite comic from my favorite artist and were not even allowed to discuss it here, We can't compliment, we can speculate, we can't even say what were hoping for more of. So either it's a hardcore Kip hater (Very possible as they are doing all they can to tank any fandom from existing) Or it's a very misguided fan who can't understand they are making Kip look like a tyrant. Kip, if your reading this, you need to deal with this guy, Until then I am un subbing and I have been in a very high supporting tear for years on your Patreon, but I won't support censorship and I know from other people who also support you that I do talk to will feel the same way once they see all this.
>Unsub from an artist's patreon because of a mod on an entirely unrelated website
You are a special kind of retarded.
>DWN flaked again
What a surprise
I mean, would I be here if I was not?
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I guess what I mean is, I hate redubbed animations that never had sounds in the first place. I feel like some of em are better silent than having generic rubber stretch no.323 play at peaking levels because the idiot mixing the sound doesn't know how to edit it.
Welcome to tyranny by the majority. The mod had a poll up a few Kip threads back if people wanted censorship in Kip threads or not. They voted for censorship. So now one artist gets special treatment here with an echo chamber, which is totally redundant considered that's all DeviantArt comments are anyways. But it's not Kip's fault what happens here.
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I guess they really did throw out the selfish reasons creating tainted Dragonballs, idea they had in GT.

>I think alot of people on this board think everyone om Twitter hates literally everyone here
Twatter hates everything in existence.

Gushing over your favorite franchise doesn't make a person shallow but getting on a soapbox does.

>Dragon quest has maybe 2 handfuls of it despite it jumping up in relevance(dq 11 and the hero's guest appearance in smash bros)
It's all from Squeenix sabotaging the games; DQVIII had a boon and then they dragged their feed for IX, the spinoffs, butchered the updated IV-VI games, and dangled X before years later spitting in peoples face with DQX Offline.

It's an easy win for virtue points and it's something that normies can't wrap their minds around from only being able to see it at a surface level and jump to conclusions.

Trannies don't get mad, they're always mad.

Truly and easy bet; he really needs to just completely fuck off already.
when did that happen? I don't remember a poll in any of the recent kip threads, and if there was, I can't imagine the majority of users of this site would vote for censorship
Oh, I actually didn't know that, thanks for letting me know. I'll back down now. Guess I never really think of this place as a community but sometimes it is then.
Yea, it really surprised me too. It must have been about 9 months ago? Kip's comic was going slow, already had like it's third fake-out and people were peak angry so thread got heated with every next page. Then the janny-nation attacked and everything changed.
i'm surprised it happened 9 months ago, since they've been particularly aggressive about it in the last few weeks
about the kip thread. yes, this was the thread's decision. every single time kip would post a new page to one of his comics i would get anywhere from 15 to 30 reports about the nonstop bitching. i made a thread in /gen/ for them to bitch there and stop shitting up kip's thread but they refused to use it. then these manbaby/insane ranting/what have you threads were made with the intention of containing the kip spergs and people who started complaining about jeet being gay or whatever. even now the autism in kip's thread still rages on and i'm tired of getting reports of their """"""critiques"""""" so i marked the thread. any bitching at all is removed on sight until they either learn to either bitch here instead or fuck off. i don't care which. if wanting people to use a particular thread is somehow censorship then i guess i'm guilty but i don't care what their opinions actually are, i just want them stated here as opposed to there.
some of the stuff that gets deleted from the kip thread isn't 'bitching' though, i've had predictions and jokes and just general conversation deleted from there. it's like you don't even look and just delete all the comments in the chain or something.
and it seems stupid to post the comic in 1 thread and have conversation about the comic in another.
Just another new virtue signaling shit. Same as with a "good" and "bad" NSFW art. It is a NSFW or SFW, nothing else. Just another pampered kids from the west want to fingt evil without paying for it like going to a real war or idk building houses for hobos. It is a very different mentality in general. Where I was born: "you are should achive shit so anyone would listen to you or you are nothing". In the west "you opinions are worthly just because you are being born". So they are endlessly gonna spam about "this bad" or any insane "terroirst are a good guys just because they are victims of bombing".
Mod, I agree with >>112508, and can confirm that it is general conversation and speculation that have been getting deleted from the Kip thread, even when they're not negative in tone or being critical of anything.
It also seems stupid to keep reading a comic you don't like but here we are.
I do like OSC, if I didn't I wouldn't be in the kip thread at all. But it has flaws, and I think it's pretty shitty that anytime I mention those flaws, it gets reported by retards who can't handle hearing any sort of criticism
and it also sucks that the mods here apparently don't exercise good judgment in separating legitimate criticism from the mindless screeching
(334 KB, 849x1200, 19425420_p22.jpg)
>Just another new virtue signaling shit
Loli has been treated like dirty bombs since time immemorial; it's just that back then most people just ignored it before its negative treatment started spiking after smart phones opened the web up to idiots. Back in the day, Konata had people making a fuss because the cutesy style made the characters look younger than they were, but those numbers are nothing compared to what drawing Kanna, Nezuko, Anya, or Nanako would get you these days.
It's weird how much some people freak out over Nezuko, who is 14, and yet they go full horny over the official designs of Pokemon characters like Selene who are canonically 11. They still get hate, but it isn't nearly as much as anime characters for some reason.
The mods don't exercise good judgement in anything.I've had all my posts in previous instances of this thread deleted,despite not going off topic or tranny hating or anything.
Well thought ought response without blatant name calling is something I'd like to hear. I'm well aware I came off as a mega prick when I had my lil session a couple weeks ago. I'm not sorry but I'm also aware that it may not have come off as my intent. Explaining my intent doesn't matter since literally who tf cares but my point is with this response is that I rlly wish people could either chill out or eat what they dish out.
I'm saying PREVIOUS instances of this thread; i.e Insane Ranting 7-10.(I didn't bother posting in 11.)Obviously I'm tranny hating in this one, but I'm talking about the other ones where my shit was memoryholed for no reason
dicks are aesthetically unpleasant and I don't get why men would obsess over them
t. has a penis
(240 KB, 931x1000, 15635866_p0.jpg)
If you mean Serena, didn't the Pokemon games bump the base ages up to 14 after they left Pokepan for Pokemerica? Oh yeah, Evangelion had them stuck at the same age until the rebuild.
It's just funny, for a group so adamant about "inclusivity" they completely erase the existence of Lesbians.
At least it was way more ok in russian internet at least before it become a current shithole. Im tired of the people from twitter fucking spamming they soy crap about "guys can like pee pee sometimes it is normal uwu". Like a lot of yaoi erp girls are trying to push they agenda.
(54 KB, 300x569, thumb_fried-chicken-chan-by-pewbutt-on-deviantart-49040242.png)
Selene is the protagonist of Sun and Moon (And keeps getting called "Moon")
Most protagonists before Gen 5 are around 10. Gen 5's are 14, Gen 6's are 16ish. Gen 7's protagonists are some of the only ones to actually have their names stated ingame, they're 11.
Despite this, no one gave a crap and lewded them anyway.
For people who dislike certain kinds of facial fat, where does a pic become too much? For me I can't stand saggy face fat and excessive double chins that hang down.
(189 KB, 532x567, 1658691253726795.png) (8.0 MB, Stahlgewitter - Im Krieg Gegen Ein Scheis-System.mp3)
>COMMUNITY BAD idea we should at least attempt to improve the situation
No, I don't think I will.
Why should we change anything?
>terminally online
Lmao, shut up about me and speak for yourself
Dios mio...
Lucky star ład is based, trannies seethe, cope, and dilate. I swear I'll get back to drawing regularly and keep on with learning how to get better at it just out of respect for those who make trannies seethe so much.
Kip struggles with anatomy and perspective, I still kek a that ass pic.
>Slaaneshi cultist getting squashed by a steam roller.mp3
(291 KB, 776x603, 1663230545106_copy_776x603.jpg)
I don't mind the softened features, a little bit of that, but if it looks like Conrad from the Godhajd or Tammy from 1000lb sisters, it's a no go.
It looks like neanderthal, with heavy brow ridge and squinty eyes, pan-face or some disgusting larvae.
Also I absolutely despise the pig morphing and pig play. For fucks sake, it's a vile mess.
I love both of those, but I definitely draw the line at forehead fat. It just looks gross and unappealing to look at.
I haven't seen it often but I don't like it when they get chipmunk cheek pouches
(11 KB, 240x200, b17a9fd22a3af177917d719bf904e57e2a77f44d61aeb9f2278be96f0be9c226.jpg)
>tranny meme pic
>Dios mio
>nitpicking nerd terms
>haha im not terminally online fr
I'm not a fan of troons either but cramming every pol meme from the past three years into a single post like this doesn't really scream "offline normie" lmao
>I swear I'll get back to drawing regularly and keep on with learning how to get better at it just out of respect for those who make trannies seethe so much.
Please post your work, I'm genuinely curious to see how the quality holds up against the woke artists

Starting to feel you're a glow poster given you only show up when the trans subject is mentioned by the slightest margin.
Who are some artists that you think are overrated? Disregarding Twatter-isms and whatnot, just actual art quality
If you want to balance things, you can also say some artists that you think are underrarted
I want a source for the ages of the X and Y protagonists, because I'm pretty sure Serena is considered 10 in the anime. You also didn't mention Gen 8, which I believe they're 12.
(190 KB, 960x566, bruh.png)
Frfr no cap, janitors don't wipe my posts only when they are this absurd. Sorry it took so long, I am kinda distracted.
Oh, and some artists are really good despite their political beliefs. It's understandable, you can wear something as a mask in a public space to cover your views for some monetary gain. No biggie.
Im far from any good or consistent.
See above, im enjoying my playful war.
That looks bad, a mole with some black spots. I'd recommend him to visit the dermatologist.
(1.2 MB, 320x240, Breaking Point.gif)
>"Suck the girldick, bigot!"
Thank you dwps for contributing to the stereotype of trannies being incels in drag.
Moist is honest to god one of the most obnoxious motherfuckers in this community, and I don't say that lightly. The only one who comes close is Moomy, and that's because the Bridget fiasco has made him even more of an insufferable autogynephile than usual.
(39 KB, 649x638, ebd.jpg_large.jpg)
I unfollowed Jo once they retweeted a picture of a hyperpregnant Aunt May, from Spiderman.

Who was still elderly.
(305 KB, 828x984, 1661784343634746.jpg)
The dimensional merge is getting ever closer.
A new timeline shall come up from the ashes of the old world.
Otherwise, I'm unable to explain the growing phenomenon of Chris-chan apprentices.
Man... reading this thread, I genuinely hope I don't upset anyone here.

Actively working hard on comms and practicing as well.

I will apologize about the gecko stuff it if caused to much drama for folks. I just needed to make that post as the situation that Me and my friend dealt with were kind of on another level.

I did get reached out by a couple other artists about their very familiar experiences with gecko so I should mention that it is at least 4 people he's done this too.

Again, my deepest apologies to anyone that are ever upset with me. Trying my best at stuff.
Well Kip never really grabbed me. I liked him way back in 2012 when I was like 10 and first discovering bbwshit on the 'net.But it's so much water under the bridge now that he doesn't really impress me anymore.

An artist I thought was underrated was Unotiltedforthewin.I even tried to get a thread of his art going so people would know about him, but it never took off, then the guy sperged out and disappeared in the usual fetish artist style.
I want to bite it until it pops and pus comes out like a grape or something
(49 KB, 598x338, ripe.jpg)
Too small for that. Let it ripen first
>On another level
Blocked on discord, truly the epitome of horror.
(1.7 MB, 4000x3000, Illustration287.jpg)

Dude. I asked if things were okay with you and my friend and you block me. I saw how you acted towards him and my jaw hit the floor.

I recommend checking yourself before commissioning others.

also, the sketch I made you I turned into a YCH. So thank you for that one.
>I will apologize about the gecko stuff it if caused to much drama for folks.
No need to apologize for that autist, chances are his mask would've broke sooner or later. Him breaking down and shitting up the board with his bs was inevitable.
You don't even know if that's Gecko lmao.
(619 KB, 766x1446, X.png) (564 KB, 490x1168, Y.png)
Well, the anime and games are different when it comes to characters. I'm pretty sure Serena was just aged down for the anime to make her a more fitting love interest for Ash (Since he is supposedly still 10 somehow). She certainly looks a lot younger at least.
Game Serena is hotter tbh fam
I dont understand the appeal of the Cakecatboy anymore because at the start she did a good fan arts, but now it is a gay boys and endless ocs. Why does so much people fallows her? A shotacons?
(493 KB, 625x750, D7zLUQrUEAEryJN.png)
All of them from there being far too many people who latch onto them to point that it's borderline zealotry.

>I'm pretty sure Serena is considered 10 in the anime
>the anime
At this point I think most people would say "fuck the anime" but with that being said, they tend to keep the main cast around Ashes age. I wonder if that earthquake or whatever that happened while they were producing G5s anime didn't happen, would they have swapped out Iris for Roxie.

Lovers of grannies deserve more.

But they all fall to the mangos.
That's not giving me a source. I'm looking for facts.

I wonder if that earthquake or whatever that happened while they were producing G5s anime didn't happen, would they have swapped out Iris for Roxie.
Was Roxie considered over Iris at one point in development? BTW, Iris was the worst female companion of Ash's in terms of character from what I've seen, having watched everything until the start of the Sun & Moon anime.
>I wonder if that earthquake or whatever that happened while they were producing G5s anime didn't happen, would they have swapped out Iris for Roxie.
Forgot to add the little ">" symbol to show what I was responding to.
>Was Roxie considered over Iris at one point in development
Fuck if I know, just figured from so many hating her that maybe the original Japanese anime caused the same distress from them too. These toy commercial anime always end up swapping friends of the main character out too much already so I figured there might have been a chance.
(50 KB, 600x612, de6.png)
Trans people are pretty cool
(40 KB, 977x190, man with common sense.PNG) (35 KB, 744x217, Capture.PNG) (27 KB, 786x240, Capture2.PNG)
Wasn't me.
I suggest you not try to mediate conversation that has nothing to do with you with people you don't really know, especially when I told you to go away like twice. That is annoying as fuck, You would be one of the last people I trust to tell anything.

I also suggest you reach out to these people since I'm the new Hitler of the community. Or maybe I'm usually nice to people who aren't dickheads... shocking.This entire thing has been incredibly ineffective, and the one person who knew that I didn't tell (good job looking out for each other, you can't even warn people I outright name drop) didn't even really care.

I think the people who actually try and help are right, and that I shouldn't jump to conclusions. However the vast majority have more or less have convinced me that it doesn't matter if I try to explain my line of logic, it realistically doesn't matter if I have any reason to be irritated or not.

And likewise, if I were to go out of my way and try to make it up to ANY of these people, it would just be unwelcomed. So there's no point.
Now if I believe that Aika is fat, finally a drawing where she looks obese today
Saiya looks like she’s wearing the outfit Tessa picked out for her
probably is. the real question ins- is tessa going to try to hide her belly somehow? and how's she going to play off being seen fat at the mall?
someone got it in their head that drawings have feelings and they propagated those lies instead of just ignoring it like a normal person

shit like this is why the cumbrain/sex addict meme has exploded as of late

the ones that don't make it their entire personality and online presence absolutely are
Poor Gecko, you sound a bit defeated. You may have had some odd falling outs with some artists but at least you're out there supporting artists and getting commissions, signed up on some patreons etc. I wouldn't sweat the few comms that went bad considering there was faults on both sides and looks like you get comms done just fine with others.
Love this page! She looks so good stuffed into that.
This is the only place we can discuss the comic, so it makes sense to post it here and talk about it.
(1.1 MB, 2452x1496, Go Back.png)
>shit like this is why the cumbrain/sex addict meme has exploded as of late
It's disingenuous as hell to leave out the fact that it was an actual discord/reddit buzzword spammed to hell and back until it caught on with mouthbreathers who have no life outside of posting wojak memes.
I'm so confused where this goes next. Like, perfect setup for the classic role reversal of Aika and Tessa. But that really seems outside the scope of the story and this is easily pass-off-able to just being a joke and Aika being the glutton she is could never actually lose weight. Really just hoping it can end up with Tessa and Aika stuffing themselves together at somem point so Tessa can compare herself to Aika and really feel how far she's fallen.
yeah, mods deleted my posts in the other thread and threatened to permaban me if i didn't move discussion here. seems redundant to have a kip thread but idk
my prediction is this ends with all 4 main girls fat, but god knows how long it will take to get there
also, aika might start wearing a corset too if stacey tries to make her the next idol
Wow you are so funny. I’m absolutely balling my eyes out because of that.

Well you aren’t too. So I guess we are even then right?


>the ones that don't make it their entire personality and online presence absolutely are

I agree with this. If you are trans, good for you. But you don’t have to boast about it.
I somewhat agree. He has a lot of hit or misses as of late
>He's trying way too hard to be bamboo ale
That's EVERY fat artists. They just emulate his sketch esque, generic anime artstyle that they all start to blend in at this point.
(3.8 MB, 140x167, chemosh.gif)
Kipfags are here, its over.
This comic is mediocre at best, why would you even discuss it? Or do you really enjoy this Finnish slop?
And when it all started to merge into bamboo singularity?
lol what the fuck, that's not true at all.
All you can do is compliment it over in the Kip thread, At least here if it's bad we can talk about it.
No, you idiots. He was clearly talking about the people writing entire essays crying about how every inch of every panel is the worst thing they've ever seen. The only responses to this page could have been posted in kip's thread and no one would have cared.
That's just the thing, they're all bad. Kip should've stuck to single pictures and short sequences, because he can't write for shit.
even very mild criticism or things that aren't criticism at all get removed now, so it's easier just to post and discuss it in this containment thread
>>111981 (OP)
Can someone make a soyjak version of that image?
(169 KB, 350x236, One day, waiting for the god script.gif)
There was once an anon here, only the oldest manbaby thread posters may remember him. He spoke of his god script - the Weight Gain comic script that would end them all. A commission so great, the artist should be thanking him, not charging him! I envision one day, anon will come forth and finally reveal the god script to us all. From there, only the best comic artists will race to serialize it in visual form. Most will falter, for after reading the script, their very own ambition will have been depleted, unable to compare themselves to such perfect writing. I imagine all current long running comics will be put on hiatus to make way for the many iterations, no— 'attempts', of the WG god script. Only with perfect balance of script and art, will the WG god comic be achievable. Until then, only mere mortals and artists will be at the helm writing the comics. Try not to go too hard on them. Someday anon, we forever await your scripts release.
Idk wtf happened, but his art as of late doesn't even look the same anymore. He does skin and fabric textures amazingly, and some shapes that he makes look good, but everything else looks off, especially the faces. He hasn't gone full Bambooale yet with only drawing disproportionate assess and rough sketches of dilapitated blobs burried under 7 layers of irony and "Japes", but he does have the whole "Expressionless semi-realistic face with vague anime elements" going on.
>And when it all started to merge into bamboo singularity?
I swear to god this might be actually happening. So many artists are slowly devolving into this soulless realism circle-jerk where you can't tell anyone's art apart anymore.
Seeing this garbage again reminds me of someones "the yanderedev of wg art" comment I saw long ago.

This. Comic would be best not spammed on this site.
Its funny how I try to draw characters exactly as they are depicted in original shows, I dont know if its good or not.
>but he does have the whole "Expressionless semi-realistic face with vague anime elements" going on.
You know, I've been searching for a way to describe what I've always thought was off-putting about almost the entire catalog of Bamboo's work, and this is it. I really dislike saying the word because it's a huge buzzword that doesn't mean anything on its own, but that's where the creative needs to have some kind of soul. You can tell when someone's either done some research about the source for the fanwork or is interested in the source itself, and I've never seen it in his work, ever.
I think it's best to stick with how they're represented in their source material if you don't know much about where a given character came from. Whenever I see artists riding the wave of some character for a series I like, sometimes it gets funky because I can tell the artist doesn't really know or care about [thing I like] if they put any dialog in it. Weakens my stiffy, to be frank.
I'm gonna sound lame, but I completely agree that something becomes infinitely more appealing when you are a fan of the series/characters. Sometimes when I finish a series, I will go back to find old art that people have made to see if watching the source material gave me a better appreciation for the fanworks spawned from it.
Which is what makes it extra unfortunate when some artists only make art for popular series they don't even care about just to satisfy some lame trend. Like, most Riamu art has retroactively became questionable to me because I can never tell if the artists made it because they liked the character or because of "Funny weh meme"
>I'm gonna sound lame
See, I think this is probably the worst part of it all. There's a loud part of this fetish that likes to go "haha me horny gorilla much funny" so if you _do_ like a series/character, you're a target to be ridiculed because you'd like for your favorite to get a little more care than normal. I don't particularly care for Sonic outside of seeing the titular hedgehog go fast once in a while, but I get where that guy who got dogpiled for being autistic that MarmaladeMan mischaracterized Rogue was coming from. I also think the series gets more than enough attention as it is so I kind of fail to see what the problem is if one artist doesn't get her right, but I get it.
Anastimafilia does this a lot.

Rolled my eyes hard when he started that Yor WG Drive and called her a Spy.
Yeah that made me bust out laughing. Dude clearly didn't even look at the wiki.
In contrast, BWS's artwork of Yor feels like he actually enjoys the series.
(112 KB, 700x700, media_E86-91HVoAg0lOc.jpg)
>Most will falter, for after reading the script, their very own ambition will have been depleted
What ambition?

>the yanderedev of wg art
You can't be that without being unable to finish what you're making unless someone grabs your leaked shit to speed through their own version of what you're making.

>Like, most Riamu art has retroactively became questionable to me because I can never tell if the artists made it because they liked the character or because of "Funny weh meme"
That's why they all did it; I don't even think she was around for the comedy anime they made a couple years ago for Cinderella Girls, and that would've been the only natural way most of them would have found out about her. It sucks how her and Ranko get all the art for Cinderella Girls over better women and lolis.

Does that mean Lloyd is the telepath and Anya is the assassin?
(814 KB, 1654x2340, 1661847790633572.png)
hey guys frankly I think all of you owe gecko an apology. he pays you good money for all of your artwork and i think it's well within reason for him to fly off the handle at you if you do a bad job. my grandma taught me how to paint and when i would do something wrong she would throw away my work and beat the shit out of me. you guys have it really easy just sitting around jacking off to VR porn and painting fatties with your greasy hands on your greasy drawing tablets caked with semen and tears.
(42 KB, 620x675, 77fda5d37d960c7cb2ae3f604bb1f802.jpg)
>hey guys frankly I think all of you owe gecko an apology. he pays you good money for all of your artwork and i think it's well within reason for him to fly off the handle at you if you do a bad job. my grandma taught me how to paint and when i would do something wrong she would throw away my work and beat the shit out of me. you guys have it really easy just sitting around jacking off to VR porn and painting fatties with your greasy hands on your greasy drawing tablets caked with semen and tears.
Wow you're not even kidding she still gets a lot attention. I thought most people knew by now that she had a nasty personality on top of being a pedo. I don't understand it either. Her rants about muh trauma to apologize for being a horrible person must have worked beyond her wildest dreams.
Pedo as in she has drawn shotacon, or pedo as in pedo?
moral standards? sir, this is a wendy's
we have a clusterfuck of content containing the worst of the worst of us down in /bbwalt/, don't come bring your morality talk in here, snowflake
Pedo as in she has drawn shotacon. It's not nearly as bad as going for it IRL like MistyStuffer but let's not sugarcoat it.

While I'm wasting my time thinking about her, is there anyone else remembering how Cake managed to have Kip draw her shota OC as a thanks for being Kip's model, and that despite her promise to never share it, betrayed Kip and shared it on 4chan?
Not to sound like I'm defending Cat as I have no horse in this race one way or another, but I find the hypocrisy of calling Cat a pedo for drawing shota really funny considering a lot of people on this site try defending liking loli art as not making you a pedo.
Which is it now? Does drawing porn of fictional children/children like characters make you a pedo or is it all just fiction and it doesn't matter?
>which is it now?
It's the fact that this site is not a monolith and different users of it have different opinions.
I'm honesty getting sick of the whole "If you like or make [insert fictional fantasy] you must be doing it in real life" crap like common sense doesn't fucking exist, which I'm starting to think myself considering the people that parrot this narrative can't comprehend that people can just like or make things without actually engaging in it. That and they don't see the hypocrisy and flaws in that logic. I know there are insane bastards that can't seperate fiction from reality and deserve buried in the deepest depths of hell, I just fine it funny that these niggas with savior complexes can't seem to do that either.
I have literally never heard of this before. I don't know what confuses me more about this. The fact that she of all people would use 4chan to what, randomly post a gift she got. Or that whatever the heck "being a model for Kip" entails. If it's what I think it is, then it makes it more questionable as to why she would get so antsy at people thinking she was a feedee. When in doubt get traumatised by your passions and disassociate your entire identity into simultaneously trying to be a FamBoy-Android-CatBoy and non-binary somehow.

The only way I can even perceive her as being a fraction of a Pedo is that her first visual novel is literally about luring a shota to the protagonist's house to rub their belly, and there's literally a line that's something like "Wait, am I predator for doing this". She also drew her own Loli Fursona getting kidnapped as well as in other questionable scenarios which makes me wonder how tf she is comfortable with that. Even that, there's no evidence that I have seen to even remotely say she's some kind of sex offender or whatever.

You took the words out of my mouth.
All these people talking about "Lolicons aren't capable of being able to seperate fiction from reality" just make me think that they themselves aren't able to seperate it. Like they're worried of they themselves becoming pedos after watching Kodomo no Jikan or something.

Trust me from experience, calling girls "Extra Thicc" in 2017 did not play out how it does in Pokemon memes.
There's old ass 4chan threads of her showing up and interacting with people cuz her art was the OP image, so her showing up on 4chan and leaking a picture isn't entirely out there to me.
Like I said before. Thank Mistystuffer and his goons like Gnight and Thank RidiculousCake. As soon as one or two of these fucking idiots start blurring fiction and reality together and did a little creepy fat kid stalking, everyone thinks there's an inevitable slippery slope with this content now.

It's always easy to judge people by the worst among them. We're definitely not above that (Look at us and Trannies after all) so Twitter doing the same for the argument of moral standing is hardly a surprise. To them it's a goddamn obligation.
(325 KB, 593x607, Groomer's delight.png)
When it comes to characters people are drawing for clout as opposed to care, look no further than Bridget. I'd bet a million bucks that none of these people would even glance in his direction if Daisuke didn't cuck to the west and troon him out. I can't fucking enjoy any of this new fat art because he's been reduced to "le heccin cute and wholesome SHE/HER BRISKET UwU".
Speaking of artists mischaracterizing characters, what I find funny about Bridget is artists depicting him as a "wholesome bean" even though isn't he like, a brutally merciless bounty hunter?
(78 KB, 260x300, 1617470522460.png)
I was hesitating to bring up Bridget for the sake of these threads not going even further to shit but if someone brings it up I might as well join in.
I fully agree, the circlejerk on Twitter surrounding Bridget is the most disingenuous shit. I don't judge people for discovering a piece of media through memes or whatever but I refuse to believe any of the artists that shill this character played or even heard about Guilty Gear before.
Regardless of ones stance of trans stuff this character was a male for the longest time and I'm so fucking tired of artists that only draw females otherwise suddenly drawing Bridget.
>Regardless of ones stance of trans stuff this character was a male for the longest time and I'm so fucking tired of artists that only draw females otherwise suddenly drawing Bridget.
Same, and the people who are rubbing in the fact that Bridget is a trans woman now are more toxic then the people who were dismissive toward the change were. I'd say be careful of the female only artists who drew Bridget. God knows we don't need more Jeetdohs or Shyshos.
KD may be an oldhead, but I absolutely guarantee he has never interacted with Guilty Gear in any meaningful way. Prime example of the dialog an artist adds giving it away.
Yeah, pretty much, though it's kind of like May where her entire thing is that she's cute and a ray of sunshine while her power is super strength. Honestly, even with Daisuke coming forward and saying Bridget is now a transsexual, doesn't that make it worse because Bridget was groomed into being one? Isn't that a huge concern with a lot of these internet transsexuals already? I wouldn't be rooting for that.
dear god can we shut the fuck up about tranny shit??? every thread is tranny this, tranny that, just leave the schizos alone and complain about something art related. you guys are way too fucking fascinated with troons
I fully believe twitter is a cursed site. While there are some good people there, half the time anyone who goes there becomes toxic douches with very black/white views and poor judgement of character. Also people on twitter tend to lose common sense and force a narrative, usually it's those type of people that get the most attention and likes.
>Everybody on twitter develops very black and white views
The irony of that statement lmao
I thought we said all that's really needed to be said about this whole thing but I guess someone needed to reheat some leftovers
>Does drawing porn of fictional children/children like characters make you a pedo or is it all just fiction and it doesn't matter?
t. real-world pedophile/groomer
>anyone else remembering how Cake managed to have Kip draw her shota OC as a thanks for being Kip's model, and that despite her promise to never share it, betrayed Kip and shared it on 4chan
Truly, the artists creating WG pics are our own personal little Game of Thrones.

>I'm honesty getting sick of the whole "If you like or make [insert fictional fantasy] you must be doing it in real life" crap
Does this mean Ridley Scott and the creator of Species have been trying to fund the ability to impregnate people until they pop?

>her first visual novel is literally about luring a shota to the protagonist's house to rub their belly, and there's literally a line that's something like "Wait, am I predator for doing this"
>She also drew her own Loli Fursona getting kidnapped as well as in other questionable scenarios which makes me wonder how tf she is comfortable with that
Sounds like someone's slowly growing an interest in BDSM.

>they're worried of they themselves becoming pedos after watching Kodomo no Jikan
I never watched it from fear of becoming a full fledged lolicon.

Mistystuffer, while being that rare example that they can use as a poster child, isn't the real cause for the current levels of bullshit being faced today. Also, RidiculousCake sperging out didn't get revealed until long after anti loli shit started chugging at full steam.

>I can't fucking enjoy any of this new fat art because he's been reduced to "le heccin cute and wholesome SHE/HER BRISKET UwU"
The first time in my life I felt any pity for the trap community.

>I refuse to believe any of the artists that shill this character played or even heard about Guilty Gear before
Eh, when it went 3D models, it reached waifuemblem levels of everyone knowing it, whether they actually played it or not. If Capcom fucks up Street Fighter 6, they might actually lose their position to Arksys and Guilty Gear.

KD may be an oldhead, but I absolutely guarantee he has never interacted with Guilty Gear in any meaningful way
The guy still fucks around with Marvel; I don't think he has any taste left to care about an actual characters personality.

>I fully believe twitter is a cursed site
It's a provable fact. What was it, 10% of its users are responsible for 90% of its posts?
what do you find so attractive about fictional children, exactly?
(786 KB, 211x252, Cory's Fucking Pissed.gif)
They're easily the most obnoxious demographic within the community, and have a knack for stirring shit up, ruining communities that they enter, and forcing their bullshit into art. If we're going to rant about shit we hate in the fetish community, they'll inevitably be mentioned whether you like it or not.
Twitter tourists and their refusal to adhere to the culture of other sites go together like cookies and milk.
Seems like a silly thing to make into a deal-breaker, but I guess that's personal taste speaking. Saxxon-tier word vomit is my personal Kryptonite.
Answer us first: why are you attracted to real world children and trying to project that here?
Why is every thread just trannies and pedophiles? I don't understand. None of you ever manage to convince anyone else to change their opinions on either topic, why do you insist on repeating the exact same points every single thread?
>male character on worm’s poll wins
Alright which one of you filthy niggers claimed it would be a one and done thing
We fucking told you it was a slippery slope and hope you fucking kill yourself for enabling this shit
I also hope worm dies of organ failure for being yet another piece of shit artist to all of a sudden just decide to do a bunch of male garbage
(680 KB, 920x960, eFw14JK.png)
>It's a provable fact. What was it, 10% of its users are responsible for 90% of its posts?
Twitter is shit and full of bots but this kind of distribution is fairly common in a lot of human activity, both online and irl.
I'm almost certain the ratio is even more skewed on a site like bbwchan, at least if you exclude retards who only contribute begging and bumps.
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Not ONCE have I heard this lying bastard even MENTION Guilty Gear before this, let alone Bridget. I don't give a shot about artists jumping on the bandwagon, but at least be HONEST about it, Jesus Christ.
Yes, wishing death on people over a drawing is making you look like the sane one here.
(123 KB, 500x441, tumblr_inline_o9wfaoipk61rj9mn5_500.png)
I mean yeah, the image has a lot of tells. Aside from being almost completely soulless, it also lacks focus. For a fattywank piece it's boring as shit because nothing sexy is emphasized here, the comment about pronouns is meant to be the center of attention. The thighs are mentioned but they don't stand out because of the angle, props and clothing. Overall it just comes off as a rushed and very blatant attempt to clout chase by pandering to troons. The image doesn't depict bridget the guilty gear character but rather bridget the twitter controversy
This is the insane ranting thread, do you think I give a shit?
I don't remember the other insane ranting threads having shit like this so you just look like a schizo
She's a wannabe in One Piece lore, so the others use male pronouns for her just to be nice.
Twitter schizos believe it makes you a pedo and that's bad. I said it makes you a pedo and that's not bad. Learn the difference.
>loli/shotacons (pedophiles) are ok
>pedophiles are bad
Pick one.
(355 KB, 600x568, ttttttt.png)
Daily reminder that mods are faggots for letting twitter tourists have containment threads. Literally scroll up to find out why.
clarifying that I havent even read this shit thread btw. /gen/ exists btw
might be best to move it to /gen/ if it means less pedophiles and twitter invaders tbh
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>9th grade me searching "Fat Anime Girl" on Deviantart and having the time of my life
>Me now finding a cool artwork but losing all interest when the artist fills up their media tab with reaction memes and barely anyone uses deviantart anymore you just give up and go to AO3.
First world problems amirite
I really wish that either all the artists migrated to Pixiv or Newgrounds of Twitter or that DA never completely fucked itself up honestly because of shit like this
(250 KB, 1080x1153, Screenshot_20220917-160732_Adblock Browser.jpg) (294 KB, 755x566, FbJOfHtaUAENY8f.png)
Oh boy, twitter fat artist#81295 decides to antagonize their audience out of nowhere, AGAIN. My FAVORITE!

It's even dumber here because this dudes stuff is almost entirely chibi shit, yet he has the gall to bitch about loli shit.
How do these obesity fetishists not see the blatant hypocrisy of their position? Are they all "healthy at every size" nutjobs?
If I had a $30 bill for everytime a fat artist went on a hypocritical tirade or some other bullshit, I would have more money than jeff fucking bezos. Holy shit can they stop doing this?
why do these people always do completely unprompted rants like this? why is it so hard to just quietly block lolicons and shotacons on sight?
Because you need to be frequently reminded that they're actually a good person and an ally, don't nice people always tell you how nice they are? BLM and ACAB btw, it's in my bio but I thought I'd let you guys know again.

This is what turned me off of StrangerMoist initially. Then I saw all the bitching and whining he did and found out he was an asshole.
But yeah Twitter has Moments and more people should utilize them, even if they're not a great solution.

KDubs is in a weird position for me because he's really good but I just can't seem to enjoy his stuff. I think it's a mixture of character choices and how he does a lot of traditional stuff and he always draws it too big so all the good details that sell the size and weight get cut off.
Also if he really liked Bridget wouldn't he know the trans thing is only one ending and it sorta fucks his entire character and backstory? I've even heard breakdowns of why Bridget is better representation of a character breaking gender stereotypes and them pivoting to trans completely destroys that while also lending itself to negative trans stereotypes.
You're definitely right about this.No emphasis is placed on anything sexy.I had to look at it for a few seconds before I even realized he'd been drawn fat.
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I imagine the majority of the 10% are journalists, corporations, and those who use it as a weapon.

>I'm almost certain the ratio is even more skewed on a site like bbwchan
Well yeah, there's always a couple of people scouring the net to post pictures so there's no real need to post unless you're looking for something and even then, most people seem to be entirely allergic to any conversation; even if they're not the ones talking.

If he wasn't lying, I think he'd be on the Jam bandwagon for oldfag points or Giovanna for newfag points.

I haven't truly given a fuck about an artist in about a decade.

No, they're just all either socialists or democrats; hypocrisy is their blood.

Yandere loli.

>Also if he really liked Bridget wouldn't he know the trans thing is only one ending and it sorta fucks his entire character and backstory
That faggot, Daisuke, said that they're all canon and that Bridget refers to himself as herself. Gotta get them Esports brownie points.
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The clout chaser fears the lolichad(s).
Gotta chase that dopamine high, no matter how badly you embarrass yourself in the process. It was especially bad during the 2020 summer chimpout: Like, was anyone really tripping over themselves to hear literal Thai ladyboy Jeetdoh preach about American police brutality?
> The image doesn't depict bridget the guilty gear character but rather bridget the twitter controversy
Brilliantly put, and I feel like that applies to a good majority of Bridget art in general.

It's so obvious that not even KD wanted to actually draw it, he just really needed the Twitter clout.
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It seems to be more and more common for people to represent characters in their art through how the internet percieves them rather than how how they actually are. Another good example is Hana Uzaki, where you will struggle to find any western art of her that doesn't have some kind of "I fixed her!" type of caption, ironic or otherwise. Funnily enough, KD actually falls into this category with Uzaki as well, considering that his most popular artwork is yet another commentary piece.
Metamorphosis memes are funny though so this one gets a pass, learn to laugh every once and a while.
I'm all for calling out artists on their bs but sometimes a shitpost piece is just that. A shitpost.
Yeah you right.
Maybe it's just me getting tired of when everything relating to a specific character is shitpost related as I am one of the five unironic Uzaki-Chan enjoyers.
I admit I'm not entirely sure what KD's motivation for that piece was but it never struck me as anti Uzaki, just a joke about the shit show. Hell I remember being shared by pro Uzaki people not the ones who thought it was a show for pedophiles.
get better taste
it's not a bad show for any of the reasons I always see parroted by twittards
it's a bad show because it's bland as fuck
(7.3 MB, 848x784, VID_20220614_102411_554.mp4)
Trannies don't live in anybody's head rent free. They kick the door to your head down and shit on the carpet. They put themselves everywhere until there was nowhere left to enjoy.
It's painful. It's dishonest and inauthentic . It is also pathetic.
Fuck trannies.
They can't, they want to groom.
This isn't just about this community but it is partly an issue in these circles and the whole Cyberpunk Rebecca thing has got me thinking this so here I go. People need to stop worrying about what is and isn't a loli, just draw what fucking characters you want to or look at art and porn of them. People would be much better off just not interacting with or blocking people who make art they personally object to instead of making a big show of it. I know why they make a big public deal over it, it's for clout but idk if I was a popular fetish artist I'd just spare myself the embarrassment of having to get into fights and drama or showing possible hypocrisy over the whole loli thing.
>People need to stop worrying about what is and isn't a loli, just draw what fucking characters you want to or look at art and porn of them
For whatever reason Pokemon is constantly given a pass. Dook is one of very few artists who may try to age up the characters.
are the trannies in the room with us right now?
>Dook is one of very few artists who may try to age up the characters.
That's the thing people sometimes don't care if it's aged up they're gonna go "wELl aCKsHellY" then pull up some official article or shit about the character's age and scream pedo. The hypocrisy is when they've turned a blind eye to it until someone else's turn to be thrown off their hill top.
If report brigading from insane moralist crusaders wasn't a thing that got people in hot water half the time, I'd just never give a fuck if I was in a fetish artist's shoes. Why would you read QRTs or comments on your work? Its why people like LolwutBurger never get into any shit, they don't comment on the forest fire 3 states away and do what they want to do.

So hard to tell Kips characters apart when they all have fucking huge sidebangs.
Yeah, I thought the main girl had tried some shit and finally got skinny.
yea kip has really bad sameface. even in the last page with their faces right next to each other, he draws the features about the same but with slightly different shading. i might look better in color, but in b/w they all blur together
Talked to Cake on discord once. At least back when I was a fan. They were extremely rude and dismissive of me for no real reason.
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>Its funny how I try to draw characters exactly as they are depicted in original shows, I dont know if its good or not.

>yea kip has really bad sameface. even in the last page with their faces right next to each other, he draws the features about the same but with slightly different shading. i might look better in color, but in b/w they all blur together

These specifically. When ever Kip draws someone it never feels like the actual character. It feels like his doing cosplay. The same face syndrome is bad. And he rarely draws characters how they actually look. Thismightbe nitpicky. But it's a problem I've had with kip for a second.
(1.4 MB, 2452x2128, ha ha le funni meme XDDDDD.jpg)
>big titted oni girl
This has got to be some localization fuckery going on because I refuse to even entertain the notion that Yamato's a guy.
It's a shame to see Cake turn into an asshole, I remember when Bamboo and friends all posted picrel, she got on their cases for treating their fans like trash.
>This has got to be some localization fuckery going on because I refuse to even entertain the notion that Yamato's a guy.
Oh, you should know better than that at this point.
That's how it is in the original translation and Oda has been insistent in spelling it out multiple times thereafter. Basically after impersonating Kozuki Oden and his mannerisms she decided she wanted to go all the way with it and be a man.
Oh god, that's the most interesting outcome I've witnessed in a while; no one mentions jack shit about Cyberpunk for since the the initial bullshit tapered off the further time ticked on, the anime hits and after hearing one or two things, the attention disappears, they put in a loli and suddenly pics are all over twatter and the game is actually regaining support.

I still think Trigger is overrated trash but this gave me a new boon of respect for them.
Pokemon gets a pass because the villains are adults who want to collect, trade, and battle trainers in contrast to the children who want to become a master. Gamefreak had to go out of their way to make remakes where gym leaders spell out that they hold back to avoid making a child cry.
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Never thought SolitaryScribbles would turn into such a little bitch, though I guess it was inevitable when he decided to go all in with being one of the "cool guys" of fetish twitter.
Gonna give him the benefit of the doubt, until he starts deleting posts I'm just going to assume this is about the really old Loud House stuff.
He did entirely deleted his whole gallery twice before coming back again
This is one hell of a stretch you terminal retard. It has fat T&A, it has no dick, it doesn't make a point of being a tranny or having a sexual preference/identity, it's a fucking girl, no ifs and or buts about it. The term you're looking for is "tomboy"
Yamato isn't trans
Yamato is Oden

If this was 2010 and earlier you would have zero people trying to convince you that you should refer to an anime tomboy with huge boobs as male.
Loud House is pretty cringe, lolicest aside.
I think Jesse is in her mid 20's.
In other words, she's a wannabe. There's nothing masculine about her appearance.
It was one of the mangos but I think it was one that more followed the anime than the games or its fellow mangos. Think after it ended it had her and James get married or something.
>It was one of the mangos but I think it was one that more followed the anime than the games or its fellow mangos. Think after it ended it had her and James get married or something
That's right. The end of the Pokemon Adventures Yellow Manga showed the Team Rocket Trio and Jesse was pregnant.
still trying to figure out how saiya is going to get fat but go off king.
man I shoulda stayed out of this thread. that is not what I said. at all. I said that writers and artists should work together. artists shouldn't be charging crap like $200/page commission. thats why we have crap like kips work. no writer can afford to commission the man and he refuses to team up with anyone. I never claimed to have some WG god script. not even once. I said I went to school for writing and I write other things that are good. my WG script was actually quite corny. and if you were paying attention you'd see I have been posting in the kip thread multiple times with critiques and even an outline as to where the story could go next so it would make sense again.
this story has gone so far off the rails I want to cry. but look, you can tell them apart. saiya is the fake goth. aika is the blob in the workout uniform with bunny ears. tessa is the really fat one in the bottom right corner. I don't know when she got that fat but I'm not about to debate this.
Had a feeling this would show up here.
I don't think regretting a small handful of pieces out of the hundreds I did in the past makes me a little bitch. I've been doing this for years. Naturally there's stuff you're gonna look back on and not feel the same about. I've always been lax on what characters I take on. I still am. Everyone has a limit though. And some of the stuff I took on in the past exceeds the limit I have now.
I'm not trying to be one of the "cool guys". I've thought about this before I came to Twitter. I'm not trying to fit in with any crowd. Those are just my own genuine thoughts. I'm sorry if sharing my own thoughts makes you that upset.

I don't plan on deleting anything. This is OLD stuff I was referring to. Like when I was still a teenager.
you can tell them apart from their clothes, but they still have sameface
fair. I don't know that we really have many good wg comics out now. there was craving control but the story made no sense. then we got myfetishsituation with bad maid but he feared piracy so much he doesn't even post anything any more. no real loss since he jumped into vore in each one and messed up the entire story. we have living large now but many would argue the art sucks. I say give the artist time because they're getting better but the protagonist clearly cheating on his girlfriend that he live with, with the teacher of the class that both of them go to, is a bit much. on top of that some other lady is actively gaining weight to get him and I just don't see the appeal of this dude. someone here posted it as self insertion and I'm inclined to agree. I see theres a new artist doing an anime kinda take on craving control but well see how that turns out.
It's understandable to look back at some stuff in shame honestly. Thanks for clearing this up Scribs.
Very amusing to me that there are a bunch of notable artists that have publicly vilified loli art yet follow accounts that exclusively post fat lolis with seemingly no recourse.
No, she stands out because female characters in One Piece look like models. Just look at how Nami went from normal thief to big breasted model since the Skypeia Arc, or how Robin looks like a model as opposed to double agent. Luffy and Usopp are the only two characters who look the same. Kazuki Oden is just noticeable because she wants to imitate someone else. I am pretty sure Arlong, Eneru, Wapol, are the last characters who don't look like models. I am not sure if Sir Crocodile is the one influencing the direction or not.
No problem. Glad we could come to an understanding. I know that can be pretty rare here. Hope you all have a good day.
just pathetic at this point
>Kazuki Oden is just noticeable because she wants to imitate someone else.
To the point of making others use male pronouns for her when she clearly isn't a male, which is why I called her a wannabe.
These threads are Pandora’s box. I just wanted to jerk off happily - now all I can think about when i see these artists works is all the shit they’ve been accused of doing.

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