
To recap what was discussed: "unlicensed sizemologist" @_sizemologist has drawn fat art for two accounts @dramalama2002 and @pinaythickie. Within one minute of looking at either of these accounts, they are obviously a man larping a fat woman using creepshots and facebook pics. dramalama2002 wrote a tweet referencing pinaythickie is her bestie who convinced her being fat is awesome. sizemologist is found in both of their comments playing with them, saying they should get fatter. What is going on with these fake accounts, is sizemologist behind these accounts larping or was he successfully catfished DMing these dudes and handing out free comms?
Last one lasted ALMOST two weeks lol
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There's no other way around it, I think. Unless both *just so happen* to be capitalizing on a very niche voyeuristic type kink where they exclusively pair coomer-tier text with low-angled candids and pictures ripped off personal socmed accounts, it looks like someone's stalking and LARPing the two. It doesn't help that the numbers don't add up when you compare followers to average engagements per post.

Notably, sizemologist's art was what brought the Twitter scene's eyes on them— as follower counts on both accounts rose significantly after each posted art he'd done for them.
>>110161 (OP)
Holy fucking shit, we finna start the thread like this? It might be the best I've read in a while /s
I think I found out about her through Chillday's interactions. Chill seems to be a pretty passive dude and doesn't insert himself into drama so he might just think she's a real account. Idk what's up with sizemologist though, I don't think he'd make a couple of catfish accounts just to post candids? Why else?
Not Chillday, meant to say TDookus.

ANYWAYS both accounts started posting in early January. Sunshine has about 1k followers while pinay has about 4.3k. The latter has somehow gained 2.3k followers in the past two months, despite not posting anything getting more than 250 likes (save for the sizemologist drawing). Where'd the followers come from and why aren't they interacting with "her" posts?
I'm assuming who ever is operating the accounts are accepting donations in DMs for 'food' and scamming people. SIzemologist retweeting their posts and interacting with them increases traffic to their bio-noted open DMs so they can scam more people. Sounds like a really easy hustle to run on your fans.
We're becoming more mellow with age.
I noticed that sunshine's account has been around since 2017, i wonder if theres anyway to see what it was used for before. Also why are all these big fatty artists falling for such an obvious catfish?
Have you SEEN the shit that went down last thread? They're exactly the kind of morons that would fall for this shit.
going to autism out on this but Marm/GelatinGent mischaracterizing Rouge so hard and having all of the other braindead artists sucking his cock clean off over such mediocre art has me so disappointed
Don't care about that artist and whatever furry shit they draw but 'mediocre art' is not an apt descriptor.
Not like Sonic Team can get her characterization fuckin straight either.
look at that second rouge pic and tell me with a straight face that everyone in the replies isn’t going apeshit over a basic as fuck (complexity and angle-wise) ass shot
(50 KB, 874x685, FbE4xe8VEAAK1zI.jpeg)
Anon, these are fucking SONIC characters. Sega themselves can't even keep the characterization consistent, and Rogue isn't even a character beyond being a Fujiko Mine knockoff.
Zoomers hate Fujiko Mine. Red Shirt Lupin's Fujiko is the most well known one, but she's softened up not to scare away Zoomers with her crazy assassin ex boyfriends
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So you think that every fetish artist keeps everyone exactly in character when doing this shit? Who cares? The art is good.
based autist. it's just the same scenario and personality as his ocs that were drawn better already.
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The fat community is so busy screaming about underage fictional characters that they don't even notice that they're potentially drooling over an ACTUAL minor from a catfish stalker account.

Tale as old as time.
It's a dumb thing to autism out on but to be completely honest I understand the place your autism is coming from. Very rarely do I see any fat-of-she artists or their orbiters who actually seem to like anything, and if they do, it's usually at a really detached level where they'd never actually talk about it outside of "yeah i like that design" or "this track slaps". Squishmeister and Salting-The-Earth buck that trend, I think Hypnagogum as well because people don't draw Falcom girls without being Falcom fans. It's cool but it feels like something that should be normal among creative types.
Officially the dumbest shit I have read in one of these threads.
>Also why are all these big fatty artists falling for such an obvious catfish?
Having a skill or intellect don't always equate to being internet savvy. Even those african prince scammers have occasionally managed to trick highly educated people.
How dare they change the character!?!?
(318 KB, 1920x1638, wideload_comin__through_by_nihijack_dfbw785-fullview.jpg)
>look at that second rouge pic and tell me with a straight face that everyone in the replies isn’t going apeshit over a basic as fuck (complexity and angle-wise) ass shot
Not the anon you responded to but I'll gladly address your brainlet take.
You're essentially saying that basic = bad and complex = good and that's such an absolutely autistic stance to take on any media, because doing a lot with a little is inherently impressive to many people. The artist made that rouge image look good using nothing but confident shapes and tastefully saturated colors, adding no 'fancy tricks' aside from the grain filter.
It's a good display of technical skill, kind of like a guitarist playing a solo that's neither fast or within a wide range of notes but still manages to sound mad good.
This pic by nihijack must look like utter shit to you as well due to it having a very narrow range of colors and no shading?
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>Very rarely do I see any fat-of-she artists or their orbiters who actually seem to like anything, and if they do, it's usually at a really detached level where they'd never actually talk about it outside of "yeah i like that design" or "this track slaps".
>it feels like something that should be normal among creative types.
I think most artists do enjoy geeking out about their interests at least occasionally (be it waifus, vidya, music etc), many of them just prefer to do it behind closed doors in their private discords instead of on twitter or something.
(9.1 MB, 498x280, invincible-omni-man.gif)
Fuck this community.
Fuck the narcissistic artists who hold their fans in open contempt.
Fuck the annoying-ass circlejerks between artists that inevitably end with them stabbing each other in the back for clout.
Fuck the character polls that always end with the mainstream/meme waifu leaving the literally whos she's competing with in the dust.
Fuck the horde of creepy transbians that infest this community like termites.
Fuck the "Body positivity UwU" fags who deny the catastrophic effects obesity has on the human body IRL.
Fuck the faggot artists who only post on twitter and flood their media tab with unfunny reaction images.
Fuck all the grown-ass men who type and act like middle school girls.
Fuck the overabundance of lesbian OC's.
Fuck the leftist brainrot that you can never escape from because the public is apparently dying to hear Kappass or Idle-Minded weigh in on whatever the current political hot topic is.
And most importantly, fuck the sense of false positivity and wholesomeness that vanishes the instant someone stops toeing the line.
(2.7 MB, 1600x1088, alexandre_cabanel-fallen_angel-1847-obelisk-art-history-1.1600x0.png)
As someone who has met many of them first-hand, they don't
They're every bit as boring as >>110298 thinks. A lot the time they just complain pretty openly about their audiences and make fun of them subtly in one way or another in every other piece. They don't really have any passion to what they do, it's just for attention.
(24 KB, 519x662, FXBxTTYVsAAnvN3.jpg)
>As someone who has met many of them first-hand, they don't
>They're every bit as boring as >>110298 thinks. A lot the time they just complain pretty openly about their audiences and make fun of them subtly in one way or another in every other piece.
>They don't really have any passion to what they do, it's just for attention.
We're on an imageboard, not twitter, so no need to vaguepost like this. Name these many artists that you've met firsthand and maybe share some screencaps so I can tell if you're full of shit or if we simply chat with completely different artists.
Take a wild fucking guess

As for proof
Is there proof that your uncle is in a loveless marriage with your aunt? They have kids together, got a house, got everything you could ever ask for
But you sure don't see a lot of them together, if you get what I mean
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Does this count as furry?
If so, janny pls do the needful.
A on, I dont think it is even a community. Otherwise, there are a lot of good points.

What else can I say?
Maybe my favorite artists.
I think I am healing. Diversifying the source material was a good choice. I am no longer so reliant on fat fetish artists. They are too bitchy and political, while Japanese artists churn out a ton of good work without all that meaningless bitching.
Absolutely disgusting amerimutt piggu. Ogre physique.
I second this. Termites provide a valuable environmental niche, they naturally fertilize the soil, they're a farmer's best friend, really

The problem is we built our houses out of their food. Classic Hansel and Gretel tale
(14 KB, 500x474, tumblr_9c05b5bd2827b17092245f05dbcb979b_03a7c5ee_500.jpg)
>Is there proof that your uncle is in a loveless marriage with your aunt?
>They have kids together, got a house, got everything you could ever ask for
>But you sure don't see a lot of them together, if you get what I mean
Brainlet, you wrote;
>A lot the time they just complain pretty openly about their audiences
>pretty openly
So your shit analogy doesn't apply or even make sense here, unless you're implying that you actually overheard an artist say this stuff over VC or something
>make fun of them subtly in one way or another in every other piece.
You could easily provide something to back this up too if it were as rampant as you claim - every artist doing it, in every other piece? roflmao, absolutely unhinged

Face it, you're just generalizing out of spite and "meeting artists first-hand" has left a sour taste in your mouth because you're a fundamentally unlikable autist
(2.6 MB, 640x480, Pan_Asking_for_it.webm)
>Reddit spacing
>Omni "man"
Post Jiren or terminate.
>Caring about community.
Only guro and ryonachads have culture and refined taste in the cursed fetish world.
>Rightfully calls her an murimutt
>Posts a kike judge cartoon
Getting mixed feelings here.
>Japanese dont bitch guize
Retard mutt. They bitch and complain about mundane shit all the time and deletr thier art with thr slightests chimpout. You can't tell because you're an eop. Only japanese fat artist worth it make kino tubby lolis. Mistystuffer bro btw.
(2.2 MB, 1280x1824, bugs.png)
Idk, mein nigger.
I can't tell if they are bitching or not, since I don't know those moon runes.
Also I use nitter and click "media", maybe it also does move a lot of junk out of the way. Some noteworthy thing I save, but if they delete everything I wouldn't miss it, I think. There are replaceable.
Amerimutt thing, had no idea it even exists until you've mentioned it.
Tukasawa02 draws big tittied amerindian lolis who offer you to eat ze bugs. Subtle messaging i guess.
>>110315 I really like Kappass' art but holy shit I do not want to wade through a bunch of political shit just to see some art. Archive sites really don't help either.
(34 KB, 410x512, GENTren.jpg)
Was always shit.
Absolute kino. If you set up rss to the media feed, you won't even need to use bookmarks, and you can get updates to ensure you never get retarded retweets.
>Only americunts can be disgusting Eop's
Kekmurica, germoidstains, and indieLOLsha are places where eops and mtl shitters love the thrive.
I respect that he actually draws fucking areolas to go with the bobba, but he's strayed too far from his own path. He'll go full yokkora soon.
Go back to leeter with your fale gay drama. Gents... Terminate. Mistystufferbro btw

Talking on the internet has devolved into either Zoomer chanboard moonspeak or Pseudo intellectual Twitter garbage and I am so sick of it.

Just use normal words you fucking weirdos.
Nah bro, he always gotta act like a retard and use Dragon Ball pictures lmfao
Fuck you, I love Fujiko
No shit, nobody would get it if you don't speak
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>many of them just prefer to do it behind closed doors in their private discords instead of on twitter or something
Considering what we DO see pretty much everywhere else, that's.... backwards. Genuinely ass-backwards. Why is reading the emotional outbursts and political views of artists the priority instead of hearing about the shit they do like? There are plenty of things I talk about with my friends behind closed doors because I know they "get it", but generally well-adjusted people aren't afraid to talk about things they like at a reasonable level. I'll believe your supposed "insider view" when I see it.
>Japanese artists churn out a ton of good work without all that meaningless bitching.

they bitch in Japanese you retard. if you knew Japanese you would know that they think you of all western fans are the lowest of the low.
IIRC, Japan hates that western fans are trying to dictate what Japanese artists should or should not do. It's been that way since the eroge market makes more sales overseas during the 2000s.
Kapass is annoying and seemingly only draws his faggot OC these days but I have been saying for years that Idle is not only talentless (he has not improved at all) but that he is also a parasite who attaches himself to any popular artist who will give him time of day and begin to take on their mannerisms, like when he was joined at the hip with TAD and started doing slob and then stopped when TAD dropped him. I can guarantee if he attached himself to a right wing artist he'd be throwing Nazi salutes as we speak.
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Thts based though. But it's not what I was talking about. It's about the retards tweeeting about political figures. Fuck's sake. They like dragon ball, how bad can theu be!? Jiren fucking brooooo! Btw.
Raed! What!? RAED! Aw yeh!? R.A.E.D! What!? R.A.E.D!!! To the fuckin D! About it! R.A.E to the MOTHER FUCKIN D!
(99 KB, 986x1116, Elhermano.v1.cropped.jpg)
Foolish brother. Cease disrupting these web denizens in their discussion of community drama among those who draw morbidly obese women at once.
It takes literally five seconds to think about who I'm talking about but you're so retarded you can't realize it. Honestly fucking think. Actually use your head and think. Who constantly insults their fanbase pretty openly on Twitter? Who draws cheap, rushed art with no sex appeal whatsoever? It's over half the fucking community. I'm not writing down a list of names of people I can't stand and air dirty laundry just so cocksuckers like you don't have to think for themselves and can comfortably hate someone now that there's "evidence" to hate them. You can just not like people and think they're fake based on everything about them and their entire personality leading you to believe that, no, they aren't legit

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, smells like a duck, acts like a duck, it's a fucking duck

Faggot you can literally just look on Twitter and notice CozyNakovich's constant embarrassing public meltdowns rather than disregarding everything I said because I didn't make your faggy little Reddit callout post where I had to spell out what the hell I was talking about because you're evidently far too stupid to do it yourself.
(762 KB, 1357x991, 1610000725202.png)
>didn't make your faggy little Reddit callout post
>I'm not writing down a list of names of people I can't stand and air dirty laundry just so cocksuckers like you don't have to think for themselves and can comfortably hate someone now that there's "evidence" to hate them
Yeah imagine not incorporating the autistic ravings of some manbaby thread schizo into your worldview instead of expecting to see some substance to their claims.
Also, the absolutely state of projection on display here, good job making it clear to anyone who bothers to read your word vomit what a seething little faggot you are lmao
Implying that over half of all fattywank artists are some variation of cozy, yeah alright little buddy. Take your meds and go to bed
I love this community so much
Right back at ya buddy.
Just use the media tab already. I have yet to even find out what this guy's political takes are because I don't care to view his regular posts.
>>110161 (OP)
The Batman was kind of meh, he should've listened to some Insane Clown Posse instead of that one Nirvana song over and over. I like Colin Farrell a lot though, he was really good in In Bruges. I also liked the scene with the chatroom where one of the guys is called mistystuffer, really nice touch
(3.8 MB, 498x211, patrick-bateman-christian-bale.gif)
Why the fuck is there so much fat art of Kobeni from Chainsaw Man? Is there some autistic waifufag commissioning all this or did I miss anything? With Makima and Power being far more popular and important characters and having barely any art this shit is just baffling, there's pretty much nothing of Reze or Himeno either yet I see new of art of Kobeni every other day. Part 2 of the manga started weeks ago with a new main character but nah, more Kobeni. Whoever is responsible for this please kill yourself.
(19 KB, 249x209, 40CB65DF-8DA2-48FC-AE8A-E89C61D233D5.jpeg)
Jesus christ this is completely mortifying. Nevermind the ponzi scheme and catfishing, why would you fucking stalk real kids and take their pictures as public fapfuel?
A tale as old as time indeed. Watch those "morally correct" fags scour bbwchan to complain to their followers and not say a damn thing about this. Sometimes I wish I'd sit down and take the Loomis Pill so I could make my fatties however I want instead of being a begging consumer.
Cute girl cries and gets fat. It's not that deep.
Actually start drawing today. It'll take a while, but making something good that you enjoy will make you proud of yourself. I started drawing back in 2016, haven't been all that consistent, but have still managed to churn out some pretty damn good art that people have liked a lot.
Kind of sad that the only way anyone can communicate their points and what they like is through hating everything else | _ |
Having a balance with this kind of thing is extremely important as well. A year or two ago I tried to get into drawing and writing fetish stuff, but it eventually got to the point where I wasn't skilled enough to make anything quickly, so it would take up all my free time and pretty much every piece of media I was consuming would just be me trying to memorise it so I could get the characterisation right in the stories. I eventually quit doing it and deleted everything, but I might get back into it eventually. Kinda wish I didn't go as far as deleting everything, since it was some pretty rare content that I'm sure some people would've loved to see (*cough* Loli WG *cough*). If I do, I sure as hell don't wanna become friends to every twitter loser I meet like every other artist and writer.
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Good thing I don't know any japanese besides some memewords typed in english with botched pronounciation. Plus, I don't interact with them in person.
Yes, I am zoomer.
I suspect it is the *current thing*.
Shit they draw:
>Genshit gayfart
>Some that shipgirl stuff
>s*nic characters
>Vocaloids promoting tranny shit
>Ryoko from Kill la Kill
>RWBY (absolute shit)
>sharty and sneeding (p*nty und uhhhhh..)
I don't really know what people like, so I go on sneedter to notice the patterns. Also the question of how much does the hyperbooba of a blob weight is especially a matter of my concern for today. I'm determined to know how much does that blob weights.
You should know, it's just the bitch that's trending right now for some reason.
Yeah, that bitch is trending for no reason whatsoever. Maybe because she's submissive or and makes for "good" WG art or something? I dunno, and honestly I don't think I want to know
>tons of grammatical errors and typos alike
Ce'st fini.
Maybe someone's father instinct kicking in.
She doesn't look like an object of sexual attraction, rather a person who needs to be protected. Daughter figure?
>>110161 (OP)
Which name do you guys prefer.

Community Salt, ManBaby thread, or Insane Ranting?
ManBaby was the most accurate until just recently
(95 KB, 720x888, Concerning Hobbits.jpg)
Insane Ranting.
I get you, anon. I get you. It's no fun seeing someone mischaracterize your waifu for laifu, especially when people cheer it on.
>t. waifufag of a character that is impossible to talk about because of tranny misinformation campaigns.
Let's bring the tranny talk back boiiii
Salt threads.
Anything else is just astroturfing.
>and pretty much every piece of media I was consuming would just be me trying to memorise it so I could get the characterisation right in the stories.
Ouch, I feel that one. I was pausing a show/game every other moment it felt just to jot down notes on personality traits, speaking mannerisms, etc. Though lately I have been watching some shows like Kaiji with predominantly male casts where I can just sit back and enjoy without taking notes
I don't care about Rouge but agree with the sentiment of not liking mischaracterization
If I can add to the autistically specific complaints, I don't like how lately whenever Sabrina from Pokemon gets fat art, people always default to the inferior HG/SS redesign
The Gym Leaders in the Pokemon games do not have a strong personality. The only outlier is Giovanni, Whitney, and Claire. I suspect that Ghetsis taking over the Unova Region hinges on the Gym Leaders and Elite Four not interfering.
>If I can add to the autistically specific complaints, I don't like how lately whenever Sabrina from Pokemon gets fat art, people always default to the inferior HG/SS redesign
I see her FireRed/LeafGreen design more often.

>Whitney and Clair have strong personalities even though they're both sore losers.
What the fuck are you smoking to make you this dumb?
This wasn't really about Sabrina's personality, I'm aware that most Pokemon characters have next to none

She got a push when Let's Go Pika/Eevee came out but in the years after that I only see new art of her HG/SS design
I've never seen chainsaw man so I don't know. I just assumed it's only because newer popular manga or because people think she's cute for some reason. Either way an anime is coming out so be prepared for a lot more
The Gym Leaders have a personality in the original series. In the games, the gym leaders save for Whitney, Claire, Norman and Giovanni do not have a personality or will. Even in the Masters 8, Lance loses to Diantha because he's a computer running on autopilot and less of a trainer. Lance is Gen 1 with out the nostalgia: a turbo autists using Hyper Beam and Dragons.
You're telling me a minor character is more popular than the main ones among fat fetishists because she's a sperg? No way fam.
The manga is popular, yes, but it doesn't really explain her disproportionate popularity compared to other characters from the same manga in the fat artist community which is what I'm wondering.
Wouldn't be asking if I knew.
That's what one would think but reading the manga you realize she's not that relevant and doesn't have that much screentime compared to the main female characters, who are a lot more popular too...unless you're looking for fat art specifically. Hence why I'm wondering if someone is commissioning all this art or something among those lines.
>inferior redesign
Mega dogshit taste detected
Nothing like watching a bunch of spergs freak out over how an artist draws a Sonic character instead of freaking out over how a bunch of artists are actively engaging with accounts posting stalker creepshots of potentially underage women and passing it off as themselves.
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I’m tired of staying quiet while these cum-for-brains twitter users be hypocrites every goddamn day. I always think I’m a porn-addicted coomer till I see the latest trend or whatever happen. I have little to no following to lose so I’m gonna call out these tards whether they like it or not.
we can be upset at multiple things, retard
though I agree the sonic shit has been drawn out

let them fight, it's the only way they'll gain some perspective
Good to see at least SOMEONE on Twitter has some actual fucking integrity.

While I agree with the fact that this is pretty sus as fuck.

Doob. Don't you bully the fuck outta artists? I heard from quite a few folks that you are one of, if not the most hostile person in the community.

Calling out someone for tracing other peoples art for haha #relatable fetish memes and banking off it is something to be "hostile" about.

The people upset by this don't have any integrity so of course he's gonna come off as a prick to those defending it.

No I mean actually being super hostile to a shitton of actual artists. Doob is kinda infamous in a lot of discords for how he has treated people and bullied many people. I am kinda shocked he is here. Hell, last rant thread he was in he tried to bully a guy in it as well.
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>twitter tourists bringing their drama here
no wonder 4chan doesn't make an e-celeb board
newfags always ruin shit, but the mods enable it by not taking these threads down
Oh man I already know who’s little circle told you that lmfao
Jayofthedamned and/or matchacakes have hate boners for me and started calling me volatile and shit. I could go into detail but long story short I called out jay for not trying to improve his art yet bugging the shit out of an entire server for advice, and matcha’s smug ass personality rubbed me the wrong way so I dipped from his place, guess he’s upset I wasn’t another ass kisser? Idk
All you have to do is block him on discord and twitter and you are unhinged.

His problem is that he does so much shit at one time it's ridiculous. When I was on his server he had something like 200 comms queued up and still accepting. I think he's trying to make some money for his situation but I wouldn't have any idea if it's always been like that, I was only on there for a couple months. Like I think he could improve a lot by just taking it slower after all his shit is done.
No he’s always been working himself to death, back when I shared a server with him he had an early case of the ‘VID-19 and we had to literally bag him to go to bed and rest instead of working (I think that might’ve actually been the beginning of this long ass comm line bc he had like 60 around that time)

Actually I talked with Jay about this just now and he actually showed me chat logs with how you went full schizo. He told me not to share them so i won't but he seems to be incredibly supportive of you in said chat log.

Looking at what he says now though. Some massive bad shit must've happened with how you were with him since he genuinely doesn't want to discuss it with me anymore.


jay did have a massive fuckload of sales last year in december specifically to avoid getting taxed due to new tax laws or somthin.

Then he found out this year his mom has stage 4 cancer and now he is taking care of her and doing comms like a mad man.
No he’s always been working himself to death, back when I shared a server with him he had an early case of the ‘VID-19 and we had to literally bag him to go to bed and rest instead of working (I think that might’ve actually been the beginning of this long ass comm line bc he had like 60 around that time)
People were already freaking out about the underage larpers in the last thread, twitter tourist faggot. Besides, >>110613 hit the nail on the head: you can complain about multiple things.
We’ll yeah I’m aware he’s got a shitty situation he needs to work for NOW but back then he was doing it for no fucking reason. We’ve talked after the dust settled and I said I feel for him and I wish he wasn’t in a shitty situation like this. Honestly I might’ve been going schizo way back then it was so long ago I don’t even remember the context.

Janny I’m sorry college Wi-Fi made me throw up on the floor and it won’t let me delete it :(((
He seems like a hard worker but it seems like he's stagnated, and the constant praise doesn't really help either. Maybe he can slow it down when his current situation is over.

I'm apparently Hitler because I told him to go away because someone trying to mediate a conversation that has nothing to do with him is annoying. But guess what it's all internet bullshit, I still can easily get commissions, and nobody really cares much at the end of the day, so I just enjoy the hate.
Wait, aren't you that Gecko guy who went full lolcow on everyone?
You're that Gecko guy, aren't you? Seems like you still don't understand all the drama you caused here and on twitter will never be forgotten
(653 KB, 800x450, Konatafag.png)

Who knows? People consider blocking annoying people on discord as a sperg out. People consider it ok for an artist to get "burnt out" immediately after charging you almost $200, and then I'm supposed to be ok with that because me being nice gives you more free shit. Do I interpret shit in the worst possible way? Probably. But as far as I'm concerned I don't owe anything to people I pay shit for.

Really? Literally the person I asked two days ago said they heard about it and didn't care.
I get your frustration. It does bug me when a character acts totally out of character for the sake of a fetish. Sure said character would never get fat in the first place, but still. Saxxon is probably the worst with this from what I’ve seen.
She’s got a cute design and is a nervous wreck. So I’m not surprised that most fat artists flocked to her over some of the other characters. It’ll only get worse once the anime airs. Power and Makima might get a decent amount but every other girl will be lucky to get anything.
>Hence why I'm wondering if someone is commissioning all this art or something among those lines.
Well at one point Taka had drawn a bunch of art of her. Then some other artists joined in as well. But that was a while ago, and from what I can tell there isn’t someone commissioning a bunch of art of her like the Erza or Lucy guy for example. Probably just because she’s generally popular with fats.
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Between the fake catfishing accounts and petty drama between artists, this is just too juicy.
So what's the game theory on these, Mr Twitter Artist? Do you think it was Sizemologist behind em or do you think it's an unrelated 3rd party?
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>Expo draws a strongfat sharkgirl
>fair enough, its not for me though
>see symbol on the shoulder of the girl
>its the fucking Murkywater symbol
>now cant take the art seriously because whenever I see it I cant not think of a payday 2 intro playing about some Murkywater Heist like Shadow Raid or Beneath the Mountain

god dammit, I wanna know who commissioned it and why they had the Murkywater symbol on the stringfat sharkgirl
I think I know who one of them were, a twitter artist with previous questionable behaviour.

But I might be wrong, but the one username is a bit of give-away, could be a coincide.
>Mr. twitter artist
Oh god you’re right, I need to find a legitimate alternative to this brain dead bird app… itaku just doesn’t have the massive user base and DA has been on a downward spiral ever since eclipse.

As for sizemo I think the dude might’ve just gotten baited. Low quality bait sure, but the thought of running two shitty rp accounts along with their far more successful art account doesn’t make sense to me.
Just use DA or Pixiv dude, get over yourself.
DA isn't that bad and is fine. Pixiv as well if you want to deal with the slower load.
I just don't get why he'd make such nice art for let's be real, pretty mid "amateur bbw models.". Especially when this community is filled with babes who interact with the artist side a lot.
The amount people that were going full coomer and started following this catfish all because of the tiniest possibility that they were "Fat girls that love Splatoon!!!!!" is depressing.
Gotta love it when dozens of twitter users all turn their brain off and ignore the blatant creepshots all though they can attempt to groom what they think are IRL 19 year olds into morbid obesity.
Yeah I want to say Sizemo was commed by them and got baited into thinking they were real without bothering to look for more than 5 seconds. The fact that he was willing to draw a morbidly obese interpretation of a complete stranger is kinda sus to me but idk.
I'd prefer no models at all. They cause too much simping to happen.

This does kinda show you to be a bully a bit. Sure they did deserve it but still man... you may want to calm down a bit. Eventually someone will want to bite back.

Also please do get over yourself. DA, while it has some bad, is honestly one of the best sites to get around in the community with.
>or did I miss anything?
I feel like they tend to influence people to draw/vote for her if a poll has her involved.
She's also has extreme normie appeal
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Meh you guys are probably right DA is far from unusable but the shitty messaging system that "replaced" notes is half-baked and buggy, meanwhile notes are still there just buried into the site. Also, the reports of the search function working just about as well as YT's video recommending algorithm isn't really reassuring. Twitter is just the easiest to get your name out there and communicate with commissioners and the like.

As for this being proof of me being a bully or whatever you kinda answered your own question.
>Sure they did deserve it
It usually takes a good bit to rile me up but this ""COMMUNITY"" and its actions have been testing my limits honestly.

Just keep doing you, this community needs less cowards.
Now to directly call out sizemo lol
Like the sperg who was death threatening Sonic voice actors? Or the one and only who fucked his own mother?

Lmao, a shitting Trevor Philips tattoo next?
Alright in all seriousness, why is it that, when people commission girl’s frontline fat at, it’s always ar team, 404 team or spas, when GALIL and VPM-5 ARE LITERAL FATBAIT JUST WAITING FOR IMAGES

This seems to me the most likely scenario.

Creepshot was into these girls, wanted to commission Sizemo/other artists for them. Had to make them look legit as "amateur BBW models" so he made low-effort fake twitter accounts, commed Sizemo/attempted to comm other artists...

The way I see it, whoever was behind this, they probably got what they wanted... which makes this worse.
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I freely admit that I don't really care for gossip and pretty much laughed at art fags who thinking the rumors on lolcow about Kisame were true. I am not surprised that fetish artists are now debasing themselves for amusement. Oh well, I shall assume my duties as silently watching them screw up
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Is anyone talking about this catfishing shit on Twitter? This is genuinely disgusting, I thought bbwchan was supposed to be the bad guys.
Most of this thread has been about the catfishing retard
Could be better, but kind of funny I guess.

Anyway, Mads-is-not-stacked and you can't convince me otherwise. Bloody false advertising 😤.
Audio couldve synced better, but it was scathingly accurate
>Weight Gain fic writers trying to be relevant
Maybe a lot of them just don't know about any of this?
Both of the videos were kind of weak. The only part that was funny was the fanfic writers one used by both because based on Undertaker's activity on 4chan proper, it's actually real.
Of course they aren't, it's tradition for the Tumblr refugees that make up this scene to ignore any real issues.
No and they never will. Admitting they aren't any better than their constant strawmen wouldn't fit their narrative.
>don't really care for gossip
>silently watching them screw up

Choose one
DA has a block feature for a reason.
Deviantart actually removed the ability to search your favs. What the hell is up with that? I bet they're going to reintroduce the feature as a benefit of core. I swear it's like the fuckers WANT to go the way of writing.com
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Goddamnit doob, you did such a good thing here and there were so many ways for you to put a lid on this with style, and what do you do? Guilt trip tweet directed to the extremely tiny overlap between the followers of the catfish accounts and yours. What's the logic behind choosing to waste your moment of glory to be spiteful towards your followers instead of the creep who ran the accounts? Fuck, could have at least directed that jab to sizemologist for being so gullible and driving his audience to view these creepshots.
Warning people to be wary of this shit bc it may happen again doesn’t really come off as an insult to me, if someone got legitimately insulted by that they need some thicker skin before getting on the internet. Besides I ain’t going for glory for myself or anything. So if I fuck up a 10/10 landing, it’s whatever.
>he’s not a good guy, just a performative faggot
I mean I guess so, I’m not particularly trying to be a hero or anything. Some shit you shouldn’t ignore though, so I called it out.
>he's just a performative faggot
I disagree. Sometimes these things must be said, and he put his neck out there to do it. There's a lot of people who are too afraid to speak their mind.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate getting the Twitter scene's eyes on it— it's >>110787 that makes the delivery fall flat
DeviantArt recommends you work based on the stuff you favorite and view which reflects the results you get, but also, you should also use good tags. Don't just search "Fat Art", use tags like, "ssbbw", "chubby" and shit instead.
I disagree but I can see why you’d think it’d be an insult to my followers (even though it isn’t, in fact these accounts seemed to be news to most of them)
But it’s more so just an open letter to artists who engaged with and followed them in the first place, my account is public to see after all.
All that said though as long as you think this callout was the minimum of what they deserved, we’re on the same page, I don’t think I’m a bully contrary to what some others seem to think. I generally keep quiet and to myself ironically.
easily the best one when the few others that have made the rounds so far are terminally unfunny

1. hover over pic
2. three dots
3. "show less like this"
there ya go
Literally only D00bler gave enough of a shit to call it out, and was able to get rid of them.

Everyone else was more than willing to ignore the obvious red flags and keep it up, which should tell you everything you need to know about this dogshit "community".
Again, why do you assume everyone in the community knew about this person?
Did some digging and found a reddit account named pinaythickie. Same content as the twitter account, and all the pictures are pretty blatantly stolen from different asian models.

As for dramalama2002, I can't find anything.
It's funny how much of a fuss they make over fictional characters, but when they get caught following an account with pictures of ACTUAL REAL LIFE MINORS they're quiet as can be.
>>118091 (Cross-thread)
I swear, some people go full detective mode over trying to prove if a fictional character can be considered a minor, but they just go all monkey brained when they see an IRL fat chick. It's shameless how much tasteless praise people give them.
I don't think you're going to get an answer. For some inexplicable reason, everyone here who was aware of this "situation," assumes that every other fucking human being on the planet was also aware, but they're the only ones saying anything about it. If I had to guess, it's an easy thing for people who already have a hate-boner for artists and this "community" to latch onto as an "obvious" sign of the corruption they already believe is there.
Ngl I only noticed how odd the accounts were when sizemo started drawing fats of them. I've known of them for longer, but seeing the art actually made me THINK about the content the accounts were posting.
t. guy who made the original post last thread
(264 KB, 2732x2048, 305938999_752763326018488_9093619542325356759_n.jpg)
Hey all, it's Sizemologist. Here's a screenshot of the Procreate file of the drawing I did of @pinaythickie/Katie, as proof

TL;DR I'm not some predatory hustler who masterminded a "Ponzi scheme" that spanned 3 different Twitter accounts, I'm just a fucking idiot who fell for babby's first scam

First off, I was not secretly controlling the other two accounts as a "hustle" to get people to donate money. I drew them as a gift, they posted the art, and I retweeted to get them some exposure. That's the end of it. I wasn't even aware they were going to post it, I figured they'd keep it as their pfp and that would be it. And I'm 99% certain they actually were two separate people, b/c there were moments when both of them were texting me simultaneously. As for whether or not they actually took donations, I obviously can't say, but I had nothing to do with that.

As for why I believed they were real - they reached out to me first and never asked for any money/free art, which isn't typically what a scammer does. In fact, like I mentioned above, it was my idea to draw them after getting to know them. I thought it would be fun practice to draw a real face for once and capture the likeness. I realize now that was an extremely sus thing to do given I had no concrete proof they were real, and I'm sorry about that.

There were also lots of incidental details they mentioned in our conversations (e.g. details about family, friends) which made me think it was too in-depth to be a scam. For example, Sunshine sent me several photos that couldn't be explained as "creepshots" or "stolen off of social media." Namely, she sent a few old Snapchat screenshots of her face/posing with family when she was skinny that were consistent with all the face pics posted on her Twitter. I couldn't figure out how a fake would get ahold of those, so it seemed real at the time.

And all those creepshot photos of the girl at the bus - Sunshine's explanation was that it was her feeder friend who took those photos. I know it's a pretty flimsy explanation in retrospect, but all the images corroborated with the Snapchat screenshots she sent, and she had an elaborate backstory for the feeder friend, so I believed her.

The photos on Katie's Twitter were also of a slightly different nature than the ones on Sunshine's Twitter. Yes, most of them looked like they also could have been stolen off of social media, but there were also the ass pics that were taken on her bed, as well as the various videos of her just fucking around doing silly shit. I didn't think a fake could've gotten a hold of those, but maybe I was just naive.

I wanted to believe that Katie/Sunshine were real, but the posts here and on Twitter have shown that there's far more evidence against them than for them. And literally all of this could've been solved by them just posting a selfie with a piece of paper saying "i'm real." Instead, they left and now I'm left with the fallout of these "con artist creep" accusations, which doesn't feel great.

In any case, I know I'm just gonna be the laughing stock and the center of conspiracies for a bit, and considering this is bbwchan I'm gonna get flamed no matter what I say. But since I was the one who drew the pics of them that attracted so much attention, I felt it was my responsibility to explain the circumstances and also to own up to my mistake of falling for such easy bait.
That's a pretty concrete summary really. No reason to meme it into a further conspiracy other than funposting.
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Shit happens, sometimes you fall for stuff that should seem pretty obviously, or not obviously at the time, sus and sure it's embarrassing but in the grand scheme of things as long as nothing illegal was done or money lost etc, it's whatever. Just a learning experience is all. Keep on keeping on there, Sizmo.
Ignore the colossal dickheads who have nothing better to do except drum up a bunch of conspiracy theories of how everything is for likes and that there's a fat artist cabal controlling Twitter. Hopefully other rational individuals figured that this was simply a case of social engineering. Plus, I don't think you'll get flamed since you actually explained your side instead of letting this cesspool speculate the worst.
Regardless, I'm glad that those accounts have deleted themselves and that you came here, to the worst fattywank forum ever, and explained yourself. Thank you!
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Its really admirable that you've come here to clear this all up, but you should probably address this on your actual accounts too. Clearing it up on bbwchan is one thing but actually making people aware on Twitter where there doesn't seem to be a lot of discussion about this would go a long way towards helping to prevent shit like this from happening in the future. Its the right thing to do, it would help awareness that this kind of shit happens even in niche "communities" like this, and making people vigilant would help stop this from hopefully happening to anyone else.
>considering this is bbwchan I'm gonna get flamed no matter what I say
I'd have thought being terminally /d/ would allow you to distinguish between ironic shitposting and genuine retardation. The odd autist or two aside, we're far more fair and "real" on average than any of the twitter tourists that frequently use this place as their boogeyman. We simply can't bury bad posts under thousands of retweets or downvotes here, so malicious faggots take the one schizopost out of 50 and extrapolate it to paint the entire place in a bad light even if it's by-and-large ignored or decried by the rest of the userbase
There's nothing to trash you on when you're just giving an honest explanation.
I agree that you should also give a heads up about this situation on twitter, since theres tons of other artists who easily fell for this.
Honestly the only thing that's a bit questionable is the fact that you were the one to take initiative and make gifts for them when one of them has a schoolbus in the background of their pictures. No hate though. Just be more mindful of this stuff in the future.
Trust me, the only people who would "Flame" you here are the 1/100 losers that make conspiracy theories about everything. BBWChan may be an undesirable place, but that doesn't mean that literally everyone is the spawn of Satan himself.

You should post this on twitter. For the sake of clarity and informing the less quick witted about these scam is a must, I am sorry you have to carry this burden size but the we will all be better for it.
(269 KB, 2732x2048, 305569973_2242309302610920_7023125627443763195_n.jpg)
Sizemologist here again (sorry, I don't have another way of proving it's me other than attaching these screenshots)

Fair critique about my "getting flamed here" line. I guess I was trying to defend myself in advance. Apologies for painting with a broad brush like that.

I'll think of something to post on Twitter later tonight (will prob just be a screenshot of my explanation above). I originally chose not to tweet about it because I was afraid of fanning the flames even more, but yeah you guys are right about helping others learn about what happened
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Do you actually color everything on the same layer or did you just merge it after the fact?
If it's the former then godspeed you madman
(516 KB, 500x366, pik.gif)
Hey man, no need to beat yourself over a simple mistake like this. Seeing how far the con went, a lot of artists probably would've fell for it as well. You were just at the wrong place, wrong time.

Thanks for clearing all this up, though.
(288 KB, 2732x2048, 305606899_573336557906638_1010982784035686549_n.jpg)
In general I stick with the former. I'll use additional layers for complex parts (like the pajamas designs here) and for various aspects of the background. But for the characters I just paint everything on one layer. I just really don't like dealing with layer management lol
>As for why I believed they were real - they reached out to me first and never asked for any money/free art, which isn't typically what a scammer does.
Heard it here first from Sizemologist, scammers don't reach out first and string you along to build a connection with you waiting to see if they can get something out of you. OK. So 100% these accounts were milking people in the community for money with the "DMs open!" bios and reaching out to people first. GG
How'd you hear about this thread btw? Most artists generally don't come to bbwchan (for good reason tbh)?
>Most artists generally don't come to bbwchan

We definitely do, as unhealthy as it is.
Either to check for unseen rare compliments on our work or dumb criticism and bitching about said work.

Regardless it's a good time unless you're very paranoid or sensitive about some things.
Saying this as another artist, while a lot of the complaints can be very petty and sometimes schizophrenic, it's still somewhat helpful seeing people's unfiltered opinions on stuff. Compliments mean even more here too, not necessarily because negativity is the norm, but because no one feels obligated to say anything nice.
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>TL;DR I'm not some predatory hustler who masterminded a "Ponzi scheme" that spanned 3 different Twitter accounts
The schizo who gave this take >>110217 doesn't understand that just pumping out comms consistently is overall a far more lucrative use of an artist's time than running small catfish accounts.
Thanks for stopping by to explain your side sizemo
My bad, I didn't understand just how lucrative it was to give free comms to whatever obvious scammer that messages you was. I'll be sure to spend 5 mins collecting images from Facebook for my new totally real bbw Twitter so I can pick up my free comm and retweet from sizemo. Thanks!
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Ignoring your blatant hyperbole of implying that this was accomplished in five minutes, if you'd actually do this, committed to the bit and kept reaching out to artists, one would eventually bite, you know? Guys have been falling for online catfishing before you were even born lmao.
Your life just lacks excitement so you're reluctant to apply occam's razor and embrace the despair of internalizing that the biggest scheme controlling mankind in 98% of cases is incompetence.
Don't worry, you'll understand better when you land your first job.
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Also, here's another fun experiment for you to try:
a) learn to draw
b) draw fattywank until your commissions start to sell above dirt cheap prices
c) now start running one or more catfish accounts on the side that you'll lure people into with your content creator main
d) finally realize how fucking retarded this is
Report back here when done
You seem like a good enough person, and everyone slips up every now and again.

I figure the best move now would be to chalk this up to experience, and to be more vigilant next time around. Can't say this has happened before, but I don't think it's too unlikely it'll happen again.
I don't consider this site to be the Great Satan. I think Zoomers are just mini boomers and brought back things boomers like, such as: peer pressure, conformity, blind obedience to authority, and gossiping. This is unfortunately causing a stigma of chat sites at the expense of mass hysteria. As for artists, I think they forgot that self funded art sites went down because nobody wanted to chip in to pay for a server.
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What the actual fuck is this "polices"? Who the fuck are reporting/reviewing this?
DeviantArt has started cracking down on fetish art of characters below the age of 18. It is written in their policies that they can remove the artwork at will. The site didn't care before since people drew fan art, but it is a problem now because it is based in Commiefornia where teachers and parents will destroy anything.
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Are they hire some gender study major or whatever.
The problem is that Megumin is a minor. Commiefornia has been silently editing out the ecchi parts of anime in Konosuba, Kill La Kill, FLCL, Fire Force, and Food Wars. Deviant Art is just bringing back 4Kids, Ocean Dub, and Fox Kids without the unintentional humor that censorship entailed. Censorship is a craft in it of itself.
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>openly racist statements and users are allowed to stay up
>openly transphobic statements and users were allowed stay up
i.e. Jeet, kip, moomy discourse
>open contempt for artist by autist that got on their bad side by being autistic
>piracy and circulation of art deleted by artist for any reason
>no active artist community since the days of woot

I wonder why
>i.e. Jeet, Kip, moomy discourse

Please elaborate on this I'm curious
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Jannies, their wallets empty.
The oven, where the tendies burned.
Welcome to chan culture, tourist. Or not, go back to twitter with the rest of the artist dickriders.
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So you can draw MHA guys in whatever context but not Megumin even if she is drawn as an adult.
>[x] allowed to stay up
Yes, that is the point. Very little is actually flat-out deleted unless it is in clear violation of the few "do not" rules that almost all imageboards share. I won't comment too deeply one way or another on the transexual shit but quite frankly, if you've lurked here or on another imageboard and can't figure out that certain attitudes and words are not treated as grounds for immediate crucifiction, it might be time to just not visit the site anymore.
>>open contempt for artist by autist that got on their bad side by being autistic
There's plenty of things the "louder" artists type/say that is generally contemptible and has been discussed as such, contempt didn't just start because "Lucky Star Fan With Anger Issues" had a meltdown and got exposed.
>>piracy and circulation of art deleted by artist for any reason
1. The only way anything is going to stay deleted is if the content ends up suffering from "link rot" where no one cared to keep track of the content and it's genuinely lost forever.
2. Piracy is preservation. Artist goes nuclear and you like their art but didn't save anything? Welp, they had their meltdown and now there's nothing.
3. Every time the issue of piracy and payment comes up, there isn't a single post that's AGAINST paying artists for their work that ISN'T called out for being asinine. Plenty of different Patreon models are working for various artists, if it isn't working for You™, it might be time to revisit something: maybe the pricing, the process, or even the mindset of going full-time porn artist.
>>no active artist community since the days of woot
Crazy how there are lots of little locked-off and insular Discord & Twitter circlejerks but you bemoan the lack of an active artist community. I wonder who's fault that is? Surely you can't be implying that the existence of the imageboard is at fault and not the artists themselves, right?
Doesn't this wipe out 1/3 of fetish art then?
There's so many characters that fall under the same criteria, yet for whatever reason Megumin is one of the few cases where there's an actual uproar
DeviantArt pretty much always had a rule against fictional characters that are under 18, but how strongly it was enforced varied a lot over the years. No character is safe, really, but they only delete a fraction of the popular fetish art, sometimes after it stayed up for years.
It could be a case of there being a Megumin fan who actively searches for fetish art of her to take down. This isn't the first time I've heard of fat art of her being taken down. Remember there being a lunatic who was crazed about Yoko from Gurren Lagann.
They actually go after MHA often, it has gotten to the point where some artists wont' even tag it as MHA related just to keep the DA mods eyes away from it. It's a total crapshoot whether or not the moderator in question will give you a pass.
The problem with Konosuba is that it's an ecchi series similar to Gurren Lagann. I imagine that MHA and Konosuba got deleted because Kazuma, Deku, and Simon don't have a strong personality like Ichigo or Goku, which makes the sexual nature more noticeable.

The girls from Fairy Tail and Eden Zero are the only one with strong personalities with Natsu, Galeel, and Gray are chads who send women running
Holy fuck. I haven't been on one of these threads since like #3, where i thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, and boy was I wrong.
I just dont know where to post art if it is not deviantart or twitter. If deviantart would delete my art.
You can enable watchers only to see your work, and also stop tagging or writing in any details for characters that are under 18.

That might stop the ones who keep reporting art around.
>openly racist statements and users are allowed to stay up
>openly transphobic state
That shit gets deleted pretty regularly though?
>i.e. Jeet, kip, moomy discourse
Those are directly about the artists themselves, so no shit that's going to stay up. But if it's unrelated bait that serves to derail the thread, then it's going to get deleted.
When it comes to fat art, being transphobic is fair. People know what they like, and no one wants to get catfished.
If all else fails, you can do what Darkfireballz does and uploads cropped images on his deviantart which then link to stash uploads with the full image. Either that or you can learn to use Pixiv I guess.
It'd be one thing if DA didn't have rules dictating no under 18 characters for suggestive or fetish art (which is what I think should be the case for most websites since it's just art at the end of the day but that's besides the point) but the fact they do and are so fucking inconsistent with enforcing it genuinely drives me up a wall. I've seen so many cases of characters being depicted as adults for WG art or it's just anime school girl shit that gets taken down and yet loli WG gets "manually reviewed" and given the okay genuinely makes me question what the fuck is going on over at the DA mod team.
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There is no consistency. People want to watch anime porn. The problem is that nobody wants to watch the 150 year old Inuyasha hook up with the 16 year old Kagome, or Kazuma choose between three clearly middle school aged girls. People want Tsunade's because she's an adult who can make decisions, or Rangiku because she lighten up after work. The problem with anime is not fan service, but rather somehow or somewhere, some producer thinks the high school aged girl, or elementary school girl should be a sex symbol. It never occur to these producers that an adult woman would be better suited since porn is a $10 Billion a year industry.
Yeah it looks like his.
Or, y'know, Japan and anime culture has different beauty standards and preferences? Not to mention that East Asians literally have biology that make them seem younger for longer when compared to other races, such as smoother skin, less body and facial hair, shorter heights as well as how the country is basically designed to keep it's citizens thin. Combine that with the toxic work culture that makes many people nostalgic for their younger years when they were in High-school/Middle-school as well as the overwhelming phenomenon of kawaii culture and you start to understand why School girls and Lolis can stand toe to toe with Milfs and older women in R-18 Japanese content.
Projecting real hard there.
>America is the entire world
Every time with you moralist retards. Just go back already.
Not only that but a lot of anime and manga (especially the ones that tend to be popular around the world) are Shonen and Shojo titles. As in stuff aimed at teen boys and teen girls so... yeah that's kind of the other reason why so many anime characters are high school aged.
No one give a fuck about fictional age of the fictional characters outside of the US.
From my expirience they are mostly hire a fags who are gonna protect everything cooksucking and will dont care about deleting/banning a girl related art.
Sounds like you’re one of those fags who cries about a fictional character’s age
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>but the fact they do and are so fucking inconsistent with enforcing it genuinely drives me up a wall.
That's simply the end result of trying to enforce that garbage. In order for a rule like that to be consistent, you have to define what is "fetishy or suggestive" to begin with, which in itself is a nebulous, abstract concept that revolves entirely how you personally feel about artwork.

A fat person isn't inherently fetishy. A person showing their feet isn't inherently fetishy. Hell, a woman with her tits out or even entirely naked isn't even inherently suggestive, there are tons of sensible contexts where it can be argued it isn't.

Anything past a hard NSFW "no genitals or sex" rule is never going to work. Art is too subjective and it leads to way too much bias and projection.
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Looks like Furio got offended by my comment, yet she never responded to what I said here and instead whines about it on Twitter. Lady, if you're reading this, how about you say what's on your mind and explain how this "ain't it".
Don't bother. They're punks. And the off chance that they DO show their faces, they just do it to gain clout for standing up to the Big Bad BBWChan. Its tiring.
Wonder if she even knows about how there's artists that post art of fat men or femboys and then use the "BBW" and "SSBBW" tags to try and pass them off as women even though they're not, or if she's pretending to be ignorant.
This site legit lives rent free in these fags' heads.
This community fucking sucks actually
Even as an actual faggot I will never understand this mentality.
Mistystuffer, Codemaster9999, Virus20 and Robot001 are the WG artist community.
I remember that Mistystuffer had his proto-bbw chan Animeexpansion thing.
The niche micro celebrity artist lives rent free in their heads
So I wasn't terribly far off in my assumption that one bad artist made that "police" account because of this person following it. Makes sense that despite their sheer distaste for the site, they still keep coming back. Wonder why that is?
>W-we're here to own you!!!!!!
Waiting for this to actually happen. Still hasn't. More than likely won't at this rate.
Yeah, I'm Furio, just calling out you transphobic fucks. Y'all probably even jacked it to dicks without even knowing
cope troon
the only possible dicks anyone here's jacked it to is from retarded faggot artists that draw a girl and call it a man
wow, you sound like you're in the closet and you hate yourself
If y'all wanna actually accompolish anything in the community, get out of this circlejerk of a chan
Oh no, we're getting called out! It's over bros!!!
Mods, another one needs sending.
And you're sitting in your chair being anonymous instead of being a part of the community, fuck off
Looks like I struck a nerve. People weren't kidding when they were talking about how shitty the trannies and their supporters can be, but here you are proving them right.
>straight-up says "I don't really know what Rouge's personality is like" in the second one
I think the art itself is pretty nice, but the only thing worse than a secondary is one who doesn't even try hiding it.
FA artists would draw Kishirika from Mushoku tensei if they are had any taste. Kishirika good.
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It was literally ONE off-color post in a thread talking about everything else under the sun. It was such low quality bait everyone else that doesn't have glass bones and paper skin ignored/reported it and just moved on. And yet you STILL bit it and it pissed you off so much you're having an entire breakdown over it.

Seriously, get over yourself. How do you even live like this, this is just sad.
I mean, I get more bitches, hell I guest starred in a porno, what have you achieved?

No you don't virgin.

Could you repeat that? I don't speak pedophile. Why don't you check your privilege, cisgender?
>only achievement he can think of is having sex for money
I believe "yikes" is the thing you trogs say?
Bitch yeah I do, take one look at my profile
And wtf, kids are disgusting, I try to call out anyone in the community who interacts with them
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Zoomers like Furio are school shooters in the making. The correct way to handle a sociopathic troon is to accuse them of white supremacy
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Your bullying and casual misogyny is problematic and reeks of toxic masculinity. You are clearly a white supremacist undermining Mr. Biden's agenda with your harassment of chan sites. Why aren't you checking your privilege?
I can't wait for this site to shut down, like Kiwifarms, this is next
Why do you feel the need to make shit up about trans people? Like, you can dislike them without saying wrong things
(92 KB, 1024x935, new_guy_by_princerose_ddno1sm-fullview.jpg)
Actually, we will be giving your information to the Anti-Defemation League and Southern Poverty Law Center since you a clearly a bigot and transphobe. Check your privilege cisgender!
Why would anyone want to accomplish anything in this community though? Look around here or Twitter or DeviantArt and tell me you'd actually be proud of anything you could do around these places.
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>he really thinks kiwifarms is going to stay gone
Oh no no no. They really do brainwash you kids over there, huh?
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Still waiting for one of these weird terminally online detractors to actually "own" the site's userbase like they say they're gonna do. Every last one of them has just been a clown, it's like when fps clans back in the early 2000s used to raid each others 50webs "free websites" by spamming their guestbook page.
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A good majority of gay, lesbian and transgender people are decent folk who want to live decent lives. Furio is the lone pedophile who sets gay rights back with it's problematic and toxic trains by acting like a stereotype instead of a person. It is best to ignore Furio and not listening to it's infantile behavior
Rent. Free.
And tbf, y'all are the stereotype bigot
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See, empty and hollow rhetoric coming from a Nazi. I feel bad for the parents that birthed this parasite and plague upon humanity.
Holy shit you're dense and can't fucking read even a pinned tweet XD
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Motherfucker you came HERE just to seethe. You are the last fucking person to claim "rent free".

>came into a thread specifically because you were triggered by a random comment
>shocked that anons are doubling, tripling, quadrupling down after you specifially made it a big deal
>I guest starred in a porno
is this supposed to be something to be proud of?
I guess with a deranged coomer brain like yours and every other tranny's it is
Sorry, I'm not much in the mood for playing pretend today.
If y'all hate porn so much why are y'all here?
>ya'll ya'll ya'll ya'll
Another twittard enters the fray. Do you have a penis too?
the world if everyone would stay in their lane
Gonna answer the question or dodge it?
Braindead take. You're on /draw/ - look around and see if you spot any porn here with live models.
my guy, fetish art is still considered porn
What question? Do I hate porn? No, of course not. Not wanting to see some dude pretending to be a girl on camera doesn't mean you don't like porn, you fucking idiot, it means you don't want to jerk off to trannies. You know, like most normal people.
being transphobic won't bring your parents back
The funny thing is that my post that she got angry about wasn't even posted as bait.

Think she's just wanting to post about us because she was wanting attention from her Twitter fags after other users on there bitched about us.
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I don't consider myself a porn artist despite my past as Kisame, the guy who commission pregnancy and breast expansion pics. I find my style to be too comic like to be considered porno
(56 KB, 412x244, Heh.png)
Yes, I jacked to dicks earlier today as a matter of fact.
You say that as if there's an actual """Community""". Even so, why would we want to be a part of it?
That's not an achievement. That's called losing your dignity if that's the only thing notable you've done with your life.
Trust me, just stick to being cis. Trying to transition just makes it worse, I know from experience. I shudder to think how many young people are being groomed into a world of gender dysphoria and body self esteem issues.
Betcha she's gonna try to convince her twitter followers that she just "owned" BBWchan
Alright I'm done talking to you lost cause bigots, have fun thinking about me when y'all jerk it to my friends' bodies and art
You don't need to make posts like this, it's a bad look and you gain nothing from it. Just hang out with your friends or do something else, anything other than come to this site for a pissing contest with people you know you hate.
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I'll give it a day and everyone will forget
Even Twitter doesn't know these low follower count nobodies. Consider yourselfs both irrelevant and forgotten.
this is just a porn site that sometimes complains about retards like you. why would we get shut down like kf?
Except we don't drive people to suicide. Try harder
The Farms didn't drive anyone to suicide either.
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Why do people think bullshit like "you're actually gay lolol" is such an own? You sound more homophobic than the people you condemn.It's literally "I'm losing this argument but you are gay gay homosexual gay FAGGOT!!!" It makes you sound fucking paranoid too...
Okay, all else aside how did you even find this post from this 300-follower nobody? I hope you weren't just searching for the term "bbwchan" on twatter
Transing is no good. You should never slice up working body parts for any reason.Least of all mental stress,which might alternatively be managed by therapy and medication
Insane Ranting is probably the funniest.
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The best model for enjoying this fetish is one of the least engagement possible. I personally don't put very much effort at all in following artists. i don't have accounts on most social media, so I don't follow them,I don't save their work, no matter how good it looks, I don't even bother bookmarking their pages. The truth is, all of these artists are totally interchangeable and totally replaceable.This isn't 1992 where you have to save every scrap of art and follow artists even if you hate them,as if 9 million other people don't cater to your fetish. Even if a piece you really liked is lost forever, I can bet that another one will be made that is just as good or even better. I literally just google 'bbw sexy' or 'fat girl art' or some other illiterate search term and I get good fucking porn every single time.I roll the dice every time I fap and it's always a six.There is no need to obsessively follow artists who are retarded and hate your guts anyway.
Really, 90% of all internet rage comes from people treating things as more precious than they are.I'm not saying I never rage over internet shit,but a lot of anger can be avoided if you just accept that the internet is best used as a giant repository of information,instead of trying to make "connections" or a "community"--you can only do that productively in real life, and the grand experiment to replicate it online has been a total failure so far.
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Additionally, does anyone know where I can get PDFs of old TIME magazines and such? I know you can get a lot of LIFE magazines on Google books, but the same is not true for copies of TIME...
What the fuck was this rant just now...?
Nigga, I'm just telling you to stop being so obsessive about this shit.You don't HAVE to follow artists so desperately. You don't HAVE to sperg out every time you think something will be deleted. You don't HAVE to keep tolerating shitty political opinions just because the person espousing them makes good art. you could literally just use Google Images and still have a great time fapping to fatties. Hell, you'd even have a better time, to be honest.
Or simply support the ones who you actually want to support rather than sperging out over it.

An artist does something, or changes their content? Just support someone else. Plenty of non-shitty artists out there, and you know them by how little they engage in arguments on twitter or spout political stuff.

People just need to learn that stuff "it is what it is", and rather focus on the stuff that brings happiness.
Shut up you anti-hobbyist faggot, you can't tell me what I should and shouldn't get invested in. Cancerous attitudes like yours in communities are how standards stop being upheld and creators start milking fans for as much as they can get away with. This is actively harmful advice in any context, not even merely that of fattywank art
Jesus man, we're just talking about masturbating...
He even looks like a pedophile. I feel bad for his parents.
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The image below made Great Thunberg upset.

Let's spread it online.

How can you even tell it's her in the drawing?
The worst kind of morons are the ones that act like they're enlightened for their godawful takes.
Why am I not surprised he lied on his profile about his gender? Here I was calling him a "she" only to see this later. This is why the trannies should never be trusted.
Nigga, we don't give a shit. Get out of here before you become a clown- Oh wait, you already are
I'm not trying to act enlightened. I'm just giving you advise in an exhortative tone.Actually, I'm trying really hard to convince you, because I think this sort of thing I'm explaining is good for you. It's worked great for me...
Convincing people is near impossible, so it's best you just give up. If something "worked great" for you it doesn't mean it'll work on us too, otherwise we'd be a goddamn hivemind.

Fucking clown...
If something "worked great" for me, it might "work great" for others, only they hadn't considered it yet
This is the lamest thread Ive ever come across on this chan. The name is apt. The reason you bitches are trapped in this thread are because you’re too broke to commission artists and too talentless to draw your own shit. Too sweaty to make any real friends and too right wing for any real woman to love you so you’re forced to jerk off to anime kids and cry when no one wants to post it anymore. I genuinely hope all of you choke to death on your spit next time someone is just a little nicer to people on the internet than you wanted them to be. You’re all mentally trapped in 2012 and you’ll die there too
You just gave me the strangest boner
I actually commissioned artists, and multiple times at that. Watch your fucking tone, Trump bootlicker, or you'll die a terrible death soon enough. Don't say I didn't warn you
Even the broader argument against this mindset I previously mentioned aside, I'd comfortably bet that in exchange for me being upset with various things I see on occasion, I enjoy myself more than you *ever* have when they're going well. This "good for us" advice is essentially just a localized version of edgy preteen nihilism
>all this seriousposting
cry about it some more, queers
go back to your twitter circlejerk and let us have our own
Yeah, imagine acting "holier-than-thou" when it comes to fapping to art. He's such a loser and sometimes I pity him slightly, but then I remember he's just an autistic nigger and laugh my ass off
Every night I get my wife to shove her fist up my ass and it's been excellent for my mental health, why don't you try doing that?
Nihilism? Try disinterest.
How can I be a nihilist when the only thing that I say doesn't matter is crap on the Internet?Nihilism is an outlook on life.I can't be nihilistic about just one thing.
What about crushing his dick? I bet it's so small, it would be difficult anyway
>Every person who gives me advise is trying to force me into doing what they say
Because you're basically forcing your "advices" (Heh, you wish) onto other people without even knowing them. It's really that simple
Hey man, I'm not trying to act enlightened. I'm just giving you advise in an exhortative tone. Actually, I'm trying really hard to convince you, because I think just having a nice fat fist up your ass is good for you. It's worked great for me...
I'm not trying to act enlightened. I'm just giving you advise in an exhortative tone. Actually, I'm trying really hard to convince you, because I think cutting your wrist is good for you. It's worked great for me...
>Because you're basically forcing your "advices" (Heh, you wish)

>Hey man, I'm not trying to act enlightened. I'm just giving you advise in an exhortative tone. Actually, I'm trying really hard to convince you, because I think just having a nice fat fist up your ass is good for you. It's worked great for me...

Yeah. Trying really hard to convince you is not the same as trying forcing you.

Let me put it this way.Trying really hard to convince you to stop using drugs is when I go on forever and ever about the benefits of quitting drug use

Trying to force you to quit using drugs is when i sign you up for rehab without telling you.

You're trying to make me look more forceful than I really am by bringing up a load of absurd situtations, when my real suggestion was pretty mild.You're trying to make it look like my advise is coming from some idiot or lunatic or something.
Holy fucking shit, this is...I don't even know how to describe it. A kid with a broken arm would do a better job
The actual advice you're giving is totally irrelevant- even if you gave the polar opposite take with the same delivery it would rub people the wrong way. it's just really silly to come in swinging with language like "this is the best way to enjoy X" and "you should do X and Y to achieve happiness" and then act all surprised when, shock horror, people don't agree with you
it's extremely funny how pissed off and petty a bunch of nerds get when someone goes "hey, you shouldn't take this shit so seriously, it's bad for you" in the same exact tone everybody else posts in this thread. I mean it's also really sad, but it's funny, too. Sorry dudes here would rather die than self-reflect for even a split-second
He'll never understand because he's so goddamn stubborn, so I think we should give up on him
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>opposite take with the same delivery
So you're reprimanding me for my 'tone'? Over the Internet? Mom, is that you?
>frogspammer loses his shitty argument so resorts to calling everyone nerds instead
like clockwork
83 messages left before we make the next Insane Ranting Thread. Do your worst, guys
But it's foolish nitpicking to take issue with someone's "tone".He hasn't really refuted anything I'm saying.

He even says >The actual advice you're giving is totally irrelevant-

He just doesn't like my "delivery".Wouldn't that sort of thing amuse you too?
No, it wouldn't. You gotta do a better job at convincing people (By using a less aggressive tone for one thing)
>You gotta do a better job at convincing people


I ""gotta""?? Why are you trying to force me? I thought you hated that shit!
Double standards, amirite!?
God these are getting fast
>>111601 The last two didn't even last two weeks each and this one is now 6 days old and almost dead
I've gotta admit, I followed all the other ones post by post but I have not been able to keep up with this one. partially because it's so much faster, but also because the ranting is so much shitter and uninteresting. so much name calling and reeing
They would probably last a bit longer without the schizos and/or weird Twitter people who think this website is the devil and instead of avoiding it they try (and fail) to troll and it comes off as just as if not more embarrassing than the old Jeetdoh and Kip threads that derailed so badly they led to the ranting threads to be a thing here in the first place.
It's the Clash of the Egos: Beater Edition, and it's wonderful.
Those autistic mods keep deleting messages in the Kip thread, they really are cowards lmao
So bitch here, you dumb nigger. That's what the thread was made for.
Oh noes, how dare people like trans characters!?!? (She was revealed to be a girl all along, but okay)
Bad at video games. Bridget deciding to accept the life forced upon him is the non-canon bad ending. If you get the good ending he reaffirms that he is ready to follow his own path. Bridget has always been a man and you will never be a woman. Stay mad, loony troon.
>has a penis
you people are so retarded
To help end this, the Bridget ending is not a trans thing the original text is him calling himself an otokonoko (boy that looks like girl). That ending is more about him accepting that he can’t look manly, Which for some reason the English translators decided to make it a trans statement. Hope this helps

To clarify otokonoko can still be used as calling yourself as girl but it’s of the same vain as gay men calling themselves sister over in the west but there’s so many cultural hurdles that trying to get it all in one sentence to translate gets lost
Imagine trying to convince people your female when all you do with your life is retweet that one time you had an awkward AF mukbang with a BBW except you had a full on moustache and weren't even trying to change your voice.
I used to have tons of respect for trans people, but the amount of people who actually think that we should respect and include those wannabe internet trannies who literally don't even try and yet get upset all the same when they're misgendered has altered my perception over time.
I won't take my definition of girl from a channer LMFAO
You guys haven't seen one in so long you couldn't recognize one if you she passed right in front of you.
We agree on something, anon. These basement dwellers haven't seen a girl in years lol
This is flat out wrong. They put an entire interactive "wiki" in the form of an interactive map in the game and tertiaries are still forcing their fetish headcanon as the lore because there are high level tranny players for Strive. Bridget has always been a dude and his entire story is that he was genuinely groomed to the point where he knows he's a man but has lived his life with more feminine habits because of his childhood, he becomes a bounty hunter to strengthen his masculine identity. His return in Strive is about recognizing that his actions and beliefs define who he is, not the image his upbringing has given him to those around him. If anything, Bridget in Strive most closely resembles this whole "non binary" thing the Twitter/Tumblr kids have made up where he more willingly accepts his feminine qualities while realizing he established his own self image as a man a long time ago.
>I won't take my definition of girl from a channer LMFAO
Well, you haven't taken the definition of a girl from school either, so something's not adding up for you intellectually.
It's pretty easy to recognize a woman. It's pretty easy to recognize a man in a dress too, unfortunately for you.
Feminine men wearing a dress still have the "surprise factor", also unfortunately for you
Hi, just have one question for you. Shouldn't be anything too difficult to answer, I feel.

What is a woman?
Have you ever seen a man in a dress?
The real world isn’t fiction where you can style men to look identical to women, but have a penis because you’re too closeted about your homosexuality to get off to real men
>I won't take my definition of girl from a channer LMFAO
You guys haven't seen one in so long you couldn't recognize one if you she passed right in front of you

Neither would you, if you think they can have a penis.
Anyway, i'm glad trannies have fought for visibility in society. I used to think my fetish for fat girls was the most degenerate one you could have,and felt guilty. But trooning fetishists have easily outdone me many millions of times.It's reassuring.
Can I be honest about something. Absolon anonymous never deserved any reverence at all for his work as all his faces looked like complete ass and looked manish more than anything.

What is worse, Cloudboyo is taking after him with how absolon does faces and it looks fucking awful.
Alright I'm gonna ask, what's the deal with the Lucy guy who commissions BWS? I don't have anything against BWS, or even really the Lucy guy honestly but why does he commission mostly if not just nothing but Lucy stuff, especially since from what little I do know of Fairy Tail the writing Lucy guy does for his commissions and fan fics aren't even character accurate.
There's nothing really else to say other than Lucy guy is just another one of those commissioners who's entire personality revolves around him liking Lucy and self inserting him as her boyfriend or whatever. It's the same thing as that one Tomoko commissioner and that Miraculous Ladybug guy from a couple years ago that just commisions literally everyone to draw their favourite character because they have too much money on their hands. I don't mind the art that BWS does for him, but I don't blame the people here who are absolutely sick of him by now. Though I will say, I really don't like how he slithered his way to completely non fetish artists like Rtil to force him to draw obese Lucies.
so basically just someone who's a little too obsessed with their waifu and has enough disposable income to get fuck tons of commissions? also I'm curious about convincing non fetish artists to draw obese Lucy.

Just saw some pieces from Cloudboyo and he honestly is making women look fucking horrible and the fat distribution is very much like how absolon used to do. It doesn't look good at all
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I'd say it's a step beyond obsession, it's basically genuine mental damage: htps://www.deviantart.com/just-somedude
BWS actually posted a share he did with Rtil. I'd keep it on the down-low because Rtil is a good artist, but I think Rtil's on board with the whole BBW thing but not in public. Surprised Rtil drew something publicly for that nutter, though.
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>follow artist on Twitter
>first tweet I see on my timeline after following them is complaining about people doing loli wg in secret despite the fact I muted the word loli
I hate to admit that I kind of used to side with these people but I've been sick of the bitching for like at least two or three years now.
Well yeah, I'd say Rtil is definitely into BBW considering that he has draw numerous chubby characters over the years. I want to say the connection between him and Lucy-Guy was made though that Undertaker guy and his obsession of Lilly Satou from Katawa Shoujo, which in turn became a connection with BWS and then eventually the collab the two of them did made Lucy-Guy get his grubby hands on a perfectly fine artist. It's just a bit of speculation though so I could be wrong.
Could be worse honestly, I've seen people (and by "people" I mostly mean Redditors) who genuinely think their waifus are real and get worried about fights and divorces happening I shit you not. But still weird to make your entire online identity based around really liking one anime girl.
(1.0 MB, 4096x3065, FZlPJ5uVQAAnAn9.jpeg)

Okay, that is honestly one of his better pieces. Honestly when he does something smaller or around this size it looks fine. when it gets bigger like the example pic below it goes into a lot of what absolon did in the past and they don't look appealing at all compared to how cloud did immobiles in the past.
>someone is using my dumb edit in bbwchan out of all places
>the circlejerk has progressed toward bitching about art you don't even see
This will go over well. What artist was it?
Wait, what? Convincing artists to draw fetishes in exchange for money? I need to look into that
Wasn't really planning on going more into this since it was just something I wanted to get off of my chest out of mild annoyance but since you asked the artist in question is SirYeetusTheThird
>check profile
>following fucking eishiban
>and a handful of other questionable/obvious loli artists
It's always the same thing. The bitching wouldn't even happen if these people would just clean up their lists for once.
(58 KB, 1202x244, Hm.png) (82 KB, 1180x298, Hmm.png)
Can't wait til he learns that half the community drew Lolis at some point.
Also the gal he has to say this after he leaves likes on Pics from know Lolicons like Eishiban and Pivk is actually incredible.
Pivk is a lolicon? Don't remember seeing any loli stuff on his profile unless you count Megumin.
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He literally posted a Kanna sketch a while ago. I assume he did it to test the waters on whether or not people would flame him for it. He eventually made a full on Loli account, but it's unavailable at the moment. It appears he is still making Loli content though, cos we still get the occasional new pic show up in the Loli thread on /alt.
Considering that it seems more and more pissy twitter users are viewing this thread, I hope people don't go out and rant to him about being betrayed or whatever.
Wait I vaguely remember that Kanna image but I didn't realize that was Piv when I saw it at the time.
Oh god, these are some of the worst sketches I've ever seen...I think I need to puke lol
>character is curvy, likes to eat, or mentions weight issues at some point
>artists or watchers will gush over a character for that reason alone
It’s a minor pet peeve, but one that I’ve rolled my eyes countless times over when it happens. Like, I’m not expecting the coen brothers in my fatty wank, but sometimes I wish people would be a bit more inspired with the fat fantasies.
The character is either curvy or people call her a loli, pick your poison I guess
It's good ammunition even if it's uninspired. Foodie women are easier and more fun to come up with scenarios for since it's in line with their character, plus commissioning great art of them would make up for the source material failing to deliver with good weight gain content themselves.
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Both accounts had over 1K followers, and I definitely remember a few big name artists following them and liking their stuff.

I don't want to hear a DAMN THING about loli art from these clowns. This community JUST went through two popular catfishing accounts potentially using ACTUAL minors with only two people saying a word about it.

These fucking assholes never cared about actual children, it's all about clout and virtue signaling for them. It's nothing more than an excuse to bully people over drawings and it sickens me.
I seriously wonder why twitter users come to this thread and... yell and cause a fuss. (Other than being dumb). Yeah this websites full of assholes but its a fucking 4chan board, you're never gonna change the opinion here.

If you have a different opinion just be silent, coom and leave in peace. It's honestly that simple
Twitter users are used to steamrolling others with lame argumentative tactics like 'ratioing' and siccing their followers on their enemies.Eventually people fall in line and they no longer have to deal with the tyranny of differing opinions.Knowing that bbwchan is around--a place where people disagree with them about a certain topic--it's like a hornets nest they can't resist kicking.

Of course there's also the thrill of taking out of context screenshots so you can post them to your friends and gloat about "owning the channerz!!11!!"
I don't mind them having different opinions, this place isn't a hivemind after all. Just don't have an autistic tantrum and shit up the board because of it, it's just cringeworthy to read.
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I can tell as an artist about one thing. If you want to comment under the bbw art about "how I`d touch this belly" or "I fap hard to this" etc, dont. Im not a fag. I dont care about other man masturbating well or about other dudes sexual thoughts. Im not attracted to guys and dont care about how well they cum and what made them horny. Imagine to tell this to other man irl and wait to his reaction.

What a pussy.
Cultural colonialism is practically their playbook. They barge into communities and demand people do things their way without even trying to fit in with site culture. And should you tell them to fuck off, they'll try to brute-force change until they get their way.
I still remember when he said he was taking suggestions for a WG drive, and when it came time to vote he threw in Midna (who nobody had suggested) and she steamrolled everyone. Thanks a lot.
Agree. It's so annoying to see over and over again, especially from some literally who artist or orbiter who's just looking for clout. Especially after this whole catfishing incident where the participants in the big bad/shitty ranting thread that they love to call out-of-touch were the ones who actually who got to the bottom of the issue, I wouldn't be surprised if the ones making a fuss about loli were the ones actually engaged in suspicious activity with real-world minors.
There aren't nearly as many people left from the truly old days of imageboard culture, talking about when people on 4chan were posting "so i herd u liek mudkipz" and duckroll because it was funny. Lurking is genuinely a lost skill because on the communities that have exploded never supported it as an ideal, and the effects have compounded over years. I rarely hear arguments against lurking anymore but it's too late, the damage has been done.
i suggested minda in dms to them fucking idiot lmao

WG drives aren't made just for the audience, they're a quick way for the artist to make money if needed and Midna just so happens to be a favorite of a LOT of people.

I forget that some of you have issues with people making money off their work.
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What do you expect? that crowd of idiots cant draw for shit. He, Absolon and Kreet all think theyre "good" artists and trying to do what every stupid nigger thinks they can do and start a webcomic when none of them are even good in the first place

Cloud at least has the balls to continue doing fetish work and not do it in secret like those other idiots.

Can't and not speaking for him, but If you think his art is actually that bad I think some actual criticism would be very much appreciated.

So go on, what could be "improved"?
The suggestion of "Less mannish faces" can't be used because that's a stupid claim to make.
This thread is so fucking embarrassing. If i was one of those “BBW model friends” of that person I think I would kill myself to avoid association.
Yeah, it's about time you kill yourself. You won't be missed
Artists come here because Discord and Twitter are full of chat bots.
On Twatter they're also a quick way to get followers. I gained about 1000 followers over the course of a drive when I did one.
This is the first time I've ever seen anyone dislike the fact I used to commission a lot of Tomoko back in the day. The reason why I commissioned a lot of artists was because i didn't have a lot of finical responsibility at the time and I just got my first ever job. Most people seemed to like her but no one wanted to pay for her to get drawn so I took advantage of that. In a way, I get to help an artist and they get to be paid and draw a character they've always wanted to work on. As for my alias. Honestly, I've thought about changing it or just shortening it time from time but since it's been with me for so long I just got used to it. I even talked about that on /d/ about it and most of them said to keep it.
Listen, I like Tomoko. The problem is that is was WAY too much. And plus, when it's all just from commissions and singlehandedly makes her one of the most common characters in WG simply just from your comissions it seems a little bit tasteless.
Commissioning lots of art of your fave character is fine.

It's just that Lucy Guy is also a nutjob who writes cringe ass stories about Lucy and her clones being his wives.

Every picture associated with his name is a 100% boner killer because you know his cringe ass self insert is there, just off screen.
Heck, even his shitty self insert is in the drawing at times (I still remember seeing a doll version of the dude in between Lucy's tits)
Oh yeah? Well, you're bound to find people like this sooner or later. Not everybody likes Tomoko lmao
Who cares? It's your money and you can spend it on getting whoever you want. If they don't like it, then too bad.
I don't think that's a very fair comparison to make when I'd imagine the main issue people have with Lucyguy is that his commissions make up a good chunk of BetterWithSalt's output, made all the worse when it includes self-insert aspects that can alienate even more people who would've otherwise liked the content.

I see spam of characters I don't like all the time, and sometimes it's attributed to one person, but that doesn't bother me as much as seeing an artist I like draw something I don't over and over and over. BWS is allowed to do what he wants, Lucyguy is allowed to spend his money how he pleases, and people are allowed to bitch about it (in an easily ignorable corner of the internet, mind you).

>>111907 I don't care for Tomoko, but I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you're willing to pay and people are willing to draw, go for it.
I'm surprised artists still put up with this shit nowadays, to be honest
Also two messages left until the 400 limit
Lol wasting one of those posts
Doesn't matter, its still money
Jojo Tomoko or Watamote Tomoko? Assuming the former aren't you Reiinapop's boyfriend?
You think they have boyfriends?
C'mon guys, make the new thread already. I'll even give you an idea for the name: "Insane ranting/Manbaby thread#12"
Beater baby "community" drama. The bird bites back.

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