
This isn't the first time he's had this temper tantrum.
(859 KB, 930x1490, dctoh7g-25596422-d01c-4127-9764-488eff707024.png) (494 KB, 1000x1400, dcv6s9m-7392478a-3eea-40ff-8348-af5625caddd0.png) (1.4 MB, 1681x1495, dcto94a-dcc498ef-0233-4de0-9ede-2ab0a5e3457e.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2704x1604, dd092he-64629017-b609-481b-b91b-0bd46009d1a6.png)
Maybe these are unrelated but the fact that Cozy never had his own Original Characters and only did commissions and wg drives showed that, despite his quality, he never had that much passion in FA. He, like other artists who mostly do comms, present themselves as "I will draw YOUR fat woman". Who knows if he'll break and shut down or keep dismissing to an audience which he built his account on, but I'll keep my favorites before the art change.
True that. A real ol reliable, his art always looked good and had what was advertised.
It's a pretty low bar, but I think his self-awareness places him as one of the few principled FA artists.

On one hand, breakdown on main's bad for PR; but on the other, he really isn't wrong.
(74 KB, 819x1057, 0df3bce1270f2de254df23483053abb3f7805dd61ae09cb185c6214fd44d659c.jpg) (131 KB, 1581x1418, EThlmJXXkAAwqzW.jpg) (77 KB, 1003x783, af43ff8ac55b9c1b887ca33553aeeffdf2fa2c366290252f9022cc29804f7dec.jpg) (121 KB, 1834x1076, fe6dda2566db67f00d9fac3bd8f6d414439417f6c2a03ea78c8b52ff19898d44.jpg) (83 KB, 1506x1108, 0415875fba92e84b5c26cd7d47bf52e7dea8845da45a19c302616f3e0ffa3f8e.jpg) (86 KB, 1175x988, 1835cddc5d8fbad421ba8c31457e259b619728423ae7b0767ea94fef0d35b5c8.jpg)
He's most definitely wrong, he was acting like drawing wg is the same as being into death feedism.
Man, how did you manage to type that all out with Cozy's cock in your mouth?
>He isn't really wrong
>Hey Jamie, pull up that one time he harassed an artist over a weight gain sequence
>Hey Jamie, pull up that first time he alienated his audience by calling them tasteless
>Hey Jamie, pull up those couple times he engaged in the same Holier Than Thou behavior as Bamboo did
>Hey Jamie, pull up that time he said there's no merit in your work if you don't do the types of work he considers valid
>Hey Jamie, pull up that one time he defended the russian invasion of Ukraine
>Hey Jamie, pull up the second time he did that, when he spouted conspiracy-theory level bullshit about how ukranians actually really wanted to be russians all along
>Hey Jamie, pull up those dozen or so times he continued to preach like a deranged Jehova's to his audience about a "greater power"
How's that thing about a mote in your brother's eye? Because you truly, literally must have a whole ass rafter in yours to be so fucking blind, my guy, that you cannot realize Cozy is quite literally mentally ill.
Fuck, how do I run Gallery-DL again?
If he really was as principled as you say, and he really viewed this as bad as he bitches and wines about he'd go make another account and try to make money doing normie art or something. I hate it when they are wishy washy like this, either make fetish art or don't
He has an Instagram account for that; and per recent updates, it looks like he does more serious work as well.
My understanding's that he mainly does fetish art out of financial necessity, seeing how often he tries to quit but ends up returning anyway. He hates the stuff, but he's good at it and people are willing to pay. Really drains the soul, I'd imagine.
I do NOT want to commission someone with material they openly hate, I'll find someone that isn't bothered by it
By all means, honestly
I kinda hope he gets to drop FA art altogether, honestly— seems like it'd be a net good for everyone
He’s lying about this whole “I hate fat” thing. He’s trying to moralfag to convince himself he isn’t a degen. He’s def into it
I know, I reported myself because it wouldn't allow me to delete.

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