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Jesus last one didn't even last for 2 weeks.
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>h-he'll delete it this time...!!!
Chill out, spazmo. Host does dumb shit without any warning and this time Barclay was on vacation. I don't have access to backend stuff so I couldn't fix it myself and it had to wait until Barclay came back.
I think that Katboy don't even want to draw anything but shota and want to create a shota addicted faggy community from her fallowers who had no spine.
damn, 10 threads. That lasted more than the Dark Lum drive
I could only dream of causing the amount of rage that Cozynakovich does.
Sadly he's not even trolling, he's shown warning signs of this stuff since 2017 on Tumblr. Posting how he hates fatties, running away with commission money but coming back a year later to take more commissions, posting russian rants that say very Anti-Twitter Goodthink stuff... but everyone ignored all of it because he draws pretty nice.
Twitter definitely has themselves to blame for not noticing the warning signs on this schizo ruskie.
>I think he's being coy with the hating fatties thing. I can believe not actually being attracted to it and drawing it for money, but his likes and favourites are all filled with them. He's got a sickness for the thickness.
Why did I add a meme arrow to that.
me when I'm joking as long as people don't disagree lmao fuck outta here
His posts in Russian where he can speak and write more fluently and less like a schizo don't really carry that energy though and come across as more honest lamenting about not enjoying the stuff he does. By that note I think the Likes and Favorites could easily be more of a "community obligation" or the fetish has festered over time into an extremely guilty pleasure that he actively hates having.
He's been way too consistent about being anti-fat and anti-kink throughout the years for this to be a cheap one-off gag and let's not forget, he's tried to quit before too.
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huh I was wondering what spurred pic related from earlier today

cozy's really susceptible to going on these schizo runs, he's gotta understand that this shit ain't that deep
but I guess we're not all depressed Russians
He's a dumb schizo who is letting an imaginary cult of American fat supremacists in his head determine whether what he yoinks himself off to is Good or Evil. He has to epically own them by not drawing what he clearly likes and being all weepy about at the same time.
I hate BBWChan SO fucking much. They're tend to break their own rules, like adding a goddamn rant thread in BBWDraw!
you the type of nigga that pulls up to a McDonald's drive thru just to say you hate Mcdonald's aren't you
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On one hand, Cozy's a known assholes and deserves WAY more shit than he gets. If anything people pushing back against his nonsense has been a long time coming.

On the other, the absolute gall of the fat community of all things say "it's not immoral because it's fictional", when they would scream bloody murder in the same breath if an artist dares draw lewds of a character that isn't canonically over 18.

Yeah, they're right in this case, but that doesn't mean they aren't massive fucking hypocrites.

The fact they took the bait not once but twice makes Cozy the winner. Not necessarily right but showed how stupid/sensitive everyone in this community are, especially on Twitter.
explain how this is bait. he literally lost 500 followers
Of course, only BBWchan would say a guy in a fat fetish fandom who has repeatedly claimed he hate fatties and only draws them for money is "right" and "the winner"
No way he can't be a hypocrite at all! That's what Twitter does, that big mean ol' Twitter!
He's been spouting this exact garbage for years now, he can't pretend to be retarded here. Cozy's the "winner" of a stupid game, and this backlash is his stupid prize.

I didn't say he was right at all you moron. I only said the people shitting on him are overall hypocritical, but that doesn't imply Cozy had any ground to stand on either. He still deserved every bit of this.
>he literally lost 500 followers

>has repeatedly claimed he hate fatties and only draws them for money
>Doesn't have to suffer too much of the fats community
>Can bleed them dry at the same time
Sounds like a winner to me.

>No way he can't be a hypocrite at all!
He's well within the realm of acceptable every day hypocrisy that is no worse than the people who complain about their jobs but don't quit to find work elsewhere because they need the money. The moment he starts proactively trying to destroy anything fat he sees while producing fat art, is when he becomes no better than Twatter posters.
Honestly i think cozy’s getting annoying regardless if he’s es trolling or not. Almost like fapin but worse lol.

You simply don't respond when he goes on stupid moral questioning. With people trying to justify why drawing this shit is okay, you feed his ego. Just leave him to the void.


Go back to Twitter, retard.


And the fact you idiots keep responding to his shit takes as if the 'backlash' will suddenly make him finally see the light. :V
Im an artist from Russia too, now I moved to live in another country and I can tell that Cozy is a TIPICAL part of the russian infantile generation. 1. He will never grow up, acting emotional all his life (because mah russian soul (literally spurdo sparde meme irl). 2. He will do anything to antoganise people for attention, like, absolutly anything, because "Im famous I need whatever attention even a bad one". 3. He will insult clients or act like a retard just because this "me me me" mentality of the generation which was never get harmed back for this. Just ignore, he is not a person but a part of the bigger problem. The only reason that he even get popular is becaue he can write in Englich well which is not common (most of the russkies just sitting in the russian version of the facebook like in the swamp with a zero understanding about the bigger internet) so he can draw for a huge money and STILL cry like a bitch. For example idk what is his commission prices, but probably without them he would be able to gain around maybe $400 per month (while for example I spent like $5000 oh medical treatment when I was in Russia). If I was his dad or whatever creature spawn him I`d fucking made him shut up and just work with a commissions by the russian standarts he would gain more money then literally all of his siblings combined if he can shut up and act like an adult. But before I live the country economics already crumbled and everything fall to the shit so whatever money he can gain will not change very much. Sorry for my crappy English, Im just sick of this kind of infantile people which was the major part of population.
>The moment he starts proactively trying to destroy anything fat he sees while producing fat art
He's literally done that already, he's a notoriously pretentious twat that actively complained that people weren't making fetish art to his exact specifications.

Literally nobody gives a damn whether or not he "sees the light", most clearly know he's too far gone. People are shitting on him because they're simply sick to death of his bullshit.
Cozy is based as fuck for raging against the modern world and his retarded coomer audience who sees art as a capitalistic endeavor to provide a transactive service (porn). This vitalistic drive is what's missing from the pussy zoomers of today. Too bad he expresses it through impotent whining on the public forum known as Twitter.
No one cares about 'making him see the light', everyone is laughing at him.

>Literally nobody gives a damn whether or not he "sees the light", most clearly know he's too far gone. People are shitting on him because they're simply sick to death of his bullshit.

Again, then don't fucking respond. What better way to send a message than not indulging in his morality rants? You kids really need to start understanding that 'shitting' on a person really does not do anything and just cements the person in their convictions.
>You kids really need to start understanding that 'shitting' on a person really does not do anything and just cements the person in their convictions.
Then why the fuck are these threads a thing when all we do is shit on people or complain lmao
Why is are fetish artists doing visual novels now? I just finished Digimon Survive and I was underwhelmed by how the story focuses on the humans at the expense of the Digimon. I don't think people have the patience to deal with a limited cast and weight gain being locked behind routes.
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Cozy cemented his convictions years ago, and telling someone to fuck off isn't "indulging him".
Going to 4chan while this place was down to try and find fat-of-she art was horrible. I swear half of the threads in the catalog where all the fat-of-she art was had to do with dicks, whether it was girls with dicks or male fetish art, and they all had the most vile OP images. Nearly puked a few times.
>actively complained that people weren't making fetish art to his exact specifications
Got anything better because that just sounds like criticism, whether it's good or bad. What I meant was more mass reporting pictures and getting groups of people together to run people out of the fat business, who did nothing wrong.

I can't be a boot licker when I'm anonymous.

>I just finished Digimon Survive and I was underwhelmed by how the story focuses on the humans at the expense of the Digimon
Because Digimon was always more about the growth of the humans, you furfag.

>Going to /d/
Dicks are always to be expected, think /trash/ is far better of a place to look. Maybe one of 8chins fractured colonies has an active enough board with a fat thread.
>think /trash/ is far better of a place to look.
/trash/ was just as bad. Only fat threads there were an edit thread, a boobs and tits thread, a Persona thread, and something that involved furries. Lot of OP images in that catalog had dicks too.
When it doubt, call them "Femboys" so you can get away with drawing small boy peepees without looking like a FemPed

I would trash on her more, but someone in the last thread basically described everything wrong with her, so I feel like nothing I say here is anything that hasn't been said before.
These threads are a thing because sensitive artists and snitches can't handle simple criticism. Cozy is an acceptable target.


Barely anyone in the replies are actually saying that. If anything somehow one dumb Russian's opinions is prompting all these 'fat people are valid' posts as if he has some influence they need to counter balance. They are spreading his sperg posts by doing this vague posting virtue signal.
>getting annoying regardless of the trolling
This also describes 90% of every other artist in the """community"""
Especially Bambooale's cult of 'artstyle singularity' losers.
Like, if the joke is only funny to 3 or 4 people under your wing, why tell it to your tens of thousands of followers
No one could pull off making a decent RPG Maker game, there's no way in hell they'll make good VN.

From what I remember the last time I bothered, Trash had a good bit of fat threads but their content was no better than the fat threads on /d/ but no dicks and a fat draw thread with no dicks. I like to think that the reason no one bothers doing any of the requests is because they're all so shit and their absolute refusal to just give up and think up something else is a huge turn off.
wouldn't count on any of them getting finished lol, the fat community is allergic to making games
Complaining about someone is significantly different from complaining AT them
Motherfuckers literally made an insane ranting thread 10 when the website went back up. Incredible
Awckshully it was made right before the outage.
No, they're allergic to making them for free. They absolutely want to make money off those shitty games lmao
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>artists coming out and preaching to their followers about fat acceptance(?????) and how they think all bodies are beautiful because of Cozy's shenanigans
They can't even dismiss a retard's comments without making it about themselves ffs. Also this ridiculous notion that fat art, and liking fat art, needs to be inherently linked to body positivity/fat acceptance can fuck right off. Why is it so foreign to these people that you can jerk off to some pretty wild shit and not find it attractive or want to actually engage with it in real life?
oh and the fact that they think the blatant fetish art they make is somehow helping others "accept themselves" or whatever bullshit they tell themselves to make them feel okay about making fatty wank for the sole purpose of getting off to it.
I just find fat chicks attractive, why do people have to make it a bigger deal than it is out of it.
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>no, you see, the 5000 lb blob I drew isnt fetish art. Its actually art to make 5000 lb blobs feel better about themselves
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Into the trash it goes.
Shut up you nigger.
Idk man, WG seems barren and fruitless nowadays, compared with 2020 or early 2021 or so. Also, the most games I enjoyed there were translated japanese ones. Those people on the forums can finish shit for the fuck's sake, and banning people from asking for updates only makes it all worse.
Degen westernish style
Dios mio...
Cringe stuff you drew as a kid
3d vomit
Those uh... femboys shouldn't have eaten too much goyslop in their childhood, but its all futile now since they are disgusting little faggots.
Oy gevalt, he knows!
because if someone jacks off to loli porn there's no way they wouldn't want to fuck children. The difference is most people with a fat kink are fine with wanting to engage with the kink with no shame and if they are ashamed of it they look like cozy
>because if someone jacks off to loli porn there's no way they wouldn't want to fuck children
This is, what, the third time you've posted this bullshit in these treads? Despite how literally every single time this has been debunked and shot down? Methinks the anon doth protest a bit too much.

>The difference is most people with a fat kink are fine with wanting to engage with the kink with no shame
And this is hilariously untrue. People were insecure about this shit for the longest time, and a good chunk of them still are. DA and Twitter have warped people's perceptions and caused people into thinking otherwise.
I gotta give credit to cozy for gaslighting the entire expansion community and making all of the losers who thrive of unwarranted self importance get on their horses over his schizo comments

and yeah, weight gain in fiction good, IRL bad
if you think otherwise, hey, enjoy your fav dying at 40
Dude, is it gaslighting if that's what he legit thinks and wants everyone else to think too? This isn't the first time he's gone on a self-destructive rant and unless he finally has the courage to quit I doubt it'll be the last.
Even then, he's already "quit" once before because no artist can just stay offline any more.
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Holy shit this seethe is off the charts.
Another one who defends the russian clown, eh?
Nah he's a clown, but you're supposed to laugh and cheer with clowns. Not seethe.
like for real, anyone still seriously indulging in cozy's schizo shit is open for mocking
I don't call that indulging, more like "well-deserved roasting"
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How in the everloving fuck do you write weight gain without either A: rushing it in one story/chapter or B: committing to a multichapter story you're too busy for? t. writefag who's written literally every other belly fetish aside from vanilla weight gain.
I don't care for any of them.

They are all gonna be mid as hell.
Nah, the current Tubmlr meta think that "Dying before 30 is valid AF" and the whole "who cares if your life is shorter if you enjoy it!" without even realising that they're not even enjoying life, just riding a horny high (and/or actual high) 24/7.
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i love fat girls but picrel is some massive cope.
I actually somewhat agree with this, HOWEVER, there is a difference between "You can remain relatively healthy, even if you're overweight" and "i'M mOrBiDlY oBeSe AnD hEaLtHy!!!"

Honestly, I'd only date a fat chick is she were actively trying to lose weight and succeeding. And this is coming from a guy who thinks an anime girl as fat as a house is hot.
Feeling the weight and big royal.
Mure cause I dont like stuffing and when only the belly get bigger.
Feed my affection don't like the style.
And diet in the demo the WG was way to fast for my liking.
The Japanese do decent on RPG maker.
Like long maid vacation or fallboy game's
The Japanese are pretty much the exception, but even they stumble most of the time when making this type of games
I hate literal science deniers like this
can people not just accept that being fat is unhealthy and accept those consequences if the shit turns you on
Oh no, the adult in the room has spoken! Honestly...the fuck does he think he's talking about? Being fat IS unhealthy, even though it changes slightly from person to person. It depends on a multitude of factors, but I ain't gonna waste any more time on this. What's next, he turns out to be a flat earth believer?
I've noticed people in Western parts of the world can't let diatribes slide.

I remember when I was in class and a teacher started on about some crazy conviction they had all of us kids in class would just stare at them until the tirade passed, cause we knew it would be over in a second and soon forgotten.

In Western places it frequently comes to a fight,or argument, shich just drags the whole thing out.
christ I hate people who think this way, just kill yourself already if that's the case and stop being a blister in everyone else's side

>the science is wrong if I disagree with it
these are the people thinking they are both morally and intellectually superior to you

it's furry shit, but I'm convinced the only good WG/expansion game we'll ever get is Tribal Hunter
>it's furry shit, but I'm convinced the only good WG/expansion game we'll ever get is Tribal Hunter

The furries seem to be the only ones to manage shit like that without it fizzling out or looking like shit.I guess they're more dedicated to degeneracy,I mean, they've had public Cons since the '90s
The whole community acted like pot smokers when Cozy pointed the obvious.
they got the willpower to harness and control the horny, molding it into an actual finished game while everyone else has to jack off otherwise they get stuck in a horny lock
now if only so many of them learned to keep their mouths shut on twitter

>known commission scammer
>depressed russian bootlicker
>posts oddball take
>"oh boy time to take this lunatic's words at face value!"
A few users actually saying fuck off isn’t indulging him, but a couple hundred or thousand people fuming and replying and quote-retweeting? Yeah that’s gonna give him the exact attention he was looking for
Now the only thing we need is Tribal Hunter but without the furry shit. I could gladly do without that
This ain't a gripe about an artist or a project but how threads on this board is made. Y'all know you can link old threads that have gone off the catalog. Relatively recently I found the full res of Mabo's Mina drawing he deleted from his Patreon on this older thread: https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwdraw/res/51840.html
might reduce reposts but hey, I'm not in charge of anything
oh yeah that might mean the Yo mama threads might resurface if anyone remembered the url
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What little I've played of Jap games feels better but not good compared to Western WG RPG Maker games. Neither is good at making them challenging but the Japs at least try to make their stories coherent.

>Tribal Hunter
Oh god, that game for a couple years now and when it first hit, there was talk but it never really got anywhere but now it's everywhere I look; even Sseth did a review (first thing I saw for the sudden boom): https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=VqasJcCUAA8

I'd be willing to bet a majority are pot smokers.
Hopefully we can all agree on one thing: Furries have gotten better at making videogames, and that's unacceptable. We need to up our game
Furries are overwhelmingly concentrated in the South and the Midwest where they host their conventions. They also tend to be in the military, doctors, scientist. The catch is that many of them are libertarians who hate Biden because he'll crack down on the conventions, so they shift to the GOP because land is cheap in red states.
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>Trying to fight with big furry
Last webm related, they have all the questionably functional autists, large caches of money that can fund a nation, and are far more united in their cause than us; you'll need more than luck to pull off this win.
I don't even live in america but that sounds like political shit
Thanks I guess, it really motivated me...
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why do people care if liking fat girls is moral or not?
it is not but allow yourself to be the villain for once holy shit
Because people like to make things more complicated than it has to be in their uneventful lives.
Become a rich witch and use Stonehenge to help you produce cursed fursuits that'll kill them when they see Sonic and Pokemon.

>allow yourself to be the villain for once
But they are the villain, they're just trying to rationalize themselves as being good with any little thing.
fat girls are often a sign of nobility and avarice. That's pretty much evil
It literally doesn't matter, unless you are forcing an unwilling participant then it really truly doesn't matter
That's the point, people shouldn't. They lack an open mind and just see anything different than their point of view "evil"
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I'm going to take Cozy's story of being a former fat fuck with a grain of salt, but if I were to humour it it could check out. He was 19 in 2016, he only posted his face around 2021. That's more than enough time to slim down, or rather starve it off because you're poor. Going by this photo he could actually be 6'6" tall assuming he's sitting down for this photo.
Barclay or whoever took the time to re-add that navigation bar at the bottom of threads, thank you immensely
the fuck's that medieval peasant ass haircut
What the hell is that haircut? Worst one I've ever seen
I honestly feel bad for Cozy's dad. The artist has a Kill La Kill poster and some weird girly drawing on his wall. I honestly respect the zoomers in the mall who wears YuYu Hakusho and Supreme Dragonball graphic tees more. I can't tell if Gamestop selling Funko Pops, or the utter decimation of KB Toys, Toys R Us, and EB Games is responsible for this.
>Burger corporations going under is responsible for this Russian liking anime I don't like
Take your meds.
Only girls read shoujo manga or into Kill La Kill. Plus, I am based in the East Coast where Dragonball, YuYu Hakusho, Naruto, or Bleach is popular. Niche anime is more popular in the West Coast
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>Grouping Yu Yu Hakusho and Dragonball in with Naruto and Bleach
I thought Bleach died out years ago.
Only girls are into Kill la Kill? What the fuck are you smoking? The show, as many others made by Studio Trigger, contains many ecchi elements and some sexual innuendos (Like Nudist Beach). How could girls watch such an anime?
Cozy looks exactly like I imagined. Only surprise is he isn't wearing a tracksuit
Guys don't like ecchi or Satsuki. Only Weirdos watch that stuff
>Just assuming their sexual orientation
I imagine they were drawn in for the outfits and latched onto the males.

The bowlcut has been a joke in entertainment for decades. Zoomer haircut is the sides of the head completely cut or shaved down.
Bleach is getting anime because modern anime is too bland and forgettable
My bother in christ you are on a pornography board dedicated to obese women
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Look at that stretchy-ass cactus. Has probably seen as much sun as the average Twitter user
Oh the irony, amirite?
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Jesus Christ Mistko is acting like a huge turbofaggot over Cozy. We get it, dude's a clown, but constantly trying to epicly own him makes you look like a bitch. Just laugh and observe his antics you zoomer mutt.
Incredible how I was able to deduce that you are 12 years old from your sentence.
agreed, routine's getting old
unfollow then. I don't need u. Unlike cozy I don't beg for money and love drawing fat porn. So all u bbwchan dweebs can choke for all I care
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Doesn't realize he can do innie and outtie art without changing his OC to being nonbinary, it's called pregnancy. He's such a Twitter pandering idiot.
It’s honestly amazing how hard he’s making people seethe
Like literally just ignore him if you don’t like what he’s saying
Only problem is a lot of fatfags are genuinely deranged and think that being fat isn’t unhealthy, and are unwilling to just accept those consequences
Inversely, cozy is retarded for being incapable of separating reality from fiction, and also can’t just accept those consequences as something he gets off to
TL;DR, everyone is retarded, but the people seething over cozy are exceptionally retarded
Okay retard, but don't come crying to us when you receive backlash for your shitty art
I highly doubt that'll happen. Your art could be mediocre as fuck but so long as you have Approved Opinions and don't do anything too controversial you won't face any significant backlash.
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>live in the 2020s
>have a fat fetish
>liberal agenda spreads misinformation about how obesity affects health
>more and more normies begin to gain weight thanks to body positivity
>see behind the lies and start working on yourself to overcome the constantly lower standards of society
>the fat girl market is full of supply
>you are the only truly healthy person and you will live to enjoy a world where obesity is the norm

We are the only ones benefiting from this situation, embrace it guys
You realize that this topic is 100% about people not being able ignore people posting their opinions and things they like. We actually are way more sensitive then the woke blue bird.
There is no we. Go back to twitter you faggot tourist.
cry harder plus I know you never felt the touch of a woman and that's so funny to me. Kill yourself
>modern anime is too bland and forgettable
Then why are you bringing up Bleach?
Oh be careful now. You're making light of suicide which is considered wrongthink. Your twitter credit score has been struck with a 5 point penalty. Do better.
Oh no, you kill yourself first. I'll make sure to spit on your grave
Crazy how this site and its users are considered the problem yet the artists and writefags are always the ones instigating the drama and are the ones coming to the sites with the people they hate so much and don't want to interact with to get into fights instead of recognizing their own failings.
jesus is that a real human or another ai drawn monstrosity, I can't fucking tell anymore
Ew no way, then I would have to run into woke fags like you. Stop trying to get people to come back to visit you on twitter just because your lonely with all your tranny feelings.
Nah, I'm more than happy to get into fights with these autistic pieces of shit. I can show how wrong they are anyway
I don't care what u or Twitter thinks kill yourself too
>I can show how wrong they are anyway
Just like every other artist who has come here to piss their diaper in an attempt to "own" the userbase, you will do no such thing. Instead, you will either follow through with more empty antagonistic comments and baseless assumptions or you will close the tab and go back to your circlejerk.
Nah homie, I think I'll stay here
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Everyone here is kinda retarded, but Cozy's got a point for IRL application considering most every other artist after his ass is trying to go HAES or whatever the fuck. Anyone who's pursued it IRL has had to consider the ethical angle; and anyone who hasn't is either in denial or a psycho IMO.
I'd say they're all psychos
>Why would girls watch such a show
I'll tell you who. Closeted Bi pop-punk girls who idolise Avril Lavigne too much and had a Sonic fangirl phase and headcanon Shadow as a Kill la Kill fanboy.
>Why would girls watch such an anime?

He doesn't know what lesbians are.

Or just girls of culture.
>thanks to "size acceptance" the fat girl market is full of obnoxious assholes
>the only body types I'm attracted to are always paired with personality types that turn me off
>the nice fat girls still hate themselves and lose weight
>at least there's porn from before the Tumblr era and fat art

I think Cozy's a hypocrite, but he does have a point. I hate being attracted to fat girls and I hated it long before "size acceptance" got popular. I don't like being into poor health. I want to be attracted to healthy women and I'm not. I'm fine with people drawing whatever huge women they want, but being twice the size of a normal woman in real life is dangerous. If I was married I wouldn't want my wife to die from a heart attack in her 40s because she was fat. When I look at IRL women they're usually just chubby. It's a nice balance between what's healthy and what triggers my fetish, but I still wish I could be attracted to thin/average size girls.

Back to talking about Cozy, if he has such a problem with fat art, he should stop drawing it. Him drawing art he thinks is wrong is like a Muslim or observant Jew selling pork. Most people don't see it as wrong, but they clearly do, and they're doing something they consider unethical. If I could talk to him I would try to convince him to quit fat art completely. You shouldn't make money doing something you think is wrong.
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How about we get back to doing what this thread is meant for and complain about how artists does things with their art instead bitching about social politics?
>About this image
I don't know what the fuck ChunkerChunks was thinking here with Agnes' face and neck. No nose, has weird looking eyes, and has one of the worst necks I've ever seen. Amateur artists far below his skill level could make better necks then this. For how good he is with anatomy and making fat be fat, his faces and necks can be really bad. It's a shame this happened to Agnes specifically, because she along with the other Bravely Default women are very underrated.
I find this whole "situation" lame because both "sides" are just coming across as insane. Cozy because he has just been slowly more and more Schizo over the years, and the "other side" because they get way too focused over fatphobia or whatever when they could just be like "Cozy's being dumb, what a loser" and move on. I hate how a bunch of mostly silent people are coming out of their holes because they "have to make a statement" when all they're doing is spouting the exact same "Let's glorify obesity to troll him!" that everyone else is saying. Honestly it just makes everyone seem like massive coomers or body positive losers than actual adults with functioning opinions of their own. But hey, I'm someone who never even liked the irl side of this stuff to begin with, so I'll just go back to the depths of pixiv for the single pic of good WG art we get on there once a month.
Their replies to pretty much anything have been getting annoying as well honestly
That's the thing, honestly. From how I understand it, he's a hypocrite out of necessity here— going by that encyclopedia gig he mentioned and his Instagram page, he's making an active effort to get out of the fat art scene. Catch being: It's his primary source of income until his more conventional art stream kicks off, and there's no telling how long it'll take.

All sides here are pretty shit, but using his schizo breakdowns as a quick way to discredit him doesn't make him any less right on the IRL aspect IMO. Granted, I don't think it'd be inaccurate to say that those coming out against him are "massive coomers or body positive losers." Pairing HAES with artists socio-emotionally stuck in high school was a disaster.
Personally, I don't see being fat as a death sentence unless you're bed bound or have severe symptoms like skin discoloration. Athletes in certain sports are pretty big and follow a routine.

Point is, yes being fat does reduce your chances of living a LONG life but that's not a guarantee. Specifically, if you are inactive, do drugs and eat copious amounts of unhealthy food, no shit you're going to not live long but let's stop acting like being fat is a death sentence, it's what you do as a fat person determines your longevity.
(4.2 MB, 1280x720, f2a095015ce6e25cb137952f9cdc3ca0e15760dbd916383a319ab4e09cad7f90.webm)
It doesn't become unethical until you manipulate without ever asking if they want to pork up for you. If they're willing, there's nothing unethical about it.

I hate Kill la Kill and Trigger but god damn did you go too far with that comment; to actually throw them in with the sonic autists while saying they have awful taste in music.

>Him drawing art he thinks is wrong is like a Muslim or observant Jew selling pork
I don't think there's any actual issue with them selling pork, they just can't eat it. Just go with a Muslim selling porn.

All Cozy needs to do is stop drinking, though with him being a Russian, abstaining from alcohol would probably lead to blood clotting and his eventual death.

>It's a shame this happened to Agnes specifically, because she along with the other Bravely Default women are very underrated
Isn't it because the games aren't that great while going up against Waifu Emblem, Pokemon, and Purse Owna, and good RPGs?
(59 KB, 235x259, E53835A0-5D37-412C-941D-72675F99C801.png)
I wish I didn't have such a debilitating sickness for the thickness. Nevermind the relapses into horny mode, I just can't believe how much bullshit and schizophrenia goes on in this general circle, and how much MORE I'm not aware of until after the fact. Cozynakovich? HAES? Fatphobia? I just want to coom to big belly fatties for god's sake
Gonna have to disagree with you there. Feederism to the end of weight gain or actively making someone gain, while hot in fiction, is pretty unethical IRL even with consent because the net consequence is compromising someone's health (or chance of a healthier life per >>108813 ). I'm not gonna tell you whether you should or shouldn't, but there are tangible consequences to it you can't ignore.

>>108813 is right that it isn't quite a death sentence, but it's still contributory to an overall lower quality of life. To deny that is a delusional cope.

Look, as much as a goodie two shoes I am IRL, just let people have their vices. The one thing the fat positivity has going for it is, someone else's health is none of your business. People who WANT to lose weight and seek a healthier lifestyle will pursue it and ask for help if they want it.

There's so much self projection on both sides of this debate the real issue of leaving people the fuck alone is getting buried. If you like fat people, fine. But stop treating them like mystical unicorns with short lifespans that are both majestic and amazing but are somehow lit candles in the wind. They don't exist for you to moralize you liking their existence and on the other side, they are just FUCKING drawings.

Fat people are just people at the end of it. The problem is you fucks feeling guilty because you can't control yourselves.
>Isn't it because the games aren't that great while going up against Waifu Emblem, Pokemon, and Purse Owna, and good RPGs?
Going up against those other franchises doesn't help. I can't speak for Default 2 as I haven't played it, but Default 1 and Second I thought were fine enough, ignoring how Default 1 makes you go through the 4 temples 3 extra times. Don't know why the fuck Square Enix thought that was acceptable.
To pad out game time, what else? That title is short as fuck
Anyway, we can complain about Kip's latest shitty comic here, right?
yes. the original thread was literally made for you kip spergs

You are dehumanizing fat people and acting as if they don't have any self determination.

>Unethical IRL even with consent because the net consequence is compromising someone's health

The fatal flaw in your argument is that you are acting like feeders are a parental/controlling figure with complete control over their feedee.

Feedees are human beings. I am a feedee who has intentionally gained weight. My girlfriend, who supports my gain, is in no way responsible for my choice.

If I get diabetes, or heart problems, or die ? That isn't her fault. I was going to gain weight anyway. Even if it were only because of our relationship I was gaining, it still wouldn't be her fault- I have actively agreed to gain weight and it is my responsibility, not hers.

It's absurd to suggest that anyone who gains weight consensually is some sort of victim with no choice in the matter.

In reality, anyone who is obese is responsible for their own consequences. I would as soon blame the shops for selling me the food as I would blame my girlfriend for feeding it to me.

> it's still contributory to an overall lower quality of life. To deny that is a delusional cope.

If we were to ride this rabbit hole all the way down, we end up in a world where you are immoral if you allow your partner to smoke, to eat unhealthy food, to drink alcohol, to play video games for more than 4 hours a day, or to do any activities with probably negative effect on health

I don't know about you, but if a new relationship started completely trying to change my life and control my every vice or thought, I would just not date them.
Uhh...who the fuck is gonna read all this? lmao
People who have the skill and can muster up the attention span to do so.
It's all cope anyway
A word salad on consent and agency won't undo the physical damage and disability IRL weight gain will bring
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Before this post gets deleted, let me explain.

David Zaslav (Warner Bros Discovery CEO) in a "genius" move, has removed around 36 shows of HBO Max that they (TECHNICALLY and LEGALLY) own; the most notorious examples are Infinity Train, Close Enough and Uncle Grandpa.

He removed them in favor for more shitty reality shows and to make sure WB goes broke and gets acquired by competitors.

In order for quality shows & films to prevail between companies, is through competition.

Are you gonna stand there and let that bastard get away with this?




230 Park Avenue South, New York City, New York, U.S.





I'll wait you there.
Mods, feel free to delete that post
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Everyone is all about image and fitting ini and not standing out here and I freaking hate it.
That's too fucking expensive, for both his skill level and in general.
Seriously, it’s a joke. I’ve seen much better artists put commissions out for FAR less. Someone needs to call his ass out for being greedy
Artist here. Coloring like that in the middle takes literally 10 minutes. We all relatively overcharge to go from lineart to coloring because it's an easy trick, but this is absolutely nuts.
Worse, I’m seeing people actually defend this in the comments. I have seen better artists offer high quality BBW art for far less.
Please share more of your tricks with us, o great artist
I do want to say that I don't believe artists should be (directly) shamed for their high prices. It's ultimately up to the market to decide. If Golly happens to actually get customers with those prices then good for them. As you said there are plenty of artists with higher quality art who charge less so there really isn't any reason to complain. I know I certainly wouldn't mind nabbing 250 for a simple shaded piece like that.
Im woring as an industry artist and doing art as a fetish artist too as a side account. This is nothing like a $200 quality. I did some game art for a $200 per character with an oil painting style. Not super detailed but with a way more complex/realistic shading.
Problem is, more and more promising artists start their online careers ready to ask for loads of money when getting a commission. Nowadays there's very few people who have both low prices and great drawing skills
So long as people are willing to pay those prices, artists have no reason to lower them. While that mentality drives me up a fucking wall with things like retro game prices, I feel it's acceptable in the context of art commissions since it's someone's direct labour rather than trying to peddle a game that sold multiple millions 30 years ago for triple digit prices.
Then I'm afraid they'll never see a fucking cent from me. I started getting coms a couple of months ago, and I was surprised to see people raising prices after just a bunch of drawings. Not to mention how long some of them took, probably up to 2 fucking weeks. The "market" is starting to look more and more bleak by the minute, I'm tellin' ya
Thems the breaks. Learning to draw yourself is free, well sorta.
If only I had an actually good PC, this shitty laptop would melt down if I tried to draw on it lmao
(2.4 MB, 2300x1941, 3534534.png)
This art was for $200. Cartony/anime shading can be for $200 too but with a way better overall quality in general than >>108893 this. Some ACTUAL concept artist would draw a colored art for $200.
Goddamn that coloring fuckin POPs
His school has taught jack shit, or the concepts were all wrong. The second picture even shows the dude can't afford his art
Pure ass kissers wanting to be friends I bet

Daily reminder, we the customers have more say and should boycott/starve them out until the prices go back down.
Then people need to call out this greed. But they’re afraid of getting blocked
I'd do that but my fucking twitter account was suspended. I don't think wasting time for a single person would be worth it in the end
Guys, don't you dare post your commissions for bragging rights now
You're both retarded. You don't need to call out or boycott anything. If Golly's prices are too high, the market will determine as much if they get little to no customers, then it'll be up to them if they want to change their prices or not. You're just making yourself look like seething poorfags.
Calling out and boycotting isn't illegal last time I checked
Did I say it was illegal? I just said it makes you look like a seething poorfag.
It wasn't done to brag.

Then buy Golly's commissions, rich bitch. Imagine trying to shame people because they can't buy art which is a luxury item.

And what you're saying about the market is exactly what I was proposing with the word 'boycott.'
Don't get me wrong, I can't afford them either lol and don't see them as worth the price personally. I just think artists are allowed to price how they please, and not worth sperging out over if you can't afford it. Comm an artist you can afford and probably prefer anyways.
Now this is worth the money
You're correct in a broad sense, but I don't think stating this does anyone any good. Better for several people to embarrass themselves than for brainless groupthink to artificially drive a price point into the stratosphere because no one has the nuts to say anything about it. People can and should be called retarded for paying that asking price, because they're enabling bad behavior and ruining it for potential future customers
Retro game prices are a whole different ballpark, because those prices were intentionally driven up artificially. No one is actually buying games at those prices, and the market has been slowly deflating ever since that was revealed.

This is just artists listening to the sycophants and backstabbing artists that are trying to get other artists to raise prices so that they can make their own prices look normal in comparison.
Yes, we absolutely need to boycott these greedy artists
you can't shame artists. I had tried to make comics on more than one occasion and artists tried to charge insane amounts of money. they got away with it because the simple answer is "if you don't like it go somewhere else".

that doesn't sound right. "its up to the market to decide"? tbh most artists are overpriced so I guess that rules that out.
thats the thing. I don't think people are really willing to pay those prices. look, if I'm dropping $200 I want this art done in like a week. the problem is that you see more and more cases like >>108901 where the person thinks they can draw, are in art school or fresh out and want prime rates as if they're some famous artist. no. you gotta make your way up to that but they don't want to hear that.
not only that I've found most don't even have it in them to work up to that. they take the money and run for like a month. you got $1k for some art and can't even get it done in a decent amount of time? I know they aren't that busy because if they were they wouldn't be broke. think about how much they really do here. think about the time. even if it took a couple hours each day for a week $1k is a lot of money. I paid one guy $200 and he had a drawing done for me in three days. he quoted me a week. he was done in three days. thats a good deal. most of these other artists aren't trying to do that. they want the money but they don't want to do anywhere near the work. I'm literally afraid of what will happen if I try to get a comic done again. I'm looking at easily $5k/book and you think they can get that done in a month? never mind my getting the money. can they produce? the answer is no so they shouldn't be charging such outrageous prices.
All I can say is: Broke people have a lot of free time to waste, so these so called "artists" just have to take the piss and draw all the stuff they promise since they have next to nothing else to do
wouldn't commission him anyways because he is a crybaby shit stirring bitch
but glad he's putting it out there that he's an idiot too
Tell us more (As if we didn't have enough drama already) lol
>Don't know why the fuck Square Enix thought that was acceptable
It ain't Final Fantasy, go fuck yourself, but don't worry about it fam, we'll fuck you so all you have to do is just have to lay there.

I was figuring they were too heavily taxed to splurge on an extra meal or two so that before they know it, they're absentmindedly shifting their large keister in an attempt for it to find more room than what her office chair is capable of, and then she finds denial when her belly has grown so large it's spilling over her waistband and starts calling anyone questioning her sudden spike in weight, sexist soggeykneed individuals. Don't give up Anon, go to the poorer areas and find your woman!

You could probably find someone close to professional grade to draw a fatty for you, at that price.

>One of my classes for my animation degree taught us to not be afraid of being charging what you're worth
No wonder there's so many Commies flooding out of colleges, they refuse to teach them how to gauge what they're worth based on the market competition and their skill level in comparison. To make things worse, they're trying this shit during a recession when everyone is gonna be tightening their pants.

The teach jobs in art schools seem to get filled by students after the original teachers leave, and since they haven't actually done any real work in the field, the school degrades at time goes on.

Not yet...
look, if you take the money you do the job. period. you don't know if I'm broke or not as I spoke on my own experience. I didn't talk about the one artist that took literal months for a drawing that they then did on an all nighter. I watched them do everything but my drawing for months. I have also watched artists goof around and produce very good art within an hour or so. if they want to do it they'll get it done and if they want to charge stupid money they need to get with it and get the work out faster. no one is paying $5k for a comic book that won't be done for three or four months. thats one reason why I never tried to do a webtoon. I know no artist is going to even try to keep up with the schedule but they'll charge as if they were.
>No wonder there's so many Commies flooding out of colleges, they refuse to teach them how to gauge what they're worth based on the market competition and their skill level in comparison. To make things worse, they're trying this shit during a recession when everyone is gonna be tightening their pants.
I went to art school. they don't teach them jack. they teach them how to be arrogant but they don't teach them deadlines, they don't teach them how to get work done on time, nothing. but they sure teach them how much they're supposed to make. I tried to hire an artist still in college and they really had the nerve to tell me the going rate for pros and try to get that out of me. i didn't laugh in their face. I just walked away.
you're literally admitting to being retarded, dipshit
Thanks for replying to an hours old message, dipshit
ur welcome! gotta highlight your stupidity even if it's 10 years old. As long as u cry about it
Oh no, you're the one crying
His art is so shit it’s physically painful to imagine someone being stupid enough to pay $250 for something so abhorrently lazy. There are artists that’ll charge dirt prices for their fetish art that’s ten times the quality of Golly’s garbage. Some whales are so fuckin dumb. Please, before you commission, jerk off.
Why no one is talking about his shitty drawing conditions?
What is the fucking point of paying 250 bucks so he rejects it because "it made me uncomfortable", fuck off.
Because the price by itself is already a red flag.
All fetish artists have these conditions and terms. It's why there's a drought of good weight gain art. Clients do not want to deal with an artist who can't handle the workload and it's easy to just use kemono party to get the art.
>t. Nihijack
This feels like the exact opposite of a tangible problem.

Not cope, not denying physical damage or disability. They are always a factor.

I'm saying the person gaining is the only one responsible. I'm taking personal responsibility as a feedee. It's not like we're locked in a basement being forced into it.

I get it, you're ashamed of your fetish. But it's childish to insist that only the feeder has any responsibility in a relationship.
Pochi is an "ungrateful cunt" for failing to retweet somebody's Patreon ad containing heavily cropped art of her OC? That's a pretty harsh label to slap on somebody for not following Twitter courtesies to a tee, especially since she typically does retweet full art of her characters.
Making patreon-restricted art of someone's OC sounds like a shitty move.
Artists hardly have the follower retention and reach to actively advertise their own products to followers. Pushing other artists' products can really only come far and in between, usually as a mutual collab. Considering the lack of response, I do wonder if Nihijack even discussed it with them. If not, using their OC as a centerpiece patreon ad is shitty anyways.
It's Nihijack, who draws every few months. It's not like Pochi paid for these drawings either. What the fuck did you expect from people?
Ngl, THIS is the kind of thing that would be worth $200 imo. Maybe even more considering it has full shading and a relatively detailed background.
Still kinda stupid to me, I could buy a PS4 slim for 200 bucks
Not really comparable, since a ps4 slim is a mass produced product, vs an art piece made by a single person.

If the art piece was a poster and was made for multiple people to buy , then yes you can use that comparison. But if its a commisson created specifically for you, then you are the only customer, so of course it will cost more.
This kinda thing is a fine line to walk. On one hand $200 dollars is a bit crazy on paper, but in practice they're not that making that much.
Let's say they get 5 commissions, depending on the complexity of the images and or the speed at which they work I'd say it'd probably take a month to a month and a half to get them all done.
In that time they makes $1000. I make that much in 2 weeks. I don't think you can really live off of that.
Regardless of the situational as an artist I can tell thats sometimes you are just want to be as far from some people as possible whatever attention you are get from them. Once you gain past few k. fallowers you are gonna be swarmed with a western neckbeards with a questionable sexuality, degenerates or just a people who are you dont want interact at all but who are trying to reach you for whatever reason but a commissions.
I think this might be a matter of Pocharimochi not liking the depiction of her OC or how fat she is.
I remember she made a WG drive a while back and I really had the impression that she intentionally drew her in dresses that cover her up more when she reached bigger sizes

Hell yeah
Does she hate Lily or something? I can see she's rather conservative and shit
You're talking about her Mom Lily drive from last year. It was her most conservative WG drive in term of clothing, and the last time she drew an USBBW size.
Don't know, but this conservative nature of her's is damning as Lily is the reason why she ever got a sizeable following in the first place. She's also been favoring her male OC Luka much more for a while now.
She kinda does hate Lily is the thing. She's stated a couple times that she doesn't know what to do with her and that she wasn't even supposed to be a recurring character but people liked Lily so much Pochi kept her around.
I don't really mind her focus on Luka. Part of the reason I like Pochi is that she for the most part just does her own thing and doesn't really interact much with the "community"
Combination of Lily being drawn really big and with mild slob, yeah I doubt Pochi is a huge fan of this drawing
Eww male OCs

On a more serious note, I don't know Pochi much outside of seeing some Lucy drawings once in a while. I found her cute, but it's weird how she is neglecting one of her own creations. The hell is going on?
There's a clean version of the drawing that wasn't posted here
(7.3 MB, 2931x2519, An Adorable Stress Eater (Part 2) (Clean).png)
Here's the clean version.
>She kinda does hate Lily is the thing. She's stated a couple times that she doesn't know what to do with her and that she wasn't even supposed to be a recurring character but people liked Lily so much Pochi kept her around.
I knew she said that she didn't know what to do with Lily before, but I want to see the post where she everything else.
>I don't really mind her focus on Luka. Part of the reason I like Pochi is that she for the most part just does her own thing and doesn't really interact much with the "community"
Funny you mention that, because that's exactly why I don't like her and why I hate the focus towards Luka.
I know right? The fans clearly want more Lily, preferably at bigger sizes than Pochi's conservative crap, yet all they receive is fat male art
>a drought of good wg art
Dude there's more quality stuff being put out than ever
>All fetish artists have these conditions and terms
So crazy to think they'd turn down things they don't want to draw
By "drought" he probably means there's the usual 5 or 6 extremely famous weight gain artists that have been in the community for a long time...and then a bunch of newbies who think they are on top of the world and can't take criticism
This is a completely unhinged post, jesus christ. Why's anyone even going after Pochari like this? Poor kid's just trying to draw things she likes, she's even made a tweet a few months ago that she hasn't been feeling the fat fetish shit recently.
They gotta assault the artist for not drawing the shit they want, duh. You know how the internet is like nowadays
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You may be overthinking this a little given one of the replies to Nihijack.
Judging by this I'm pretty sure they've probably already reacted to this fanart privately and simply never got around to retweeting it, especially since it's just a tiny Patreon Preview than a full image.
Yeah, people always jump to stupid conclusions for no reason. How could they insult someone for not reacting to fan art of their character anyway? That's a retarded thing to do
Remember when everyone was freaking the fuck out about Lewdlemage becoming a femboy artist or something when he drew that one image? Thankfully that was the first and last time he ever did that. Either bullying works or the novelty of fetishizing gay people wore off for him immediately.
If you can fetishize straight people the same should be applied to gays and lesbians, just saying...
Sometimes you have to make yourself the enemy to stop things from happening. It's also possible that he didn't want to damage his reputation.
I thought he only did it because of the overwhelming amount of requests he got for it in the poll and was like, fine I'll do it if it wins a vote, and then it did. I never once saw that he wanted to do and, and he was pretty vocal that he didn't. I was confused why everyone thought he was going to switch to that stuff when he himself said he didn't like it.
(28 KB, 400x401, tumblr_p6sw5xn1S41v426fpo1_400.jpg)
It's the Astolfo-exception principle at play; straight, but with Astolfo as an exception. So you wind up with artists who do almost exclusively females, but may draw an Astolfo because he's "close enough".
Fucking god, that Kali/claire person whoever pisses me off. They try to be an artist which they have been actually improving on, but they try to simp on everyone popular which is super obvious in an attempt to get follows or pity likes. I know everyone talks behind their backs already because of how much they suck everyones dicks but god damn it's so fucking obvious how fake they are.
Astolfo is the single worst thing to ever happen to the weight gain community.
Because people are fucking idiots, that's why
(55 KB, 1218x782, FaoT4dYXgAATMoT.png)
>wouldn't commission him anyways because he is a crybaby shit stirring bitch
Honestly the least surprising thing in this thread. It was always obvious his hyper positivity was nothing more than a facade that would break at the slightest inconvenience. Most Twitter artists are this exact breed of vapid, insincere, two-faced cunt.

Yeah, because fucking Nihijack of all people are starving for retweets. Lol, lmao even.
(420 KB, 1061x768, Kukuru_1.png) (429 KB, 1366x768, Kukuru_2.png)
Y'all remember a certain Kukuru, right? He's a Japanese artist who previously uploaded his WG art on Deviantart and seemed famous. Well, he abandoned the platform in early 2017...and moved to motherfucking Twitter. He asks absurd prices for commissions, and the piece of shit even had the gall to open a Fanbox page
(8 KB, 199x253, images (38).jpeg)
He’s done other mpreg shit, didn’t he do it for one of those stream sketches
Frankly surprised he hasn’t hopped on the Bridget dicksucking train, though maybe he hasn’t gotten the opportunity to do that quite yet
(18 KB, 345x194, Top.jpg)
Oh, the horror. God forbid he becomes like every other fat artist now that he's built an audience.
alot of u bbwchan regulars need to stop whining and draw for yourself instead of worrying about what other people are doing. You aren't better for complaining, probably can't draw, aren't making money off it, and probably don't go outside. Tough up or shut up
cmon now, don't censor it you fucking pussy
Wasn't even done as a censor. Was supposed to come off as blunt, but since it didn't this will have to to do instead. Fuck. You.
now you're talking my language! I'm so proud of you!
And it looks like you're not excluded from people being "fucking idiots". KKR's been around for years and has been active in the Japanese doujin scene, she opened up her fanbox around the same time frame as a bunch of other prominent Japanese fat artists. Her prices are EXTREMELY reasonable for the time and interest she's put into being horny for fat girls, according to her skeb page she starts at $140 USD. Oruka charges roughly anywhere between $200-$300 starting for skeb commissions.
Finish your Marie faggot it looked cute as all hell.
actually it's callie lmfao
Leave the dude alone.
What make's him so bad that you feel the need to get mad at this? A lot worse could be said about tons of other artists.
Does StrangerMoist do something that is not bitching about everything?
my brother in christ do you know what thread you're on
The Moral brigade got bored beating the dead horse that was Cozy.

They've moved on to someone else now.
(47 KB, 750x562, 1642891048452.jpg)
>bitching in a thread that anons have to elect to see vs bitching on twitter where your followers, who only follow you for your art have to endure it unless they mute you and miss out on art (lol)
Shut the fuck up, nerd.
idc about them, the ones that care will stay the ones that don't will leave. Shut the fuck up, loser
I just wanna know what Roxas617's plan was taking a potshot at StrangerMoist on what's really a generic complaint post about the general Twitter Fat community drama of the past week.
He's literally just directed all that ire towards himself for no good reason and is now public ally embarrassing himself trying to defend drawing minors on fucking TWITTER of all places, is there something in the water that's making everyone go schizo?
I should remind you coomers that Pochi is very likely straight. Fucking retards wondering why she’s drawing basically nothing but Luka without peering into her likes for 20 seconds.
Bi people don't exist, got it.
Why the fuck are you so standoffish with all your posts, don't try and twist this around as some "epic for the win troll!", no wonder anons like pushing your buttons when you constantly come across like you're seething. I'm genuinely curious.
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>On the other, the absolute gall of the fat community of all things say "it's not immoral because it's fictional", when they would scream bloody murder in the same breath if an artist dares draw lewds of a character that isn't canonically over 18.
You called this shit so fucking hard. This community is so predictable it's sad.

>StrangerMoist cries about constant drama
>also IMMEDIATELY reignites the Roxas drama without hesitation
What an actual loser, even by this site's standards. Literally all he had to do was block this asshat, but he couldn't help but grandstand and prove him right.

And all this happened LESS THAN A WEEK after the community swore up and down about how fat art is just fictional and therefore hurts nobody. We can't even keep the fucking narrative consistent anymore because everyone's too high on Twitter clout to care.
roxas is a dumb motherfucker but the audacity of moist to just flip like that
the dude was against that sort of obnoxious grandstanding on his regular account so I guess he's just a pussy that's susceptible to peer pressure

>16 current posts in thread
speak for yourself sped, jesus
The funniest part is how after that fight he went to make a thread recomending small artist on Twitter while claiming "oh the big artist demean those with less followers and hates them".

As if he doesn't goes "durr you have less followers than me you loser" everytime he gets calles out.
does anybody else feel like this thread/these threads are getting...more unhinged over time, or something? just feels like the level and nature of complaints, and the ensuing circle jerks, have gotten weirder lol
The quality of this thread is notably lower as opposed to the last few because there are a bunch of twitter fags in this one and instead of driving them away, their behavior was only encouraged. If this sperg >>109219 and >>109185 this one as well were removed, the thread would return to normal.
actually it was always bad. I'm just tryna burn this place down tbh
I'm only standoffish to people who deserve it. Unlike most people on Twitter I'm not "being the bigger person" I genuinely hate most of you and hope you never get to see fat women ever. Real or fictional. Especially since most of you incels don't pay for your shit
(210 KB, 1200x850, media_FNACAAfaIAQYjQE.jpg)
Still Passion Patties for me.

Smart Phones

>Oruka charges roughly anywhere between $200-$300 starting for skeb commissions
That rare artist worth his price.

>I just wanna know what Roxas617's plan was taking a potshot at StrangerMoist
What plan, the guy's practically a feral animal working off nothing but instinct.
>trying to defend drawing minors on fucking TWITTER of all places
He's always defending lolis, it'd be his only redeeming quality if he didn't have the brain matter of a walnut and went about it like a rabid Pitbull.

Holy shit, Roxas wasn't the one to start it for once.

>We can't even keep the fucking narrative consistent anymore
>Thinking there was ever any consistency to their stances
They're all and always have been hypocrites to a disgusting degree, they only put on a facade so that no one sees them for the spineless and cold hearted reptiles that they are.

I wonder if someone's getting off to the arguments.
>>108019 (OP)
Why does almost every good fat-fetish artist on twitter/deviantart make it their soul mission to be a virtue signaling hypocritical asshat nowadays? A few years ago, dudes would casually make fat art of characters like ryuko from kill-la-kill but now they seem to not be able to differentiate between fiction and reality and act uncomfortable even thinking of doing something similar to that (even though most anime girls and characters in general don't even look or sound their age ). I would understand their reasonings if they all weren't so full of shit.
conparing drawing fat porn to drawing child porn. You must be fucking smoking that PACK or, just retarded. Do you honestly not see the difference or are you genuinely mad that people are ok with drawing the very thing you come to this site for? sounds like someone in denial to me.
can't take the heat? stay out of the kitchen
(135 KB, 970x982, 1626290528536.jpg)
>trying to act like a badass on the internet by "not being the bigger person"
>calling people incels as if it's some gotcha insult in 2022
>thinks he's on some righteous war path to stick it to those damn dirty trolls on BBWchan
You'll eventually, hopefully, grow out of the teenager/early 20s mindset one day. In the meantime however you should slowly decouple yourself from social media and being terminally online because you come across as an unironic incel except the boogeyman in your case are anons on some stupid fattywank site.

Save the snarky tough guy response by the way, you're just embarrassing yourself and proving the anons who bitch about artists having their heads up their asses right
funniest thing, one of my drawings is the face of a thread for a game I've never played. Some of you are so mad you'll never be good at art. Pick up a pencil, get a job, get a gf (or bf for some of you closested gays), touch grass, or shut the fuck up.
whatever you say bro, if you guys can whine, I can too.
oh and by the way, you literally responded to my post so you aren't even taking your own advice lmao. Acting all high and mighty. The audacity
What did Mistko post exactly I didn't see it before it was deleted
I think its a matter of not having many new subjects to discuss since most of them have been mentioned in previous threads.
There's also the factor of these threads having so many people from Twitter lurking here

case in point
For as much people whines about this forum, they sure love sticking around
He made like 30+ posts trying to pick fights and being a faggot all day about how he was epicly owning the incels!!1!1! except nobody cared at all. All of it was really cringe and embarrassing.
Thank god I missed whatever Twitter refugee apparently found their way here.
The threads got pretty aimless after a while because the thread was pretty much designed to redirect the "Jeet is GAY!!!" and "Kip never improves!!!" to one central location as aposed to across the entire board. The only problem was that people either got it out of their system, or they just kept going like a broken record. People have really only started getting louder again because Cozy being next level Schizo for some reason struck a cord for the entire """Community""" to get worked up. And for as long as these threads have started, we have gotten really dumb and overly specific complaints, some people going full on conspiracy on the smallest of things.
Kinda miss when there were tons of artists and writers who didn't give a damn about themselves and/or artists around them making fictional fetish material of fictional characters that just so happen to be fictional minors on their accounts. In the world of western hentai you can only get away with it if it's, like, Gwen Tennyson, Violet Parr or any Pokemon character that isn't literally called "Preschooler ___" or whatever. Either that, or you become an artist that exclusively does Loli content. The only western WG loli artist that has gotten any positive attention recently is Decisivetang, but that's only because no one seems to have bothered to look earlier in his twitter timeline (Or any of his galleries on sites to be honest) to realise that he's been drawing lolis 99% of this whole time and so they just see short + big ass and assume it's just a shortstack. Doesn't help that a bunch of other artists who had no qualms about drawing minors before are now shying away from posting that stuff lest they be cancelled by their peers (*insert Dookus' really crappy aged up Pokemon trainer designs here*)

It's 2022. People will forget and move on in 1 day max.
>the community swore up and down about how fat art is just fictional and therefore hurts nobody
I don't think you quite get how much of the community has deluded themselves into the body positivity nonsense that "being a fatass isn't unhealthy"
Honestly some of Decisivetang's pieces creep me out more than other loli WG I've come across which makes it surprising to me he hasn't been called out to my knowledge. It's not even that I want him to be driven out or cancelled I really don't care what art he makes as long as he isn't harming anyone irl, even if said art crosses my personal boundaries, I just feel the need to mention this because of all the shit I've seen get thrown at Eishiban or Roxas for doing the same thing (though in Roxas' case it really doesn't help his case when he constantly starts shit himself)
People like Roxas are exactly why Loli WG art gets a bad rep. Because he is literally incapable of not responding to hate comments and gets way too worked up over it.
People in the community think of loli art as the devil's spawn, but they should fucking stop harassing artists who do that stuff. It's gotten annoying and tiring to read. I think my Twitter account being banned was actually a blessing in disguise
"lower quality of life"
I feel like the "quality" of life is all in our heads
My uncle was obese, had missing toes, mobility issues and needed to breathe from a machine, yet he was still full of joy, jokes and still ate his favorite foods.
the man didn't even die till he was 85 you can't be 100% healthy all the time, so try to live happily not healthy.

I'm with >>108821 you can't treat obese women like magical entities you're either in or out, no morals, no politics, no bullshit,
I like obese women and that is that
It's nobodies' businesses but mine and my girl.
as long as she is happy and I am happy, I don't give a shit.
As annoying as lolifags can be, at least they are adamant about keeping their shit in fiction. The amount of people in this fetish who are perfectly fine with denying science or outright lying to get people to chop off a decade or two of their comfortable life expectancy is fucking insane. If someone consents to that, I don't care, but consent has to be informed, not manipulated. And no, I don't count being bedbound with your toes gone as comfortable, no matter how hot that might sound to you. I'm thankful to Cozy and his schizo rants for showing how many people in this fetish are completely delusional.
I accept the consequences but can also acknowledge the 'science' isn't as black and white as people want it to be. We shouldn't give ground to haters who bitch and moan at the slightest paunch.
>>As annoying as lolifags can be, at least they are adamant about keeping their shit in fiction.
As an oldfag I'm pretty sure the mass-panic about loli only started when it became public knowledge that MistyStuffer was found to have publicly stalked kids and playgrounds and has even been raided by the FBI according to some of the earliest threads.
Dude's probably got a fucking tag on him if those rumors are true!

As you can imagine with that kinda talk this sort of thing has lead to everyone thinking loli WG is a slippery slope into actual pedophilia and stuff like RidiculousCake's own stalking incident and people like Roxas just failing to take their foot out of their goddamn mouth just "confirms" it in their eyes. A few bad eggs really do spoil the whole batch.
This is an understandable position as well, like people are moralist about this shit tend to be the same ones who'd want to do their immobility fetish IRL:
I heard some shit about Misty but I had no idea it was that bad. How did this even come to light, did he admit to it?
And what do you mean RidiculousCake's stalking incident?
I don't think the WG "community" is this hermetic by the way, it's pretty obvious Roxas is trying to imitate the warring Twitter lolicons, he even uses their most common tactics, only that he doesn't have thousands of followers only there to see drama.
>Mistystuffer stalking kids
Well that explains everything. I was always wondering why everyone was talking like he was a criminal but never actually explained why. Honestly if he did do that kinda stuff, then all the people that say "He's a creep sos he draws Lolis!" are only undermining the ACTUAL crimes being committed which can lead to even more real children being in danger. And I hate to be the guy that always brings this up, but it really is like that "Video games cause shootings" debate where even though the overall number of incidents are going down, people will see one or two criminals being influenced by games and automatically assume it's the norm rather than the exception.
Like, yeah, I'm the type of degenerate who thinks it's kinda hot when an anime girl is lewd despite being a little girl, but at least I'm not one of those "25 year old neckbeard picking up his girlfriend from middleschool" types.
I wasn't there when it happened, but apparently on Ridiculouscake's Tumblr he went full creep over some under young fat girl he saw trick or treating because she vaguely looked like his OC or something? I don't remember how old he said she was, but either way it sounded borderline pedo stalking.
He was only around 17/18 at the time himself and it definitely came off more as socially awkward autism rather than being a nonce.
As a person actually there for the Mistystuffer thing, he wasn't raided, someone caused a panic by lying and said they did.

RC's 'stalking' story was when he was a stupid teen and not even recent when they came after him for the statue debacle. It was just a smear because the loli witch hunt needed some acceptable targets.

Most of this loli fear/hate/think of the children came from vague laws about child porn. IIRC Canada has ones that apply to drawings because, Canada. The drawings influence both pedos and kids is a really stupid argument because not only did this shit exist before the internet, they are basically repackaging the video games cause violence argument.
>Canada has a law that applies to drawings
If that's true, then that would certainly explain certain artists that go crazy over this stuff.
Holy shit, I fell asleep only to wake up and find out this apparently happened. Motherfucker if you able to get banned THAT quick here, you must've had a severe autistic breakdown.

>The only western WG loli artist that has gotten any positive attention recently is Decisivetang
Eishiban is still one of the more popular fat artists out there. Pretty much every artist I follow also follows him in some capacity.

And thats what gets me about this tripe. It was never about the loli art itself, or being concerned about actual minors. It's nothing more than a power play, used to target people some artists personally don't like while pretending to have the moral high ground.
I WAS going to include Eishiban, except for the fact that he still regularly gets lots of hate comments, especially on his older art like those Hat-Kid drawings. Plus, he's been separating his Twitter and Pixiv stuff more and more recently.
He bloats up his media tab on twitter with repetitive unfunny reaction images.
Even Miistko admitted he was being an annoying prick. The only reason he doesn't elaborate further or post screenshots of what he actually posted is so that he doesn't come off as completely unhinged to his followers.

Also ironically he spent yesterday talking about he was going to "call out assholes" in response to Cozy, only for him to act like one himself in record time while retweeting fucking videogamedunkey.

Yeah, but it's not like he loses followers for those, even from the people that openly shit on him for it. It only further shows just how two-faced this community is.
Christ, it's been a while since I've heard that name.
>act retarded
>spam thread with bullshit
>get banned for being retarded
>"lmao I owned them!!"
you sure did, sperg
i find that to be the funniest thing, at first i thought someone was trolling and pretending to be him.
I hope someone has logs of him telling people they're incel faggots who should kill themselves, should smooth over nicely with the community he wishes to pander to
Do archives similar to desuarchive exist for bbwchan?
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Either way, he's lucky he didn't get in trouble. I'm just imagining him having a lawyer saying
>Your honor, my client was just being reminded of his My Little Pony fetish art.
Misty is a guy I haven’t heard of in a long ass time. He still makes art, but he’s pretty much keeping a low profile these days
That is true. I do remember like two years during the BLM Riots he posted on Twitter that he was disgusted with all the looting and rioting. He ended up getting almost all the popular BBW artists going after him, calling him a racist and a fascist
Oh no how dare he say something about crime.
(2.9 MB, 2000x1532, ba6.png)
I'm sure there's some other anime expansion oldfags lurking around here, MS was unfortunately someone we just had to tolerate since he ran the place
honestly glad he got shamed to hell as time went by, dude was a shit person and a shit artist
RC dug his own hole for being a young autist, however he was dead on with the BLM shit and of course all of the fags that dogpiled on him have their own baggage
they'd all probably flip the second their shit was directly affected by rioting joggers

also lmao at RC pissing off people for making pic related, dude knows how to have some fun after being in a big ass hurricane
dw about it
(69 KB, 579x446, media_E8ootzHVEAkJfpB.jpg)
>you can only get away with it if it's, like, Gwen Tennyson, Violet Parr or any Pokemon character that isn't literally called "Preschooler ___" or whatever
Short of Pokemon, they're all living on borrowed time, always go with Raven when you're thinking of western character hypocrisy.

I wonder how many of them that put out all that Miyako fat art watched Wataten.

>they just see short + big ass and assume it's just a shortstack
Like who? I haven't seen him get retweeted by anyone who wasn't into lolis.

>I just feel the need to mention this because of all the shit I've seen get thrown at Eishiban or Roxas for doing the same thing
Both don't keep to themselves and go out retweeting and commenting on things.

>has even been raided by the FBI according to some of the earliest threads
I've heard he's been reported for good reason but I never heard that he got raided back when the FBI at least had a minuscule amount of competency.

MS in AIM chats had the habit of linking actual sites while talking about children he saw at conventions. His not having been vanned yet by the feds who go out of their way to groom people into committing crimes makes me think he hasn't actually crossed the line yet and has stayed within the grey area of the law.

>imitate the warring Twitter lolicons
The what now?

>it really is like that "Video games cause shootings" debate where even though the overall number of incidents are going down, people will see one or two criminals being influenced by games and automatically assume it's the norm rather than the exception
None of them are actually from video game influence, they just use that as an attempt at a smaller sentence while the actual real cause of gun violence these days is the mainstream media fucking with peoples heads and the goobermint going out of its way to make people suffer.

He was 17 but the whole thing sounded more spurgy than creepy to me just because I know how attached people who are so stuck on their OC Donuts can get that I can see them simply fanboying out over someone looking like them in real life.

Neo Cuba, Airstrip One, the Penile Colony; honestly our goobermint and Spains are the only ones that came out against the UNs attempt to force Japan to quit lolis, a couple years back.

>only for him to act like one himself in record time while retweeting fucking videogamedunkey
Blade truly is the worst of all the Xenos.

They better broadcast Chrischans trials.

Low Profile?! He's not only still putting out art, he's started putting out full on NSFW and started uploading on Twatter.
Yes people who moan about a slight amount of fat are retarded but what’s even more retarded is the people who act like you can be healthy while being morbidly obese, and that just isn’t the fucking case
You can “feel” healthy all you want but you’re not healthy
Also what fucking difference does if people think it’s unhealthy? You’re accepting the consequences anyways, and if you’re not maybe you shouldn’t be fattening yourself or others up
>Both don't keep to themselves and go out retweeting and commenting on things.
Eishi basically has no twitter presence outside of tweeting his own art, the fuck.
Eishi pops out comments every couple of months outside of his pictures and usually for video games or to some artist taking suggestions; pretty much the presence of a normal person using Twatter.
yeah really, dude barely posts to twitter
also isn't all of his associated drama tied to rando discord posts? not exactly concrete proof
The true reason Mistystuffer hasn't gotten V& by the feds is because he IS a fed. Your tax dollars are funding obese Pokelolis.
(789 KB, 1520x855, 1546809441527.png)
I'm saying that he's posted outside of the group of people who enjoy fat lolis and because of that he not only drew attention to himself, he's given a route to his account.

That would be mute as fuck compared to all the shit known that the goobermint does which includes the FBI operating a cp website and having the largest amount of the stuff in the states if not the world.
(15 KB, 1032x150, mistystuffer.png)
Stalking kids isn't the only blatantly pedophilic MS has done. Dude legit wants it to be legal to rape children.
Mistystuffer has a Kiwifarms page btw. Good read.
He'd be arrested in The Netherlands for this regardless, Age of Consent is 16.
I genuinely loath Mistystuffer and his dogshit art. The fact that he can keep on trucking while actually good fat artists like Akibo get banned off of Pixiv pisses me off to no end. Fuck that creepy stagnant autist.
The only surprising thing about that is that MS isn't a furry.

He also had a big one on Encyclopedia Dramatica before it got fucked.

>Akibo get banned off of Pixiv
How the fuck do you pull that off; did he not censor genitals?
(929 KB, 1770x1430, Whack.png)
Gotta love how out of all the people who drew fat Mya-nee without even knowing that she is a literal down-bad lolicon who gets nosebleeds when little girls surround her, Jaykuma of all people was one of the only ones to actually draw one of the Lolis from Wataten, and seemingly on accident.
(203 KB, 1640x1087, media_FCVT38EXIAMWroM.jpg) (1.8 MB, 1593x1600, a_contest_of_wills_by_trinity_fate_d9kr7xf.png)
>she is a literal down-bad lolicon who gets nosebleeds when little girls surround her
Miya likes cute things but the only loli she really cares about is Hana who smacks the spit out of her mouth whenever Miya gets weird. Halfway through the anime, Miya finding out about her own stalker and realizing how weird she's been, causes her to chill the fuck out immediately. The biggest crime for Wataten fats is that the lolicons didn't find any interest in fattening the lolis and the anti lolicons didn't look past Miyako to see their mothers.

>Jaykuma of all people was one of the only ones to actually draw one of the Lolis from Wataten, and seemingly on accident
How can you accidentally fatten up Hana? You even have the fact the guy he idolized so much that he became a Chinese knockoff of, did loli himself for a time.
Seem to remember Jaykuma aging up other lolis so this seems in line with his art. Don't really care that he has as long as he doesn't pull a Twitter and needlessly freak the fuck out over lolis and think it needs to be illegal worldwide.
(37 KB, 540x522, 1540768998381.jpg)
At this point I genuinely hope Mistystuffer gets so ass blasted on Twitter he's completely driven out of the community and we never see anything from him again. Genuinely horrifying.
(127 KB, 1203x1447, cbb.jpg)
>Decide to go through his media tab
>Fat Anya Forger with a massive cock getting tittyfucked by her own tits
(122 KB, 400x400, 1547842276315.jpg)
Enough with the "she wants to order" spam

was fun the first 2 times, but now I want to see something more original.

I hate trends since after a while they become so boring and unorignal.
Art trends are cool when everyone isn't doing the same one all at the same time and they become some sort of ironic meme trend. Stuff like the standing-side-split/leg-hold-pose were really interesting art trends because it was only a couple artists sporadically doing it. Unfortunately, there came a huge boom in artists doing it and it became a "meme" and thus oversaturated to death. Why the internet have to meme on cool yoga poses.
(548 KB, 954x533, 1585281825132.png)
>Doesn't know her orientation
>Not against the LGBT
She was already lost.

He's already ran out; every site involving expansion art runs his shit off at the first sign of it and everywhere he goes he gets ridiculed. The thing is that the people with such shit taste that they enjoy and fund his pictures will always be there and if anything, with more pushed towards him with all the idiots trying to make art out as if it's completely subjective and allowing the greenest of bastards to more easily rationalize having shit taste.

>Decide to go through his media tab
Pic related, that was your first and biggest mistake.
Would you believe me if I said that's not even the worst thing he's drawn
(76 KB, 933x857, 2_000_biel_by_roxas617_df5kmn3-pre.jpg) (76 KB, 906x882, biel__by_superspoe__by_roxas617_df6z48h-pre.jpg)
The artist Roxas617 is getting cancelled (or at least about to be) for drawing minors as ssbbw and ssbhm, latest culprit a picture of Anya as a ssbbw in a bikini, that's still up on DeviantArt.

Making this post so someone can archive his stuff before he gets exiled from Twitter and maybe DA.
What, is there some sort of coup happening in the background?
(1.2 MB, 288x198, 1660746927983532.gif)
>The artist Roxas617 is getting cancelled
You can't cancel someone who doesn't care about your bullshit and is their own boss. The actual people who do this shit within WG, have neither the two brain cells to rub together to figure out how to actually go about actually getting corporations to kowtow to their demands, or the power and numbers to force them to fall in line by simple brute force.

Roxas has a head as hard as a diamond, he'll find a new site to keep posting his shit out of sheer spite; but that all being said, if you like a guys work who also has been doing lolis but you haven't been saving anything, you're a fucking idiot.

It'd only be a coup if it was FFA or one of the most popular artists getting forced out.
You're full of it. If Mistystuffer can keep doing what he's doing, while actually creeping on real kids, then some fag drawing shitty obese lolis isn't gonna perish.
I thought internet explorer shutdown?
>Making this post so someone can archive his stuff before he gets exiled from Twitter and maybe DA.
Utterly delusional. Have you seen the man's reactions to it all? He's abrasive, but he's far from spineless. There will be no consequences just like there aren't for the zillions of other underage artists. Literally better-with-salt is in as much danger of getting nuked from DA as him
Did Deviantart actually just remove the ability to be able to search through favorites, wtf?
Yea, they couldnt upkeep it since spaghetti code,

If they somehow manage to get around it, you might see it return
"Spaghetti code" Mfers literally have the same level of programming skills as Yandere Dev (At least they don't spend their Patreon money on Samus sex pillows and consoles)
I agree. I've seen like 20 in 2 days.
(260 KB, 2048x2048, Fbh7PS-UYAQN_BA.jpg)
Where do these artists get off? It should be legal to beat them in the streets with bamboo sticks.
Unironically get a job. Eku booked all their commission slots an hour after posting that they were open for them and Eku's a good but flawed artist.
It wasn't a useful feature anyway because of how inconsistent people are with using tags.

That was quick.
>Grrrr, how dare popular artist ask for reasonable amount of money for their art?? They should gib for free!!
>>109437 Off topic, but I'm assuming only because of the source of the image you used, what do you think of the new posthumous chapters?
Is $90 supposed to be unreasonable?
That’s peanuts compared to the nutjob that charged $150 for lineart, an extra $50 for paint bucket colors, and another $50 on top of that for shading
You have justified whining and then you have shit like this where you probably wouldn’t even get a comm if it was offered for $10 because of some autistic reason and then find a way to complain about it
(1.8 MB, 382x678, 1633476009892.gif)
>artists output drops dramatically and basically amounts to rough sketches and colouring, despite having a Patreon which they still try to push people towards
>they whine and mope on twitter/discord
>the only thing that seems to actually "motivate" them is doing Weight Gain Drives every month and a half
Idle-minded should really throw in the towel at this point, dude is washed up.
>site with millions of pictures and stories for you to favorite
>a search function isn't useful
Fuck off. Apologists like you are exactly why everything always gets worse instead of better.
(62 KB, 650x635, 5a8.jpg)
See pic.
Actually I'm starting to wonder if this is a reverse psychology way to promote their commissions. Pretty effective ngl, might try it myself.
(505 KB, 798x800, Bryan_Charnley_Self_Portrait_13.jpg)
A lot of those big artists are. Pro tip, never draw anyone's OCs ever unless they're a friend of yours or someone you know, and try to avoid giving people like this any attention beyond liking their art and privately enjoying it. A lot of the time I don't even watch them
A lot of the time they're just after the attention and constant re-affirmation of their abilities through shallow pictures nobody really has any reason to dislike. You can see this with TheyCallHimCake, MysteryDad, Bamboo-Ale, etc

Bamboo-Ale draws giant asses now. That's it. You liked him trying to push boundaries or actually drawing anything with a creative angle or real vision behind it? Too bad. Asses. And of course, everyone likes ass, this isn't to knock the appeal of an ass

But does anyone else feel the tiniest bit bothered by, these artists, who used to stretch their wings to the best of their abilities and constantly draw inventive, different shit just settle into drawing the same thing over and over again?
I'm not being an apologist, my indifference of it going away comes from experience of the function being unreliable and faulty. Had multiple times in my own favorites where I would type in a character's name, and the filter wouldn't include all the art involving that character. More then a few were missing.
To be fair, the site is built the old and that was already a fucking mess.

Don't have the money to buy commissions but not that bad of a price for what you get. Are you just trying to bait people into seeming like they're unreasonable?

You pay for shit, you get shit.

>But does anyone else feel the tiniest bit bothered by, these artists, who used to stretch their wings to the best of their abilities and constantly draw inventive, different shit just settle into drawing the same thing over and over again
Can't say, they're too few and far apart to get bothered by it when it's surrounded by a sea of shit and mediocrity.
That is absolutely fair and industry-standard for that level of quality, you don't get a free pass to rehash this discussion with literally anyone just because we had a laugh at that other overcharging faggot the other day. Do your research you pathetic tard

TheyCallHimCake has some merit in his work. Even if I think he's overrated as fuck.
Dude has been washed up for a straight up decade at this point. I remember him and id-acknowledged were coming up around the same time, id-acknowledged vanished pretty suddenly and idle lived up to his own namesake. Ended up being a big twitter talker without much to show for it.
>But does anyone else feel the tiniest bit bothered by, these artists, who used to stretch their wings to the best of their abilities and constantly draw inventive, different shit just settle into drawing the same thing over and over again?
Getting the bag has become a really widespread mentality even before the downturn in the global economy, but Bamboo is a poor example because he's been mentally touched.

I don't really know if the current state of content is good or not. I think we're seeing more content and better artists, but we're also starting to see who the commission whales are since we're seeing even less variety in terms of series. Commission/Patreon whales are only a singular part of the problem, but they're a difficult one; it's impossible to bring up any specific whales as a problem because the artists recognize them as guaranteed income.
I'd say his sketchwork and WIP pieces are much better than his lined and colored stuff, so that's more of a positive to me. There's also nothing wrong with treating a Patreon/whatever like a tip jar.
But yes the moping and talk of politics got really annoying and I had to unfollow.
"Bamboo-Ale draws giant asses now. That's it. You liked him trying to push boundaries or actually drawing anything with a creative angle or real vision behind it? Too bad. Asses. And of course, everyone likes ass, this isn't to knock the appeal of an ass" Except he still draws fat girls, but his shit is locked behind a Patreon paywall. He's literally acting like an ass for no reason
I really don't get that approach he's doing.
Big asses, normal everything else is as normie as it gets for a fetish yet any new unsuspecting supporter that checks his Patreon would stumble upon immobiles and blobs.
It is even a low price for this amount of details in the art industry. You think artists should be payed as if they are woring in KFC?
Take a look where you are, most of the people here would probably want them to do everything for free given all the piracy and general resentment for commissions, Patreon, weight gain drives and other paid options.
Hell people in these threads even resent OCs (including the ones artists have, not just commission whores) so the corporate drone mentality actually suits what most of BBWchan wants from their artists.

1. This is a fetish circle, not a business. If you want industry pay, work for the industry.

2. Most of the non artists here are working class at best who are making KFC wages.
>If you want industry wages, work for the industry
Lol, lmao even
>Most of the non artists here are making KFC wages
And that's the artists problem why?
Fetish or not it is the exactly same work. No work would cost different just because you are not a gamedev boss and you cant afford it.

Not even going to respond to the first one.

>How is that the artist's problem?

The artist's work is a luxury item, therefore not a need? The customer isn't going to go broke to feed a 'starving artist?' You and artists do realize we don't have to find your life/hobby?

If the customer can't afford it, you're not getting paid. Simple as.
So a fancy car should cost less than a standard car one would more likely need? It being a luxury if anything would justify a higher price.

Or the person can just buy the standard car?

I don't want to assume but you and the other Anon seem to believe we should pay for art with the money we don't have.
You're not obligated to purchase commissions, nor are artists entitled to customers. But artist's are free to price as they see fit, and poorfags are free to seethe and cope.
>Artist sets prices
>"This pricing is outrageous! How dare THEY set THEIR prices?!"
>Artist proceeds to have all their comm slots filled within an hour of opening
Cope and seethe poorfags, cope and seethe
At this point, you guys need to just admit you hate it when artists make any kind of profit off of their work.
>most of the people here would probably want them to do everything for free
Your entire post is overall really disingenuous because plenty of people are obviously on board with paying artists by whatever means (ko-fi, Patreon, comms), just not having to be nickle and dimed because every artist has a Patreon. It's not feasible to subscribe to 8 different artists at tiers where you actually get something out of it, this is especially true for teenage and young adult demographics, I've personally posted about this before as I remember what my finances were like during my teenage years.
>general resentment for commissions, Patreon
People in the demographics I mentioned are obviously going to complain that too much is walled off, especially during a recession where they can't source as much money from parents or part-time work. Hell, it's actually HARDER to get comms from desirable artists nowadays, and I have income that lets me pay comm prices without thinking twice. There are too many comm whales/repeat customers who get an uneven share of access as opposed to the rest of the community that's able to pay.

Regardless of the issues above, there's a lot of defense for artists charging reasonable rates per their skill level even in this thread, and anyone who said that a good artist should be charging less has been called out for being a retard. Not a single peep when Fapin changed his prices to be upwards of $120+ per comm, he's worth the money. Two different dudes got called out for trying to say decent artists were overcharging, probably felt emboldened by everyone laughing at Geo's retarded prices that aren't equivalent to his skill level.
>Hell people in these threads even resent OCs
There's been plenty of explanations for general dislike of OCs over the past few threads but I guess you missed the memo. It's clown behavior to boil it down to "heh, they dislike the Donut Steel OC, it just means they don't want to pay for anything".
>weight gain drives
Plenty of people have cited the issues with WGDs where they scale poorly and end abruptly. Some are flat-out just never continued because the artist got paid and said "I got mine :)". I've seen an extremely minuscule number of drives finish successfully. I think Piffedoodle was the last successful one with that Chun Li & R. Mika one, honestly really good and scaled well.

I never see any reasoned arguments or acknowledgment of issues when it comes to posts like these, it's always "imageboard BAD, artist GOOD" and when confronted they just double down. I respond to these posts because I know others are lurking and hopefully someone will get the message, but it's definitely why I'm not entirely sold on the current state of fat art being an overall improvement.
Everybody just generalizes. It's either "artist bad" or "imageboard bad" and it's bullshit.

Your comment still didn't justify the OC hate though. That I still don't get.

>Someone else is paying for fat of she that I'll be able to see publicly.



If that were the case, no one would bother with this shit to begin with.
>I've seen an extremely minuscule number of drives finish successfully. I think Piffedoodle was the last successful one with that Chun Li & R. Mika one, honestly really good and scaled well.
It would've been better if it wasn't all ass shots, and using food themselves instead of finite numbers to determine weight values is an easy way to lead to bullshit. They could do whatever the fuck they wanted and get away with it.
Thoroughly convinced by some of these posts that anyone complaining about artist prices is a child trying to buy commissions with their allowance
These are both good prices for what you're getting, the first one especially.
it always goes downhill after the good artists make pieces and then everyone else rides coattails

making real poor investment choices to own the chuds
(56 KB, 800x450, forgot_to_ask_thumb.jpg)
>artists sets price
>people willing to pay for it buy it
>random third party on an imageboard seethes
defending poor investment choices to own the chuds
Art commissions of any kind are about as much of an investment as an ice cream sundae, in that they aren't. Retard.
>go to restaurant
>order burger
>man outside starts banging on the window I’m sitting next to
>keeps shouting through the glass that the burger i ordered is a bad investment
If the burger is shit you could argue it's a bad investment
This is how I see it. What's with all the habub, bub?
Obviously, the artist in question was recieving more offers for commissions than they had time to complete. In that case, rising the price makes perfect sense; supply and demand, yo
It's been talked about to death, but I can do my best to summarize what I remember from previous threads:
>Overused visual design
A majority of OCs feel cheap or rehashed from a purely visual perspective. Everyone's seen the umpteenth elf-demon-other high fantasy/nerd-introvert-gamer girl OC already and there's nothing a creator is gonna do that's going to set them apart in terms of attractiveness
>Poor/generic background that pales in accessibility to licensed character flexibility
OCs are often just a D&D sheet of stats, likes, and dislikes. Sometimes they're straight up nothing at all but a design. There's nothing that makes anything about the fetish situations they're in appealing. Licensed characters exist in a world and personality traits can be derived from it, and can subsequently be broken in fanfiction. Many artist/creator OCs simply don't do this for their OCs. It's hot that in someone's headcanon, the extremely fit and strong-willed Chun Li (well-defined character with voice lines and backstory) starts taking up cooking after SF3 and plumps up while developing a weakness for pastries. On the other hand, who cares that your nonspecific gamer girl is getting fat and lazy as a MMORPG player? There are a bunch of scenarios just like hers. Squarewave already created multiple one-shots and comics for an elf girl he's never revisited again, your Unique the Wood Elf is not going to beat anything he's done in terms of pure horny.
>Lack of any kind of development
The reason why people globally respond well with OCs like those belonging to BWS, Ohasi, DebuIsCool, woot, etc. is in part due to that there's some kind of investment put in by the author. The author likes the character to create a world or scenario for them in a tactful and interesting manner and the fat fetish scenarios just hit better. The character has relatively general appeal and fancoomers are able to create their own fetish headcanon or simply think the horny vision of the creator aligns with their own. This segways into...
>The creator doesn't really give a shit except in the heat of the moment and then views their OC as a status symbol
Audiences can tell when a creator actually gives a shit about their OC and doesn't view them as just a fat fetish status chip (i.e., any of the artists who go "man i haven't drawn [my oc] in a while, huh... haha...."). Ohasi basically went from fat fetish on a side account to fat fetish on a main account because he just loved putting his girl into all sorts of relatable sexual teases and fantasies. I still follow what used to be his main just to see the work he puts into art training in terms of anatomy, scale, shading, etc.
>Someone else's inflexible, unrelatable, and extremely visible fantasy
There are plenty of autists with OCs that have nothing universally interesting about them but because they're commission whales who are viewed as reliable income, they become pronounced and known. It's someone else's highly specific and context-devoid fantasy and not one that people can generally relate to and imagine their own version of. Cool, your half-naked catgirl maids are getting tube fed. Again. At least Wonderbread Commissioner Guy is able to set aside enough money to have a bunch of artists fulfill his fantasy and then fuck off for a while.

I absolutely guarantee that I missed something, but I hope that provides some context.
(237 KB, 462x504, 1649215319755.png)
No shit that commissions cost money but the amount of posts rushing to the defense and losing their shit over just the mere concept of pricing being called out really reeks of artists being ITT. Again.

Best breakdown of why OCs suck I've seen in any of these threads
Ah, so it's not that you inherently have a problem with OCs, it's that you have a problem with bad OCs. Again, everyone on here phrases things in such a black and white way (Look at the response to your post above mine) that it's really easy to assume that you think OCs are inherently bad.
>you know I think these posts providing insight to the perspective of artists on this issue, might be coming from artists.
Slow down there Columbo.
I don't really look at oc art that often, I think the only ones I consistently go back to is LWB's stuff. It also helps they have a unique cartoony style to set them apart.
yeah, at that point it's a scam
thanks for finally figuring it out you retards

fags who charge triple digits for a sketch don't like it when people gotta pay for more important things
relying on whales isn't good long term planning
>fags who charge triple digits for a sketch don't like it when people gotta pay for more important things

Yes. Thanks for explaining that art is a luxury in the first place. It's something you pay for if you can afford it, if not; you got bigger things to worry about. Maybe something like earning more money so can pay for said luxury in the first place.
What the fuck happened to Bamboo Ale? His Deviantart is completely nuked. Apparently he went insane on Twitter but what exactly happened?
>a sketch is a luxury
the last artist I supported on patreon provided monthly sketches for $20
this is all about perspective, I am begging you to take your head out of your ass
>Ah, so it's not that you inherently have a problem with OCs, it's that you have a problem with bad OCs
Right, but again, the gripes people have stem from the majority that are in the public eye. I cannot name any more OCs/OC generators that are actually any good outside of those I listed. Well, it'd be rude and unfair to not include Pocharimochi's Lily as well since she clearly loves the characters she's made. Someone might say KawaiiDebu but to be frank they all fall in the category of "heat of the moment" where he pumps out some good work and then does the "just remembered [oc].... i should draw them...." thing. I think OCs would be received a bit more favorably if the ones that were just someone else's fantasy weren't featured as prominently, i.e., the artist doesn't post but gives the recipient the option to share their commission with the world. Then there's room to grow from there.
>everyone on here phrases things in such a black and white way
There are a lot of reasons for this, but it's easy to summarize it as "the invaders (gaia, reddit, tumblr, twitter) can be repelled with hyper-aggression". The 4chan post textbox has a decent character limit, and so does this place: some people who can expand upon their thoughts just choose not to because it's cringe in the eyes of newbloods. I personally think we're not gonna get anywhere until people start talking with some degree of normalcy again, which is why I'll try to give posts the benefit of the doubt and hammer out nerd essays unless the poster is clearly wrong/overaggressive. Some people from both sides simply don't want to play ball, as has been demonstrated in this thread.
Yes, and 20 dollars for a sketch is also dependent on whether the artist is undercharging or skill level. Please take your head out of your ass.

Either you got a good deal from them with them undercharging, or they are at skill level it makes sense.

Either way, what you said didn't counter anything I said, Art is a luxury, like entertainment.
How do I stop being worried about AI Generated art in general?
He was one those people who hated eclipse enough to abandon deviantart, but for reason he was under the impression that Deviantart was promoting NFT's and decided that it was a good enough reason to nuke everything.
All I really have to say about this Cozy shitshow is that it was weird seeing fucking Arvalis of all people weigh in
(146 KB, 611x699, 1602869193882.png)
BY realizing that AI art will never take off because it's literally plagiarism. It's just taking elements from tons of existing art and mashes them together in a fucked up collage. The US already ruled that AI art cannot be copyrighted because of this, so nobody that's actually looking for profit is going to touch it. It's just a toy non-artists play with so that they can larp as artists.
I could be wrong but doesn't DA literally have protections in place to stop NFTs or warn artists when someone tries to make an NFT with their art?
(73 KB, 1280x688, 1595876118_00032.jpg) (280 KB, 959x1280, 1662058278810639.jpg)
OCs are worth dogshit without proper worldbuilding, otherwise they are only good for a frame-sized glimpse into them. Woot uses it masterfully. Either build a proper lore and place your characters there, or do nothing at all.
Picrel no. 2
How do you think your brain works? Doesn't it tap into the acquired database to achieve a desired result in the similar fashion? Thin red line of plagiarism doesn't matter. It doesn't outright copy things, so it isnt the way some try to paint it.

>inb4 picrel no. 1 is me with my bbw-chan bans
Oui, it is a good investment
(141 KB, 389x361, 1482110646141.png)
Yes, that's exactly it. Bamboo-Ale's a known liar that will pull complete bullshit out of his ass so he can justify his shitty decisions. Hell, when he was known as FoxFire486, he decided to nuke all of his accounts "because his new job wouldn't allow it". Only to start his Bamboo-Ale persona not long after.

He's a sack of shit and he knows it.
"FoxFire" also had a Patreon, which he obviously nuked. He opened a Pixiv account called Toroboro, but it's shocking how much his art style changed over the years
Honestly kind of based how schizophrenic these posts are.

Actually no, Foxfire and Bamboo are in fact two separate folks. Everything else here is factually correct.

I can confirm that Bamboo Ale has literally burnt every single bridge in the community. Involving older commissioners of which he now blocks to prevent them from seeing his new work or even folks like princematchacakes of whom he was good friends with and legitimately doesn't even talk to anymore... Judging by how matcha talks about him in discord... or well, the fact that bamboo never shows up in discord calls anymore.

I cannot confirm for toroboro if he hates the community but with bamboo there is a good amount.

I know a few artist he personally bullied and he did have a private server with other bigger artists and you are scrutinized over every single thing you do by him personally.

Honestly, we as a community are way better off without him. One artist who can do work similar to him is Pivko and that guy honestly is nice as can be and is honestly someone who everyone should commission with how pleasant of an experience it is.
How much do you think it would be to commission a fat fetish artist to draw an image depicting a relatively fit girl firing a lever action rifle?
They'd probably just charge you the same rate they usually do. (Maybe some would charge less, as drawing skinny people is easier than fat, but don't count on it) Kinda like going to a burger joint and ordering a salad, though.
Shit, I got those completely mixed up. Yeah Toboboro's the alt acc, not Bamboo.

Bamboo's still a lying bitch, but that was legit my mistake.
Yeah, we really are better off without that scummy piece of shit. His art style is pretty unique, I can't deny that, but I think anyone would be able to replicate it with enough practice. At the end of the day many people know how much of an asshole he is, and that's what's most important
(36 KB, 500x628, 5d69005011f3c863.jpg)
>an image depicting a relatively fit girl firing a lever action rifle
why do you want to commission specifically a fatty fetish artist for this? with a little bit of searching you could probably find an artist that's actually passionate about both guns and girls
matcha finally got burnt by Bamboo? It was only a matter of time I guess.
I wish artists didn’t have to raise their prices so much. I can barely afford to commission anyone anymore.
(90 KB, 1022x1755, EtUYAzZU4AEXThA.jpeg) (107 KB, 882x1291, FTkG9KbXwAA1-0Q.png) (516 KB, 1843x1375, Palutena_sketch.png) (438 KB, 2661x4096, FUIqWFTXEAAHWRr.jpeg)
Considering that Bammbooale literally tries to pretend the he Foxfire/Toroboro and even uploads his art occasionally, as well as other people from his shitty new discord like Kafe and Mofu all because of some dumb inside joke, no one would blame you if you thought they were all the same person. Bamboo even took Toro's old blob OC and made fanart and pretended that he made her which his twitter and patreon audiences just took for granted. Pics related, these guys have circle jerking eachother art tips for so long that if you wouldn't be able to tell them apart that well if you just looked at their sketches.
This isn't true. The AI doesn't "mash" art together, it works by starting with random pixels then changing those pixels over countless iterations until it thinks the art matches the prompt.
and how does it know that it matches the prompt? by looking at art that already meets it, therefore it lacks creativity and just copies old art
Holy shit, he really is a scum. Does Foxfire/Toroboro even know about this? Or is he fine with a completely different artist (And most likely a stranger) stealing an OC of his?
I'm personally under the impression that Bamboo didn't lie about the NFT thing so much as he probably saw the phrase "NFT", assumed DA was going in on it and took even the tiniest excuse to DFE because he's so done with the community even though he really isn't.
This surprises me because I see him as the type of person to ghost you if you're not in the cool kid's club rather than actively burning bridges with people, since the latter option tends to make more waves. Also I do not blame him for not wanting to talk to Matcha at all, the dude always seemed annoying as shit and he can get pretty schizo.
Bamboo and Foxfire/Toroboro are best buds so it was probably something he drew for Toro and decided to toss in his sketch uploads on Patreon. Bamboo's posted some art he's gotten from Toro on his Twitter before, and they have a joint account called HuliZhuzi where they post fat furries on, and the occasional fat girl. It's a weird secret/not secret because Bamboo has some cross posts between that account and stuff on his Patreon.
Probably less than a fatty assuming you can actually convince them to do it, sounds mechanically simpler than most fetish scenarios. Most artists aren't so desperate and/or in love with money that they're willing to draw literally anything though, they advertise fat fetish art because that's what they wanna draw.
I assume you're the one who made this thread on Twitter? lmao

hi, just wanted to take a second to say pocharimochi's an extremely sweet and grateful person, i spent a large amount of time talking with them while working on this piece, and they're far from ungrateful for it. they have no obligation to retweet a teaser for my patreon.
Whatever happened to the "no kink shaming" bit of acceptance that people preached about so much.
you people are all so stupid holy shit
>barges into thread
>calls others stupid
>refuses to elaborate
What did he mean by this and which artist is this now?
Hey guys Bamboo here
Oh boy, can't wait for another epic trolling misson!
These both suck, but holy shit that right one is just genuinely awful. Looks like it was edited to be as ridiculous as possible. Also she has two right hands and her feet are scribbles.
Hi, Mofu. Hope your recovery from surgery or w/e goes well.
If that's really you then prove it by sharing some of that conversation you had with her. There's some people here who think it's something she wouldn't like because of her size and that there's slob.
I mean yeah unsurprisingly being a fattywank artist is unsustainable and perhaps he should get a real job instead of charging hundreds of dollars for something that obviously is not worth that much.
if you're really anonymous, then you wouldn't mind posting your driver's license
Anon, what? Why the fuck do you even need proof for this?

Literally think about it for a second. What does an anon have to gain by larping as nihijack to defend another artist? Nearly a week after the post they're replying to?
(315 KB, 589x555, pillo.png)
Oh hey, looks like someone wanted to call you out personally. A shame, since this clearly was a general summery post rather than your own personal opinions on the matter.
Honestly, out of all the takes I've seen on these types of threads, the one featured here is actually somewhat decent. Pillow definitely could have found a worser take than this
You could call him a spaz for writing a whole ass essay on a porn sharing website but nothing he said is even all that opinionated, let alone "unhinged." The Cozy spergs were way worse than anything in this post.
There are zero images stored in the AI. Think about how you can recognize when something looks like the Mona Lisa without being able to redraw the Mona Lisa from memory. The AI works in a similar manner but uses linear algebra.
(1.8 MB, 1836x3264, IMAG0780.jpg)
Looks like there's at least one artist calling out the buckshot in the fat art community. (Sorry for the dog shit quality)
(147 KB, 1437x2048, FbvxvcmXwAEPm39.jpg)
Something I've noticed, there's this one IRL fatty account that some artists have been simping over, "sunshine chubba"/@dramalama2002 and their posts are pretty weird.
Like most of the photos involving the fat chick are candid, like taken from the side or behind (actually go, check it out). I'm somewhat convinced that someone is taking creepshots and larping as a girl on the internet. Hopefully I'm not alone in thinking this.
Even if it is a real 19 y/o chubby girl on the internet, it's also just weird having people groom them towards obesity and draw art of them but with 500 lbs tacked on, just my two cents.
This sounded schizo at first but there's definitely something bizarre with that account's choice of pics
Even if you're charitable and assume it's a friend(???) taking them by her request, why they fuck are they almost all she ever uploads
That's far from normal for any irl self-posting fat fetish account I've ever seen
Something that really weirds me out is if you look at the most recent selfie, they brighten an image they posted earlier to show off something. Like, if you're gonna show off something, why not take ANOTHER picture instead of editing one you already have? Like clearly the account owner is running off a limited supply of pictures.
One of the melanated individuals seems to have escaped from its containment board. Mods, return this creature to /booty/ at once.
You're 100% correct, no doubt after scrolling down that profile. Heaps of re-used creep shots reposted over and over, comparison shots to other women creep shotted that clearly isn't the same girl. How'd sizemologist even find this girl? Or why bother drawing her? Either he's running the account or knows who is and is 'in on it' or some shit.
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Not gonna lie, I think you schizo fucks might be on to something. Every picture on the account either looks candid or ripped off a Facebook page. It doesn't help that the earlier posts are clear crops, and that the only HD pictures are of food— and that's ignoring how many get reused in later posts.

Not entirely sure if that's the case for the friend's account, but it's enough to be suspicious of this one at least.
The low angle is a tell, too. Unless it's deliberate, I'm pretty sure it's a catfish at best— or some kind of deranged stalker at worst.
The fact that there's a schoolbus in these pictures is making this a whole lot creepier.
(124 KB, 1116x2048, Fbvw-_eX0AAOub4.jpeg)
I found this account earlier and it's lowkey effed up no matter if the subject of the photos is actually running the account. I'm gonna hope that the art was a commission, but I want to say Sizemologist liked this person's posts in the past, so it could be something more sus. Either that, or Size is the friend taking the pictures.
Okay last minute edit, so theres ANOTHER ACCOUNT that is almost the exact same as the first one but with a different girl. Candid pictures and Sizemologist fanart and all. It's seems a little bit more natural than the first one, but it still seems off. The only thing I can think of is that these girls have whack private lives and can only takes photos when they're out doing something and not posing.
Damn bro, you got the whole thread scared 😐
WTF this one is actually somehow worse. Straight facebook stolen pics from family settings. Along with overly personal creep shots taken from someone very close to them without her knowing. And this account seriously retweeted "sunshine chubba / @dramalama2002". So these creepshotting larping people are all connected with sizemologist also at the center handing away his $150-worth drawings to 'strangers' while being cutesy with them in the comments.
(415 KB, 587x453, weird.PNG)
Low angle, subject always facing away, subject clearly not aware there's a camera looking at them, in a public place (a school at that). It's some creepy horny teen taking these.
Also only other photos are faceless or oddly personal ones with family and friends, clearly copy pasted from someone's actual social media.
Pic related too, this is just such a weird way to talk about yourself. It reads like some coomer's oddly specific fantasy.
(41 KB, 152x254, b3f.png)
Yeah, something's VERY off here. What 19 year old takes a school bus? Unless she's a high school senior that was held back, she should be starting college, in which she should be taking normal busses/trains, or her own car.

I saw that account before coming here and was wondering why I felt so uneasy. The whole thing falls apart the moment you start to think about it.
Should we ask Sizemologist about this and ask if he realises what's going? Cos this looks like it could be some real creepy stuff, and I'd hate for these to be just innocent victims getting stalked all so some weirdo on twitter can pretend to be obese versions of them to fuel his pervert fantasy. Also shit, bump limit soon.
You really need to ask the dude what the fuck is wrong in his head
Niggers think that following fat women around is perfectly acceptable behaviour.
How else are they gonna get their snow bunnies
Both accounts have the same rp type of tone. Both accounts retweet and talk about splatoon. Both accounts have similar looking commissions from sizemologist. sizemologist is running those accounts.
I think that’s a big assumption. I think he’s just a horny shut-in artist who lusts for a fat gf like most other fattywank artists and will fall for any potential chubby woman on the ‘net.
I never thought pinaythickie was a creepshot and/or larp account, but on second thought I think they are as well, the pictures are pretty odd sometimes.
ALSO they've somehow gained 2.3k followers in the past two months with no noticeable increase in post engagement (still getting <100 likes, etc.) What gives??
Yeah a person who are interesting at weight gain and never did even a one clearly wg pic. Like with a seductive pose, camera at hand.
Waiting for the "Insane Ranting thread number 11" lmao

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