
>>107599 (OP)
Here is the supplementary resource from thread three, originally taken from an An4stimafilia Tweet.
(805 KB, 890x1054, AB57E4A0-57A0-4512-8BE4-877EBA8179DD.png) (416 KB, 936x935, 47C15466-36FA-4DA2-872F-228D4CDB14BC.png) (1.4 MB, 1554x1533, 31D1AA52-B991-4EC2-A284-18DEC8B564FE.png) (449 KB, 890x1054, 0437029C-4287-4C1A-B523-32A31DC9C444.jpeg) (295 KB, 936x935, A67694D8-2215-4355-9233-8D9259C55253.jpeg) (1.1 MB, 1554x1533, FC4D1108-A6AC-4383-B9F3-B2EA5914160F.jpeg)
With those resources out of the way, here are some of the past few thread’s edits I liked.
If possible make kats shirt smaller ;)
(203 KB, 600x900, FUSh7xtWIA4FSLM.png) (855 KB, 1777x2011, 9IAltBA.png)

Re-doing and adding an addendum to my Helsa edit request from the last thread. I'd like the first image to have the body type of the second one or if easier to edit, the second having the outfit swapped with the first style but keeping the pink panties visible with the dress being shorter and the side cut/mouth running along the panty line.
What's the point of textless edits of these? There's not much here so it can easily be ignored.
(139 KB, 850x1386, __manbagi_rumiko_komi_san_wa_komyushou_desu_drawn_by_lecca_aisu__sample-45840c4ab1dcdc181b9c8a1c3e1aa5a9.jpg) (800 KB, 1650x2550, Kim & Ramona Commission.png) (72 KB, 1192x670, princess_hibana_being_sexy__by_theguytoknow87_ddwp7ii-pre.jpg)
I'll give this another try can someone make Ramona (left) and kim (right) into rumiko from komi-san can't communicate and hibana from fire force and make the scale look like it's breaking.
OR here, this is even better than I could've ever imagined, I love it so much, thank you! :D
Was already working on it but I guess I don't have to now lol
You did great! Got any art accounts?
(773 KB, 2636x1308, Mortal Arkhitekt.jpeg)
Just draw over it broh.
1.Study the art style,the colors,the shading,the line width
2.make a sketch outline
3.draw outlines
4.in paint
5. Shade and render
(710 KB, 557x1538, 1661136807536428.jpg)
essential mombod request. all that's lacking is a grand tum and a lot more fat.
(1.2 MB, 1934x1176, Lucy 069.png)
Can anyone remove the background and text?
Could you do this for some panels of kip herself? Would be nice to see more Kip art of actual fat characters.
Can someone do this one?
Ty appreciated as usual !
>>108340 I second this.
And maybe make her left boob less droopy?
Holly fuck that's good editing, well done!!
(4.6 MB, 3285x4059, 1661549683.png)
can someone reduce her lip size
Not to cut in line, but do you think you could make her fatter?
OR here, i appreciate you took your time doing this and saved
Looking back, the torso may either have to go out more to be in proportion with the arms in some places, or the vice versa with the arms going out less outward
Yes, you can keep it that way.
(357 KB, 1280x720, Koikatu-2022-06-14-16-34-54-Render.png) (311 KB, 1280x720, Koikatu-2022-03-13-23-47-54-Render.png) (295 KB, 1280x720, Koikatu-2022-06-14-16-35-27-Render.png) (281 KB, 1280x720, Koikatu-2022-03-13-23-49-42-Render.png) (431 KB, 1280x720, Koikatu-2022-03-13-23-48-05-Render.png) (129 KB, 894x894, big_dina_s_donuts_by_gammanaut_dedhk8m-pre.jpg)
Can someone make one of the girls arpund the size of the girl in the art? Or make them in the art? I'm not entirely sure how this sort of thing works, never posted on one of these kind of websites.
The second of yours may be the most ideal choice.
(437 KB, 1378x1378, 65D85A11-1F31-40D2-B6A2-BEF9E033AA27.png) (469 KB, 1378x1378, F0875493-A0F4-4799-8BC4-E087016AFCFF.png) (20 KB, 276x314, 2959143F-1282-47D9-BCA8-7AD0DEA056F6.jpeg) (20 KB, 268x340, 68396AE7-1AAB-4AA4-A28B-777E5066FE94.jpeg) (18 KB, 239x286, 8495197D-D34E-4494-BD49-EC1D58ED4DA4.jpeg)
Requesting a Mona!! Hope this reference to the right of the image will suffice, but torso can be as you like, spoilers include three options from >>107612 if you want supplemental inspirations if you like!! (I lean “9”)
thanks appreciate that you guys enjoy it
hnnng who's the artist?
Jam-Orbital for the OG art
The mental images the mock-up line stuff gives me are so good.
bro, at least post a better quality image than that lol, totally unworkable
(28 KB, 196x246, tutorial_img_photo01 #269894.png)
>>110143 here is their request extracted directly from the game, the devs are stingy when it comes to file extractions so sharing and keeping them up to date is a headache
>>110158 doubt it is much better, but there is not much i can do about it
A little clunky but you did quite well! 7.5/10 keep on practicing!
HOLY SHIT THATS GOOD (only wish you could do the yellow one lol)
Thank you! I'll wait for it on Monday :D
(629 KB, 574x1188, C4BCD346-0091-47CF-A0DA-F36727C1DE55.jpeg)
Can this be edited by any chance? I’d like to see Tessa as heavy as reasonably possible.

Especially with extra fluff around her face.
Fuck, I forgot to link the anchor. Sorry.

Ignore this and move on to someone else.
Thanks! This thread's just getting a bit slower than usual.
these really jolly my jimmies bro. real 10/10 stuff.
if it wouldn't hurt please do this one here! >>107887
This is wonderfull!!!
the little bent at the chin really makes the shitposty one.
(4.5 MB, 2750x2516, B2C32AAF-EAE4-44DC-808E-9A34C8AC2C15.png) (4.5 MB, 2750x2516, 387C4C26-7A2B-45EE-BB50-3D09153FA2AB.png)
>>107613 If someone wanted to, Requesting to give the middle and rightmost ones even fatter limbs, faces, and guts. Making the middle the new second fattest and the rightmost now the heftiest of the bunch. If you could also make the leftmost girl’s chest still flat but having a more natural transition into the stomach, it would be cool and good.
The images above are the same, accidentally duped.
big ups man 10/10 keeps the subversion there with a fetish friendly twist.
(588 KB, 1280x1290, edit5.jpg) (603 KB, 1270x1280, e1e6973d788db4570d1c95fcc125f0ce2647bac15d531784277ec6991627f1a9.jpg) (759 KB, 1280x1290, 5a17810de02110e290c3cf645ef9b955575afd431f226663c9a0ab0183190523.png) (189 KB, 594x934, edit6.jpg) (109 KB, 594x934, 76d616068e35e0c509e62cd3697873e71ae0a1d6ca1e78be2376546cbe7bbdfe.jpg) (117 KB, 594x934, 49c4be6b132b68f73ed59e74d97308df667214dc438c346ef65d7e7f5f04deab.jpg)
One order of Lori, ready to serve and oh, a side of Kip as well for the other one
I love this fat Lori! Thanks, can you just add a double chin? And it'd be perfect, don't worry if you can't, I like her a lot!
(2.3 MB, 2287x4096, queeb3.png) (2.4 MB, 2904x3972, queeb4.png) (2.9 MB, 3000x2738, queeb2.png)
not to insult the original editor but this could use a bit of a... freshening up? Maybe enlarge the face and arms and such and make the belly less sloppy?
Also the companion pic for extra funsies >>107613
>>109494 Seconding but maybe to be “proportionate“ with everything else the chest and stomach could go out a tad farther than that.
>>112194 Was supposed to remove “Edit Archive.”
>>112176 Glad to know something is coming out of reuploading besides the thread not saging. Seconding but hope the “Tumy” stays.
Can someone do this one?
Wow. What a generous editor that person was. 3-in-1! For free!
Perfect! Thank you very much!!! :D I love her!
>>112253 To make it clear for everyone else, each was by a different person. None me, to keep the thread active I resurface older ones.
I know it's a hard request but anybody want to give this a shot?
(515 KB, 800x1149, 1.png)
I was reading Yankee jk saw this and was hoping someone can make hanako fat where her tank top can't even cover her belly.
Who's the artist? I can't make out what the signature says.
OR here, she's awesome, thank you so much! ^^
(685 KB, 2283x1800, 20220916_223804.jpg)
Anyone willing to de-berry this, including the background color and the couple mentions of berry/juicing in the text?
Who's the character and do you wanna keep the lactation bit
oh and who's the artist as well, for good measure
(1.1 MB, 2283x1800, edit9d.png) (948 KB, 2283x1800, edit9c.png) (685 KB, 2283x1800, 19c68af23fb04db6ff15429b69fc4f08a8b1c1495eb4f326b8569a5053aa87e9.jpg) (657 KB, 2283x1800, edit9b.jpg) (986 KB, 2283x1800, edit9.jpg)
removing the lactation is easier than turning it to milk actually
and also, there's so much going on in the background I'd rather just replace it entirely than de-berrying
If you insist on de-berrying the bg, here are some png's for other anons to work with
best wishes
Is there still someone who would do this?
Sorry pal but that's wayyyyyyyyyyy too much work that I reckon just about anyone in their right mind would like to deal with as a "request". Whoever does this for free is an absolutely altruistic philanthropic saint. More power to that person. But hey, maybe such an anon exists. I wouldn't hold my hopes up that high however...
Incredible, thanks for this!
Anyone else that wants to take a crack at reimplementing the horny background rant would be much appreciated, really elevates the piece IMO
(10.4 MB, 5734x2000, 29uwyo.png)
eh I gave it a shot but half-way through figured it was too much work lol. Half of them are naked, excuse the crude nipples, I rushed them.

I've edited Salt's work in the past and did some blender shenanigans. Soft shading is my enemy and makes edits hard, this piece features inconsistent shading on a variety of characters/objects.
Ah well. Thanks anyway.
consider it delivered some time tomorrow
maybe ask in the bhm section and not in the bbw section
(3.9 MB, 2048x1679, Untitled32_2022034256700.png) (3.0 MB, 2048x1679, Untitled24_20220921054300.png)
Requesting a fat edit of Aqua with alot of water weight. Sorry if the proportions I drew are wrong. If no one takes my request, where do I start with editing? Whenever I do actually try editing I feel like I am missing steps.
edit tips:
>figure out what's the most similar brush to use
>figure out what's the line weight for it
for blending and/or soft shading, there's no one perfect brush, you'll have to experiment and even tweak around with your selected brush settings to get the results you're looking for
>for basic cel shading, the simplest thing to do is to eye drop the color you're filling in and then for shadows, if there's none to base off of in the reference, go to the color wheel and just nudge it down a bit OR coat over the area with black (do this on a different layer) and lower the opacity
>for proportions and anatomy, there's no shortcut to getting it right, you'll really need to study A LOT of references, but no need to be a perfectionist with it, for starters, you can just look at how your fave artists normally does their proportions and imitate that, train those eyes of yours to spot the little things and oh, doing lots of figure drawing also helps
>when in doubt, always check for references, go look at other works and take in some inspiration... don't trace though! just try to get a feel of how you think they do things and you'll pick up on such things yourself soon too
Very funny, I'll keep waiting then
Why are you so infatuated with that shitty face?
(88 KB, 750x823, AC8AD2BF-F41D-4F7D-8B76-5E7C5CBABE9B.jpeg)
May I be honest with you? Do you have no taste? Like honestly you would ask for a fat edit for a stick figure honestly with that level of quality control in your mind. There are so many prime picks of thin sexy ladies ready to be turned into scaffolding for great bbw architecture yet this is the hill to die on. Like a fat edit of a Façade screw cap would be more erotically pleasing to most than what you’re asking for. I’ve seen clipart more enticing than that. I cannot phantom how anyone but a sheltered autistic Amish child could find that attractive. This is like going to a 5 star restaurant and asking for chicken nuggets,or more accurately going to a soup kitchen asking for a cup of mayo with ice. I sincerely hope you’re like 13 because if you’re a legal adult that scares me,as I’ve seen what you’re attracted towards sexually,and I’m afraid of what others niche preferences you have.
Amen, bro. Heck, I thought it was a dude until anon said it was a dudette.
Agreed, it's just a bland, generic face. What are we supposed to be attracted to, the fat face?
Lmao yeah, even us editors have some semblance of standards
(6.1 MB, 9811x4300, Makoto.png)
Can somebody give the 2nd and 3rd drawings double chins and thicker arms
And no worries bro,you can always fix it up later lol.
(104 KB, 1104x1106, 94178492_p25.jpg)
Can someone make Tenten fatter?
I'm already working on something, but I just can't get a good feel for the fat back curves, but I at least separated things into layers in the tiff format.
Very sexy, I also like this one!
(72 KB, 1079x1442, E6542D3D-2548-4CAB-8FF2-B0ABCCCED41E.jpeg) (32 KB, 453x649, 646747CE-F908-432F-B69F-FC09A79890CE.jpeg) (53 KB, 453x649, 1780F3C3-CB39-4932-8B84-E931D3155388.jpeg) (130 KB, 1079x1442, B0084995-1D64-49B8-B815-48C3FA8C1A2C.jpeg)
Requesting a fat edit of this meme
For the flat chested one change the text to “flatso” for the big tit one change it to “Bloatmaxxed” and for the big tit one to be strongfat specifically with the small tit one moreso flabby
(130 KB, 1079x1442, 68C545C0-9307-4618-A256-9AA18FC85916.jpeg) (53 KB, 453x649, DC0663E7-4F3C-42F4-B6AC-48A997EF10CB.jpeg) (32 KB, 453x649, 21DE48EF-C840-4FF8-9CAA-6A20DFFC1CD1.jpeg) (72 KB, 1079x1442, A4FE6292-D819-410E-91B4-517FCF6E2435.jpeg)
Requesting a fat edit of this meme
For the flat chested one change the text to “flatso” for the big tit one change it to “Bloatmaxxed” and for the big tit one to be strongfat specifically with the small tit one moreso flabby >>107613
Sorry for the double post,my puter glitched
I suggest you take this to /bbfurries/
somebody clearly didn't real the rules thread for this catalogue, get outta here anon, you're goddamn lost again
Yeah, bring that furry shit outta here
Fuck your rules and fuck your toxicity, you’d have better luck contaminating a septic tank full of dead skunks and a horse. Knob jocks!
mfw not everyone shares my fetish :((((
someone get Dr. Phil, we have another patient to send off to the ranch
Can you made her even fatter? Specifically the arms and limbs.
idk man, it ain't furry, it ain't human, ig maybe this belongs to /bbwalt/ ?
I told you to take it to bbfurries instead, and you erupt like this?
Shame on you. Just shame on you.
Awesome, I really love this fat Mandy! Thank you! Could you do this one too? >>113928
But Anon… they’re… WEIRD weird
Go to either the pregnancy or alt boards for this request.
I don't get it... What's the edit? Didya color the page? I've only seen it in b&w. If so, amazing coloring anon. I love this short manga.
>retard forgets he has his own fucking board, chimps out when reminded of that fact
And you wonder why your kind is despised
(29 KB, 800x1134, 6.jpeg)
Saw this and was wondering if someone on here can make her fat.
Holy shit this is awesome coloring, you really should do it for the whole comic! Amazing
Anyone still doing this?
(Yesterday was the character's birthday)
Just wanted to ask, is there a booru or gallery or anything similar containing edits made here from past, now deleted threads? Or are those images simply gone now?

Can anyone do this please?
Can someone do this one?
(669 KB, 1536x1706, B4F83195-862B-4EFC-9464-C4C58FD3F159.jpeg)
Saiya looks kind of chubby here. Would it be possible to make her even more full figured? (A sliver of exposed belly would be cute too.)
A fuller face would look cute too
Thanks dude this was my first time editing something thanks for saving it
it's in the Fairy Tail thread
Oh my bad guess I missed it
>>116571 I try to bring past ones over to new threads, but the truth is anything I or someone else don’t bring may be lost.
Have you lost whatever sanity there was left within you?
You aks to completely redraw the whole piece, don't you?
You are unthinking, imbecile beast, basest of the base, a spiritually parasitic homunculae, a mockery of man.
That's not an edit, that's entire work from scratch, maggot.
(124 KB, 1111x1400, FMF9kjxXwAA3HRj.jfif)
Would love an edit of this where her fat belly is spilling out of her bikini
(2.3 MB, 2160x2048, edit.png)
Pretty quick palette swap, but I hope this will do.
(2.3 MB, 1221x1920, futaba.png)
hey, can someone make futaba's nose a bit smaller here?

I'd like this girl with a round/chubby cheek face, a big round belly, big hips and thighs and thick legs.
>>119192 (Cross-thread)

I forgot that... I would also like to see her with bigger boobies...
(132 KB, 520x796, sketches_1.png) (227 KB, 892x790, sketchbook4_5.png) (880 KB, 2550x1650, [Android 18].png)
Hello! It would be possible to get a digital version of Axel Rosered's sketches?
Just the black outlines, or if someone wants to do the colors too, that would be great!
Please, and have a nice day!
(3.1 MB, 3610x3759, oc_commission_by_casualmuffin_dff6w0h.png)
Can someone please change this to a fair skinned Caucasian redhead and add blue eyes that are slightly looking up so it looks like the character is pleasured by the experience. Bonus points if you could even add freckles around the chest face and thigh region
(217 KB, 2175x1800, ina berry stream.jpg)
Got another de-berrying request if anyone'd like to take it. Like the way this artist depicts fat and bloating a lot, actually, shame most of what they do is this.
So many wandering souls, Forever stuck in a circle of requests. Awaiting, for someone to fulfill them. But with no luck. thousands of requesters, but no actual edit masters. Thus Is the fate of this thread.
Can't be helped. It's October after all. October is when everyone's caught up trying to participate in an art gimmick. Then the holidays will follow... It's simply the slowest quarter of the year.
I'm open for simple requests. The kind that's stupidly brain dead kind of simple. Like, finished in under 15 minutes simple. Don't ask me to make this or that fatter or whatsoever.
Fuck you. Why would you make this?
Requesting to balance out their bodies by making the top part as fat as their bottoms.
Hm? Beats me. I'm just the delivery guy.
(416 KB, 2048x1448, E4k_1cbXIBEKfuB.jpg) (32 KB, 473x195, 484ufu.jpg)
Could anyone edit her to be as fat as the edit on the right? The right one was on the old edit thread that's gone now and this image is horrible quality but I'd very much appreciate a re-edit for the left one
(1.3 MB, 1920x1080, Bwu7WxB.png) (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, T1KQEzI.png)
Someone can make her a sumo please?
Can anyone do this one pls
(3.0 MB, 3610x3759, edit1.png)
Hey, since I'm seeing a pattern here, I figured I'd accompany this delivery with a step-by-step tutorial so you can do it yourself if you need to.
I'm using Paint.NET, which you can get at the unfortunate URL:
With that out of the way:
1. Use magic wand to select purple skin, copy to its own layer
2. Repeat with hair, creating another layer
3. Use Hue/Saturation tool (repeatedly if necessary) to recolor both layers as desired
4. Clean up/detail with pen and eraser
This will probably look like shit if you zoom in, since the magic wand part leaves artifacts, but it seems to suffice for your purposes. Results will vary depending on the original image's artstyle, too.
Love you thank you and will definitely try this
>>107599 (OP)
Requesting edits that will be used for other boards - requests of edits that are not big, expanded, fat or inflated, rather another character or attire - Would they be allowed here?
(146 KB, 1024x901, shockingly_athletic_by_thedookus_df9owe4-fullview.jpg)
I have a big edit to ask so I'll understand if no one goes for it. Could someone make Peach and Daisy switch places in this image, so Peach is the fat one while Daisy is the skinny one on the bench? Would also be nice if Peach's boobs were made bigger too, so they're more balanced with the rest of her body.
Damn dude, that was quick! Thank you!
Though, why did you give Waluigi a "front tail"?
Points to anyone who knows where I got the "front tail" reference from. It means you've played or watched a good game.
(342 KB, 1683x2048, E28DB9CC-6F2C-4898-9CE2-DB6E0714271A.jpeg) (315 KB, 2048x2048, 1A3D72E7-EAA1-49DD-8967-3D9FAC6B3564.jpeg) (311 KB, 1400x2048, 9A46FEA7-EADC-48E1-9E63-6F8729AE1F5F.jpeg) (353 KB, 1400x2048, 0D8B42F6-7FCF-4F47-B772-9D702903AD5E.jpeg) (451 KB, 1818x1818, 4D1B20F7-2258-40B3-835F-B5722632E33C.jpeg) (493 KB, 1648x2006, 0ED448F3-50FF-46DE-94B6-912F09E6AAA7.jpeg)
Requesting these ladies a little more anatomically correct (fat)
(415 KB, 512x704, 1girl, silver hair, short hair, midriff, obese, covered nipples, bare belly, cat ears s-2893277976.png) (407 KB, 512x704, 1girl, silver hair, short hair, midriff, obese, covered nipples, bare belly s-2893277976.png) (419 KB, 512x704, 1girl, silver hair, short hair, midriff, obese, covered nipples s-2893277976.png) (411 KB, 512x704, 1girl, silver hair, short hair, midriff, obese s-2893277976.png) (422 KB, 512x704, 1girl, silver hair, short hair, midriff, obese, covered nipples, bare belly, cat ears, nude, nsfw s-2893277976.png) (415 KB, 512x704, 1girl, silver hair, short hair, midriff, obese, covered nipples, bare belly, cat ears s-2893277976 (1).png)
Here's a set of AI-treated versions.
Got rid of the furry, made her into a catgirl.
It might be easier for the actual artists to do something with her, at least.
Is there a chance you can do AI generated version of these ones? (If it's possible of course) >>113928 >>118346
This proves how easy it is to steal art using AI.
> proves how easy it is to steal art using AI
Img2img has been a feature of generative art since 2012 with style transfer but I guess this is new now?

Keep this shit in the actual AI thread please and thank you
The person didn't make the request in an actual AI thread, so...

It's also easy to steal art using photoshop filters, or by just saving and re-posting it on your own account. This guilt by association shit you keep doing is beyond cringe.

You sound like a god damned record label trying to sue people for burning CDs.
wow, that's a really good take coming from an AI
(265 KB, 800x1137, 1.png) (190 KB, 800x1137, 14.png) (286 KB, 800x1137, 15.png) (227 KB, 800x1137, 4.png)
Anybody out willing to fatter this chick up?
(299 KB, 1280x1821, ayako_s_weight_gain___page_1_8_by_spellsx_dfcjyr2-fullview.jpg) (351 KB, 1280x1821, ayako_s_weight_gain___page_4_8_by_spellsx_dfcmysi-fullview.jpg) (287 KB, 1280x1821, ayako_s_weight_gain___page_3_8_by_spellsx_dfcmye2-fullview.jpg) (361 KB, 1280x1821, ayako_s_weight_gain___page_5_8_by_spellsx_dfcpaov-fullview.jpg) (352 KB, 1280x1821, ayako_s_weight_gain___page_2_8_by_spellsx_dfck340-fullview.jpg) (287 KB, 1280x1821, ayako_s_weight_gain___page_8_8_by_spellsx_dfcs0ce-fullview.jpg)
Can any one finish colouring this in please
(891 KB, 1280x817, edit1.png) (2.6 MB, 1280x2438, edit2.png)
No problem, these edits are pretty rudimentary and I'm not that skilled anyway.
I wouldn't be able to make the feet look right, so I left the shoes on in the left one. Other than that, she's nude now.
I might be able to do something with those feet. If you can name me the artist, I can look into their works for some references. I'm not very good either but I'd like to give it a shot.

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