
(39 KB, 1280x725, Man-shouting-at-computer.jpg)
Damn, we are already at #9?

Anyways, you know the rules. Complain here. I guess.
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>Bridget returns to Guilty Gear
>They turned him into a troon because daisuke's a western pandering faggot who missed the fucking point behind his own character
>Trannies are already on people's case for referring to him as male in fetish art
I know people in these threads don't like male art, but I can't really complain about this anywhere else, ha ha.
Finally someone who agrees.
Trannies as the boogeyman once again? I can't believe it! Anyway, yeah. Enjoy the little Guilty Gear fatty wank artists draw or whatever
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Can't say much on the matter, because I'm completely ignorant on the topic.
And yeah, kemono.party and nitter are enough for me. I have no motivation to immerse myself into the twitter clout, it simply looks absurd and pointless. Like hahahahhahah, get off the twitter buddy. Do it.

inb4, here is a list of artists I like, in no particular order or degree of enjoyment.
>Can't say much on the matter, because I'm completely ignorant on the topic.

lmao, this. I usually havent got shit to complain about cause i try and steer clear of all this Twitter shit
Yeah, whenever people mention Twitter drama I'm like "Fuck this shit, I'm outta here"
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I don't play guilty gear and I'm pretty sure some of the people complaining like it's the end of the world and/or the people celebrating like it's the second coming of christ play it either. it's funny really
ignorance truly is bliss
If you're complaining about males, then you're in the right place. And I swear, the trannies are more toxic then we are here.
Actually read Bridget's Fandom wiki page yesterday to get art of him removed on the Fighting Games thread (which the mod did do), and someone overnight changed all the male pronouns on his page into female ones, and the page is fucking weird to read now after reading what his backstory is. It really was pandering of Daisuke to do, and doesn't line up with the character at all.
who cares lol
agreed, this is manufactured outrage from people who only learned of the character this week. changing a feminine man into a trans woman isn't that significant. these same people would've raged about femboys being degenerate last week
>Can't say much on the matter, because I'm completely ignorant on the topic.
Short version is that Bridget was born male as a twin with another boy, but his family lives in an area where it's considered taboo to have twins of the same gender, so his parents were faced with having to abandon him. Instead of doing that however, they instead raised Bridget as a girl to keep the fact that he's male hidden, because they didn't want to give up either twin.

Take it you're from Twitter then?
>Take it you're from Twitter then?
nah, twitter is shit. I only go on twitter if I'm linked to a tweet directly.

I'm sure some people are mad about whatever this guilty gear drama is, I just know that a lot of people who have never played the game (like me lol) are just piling on because it's got a trans character now. it's just another culture war thing that doesn't matter. this twitter drama is pointless
I know you faggots were already cooming over Bridget, now you don't have to be faggots for it anymore
>this twitter drama is pointless.
I only comment on Twitter shit because of how much it bled into DeviantArt and here in recent years. Was minding my own business until the Twitter invasion happened and now there's a lot of male and trans garbage that's difficult to avoid because people didn't feel like staying in their own corner like they should've. People have also tried gaslighting me because they're so offended that I'm a straight man who greatly dislikes fat men.
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Wait, you people play games?
It has been a while since I played anything at all.
Foe me it is *thematic* games (you know what I mean), Warthunder, Minecrampf and some racing games from 00s (NFs most wanted, juiced series, flatout 1&2, paradise city).
I can't imagine myself being emotionally attached to a chadacter, maybe because i'm hell of a turboautist.
KEK, if they weren't so obnoxious nobody would even touch them.
Well, such scenario is not something out of the impossible.
>t. remembered how I jerked off to sweetdreamcoffee's male comic thinking it was a girl. Than I saw nipples were too small, and stopped right in my tracks. Anime style is ambigious and confusing most of the time.

Also, hate when they draw a female, call it a male and voila. Nasty.
Even Sweetdreamcoffee hates male stuff now. She deleted everything male from Deviantart and Patreon and swore off every doing it again. Nice to see an artist smarten up for once when everyone else is getting into trans and male shit.

I'm with you on current games being shit, I don't play games to invest in a character. It's to let out frustrations or build stuff.
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I'd probably like Kip a lot more if he wasn't intentionally trying to drag out a SoL comic where nothing fucking happens out of sheer spite. There isn't even any weight gain in it FFS, the girls plateau hard after the first part. His intentional stagnation is obnoxious.

And after a week they all will forget about this character and move on to the next thing the mainstream tells them to get outraged/defensive about. It's all so vapid and shallow, just like everything that comes out of Twitter, and by extension social media as a whole.
>character was forced to be a girl by their village
>spends ten games repeatedly insisting they're actually a boy
>suddenly okay with being a girl
>after being encouraged by the government agent who looks like a discord mod

what did arcsys mean by this
sure you can just ignore everything it represents, but if you have half a brain you know this is grooming and that's why people are pissed at trannies celebrating it because
hello where have you been for the last six months, are alphabet people sexual predators or not
Dropped him real fast once I read that certain Patreon post of his I'm sure most here are already familiar with.

Not particularly interested but I do view the femboy shit as the same can of gay as trannies honestly.
Lump it all in a big box to be burned in a corner somewhere.
Guys are we still in time to complain about males!?
I'm just messing with y'all. I couldn't give a shit about Bridget being trans or not as long as the art is good (And hopefully not drawn by assholes who hate the community)
that's the spirit, anon.
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>I couldn't give a shit about Bridget being trans or not as long as the art is good
I disagree. Keep any and all male and trans shit away from me.

You believe them too easily.
based taste in games. Whoreblunder, Minecrap and NFSMW are some of my favorites.
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Let's try to switch the topic from trannies to more fat art related bitching, shall we?
Do you have any "tropes" in fat art that you can't stand?
I can't stand characters getting pig features as they gain or a disproportionate amount of fat only getting in one are (only ass, only belly etc)
I hate it when characters get taller as they get fatter because the artist has no fucking clue how anatomy works. That and the extendo-spine.
Yeah, the pig features is some weird shit I really hate. I want the characters to look like humans, not goddamn animals lol
I can stand it (since it's so common and you kind of have to put up with it if you like WG sequences that go beyond 300lb) but I find it annoying that characters always get disproportionate anatomy when they gain to large sizes. Their height increases by several times, their features like their faces appear several time larger than the other characters around them. I understand that some artistic license has to be taken since if you don't alter their anatomy you can't have your characters gain to high weights without looking like blobs and the weight gain fetish demands ever higher weights. I understand people can have a 'blob fat' fetish, but I dislike how it blends with normal WG art and fattywank so often.

I think a more realistic approach could actually be hotter, but it does take real skill to draw a larger sized character with more fat bunched on a limited sized body without them looking grotesque and unattractive.

>>105850 same thought heh heh
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Artists/writers who have no fucking idea what certain weights actually look like. Nothing takes me more out of a story/image if the character has a belly/tits/ass that hits the floor that's described as being "300lbs and immobile". Is it so hard to actually do some research instead of just pulling out such a lightweight(ha) number and thinking it fits. I get that distribution of fat is reliant on height/genetics and shit but these people would describe Vanilla at her heaviest as like 400lbs.
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They were gonna do it, whether he gave any hint of an opening to them or not.

>The young peoples don't get that wikis are only as safe as how obscure they are
All the wikis within Fandom and Wikipedia are also within the grasp of the nuts.

Who the fuck couldn't tell that was a dude?!
Again; how?! Try using Haku as an example next time, ya twat.

E-Sports is a curse that should've died moments after birth; it is the only reason Arksys is rewriting and redesigning characters to pander and everything's being geared towards the competitive autists. To make matters worse, most fighters are pretty much scams at this point.

>Do you have any "tropes" in fat art that you can't stand
Yo momma; I can't stand the rampant Oedipus complexs and egomaniac OCs and brand characters being rewritten as egomaniacs.
>Dropped him real fast once I read that certain Patreon post of his I'm sure most here are already familiar with.
Fill me in
>egomaniac OCs
One trope I can’t stand in fat art is when sequences make the characters grow way too quickly. Like, in one part they could have a slight gut, then in the very next part they’re already the size of a house. My favourite part about sequences is actually seeing the growth take place overtime and how it effects them in each part, watching how the fat slowly pushes and tears through their clothing, possibly with some other details like buttons popping once they reach certain sizes, etc. Sequences that progress that much just remove what I like so much about them in the first place, personally. How do y’all feel about this?
My biggest pet peeve is the overemphasis on belly with artists/writers that do immobile stuff. Whenever an immobile character is drawn/written, it's always something about a "belly that reaches beyond their knees" and some description on floppy breasts. The character's lower half, especially their legs, is never emphasized at all beyond maybe a mention on their ass. It makes no sense to me because of BigCutie Echo's popularity among that crowd to the point where she is a popular art reference because her body is very bottom heavy, yet it doesn't translate into bottom heavy focused immobile art/writing.
Oc's in general are kinda cringe ngl. And Artists want permission to use them, however they draw characters all the time without.
I'd rather take a woman growing overly quick instead of an artist bailing out of a weight gain drive just because "aw shit, she's getting too big". The failure of commitment is beyond aggravating.

Because an extreme bottom heavy body doesn't look good. The belly is the best part of weight gain. I'll gladly take semi realistic or unrealistic over that shit anyday.
(3.0 MB, 240x238, RLM Mike chews CHUNKY'S CHICKEN.gif)
It also drives me nuts when they use numbers as the sole description. So many mediocre stories will just say "her belly swelled out with another 50 pounds" and leave it at that. Numbers aren't erotic on their own! Heck, some of my favorite stories never use a literal weigh-in when describing the subject's growing size.

This is why I'm not a particularly big fan of growth drives (though I totally get why artists do them). Unless they're really strict on pricing or cutoffs on the early stages it just goes (normal)->(morbidly obese)->(three stages of blob). Even tempering it with "specify where you want the weight to go" just leads to weird disproportions more often than not.
I admit I'm not a big fan of blobs, but even still... the difference between weighing 200 lbs and 300 lbs is really noticeable , while the difference between 1200 and 1600 isn't nearly as dramatic despite being 'more' (not to mention it's so far in the realm of fantasy that sticking to 'pounds' is mostly pointless). I find that artists tend to produce much better sequences when they pace it out themselves.
No better example than Saxxons OCs.

>The belly is the best part of weight gain
Since when?
Hey guys what if we made something special for the 10th thread.

Like maybe a special thumbnail?
>can't stand characters getting pig features as they gain
Fucking THIS, I can't stand pigshit. TF and humiliation are already tropes I hate, pigshit combined both of them and makes it even worse somehow.

>or a disproportionate amount of fat only getting in one are
That's great though. Having well distributed fat is good, don't get me wrong, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a twig with a massive belly or just huge ass fat arms. Variety is the spice of life, after all.
why is this whole website so fucking toxic i thought it was pretty simple people would come here to talk about plus sized women not scream at each other like lunatics and send death threats how is this shit so toxic for a fetish site
>enter a thread labeled "insane ranting"
>why is everybody a lunatic
a real mystery, scoob
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>*Gasp*This place isn't sunshine and lolipops
Wrong door, the blue bird site is two blocks down
This is funny because people on twitter won't hesitate to send death threats over the stupidest things.
speds on twitter are way more toxic than us
we're upfront, they hide it with cutesy uwuness in one hand and a knife in the other
i understand that but it just seems fucking useless no like this is a fetish site this shit really doesnt fucking belong here you wouldnt come to pornhub to complain about life or some shit
My brother in christ you have options.
but hey I get it you need those sceenshots for "look how bad this place is and the people suck lol" for those brownie points it's either that or you have extremely weak hands and get carpal tunnel every time you click or scroll to anywhere else but this thread for some reason.
I don't even think it's a lack of understanding anatomy half the time but an actual kink, as cartoon characters growing taller as they get fatter dates back to that one King Size Canary cartoon and many other tributes/parodies with characters blowing up into comical giants.

Seriously, just look at how many titles and descriptions refer to "King/Queen-Sized." and just happen to have 10+ foot blobs.
In Strive itself, Bridget calls himself a boy when meeting Goldlewis, but after talking to him and Ky, Bridget decides to start calling himself a girl. No surgery to make it official, plus it defeats the point of his parents saving his life back then. The change was far too casual.
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>And after a week they all will forget about this character and move on to the next thing the mainstream tells them to get outraged/defensive about. It's all so vapid and shallow, just like everything that comes out of Twitter, and by extension social media as a whole.

For the sake of your sanity it's best to just ignore all that shit.
It's hard to really describe, but ignoring modern nerd culture, or whatever you call this ragebaby tug of war we're living in, has done wonders for my piece of mind.
I've made it a point to avoid anything currently mainstream--so by extension I've avoided all the bullshit go-nowhere argument around all of it.
If you told me like 10 years ago that I would enjoy something like Dawson's Creek better than anything currently on TV i would have pissed myself laughing--but it's entertaining, and it's fans are that rare breed of 40 year-olds who actually grew up and had lives.Literally zero drama about anything
Might be just me but i find most dialogue terrible

>"Ahnn! I can't believe I-*burrrppp*-finished all 69 pizzas! Rub my belly?"

I'm also the guy who watches to porn with the volume off and has no idea what to say when it comes to "dirty talk" so maybe I'm biased.
>One trope I can’t stand in fat art is when sequences make the characters grow way too quickly.

Same here. With a lot of sequences I tap out after part 2
Y'all are really fucking weird
lol might be funny. we'd need an artist or a photoshopper though
>uses word "toxic"
>uses phrase "plus-sized woman"

There's no way you aren't a 15 year old girl.
> you wouldnt come to pornhub to complain about life

People complain about life all the time on Pornhub
>Y'all are really fucking weird

Another 15 year old girl? What's going on?? Is this thread trending on TikTok???
>Magical OC Donutsteel makes a character (particularly athletic) gain weight for no damn reason aside from pettiness or her trying to stop him/her
Could just be a late zoomer (1996-2003) which use terminology like this, I was born in 01 and use the term toxic.
Agreed, I don’t understand how people get off to dialogue like this.

This is why I personally don’t get into any shows/games that are recommended by multiple people. Aside from dealing with rabid fans all the time, you also get to experience shit without the pressure of other people’s opinions getting to you.
>Doesn't know how to link more than one post
Traitorous 15yr old, outing its own kind.

>I was born in 01 and use the term toxic
You sicken me.
Oh no, a girl who hates people like us! Anyway...
>people who lump berryfags and inflationfags with the fat art
>sphereshit, aka excessive cartoonism
>western animation/cartoons, I hate and despise them
>characters growing taller >>105850
>age regression and coddling talks
>retarded slobification with pig feature >>105852
>uglification realism
>strongfat and SUMO
>Egomaniac bullshit and characters acting completely oblivious to the weight like its nothing >>105856
>quickgrowth in a gain drive (they are shit anyway) >>105885
Saxxon is a prime example of getting every thing wrong. Extendo-spines, egomanic & megalomanical characters, OC cringe, characters being mobile when they really shouldn't have been, male nipples, cringe dialogues and clothes that won't fucking rip away being obliterated by all the fat
>male nipples on a female
>artists drawing a female body and naming it as male (trannies also count)
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I can do something about it, oh well. Would be pretty fun too.
Imagine thinking conflict isn't something normal. If you can't bear the insults on the internet, simply turn off your device and walk away, lmao.
Why not, really?
The cringe is almost physical.
>omg I ate all of them
>I am getting so fat
>can you believe it?
>sooo fat
>If she's a bitter, fill 'er up with butter
Have you ever broken some bucks?
(1.7 MB, 1000x600, 1659353016296267.webm)
>a girl
>inb4 picrel
You know why there are no girls on the internet? Because pussy gives them power, and unless they can exercise this power, they are completely, utterly irrelevant. And since they are on the Internet, they cant pussybait you, thus leveraging their own worth. But here on the net, being unable to use their pussy, they get a taste of how men treat each other. And they for the most part can't handle it, since it shows them they are pretty bland in general.
That's why it is said "post tits/pussy/body or GTFO". Since she has nothing to offer. "im a girl" argument in a discussion means nothing, unless you fuck off to the normienet.
The worst ones are when you get baited with a few good frames (like 150-200 lbs) and then the next image they're fucking immobile and have all that medical shit
I don't know who likes seeing the grotesque blobs, but they need to an hero so people stop making that shit
Fat art dialogue is so insanely bad, worse than inflation art dialogue if you can believe it or not.
>posting to a fetish chan
Can't believe the trap fighting game character who is either """trans""" or not depending on the ending a player gets has emboldened these retards.
I honestly don't care about the Bridget stuff. The only thing funny to me in that situation is some of the people getting mad can't put two and two together and go "hey this is a FIGHTING GAME I can literally beat the shit out of this character if I wanted to" that is of course if they even play the game.
I love coming to these threads to see a bunch of raging egomaniacs who think their opinion is gospel calling people who don't post in this thread every awful thing I can think of. It never ceases to make me laugh.
If they posted in this thread we would still call them every awful think we can think of.
A lot of them see this shit. The beater clique views this forum, they just don't engage or do it anonymously.And honestly all this is more or less a result of people getting treated like shit and having no other outlet to criticize or call people out because the beater babies call it harassment.

Wanted to shout out Nyanilla who could be good, but instead of learning how to draw more than one face type, rants about politics and stupid shit all day on twitter. Perfectly embodies why you shouldn't support alt lefties imo.
Nobody cares about you either dipshit, that's the point
See the thing is, most people here aren't even being treated like shit. An artist posts something that isn't art related and you all ree until the end of time. You bring up how Nyanilla rants about politics and stupid shit, but you're ranting about someone ranting about that stuff. What makes you better?
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>Nobody cares about you either dipshit, that's the point
Struck a nerve did I because holy shit you pulled that one straight out of your prolapsed anus? Stop projecting onto others you daft cunt. Just go ahead and tell us which artist you are or who sent you this way because this topic has clearly hit a nerve with you.
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Enemy is at ze gates.
Sounds like a name of some venedic/germanic chief.
Cool map.
In medieval times there were those who worked, those who fought an dthose who prayed.
Nowadays we have those who cope, seethe and dilate — all in one package.
I don't even know why. Most of the shit on here is pretty mild, and besides it's free publicity + free feedback. If I was drawing this shitnid love to come on here and see what people think can be improved.
>that is of course if they even play the game
They don't lmao
I know right, artists in this fetish can be such obnoxious faggots.
Cry some more.
Yeah, it's pretty mild, except for all of the autistic conspiracy theories about how all the fats artists are severely mentally ill raging narcissists
My reaction wasn't even that extreme, you're trying to paint me as a butthurt baby but honestly I'm just here to laugh at how self-important everyone here is. I know I don't matter, and you don't matter either. That was my point.
Weird list of faves but ok
All right just how many autist here play Warthunder? I swear that game has the weirdes overlaps in people.
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People thinking they're in the right when they complain is just human nature.If you think what people are saying here is stupid,try and argue it out honestly instead of just coming on and saying "I dont matter bro.Nobody matters brooo".

If it just makes you laugh, well, you can keep that to yourself.The joke much isn't improved by you telling us that you're laughing.

People assumed you were butthurt because you had to leave your snarky comment about
"laughing at the egomaniacs"*(who are apparently so beneath you that you must tell them directly that they are beneath you, then argue it out with them so that no one leaves the convo thinking you were a "butthurt baby")* and drop some stoner existentialism,*("I don't matter,you don't matter eitherrrr")* instead of just laughing, like you said you were here for
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Yeah, he is funny.
>nooo you can't complain, you really shouldn't!
>maybe because you can't, since i've asked you to!
That part with "im gonna tell you how worthless you all are despite I don't want to hear from you at all" is really naive and childlike.
>nothing matter waaa
So find something that does, lol. And he did find it, posting pompous nonsense on a fat fetish wanking forum. He is not here for the lahghs, it was obvious. Rather crappy sharade it was to hide his frustration. But he did so regardless.

>picrel from the previous thread
I love it. Absolutely unhinged internet demon, a fusing mess of flesh and silicon, breaking the seal of Solomon and boiling in its own madness, ever driven more insane by goading rumblings of its surroundings.
Just imagine what happens when a lonely person taps into that black cube, fusing with echoes of others who use it.
Oh, and if you anons trade stonks, prepare for some cheek clapping in the wake of the new seven-year shmita cycle.
Who knows, maybe this time Shemitah crash would do a little something. Or maybe it's already happening.

you go low we go lower.

Tip to everyone not used to this place, artist and fan alike, leave. you will find nothing here and certainly not >>106030

A community not build on tolerance but hate bound to just cannibalize it self. Its all jokes and banter until its not.

We already have and are building better spaces than this cesspit for has-been who have no place in the present, holding vendettas for petty reasons.

These boomers will never amount to nothing, create nothing of worth, and hate on everything until their last breath till there are none of em left.
I don't give a shit about the anatomy, but it runs counter to what I enjoy about fat. It's cumbersome, inconvenient, it weakens you and makes you more helpless and needy. Seeing some 2000 pound bitch strut around and make dynamic poses like a gymnast completely ruins the appeal of her girth. If she's that big, I wanna see her glued to her bed in a constant sweaty huff. Even in more tame situations, like a 3-500 pounder, it's important that their sluggishness be shown off
You really believe people are secretly jackasses to each other just because they aren’t explicit about it like this place? I don’t know why I still post here when everyone acts so annoying.
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I don't know chief when someone like you comes along and basically screams "WE'RE BETTER THAN YOU PEASANTS" kinda doesn't leave much to the imagination on why people here are mad. But I guess we'll need the mystery team to solve that one huh?
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>Not knowing artists are the one’s who like blob
>Following blob fats in the first place
>Not knowing most blob fags are super religious
>Not getting out of your mother’s basement and shooting up every mosque you come across

GokuGokuGoku, out of fucking NOWHERE!

>Hating berry KINO
>Hating cartoony art
>Hating Chadnadian toons
>Following Japanese artists, the only one’s that do pigFAGformation
>Following SHARTists who do WGdrives.
Ngmi. Your brain is the same color as my poop.

>Jiren in the background
Velma, run!
I’m so sick of seeing constant gushing over this faggot
Why are so many people plagued with meatlust
>We already have and are building better spaces than this cesspit
name even one
Prove that every artist is like I described. You can't, because you people are fucking dumbasses who pretend you're better than them.

There are shitty artists. There are shitty followers. There are good artists. There are good followers. People are also more complicated than a bad take on Twitter. Chill the fuck out with the "fat artist bad" nonsense
I don't really think the idea that the "bad ending" is him being a girl and the "good ending" is him being a boy makes much sense, because both of them are about embracing his true self, and Bridget's village already knows he's a boy by the time Strive hits. His whole little character plot was him trying to prove he was a boy and disprove his village, and the bounty he brought back was part of that. If he needs to "come out" as anything, it wouldn't make sense for him to come out as a boy when he'd already been correcting everyone and wanted to make sure his village knew he was bad luck. The only real difference between these two endings seems like it's just that one says "I'm a girl" and the other doesn't. What makes more sense is that his anxiety is because if he decides to "be a girl", his village will buy back into their crazy superstitious crap.

Mind you, I'm not at all saying it's okay. I'm in the camp that thinks it was pretty unnecessary a change that sort of needlessly muddles what was already there. But I feel like people are too caught up in the culture war to think about it more evenly and charitably. The core of it is really just that they made a stupid, probably pander-y lore change, and kind of half-assed it to tiptoe the line, so the end result feels awkward at best, and incongruent and messy at worst. And it's likely there will be no official word to keep it in this middle ground of not completely committing to anything.
>We already have and are building better spaces than this cesspit
lol, lmao, even. granted there are a handful of tiny, more niche places where discussion can occur without the usual timeloops, but i dare you to name a platform at or greater than the scale of this one that isn't eight times as cancerous in twenty different ways
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>Bridget's hometown had a superstitious belief that male twins brought misfortune
>trannies force him to become a troon
heh seems like the superstition was correct after all
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The bad ending is not being good enough to get a perfect.

>If he needs to "come out" as anything
He's not coming out as anything, he's just full of doubt from having lost his purpose now that his village lost its superstition. Having no purpose is how a lot of people get talked into doing or being something they're not.

>if he decides to "be a girl", his village will buy back into their crazy superstitious crap
I don't think a village of superstitious people who live in trees are gonna jump back on it just because the boy they drove into hiding as one, has grown attached to dressing and acting like a girl. Once you break someone of their superstition by proving that it's not real, they have no reason to start believing it again unless it's tied to a religion and their lives have gone to complete shit.

>But I feel like people are too caught up in the culture war to think about it more evenly and charitably
If they hadn't censored I-No and made Testament into a full blown trap because it's a lot more accepting of them now, it'd be believable that the changes weren't made because of the culture war and it having a grasp on E-Sports.

>And it's likely there will be no official word to keep it in this middle ground of not completely committing to anything
But they labelled him as a crossdresser; how can you be a cross dressing girl when you're wearing a skirt?

This shit makes me think if Soul Calibur VI had came out a couple years later, we'd be hearing people call Soul Calibur and Soul Edge non binary and it bleeding into people seeing the Neversoft name during the Tony Hawk days as transgender because a spike got driven through it.
(1.7 MB, 250x336, ((INTESIFING INTENSIFIES)).gif)
Is it true DeviantArt can delete your stuff over the pettiest shit? Fetish artist got it made because there's e-hentai or any of those porn sites with their shit stolen, but too bad for the ones who won't dig it and their art will be lost post mortem.
(38 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg)
You sound ridiculous.. What do you think this is, some fine art movement? Are you seriously talking about "has-beens" and people who'll "never amount to nothing" in the field of fat girl porn drawings
if you were one of the soyjack schizos he should have banned you
wow, instantly prove me right
(137 KB, 2000x1471, image.jpg)
Buddy, my posts were about how bad dialogue is in fat art.And some typical complaining about Twitter.
In one post I talked about fucking Dawson's Creek.
I don't know shit about any soyjak niggas, I was probably asleep before they got here
That isn't a soyjak by the way. It's a regular wojak
(426 KB, 971x1200, 1659828263271.jpg)
>Mods deleted all my shit. What exactly did i say that was so wrong,jannies?
Don't worry, it's just BananaMan being BananaMan. kek
(124 KB, 1334x1334, a31314.jpg)
>Don't worry, it's just BananaMan being BananaMan. kek

Took a few extra Retard Pills this morning i suppose
Yes, dA mods are notorious cunts, the worst thing is that they're not even consequent. One artist has their fat fanart nuked, another who draws the same characters does not.
The site fucking sucks, there's no good place to just host all your shit besides dumping it all into a mega file.
to be fair, almost the entire thread so far has had fuck all to do with fat girls or even art and I doubt your posts did either. i'm surprised he hasn't deleted the entire thread
They did, actually. Look at the people replying to my thoughts on shitty dialogue in fat art. Which are gone now.
speaking of dialogue, what does count as good dialogue for fat art because most of the time it's just the same stuff over and over
>most of the time it's just the same stuff over and over
when you are writing something specifically to be fetish material there are really only so many ideas. and since every situation or setting idea has already been done hundreds of times, you don't have much room to be inventive with dialogue, it's all been done. complaining about dialogue in fetish material is on the level of useless as complaining about character decisions in horror movies.
Bruh, I literally share on DA a weight gain piece I've found on Twitter to let more people see it and the artist gets pissed when she finds out, actively calling me out on her profile. I didn't know you hated popularity, bitch. Have fun being a mrs nobody
@express_alapaio. I had to delete the picture because shit really hit the fan lol
Sounds like you deserved the shit you got. Trying to claim her characters as your own isn't right, so if anyone's the bitch, it's you.
I'll take you word for it that you just wanted to share it, but moving it from Twitter to DA requires you to upload it on your own account--a pretty indirect way of sharing something, that can easily look like you just stole it.
Thing is, my Twitter account was suspended (The reason? I dunno, it must've been the profile picture or something). I couldn't have told the motherfucker anyway. It seems like she deleted a couple of the tweets and everything is over, so I don't really care if people hate me for this misunderstanding anymore
>I'll take you word for it that you just wanted to share it
Don't give him the benefit of the doubt.

The whole "I just wanted to share it" excuse doesn't make it right for you to post art that isn't yours. You have no one to blame but yourself for what happened.
They're more retarded than YouTube's? It's a miracle you can still find shit from early.

Have you tried changing the filename's title into something unrecognizable?
>Have you tried changing the filename's title into something unrecognizable?
Don't encourage him you piece of shit.
it's all they have for a personality

>he's trans
>but only in the bad ending
arcsys is actually based and everyone celebrating it is retarded

it's a total crapshoot whenever a DA janny decides to be pissy about fetish stuff
it's definitely less overall obnoxious now than back in, like, the mid/late 2000s but the problem now is the inconsistency
(36 KB, 400x400, fat_gamer_kid_400x400.jpg)
Why do people like video games so much?You wouldn't care about some tranny from Guilty Gear if you just quit playing video games.
Pixiv; all its problems are no worse than all the other sites people use but getting your stuff getting taken down seems far harder than all the others.

A normal fucking conversation as if it could easily happen in real life. You're not supposed to be creative with it beyond trying to better convey the fattened body and scene within a story with no pictures.

>it's all been done
Everything's been done already and it hasn't stopped people taking up the idea and making something new.

>arcsys is actually based and everyone celebrating it is retarded
They're no better than Tecmo.
No, pixiv is not user friendly at all and DA is just way more easier to use and find stuff on.
How is it less user friendly than the others and how is it harder to find anything compared to DA where I had to resort to using peoples favorites to find anything?
The fact that on Pixiv, when i directly search for something, like an user, they won't actually show me the user and I have to go through 3 clicks for me to see them.

But on DA you can just search the artist and then will show anything that the artist made or even made to the artist or showing related artworks that is similar to what the artist is making.

Pixiv interface also being more shit in general when DA interface is very clear with where you find stuff and how you upload.

> "DA where I had to resort to using peoples favorites to find anything?"

What do you mean? you can just type "SSBBW Peach" and DA will show that stuff to you. If you also just type "Peach", but you look at a lot of fat stuff. DA will even show you fat Peaches even if you didn't type it in.
I think he's a retard too but this board is as glass of a house as it gets when it comes to that lol.
I wonder if he even credited the artist in the description or not. Probably not.
>when i directly search for something, like an user, they won't actually show me the user and I have to go through 3 clicks for me to see them
People look for artists? I figured everyone kept a document of the ones they knew and put names into the address bar for ones they got pushed towards.

>showing related artworks that is similar to what the artist is making
Here's the thing, DA's track record with suggestions and front page art is what immediately pushed me into relying on peoples favorites, so I can only see that as a + towards Pixiv.

>Pixiv interface also being more shit in general when DA interface is very clear with where you find stuff and how you upload
Maybe you're just too used to DA to function elsewhere, because the last time I tried looking for that it was relatively easy to find.

Same thing happens in Pixiv while also being suggested the search in Japanese when you put English in.

The only actual negative to Pixiv is that it forces script down your throat to be able to use it
> Here's the thing, DA's track record with suggestions and front page art is what immediately pushed me into relying on peoples favorites, so I can only see that as a + towards Pixiv.

That's because if you don't use DA a lot or enough, DA is still trying to figure out what to suggest to you. My suggestions tab right now is way better now compared to when it was first introduced.

> People look for artists? I figured everyone kept a document of the ones they knew and put names into the address bar for ones they got pushed towards.

I mean, it's a very normal thing to do. "I heard this artist on DA is good, let me type that username it" and DA lets you do that. Pixiv its like they don't want to show you.

also the fact that Pixiv hides the whats popular behind a paid sub, vs DA where its free to search for what is hot and popular.

> Maybe you're just too used to DA to function elsewhere,

I woudn't say so, since i tried various experiments to how easy it is to find something on each side as a new person. Like where is the search bar, how many clicks do I need to do to filter, how easy is it to see where the favorites are. etc.

As websites I think DA is the best place we currently we, and I think people who try to promote Pixiv is because they got burned as to why their minor art got deleted.

Even with how DA's sub system is being developed, that might even replace patreon at one point so people don't need to use it anymore. So they can use one site without having to worry about any outside sites. People don't even know you can post porn on DA if you use the paid gallery/sub option since it's an actual minors barrier.
(34 KB, 306x542, Take yer swing.jpg)
>We already have and are building better spaces than this cesspit
I doubt it.
if you just want to save pics online anon, sites like imgur exist for a reason
using a public social media account to just repost things is just asking for trouble, especially with this sect of fetish artists because they have zero chill and just go for kills all day long

anon is indeed retarded but why do you seem to care so much about some reposts
dude's account got the axe, it's over lol

like I'm not gonna lie there's definitely autism flowing freely at times around here (e.g. the Kip thread) but at least we can be honest when need be while twitter usually gets together for the sake of the clique
(669 KB, 1416x629, fawxen is a bitch.PNG) (30 KB, 630x266, bitch.PNG)
Im sorry I didn't know that you couldn't draw the same character at the same time as someone else without being called an idea taker.
Fawxen is a weird one... He can always dish it out but never take it. He projects onto everyone and is all-around just really fucking negative about anyone else doing things he does.
he thinks everyone is out to get him or something
(962 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1543.png)
>Janitor is a vegetabro
>Deleting all those kino posts

All form of media get ultimized by troons. Nothing is safe. Only dragon ball.

>3 clicks
>Literally takes on click on desktop AND mobile.
>Being a PROUD Sissyza fembro
Vacate the premise.

>Jiren in the background.

>Recently unfollowed retards like hornymustardsauce and considered following people I’ve been sleeping on
>Remembered most artists are genuinely insane
Lol Fawxen is a fucking pussy. "Oh no, somebody also drew this character, why are they competing!!!!1!" good lord get off the internet
I feel like there's a difference between sharing shit anonymously on an image board and making an entire account to take people's content.

>anon is indeed retarded but why do you seem to care so much about some reposts
Honestly for me it's the way that anon went about it, with his whole "I was doing YOU a favor!" mentality. Anon was a butthurt asshole trying to make it seem like the artist was in the wrong for stopping him from taking her work, no sane person would side with that.
(225 KB, 763x2048, FZ6mmrFVEAsl_ZV.jpeg)
He only did it because he was in a bad mood, which is still not a reason to go after another artist because they are doing the same character as you. So they deleted their sequence pictures because of it.
Most artists aren't insane though. You people say that all the time but you're only talking about the bad ones because this is a bitching thread. Maybe if you didn't spend so much time on here crying about the bad ones you'd realize most artists are just people
While also getting people in his discord to hate on smkedstacs as well
(15 KB, 282x195, 1616175528008.jpg)
>So they deleted their sequence pictures because of it.
What the fuck, why? How does that help the situation in ANY way? It just makes Fawxen look even worse, FFS he just needed to apologize and move in.
What an absolute manchild lmfao
mentally ill schizo, i always wondered what goes through you people's heads. i'd respect you more if you just had the audacity to openly repost than this delusional victim shit
(713 KB, 1125x946, 1656534490018.jpg)
People in general are just absolutely abysmal at determining weight. It's always been an issue, even people on this site. Just go to /ssbbw/ and see the anons that look at borderline immobile women, with their bellies almost touching the ground while sitting, with said anons going "yeah she's totally lying about her weight, she's no more than 300lbs".
>That's because if you don't use DA a lot or enough, DA is still trying to figure out what to suggest to you
No, I use DA enough, their suggestions are just fucking trash, though I will admit there was an visible improvement the last time I accidentally ended up on the front page.

>I mean, it's a very normal thing to do.
Normal thing these days would have people asking for a link because they're too lazy to type out the artists name in the sites search bar or a search engine.

>Pixiv hides the whats popular behind a paid sub, vs DA where its free to search for what is hot and popular
Everything else that's a loss but it's nothing with fat art since there's always only a small handful of artists with any real amount of skill and ones who look like they're striving to get better but with how most people interested in fat art have shit for taste, the packing peanuts overwhelm the cherished few.

>I think people who try to promote Pixiv is because they got burned as to why their minor art got deleted
Out of the fat artists that do loli, I can only think of Eishi and Mistystuffer as having that reason while most everyone seems to have fucked off to Twatter and a few wandered to Newgrounds. The majority seem to use Pixiv, more as a backup than an actual gallery they tend to. There are a couple who started there without ever trying to set up on DA.

>DA's sub system is being developed, that might even replace patreon
Talk about being between a rock and a hard place; tiptoeing around so that Patreon doesn't gank your account or trusting in DA, a place that even though it has changed hands 3 or 4 times, has always been ran by incompetent bastards that barely do anything to change it being held together by duct tape.

>People don't even know you can post porn on DA if you use the paid gallery/sub option since it's an actual minors barrier
I imagine a lot of people know but they see it for the lunacy that it truly is since it blocks any potential wallets from seeing their stuff.

Smokii's a spineless mother fucker but Fawxen's behavior is expected of furries.

>FFS he just needed to apologize and move in
>move in
That was funny until I remembered it was two furries.

Does mid mean garbage, because that was a sorry excuse for an apology.
> Out of the fat artists that do loli, I can only think of Eishi and Mistystuffer as having that reason while most everyone seems to have fucked off to Twatter and a few wandered to Newgrounds. The majority seem to use Pixiv, more as a backup than an actual gallery they tend to. There are a couple who started there without ever trying to set up on DA.

Majority of fat artists is still on DA out of the actual art sites, unless you spesificially mean more Loli artists, then yes. Then im not surprised if most are on pixiv.

> Everything else that's a loss but it's nothing with fat art since there's always only a small handful of artists with any real amount of skill and ones who look like they're striving to get better but with how most people interested in fat art have shit for taste, the packing peanuts overwhelm the cherished few.

No, the what is popular and hot has helped me a lot to actually spot quality from the more circle tool level stuff due to the better stuff gets more attention and ends up at the top.

> I imagine a lot of people know but they see it for the lunacy that it truly is since it blocks any potential wallets from seeing their stuff.

What are you even talking about? Why would one having to pay like a dollar to see 18+ content would be a wallet blocker? If someone is unable to pay, then it's probably someone that shouldn't be able to see that stuff in the first place, like a minor.

> Talk about being between a rock and a hard place; tiptoeing around so that Patreon doesn't gank your account or trusting in DA, a place that even though it has changed hands 3 or 4 times, has always been ran by incompetent bastards that barely do anything to change it being held together by duct tape.

Talk about making something seem like a bigger issue than it actually is.

Sure they might do stuff that likes breaks the site a little at times, but its saying something that DA can fuck up with some of their programming or add bugs, but it will still be better than any of the other options.
Obviously not every artist is insane, but all the ones worth talking about have some retardation going on; Twitter Activism, Schizoposting, Troonerism, Commission Defaulting, Being Allergic to Criticism,Dunking on Chuds etc
I've heard rumblings that pewbutt is in that same "hates their fans and everything they do" clique but no hard evidence
(1.1 MB, 320x240, 7f5.gif)
Maybe I'm just real lucky, but I hopped on Pixiv for about 5 seconds justnow, and it's realy great.
They didn't change Testament at all, they were always gender neutral.
Get better internet scrub.
I wish it was more about speed of connection, but from what I know Pixiv only has servers in Japan?🤔

So DA loads instantly for me with no delay but pixiv takes 5 seconds to load into the site itself and then I have to wait for the images to load.


Here is the thing right, im not saying pixiv is bad. It works fine as a website.

I just think using DA is an overall better experience :)
Buying more servers for pixiv in different regions would actually solve the problem. ;)

Nice NA response.
Daily reminder that Patreon piracy is a right, and artists don't deserve a cent from us
why don’t they deserve a cent? because they (all of them universally) post political tweets?
(31 KB, 121x131, 7890789045178905.png)
Oh boy, a new thread where pedophiles blame trans people for all of society's ills.

Friendly reminder, since some jannie deleted it last time:
>If you jerk off to fat chicks, even if drawn, you are attracted to fat chicks.
>If you jerk off to to feet, even if drawn, you are attracted to feet.
>Logically following, if you jerk off to children, even if drawn, you are attracted to children
>If you are attracted to children, you are a pedophile.

Fine, but don't be surprised when 6 months later you've got to beg for their content in a "lost art" thread after they nuke their accounts.
Lolifags are a strange bunch. I'm not going to be the idiot to scream pedo over it, but I generally hold them with the same disdain as I do with scatfags. There's the ones into shortstacks and then there's the ones that want a meticulously rendered frame of a 5 year old.
Man why couldn't I just be into normal porn instead of 600+ women
>a new thread where pedophiles blame trans people for all of society's ills
literally no one in the thread is doing that at all. shitpost on any other site
(3.2 MB, 350x262, Primus.gif)
You are a presumptuous little faggot, you know that?
Whenever I play GTA I kill people by the truckloads.
Now does that make me, a guy who wouldn't even dream of hurting people, a serial killer?
Because you're implying that I am with your retarded logic.
A funny little thing you fags like to ignore is that the people who screech the loudest about how lolicons are pedos are often the ones being creepy around kids.
When creeps like you get outed as IRL molesters, it always puts a big, fat smile on my face.
>Ctrl+F 'Bridget'
>16 results

You sure picked a bad time to try and say that when a character's mere existence (and "modernization") has caused so much seething in this thread about trans already.

Oh well, maybe Jeetdoh will do something stupid again soon and course correct back to some good ol' artist hating. (Besides the fact he's wearing dresses and shit now, woops)
except the part where you tried to call everyone pedophiles for no reason. go back
who would have guessed a bunch of heterosexual fat fetishists winded up becoming a bunch of cry baby pissy pants faggots. almost glad you'll never get proper representation in media and entertainment. i'm glad you're in pain. fuck you
Well I can tell you're in a bad mood because you're trying to make 2 different posters/IDs out to be the same guy. I'm not even trying to address the pedo thing (People really should care less about 15-17 year old anime characters who are drawn and act like adults) I just think it's hilarious anyone in a Chan community would try to pretend there's nobody hates trans folk just to try and prove a random anon wrong.
(105 KB, 332x350, 135158392614.png)
>What if this thing was actually like this entirely different thing? What then!?
Killing people requires an action taken. Being attracted to something does not. What are you, retarded or something?

Read the IDs. The other guy isn't me.
Keep preaching nigga I'm pretty sure the little timmy tied to your crotch is just a way to remind yourself, that the prison sentence you served molded you this way.
Oh I'm sorry I thought we were playing the assumptions game
Cool way to describe yourself dude come back when you learn basic common sense
>All of them universally
Objectively false statement
I'd say lolifags are more comparable to furries. Both of them tend to be on the autistic spectrum and shamelessly show off their fetishes with little to no self-awareness.
(42 KB, 320x240, durrr.gif)
Look how smug I am. I'm definitely not mad! Not at all!
>blame trans people for all of society's ills
Trannies aren't the disease, merely a particularly aggravating symptom, like a rash in your ass hole
(1.2 MB, 988x1024, unknown.png)
Tfw when schizos who self castrate get on TV more than guys who like fat chicks
>tranny butthurt about Bridget even on bbwchan
that's how you really know they don't even believe their own arguments about him
Lol dude, they aren't some hivemind...
Anyway, I think lolifags are degenerate, but I also think they're entitled to freedom of expression. If they masturbate to drawings of little girls, leave them to it. Trying to push them down leaves them feeling persecuted,which makes them feel they're in the "right", and people just don't "understand" them. It's for this same reason that I think the problem of Nazis will never go away as long as people keep shitfitting over swastikas and shit. If a lolifag makes moves on little girls lock the fucker up, but don't start reeing about lines on paper.
>Killing people requires an action taken. Being attracted to something does not. What are you, retarded or something?

So if a woman enjoys rape fantasies,is "attracted to" rapists does that mean she wants to be raped? Would you say she "asked for it"?
there's speds out there that seriously get more upset over cartoons instead of actual kids getting abused

like I really don't like loli but you gotta be kidding me with that amount of disconnect
Anyway the argument is rarely about lolis, it's about "minors", i.e 17 year old anime girls who are built like well endowed 25-year-olds.
(185 KB, 1366x768, media_E1bRjjIVgAME5fj.jpg)
>Majority of fat artists is still on DA out of the actual art sites, unless you spesificially mean more Loli artists, then yes. Then im not surprised if most are on pixiv.
I meant that the majority of lolicons seem to only use it as a back up and that DA and Twatter still has almost everyone still mainly using them.

>No, the what is popular and hot has helped me a lot to actually spot quality from the more circle tool level stuff due to the better stuff gets more attention and ends up at the top
It's a lot better than I thought it would be, though the signs haven't full left the first page but I gotta ask how the hell is Shoclu leading the pack for the century?!

>What are you even talking about? Why would one having to pay like a dollar to see 18+ content would be a wallet blocker?
I've seen that shit while wandering around DA; anyone who doesn't already know what the artists stuff looks like, will find it hard to want to pay to see what the mystery blurry picture is. It also adds up for everyone having to pay multiple fines and in a community where it seems most are likely living pay check to paycheck with only enough left over for a hobby or a crappy streaming service.

>Sure they might do stuff that likes breaks the site a little at times
And then there's the virus ads that one iteration allowed for a long time, and then there's the iteration that had its TOS say that anything posted on the site was owned by DA; the current on the other hand has so far only had a bad habit of radically altering things and relying on scripts like Pixiv but not nearly as bad.

I've complained about Pew but I've dropped him a long time ago from his incessant addiction to Overwatch, Adventure Time, and Pokemon. Is he still unable to speak like normal human being instead of that garbage cutesy speak that reads like he's speaking but not talking to anyone?

Does he make any posts that aren't tied to his patreon because the only things I can say about him is the garbage single page shit everyone does and his obsession with his Alien comic.

Testamount was supposed to be a trap but they felt like they couldn't get away with it in the early days but they decided to soften up ]his facial features to look more girlish, covered up his torso, fattened him up a little, and gave him a female VA.

I hate pixiv solely for being forced to run every single piece of script just to use the site.

Reword that in a way that includes patreon itself in the group getting fucked.

Jokes on you, I don't jerk off to anything.

People into shortstacks need to start cracking down the idiots who leave out the large breasts because without them adding to the massive ass, that shit's gonna start melding with loli and end up stuck with all the baggage you gotta deal with in loli.

>600+ women
Harem fetish?

>Whenever I play GTA I kill people by the truckloads
I just realized that everyone they made fun of for being into Shonen battle anime, have the people working out to get them sick gains in the extreme minority.

>almost glad you'll never get proper representation in media and entertainment
Recession means they can't blow money so freely anymore on indoctrination propaganda and with Hollywood finally realizing that China is a lost cause, they have far less sources of easy money.

>I'd say lolifags are more comparable to furries
In what fucking universe? Furries go out of their way to post their shit anywhere they can while while lolifags barely leave their threads in alt and I think most would rather it stay within their own little corners of the web rather than plastering it everywhere to try and make it popular.

You show me a Western lolicon convention filled with people in aheago faced loli shirts where they're holding orgies with each other while wearing loli masks and bodysuits and I'll bow out.

>I think the problem of Nazis will never go away as long as people keep shitfitting over swastikas and shit
Nazi's won't ever go away because by the current definition of the word, literally everyone is a Nazi.
ew, spoiler images like that
>17 year old anime girls who are built like well endowed 25-year-olds
There's very little difference between the two's bodytype. The only real development would be the brain fully maturing at 23 or something.
>still posting about the trap

oort is overall p good but I had to drop his patreon because all he does these days is that lame alien comic with writing that makes zero fucking sense
when he gets back to making good expansion material I'll resubscribe, and as far as anything else he does, he's rather clean and normal

pew randomly appears once a year now and he still posts like a teenage girl whenever he does so I have my concerns
(78 KB, 698x414, cute ss.jpg) (195 KB, 632x827, hitla.jpg)
>Nazi's won't ever go away because by the current definition of the word, literally everyone is a Nazi.

This is true also. If the barrier for "Nazism" was as high as it should be, we could separate the actual Nazis from the teenagers trying to get a rise out of people and the people who just don't care
>These artists aren't awful
>Well AKSHULY *proceeds to nitpick tiny little things they don't like about the artist in question*
(38 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg)
>I don't jerk off to to anything.
Then you're attracted to anything. Hurr durr I'm so smart he he.
(88 KB, 896x814, 1644089907106.jpg)
Mate, just fess up already and tell us who you are. All your posts in this thread are defending artists and it just reeks of a butthurt artist who got shit talked in this thread, or one of the others, trying to play defense but you're too autistic to let it go when people aren't doing what you want in a bitching thread that exists solely for anons to scream into the void.
(1.4 MB, 2390x3528, 1659977738128827.jpg)
Bull testicles were highly thought after delicacy in ancient rome.
Also your pic made my balls tingle.
Never understood an appeal of shortstacks. They look like disgusting swinelike niggerish subhumans. Its even worse when its the goblinas.
(4.0 MB, 1280x720, 1587320110465.webm)
Oh fuck, I screwed up, I completely screwed up; Forget everything I said about lolis not being furries in >>106360
If lolicons were really as lowly as furries are, webm related wouldn't be the only instance I've ever seen anything like it.

No one's perfect, even the people you hold to the highest regard has something you don't like but people look past it until it grows too glaring before speaking up and then leaving if it continues being a nuisance.
Shortstack always seemed like one of those rather pointless fetishes to me. Like "ZOMG, girl whose short?? COOOOOOMMMM"
> I meant that the majority of lolicons seem to only use it as a back up and that DA and Twatter still has almost everyone still mainly using them.

Yea then I get you.

> It's a lot better than I thought it would be, though the signs haven't full left the first page but I gotta ask how the hell is Shoclu leading the pack for the century?!

I actually haven't seen a lot of his stuff lately? Maybe once here and there, but that is usually in the frontpage recommended a few times. You spot him at like the top in the "whats hot" category and such?

>Majority of fat artists is still on DA out of the actual art sites, unless you spesificially mean more Loli artists, then yes. Then im not surprised if most are on pixiv.
I meant that the majority of lolicons seem to only use it as a back up and that DA and Twatter still has almost everyone still mainly using them.
>No, the what is popular and hot has helped me a lot to actually spot quality from the more circle tool level stuff due to the better stuff gets more attention and ends up at the top
It's a lot better than I thought it would be, though the signs haven't full left the first page but I gotta ask how the hell is Shoclu leading the pack for the century?!
>What are you even talking about? Why would one having to pay like a dollar to see 18+ content would be a wallet blocker?
I've seen that shit while wandering around DA; anyone who doesn't already know what the artists stuff looks like, will find it hard to want to pay to see what the mystery blurry picture is. It also adds up for everyone having to pay multiple fines and in a community where it seems most are likely living pay check to paycheck with only enough left over for a hobby or a crappy streaming service.

Well, Thats when I would say having some sort of "Paid content AD" would help, like a preview, so one knows atleast what sort of quality you pay for. and one could always cancel otherwise if their not happy with the service or content.

And with the posting porn to DA, you can also assign a dollar price to a folder in the gallery, so people only need to pay a dollar once, and then they can see all future 18+ porn artworks, but that is only if the artist chooses to do so.

> And then there's the virus ads that one iteration allowed for a long time, and then there's the iteration that had its TOS say that anything posted on the site was owned by DA; the current on the other hand has so far only had a bad habit of radically altering things and relying on scripts like Pixiv but not nearly as bad.

I would say with DA newest updates, the new update feed is way better atleast, better than what old DA had aswell. Its very orderly and its a nice overview.
oops, my bad, i fucked up the copying of the text, and can't delete the post. nice
I'm aware no one's perfect. That's why it's funny when all of you fucks on here act like the flaws these artists have make them terrible people.
Why am I the autistic one for not letting something go when 3/4 of this thread is bitching about the gender of a fictional video game character?
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They look like lolis with big bewbs. Child-ish big heads of animu don't help with that either. They are sexually mature, because of the sexual behavior and visible body changes undergone over the puberty (secondary sexual characteristics).

>young or young looking girl, an anime trop
>derived from lolita *buys nabokov's lolita, mein kampf while playing puru puru rin X Fallschirmjäger remix*
>lolita is precociously seductive girl
>meaning she understands the purpose of her seductive actions
>checks puberty
>checks sexual attractiveness graph
>yep, a clear hit
But one thing. Lolis shouldn't be fat, they are young or either youthfully looking girls with good metabolism. It's not a good look for them to look like a tub of lard. There's that artists who draws both furries and humans in this manner. He is skilled, but he draws this shit.
A) The characters he draws look like a near-spherical lumpy dumplings
B) They all have huge cheeks and beady eyes and small noses, in general quite pronounced neotenous features
C) All of that makes them look like toddlers, and it makes me dsigusted and unamused. Hate this shit.
Some time ago it was possible to delete your own posts, but now jannies like to handle it all by themselves.
I also feel like american culture is both extremely sex-crazed and puritan at the same time. Maybe its a byproduct of modern culture wars, but I really cant condence it more anyway.
>At the very same time *partying* (aka complete clusterfuck getting railed, drinking and doing drugs is encouraged, with all this go girls, hookup and party culture. Sex "work" is also yass kweened all the way round on social media, where female teens get a lot of their validation from. Oh boy, those teen e-thots even whine they are too young to open their onlyfans! Gotta squeeze the max out of that youth of theirs before settling down with no eggs to some wagie cuck! What a mess.
Cry about it white knight scrub, should've thought of that before posting shitty doodles to the public, now everyone won't share retarded your beloved regurgitated propaganda.

Aren't fighting games aimed at children? They got some real retarded lores with fetishes shoved in plus containing the most forgettable and obnoxious cast of dipshits. (Mortal Kombat is a great example)

Considering fat pride movement is a bloated clusterfuck pushed by simping dweebs and narcissistic dykes all of them being left leaning, let's call it even, expect those lolcows at TikTok ridiculed by liberal funny guys.
>should've thought of that before posting shitty doodles to the public
Except I didn't. I'm just some random guy who looked into what happened after the artist's name was mentioned and gave the thief shit for trying to get sympathy when he doesn't deserve it.
Newfag here. What are some good sites to post my own art? I sure as hell ain't touching fucking Twitter.
Just use sites like DA, Pixiv or whatever else.

DA is the safest option, but Pixiv is fine too.
You can be a pedophile and not actually fuck or otherwise have any harmful interactions with children, anon. Still waiting on any evidence whatsoever that the existence of paraphilia-pandering content increases crime rates rather than being neutral or DEcreasing it
Forgot to tag him rip
(28 KB, 294x351, f4239965280.jpg)

Lotta pedos in this thread mad at being called pedos.
I would actually be able to have some level of respect for you if you could just own up and be honest with yourselves about what you are. Maybe that would be the first step to you getting help.

But all this "a-ackchyually she's a 1000 year old dragon princess! She jhust happens to LOOK like a 5 year old! I'm not a would-be kiddy fiddler I'm not!" bullshit is just pathetic.
Whinging about muh freeze peach is hilarious when you aren't even willing to properly exercise that right in the first place.

You in particular - for the love of fuck go outside and talk to a regular person for once, you internet-poisoned cretin.

Don't bother. Read this thread back - are people like this really who you want to pander to?
You guys are trying to hide your pedo tendencies? Pathetic
> Don't bother. Read this thread back - are people like this really who you want to pander to?

Aren't they allowed to share whatever they want to draw regardless whatever other people say and post?

With that logic then artists pander to shitty people all the time, since you dont know what they do in their spare time.

Set your own happines above others, especially other artists that are way too used to bitching, being jaded and is all about drama.
When did they say weren't allowed?
I'm simply advising them against it.

> Set your own happines above others, especially other artists that are way too used to bitching, being jaded and is all about drama.
Where do you think we are?
(315 KB, 599x587, 1577994562617.png)
Because the artists attack them for saying anything the least bit negative and either take part in the activities of the cult that they're in where they attack anyone outside for the slightest thing or simply push its bullshit that already annoys everyone to high heaven. Opik gets off because he's solely a businessman who got a little too into brood pregnancy.

So it isn't so much the bodytype but that no one has been able to properly convey or are you unable to get into beardless meaty Western Dwarf women?

>Lolis shouldn't be fat, they are young or either youthfully looking girls with good metabolism. It's not a good look for them to look like a tub of lard
They can be fat, it's just most producers tend to crank out nothing but huge and immobile lolis and that always ends up destroying a ton of its cuteness.
Jannies in the fuсking salt thread, ruining all the fun? What is happening to this place.
(166 KB, 639x621, punkrules.jpg)
>I also feel like american culture is both extremely sex-crazed and puritan at the same time. Maybe its a byproduct of modern culture wars, but I really cant condence it more anyway.
>At the very same time *partying* (aka complete clusterfuck getting railed, drinking and doing drugs is encouraged, with all this go girls, hookup and party culture. Sex "work" is also yass kweened all the way round on social media, where female teens get a lot of their validation from. Oh boy, those teen e-thots even whine they are too young to open their onlyfans! Gotta squeeze the max out of that youth of theirs before settling down with no eggs to some wagie cuck! What a mess.

Despite calling itself the land of the free, America has always been in the grip of conformity.

I think it started from the very beginning, with the first pilgrims; various people cast off from European society, or who left willingly, seeking better prospects.These pilgrims, by coming to America, basically thrust themselves centuries into the past,and put themselves back into open combat with nature and the elements.Strict rules had to be formulated in order to survive,leading to strict conformity; they had to come together to survive, individuality be damned, and that conformity was passed down from generation to generation.

I guess in the 20th Century,people tried to make a break from this, but very poorly.They conflated individuality with selfishness and chasing fads, and when the larger culture reacted they thought they'd done something worthwhile. Only America could have such an overbearing culture that any meagre attempts to get outside of it would be called "counterculture", and eventually the counterculture sorts itself into a bunch of rules of conformity.(pic related)>So i suppose Puritanism is the 'culture' and sexmania is the 'counterculture' (Though you could argue it's the other way around at this point)

Imagine how crazy you would get, being told you live in the "land of the free" and and living your whole life in conformity

TL;DR: Insane Ranting
...And jannies fucked up again, how surprising.
(1.3 MB, 2000x2000, a6f.png)

Police can't stop crime and jannies sure as fuck can't stop me.
> When did they say weren't allowed?
I'm simply advising them against it.

Yea, and it was a very shitty advice. "Hey, you shouldn't share the art you create, even if you would love to show it. Since some people on a forum says things I don't like."

That's the tone I got from your advice and it sounding like you trying to make someone else make a shitty decision based on something that doesn't matter. :)
Can someone explain why the fuck Nihijack opened a Patreon after not posting a single drawing single early March? Does he really expect people to pay him despite being known for just a bunch of art?
The original manbaby thread was made for one reason. It exclusively existed because crybaby kip niggers and jeet spergs wouldn't ever shut the fuck up and stop ruining those threads. The whole point of this was so that they could all come and scream at each other here instead. Then people came here to complain about other artists and art practices and that was fine too. But now the threads are almost entirely you dumb faggots screeching about pedophiles and trannies, neither of which has a goddamn thing to do with fat girls or art. We have a board for general discussion, you can go to /gen/ and scream about whatever the fuck you want. We even have a whole board that was literally just made for shitposting called /ee/ that you could go to. I don't give a fuck about what your opinions are and I really don't want to have to ban people, you can go to either of those boards and have whatever opinions you want all day long. But if you are outside of /gen/ or /ee/, you either post about fat girls or shut the fuck up. I let these threads stay because quite a few people genuinely use it for what it's for but the rest of you take your bitching to /gen/ or fuck off.
Damn, I didn't know mods really existed. They sure as hell are more real than Australia
(98 KB, 325x231, 0.png)
Let's see what he has to look forward too, huh?

Your audience are a bunch of greedy ingrates consisting of
A: Braindead ESLs/autists trying to RP in your comments
B: Beggars constantly trying to get you to draw a fat of she of their obscure (and often poorly designed) waifu
C: Internet-poisoned edgelords who will bitch and whine the second you voice any kind of opinion or have any kind of personality outside of posting art.
D: Any combination of the above.
And god forbid you try and make any money out of the time you spend on your art, lest you face the constant bleating of underageb&s trying to haggle and tell you that $50 is too expensive for a fully colored image despite the fact you're already setting prices far below the minimum wage given how long it actually takes to finish a picture. And if you go for a patreon or subscription route, prepare for this board to bitch even further and actively scorn you for daring to seek compensation and actively circumvent what might just be your livelihood.

And that's just the clientele - the amount of drama you would face if you decided to try and talk to your contemporaries, other artists doesn't bear thinking about.
Being a fat fetish artist online is a fate I would not wish on my worst enemy.
(75 KB, 1200x1200, Chocolate Rain.jpg)
>But now the threads are almost entirely you dumb faggots screeching about pedophiles and trannies, neither of which has a goddamn thing to do with fat girls or art.
If there's art involving fat underage girls or fat trans characters, which some of us do bitch about, then it's on topic.
Haha yes mock the janitor
These discussions don't exist in isolation, they're brought up because they're relevant to the conversation.
Maybe they do drift off topic, but acting like this comes out of nowhere is disingenuous.
I can think of plenty of artists that don't do that and still get bitched about and called insane despite their flaws being pretty minor.
>act retarded
>get called retarded
>"kek, rentfree!"
How many followers do I need on twitter to get my invitation to the art cult? I never got one.
(496 KB, 500x210, 1632198468543.gif)
>But now the threads are almost entirely you dumb faggots screeching about pedophiles and trannies, neither of which has a goddamn thing to do with fat girls or art
But they do pertain to art and artists, you stupid mother fucker. The shit artists are into and push has been a part of what has been discussed as part of peoples irritation since day one. Fat loli art has been a heated discussion for longer than you've been a garbage mod and with there constantly being some idiot pushing the +18 fictional character bullshit or thinking loli is totally banned to /bbwalt/, instead of just generals, it's only gotten worse and a lot of artists have only added more fuel to the fire.

>We even have a whole board that was literally just made for shitposting called /ee/
That got made into the containment board for everything that doesn't involve a lick of fat, trannies, and anything with a dick until a male board was made. I think Lego guys Bionicles thread got sent there too.
You have to be an asskisser first before you get asskissers of your own.
I don't get it.
As much as I sympathize with this, I think it's a losing battle for you to continue trying to moderate it. Regardless of what it degenerates into at times, it always at minimum serves its intended purpose as a lightning rod for off-topic spam that might get posted in other threads on the board.

I don't think trying to force it to /gen/ is ever going to work no matter how many deletions you hand out or how many times you make statements like this, because most people simply won't ever browse that board; if you remove their outlet here, they'll just start infecting more benign threads. I honestly don't even know why you still bother to read any of the posts that are made here.
I never believed in any of these fat fetish community conspiracies but this guy has me convinced there's some background nepotism going on. No promise of consistent content output and yet he's already making $200+ a month on a tip jar Patreon and sitting on 7K Twitter followers.
bunch of big artists started making fanart of his OC too, does nihiljack buys his friendship?? does he purchase The Following???
Ever thought that people might just want to support artist they enjoy and encourage them to continue their work?
i feel like saxxon is transplanting his obnoxious wifes perosnality onto any character he see's
Yeah holy shit, he literally ruins every character by making them power hungry and gluttonous even though they might be shy by nature or something. Who the fuck wants that!? People should stop paying for his art already
Yeah, his goth OC ain't that special to begin with. He appeared on December of last year and just posted some more art before disappearing a few months later. There must be some weird shit going on
His characters also have extendospines, being mobile when they really shouldn't be, having small nipples and clothing that stretches to an asurd size.
He also has an obsession with large text boxes and drawn out dialogues. Like, bro, I just want to see your art- Wait, it's already shit enough
If anything I think Nihijack is one of the best new artists out there. The irregularity is a huge problem though. Thankfully he seems on track with the drive now and it's ticking my boxes.
I joined him to gauge his regularity knowing it was a problem before. Too soon to say if it was worth it or not yet.
I never understood why it’s against weightgaming rule to ask about if the game is still being worked on or not
Haha look at the redditard making fun of us "normies". Anyway...ignore at all costs whoever is making a weight gain visual novel and tries to make money off people
They seriously be charging for a shitty VN? And get their panties in a twist when being told to get their lazy asses to work?

One of his premium collections has bigger chunks of text than the fat bitches, I think it's worth $9.99.
Goddamn, I'd rather wipe my ass with 10 dollars than spend them for that crap
(180 KB, 598x665, PayPal.png)
I guess Patreon users will get screwed over the next month!
(617 KB, 349x199, 1658546932866730.gif)
>unmodded chan
Closest one I can think of was 8Chins and that got railroaded by the media and feds for Twatter and Boomerbooks crimes.

The people who make games are insanely unreliable so there's gonna be a lot of confusion that leads to a ton of posts if it's still being worked on or if the creator is just fucking around or busy with real life. The site's also dogshit so you really shouldn't expect much of anything good. Now that I think about it, most would stop after seeing one or two posts asking, they could just suspend anyone after that.

I don't even want professional VNs; after I found out that they don't have the stories fork, depending on what you do, I didn't see the point in them.

>Combat fraud
>Not combat wrongthink
Least they'll take out a lot of the trash while they deplatform their criticizers.

Leave it to the candy ass to delete posts calling his shit out.
Aside from insufferable twitter faggotry over fat anime chicks, I find incredibly annoying how the umbrella of fat art melds together and ends up showing me a buncha shit I'm not into. "Chubby" usually means that half the time you get USSBBW bloblords and immobile unsanitary slobshit. This even happens with more generalized fat threads in other places where it inevitably escalates to ever-expanding horrors that may or may not have health issues. I no longer wish to see Saxxon-tier horrors when looking for fictional fat broads.
All those people making VNs and asking for money from their fans are fucking scammers, I'm telling ya. They amass large development teams and work on the games for years, often locking development builds behind paywalls. Growth Academy might be an exception to the rule, but it still bored me to death
Any thoughts on lachevite? Honestly, it's refreshing to see an artist who consistently posts unique content and nothing else. He's the only person I feel comfortable throwing patreon bucks at.
>"Chubby" usually means that half the time you get USSBBW bloblords and immobile unsanitary slobshit.
Searching "SSBBW" will sometimes net you Chubby women who don't even reach BBW weights, and if your luck is really shit, you might get fat men too. I'm not interested in seeing men of any sort, nor am I interested in women who are such lightweights.
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It's kinda why I don't like much official anime and manga weight gain, bbw, ssbbw, etc. It's has good stuff from time to time but it's usually basic bitch that gained 2 pounds, chibi sphere/egg shit, inflation, or ugly as fuck.
(5 KB, 191x263, images.jpeg)
Pregnant women and fat women are too horny in anime. Only demons have the stamina to keep up with heavier women.
>basic bitch that gained 2 pounds
I find this one especially pointless.Dudes post it like it matters when it's the kind of thing that could go away if the girl loosened her belt. This is also why I don't think much of following celebrity weight gains, cause basically all of it is shit like this.
(212 KB, 1359x768, IMG_20220814_182240.jpg)
>Shemitah present
>posts a fucking lard monster
There is no help.
Seems like angok artist, the games are fine too.
Also fuck WG forums, it was a long while since something good came outta there. Summerfags, retards, virtue signalling devs who shit out crappy rpg maker game with bloated asset packs and ms paint art. Makes my blood boil when I remember. Oh, and those faggots who think it is "empowering", strongfat and sumo retards, all of them.
Some people really have shit perception of size.
Because it is on the normie spectrum. Let me explain what I mean.
Generic stuff that might have happened irl.
Comedy trope
Same as above
Nasty body horror?
Tumblrina autism tier
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Yeah, I don't really have any issues with him. He posts good shit and doesn't really care for drama, and that's all I ask for.

That last pic was meant to be inflation though. Shake-O does actual fat art regularly, and it's usually much more palatable. He even has an entire chapter of his manga dedicated to it.
Hit the nail on the head. Official weight gain in anime and manga is 90% a waste of time or complete shit. No one wants to risk sending the message "fat is beautiful" even though it can be. Video games are just as bad as fat women are absurdly rare unless they're old, not human, or ugly.
(200 KB, 600x315, 13594.png) (294 KB, 720x1018, Melony.png)
>Video games are just as bad as fat women are absurdly rare unless they're old, not human, or ugly.
As an example, it took Pokemon 8 Generations to give us a female gym leader who's at least chubby, and she looks nice. They still managed to make a discrepancy between her in game appearance and her official artwork, where the latter makes her look less chubby.
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Finally I have an excuse to bitch about this! There’s this comic called “Tonari no Figure Genkeishi” I don’t know much about it but I do know that in one chapter a supporting character gained weight, for most of the chapter she’s drawn round she’s still cute in this chubby state. In one panel the artist decided to draw her more curvaceous – showing off her nice fat ass, after that the artist revert her back to an unassuming state, she loses the weight at the end of the chapter, as far as I know nothing like that has happened again. This has been puzzling me, why do this in one chapter – for one panel?

It’s maddening that (in my experience) any time a BBW appears in Japanese media it’s only for a moment, I don’t remember the name of the cartoon but I vaguely remember that it’s a psychological genre. There was a female character that hates fat people because they’re disgusting, somehow someway she’s transported (or maybe it was a dream?) to a table with three people I don’t remember the third person but I do remember that two fat sisters were sitting at the table both of them were cute and curvaceous (their baggy clothing couldn’t hide that), in one scene the camera does this panning shot of one of the sisters asking a question where her ass takes up a good portion of the screen all is well and good until food is brought to the table that’s when the sisters became voracious – sloppily eating, normally this would turn me into diamonds but shortly after they transform into blob monstrosities which left me saying, “Come on man!”

Also, anyone that says "Reddit spacing" can kiss my ass, I just like typing like this.
Yeah...uhh, what the fuck are you talking about? You lost me at the comic part
(39 KB, 900x900, 1632618483501.jpg)
>This has been puzzling me, why do this in one chapter – for one panel
It's a gag; I don't understand how you none of you guys get that, they're only intended as jokes and filler, and as such, they're not gonna get any real detail or time.

>Also, anyone that says "Reddit spacing" can kiss my ass
I thought that was jumping a line after every sentence, whereas you're doing it after a small paragraph.
(1.4 MB, 1100x1306, 36e71cd87c56c71a81a129048ba3f0f1-imagejpeg.jpg)
One of my least favorite tropes is when an artist draws a character stuck in a doorway and the character is trying to walk through facing front. This is unrealistic because in real life, SSBBWs are generally aware of their size and will go through doors sideways. It is way more hot when the character is drawn trying to go through a door sideways and still getting stuck (pic related).
Reddit spacing is hitting enter twice for a line break.

Like this.
>It's a gag; I don't understand how you none of you guys get that, they're only intended as jokes and filler, and as such, they're not gonna get any real detail or time.

Being fat for a chapter as a gag isn’t what puzzled me. It is that for most of the chapter the artist drew her with an unassuming egg-shaped body, but for one panel they give her a nice pear-shaped body with a nicely drawn butt. It was an oddly specific thing to draw for one panel. As for that show with the fat sisters. I’m just disappointed that cute fat characters turned into monsters shortly after their introduction. I know their purpose was to highlight the major character’s distain for obesity. I just wanted to see more ass shots from them.

> I thought that was jumping a line after every sentence, whereas you're doing it after a small paragraph.

You mean a run-on sentence? Yeah, that post is full of them. You live and you learn.
Not to mention they could be distracted and not thinking, or lazy and hopeful.

>It was an oddly specific thing to draw for one panel
He was bored and wanted to do a sexy pic and was that rare Jap who is an ass man.

>You mean a run-on sentence
Nah, it'd all have to be a single sentence, where what I'm about would be more down the lines of sentences organized in a list
what in the sweet FUCK is a jfif
>He was bored and wanted to do a sexy pic and was that rare Jap who is an ass man.
Drawing it because he thought it was sexy is obvious and doesn’t need to be pointed. I’m basically asking why do it once and never again? Nothing was stopping them. All I got was a reader on Twitter questioned if the artist is into this sort of thing, because that one panel of her ass was oddly sexual. The artist responded by saying she originally was supposed to have a nice butt, so I guess it was more out of restraint. I’m not going to do arm-chair psychology to guess the inner working of an artist. I just wanted to vent.

>Nah, it'd all have to be a single sentence, where what I'm about would be more down the lines of sentences organized in a list
So more like enjambment?
(50 KB, 331x600, 331px-UltimaVI-SNES-Japan_.jpg)
>NOOO you can't draw fat males, troons, ponyshit, you have to draw my fetishes only
Just an image file, probably has a deeper use but just consider it a .jpeg
I know it's a chan tradition but I'll never understand the bitching about reddit spacing, it was done on phpBB forums before half the people complaining were out of kiddy school lol. It's a good way to catch a tourist I guess but on this chan people do it a lot anyway
I like "reddit spacing", since I think the text becomes easier and more orderly to read.

Avoiding the long string of text which makes me sleep just by looking at it.
I agree, people literally complaining about not getting eye strain.
Hurr durr everyone gets eye strain amirite!? This is subjective, don't be a twat
Oh wow, is "Hurr durr" Still a thing? Someone of your advanced age should be plenty worried about eyestrain gramps. Go yell at some apple sauce or something.
You're the old geezer here. Look, people are not laughing with you. They're laughing AT you
i agree in principle however it's a major turn on to see a girl with hips as wide as a doorframe so I'm very okay with it

an annoying jpeg stand-in

"reddit spacing" always felt like a pointless extra bit to call someone a redditor, there's plenty of legit reasons to call someone a redditor, text spacing isn't one of them

and yeah, as a guy who also got started on phpbb it just comes off as stupid
there isn't a single example or reddit spacing in this thread to point to so i'll make it myself

when people say reddit spacing they mean posts like this

where it's spread for no reason
You people are so stupid "reddit spacing" has nothing to do with the idea of a space between lines being inherently bad but that the practice is (or can be) indicative of a user being from reddit due to having to press enter twice to start a new line.
I really don't like the way NewMetrack draws faces. Or I guess I should say draws face, since he only draws one.
oh weird, there should be extra line breaks in my post but there isn't

reddit space testing
so if you only put one

it doesn't work. but if i put two

it does?
what the fuck now it did. anyway reddit spacing is just a good way of knowing who's opinions to ignore
Yeah, redditards needs to disappear
(76 KB, 1280x720, Ian Malcolm.jpg)
>"Ah, n-now eventually you do plan on posting fat girl art on your fat girl art account, right Jeet? Hello? Uh, hello?"
Jeetdoh is a lost cause. Don't expect anything good from him anymore.
>calls themselves an "expansion fetish artist"
>never talks about fats/expansion
>almost never posts art
>their feed is all melodramatic bitching and politics
many such cases!
Whenever I catch up on Jeet I just see fat Transformers OCs what's up with that
I get that he can draw whatever he wants and whatnot but its so weird when he pretty much abandoned everything else fat related
Jeet on his way to draw the shittiest OCs you’ve ever seen in your life
(161 KB, 1024x1277, last_slice_by_softservice_dfbcig1-fullview.jpg)
SoftService is an overrated artist. I don't get how he's so popular when he makes some the worst facial expressions like this. Other than that, his art is ok at best.
>>107044 anon did say overrated and ok at best though
Because he doesn't give a shit about faces. I don't really mind it, to be honest. I don't get why the fuck you're dunking on people for liking his art though lol
>I don't get why the fuck you're dunking on people for liking his art though lol
It's the number of people and not that I think no one should like him. He's close to 30k watchers on DeviantArt, and I think that's too much for his level of art. He only deserves around half that, cause he's not that good.
These are salty artist tears.
Except I'm not an artist.
(65 KB, 750x674, p44q6w61dg631.jpg)
I really don't like GollyGeo. They're way too "uwu wholesome fats!!" 100% of the time, and while it's nice not to see an overabundance of negativity, way too much sugary sweet positivity just makes me sick.

Personality aside, I don't get why they have so many followers. They barely ever draw.
He’s a damn good artist that knows how to pander to his audience, of course he's going to have a large following. The cherry on top is that he doesn’t use his accounts as a soap box. Outside of here and /d/ I don’t interact with the community, so I don’t know if he has an annoying legion of simps.

In this context I interpret “okay” like adequate or indifference which means on average softservice’s drawings aren’t worth more than a glance which I don’t disagree with. He’s not the best artist known to humanity but as I said he is good at what he does. He has a cute art style, has a good grasp on anatomy, decent at background, and he knows how make characters expressive. To say at best he’s okay undermines his artistic abilities and I throw that opinion in the trash where it belongs.

If he played things more safe like Metalforever I would've agreed.
>He’s a damn good artist that knows how to pander to his audience
He'd spread out more if he wanted to pander, because Stuffing is 90% of what he does, and most of it is Non Weight Gain Stuffing. His following is way too high for that to be the majority of he does.
>If he played things more safe like Metalforever I would've agreed.
He kinda does though because like I said, he sticks to mostly Stuffing. I can cut Metal some slack because he's been around much longer then most artists have.
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>His following is way too high for that to be the majority of he does
>I can cut Metal some slack because he's been around much longer then most artists have
>been around much longer then most artists
>cut Metal some slack
Not everyone's interested only in fat if at all and the artists that have been around the longest are the ones you NEVER cut any slack!!
>artist has minors dni in their bio
fair enough whatever
>"I'll block you if you don't have your age in your bio"
I fucking hate it when people do this. I shouldn't have to prove anything to these people, not to mention any underager with half a brain can put a number that is older. These are the same people who go on longwinded tangents about privacy too lol. What are they hoping to achieve? Also do they not remember when they too were a horny teen?

They're just from the Tumblr school of thought where fat art is about acceptance and "building a community", whatever that means.
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gonna be extremely unsurprised if it turns out that yet another artist with a "so sweet cinnamon roll" attitude turns out to be some form of pedophile/abuser/etc
The overrated part is probably because he's new blood thats actually better than decent for once. Him and clinko are my faves of the bunch, though the latter is more about the stuffing side than the fats
I think its because a lot of them are paranoid over some assblasted twitter teen getting into their account and causing all sorts of headaches for them. Fucking losers "infiltrating" NSFW spaces to expose the artist under another safer handle is something that happens more often than it should. I think its a precaution to avoid dramafaggotry, and seeing how many people are up in arms over drawings on Twitter, those fears arent entirely unfounded.
Yeah, the old guard is automatically seen as better for some reason. Who the fuck would think like that?
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Anon, it's a tranny.
They always try to present themselves like "uwu wholesome moving fluffball" until they reveal their True nature.
(1.8 MB, 498x280, nothing new.gif)
I thought they were one of those niggas that drew a few pieces then disappeared into the void.They're still around?
last I saw they started with They/Them pronouns on their account so I'm not surprised.
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Here you can bitch about everything under the sun EXCEPT the creeping tide of gay fats into spaces that used to be entirely straight.
Curious, truly curious.
Anon...Everything has gotten gayer.
Anon, you're either a newfag, astroturfing, or downright retarded.
Anon, you're a blind bitch if you believe that. Gay shit is half of what this thread complains about
(1.1 MB, 1151x755, Toyospics .png)
>Still giving a shit about Skeet
He’s dead. Gone. Old jeet does no longer exists.

>Giving a shit about cartoony faces on cartoony body proportions.

The only good fat artists are the one’s who do extreme bad ends or gurochads

Proofs? Also,
>Jiren in the backround
I suggest you stay the fuck away from pixiveo's Log myu story as it's just a drag to get through sometimes. The original premise being that a blue haired girl wants to get fat turns into a slogfest with a sprinkle of isekai shit. Yeah, pixiveo adds in some fatart in there every now and then, but it's a bore to me, although the recent pages with zina are starting to get me back in.
His audience comprise of stuffing, pregnancy, weight gain, and vore. He does well at drawing women at different angles, poses, and sometimes perspective. Not a lot of NSFW artist don’t do that and I admire that.

Metalforever is different. To say he’s overrated and at best he’s okay is fair. Patreon is a double-edge sword. Consumers like it, but artistically it leaves him stagnant since he’s restricted on what he can draw. I will give him credit he is more creative with his sketches/line work. Makes me wonder if this stuff is artistically holding him back. Well, there’s that happens his art style has not changed for years.
>His audience comprise of stuffing, pregnancy, weight gain, and vore.
Again, 90% of what he does is Stuffing. I knew he did those other 3 fetishes, but you ignored or somehow missed that "90%" part. Both he an Metal clearly have bias, but Metal manages to be more balanced with what he does.
>Poses and perspectives
Most are them are laying on their sides or back, and are facing diagonally forward.
His style could use an update, but what he does now isn't bad. It is possible that the number of commitments he has currently is holding him back.
(99 KB, 1196x416, metalface.jpg)
His style could use an update, but what he does now isn't bad.
It's not really that good, either. He's drawn well over a thousand works and still puts out faces that are like half a skill level above mistystuffer.
Get the fuck outta here, bitch
Not our fault if you're retarded. You could've chosen to waste your time in a more productive way, but here you are. Go consoom your gay shit
He's got his simps/whales like everyone else, been on his discord for a while and I can say I have zero issue with him. He's very quiet and doesn't really interact much outside of announcements and I plan on getting some comms from him when he opens. I disagree about the faces they look fine and cute to me, the only real criticism I have is that the legs on a lot of them are too long, but I'm aware that's intentional. But He's quiet works his ass off, and the few times I interacted with him he"s been nice. I don't have any issues with the person, like I said my only real criticism of his art is when the legs are too long.
(105 KB, 996x996, EkLQBHfVoAAW4tH.jpg)
>complain about gay shit
>complain about complaining about gay shit
>complain about complaining about complaining about gay shit
>complain about complaining about complaining about complaining about gay shit

this shit is gonna go on forever until the mods finally decide to move your asses to /gen
(289 KB, 400x296, 2fb.gif)
It'll happen if people keep get into retarded slapfights about trans and pedos, That'll eventually drive the mods to go full scorched earth. >>106431 didn't say it but it was pretty much a warning.
Eh, what the fuck could possibly go wrong? We all hate trannies...right?

People constantly seething about trans people has always been way more obnoxious than any trans person I've met.
Scorched Earth is deleting the thread.

Then you've never been around them long enough for the hormones to get them unstable.
You've been living under a rock, my man. Also, unless you're gay or bisexual, I concerned that you don't understand why people are seething at this.
>>105757 (OP)
Why the fuck does gay/trans fat art keep getting discussed here? The site's name literally has the term "bbw" in it. I need someone to explain this.
This is coming from either a tranny fetishist or someone who’s never had the displeasure of engaging with a tranny
I'm willing to bet all the people accusing people who don't think trans people are evil of never meeting any are lying about having ever met one themselves.
they've watched all the trans activist cringe compilations on youtube dude, have you? smh uneducated reditard

My sister is trans. Back when we lived together, them being trans changed nothing aside from the pronouns I referred to them with. You're just being an oversensitive baby.
Is Axel always kind of an ass? I saw people complaining about him but thought it was bullshit. I asked to pay reserve a slot fot a couple weeks and his answer was "save up and hopefully I'll open again" while refusing to even tell me what base rate for a 4 character was. I actually made a mistake and would be able to pay now, but I'll probably get someone else to do it now.
Yeah, he's always a dipshit. Don't bother with him
yep, axel is a well known ass
I just tought it was hilarious sawing an artist drawing Chara and Frisk fat stuff calling out an artist for being a pedo

Alright thanks. I'll tell him I'll give it to someone who doesn't talk down to their customers. I understand being annoyed that someone not being able to afford it would contact you, but it would be a 400-500 dollar commission so I thought it was reasonable to ask to reserve a slot, especially if I was willing to pay to do so, or give him extra on top for working with me.
>but it would be a 400-500 dollar commission
Are you being serious about that amount? Unless it's for a 8-10 part sequence, no commission is worth that much. Not from anyone.
Gonna be honest: I get that we've a fetish for this, sure, but Geo's really pushing it to sex-predator-in-waiting territory
The general vibes are pretty creepy IMO
Just add them to a list, or better yet use Nitter. They can't block you if for not having the 0-3 sad onions in your bio if you don't follow them
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Why do mods delete every post that doesn't coddle faggots and their sick sensitivities? How come I can't post about how sick and tired I am of seeing fat dudes in place of chicks in the thread for deranged, off the wall ranting and screaming?
The homo agenda is real and it's coming for my big bitches.
Yeah it would be all 4 of the lucky star girls. I'm the lucky star asshole. It might be a little less than that, and I know people who are more amatuer who would do it way cheaper.

And quite honestly that's nothing. I have a massive lucky star project thats going to probably cost around a thousand dollars, maybe even more. I jsut need to find someone whose crazy enough to do it, and then either work something out with them, or save up for another month or two and start hunting. I was going to do it myself, but I think I'll bite the bullet and track down a suitable chad/ chadette. I'm also spending a bit right now because I'm getting animations, it's short parts of the weight gain sequences from the fairly oddparents ep[sode "Just Desserts" but remade to be lucky star, and I'm also planning on remaking all the weight gain stuff from that episode as lucky star as well eventually.

If someone is interested in that project BTW they can track me down.
Oh, go fuck yourself and that picture. We know you're a troll by now. You should really up your game
I'd genuinely recommend you to find a different artist for that project, because aside from the price and the toxic behaviour I think the Lucky Star girls would look like shit in Alex's art style
I know who you mean, his name comes up in email. Like I said I'm not going to hire him anyway because he thinks it's ok to talk down to me. You have any recommendations maybe? I might look to people outside the fat fetish community to do it, the people doing my animations actually don't have a fat fetish but have been super cool. I'm usually pretty nice, but also known for having a bit of a temper, so IDK how many of the super big ones would take it even if they were interested. I don't really want to pay the beater clique and fuel their egos anyway.
The "project" is something seperate form the animations btw
>8-10 parts
Nah, you're undervaluing artists at that point. Do you understand how much work that actually is? That's for all intents and purposes 8 to 10 commissions. If they charge almost 100 per commission, it doesn't add up.
Don't worry, he just has room temp. IQ.
IIRC, Furries tend to charge that high for commissions due to most of them working as Doctors, military, or STEM. The catch is that only lolbertarians furries pay that much due to Texas hosting the cons
That's not me undervaluing artists, I've commissioned an artist who would charge around $50 for one stand alone commission, and they're pretty damn good, although they won't be charging that low anymore soon. That's where I got the 500 number from. $50 per part for a 10 part sequence is $500.

Fuck off. Saying garbage like that before hearing how I got those numbers doesn't look good for you.
no, since 50 dollars per part is still very cheap, and if those commissions turned out 'very good', then either the artist was undercharging, or they were of lower skill level.

So either it was undercharging, or an amateur artist.

Or it would also depend if it was a 10part sketch sequence or if it was colored and rendered. So a lot of factors in play.

So in my assumption, I assumed the "8-10 part commission not worth 500$" was that you meant fully colored and shaded from someone of higher skill.
Yeah I thought that seemed cheap so it sounded like either an amatuer or someone who had trouble selling comissions.

I've talked to furries, and yes, I can confirm that they pay really good money for their porn and fetish stuff, so if you are willing to do it you can make bank.

The huge project I was talking about was a comic that I want made, I got told it's actually creative and fun, but it would be kinda long and specific so it's going to cost an ass ton to have it made unless I hire someone newer.
I believe it was them undercharging, because the artist is Roundersofter. He's too good of an artist to be doing commissions for $50 or lower. He's no amateur.
As an artist, pricing art is extremely difficult and based on a multitude of factors that can't be easily quantified. There's no 'correct' price for art. The value of art is entirely subjective and based on what customers are willing to pay for. All you can really do is try to price yourself somewhat similarly to peers you perceive as being close to your quality level. This doesn't factor in audience size and content though, both of which can affect the price.

If an artist of identical skill and style as Axel appeared, they wouldn't be able to charge nearly as much just because they wouldn't have a following yet. Artists can in the end, charge whatever they can consistently get work with. This might not be 'fair', but the price in the end comes down to what people will support. If you don't like an artists prices, just go support another artist.
Jesus, imagine wasting absolute fucktons of money for a shitty anime like fucking Lucky Star. At least in lucyguys defense, he puts money towards a character that some people find actually hot.
Jesus, imagine having shit taste. How can you be defending Lucyguy?
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Someone in one of the previous threads mentioned a time when CakeCatMech got really upset at the mere thought of furries being mentioned, but today I learned that she literally had a fursona that she drew fat art of. She even approved of someone on fur affinity drawing an obese young version of fursona doing vore. I also find it funny how that super old visual novel she made with her furry shota OC is the only visual novel she made that is in the VN database.

I don’t blame her for being traumatised by furries and their community or whatever, but seeing just how into it she seemed in that stuff with her partner back in the day is certainly something.

Even though I kind of agree with part of her stance with Loli + Shota content and how it can unintentionally influence young people to have sus relationships, I find it a little hard to believe that she truly gets “bad memories” when she sees that stuff when she literally still has a handful of pics of her shota OC in her deviant art and literally still has a favourites folder for shotas that is still viewable today. It doesn’t really add up when she also went through the effort of deleting 99% of her new grounds page, but her deviant art is arguably one of her accounts that is the easiest to find.
What the fuck did I just read...?
I wish she can keep drawing a good fanart like she had at the start instead of the OCs and shotas.
Eat my ass.

That was me complaining, and that's what I meant. I don't mind ir care if someone doesn't like furries, that's not my issue with her. My complaint was that they are/was incredibly anti furry and would freak the fuck out if you asked her what she counted as a furry, but she draws shit/ used to draw simillar shit.
based lucky star chad
cringe lucyguy white knighter
I don't know who this lucyguy character is or why I'm being compared to him. All I know is that I pay for what I want and out off all the criticisms you can give me "I don't like characters/anime that your money pays for" is kinda weak. I've received at least a dozen discord/twitter messages thanking me for it, and I'm going to keep getting it because that's what I want, and if you like it that's great and I'll share.
Yeah, just ignore those clowns. The Lucky Star girls are way better than Lucy (And not just because I'm sick of seeing her stupid face so often). Keep doing god's work
Maybe you should save your money and get some therapy instead.
(135 KB, 1682x942, media_FXgu7AXXgAAOoYI.jpg)
>I'm also spending a bit right now because I'm getting animations, it's short parts of the weight gain sequences from the fairly oddparents ep[sode "Just Desserts" but remade to be lucky star
I was indifferent to your existence but this shit is absolutely abhorrent.

>Even though I kind of agree with part of her stance with Loli + Shota content and how it can unintentionally influence young people to have sus relationships
They may be dumber than when I was a kid but they aren't gonna get affected by Chinese cartoons anymore than if they had been born back then, let alone fan art.
The fuck have "Chinese" cartoons gotten to do with this? lol
You need to do your research properly before commissioning my dude, Axel-hating is so universal I'm amazed you weren't aware. I don't think the man has ever had a happy customer, and he's got an atrocious reputation for being a dickhead in conversation outside of that. Even twitter and DA dicksuckers hate him
Don't forget all the weird daddy daughter stuff she drew of said fursona with her and her husband's best friend as the daddy lmfao
I think it's because it correlates with other things but furries seem to be either absolutely fucked and living in their own shit or geniuses with 100 degrees
Axel haters be like: "Dicksucker-less?"
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Hot take: Sexuallizing joke waifus from retarded animes like Konosuba or FGO should be categorised as high quality shitposting and not actual lewd art. Who the hell finds appealing women acting like assclowns?

>Gabe Newell looking pedophiles creeps on him.
>Manipulates into his degenerate fetish while the kid is still young and gullible.
Pretty based and redpilled from Japan right?
Pretty retarded take there.
It's low quality bait, anon. Don't even bother
You fell for it, just as he wanted
Did DLeagueMan's art ever improve? The guy has a nice reportoire of commissioning other artists, but when it comes to his own art, it's absolutely some of the ugliest and most amateurish shit I've ever seen, and it never improves.
Nah bro, it's always been shit. I see his art on Deviantart once in a while and it's the usual stuff. Same shading, same proportions, same faces, same everything. I swear god he has never improved during all those years
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Like I said, I don't pay for whatever other people want to see. If you want to see other characters then learn to draw or quit freeloading and pay someone to do it. I don't go and complain about what other people pay for even though I don't care for or like 99% of the characters I see, but it's not my money that paid for it.

Also heres a preview of one of the WIPs since you're nice.
Alright. I honestly didn't look into anyone or participate in any kind of conversation with the "community" until recently because I started uploading to this site and then I plan on starting drawing the stuff too, it's just been slow learning because I'm always tired and oversleep.
>he doesn't like his women fat and stupid
Yeah, I found that out shortly after. Talked about how she was manipulated when she younger or something in one of her FAQs, let she literally RP'd as the young daughter of her boyfriend.

Also it seems like she retconned her old Shota OC as being over 18 when he most certainly was not before, which also saves the tons of other artists who drew him as well from getting into hot water. And even if it somehow was the case all along, then why would she bother deleting a bunch of the old stuff involving him? Because it has Shotacon energy all over it to the point that it doesn't even matter if he's actually a kid, because she depicts him as kiddy anyway. Like, the VN literally is about the player stumbling across a fat kid, being overly nice to him so you can feed him and convince him to come to your house to rub his belly. There is literally text in the game that questions how predatory these actions are, followed up by a nosebleed.

Like, if you want to be remorseful about the old content you made, then stick to being remorseful instead of this weird halfway thing of pretending it wasn't as bad as it seems while deleting it so nobody can confirm if what she is saying is true.
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She's literally Nyanners. I'm not even kidding: between getting her start with fetishizing underage characters, stabbing her fans in the back and cleaning up her image for clout, and even becoming a goddamn Vtuber in order to clout chase even further, she's the fat fetish version of Nyanners. It's almost uncanny how similar these two are.
At least Nyanners is cute, she ain't even got that. For shame
That comparison has been made once or twice before. Still, it doesn't stop it from being incredibly true. This is what happens when girls get too deep into the weird side of the internet, they become traumatised and jaded all because the creeps ruined it for everyone.

I don't want to be "The one guy who trashes CakeCat", but here's one more dumb thing I remember. She literally had a furaffinity where she drew herself as being fat, and even posted one or two pics featuring a cartoon version of her literal IRL self as being chubby, and yet she got all upset when people thought she was a feedee/gainer or whatever and used that as an excuse to throw deviantart under the bus. Like, what did you think was gonna happen?
Thought she was chubby/fat IRL? Didn't she post a picture of herself a long time ago?
She's posted one or two pictures of her face on twitter, but I want to say she did in fact post a pic of her in some halloween outfit (Admittedly, I might be confusing it for someone else though).
She's at least drawn her fursona being considerably fatter than she actually was. I don't want to pry too much in to it though.
It was a Halloween pic, and looked like she was somewhere between 200-250. I think she underestimated how the internet can be, and she has her share of double standards. How big was her fursona, because I've never seen her be bigger then her IRL counterpart.
I've seen pics of her her fursona overflowing a couch before, and IRL she's like borderline fat girl, so she's definitely drawn her sona bigger than she is (or at least was) and being fed
(2.9 MB, 1280x720, 1641862145867.png)
>This is what happens when girls get too deep into the weird side of the internet, they become traumatised and jaded all because the creeps ruined it for everyone
>they become traumatised and jaded all because the creeps ruined it for everyone
>It's not my fault, it's everyone elses
It happens because most women barely have a logical bone in their body and will run at any chance to get praise and easy money without thinking of the consequences.

Where else would she be trying to emulate with her art and shotadiction?
Spoken like a true incel.
says a lot about the state of this website that this is the only thread with over 300 replies that's not an art thread that's months old.
Imagine being such a cuck
two meaningless buzzwords for the price of one, lmao he must have hit a nerve
lmao jesus, the character arc is exactly the same
and for as much as I hate nyanners, at least nyanners is actively trying to put their tumblr SJW phase behind them
catboy is doubling down on it

gonna be real my dudes, five minutes on twitter is enough to make any sane man question what some certain women can bring to the table for society
same goes for some certain guys but we all know who current pop culture defends
Well, originally her fursona was this fat loli daughter that eventually "grew up" and basically just became her IRL body type but as a furry. However there has been one or two pics where she has drawn her fursona as full on obese. The rare few drawings that she has done depicting her irl self was more in line with her actual body type, however the way she drew herself was no different than how she would draw the body types of her other WG drawings, so it's kinda understandable why many people just assumed that she was fetishises her own chubbiness.
Also, don't forget her account at the time was known as "CakeHoarder" and her husband's accounts at the time were "CakeFeeder", like come on how did you not expect people to think you and your husband are feedee/feeders
So you guys complain even when theres a non-issue. I said forget about it.. Even when I don't threaten anybody, don't get worked up over it, people still blow it up into an issue. I said leave me alone about it and they still kept trying to talk about it, so I blocked them. It's better to just drop shit entirely rather than be a pain in the ass and annoy him by having him redraw the entire fucking thing, and I more or less just pointed it out so even if he didn't want to do it, he can just keep it in mind for the future. He's clearly annoyed by it, so I'd rather just have him not bother.

As far as I'm concerned I didn't really do anything bad this time asides from avoiding getting agitated in the first place. I walked away this time instead of escalating it, and you people still act like it's horrible. He got paid for it, and I didn't escalate it this time, and it's still a problem. AS far s I'm concerned the only issue here is me spending money on shit and then not getting much out of it.

And instead of forgetting about it, you fuckers still insist on trying your absolute best to piss me off. It's not a big deal.
Shut up fag, you're clearly the issue here. This is like the 3rd callout you've gotten on being a sperg client.
nah, you're a fucking spaz. you don't pay someone for a job, let them start doing the job, check their progress and decide you don't like it, and then instead of being an adult at all you just throw a temper tantrum and tell them to quit. they took time out of their day to do the work and gave you a simple progress report which you could have very easily responded to, but instead of doing that you just acted like a child and completely wasted their time. you aren't the victim here at all, i wouldn't have even refunded you if you dicked me around like that. you are actually autistic if you can't see what you did wrong here.
And I don't care if Mochii still hates me. Same with you people, because at the end of the day it doesn't matter if I have a point or not, everyone will just side, or pretend to side with people they beat off too. Kinda like how, when it first happened everyone unanmously was telling me how terrible I was, despite everyone outside the clique telling me I should have gone harder, but as SOON as I mention I might pick up books to learn how to do it, the answer from a lot of people changed too "you both could have handled that better".

Well guess what? I showed people who aren't in the clique, EVERYTHING and they told me I should have gone harder.

It's all fake shit as far as I'm concerned.
And they got paid to take that time out of their day. In fact they got paid the full amount to do less. I didn't get, and don't want a refund from him. Jay refunded me, but I wasn't going to ask for it.
I don't know about you, but if I work hafl a day and get paid for a full one, that's a pretty good deal.

If anything now you fucks know you can screw me over.
Yeah no wonder people like you or want you to comm them, you sound fun at parties

Only thing your retard memes mean to me is that I win since you don't have any actual points to make.

Oh wait, maybe that's because we all know I'm right.
Ight, ight- let's see the offending work-in-progress and follow-up communications so that we may better understand and could side with you against these multiple artists who have attempting to sully your fine name within our community.
(40 KB, 620x675, 8fa.jpg)
Only thing your retard memes mean to me is that I win since you don't have any actual points to make.

Oh wait, maybe that's because we all know I'm right.
Like I said, It wasn't even that bad. He was just annoyed and it would have been a lot to go back and do, so I told him to drop it. I actually thought it was quite cute other than the issues with their spines. He has a very cute art style and I think that he'll only go up. One of them will gladly leak the logs for you.
Alright that made me laugh, good one.
While we look forward to that impending leak— are you worried of the implications of raging out on multiple artist could impact your ability to find a fat artist in the future who will take your Lucky Star commissions?
>at least nyanners is actively trying to put their tumblr SJW phase behind them
You can't put that taint behind yourself; once you throw in with them, you are and will always be nothing more than a leper.

>five minutes on twitter is enough to make any sane man question what some certain women can bring to the table for society
The current strain of feminism and woke shit only solidified what I learned from living in a house full of women for a chunk of my life.

Damn, Anon was right, you are a faggot; if you're not irritated, the other person has to be irritated. Pick up some books and just learn how to make your own fatties because commissions are a lost cause for you.

How many postage stamps would you need to send her to China?
>Pick up some books and just learn how to make your own fatties
God, if only I wasn't afraid of failure AND being found out.
Is the Lucky Star retard gone for good? I can't believe I defended him at first...I should've known better lmao
>being found out

All my irl friends know and members in my family, and they don't give a shit.

It's all about being a chad about it.
I'll make one more post about it and that's it, because honestly I know you fuckers are either intentionally ingenious or completely dense

1. I'm not supposed to be pissed that someone blows me off for months, then presents me with a rush job? It was the worst fucking comm I've ever seen. And the most expensive. If they didnt want to do it, they should have just denied it.

2. A cunt who literally was going to try stealing my money.

3. He literally pinged me on discord to sell me comms, I would have never even contacted him otherwise. The spines/backs were fucked up, one of then was at an angle that would break her in half and the other looked disconnected. And then when I brought it up I got a "Alrighy, how do I fix it then?" Which I took as a passive aggressive response, and then got told I was just being picky. And when I tried complimenting him I was just getting sarcastic 1 and 2 word responses, so I got annoyed with it. Figured I'd just block him to not deal with it, and then I get Jay trying to lie to sell me on him. If he was such a perfectionist, he wouldn't charge people money and not understand anatomy.

Love you too

Keep dreaming

Nope, I just don't leak private conversations unless it's an actual emergency, especially to random internet assholes.

And if people don't like the fact that I don't kiss ass to the beater clique then fine. If it becomes an issue it's pretty easy to make an alt account, I get other stuff too, you just don't know it's me posting it. I'm sorry that I don't feel like people who are taking my money deserve to be treated like gods.
Who the fuck do you think you are, paying artists and treating them like shit for their drawings? Maybe you should be less ambitious and not spend over 100 dollars for this crap (Something any sane people wouldn't do, let's not kid ourselves). Making alt accounts is also useless, because people will eventually found out and drama will start again. Give up already
I think I'm the person whose paying someone to do me a job. If a normal person goes to work and doesn't do what they are asked or doesn't perform, they get in trouble or fired. I don't just "treat people like shit for their drawings" you could easily look at it and tell it's below average by their standards.
and yet you continue to refuse to post any proof on your end
Kinda weird, right? As if he's trying to hide from the people who are rightfully pissed...
Reading through all of this, you were just very uncooperative to work with. And then you try to solve everything by either blocking them or telling them to forget it.

You do not care about good outcomes, you just like to make it more difficult than it has to be and leaving other people confused.

Artist fucked up your commission? Be upfront about it instead of acting like an anxious little 12 year old who doesn't like confrontations or when someone questions you.

This whole ordeal could have been avoided if you used your brain.

Yeah, but I think he doesn't even have a functioning brain. He'd rather run away and sweep everything under the rug, hoping people will forget about it so that he can annoy other artists next
Putting it this way I'm actually somewhat sympathetic, but you handled it in one of the most impressively braindead manners possible and ultimately made yourself into the more culpable party here. You do not block an artist you're having active dialogue with before concluding your conversation/transaction and moving on, however much it dissatisfies you; if it's not working out partway through, ask for a refund (unless their comm sheet explicitly demands a down payment, then it's own fault for not having been prepared for this possibility), and then simply move on. You shouldn't be spending money you're not comfortable letting go of.
You should absolutely not be sympathetic for this person
>If it becomes an issue it's pretty easy to make an alt account
if you are so much of an insufferable asshole that all these different artists have a problem with you, it will be very easy to spot you doing the same dickhead behavior on another account
I'm begging you to stop man, before you start giving anyone who wants Lucky Star commissions to get a stigma.
Did you read what I said? I don't like being an asshole to people, I just want people to not try and half ass shit on purpose or act passive aggressive with me. I'ts not hard. So 3 or 4 of the two dozen people I've worked with I've had issues with. Everyone else I haven't had problems with because they lay out their terms, tell me if somethings going to take a while, and then if I ask them to do something in reason they will do it. I explain to them what I would like and they either agree to it or don't. This shit isn't hard.

I'm fully aware you are trying to bait me. I'm not posting because like I said, I don't leak private conversations unless it's something dire. He can do that if he feels comfortable. He blocked out his username when leaked me blocking him, so he doesn't want to be named, and that's perfectly fine. It's internet bullshit.

Eat my ass Jay. I knew you weren't as nice of a dude as you pretended to be, which is why I said you SEEMED nice. I blocked you because I didn't want to hear about it for day or two, and you do this shit.
That's the point, he'll never stop. The retard will keep doing this for as long as artists accept his commissions, only to call him out and force him to make alt accounts
Bro, sis, whoever the fuck you are. You need to accept that your name in the community is forever tainted. Go get a life and waste money on more important things
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>Everyone else I haven't had problems with because they lay out their terms, tell me if somethings going to take a while, and then if I ask them to do something in reason they will do it.

It’s funny you say that, because I DID, you shithead. If you’re gonna make claims like that, you better provide ACTUAL proof of you trying to have a conversation with your artists and them turning you down. Some people you didn’t even give a chance to fix YOUR order, because of either shit outside of their control or because they dared to not get the art the way you wanted the first time.

When you pulled this shit with me, you simply brushed your behavior off as having a fucking “character flaw”
Goddamn, the arrogance of this idiot. "It's a character flaw of mine that gets me in trouble *occasionally*". I was right in believing he's so ignorant about his problems. He doesn't even need help, he deserves to be ignored by others
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Literally who
Since she is a memegender lolpronouns wokist bitch, it can only say us one thing: her father did not beat her enough in her childhood.
Or being an american.
You sound like a nigger who wants dem gibs. You even chimp out like a nigger.
See above.
Ignore the troll
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What a trainwreck of a person you are. Way to be an example of what not to be.
Like I said, it doesn't matter if I have a point or not, I'm Hitler because I'm not kissing peoples ass.

Let's go over what everybody is actually telling me here

1. It's ok to accept half assed commissions because a person has a ton of twitter followers.

2. The smart and mature way to handle a conversation is to let people manipulate and blow smoke up your ass.

3. "Show me how" is acceptable from someone charging you for a service. It's either him not wanting to do something and passively being a dick (which anyone with common sense knows), or him not knowing how to do something and then having the audacity to charge for it.

4. It's also not acceptable to ask not to be bothered, have them outright ignore it, and then walking away.

I told you what I wanted, you agreed to it by accepting my pay and then you took your time and you wanted to be passive aggressive by reacting with emojis, and you can't even draw her right. We both know you didn't want to do it, and guess what? That's 100% fine, just say you don't and don't do it. You guys just take advantage of the fact you are freelancers.
He's not trolling, he's a genuine mega-autist lolcow. They never know when to take the L and don't understand basic social etiquette, I've seen it time and again
I think they meant that >>107835 was a troll, which they obviously are. The weirdo commissioner is genuine lol
Maybe you should save your money for therapy instead of fat fetish art commissions. You might get more milage out of it.
Bro, you should think twice before typing lmao
He just wanted your money and made a fuss over nothing, yada yada...have you taken your meds yet?
Well, preemptively in-line with your suggestion, I *did* ignore that post, so hard that it didn't even register you were talking about him. If anything, you're the one that gave him undue attention; no one had even taken the bait yet.
Legit, ignoring all of Gecko's poor communication skills; this recent situation #3 would have bothered the shit out of me too. It sounds like the artist doesn't use the draft phase to actually take criticism and make adjustments. For the artist to be confrontational about changes early on and put the onus for how to fix a bad draft on the commissioner is totally fucked. I'm actually posed to believe whoever this mystery artist is fucked this comm up. Like it's all fun and games to pile onto Gecko for being himself but whys this artists' name being shielded by Jay and no logs of this work in progress situation? Probably doesn't paint the artist in good light being uncooperative or combative on the draft. These stories have all devolved into Gecko says artist did <<this>> then artist shows up and will not say they didn't do it, but link a log of the end of the convo where Gecko finally freaks out. If only Gecko would share this combatitive work in progress, this dismissive emoji / 1 word response logs etc. Cause theae artists sure won't be sharing such evidence.
Gecko will never share evidence, it's like talking to a spoiled kid. Deal with it and side with us
>>107867 Jay here. I shield my friends name to prevent any potential harassment. While the first draft had some issues that gecko wanted fixed, my friend was more than happy to fix said issues to improve them to how gecko wanted. I have seen the chat logs and even revisions of which align perfectly to what gecko had wanted.

However, instead gecko decided to be 100% impatient and blocked my friend for no honest to god reason.

friend is a straight up perfectionist in his work and I have nothing but the highest respect for him. How gecko treated him is honestly surreal.

Gecko can show the wip if he wants but even then that would mean he would be shown in the wrong so I doubt he'll do that here to save face.

Also, I genuinely do want to let you guys know that I do appreciate you all for looking into this situation and seeing it for how it truly is.

I do apologize for bringing the situation up, if gecko had just done the blocking thing to me I would have just refunded him and went along my way, but he decided to mess with one of my friends and I will not stand for that.

If you will excuse me guys, I will be drawing a ton today, got a kiryu coco to finish up for patreon. I also got an Ame pic to post later today.
You're not really helping the situation here, either post the logs or shut up. Your verbal account of the situation has already been clearly stated many times, and I and many others seem inclined to take it at face value, so you have nothing else to contribute unless Gecko nuts up and provides evidence.
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Yeah, I also wanted to thank you guys for your recent responses. My main goal posting here was to give context that Gecko himself was unwilling to give, because doing so would put his actions to question.

Once again, I’m not looking for anyone to take my side or agree with everything i did, as a matter of fact there probably is a few things i will try to improve at with future clients. I just couldn’t stand the idea of him spreading misinformation and causing trouble for other artists, so I responded.

Hopefully because of you guys, Gecko will be less able to fuck with others, blaming them for his apparent guilt over spending hundreds of thousands of money for fetish art. I know y’all have issues with artists like me in the community, but I really appreciate your comments.
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Gents... There’s too much untranslated fattywank. Who on Shitcord/twitter must I ay for my kino’s?

>Gecko will never “incoherent more babble”

>Posting people that are the color as my poop
But enough about bejita

>GokuGokuGoku! Out of fucking nowhere!

Jirengod btw
>Even more moe babble
No problem, bro. It's always nice to call assholes like Gecko out when they do something wrong, especially as the event involved a lot of people by now. No matter how many times he tries, he'll forever be seen as someone to ignore. Hopefully more and more artists stop accepting his commissions
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>I'm not supposed to be pissed that someone blows me off for months, then presents me with a rush job
No, you should be pissed, but only if you've made attempts within reason to find out about your comms status and kept the logs as evidence should they try any unprofessional bullshit.

>If he was such a perfectionist, he wouldn't charge people money
>Thinking anyone who strives towards perfection wouldn't enjoy getting paid during their long grueling march

>Maybe you should be less ambitious and not spend over 100 dollars for this crap (Something any sane people wouldn't do, let's not kid ourselves)
>Maybe you should be less ambitious and not spend over 100 dollars for this crap >Something any sane people wouldn't do
How's it insane? So long as they have all their bills paid up, a pantry stocked with food, and some savings stashed away for emergencies, there's nothing wrong with throwing around excess cash.

>I'm not posting because like I said, I don't leak private conversations unless it's something dire
There's a difference between an actual private conversation and what is essentially the documents of a business transaction that would be used in a court to prove a party not meeting the terms agreed upon. If you refuse to show your receipts, it just makes you look full of bullshit which sullies your own name and will lead to your being barred from other artists and allow any bad ones to walk away unscathed.

>I'm Hitler because I'm not kissing peoples ass
Literally everyone's Hitler these days; gotta up your gang towards Mao.

>you wanted to be passive aggressive by reacting with emojis
Pretty sure using emjoi's is common behavior these days that a lot of people find hard to break.
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Guys, I've finally found a social media account of the person posting all that shitty art. It took me a while but saucenao was really useful lol
Been sick of this guy posting here. Doesn't matter if it's a thread that I want to stay or not, seeing his garbage is never worth it.
Yeah, it's absolute shit. Some of the worst art I've ever seen (Ignoring all that circle tool stuff)
>DeviantArt is still circle tool weight gain art central.
I am convinced that Virus20 is the root cause of all this
Oh yeah, with a name like that he must be the one at fault
Bookmarks are kinda based anon.
>565 deviations

Good lord, they have a literal garbage dump worth of shitty art.
It was hard to believe so I checked it and by god I don't think this is a troll anymore, god damn. Have to respect the grind to post that much coming from an artists point of view but jesus christ.
God fucking damn you're right, I also thought he was a troll at first. Unfortunately this is the cruel truth. I don't think there's a way we can stop him
>saucenao was really useful lol
What did Saucenao do to you?

Circle tooling has been a thing since time immemorial; long before Virus 20's bloodline crawled out of a septic tank.

Not everything's a Chris Chan; this shit is more in line with Mundane Matt; I'm just waiting for him to release the receipts that blow his own foot off, so I can laugh myself to death.
Don't worry, he's not THAT stupid. He surely won't shoot himself in the foot...right?
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This is the kind of art Jay usually puts out. I'm a friend of him and we draw together through discord. While he's been getting better at inking art lately I really wish he studied anatomy more and his shading and sketching is much to be desired.
>I really wish he studied anatomy more
I agree. The pic has too much ass hanging out when the fat could be distributed more evenly across the body.
His colors are quite appealing though I will say.
Yeah, I can't deny that. Colors are much more vibrant than most other artists. If only he could learn about anatomy lol
I have the opposite problem. I'm pretty decent with anatomy and proportions but my colors are aids.
That's an understatement. People pay for this art? Clearly I should quit my job and do this sort of DeviantArt garbage myself.
tell me how that journey goes for you
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Good fucking luck getting that message through his head, a few members of a discord server and I tried giving him advice for months, and the bastard just ignored most of it.
Afterward, he'd constantly bitch about not being good at anatomy, and we eventually just kicked him due to this cycle repeating over and over.
The man feigns wanting to learn and applies nothing he's told to change
>>105757 (OP)
Not even 2 weeks and this already hit 400 posts, goddamn.

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