
Before the shitshow starts, again, does anyone have any of the lewds?
The fact this is not named "Kipteit8" is a sin
Here before the low iq brainlets give what they think is valid criticism
Here before the shot show of low iq brainlets
anyone got da new art
Bruh what the fuck is this shit?
Will she finally appreciate Tessa now?
fan artists aren't heroes, lmao
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maybe kip will surprise us with a very special 200th page in full color of tessa naked? but you're right. its got to end soon. this isn't a complaint. they have that clerk out by the door getting suspicious. surely she's going to rip open the curtain any moment now.
On the bright side saiya is the one doing all the grouping and kissing so she’s less likely to run of like she usually does.
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>fan artists aren't heroes, lmao
actually they kinda are. they kept this thread going when kip wasn't posting art and some of the art is really good. plus some anons talked about doing a comic.
I think she might. but this time its understandable. she's lost control and she's fondling all over tessa. if that clerk pulls the curtain open I could and would understand saiya running away in embarrassment. it would make sense at this point in time. id like to know just how far kip is going to take this and also where this leaves tessa and saiya. will they keep making out or is saiya going to continue to lust after aika? will aika find out and gorge herself in depression causing her to gain more weight? will tessa continue to gain as she sees that saiya loves all of her weight? or is this where she stops? this story could get interesting from here on out. well have to wait and see.
Does anyone have NSFW to send?
Cool story, but maybe the thread should die until there is art. You want my stick figures too?
cold, but I get your point and agree It's not Kip's art, I'm good.
This is the stuff of nightmares
dope fan art tho
Why the sudden animosity towards fan art? People seemed to like it in the old thread.
I think it's pretty neat that there are so many artist lurkers here and it's exciting to discover new talent.
Having fan artists was fun in the worm thread too, until dipshits started complaining about it
this is fucking hideous
Agreed the fan art is so shit
This kind of fan art should be banned in all countries
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Y'know I'm all for critiquing and having an opinion on art that people make, but some of you legit never matured past this kindergartener level of criticism. Maybe actually pinpointing what you don't like about it would be a lot more helpful to the artist and encourage them to get better and provide something that might be more stylistically up your alley. Just mindlessly saying it sucks probably makes them feel discouraged, and we could miss out on the development of a good artist for once. Or maybe pick up a pencil yourself and give it a shot, make yourself something to wank off to anons.
Thank you for appreciating the people that take time out of their day to give us free art.
The thing I fucking hate are the faces. They remind me of the horrible character art in Initial D.
The most egregious ones are where the jaw is squared of and the noses drawn so prominently, makes them look like trannies cosplaying as the characters.
It's a shame really, because they draw the characters stuffed to a point that I wish kei would draw but probably never will.
You want good criticism? There, I'll give you something: The faces. They're pure nightmare fuel
(1.1 MB, 2463x1706, Tessasequence.jpg)
man thats kinda mean but I can appreciate that you're giving some constructive criticism. the faces need a little work. I hope the anon artist doesn't take offense or get hurt by y'all being so blunt and does a little work to make the faces better.
I will admit you're right on one thing. the best thing about the anon art is that they went further then kip ever will. we know kip is never going this big. this is not up for discussion. we had this tessa artwork in the last thread and id argue she isn't even this big yet. I wouldn't be surprised if this is how large she is by the time this series ends. if so a lot of people are going to be real angry and feel really ripped off because the plot isn't that good, were only tuning in for belly and that really aint much belly. this is where the anons come in as they show us different storylines, such as what if saiya gave in and stuffed tessa all day long, what if tessa and cindy met and had an eating competition and even what if connor stuffed cindy at the beach. kip can't be bothered so thankfully the anon artists obliged us and were nice enough to take requests. theres no need for any of us to be mean to them. if they need work lets be nice with the criticism and try to help them get better not push them to the point that they quit drawing altogether. they're doing us a favor here not the other way around and we should remember that when we provide criticism.
Yeah, who gives a shit about the plot? Some story is fine as long as it's short and to the point, but not something like this. I just want the fatties, and Kip is wasting their talent writing mediocre at best comics
the plot wouldn't be so bad if it was a good one. this one sucks and makes no sense the majority of the time. thats why I appreciate the anon artists. they come in with the belly and other new ideas.

so anon artists, I don't know if y'all took offense to any prior posts, I don't know if y'all are even still here, but I want to thank you for your time and all the effort you put into this. I appreciate it and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Time for Tessa to be honest about herself.
They could either leave the mall right away…

Or saiya could make Tessa walk around with her gut out
someone? it could only be one person and that happened just a second ago so she couldn't have gotten very far. but maybe tessa can go to the food court and stuff herself now. hopefully.
I don't know why this post is making me laugh
Why didnt you take your clothes in the booth with you then, bitch?!
>are we like a couple now or what?
could Saiya be any more autistic?
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I thought she did? I thought she burst in with her clothes and put them next to saiya? I went back and see I was wrong. so wait, tessa put her clothes down by the curtain, went outside when the clerk confronted them and found her clothes were stolen? I guess but why did she leave them there and is the clerk paying attention at all? she clearly heard the noise so she had to be looking that way.
I expect this to go on for weeks. tessa better have gotten her rocks off cause unless she gets to the food court and starts feeding herself immediately or something to keep saiya interested right this minute saiya is going to go home, think of aika and ghost her.
thats why it was funny to me that tessa said they need to take this somewhere else. nope. there will be no place else. you forget who you're talking to. expect saiya to try to forget this ever happened and again dream of aika. the only good thing is I'm thinking aika will be even bigger when we see her again but I could be wrong.
You know how they say all art is autobiographical...

Fingers crossed saiya leans into her dom side again and makes tessa go to the food court, but even if not the walk of shame is gonna be great
I'm really hoping for the food court but didn't we leave off with stacey and aika there?
They're at the college cafeteria, not the mall.
I doubt we're getting any food court action but it's possible that Saiya shows her calm and controlled side and helps Tessa with her wardrobe malfunction, similar to what she did for Aika, and the two of them have a bonding moment to complement the horniness we just witnessed.

it would be so nice if the panels had audio to them!!!
im a guy but I'm curious, what do you mean? none of this dialogue is very good.
Pay him no mind, he's either a lazy illiterate or part of that group of sub humans who can't picture scenes in their minds or think in other voices.
Yeah, let's just ignore him lol
Some thoughts:
Maybe Stacy took the clothes so she has to walk around showing how fat she looks to make her lose weight?(she was with Aika we last saw her tho)
Maybe some fan took it for some reason?
She is in a clothing store, if she really doesn't want to be seen like this she could get some bigger pants and a longer shirt, i bet they at least would have shirts. She also could ask for something stretchy to cover her up, like a sweater or a hoodie, she would have the belly very visible so maybe she doesn't want that either.
Just some random ideas to try and figure out Kip's thinking.

Also, why would someone take that jacket? If they thought it was something that they sold they would tell them at the register that it's not theirs, now it's up to the person to leave it there.

But i don't care about thr logic that much if it means some good content from Kip imo.
She's not even that fat, just a pot belly, No way she would take more than a medium to a large. What type of clothing store doesn't carry that? Even most high end fashion places carry at least XL, but most places go up to 2xl. A 300 pound girl of average height could fit in a 2xl. No way she is over 200 pounds.
Based on what the clerk is wearing and what Tessa and Saiya were trying on the store they're in probably carries more stylish things. They might not have a lot of normal clothes that would be large enough to cover Tessa up.
I see ze pussy
Kip is size blind.
It's the smae story when authors write something like "she is 250 lbs and the belly stretched down to her knees"
I'm guessing it's because Tessa seems to be like a 6ft tall Amazonian? Kip dimensions are whack though. But Kipverse does seem to have problems getting clothes that fit bigger people. I think it's appeared in every comic at this point.
>She's not even that fat, just a pot belly
>Kip is size blind.
>Kip dimensions are whack though. But Kipverse does seem to have problems getting clothes that fit bigger people. I think it's appeared in every comic at this point.
It's because Kip is a little pussy when it comes to bigger sizes. Not rocket science.
With how many threads are here, I come to notice how low iq brainlets force their useless “criticisms”
thats a pot belly at best.
you are correct. I dated a woman years ago that was 6ft and around 250. she had a belly but it wasn't that big. she wouldn't fit much in that store because she was tall. I dated an average size woman that was 300. she wore xl everything. she preferred 2xl because she liked her stuff baggy but she fit xl easily. in a store like this id think tessa would have trouble covering her gut up but this is really an annoyance, plot wise.
example, she just got done making out with saiya because of being so fat. do we really think thin tessa would have gotten her in that fitting room like that? no and she knows it which is why she wore that outfit. in fact, I was under the impression she got that outfit in the store and changed into it. I know she was walking around in a trench but didn't she change into that? so you're telling me they can give her, with her gigantic breasts, a bra and they can give her, with her humongous behind, leggings but they can't get her a shirt or jacket? its not believable. this is kip though so he was bound to screw everything up somewhere.
also, I think thats very degrading towards saiya. I don't know that saiya sees it and I really don't care as I don't like saiya but I know id feel like trash if my woman just made out with me in a closet then talked about how she can't go outside looking like that with her belly out. she doesn't even look that bad and it shows that they're going to have problems. I say this because she's showing that everything saiya likes she hates and that does cause serious problems in relationships.
kip could tap into that honestly. lets see the story of tessa loving to get fat for saiya. clearly she enjoys stuffing and I do believe we've established she likes having a belly in private. lets see saiya feeding her. lets see tessa gaining day by day and struggling to fit into clothing. lets see tessa fighting to decide between her career or saiya. but kip won't go there.
and now that I think of it, aika is easily bigger than her. kip has been switching this from character to character making tessa seem bigger than her but no, aika has got to be past 300 easily. id assume tessa to be maybe 250. I'm sure we all know that aika will probably be just as big if not bigger when she comes back on the scene. don't forget that aika gains all over as opposed to tessa who just gains a little pot belly. saiya has a downright uncontrollable belly fetish so tessa better figure something out because saiya is going to forget everything that just happened once aikas huge belly enters the chat.
Remember that the the kip-verse is supposed to be a post-fat society
It's not consistent with the mechanics of weight gain in this universe but I guess it's there for the humiliation kink side of things
Post fat? The hell does that mean?
Post-fat? Do you speak English??
Being fat is supposed to be so rare that almost no one has seen a fat person in years. Something is stopping people from getting fat on a large scale (maybe stigma and the ear things?).
I'm pretty sure Kip is the fattest girl in the world by now.
In any case, this isn't consistent with the world as presented in the comics, where all characters can eat an inhuman amount of food in one sitting and have supernaturally slow metabolisms. Not to mention that most people seem to have a fat fetish too, lol
That's a nice argument Senator, but can you back it up with a source?
My source is that i made it the fuck up
>Being fat is supposed to be so rare that almost no one has seen a fat person in years

Kip hasn't seen a fat person in years either, their fat anatomy sucks lmao
The first panel is the only that proves anything
The rest avre kip exxagerating
anyone got the new pic
"Post" is a prefix which means "after"
Do YOU speak English?
I'm still trying to understand how kip is a fat artist yet his fat women look more pregnant than fat most of the time.
if I could request some customs from kip id be very curious to see him draw a heavily pregnant tessa and cindy just to see how he draws them as opposed to the regular versions of them.

I feel like that last panel is the woman being so horny that she has no idea what to say and she's just rambling.
We’ve been over this, he isn’t. He’s stated himself that he’s only into belly expansion via stuffing
Yeah, you'd expect people to understand this fucking notion for once. But no! They want him to draw bigger women. He's just doing what his fanbase wishes (Although the choice of waifus is kinda crap at times)
then why do his so called stuffed characters look pregnant?

where does lactation come in with "belly expansion via stuffing"? because I've seen more than a few lactation pics of his.
Oh no, the ojou-sama archetype? How could he stoop so low!?!? (It's kinda wasted on Marine)
vtubers are so fucking cringe jesus christ
Kip doesn’t know how to draw clothes I swear to christ
He genuinely needs people to proofread his lineart
nah i like the dedicated lovehandle windows the suit clearly has, very avant gaurde kip 👍
Yeah I was always under the assumption that Kip characters wear a skintight rubber suit for clothes
Inb4 more ceaseless manbaby crying tomorrow
Damn, looks like you found nobody who cares, you dont even know if he drew it just because he wanted to or if it was a commission.
If you cant draw it, you should keep that mouth of yours shut
The dickriding is strong in this one. Kip's not gonna fuck you bro
That’s how the outfit is supposed to be
The issue is the way that it connects to nothing and then is drawn like she’s wearing panties below the waist of the same material, which she isn’t
just look at how the area stretched around her groin does not actually connect to the rest of it and goes around like panties, and that bit at the back that’s arcing in like panties that’s connected to nothing
Get a pair of fucking eyes you retard
Best part is I literally could demonstrate to kip how to fix that shit but I’m not giving advice to someone that condones child exploitation
That aint the point wtf, what im tying to say is if you cant do it better yourself, shut the fuck up
to be fair, some fan art that was arguably just as good if not better than kips has been posted here and they were told to shut up too.
It's so true though, fan art is only good if the bellies are bigger than what Kip draws lmao
Kip"fans" try to enjoy a drawing for once challenge
the bellies were bigger. tbh it aint that hard to draw a belly bigger than kips. tessa has a pot belly at best. just about all of the fan art had bigger bellies than kips because everyone knows he aint even trying. why do people hype kip up so much?

I guess were going to just ignore all the praises for the most recent sequence and full night nanny right?
Yeah, he's just a faggot. Ignore him
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Most people (like yourself) seem to complain when people do it correctly from top to bottom bulge. Kip has been slowly improving his style his way for years you can't expect him to look into anatomy or inspo from other artist just because you and his haters don't like it.

Would have prefered a corset burst as the reveal of her gain, but this is nice, too.

Im expecting a downward spiral for tessa since saiya will inevitably go back to aika at least for a while and stacy knows tessa is slippin
I’m planning on commissioning another Holo just for you anon
>Would have prefered a corset burst as the reveal of her gain

same. i find it odd that there was a corset in this comic at all if it wasn't going to be used as a setup for that
Seeing Tessa intimidate and/or mog womanlets never gets old
Do it, repel those filthy scums
Commissioning a character just to spite someone else is toxic.
I like that kip even noticed she looks pregnant but the way this is going they're running straight for the gym. there is no way tessa is sitting down to eat much less stuff herself. in fact I wouldn't be surprised if she went on a diet. hope they had their fun in that fitting room and I hope all of us enjoyed this because tessa is about to lose weight and were about to deal with more aika.
>I like that kip even noticed she looks pregnant but the way this is going they're running straight for the gym.
I'm hoping that she heads back to the gym but keeps stuffing on the side because she finds it hot and ends up as a strong-thick amazon with huge tits and a pot belly. Kip isn't based enough to do something like that though.
nah. that'd take too much work on his part and we see he can barely draw bellies right. I will give him credit for showing aika gaining all over and tessa only getting a belly though. aika is literally blowing up and all tessa has is a potbelly.
I'm still trying to understand what kip is doing here. who stole her clothing? who cared to steal her clothing besides that associate? I get that someone may have realized "look its tessakitz" and stole her clothing to sell on eBay but that makes no sense. why would they not bust open the curtain to this fitting room where she's obviously making out with someone to get some pics for clout? the minute those hit the web aika would gorge herself to immobile and stacey would quit on the spot. kip would never go there. that would have been a very interesting way to take this story but instead we have her walking through the mall "shamed".
yeah, i thought tessa was only pretending to have her clothes stolen to get off on the embarrassment but it seems like kip went with the less believable route

When has tessa ever got off on humiliation? Shes been embarrased and miserable every situation someone noticed her gain in other than when its with saiya, not humiliating her, and knowing saiya is into it.
I know it's stupid to care about the plot, but is this gonna turn out to be Foul play on Aika and/or the Chihuahua's part?
thats what I was saying before. how are we supposed to cheer for this when tessa hates who she is becoming?
stacey might but aika wouldn't dare. besides stacey is bent on making aika lose weight. I'm expecting to see them in the gym not at the mall.

Because unwanted gains are hot
>tfw we're never gonna get to see Saiya and Tessa have a proper "date night" as a couple or FWB
Just imagine:
>starts off with Saiya feeding Tessa
>typical small domme / big sub stuff
>verbal teasing and humiliation
>force feeding
>light bondage
>once Tessa is totally stuffed they end up in bed together
>dynamic completely reverses
>Tessa starts throwing Saiya around like she's nothing
>belly/breast/ass smothering
>burping in her face
>forcing her to rub her belly in humiliating ways
>predatory/voracious teasing and roleplay
Kip has the perfect lesbian switch feederism couple on his hands but he's never going to use it
>Because unwanted gains are hot

>>tfw we're never gonna get to see Saiya and Tessa have a proper "date night" as a couple or FWB

this is my exact point. kip should be thinking long term. unwanted gains are hot short term. this story has been going on like two years. at most tessa has a pot belly. saiya has a serious belly fetish. tessa only got saiya because she's that big because saiya doesn't have the sense to like her for who she is. the minute aika waddles back in with her huge belly and lack of shame she's got saiya right back. tessa doesn't stand a chance. if kip were thinking long term he'd have already covered that but clearly he isn't.
>how are we supposed to cheer for this when tessa hates who she is becoming
do you even have a fat fetish?
I do. and I have both dated and loved women who have piled it on. let me tell you its all fun and games until they hate themselves so much that they won't let you see them naked. you have sex with the lights off and her clothes on or she won't even have sex with you because she's too fat. I've dealt with both. she knew about my fetish and thats great but she thought she was a beached whale.
I know kip aint going that far with this but trust me, females who hate what they look like are no fun no matter how fat they get. there comes a point when it becomes your problem and you will find yourself encouraging them to lose weight just so they can be happy and you can be happy too.
Nigga there’s a difference between reality and fiction
A lot of degradation shit I get off to in fiction I would hate to see actually happen to a real person without them getting a kick out of it
Get your head out of your ass, twat. You do realize reality and fiction are different right? Some of the shit in these comics is really a tough sell, especially among women. I hate degradation myself and I'd never wish fat people to experience it in real life lol
(1.1 MB, 2200x2500, Tessa.png)
Some sketches for a comic I plan to make.
Damn those look great, looking forward to seeing your work!
>I will never be pinned to a wall with a girl’s belly
This is beyond sadness. Also nice sketches anon.
when I saw Stacy scolding Aika the only thing that came to my mind is Stacy turning Aika into a Tessa 2.0 and Tessa turning Aika 2.0
>fat guy in atlus shirt
I wonder if Tessa being fat isn’t the dealbreaker for aika that we thought it was. It is possible for someone who doesn’t have a belly kink to find a chubby girl attractive.

Maybe this will make her still like Tessa but see her as a potential eating buddy instead of just a sex object.
kip put an end to tessas humiliation real quick knowing good and well no one cared about aika. I'm sure all of us were expecting it though.
what would be nice is if the two of these people got it that tessa is obviously into saiya. every single time aika turns around saiya is with tessa and now shes out there with her gut out? that isn't suspicious at all when tessa covers up or hides it most of the time?
heres another question spinning off what I last said. how do they have pics of her just walking through the mall when "someone" stole her clothes and overheard her making out in the fitting room? I know its nitpicking but seriously, kip really should plan this stuff better. if tessa is this big that she has adoring fans everywhere taking pics of her in the mall and clearly stealing her clothes they would have definitely busted her making out in the fitting room. if anything they'd have sneaked in just to see what all the noise was because, remember, tessa always has to talk to mess it up. she had to brag about how very few touched her body of a celebrity so surely this fan whom stole her clothes would have heard that and at least pulled the curtain back to see something.
heres a question for y'all. since everyone wants to complain about the "bitching", what if people put down ideas of how they think this scene could have been done better? would that be okay? if people posted like an outline of how this could have been a much better scene in their own opinion?
Ask kip to let me write the comic instead, you'll see my ideas if that happens lmao
kip wont let anyone write it which is the majority of his problem. aika is a useless tub or lard who only provides fan service. saiya is totally out of touch and stacey is a bully. the only one worth liking is tessa and well have to see how that pans out.
I have an outline I just worked on for the past half hour. thats why I asked. personally I think we never should have left the stuffing in the house but I picked up from them going into the mall. I know people post on here about "stop bitching" and "do it yourself". some people cannot draw. the anons can. I cant even draw a stick figure. I'm a writer though so I figured "y'all keep saying put your money where your mouth is, do you want to see where I think it could have gone".
I'm personally hoping a for a role reversal with Aika losing weight and Tessa getting big
that'd be nice but why would that happen plot wise? tessa is about to be shamed publicly for her weight which we've just seen she hates.
>aika is a useless tub or lard who only provides fan service.
If kip goes through with this exercise plot, then she will be worthless.

It's like you want to sabotage what people actually want. Kip would 100% fuck that up. I'd rather both Aika and Tessa be fat.
The point is, this isn't what Kip's shills want. We don't give a shit if she fucks it up or not, we just want to see things different for once
Different how? Have the girls give in to becoming total fatasses without a fuss and without having awkward roundabout realizations that they're lesbos which takes over a hundred pages of writing that does nothing but stall? Don't just say "we want something different" and then not say what that "different" is.
thats the entire problem with this comic. it doesn't know what its doing, when its doing, where its doing it. its a train going absolutely nowhere. look, sit down for a minute and think about how many plot holes this comic has. try to make sense of them. I do it every week and get dragged but hey whatever. what do kip shills even want besides commentary to shut up so they can "enjoy the comic"? I'm trying to understand how they can enjoy this mess. really, please break it down for me. the scene before the gym when she let her gut out was great. the gym scene was nice. the stuffing scene was alright. tessa messed it up. the fitting room scene was getting good. its like you're hanging on for that one good scene and kip keeps on teasing but dropping the ball at the very last second. and the thing is he's doing this mess on purpose. he just refuses to deliver.
you don't get it. I know how this shakes out in real life so I cant enjoy it. its like watching a woman forcefed into immobility in a comic. I cant enjoy that crap and I know some writers empathize because they write in little things like "its okay, she has no health problems". some people get bothered by that. I like a sense of realism in my stories. tessa frekkin hates her belly in public. in private you know she gropes herself up all night long but in public? waitll she finds out about those pics. incoming gym arc and look at that, she's the same size as before. man at least aika gained some to make this interesting. we are literally jumping back like 100 pages to redo the exact same plot point again. why? crappy writing. tessa does not want to be fat. period. tessa needs to be fat to get saiya. tessa does not want to be fat. this back and forth is frustrating. tessa needs to make up her mind. does she want to give in to her true urges / newfound kink and get saiya? or does she want to keep going to the gym? this is why kip needs a doggone editor because kip will have this cycle repeat until 2025 if he can get away with it.
we have aika in the gym. why? aika aint losing weight. she's too stupid. she might lose some weight on some quick workout but shell be a blob by tomorrow morning. shell leave the gym and stop at a buffet on the way home. theres no need for this. its killing pages. does kip even know his own characters?
simple solution. we see that stacey and aika know. great. lets cut back to tessa and saiya. I want to see her reaction. I want to see the fallout because you know there will be one. saiya about to get cussed out because tessa is pissed and someone has to deal. I want to see saiya dealing with this and yes, I get it, tessa in the gym, blah blah blah, but now aika is still fat if not fatter. now we understand why saiya is with aika and tessa will too.
There were two posts below mine that hit the nail on the head and now they're gone. What the fuck?
Exactly that. Some people might want story in their fetish comic, but that shit brings the whole thing down. Waiting too much for the juicy stuff bores me to death
Finally, a kindred spirit.
pretty sure those were mine. they got deleted like moments after I posted them. I'm used to this now but I'm glad someone saw them and agreed. my guess is they were too long as the majority of my posts are. thats why I asked if people wanted to see my outline because I wasn't trying to post it and have it deleted two minutes later.

long story short, and summing up my prior post with a new addition, kip fancies himself a writer so he's adding a story. fine. kip is not a writer. the story doesn't know what its doing, where its going, how its going there or any single thing. you can see glaring pot holes in almost every scene and its to the point that you cant even enjoy it. some plot holes are funny and enjoyable but this is just bad. I have yet to see any single website, anywhere online, that gives him praise. deviant art maybe but I saw people complaining on there too. ehentai drags him for filth and the best answer people have is "so don't read it" or "you're not paying for it". I don't understand the logic. they either say that or have posts deleted. then we got that "kip complaint thread" that went absolutely nowhere because most people weren't trying to go all the way to /gen and repost the same comic just to get commentary. I guess I understand the meaning behind deleting comments but I don't? I mean, people complained about anons posting because they "weren't on topic" even though it was clearly fan art. some of it was even better than kips. when people post "on topic" they get deleted as well. I thought this was a discussion board and yet comments stay getting deleted? at this point I'm posting and waiting for my comments to get deleted just because I add honest criticism to the comic. I don't understand whats going on and why we cant just discuss the plot with ways to fix it.
and if anyone is wondering, I'm the "infamous" writer anon from way back when.
>the story doesn't know what its doing, where its going, how its going there or any single thing. you can see glaring pot holes in almost every scene and its to the point that you cant even enjoy it.
The only ways to fix what's going on right now is to have Tessa catch on to Saiya's interest in Aika's extra weight, Aika... simply needs to not lose weight, which will help Tessa's confidence about herself gaining weight and potentially get over her fear of public shaming, and have Saiya be honest about her feelings towards Aika. Not hard, but like you say, Kip is writing in circles.
A mod said in the last thread or maybe the thread before that he would get so many reports from kip threads that he doesn't even read them anymore, he just deletes whatever gets complained about. So all it takes is one guy to think your post is bitchy enough to report and you are gone. He said in no uncertain terms "take your bitching to the manbaby thread or /gen/ or fuck off."
Had a feeling it was because of some angry fanboy who can't handle criticism.
I would think thats what we have here. surely tessa knows the only reason she got saiya is that gut, right? thats why she went in that room with her belly all out and smashed her against the wall. tessa knows. but now we got this crap with her being shamed so expect another gym arc incoming.
I doubt aika will lose weight. she might and then well go to another scene and go back to her to see she's just as big if not bigger. aikas the type to lose weight and gorge herself the next day. I'm expecting her to be the biggest when all of this is said and done.
saiya? I don't think she knows what she wants. saiya has a severe belly fetish. I read something like this on reddit where the very thought of the persons kink got them aroused. thats how she is with bellies. she's messing with tessa because tessa is there. saiya is a terrible person whom cannot see tessa for her personality. she likes aika because aika is bigger. let aika waddle herself over there now in that work out outfit and saiya would be all "tessa who".
what we need is for saiya to get a personality and realize just who she likes. in my outline I wrote it differently. ill put that in the next post.
long story short.
we start with tessa and saiya at the mall. a fan sees them go in. the fan sees tessa leave her clothes and then sneaks in to steal them. in the process of stealing them she hears tessa talking about "hows it feel to touch a celebrity". she sneaks over to that fitting room and lifts up the curtain. she sees saiya and tessa making out, snaps pics and they immediately go online.
gym, stacey and aika are getting ready. aika is fighting to over her girth so theres some fan service because this top keeps rolling up. stacey is setting up Spotify and she gets a prompt. this is saiya and tessa kissing.
tessa has been shamed. first nipple gate now this. tessa is going into hiding. aika is going on a feeding frenzy. both of them have hit their low point. tessa is going into hiding so this leaves saiya and aika. y'all wanted bellies? aika comes back so big that people think she having twins and cant understand how she's walking. aika and saiya "date". saiya learns that she doesn't like aika at all besides her belly. at this point we can have tessa come out of hiding. bigger? smaller? I never thought that far but that would be a nice resolution to this hot mess of a story.
Dude talking to a brick wall
anyone got the new art
Damn what if she makes aika thinner and the new tessa while Tessa keeps packing on
Personally, I really liked the part of Tessa training to lose weight and seeing "the fattest" in history attracts me a lot
Man, not only is Aika a retard, now she is going to lose weight. What is her appeal again? lol Tessa is objectively better in every way; iit completely messes of the dynamic of "not knowing who to choose". Oh well, as long as we get even fatter Tessa going forward all is good. She is the reason we are here anyways.
tessa is not gaining with no end in stop. tessa just got shamed. she's going to pass aika on the way to the gym to lose weight. this goes back to what someone had said earlier where kip is trying to write a story and it isn't about the weight. the problem is kip is sliding fan service in because he knows no one is checking for his writing and they're only there for the bellies. its as if he knows no one cares and slides some more belly in when he knows people are about to quit the comic.
kip wouldn't really be giving anyone the middle finger if he put this behind a paywall or even stopped writing it. I think very few would actually care.
I thought people understood Kip doesn't give a shit about the girls gaining weight by now? They're writing a shitty, drawn out story for the sake of making things unpredictable
anyone got the Kashino pic?
her falling is kinda funny. her somehow falling and flying all the way over to stacey then crushing her is not.
The way she fell on Stacy is also impossible, unless Aika somehow did a 360 midair. Stacy was facing Aika's backside; even if Aika did get flung that far, Stacy should be face-first in Aika's crotch instead
Damn, really nitpicking every minor detail huh
If you call defying the laws of physics minor, sure
predicting Stacy is injured either cutting their work out session short or she still makes Aika work out she while gain weight as time passes, Aika awakened a desire within Stacy, or I'm just hoping too much from something that's just slapstick.
>Nitpicking minor detail
Dude this whole page makes no sense, it’s not a nitpick Kip is just retarded
>Aika falls off a treadmill at its lowest setting
>ejected so fast she hits Stacey standing a few feet behind her
>lands completely on top of Stacy instead of just bowling into her
>Somehow Stacy does a 180 in this process
what the fuck is this page
being THIS bad at storyboarding despite making comics for THIS long is not minor nitpicking
deviantart commenters are loving this. they're hoping stacey finds out she's into getting crushed.
I stared at this page for a few minutes because I knew something was wrong but I just couldn't figure out where to start. everything is wrong. I can almost believe aika turning it on the lowest setting and flying off the treadmill. she wasn't expecting it so that could work or kip would have had her turn it to the highest setting because she has no idea what she's doing. that would have also worked. I don't know why stacey didn't do it for her. why is stacey not over there guiding her? what is stacey doing? since stacey couldn't be bothered aika not only slipped but she somehow flew through the sky and on top of stacey giving her more than enough time to look up and see this coming. how did aika get that high up in the air? even on the highest setting she may have gotten a few feet off of the ground and hit the treadmill face first. shouldn't she have slid underneath and tripped stacey? when did stacey turn around? I understand that kip needs this to work for the story but he could have had aika scream or something then stacey turn to see what happened. at least wed know why she's turned. we still don't know why aika flew like that but I guess well never know.
with each new page I'm amazed at how kip has turned this into a job. maybe the fat fetish art but he isn't even doing that any more. if anything kip should be an inspiration to writers and artists out there. you all see how bad this is and he's making a living off of it. if he can do it you can do it.
Stop making yourself look like the clown you are
I think the comment about 1s and 0s is supposed to mean she accidentally set it to 10, which is the highest setting on some treadmills. idk, maybe that's a stretch
I've figured out what's happening!
Aika is spinning like a helicopter blade
I thought about that but even if she set it to 10mph, every modern treadmill accelerates slowly precisely to stop something like this from happening. You will only get launched off one if you fall while it's already at speed.
Why are you trying to apply logic to this stuff? It's kip, guys
Oh wow, no discussion at all? lol guess kip is losing their popularity, Even B Tier people get a comment or two.
There was one, but I think some angry fanboy mass reported it. Mod hates negativity even though it was on topic with the thread.
What the fuck? Who is the idiot who reported this!? I swear god I'll get them for good

(Im too tired of waiting for kip to fatten her up so Ill do it myself)
What are even the logistics of this panel.. she flies up 30 feet into the air and slams down on her from the lowest setting? Even though she is in front of stacy? Is this kip humor or kip brainlessness..
(163 KB, 220x219, demoman-heavy.gif)
I was just guessing what would happen earlier, I didn't think someone would get pissed off over that.
Eh, they must be Kip's personal bootlickers lol
Really??? No one is talking about this page? It's not that bad. You guys just ignore it?
wasn't even bitching about the page but whatever. If just speculating is enough to give someone a stroke then why not clear all of it and just have the art since no one is allow to even make predictions about it.
The discussion has been deleted like multiple times before.
I'm not even sure why, there was a lot of good in their to, must be a kip hating mod wanting to give kip a bad name
Or it's some angry Kip fanboy like I mentioned before in >>107961.
What the fuck? Someone deleted my message about this. I can't believe they're getting pissed over a similar thing. Whatever damn mod has done this, they should keep the piss to themselves and grow up
Can someone stop these fucking mods already!?
I remember this loser, I was sarcastic in the comments and then they started getting mad about how rude I was lmao
(289 KB, 1120x539, diagram.png)
Some of the guys here were struggling to grasp the mechanics of what was happening in the page; I hope this helps iluminate
I don't see anyone here questioning this but thanks.
(522 KB, 923x1470, a190edfd8cf0ea023e9217b5413eac956950b8543cf7f482eee44ba8cfbc6eea.jpg) (230 KB, 1600x800, breakfast_with_sister___grace_s_weight_gain_by_mahbonah_ddn5vvx-fullview.jpg) (124 KB, 381x445, deooy8s-bf9431b0-591e-4a5d-9db8-04f1e39606a3.jpg) (204 KB, 1280x732, no_lunch_break____sydney_s_weight_gain_by_mahbonah_ddmizqx-fullview.jpg) (329 KB, 422x568, 1469379347579.gif) (5.5 MB, 3960x6522, TIFAXL.jpg)
as >>108611 said, mods deleted the comments

Here's some random kip stuff to stay on topic
>as >>108611 said, mods deleted the comments
They weren't the ones who said it either the first or second time, but whatever. I swear it's either my comments get deleted or I'm getting constantly ghosted by people.
It's your comments getting deleted, it happened like twice now. Imagine trying to be a tyrant on a place like this
see >>107960
He doesn't care and he isn't going to stop doing it as long as the posts keep getting reported. If you want to complain about the comic you are going to have to go the manbaby thread or /gen/.
guess stacey didn't enjoy it after all.
I dont know much but id think it'd be easier to just delete all the requests instead of bothering with deleting the posts. why does it have to go to /gen anyway? I mean we have a "man baby" thread right here. why not have a different kip thread where people can post actual commentary?
This entire comic is such a slow motion train wreck that it makes me appreciate Full Night Nanny that much more.
I know right? That one was a bit less shit
I was half expecting a face full of aika to injure stacy and leave her unable to exercise herself and start gaining weight too. i guess it was just a gag
I literally just hate Aika she's been nothing but an annoying side premise ever since showing up. And clearly Kip has no idea what to do
>stunning positions
Yeah, I’m absolutely stunned by Kip’s complete and utter retardation when it comes to storyboarding. Over the last two pages Aika has teleported between nearly every panel. You’d think someone who has spent so many years making comics would understand better how to fucking make one
"B-but actually, Aika has teleportation powers!1!!11"
the first panel is nice. the second is okay with her actually having to lift her belly up. the fourth is debatable since it appears her breasts are about to explode out of her top. I don't know why when they seemed well covered earlier. the final panel? that butt shot? I don't know why but it just seems like it was done wrong. is it badly drawn? why did he feel the need to draw that? are those shorts about to explode?
She's squishing her boobs with her arms in the bottom left panel, mr art critic, that's why they look like that.
I didn't notice that. thank you for clearing that up.
>why did he feel the need to draw a butt shot in a porn comic?
Nice try retard. If Kip is shit at drawing butt shots why even bother?
>why did he feel the need to draw that? are those shorts about to explode?
The slapstick will continue as Aika's weight crushes the exercise bench and she falks flat on her ass
>>108839 Dont jump to conclusions yet. Lowkey, I think she did enjoy it. Ofc she didn't want Aika to realize that on the spot, this could've trigger a new fetish for her.

Just spitballing here, not sure if the last panel is meant to be our pov or Stacy pov staring at dat ass lol
>are those shorts about to explode
>Aika's weight crushes the exercise bench and she falks flat on her ass

You were both right! Everybody wins! 👍
Yeeeah, with Aika's level of ineptitude on display I don't think we're at risk of seeing any weight loss anytime soon.
>why did he feel the need to draw that? are those shorts about to explode?
These threads are a fucking gold mine, jesus christ.
it would be nice if kip took some more ideas from this thread but I doubt he even looks here. if he did tessa would be easily two times the size she is now and saiya would have been made up her mind. aika would be three times as large because shed have gorged herself in depression and no one would care.
Why even bother drawing a butt shot if he's shit at this stuff? smh
Something that bothers me is that you don't see many differences with weight gain... for example, if Aika is the fattest and manages to break an exercise bench that from what I saw hold about 150 kg, then Aika should look three times as fat as she is now, but to me she looks the same, she's the same size she was before going to the party where that extension of the plot took place... I don't know, it's something that shocks me a lot that ... the "fatter" characters look very thin or that they do not have more displaced fat in other parts of the body
add to that the fact that she's been gaining this whole time and right now she should be even larger as she had just gotten done stuffing her face in the cafeteria. not a lot of time has passed so they really shouldn't be that much bigger than before but there should be a noticeable difference.
Did anyone seriously think otherwise?
Why did he feel the need to draw a butt shot if he's shit at such a thing?
Why did you feel the need to comment if your opinion is shit ?

The comments in these threads make it apparent yall have never taken a basic anatomy class and/or never been with a female, go outside incel.
What? Do girls you see turn into gremlins when you see them from behind? If you think Kip does good behind shots, you're fucking blind, dude
it's apparent you have never taken a basic cryptozoology class and/or never been with a gremlin; go study, chud
It's apparent y'all have never taken a basic psychology class and/or never been with retards like him. Go study, chuds

All the manbabies who come here to cry three times a week. Kip needs their own manbaby thread at this point lol

This has always been the manbaby kip thread.

The real kip thread is the subreddit, r/kipteitei. Just pics and you don't even have to read the comments
We can't even cry without those autistic mods deleting everything
Yeah, because most of the shit is unbearable
They can't handle the truth lmao
>Stacy is into her
Are you trolling?
(58 KB, 1200x675, picard-meme-facepalm.jpg)
We don't need this for how fucked the story is right now. What was said by >>107959 is what should be happening, but no. Retards like you want to add new twists that further fucks the story and make it even longer and more pointless then it already is.
I do always enjoy when Kip dips more into the humiliation aspect of his kink pool. Makes for his better panels imo.
On one hand you're right, on the other hand, now that we know Aika is lesbian, Saiya/Tessa and Aika/Stacy is the best possible outcome for this custerfuck. Maybe we'll get there by 2026.
No it's not. The threesome of Saiya, Tessa, and Aika is the best possible outcome. Stacy is too much of a cunt to deserve being with anyone, and has purely existed so far to be a waste of time and to cause pointless concern that Aika could lose weight. Stacy is probably the worst character Kip has ever created.
Am I going insane? Why do people think Stacy is into Aika from this page? She looks disgusted and frustrated
Hate-fucking do be a thing. It's the whole "opposites attract" schtick.
I mean shes kinda blushing and biting her lip in the last panel which could be shes hate attracted to her or straight up hates her
That's fair, but she's been like that the whole time so I don't understand what about this page is making people think it's a thing
I'll give you the biting the lip thing, but she's definitely not blushing.
this would be hot if her behind jiggled, her pants ripped and her gut flopped out of that shirt entirely but no.
I think I see what you're trying to say here but I'm really hoping kip doesn't go there. this story is complicated enough with the little bit hes trying to do. we don't need stacey x aika messing him up any more. I'm already curious as to where hes going from here. were done with stacey and aika. what is up with tessa and saiya? is saiya now in her room with her family? expect five pages of her talking and asking if its okay that shes lesbian when they already said they don't care or another unwanted fantasy scene with aika in tessas clothing. she's still on aika for some reason and everyone knows it.
Perhaps she doesn’t understand what’s compelling her to keep interacting with aika
I think she intends to turn Aika into another Tessa
yeah, this is my guess too. at least, i think she will try to. I predict that tessa will soon have a fall from grace, followed by a brief timeskip to aika being a new idol streamer managed by stacy
I'm not bonna lie, I think that everything that has come out after the no lunch beach short has been really good.
idk if I'd say really good, but it's definitely been a step in the right direction. i feel like that NLB interlude was kip realizing nothing had happened in this comic and trying to draw so actual action
tessa is already having her fall from grace. there was nipple gate and now we have her flashing belly to the entire town making people think she's pregnant. what else could she do?
Humiliation, force feeding, bloated gut plopped on the tabletop, and the stuffed beyond belief ahegao.
(1.7 MB, 1433x2027, Gaigeborderlands.jpg)
It's out. Another burp pic too for burp fans out there.
holy fuck how did I not think of this til now.
Based Kip?
if thats the case she needs to belch way more often.
New stupid plot point, kill me please
I forget: What do people usually call this sort of thing Saiya is going through?
how long do y'all think this has been since that happened? at least a day or so right? in the prior scene it seemed like saiya had no idea about nipple gate. I don't understand how when tessa is clearly a huge celeb and the entire school and internet would have gone crazy which is why tessa wore that trench and shades to meet her in the mall, right? now were to believe that tessa has pool streams and all this time saiya never once looked? I doubt she's done them since putting on this weight but watch her be thicc in these streams anyway.
I called it before. I knew kip was going off to another stupid plot no one asked for. I'm curious as to if theres any sort of outline for this story or if hes just making it up as he goes along and things like this are basically filler to kill time until he can think of something else.
Maybe I'm retarded but is the first message Saiya's and the second one from Tessa? Why would Tessa pretend like nothing happened when she finally got what she wanted after all this time?
Saiya's expression implies that the first message is what she herself typed, but there should've been the first letter of their names to tell who's saying what. There's no way they would using phones that couldn't do that.

>Why would Tessa pretend like nothing happened when she finally got what she wanted after all this time?
Because Kip is a terrible writer, which has been said many times on these threads.
>Why would Tessa pretend like nothing happened when she finally got what she wanted after all this time?
Its somewhat believable that tessa might act like that. I don't know what saiya is apologizing for though.

>Because Kip is a terrible writer, which has been said many times on these threads.
I think it was a bit upthread where someone mentioned kips reddit and how no one criticized the comic there. I just checked and they are saying that saiya is a terrible character. thats really the real problem here. kip is a crappy writer but he created two characters no one cares about. saiya and aika. saiya is always questioning everything just to kill pages, like right now, and aika just eats. there really is no point in either character. I'm expecting the next thing to have tessa thicc in a hot tub just because and then someway, somehow, saiya is going to go back to talking to her family or aika before we get more tessa in this.
209 pages and we're literally right back to page 180 with zero developments.
She’s a woman
This is again very realistic writing from Kip
She's playing games with Saiya, obviously. Because she's a woman. She's toying with Saiya to pretty much have her under her thumb. It's what they do.
so all women play games? this isn't very realistic writing at all. tessa spent this entire story chasing after saiya, got her in a room and saiya lost control. now she's going to act like nothing happened? I thought we were rooting for tessa five minutes ago? I thought tessa was the only good thing out of this story? this new development is not consistent with tessas character so far, unless stacey knew and put her up to it which we know isn't the case.
>really want something
>finally get it served on a silver platter
>no longer want it afterwards
Again, woman moment

Just a guess, but perhaps Stacy has access to Tessa's phone, being her Tessakitz manager and all, so she's trying to make sure she doesn't catch wind of what is happening between her and Saiya?
But women moments have nothing to do with a fetish comic.
Why are her tits bigger in the first panel from an old video than they currently are now that she gained weight? Hope her tits grow with the rest for a change, the pure beach ball stomach shaped girls Kip draws can get boring.
ill give kip creditor keeping tessa thin here.
maybe they just look that way compared to her thin body?
saiya is about to lose her mind and tessa isn't even fat. but where is he going to take this? more mental dialogue?
Just pretend it's a filter or something, Kip sucks at consistency.
She’s probably going to look up that stream footage where her chest was exposed. (And she originally declined looking at.)

The best outcome for this would be for her to notice how she looks chubbier in that video than in this current one. Then either look at her attempts to hide it and enjoy her changes.

My personal dream scenario would be for her to look back an fantasize Tessa being as big as she is in her less chubby recordings. Like the music video and stuff.
Yes become the gigacoomer
At this rate that comic is going to end lasting 600 pages.
and you know what?
fine by me.

content is content, and to be able to enjoy in bulk someday will be pretty cool rather than constant cliffhangers per week.

especially when the color scans come out potentially, it should be cool.
>Content is content
Don't think, just consume
We've now gotten to the point where the character is daydreaming what should just be fucking happening in the comic. Christ sake why do I still follow this shit?
I clapped when Kip posted anew page! Just consoom page and get excited for next page!
anyone got the new page
Beause that's a normal thing to say lol
anyone got the new pic
Is there any alternate to this site? Stuff here is more modded than twitter. I want to be able to discuss the good and bad, make predictions of where the comic is going, actually be a fan who can look at the comic with others, but even comments that are good discussion points and not hate for the comic go. Whoever does this hurts Kips rep more than it helps.

If this keeps up then might as well stick to Deviant Art as there is no free speech here either.
The downside to sticking with DeviantArt is that Kip's page is a hive mind. You're unlikely to find fair discussion there if something not good happens.
Which sucks, but at least there is discussion on DA, this thread always goes in circles due to the obsessive censoring.
I haven't seen any. the comic was posted on ehentai but that is seldom updated and people consistently tell the one commenter to stop reading it. the deviant art does seem to get sick of it but id think that such convos wouldn't last very long on kips page. the kip subreddit is busy focusing on the fact that saiya is losing it and dirtying her sheets over the fact that kip just wasted three pages on absolutely nothing. this really is the only place to discuss it even though comments get deleted pretty quickly. even over on /gen the kip thread died. I'm not sure why. I guess people got tired of going over there instead of being here? why not make a second kip thread here kind of like the man baby thread? one thread for the regular folks who want no commentary and one for the folks who want to discuss it? would we be able to do that? also, where did the artist anons go? they were really holding this thread together. if y'all are reading this, you're missed and your work was appreciated.
the bbwhentai subreddit has a discord where this comic gets discussed, and there's plenty of criticism there, but that turns into a circlejerk of a different kind
page has now been posted thrice, the first was high res
I guess mods are out nuking comments even asking if there's a place open to criticism wow
they even deleted the first version of the page i posted and posted a new one, because I dared to mention the censorship. kind proved my point tho didn't ya, mods? I know this one will be deleted too though
For some reason this didn't post, so here I go again. Whoever is deleting any discussion about this comic is directly hurting this fanbase. This is my favorite comic from my favorite artist and were not even allowed to discuss it here, We can't compliment, we can speculate, we can't even say what were hoping for more of. So either it's a hardcore Kip hater (Very possible as they are doing all they can to tank any fandom from existing) Or it's a very misguided fan who can't understand they are making Kip look like a tyrant. Kip, if your reading this, you need to deal with this guy, Until then I am un subbing and I have been in a very high supporting tear for years on your Patreon, but I won't support censorship and I know from other people who also support you that I do talk to will feel the same way once they see all this.
how is this supposed to be taken when it looks like aika got twice as big? and heres the real question. what is tessa wearing?
Now if I believe that Aika is fat, finally a drawing where she looks obese today
I just gave this some thought. this is probably the day after the last comic with aika working out. tessa just got shamed in public. why did saiya not find pics of that online? but being that tessa was shamed I'm expecting her to be covering everything up as usual.
I've never heard this before.
Thanks for the laugh, friend
i suddenly don't feel the need to coom anymore
what am I looking at here? we have saiya walking right past aika, ignoring her gut bulging out of her clothing and all to give her some attitude that tessa never would? and now we have tessa wearing what exactly, looking on in the background? tessa literally threw it on her last night but we know she loves aika. this is her ploy to get aika so why is she not even so much as looking at her? Im not complaining. I'm confused. this comic makes no sense.
With the story beat that seems to be being set up here, im getting lot of flashbacks from belt's domino effect.

Famous character takes another person under their wing and then groom them into a new popular character. I'm not sure if that whats happening here, but recently been getting some Elijas vibes from Tessa.

Maybe Kip got inspired by belt or something.
Kip can't even write a character who acts like a human being, I don't know what you were expecting.
I didn't even know he had a comic. he used to make some nice stories years ago.

tessa isn't so bad. I mean she took saiya under her wing, told her she needs to dress differently and, wait a minute. I don't recall tessa dressing emo. I don't recall tessa ever ignoring aika. tessa was like Cordelia in Buffy. she was the hot woman that every dude wanted to date whom had a snappy comeback for everything and laughed at aika for being alive. tessa would have seen aika and laughed at her outfit. kip couldn't write that in because saiya would have seen aika and climaxed right there from her gut about to rip those pants. saiya is getting everything wrong and not even in a good way.

good news is tessa looks fatter. maybe she's wearing an outfit worth seeing?
I think shes just trying to get aika to not like saiya so she can have saiya all to herself, either that or she knows aika liked when people are "rude bitches" I guess so shed making saiya a rude bitch
Has anyone else just kinda given up on this comic? It's easily one of Kip's worse. I guess it has it merits. Good premise. Nice art sometimes. But thats about it.
I Like Saiya and Tessa but yeah, its been going on for way too long with like nothing happening, Aika is a static boring ass character who I dont care about alongside pretty much just zero fun interactions with other people outside the one time we saw Saiya's family.

Basically its boring as shit with like 5-10 page bursts of okay stuff every now and then
Bizarre how split it seems to be between "I don't give a shit about Saiya or Tessa, Aika is the only interesting character" and "I don't give a shit about Aika, I love Tessa and Saiya"
Yes. I see it when I check for other artists, but I LONG since stopped my patreon support. Feels sad after so many years but this comic is so fucking slow, with a non-existent plot, and the absolute least interesting characters whose names I can't even remember half the time.
The only redeeming moment was Tessa eating so much she puked and Kip backed hard away from that immediately after.
Can confirm, I like Aika and Stacy, Saiya is..alright and don’t care for Tessa.

Though the split seems to be between horny and hornier. Whoever is hotter wins the readers over.
Nice to see him drawing XC3 art. Awaiting Eunie now.
I think Kip would do a decent job on Shania, seeing as she's a bitch and all lmao
We need a twelve pages sequence with Tessa stuffing her face like in the bottom left frame. Panting, sweating and all.
If Saiya doesn't step in and tell Stacy to piss off, then nothing has changed
Ooh, now that's an idea. Saiya snaps and lays into Stacy for her bullying, causing -both- Tessa and Aika to perk up in regards to Saiya. Tessa appreciates how Saiya stood up for her against Stacy (something that Tessa struggles to cope with) and Aika is rocked by this aggressive, bold new side of Saiya. Cue realigned interests and soon enough Aika and Tessa will be vying for a piece Saiya.
Please write for the comic
Ayo am I seeing shit or is Stacy blushing in the middle panel?
Good. Because I would’ve gone Stacy mode if Kip was gonna turn this shitty triangle into a square.
Kip be like: "Don't you dare dipshit, you can't have nice things in life"
nothing has nor will change. sorry.
nope. saiya doesn't have that in her. aika is nowhere in the vicinity. I'm thinking that they need to have a few more make out sessions first. let tessa get even bigger first with saiya stuffing her and maybe shed get it in her. that should cause aika to fall for her and then maybe tessa would claim her as her girlfriend but were a long way away from that.
I think tessa is blushing. you know she gets off on that. if that was saiya doing it shed have lost it right there.
people are really hoping for it though. I don't want to see it but others do. kip can barely handle this love triangle so bringing stacey in would make it worse.
>people are really hoping for it though. I don't want to see it but others do. kip can barely handle this love triangle so bringing stacey in would make it worse.

Yeah, I noticed on the deviant people really want to get Stacy fat/into the triangle. Even had to basically tell them to calm the fuck down because they were freaking out when she slapped Aika’s ass. Honestly, she’s my favorite character in this comic now, only one who has no problem telling people how she feels.

Also, she’s most definitely the final boss before we get our fully colored stuffing fantasy. (if even.)
>Yeah, I noticed on the deviant people really want to get Stacy fat/into the triangle. Even had to basically tell them to calm the fuck down because they were freaking out when she slapped Aika’s ass. Honestly, she’s my favorite character in this comic now, only one who has no problem telling people how she feels.

>Also, she’s most definitely the final boss before we get our fully colored stuffing fantasy. (if even.)
I dont think were going to get anything like that. right now my expectations for this comic are very low. I'm expecting them to be stay this size for the entire comic. our fan service will be the different outfits tessa squeezes into and maybe aika bursting out of her work out clothing.
You need a bullet in your head if you think Stacy is a good character. She only exists to drag out the story even further.
>Yeah, I noticed on the deviant people really want to get Stacy fat/into the triangle. Even had to basically tell them to calm the fuck down because they were freaking out when she slapped Aika’s ass. Honestly, she’s my favorite character in this comic now, only one who has no problem telling people how she feels.
meant to respond to that. I do like staceys no-nonsense attitude but were really just here for the bellies and kip is doing every single he can to make sure we don't get it. he slides things in like these new outfits to get people hype and thinking well get some bellies again but I think people know better by now.
I’m totally okay with getting shot in the head if it means I don’t gotta deal with this comic anymore.
>but were really just here for the bellies
Basically the only reason I’m still reading this.
Every like 50 pages or so he teases us with belly and it draws me back in. Kip probably knows this too. The ultimate cockblocker, Kipteitei.
man I was trying to stay in the other thread. you're right but see thats kips thing. if were being honest the main story should just be tessa and saiyas love story. this sub plot of aika loving tessa isn't that bad. it sucks but it could be done. stacey telling aika to lose weight because saiyas avoiding her because she's fat makes no sense. when you think about it most of the plot points kip has made make no sense. aika has always been fat. tessa is clearly gaining. if anything aika ought to wonder why saiya is ditching her for tessa all of a sudden. this story does have potential but every time he gets anywhere good he drops the ball. I'm not even talking about the weight. I'm talking about tessa and saiya, saiya loving bellies, tessa lowkey loving stuffing herself, her career being in jeopardy, If she keeps gaining weight, maybe even interactions with saiya whom wants to keep stuffing her, make saiya into a villain and have tessa choose, this could be a good story but nope. kip aint going there. in fact I already said this. watch no one gain any more weight. saiya aint going to stand up for tessa either. I think the most were going to get is saiya standing there looking stupid at tessas gut and being speechless just like last time. maybe shell drool.
yep. he aint slick. thats why tessa waddling around like that and aika about to bust out that work out outfit. he did that because he knows good and well people are losing interest. we had that scene in the fitting room then we had saiya reflecting, no pics, no video. he couldve shown saiya seeing these pics and video, saiyas reaction, nope.
anyone got the new pic
It’s very unlikely for this to happen. But imagine that she ditches Tessa and starts pimping up Saiya.
Close, but she's actually going to pimp Aika.
Oh yeah sorry, wrong name lol. I did actually mean Aika but yeh, i forgor
I can’t tell if Saiya realizes Tessa is being a coy, because I mean Saiya is one dumb mfer.
does whatever country kip's from not have lecture halls? why are they sitting in like, middle school desks in college lmao
I thought they were in highschool until recently lol.

Kip lives in Finland. I looked up “Finland College Classrooms” in google and it doesn’t look inaccurate.
Hey, I just realized something:
Tessa's cover is kinda blown right now, and almost everyone knows she's fat.

You know what that means?

If she doesn't participate to anymore parties or largely crowded places....

>the only character to have significantly gained weight has done it off-screen
>instead we've been following this dipshit idiot who thinks ignoring her only friend is going to make her fall in love with her
I miss how Kip was torn between her public image and her fetish for stuffing herself and gaining weight. How Grace forced Kip to eat because she herself wasn't able to and wanted to live vicariously through her. How Kat was conflicted by her incestuous feelings for her sister and her horniness for her gaining weight before ultimately realizing she had a similar fetish and opened up to the idea of accepting both sets of feelings.
Yeah this comic kinda sucks fucking ass other than a few moments here and there, come to think about it the only moments I like are when Saiya and Tessa are alone together talking. Like the pool scene was cute then got ruined by outside sources, them at their house was great and the changing booth scene was great too. But of course now we have to cut back to this bullshit and I'll sleep for another two months until something happens again
I guess I'm happy we didn't fall in the same cliche, but it's kinda of a Chekhov's gun kind of situation.
Shiit, if you just want to ignore and avoid Aika I’d happily take her, Saiya.
I'm glad that at the end of so much time you can really see how fat Aika is... because before she was just a round belly and that's it...
It'd be easier to tell how fat she is if her size didn't change in every panel...
does anyone have some sort of folder with all the persona art kip made?
To back up my point made later. Scenes like this are made to draw people in. It's JUST enough to make people's neurons go off that they don't question why or how this comic has gone on for so long. I honestly can't believe people are defending Kip over DA at all. It's been two years if I'm correct. And this comic has literally gone nowhere. This is worse than most filler arcs combined.

Aika is literally fan service. When Kip realizes the comic is getting boring. She pulls her out and has her audience go wild.

Tessa is an commonly inconsistent character who is most likely going to end up huge like Aika.

And Sayia is your basic anime protagonist who despite being university. Somehow doesn't know how to talk to people like an adult about how she feels.
It's ironic how nobody pointed this out, but...man, some of the character's faces look like shit. They're extremely awkward to look at, especially at the end of the latest panel
Relevancy has gone down and back up due to the DLC. Nice to see him drawing monster girls in time for October.

The idea of feeding Dimitrescu to make it harder for her to get to you is pretty cute in concept. Her involvement with The Duke has had a bad influence on her it seems...
There's something about Stacy's scowl that really tickles me. Kip nailed her expression.
Stacy really gives that “Fuck around, find out” look and I love it.
needed a back take of this one so much from kip
we do love a good bitch from time to time.
now, obviously we know she'd never get fat, but if she did hypothetically she'd still be a bitch. just greedier. I'm down for it.
Kip's only good point is "Karen" characters, that's it lmao
Lol at that fourth panel, Tessa's struggle is going to last a whole 10 seconds and then she'll run stuff her face to catch up with Aika.
If you the unimportant guy characters learned what the good shit is faster then the main characters, then you know something's wrong.
"No parent should have to bury their child"
King Theoden, The Two Towers
The fact they’ve always been like this since the beginning of the comic. Sean’s friend (the dude with no hat) even said he doesn’t care if Tessa gets fat, he still loves her.

I personally don’t care for what’s going on with Tessa but, Sean’s friend x Tessa when?
Oh god wtf is the guy with the hats finger doing in the first panel
>Sean’s friend x Tessa
Truly this is the OTP
Hate when the cringe nothing happens page happens on a sunday.
How the fuck do you remember their names? I can't even remember the four main character's names half the time.
Wait a minute, what happened to 11444?
Deleted like always, the guy watching the thread really doesn't like neggative stuff in here although it's strange he missed this one >>114509

this post will self destruct too.
That you remember the post number of a comment that would have to have been made 9 days ago is extremely autistic.
I tend to remember the names of characters I enjoy. Apart from Tessa I guess.
Just as other people have been saying, mod deletes anything remotely negative about Kip. What did 11444 even say?
>scrolling back through thread to find good kip images to throw into stable diffusion
>see this post
>recognize the art style
If you're still in here LTAF, please tell me you didn't abandon this comic
About this being the first wg comic that have a corset that doesn't burst
I can't speak for the other guys but I don't really feel like making more art for the thread after I was told to fuck off
yea, i don't see why that of all posts would get removed, it wasn't being critical, just an observation
Nah fuck whoever said that, your art is dope.
Mod probably took it as a snarky comment like “Lol there’s such little wg content to the point the corset survived.” Idk, I like the critical comments anyway.
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Augh, fucking kill me now with this stupid drama love triangle bullshit. Please god just ditch Aika and her stupid ass and get with Tessa
Aikas into goth girls, big W.
You know Kip won't do that, she likes to drag the comic on...and on...and on...otherwise who the fuck would give her money?
Kip is a 30 year something old autistic finnish man. Wake up, it's a different timeline.
Curious, when was it found out that Kip was a 30yr autistic dude?
We've always known Kip was a guy, there's just a photo of him looking cute that confuses some people. 30 years old is a educated guess based on how long he's been active in the community.
The autism thing isn't based on anything as far as I know, it's people on here intending the term as an insult.
As if I needed more evidence that Aika is a retard. What is attractive about failing and being rude to your teacher for no reason?
>What is attractive about failing and being rude to your teacher for no reason?
Ask high schoolers. Back when I was in school, the guys and girls who had the most crushes were all like this.
Aren't these girls in college? Failing in college is the biggest self own, at least in the US where you have to pay for it yourself. Maybe it's different in Finland
>Aren't these girls in college?
Yea, but kip seems to be more inspired by anime high school than uni. My guess is that the whole 'college' idea is just an attempt to make it less cringe.

>Failing in college is the biggest self own, at least in the US where you have to pay for it yourself
Even if it's free, no one's forcing you to go. This behavior just wastes everyone's time. There were a few who acted like that in my year at Uni. No-one was impressed and they dropped out.

No, they mean that Aika finding Saiya's behavior attractive is stupid.
(167 KB, 731x1028, one_serving_choice__page_1_by_kipteitei_dehbl4m-fullview.jpg)
I've always thought of it as some sort of shitty community college with potential transfer pathways based on the dialogue in the first page. Assuming Kip keeps the "not quite college" vibe to suggest that the characters are in a tasteful age range while still playing off of stereotypical high school bullshit.
Also would like to see a photo of Kip. I can’t image what he would look like.
Remember when actually good stories were Kip’s focus like No Lunch Break & Full Night Nanny?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

This story has had a few good moments but what the hell has it devolved into? I’ll be hopeful that things improve and it’s just not this immature mess for much longer but who knows
Has there been any indication how long this comic is actually going to be?
that mess was "cool" in high school. once people grew up and saw where that leads things changed drastically.
>Even if it's free, no one's forcing you to go. This behavior just wastes everyone's time. There were a few who acted like that in my year at Uni. No-one was impressed and they dropped out.
exactly. those kind of people were annoying and wasted everyones time.
tbh I don't see how aika is supposed to find this as attractive. aika liked saiya because of who she was. tessa was rude, yes, but never mean to the teachers or anything and she surely wasn't failing out of school. this doesn't make any sense even with this stupid plot of saiya trying to be "cool".
to be fair fnn sucked. it took about fifty pages to get good and we only got about five pages of worthwhile content. connor and cindy were a wonderful couple and had potential but clearly kip couldn't allow that so here we are with osc.
I think someone said in another kip thread that it was going to be around 300 pages but I have no idea how hes going to wrap this up when its taken over five pages for these people to sit down and class to start.
(3.9 MB, 2256x3768, HaruPersonaXL.jpg)
Anyone have any of the edits made of Kip's pictures from the edit threads here? There were a lot of them but I specifically was looking for the edits of this Haru image.
what happened to the artist anons that were editing the pics and mentioned a comic they were working on?
Are we sure the whole 'college' angle isn't a facade just to avoid all that drama of underage characters?

None of these characters are acting like what you'd expect out of a college student.
i swear to god if he doesn't draw yukiko by the end of the year I'm nuking finland
This pretty much, high school drama in college. Not that it matters but thats why
>tbh I don't see how aika is supposed to find this as attractive.
Honestly seems like Aika’s personality changes whenever for plot convenience. Like at the very beginning she was confident and had no trouble snapping back at people. Now she’s stupid ass hell and attracted to a stupid ass emo girl.

Would’ve been nice development for Saiya to figure out her being a bitch won’t work and being herself is what made Aika like her. Maybe even realize Tessa was bullshitting. Idk wtf is happening anymore.
If someone like BWS can continue drawing underage characters without any problem, then I think Kip wouldn't worry about it. It's just Kip being a bad writer as usual.
Moving from high school to community college provides an explanation for why Saiya, Aika and Tessa don't already know each other.
Anyone by chance know if Kip drew Shinobu or Mitsuri from demon slayer at any time? I couldn’t find anything but might just be missing it
No page today
(951 KB, 1386x2187, Bridget.jpg)
Rule 63 from the looks of it.
Fuck no, Kip does trannies now??

Dat ain't no trannie, that's a femboy.
I wouldn't be surprised if he just took the commission and drew it without knowing
It is a trans person, bridgette. It's a fake video game character so who cares
Seriously, who gives a fuck

You guys are expecting too much of the bbwchan manbabies lol. Theyre basically 4channers, of course they complain about anything male or trans on top of the usual bs
Except it makes sense to complain about males and trans here. This is supposed to be a female only board.
Something something its a drawing that looks exactly like a girl and is a girl (depending on who you ask) but it just looks like a girl either way so who cares
>another nigger doing le bridget meme
I’m gonna kill Kip with my bare fucking hands
Oh no Muh fragile masculinity ruined by a drawing
This isn’t fragile masculinity you babbling retard, this is the billionth fucking artist drawing this stupid fucking tranny and I’m sick of seeing it
Go back to Twitter you cancerous mass
Just click off the picture lmao

Unless I was misinformed, it is in fact a femboy. The misconception was caused by an "inclusive" translation from westacunts.
No theres a whole story arc in the new game where bridget accepts shes a girl. Used to be a femboy though

An effeminate guy embracing a pointless delusion? How tragic...
Go back to 4chan nerd

This is my first time interacting with anything 4chan-related, but alright, I'll heed your advice.
Reading this kind of messages makes me laugh my ass off every time. Keep spewing acid, average white transphobic American
I was being sarcastic, I'm sorry your retarded brain can't understand such things
Oh look, that image is perfect for you
You are mistaken.

Mods, please wipe Bridget and all the following replies. Enough is enough.
For people who are on a fat fetishism website, I don't think any of you can joke/call anybody else names.
It's a fucking BBW-CHAN, not a goddamned tranny-chan, chris-chan or bhm-chan.
I'm sorry for breaking the news for you, but even the mods don't give a shit at this point. You're stuck in this tranny hell forever
(21 KB, 474x316, 1604234867613.jpg)
The future isn't looking good.
If you've thought we've reached the bottom, just wait till you hear someone knocking from down below.
It feels as if the distance between 2012 and 2022 is almost incomprehensible.
There wasn't any fucking way someone would take things people do today seriously. An abyss of a cultural difference lies between us.

Thanks for reminding how hopeless the whole state of affairs is, my friendly neighborhood existential crisis dealer!
dude, if you can't see a dick, who cares. the rest of them looks like a girl. it's a drawing, there's no objective reality in which there's a dick under the clothes. anything not rendered does not exist.
(99 KB, 1075x1250, FRnYR_kXwAA4U37.jpeg)
It's a sign of strength to stand up against the winds of fate.
>if you can't see the dick it's fine
Did you hear yourself?
Maybe go to the gay pub with that attitude, close your eyes and enjoy your anal rape session.
>girl, but with a dick
Okay, so where's a vagina I stick my member into? No vagina? Oh how bad, it's an obese man.
>it's a drawing
Yes, so what?
It's a drawing of man, and the idea itself is based on the objective reality, where man have dicks, and not them sosig rols with zipper tits.
Can you ever draw something that you didn't think or know of?
No, you can't.
So quit your flailing homosexual excuses.
Hell yeah i like cute men
i second the request to delete the pic and everything after; it's clearly only going to stir shit in this thread which is always already on the brink of collapsing in on itself
You just have to take the L and accept the fact that people are into this stuff
First, I don't speak twitter.
Second, you have the dedicated boards with people who have similar interests to yours.
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Fine, if janitors aren't around, I'd take the matters in my own hands and do something that must be done without breaking any of the rules.
Please remember that.
You should've known something like this would happen.
>The mods don't want you to know this, but the Kip's comics are free and you are able to wipe dedicated threads with them without breaking any of the rules

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