
(519 KB, 1329x1329, 9f02d350a428ad8c874377734ddc4faabe2fc5beaffaaf54d27f090fdca8702d.png) (399 KB, 1329x1329, 675fd49500cae9d2d8c4eec5a64adb906a613b3382b7a9016c4c444c82fe88d1.png) (426 KB, 1329x1329, 3a45f116d1e85e0ac60399aa3176b57d8ccaca91f4544594b2bbcc6ddef1e35f.png) (522 KB, 1329x1329, c931b495578a12db3e8f41bf056d68dafa8955b87a9e300f0679153a9e432125.png) (499 KB, 1329x1329, 3cad874af7dee3e08dddd82f2bbcd57b7cb2efece5d4b1be5a9d7075b723b9a6.png) (471 KB, 1329x1329, 9708c1e0be48c8d4922ce2f19eaf2556e701feac2470ced6c4b4595107f9c886.png)
(403 KB, 1250x1737, 112edeb473d3954e5fb02e935d30223675234f41a4d6b053df0869b61f5b6123.jpg) (3.4 MB, 2481x3507, 6d1b885798dcf908e03a859f90e4e6af28c80f4a5d7eb403125fad230ce90f25.png) (2.2 MB, 2481x3507, 2c5cbd18fff8bfd51529bdd44725f06694790ada21fd58b5ec364de29ac7b01f.png) (1.8 MB, 2894x4093, 1cf79f63167d9b1fe176e2400725b792394dc31d64c605ad4cd421de00554168.png) (2.0 MB, 2894x4093, 9f655b6781c19ce1ba074952b1d987da31861ea85d8d850d68add4efb923699c.png)
Could someone post all the serena and nikume drawings? Again
>>105580 hehehe i am a supahstah empoleon
(1.1 MB, 1234x2250, Fat irish.png)
Here's a commission I got off Salt a couple years ago. Like 2018 or 2017.
Shit I accidentally downloaded the low quality version ones can a mod take those down or something…
Welrod and Lily are both doing bad in the poll. Lucy is towards the middle.
(3.0 MB, 3128x3808, seinikutimeline.png)
That's an outdated version without the latest pic, have the correct one instead
Welrod being this low is fucking criminal
No it's not, cyborgs and weight gain don't mix. Wonder what Welrod guy themselves think of this? If anything is criminal, it's how Lucy is around the middle. How are at least half the voters not sick of her?
>How are at least half the voters not sick of her?
Stockholm syndrome?
Lucyguy, repetitive and cringy as he may be, he always commissions fats.
Welrod guy, repetitive as he may not be, he doesn't always commission fats.
It's really not rocket science.
>how are at least half of the voters not sick of her?
It's just what they want Salt to draw. We can't be invasive on choice.
To add to this, Welrod guy commisions very niche body types, like extreme hourglass, something that Salt doesnt quite often get right, while Lucy guy commisions more broadly apealing shapes for Lucy
But we can at least influence the polls
If only Lucy guy was Chloe guy.
I'd say he could be whatever fucking OC guy he wanted and still seem less annoying. But instead we get more overrated waifu shit
(3.3 MB, 3300x2550, Lilly_Nov.png) (3.4 MB, 2772x2142, Lilly_Dec.png)
Okay if that's the case then who is on the list of "overrated waifus" to you? I don't care who he draws unless it's some uggo.
>>105680 the lore on this goes deep lol
(228 KB, 1280x1666, quite_full_ninja_by_better_with_salt_df5k6iu-fullview.jpg) (218 KB, 1280x1470, massive_malfunction_by_better_with_salt_df6tuoy-fullview.jpg) (133 KB, 1280x832, edellard_s_rheavenge_by_better_with_salt_ddwqduj-fullview.jpg)
>Says as they post Lily who's overdone by Salt because of one commissioner.
I just hate it when commissioners stick to the same character(s) without doing something different with them. I like Serena and Nikume because that commissioner keeps what they're up to fresh, continuing to make them huge and having that horny energy. Others like Lucy and Lily however are almost always the same size as other times they're commissioned (besides Lucy's sequence), so they fail to feel distinct from each other. Lily in particular I feel is held back by her commissioner. And just to round out the routine commissioners of Salt's, Welrod is the wrong kind of different.
Funny you say that, because Sei/Niku guy is also Welrod guy
Is he really? That's... awkward.
Nothing, but it would be nice to see something different, just like the people who are sick of Lily or Lucy. Keep things fresh.
I still meant what I said. Serena and Nikume have been part of some of the best art Salt has ever done, so if you're truly are the one who commissions that duo, then you have my gratitude. At the same time however, the Welrods still feel out of place in this field of art, yet are still far better then what's complained about on the Community Salt threads.
(1.4 MB, 2607x575, Smugs.png)

No worries chief. I comm that whole range of weird welrod stuff because I enjoy it myself, I know full well it's not really what most people are looking for.

Glad you like the yuri duo tho! I ain't about to stop comming them.
Good to hear, and that WIP of Nikume is insanely cute. Always loved how much of a foodie she is no matter how big she gets, she's my favorite kind of woman. Serena having fun with her regardless if she's thin or just as big as Nikume is a good time too!
Yeah, even bad BWS art is still far better than whatever shit people create with circle tools on Deviantart in their spare time. The shading alone is awesome to me
have you thought of adding a 4th member to the niku/sei group?
(277 KB, 809x874, Salt Shy Lily.png)
I Shitty colored the ShyLily, now I pray to god she gets picked for an upgrade poll in 6 months or sometime ever
Eventually. Waiting for the right moment.
also sorry for asking a bunch but do you have plans to make a deviantart account? i wanna ask you some question about niku/sei
That's actually pretty good.
someone have all his artwork of zelda (in collab with undertaker33) in high quality, pls?
My guess is either yes, or it'll be left incomplete, because undertaker33 never goes bigger then the 3rd image of >>106503 unless it's Blueberry.
That's pretty much perfect except for the water wings, not so crazy about those. But holy crap, I just wanna put some ice cubes on her or something. Imagine all that soft plush fat cooling you off.
Does anyone have these images in a higher res?
Its rare to see artists draw a fat pussy so deliciously. Amazing.
(2.1 MB, 1638x1606, fc8.png)
There's gonna be more?! YES!
No thanks. Too lewd for me.
It’s still ongoing. Undertaker had surgery recently so he’s been waylaid between that and other stories. Been teasing a big thing for a few weeks.
What the fuck nigga? You can't betray us like that
Maybe I should've clarified that it's not the right kind of lewd I'm looking for.

That reaction image is a bit much towards someone who's indifferent to one artwork of Salt's. I'm still straight.

For being used to getting shit from people on other threads, it's hard to view myself being on your side to begin with.

another incomplete story by undetaker? who would've guessed
What did you expect from that idiot?
>dude has been sick for months and recently had surgery, which he’s been recovering from
>LMAO what an idiot, can’t finish a fucking story
Dunno why they’re like, mad at you. Personally I love the piece but if it’s not to your taste that’s fine. Hell, you didn’t even say it was bad you literally just expressed that you didn’t like it XD
Right? Even though they usually go hand in hand, there's still a difference between not liking something and thinking something's bad, and I don't think that piece is bad.
(3.3 MB, 3371x2452, Nat Comparison.png)
Salt's really come a long way (and so has Nat lol)
What are you smoking? Nat has barely changed aside from letting her hair down.
To be fair, a lot of it is art style change/the tweaks to Nat’s body type Salt has made over the years
Can see that with her legs and arms. They look better.
Does anyone know when nude orihime is getting released
I mean, it IS an imptovement, but it's not gigantic, I mean ig you showed one if his pics back from 2015, then yeah, he did come a long way
nat's definitely a bit bigger, it's just hard to notice because of the angle and the cropping. the most immediately noticable difference from that picture is her calves, if you look closer everything is bigger; her stomach, her boobs, etc
Does someone have the colored sketch of that fire emblem redhead asking for more cake?
Fuck off, seriously, what's wrong with defending someone against people who are being total assholes? You people are so devoid of basic empathy it's sickening.
Hi Undertaker, have you been a good clown today too?
(2.6 MB, 1920x1080, Lucy Heartfilia.png)
I said it in the last thread and I will say it in this one

Does anyone have or make the Lucy's stuffing pack in a textless version so i can see lucy in her fat naked curvy beauty
No, and I doubt people will bother doing that. If you want a high quality textless version so badly I'm afraid you'll have to remove the text yourself
I love how you opted to use stuff from the edit thread that got rid of Lucyguy
although I do think the laughing is kinda odd, but there's no way of getting rid of that
She could be laughing at LucyGuy seething seeing the edits
fresh from the edit thread
Idk, that could do with a bit of shading adjustment.
(663 KB, 874x1044, LoneLucy2.png)
I suck ass at digital shading, but I tried brushing up a bit
Man, you're awesome at this, you could be an artist on your own!
holy mother of rent free, batman
Wait this was colorized by someone else?! I genuinely thought this was BWS himself
This is what I'm talking about! basically this but for the entire Lucy's stuffing comic
Now do it at a higher resolution lmao
Thanks, but I didn't make these. I just requested the edits in the edit thread. Give them credit.
Oh, well still whoever did it could be an artist on their own
I know right, how dare he draw naked fat women
Did he say if he was gonna make a 4th page or nah? Kemono hasn't updated it yet
He said he initially wanted to make just two, but he has drawn a third one due to fan demand. There's no plans for a fourth page
I hope welrod guy’s mother dies in her sleep
You're a worthless pile of shit
Yeah not really a fan of the image either the belly’s proportion compared to the rest of the body just looks off but I guess that’s been a common through line with most of the welord stuff well besides the very first one where she’s eating cake that one is one of my favorites
she will if he doesn’t reply to this post
I'm tired of the usual Nintendo shit so I'm really hoping for Rias to win
>Says even though Rias is very common in polls of various artists and is popular in general.
Yeah, whatever you contrarian piece of shit.
hey salt just dropped something new called "free spirit" can someone post it?
It hasn't even been an hour since it got posted my dude...
Wow, I was expecting her fully nude but this works too lol.
I gotta be honest I'd really like to see Palutena win
She'd be my choice too. She's the least common character to get fat art out of the 4 on the poll, and despite what >>108289 said, BWS doesn't do many Nintendo women unless they're from Pokemon.
Looks like everyone will get to be disappointed: D.Va is running away in the poll with over 300 some votes compared to the other 3 who are all in the low 200s
Depends on what BWS does with her. The generic Mt. Dew and Doritos joke would be lame, but something like her getting stuck in her mech with her fat bulging out of it would be neat.
I hope you get cancer
Undertaker, I really did pity your situation, but have you ever shown empathy for anyone in your entire life?
What's the point in replying to a nearly 10 days old message? lol
What the hell, do you even know the guy? Where the fuck did this come from?
Ignore him, he hates the dude for his stories
Do you? He has been caught on /d/ multiple times causing trouble and spitting venom at fetishes he even vaguely dislikes, to the point where the blueberry threads on /d/ are now banned on sight because of the shit he's pulled.
>Trolling chan boards
>Incapable of empathy
I don't see the connection
Trolls are well known for their lack of empathy, duh
It's bad enough we have these trolls just wrecking threads and boards all over. We are here for content, not arguments. Some people just need to get their stuff together. Yes, we have a lot of Lucy, yes, we're familiar with Welrod guy. Do we need to be talking crap here? No we don't.
Dehumanizing your perceived enemies for such petty reasons and considering them beneath you implies an inherent lack of empathy.
>I really did pity your situation, but have you ever shown empathy for anyone in your entire life?
Congrats, you just dehumanizing your perceived enemy for petty reasons yourself by implying the guy doesn't feel empathy.
Have faith in salt.
No one does it quite like he does my god
I really like Serena the best.

Wish he could do fat males sometimes
Why was I tagged?
>I really like Serena the best.
Serena belongs to Welrod Guy, not BWS.
Nat. She's super cute. And also, I'll be popping bottles once BWS draws her fatter than Chloe.

Can you imagine Halie seeing Nat become so much bigger?

Serena a close second though.
Eh, I don't really have a favourite since I don't know them that well outside of the drawings (And no, their mini-comics are mediocre at best). I guess they're all cute
>Their mini-comics are mediocre at best
Fuck off loser, share your shit opinions somewhere else
You fuck off, fanboy. I have the right to share my opinions, no matter if you consider them good or shit
And saying "take your shit opinions somewhere else" is an overexaggerated way of saying your opinions are shit. I'm not actually telling you to leave, I'm expressing my opinion on your opinion. And that doesn't make me a fanboy
Stop arguing on BBW Chan, I'm so sick and tired of seeing this in every other thread. I promise you there's nothing to be gained from getting angry at a stranger on a BBW image board -- if you see someone being retarded, just let them be retarded. Just about anything else is a better use of your time.
Um, you're doing the same thing, bro
Nat is cute but Chloe is just a brat which I love
I don't have a favorite, but I dislike Chloe. She's too angry to be enjoyable.
Be careful, the "shit opinions" bro might jump at you out of nowhere lol
I get that crap anyways, doesn't matter if I'm sharing a positive or negative opinion about something. Like I'm cursed or some shit.
anyone got the new Zelda pic?
As long as he does more sequel pics to balance things out.
Heck yeah, we need 'em bigger
Oh that jiggle on Mika's butt is just perfect.
If any picture needed a part 2, I need to see the aftermath of that flying peach.
Kill yourself blobnigger
I agree with this man. He is a man of culture and substance.

This man on the other hand is not. Shameful display, sir, shameful.
Kill yourself first slimnigger
How were we different when we both want the same thing?
I think he's just memeing

>She's like a memory foam mattress - Cut the straps and watch her expand.
This is a Sketch Upgrade of Kamilla, an OC I developed with a friend. She has both a professional and casual form!
You people think Salt has no will of his own and that's sad
He does have will of his own, he's not forced to do it.
We should probably stop the Lucyguy hate. Besides, haven't we been getting low amounts of Lucy content lately?
> haven't we been getting low amounts of Lucy content lately?
Wonder how that poll about characters and content went
Were there results? When I voted, Lucy was around the middle.

>Besides, haven't we been getting low amounts of Lucy content lately?
There not being more art of her was a good thing though.
Meanwhile the other Fairy Tail girls placed 17th.

>Placings of the other common commissioners
Undertaker's waifu Lilly got 14th, Welrod got 15th, and Welrodguy's Yuri OCs got 8th.

>Top 5 placings
Salt's own OCs took each of the top 4 spots, and Pokemon placed 5th. Maybe we'll see the likes of May, Hilda, and Rosa get bigger? I kinda want to see that May sequence continue.
Maybe Brendan will appear
Why would you want that? I know his and May's manga counterparts Ruby and Sapphire are a canon pairing.
I don't really care all that much, I just thought it would be nice
Salt does endless amounts of art for Lucyguy's OC and Lucy, I don't think brendan is wholly out of question.
Nah bro, let's keep shitting on him
Seriously? More "Some Bullshit" fan art? I know this is probably the first time BWS has drawn one of Cinko's girls, but I'm seeing this crap so often lately. It's gotten kinda annoying
Someone's been horny for Daisy lately. She was one of the losers on the fan art poll and now she got sketched. This is also after she's gotten a wave of art throughout August from various artists. I'm sick of seeing her.
Gotta be honest these all look good! I think I like the Lucy one, the Daisy one, or the one with the girl crammed into an elevator the best
Finally, "Some Bullshit" fanart, i don't much of it.
Goddamn contrarians. Too convenient of you to mention those specifically to be believed.
>i'm sick of seeing her.
I’m not.
In fact I wanna see salt draw her bigger
You're a goddamn contrarian too lmao
How's that when I was the first to comment about her?
ngl, I'd actually like someone to color these in (especially Lucy. idc what you guys think about her.)
Same here. How can I be sick of her? I'm just asking for more.
That 3rd girl is that Kasen from Touhou???
salt just dropped something

Lucy has different eyes
>>105517 (OP)
Can someone explain to me why bws is doing a whole redraw of the lucy wg? While yes I like the slightly updated art, what exactly is he adding to it to make it truly standout from the other one? The original version was great from the art to the proportions. I feel like there could've been another character to do a weight gain comic of instead, he already does a shit ton of lucy art.
(254 KB, 1280x1968, 5_years_quest_by_better_with_salt_dfc1797-fullview.jpg)
If you're talking about the sequence, it's because it was commissioned to be redone, and by someone who isn't LucyGuy surprisingly. If you're talking about the image I'm posting here, it's because it was the first Patreon post he did 5 years ago and he wanted to show a form of gratitude to his supporters. Too bad it also meant giving a freebie to the guy who already gets too much of the same fucking thing. The token of gratitude should've been one of his own OCs instead of Lucy once again. I'm convinced at this point that BWS and LucyGuy know each other off the internet, because I've never seen an artist pander to a specific commissioner to the extremes that BWS has done for LucyGuy. It puts all of his other supporters beneath him, something an artist should never do.
That was literally the first piece he ever posted on patreon, so I kinda get that one tbh
It still has him put LucyGuy above all of his other supporters.
I mean, not really? He's done redraws of a bunch of different old comms. You just recognize this one because it's a Lucy
Except those other redraws were of his own characters or were commissioned by someone to do them. This redraw of Lucy was on his own will. No one commissioned him to do it again.
That's factually untrue, none of the redos have ever been commissioned
>>105517 (OP)
Idk it just feels weird and unselfaware seeing bws doing yet ANOTHER lucy sequence of 100s of fat lucy drawings he's made over the years. I'm 90% sure that bws and "lucyguy" are the same fucking guy because I can't imagine pandering that much to one person( I've never seen this man draw multiple pics of a character outside of his own ocs and those undertaker commissions).
Serena and Nikume, Welrod, they get plenty of art too, all commissioned from the same guy.

Also, they are obviously not the same person. You must be purposely covering your eyes if you can't see that.
Stop complaining for once retard
I don't know why you're responding to the thread OP, and I already said that the redraws of the Lucy sequence aren't being commissioned by LucyGuy himself, but someone else. Did you even bother reading what I said on >>110340?

>Serena and Nikume, Welrod, they get plenty of art too, all commissioned from the same guy.
That's not the point. My point is that BWS went out of his way to redraw a Lucy that LucyGuy commissioned a long time ago for a post that supposed an act of gratitude for all of his supporters. BWS didn't keep it neutral, as an artist should be doing with posts like that.
What the hell do you care if he's chosen a picture over another? Y'all should cut artists some slack. I'm sure you'd prioritize a certain waifu if you were to have a lot of money for commissions like Lucyguy
Literally my first time complaining asshole but go off.>>110367
Bws is slowly but surely starting to slip into the usual fat artist bullshit.
I want to be Hayley and I want to be under Nat.
>Starting to slip into the usual fat artist bullshit
what bullshit is that exactly?
Nowhere close to the extremes that LucyGuy would go for Lucy. Him having a favorite is not the problem, it's fine for everyone to have a favorite or two. The problem is that he never commissions for a character other then her unless it's some Lucy lookalike or if Lucy is still involved. He's the most boring commissioner there is and he doesn't under that variety is the spice of life, and you're a tool for defending him.
I'm only defending him because the art is still great, it's made by BWS after all, otherwise I wouldn't give a shit about the dude. His fan fictions are utter crap, and all that self insert stuff makes me sick to the core
You gotta learn about principles man. Art quality alone isn't enough.
I mean with how those polls went that Salt put out the other month people clearly want the Lucy stuff. They seem to get a good amount of likes on Patreon, DA and Twitter too. Also having read the descriptions on Patreon I think Salt's just reworking the comic because he wants too. I see nothing saying he's been commissioned for it.

People like Lucy man.

As for the LucyGuy. They exist. They get comms mostly of Lucy. They write a story about Lucy and a self-insert. Eh. They aren't hurting anyone so who cares.

End of the day, I like good fat art so why let something like an artist and a commissioner having fun get in the way of that.
>Bws is slowly but surely starting to slip into the usual fat artist bullshit.
Where do you think you are? bws has always been a good artist who drew the most generic anime girls imaginable.
>I mean with how those polls went that Salt put out the other month people clearly want the Lucy stuff.
Salt's own OCs and Pokemon girls ranked better than Lucy did.

>Also having read the descriptions on Patreon I think Salt's just reworking the comic because he wants too. I see nothing saying he's been commissioned for it.
If that's true then that's pathetic of Salt. Guess talented people can still be idiots.

>As for the LucyGuy. They exist. They get comms mostly of Lucy. They write a story about Lucy and a self-insert. Eh. They aren't hurting anyone so who cares. End of the day, I like good fat art so why let something like an artist and a commissioner having fun get in the way of that.
Your lack of a spine is appalling. You're the type who would eat shit just because someone you admired asked you to.
Because he's annoyed by the most pointless shit and wants to ruin the fun for everyone else
He can spend his time drawing whatever the hell he wants. If anything, he should be the one looking down on you
hey what was on this month's newsletter?
>Salt's own OCs and Pokemon girls ranked better than Lucy did.

And he's posted stuff of his girls lately. My point was that Lucy was popular and people clearly still want art of her not that he must only draw the most popular stuff from the poll.

>If that's true then that's pathetic of Salt. Guess talented people can still be idiots.

I fail to see how coming back too a project you'd like to update is pathetic. With the level of improvement the guy has had since those pages were drawn I can totally see why he'd want to go back and update them to mach his newer style.

>Your lack of a spine is appalling. You're the type who would eat shit just because someone you admired asked you to.

I'd advise watching that blood-pressure before you go popping something in your noodle. Head-bleeds are pretty deadly. We've only got one life so don't go cutting yours short raging over fat girl art on the internet.
Don't waste time trying to argue with these fucking clowns
Can we just stop bitching 🤷‍♂️
i'm not sure if it's specified by lucyguy or not but all the lucy drawings give her the most retarded lobotimized face and that's why i get sick of them so quickly. at least the losing control girl who's basically the same character visually anyways has a better resting expression
>The Losing Control girl who's basically the same character visually
"Both girl blonde. All blonde girl same"
noooo, fat lady drawman no draw wut i liek *shits cums and dies*
Guys, free cum for y'all
We should get a nude alt of this lol
can someone ask for all the quints?
That would be great but has BWS done commissions lately?
Good fucking luck trying to get commissions from him. He the kind who picks out of a crowd and sticks to his favorites. Why else has Lucyguy got so much?
Or there needs to be someone who would commission women from any franchise and not stick to one.
Even women from shitty, overrated franchises? lol
Are you guys going 6 Million Dollar Man mode and trying to build the perfect commissioner? Because we don't have the technology.
They can be from shitty/overrated franchises as long as the women themselves are top notch.

I'd rather commission him myself, but I know my luck would never allow me to get picked for a commission slot from him.
(2.5 MB, 2312x2947, Please Feed.png)
I want him to redo this and make more SK art
I mean I'm on his Patreon nad he's put out a comms sheet a few times this year. looking at the commissions tag he's done quite a few from people who aren't the usual's like the LucyGuy or Undertaker. No harm in trying your luck. I'd sure like too next time around.
>No harm in trying your luck
When Salt was doing the comm lottery last year-ish he messaged me and said not to be discouraged as a first timer and try again, on one hand it was really cool that he actually reached out but on the other I'm competing with all the other hopefuls as well as my own shitty luck as well.
Fuck yes. The series is laying dormant now and there's much less western fan art compared to the "old days", I feel like BWS would do the girls justice
This is why I hate commission rights being stuck behind a paywall. "Sorry that you weren't picked for a commission slot. Please keep paying me until it happens." I get that a creator of his popularity would get flooded with comm messages if he didn't do it this way, but having to pay him to even get the chance only to be told that afterward is terrible. It would be better if he kept a list of who he's done before so he knows to pick new people or those he hasn't done anything with in a while the next time.
Why bother doing that when people like Lucyguy pay him good money constantly?
So other people don't lose faith in him. There's a reason why Salt doesn't reveal who his commissioners are outside of Patreon other then the most obvious ones.
Honestly, this just seems like bitching. If you pay the guy a dollar a month you get the chance for comms. And if your comm doesn't get picked, you get to see all of his art a month early/ sketch sheets, which covers that dollar.
Commissions have the commissioner's name and link in the descriptions...
Oh great, it's sir BWS White Knight again. Only appears when someone shit talks his master.

I'm saying he doesn't do that on DeviantArt or Twitter, dumbass. He only shares those links on Patreon.
I mean if I were doing comms for people I'd rather offer them to those who support me financially than those who don't. only seems fair since they'd be the ones paying for me to live. Plus those people want to support him so would be less likely to cause issues in the process.
Also he does share the details of the commissioners on DA and Twitter. I just checked.
(56 KB, 230x205, Screenshot_20220904-195746~3.png)
Well shit, no beating facts like that. I swear there were comms he did before where he didn't share who the commissioner was, but I guess my memory was mistaken.
Those may have just been commissioners who wanted to remain anonymous. I've taken a fair few comms before where they didn't want to be named. Some people just wanna get their fattywank in silence
I mean, looking how almost no one besides LucyGuy or Undertaker can get comms you may as well learn to draw on your own by the time you get a Salt comm, Like if I became a patron, I'd be more interested in seeing if he would give art tutorials
Can't blame them really
You can access the PSD's there. I used them to learn a few things like what different layer types do.
>Not fat feeder Haruka
>Responsible for the large waistlines that have appeared on every Crimson Squad member
>Easily the biggest from having a habit of eating about as much as she's feeding her teammates
>Homura's own gluttony leaving Haruka at her own limits from being too distracted from having to move fast as possible to keep both of them well fed, to notice how stuffed she's starting to feel
>Hikage's indifference having bled into her eating habits, has Haruka needing to keep her full attention on the girls limits or she might very eat herself into exploding
>Yomi easily accepting all the delicious but both her and Haruka end up feeding each other during their sessions
>Mirai needing to stay on guard every time it's gets close to her feeding hour but is surprisingly never successful and ends up being pinned under Haruka's massive belly and all the weight behind it as Haruka force feeds her well past her limits to help Mirai grow
Salt really likes that pasture drawing he made, not saying that's a bad thing, but I'm suprised how much it pops up in his stuff
secretly, bws is a landscape artist
>>111241 When the image was first posted on Twitter, almost every comment was mentioning the background and Salt pointed it out after his Tohru/Elma one.
I've seen people call that drawing his best
I dropped my patreon pledge out of principle. If salt only wants to draw Lucy and welrod till the heat death of the universe, fine by me, but then I hope for his sake that they pay more than enough to cover for all the patreons that get tired of seeing these mid ass girls over and over and over again.

The most baffling thing about all of this is asinine combination of “2/3 salt commissioners ask for the same fucking girl every month”+”commissions are LOCKED to these 3 people, until that one time a year where salt “opens” his commissions, and even getting your commission here isn’t guaranteed, as you’re competing against dozens of other people, with only a few getting picked by salt.

All of this leads to absolutely minimum variety, almost a waste of someone as talented as salt
>akshually lucyguy asked for Rebecca this ti-
You should kill yourself now!
The polls say otherwise...
Let's be honest here. A lot of people wanted the Lucy's stuffing saga to be finished for years and years, even before we got the imgur links to the full comic. Is it the best? No. Is it good? Without a doubt. Is the Lucy content repetitive? Well, it's hard to tell.
The trick is to ask the right question. I know, Calvin and Hobbes quote, but it's true. Just be happy with what we got, instead of talking about commissioners paying artists to draw the same character in various situations. BWS does art for a living. If you don't like the character, it's fine. Nobody's forcing you to like them anyway.
Any point you may have had is ruined by your hyperbolic, whiny tone
How about you kill yourself first?
What's so hot about Lucy she's just a blonde 💀
Oh I k n o w you of all people are not complaining about a whiny tone, undertaker
i read that last bit in lowtiergod's voice
Does Undertaker have a reputation of doing that?
Yeah, otherwise he wouldn't be paying BWS for those shitty characters lmao
I'm asking about Undertaker having a whiny tone. Is there proof of him doing that?
Most people are tasteless idiots who shouldn't have a say in anything, let alone important things like how a country should be run or which girl bws should draw next.

You talk like these two things are...remotely comparable.
Dude I'm not even fucking Undertaker lmao you people really can't conceptualize someone else defending him, can you?
Seriously, we have better things to do than bumplock these threads again and again with these arguments.
Fuck you, you can't stop me from typing whatever I want
new pic
i fucking hate, honeslty why did we get retarded christmas shit
Way better than retarded Halloween shit to me
You do realize this exists because it won a sketch to full piece poll, right?
What's wrong with Halloween stuff?
Nothing but there are some recurring posters that come to this thread to rant about the most stupid thing for days until the mods clean it up.
Holy Mary mother of Joseph this pushes all of the buttons. This might be my new favorite of his
i know, its just that why did they choose it though?
It’s a girl chugging milk with a belt ready to burst?
Why do you think?
the playboy bunny girl from....i forgot what anime she was from
How could you forget generic slice of life #41525!
Nah Halloween shit in September is far better than Christmas shit in September. Personally I hate anything Christmas related outside of the season.
Hashire sori yooo
Kaze no you niii
Tsukimi hara woooo
Padoru padoruuuu
>>111886 >>111880
Her name is Mai Sakurajima and I will not stand for this Rascal does not Dream series slander >:(
In other news might be my new favorite BWS piece cause I’ve been waiting for them to do Mai FOREVER
"I don't like things! Doesn't that make me cool?"
I don’t like Lucyguy and that makes me cool lol
Easy solution to these issues: we get this piece on the next explicit poll and also get it the win.
Deal? Deal.
THATS how you do a nude alt
Great idea! can never have to much nude fat art!
What timeline could this fit in?
The left side would be the beginning. As for the right side, I really have no idea
The right side would just be the one where they both got fat from the look of it, tbh I dont give a shit about their ""story"" I just wish BWS would draw more of Chloe and all them and make an actual story with them. I guess commissions make more money though so¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(3.4 MB, 3553x3705, seinikutimeline.png)

The two lower ones, actually. Fat Sei only changes her hairstyle a bit later, and the chibi isn't explicitly thin or fat, so it fits both.
I never thought I would need a timeline like this but it actually helps. I kinda thought there were two different brown haired girls.
those two aren't his OCs
I know theyre not his oc's I meant he should draw more of natalie and them not chloe, i honestly forget their fucking names and whos the oc's. The fat redhead and the skinny brunette who feeds her alongside sammy. That group
God I love that last one so much.
Yeah but it also sucks the mods didnt delete the low quality ones too
No denying that a full remake will be made. Wait till we get page 5.
I don't think it's a full remake didn't BWS say he was only doing a few pages?
I'm just gonna assume this undertaker himself because i've never heard of a person who likes his shit xd, also because this comment reeks of saltiness.
I honestly love these remakes. I don't get the hate. BWS is by far the best FA artist on the internet. Complaining about something that you didn't even pay for and got for free is just childish. I think I speak for the silent majority when I say we, enjoy and appreciate the art BWS creates.
I sure do also why the Lucy hate, people say there's a lot of fan art of her fat and honestly there isn't that much of her and most of it is absolute crap, there's like 4 artist that make good fat art her and BWS is one of them
It's not a full remake, he's said in streams he's only doing up to around page 5 because the first 5 were in a significantly different style than his other comic pages. My money is on him making a physical doujin for sale once 5 is done
I think the reason so many people here are annoyed with it is that LucyGuy pretty much hogs Salt's commisions (along with undertaker) just so he can write shoddy self-insert fics, meanwhile anyone else has to win a raffle to get a comm from him. (From my understanding)
This is exactly the reason
Salt is a fucking jackass for having that dumb patron comm slot with 0 fucking change up whatsoever
I can understand letting them have it for a couple months at a time, but force them out and change it the fuck up every once in a while, give other people a fucking chance to get what they want
Having been on his Patreon for a few years I can tell you that's false. He's opened commissions a few times this year and has credited a good number of other people in the pieces he's done as commissions. I tried submitting for the second batch and hope to try next time he opens commissions again.
So I just took a look at his comms for this year. excluding the LucyGuy and Undertaker he's done comms for 15 people so far this year.
Well what about including LucyGuy and Undertaker?
However, ALSO having been on his Patreon for some time I can tell you that while it's false, there are also several commission whales on the receiving end of those 15 commissions. Sure it isn't JUST LucyGuy/JustSomeDude and Undertaker, but it's definitely skewed disproportionately.
A total of 17 commissioners.
I mean Salt's friends with them. Watching the streams makes that pretty clear. If you had the chance to work on projects with your friends wouldn't you want to?
Exactly. It's not that Undertaker or Lucyguy has BWS on the ropes, they're just good friends.
(Also, the public cannot suggest Lucy for the polls, so that's another thing)
>If you had the chance to work on projects with your friends wouldn't you want to?
I started paypigging to his Patreon at a higher tier under the assumption that polls would mean something and that the sketch tiers would eventually rotate out. Neither of those things have panned out to be true at all. I'm not going to insult anyone or say anything unreasonable about doing things for friends, but I'm going to say that I'm pissed that my monthly money is funding the whims of his friends to an unreasonable degree and I see the same comm whale names associated with the commissions that aren't for his friends. I've been tempted to lower or pull my paypiggery entirely but I like that Salt is one of the few genuinely courteous highly skilled artists and I want to support his work and behavior.
What do you mean by "the polls would mean something"? How do they not? Sounds like you might just be upset your stuff doesn't win
I never said or implied that Lucyguy or Undertaker had Salt on the ropes, while it is likely the case that they're friends of Salt's, the reason people are annoyed by them is that it's nearly impossible to get a commision from Salt outside of winning a raffle on his patreon. Since Lucyguy and Undertaker (and apparently a few other "whales") hog the Commission slots
>Sounds like you might just be upset your stuff doesn't win
Of course I'm upset, it's idiotic that you're guessing at all. We see the same shit from the same series winning polls month in and month out and things like the Mai piece are welcome statistical outliers. Go look at the polls that just went out today: another fucking Fairy Tail piece, another Tifa piece, One Piece, all the same shit that we've seen done to death at this point dominating the poll. Not even Salt's OCs are winning these things and they're leagues better than most people's OCs. The polls don't mean anything because it just kowtows to the tyranny of the consoomer majority who will cry out "but my series doesn't get anything!" as their favorite series has a numbered thread on /bbwdraw/.
ok... and why are you acting like the state of the polls is Salt's fault?
He's doing continuation poll, a sketch upgrade, and an explicit. I voted for them all so I can win regardless.
Democracy. Polls are like a mini democracy at work. People vote for what they want, and the majority is the one who wins. That's just how it works. I'm sorry you didn't win any of the polls, but be glad no bots vote bots operate on Patreon. At least, not on BWS anyway.
(480 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20220919-200255.png)
Speaking of polls, here's the next continuation poll. Number 7 is winning by about 40 votes because people can't stop sucking Lucyguy's dick.
Why do I get no benefit from the system I put money into? I am not asking for anywhere near close to a skewed investment, but there's genuinely no point to subbing outside of being the guy who rips the posts and drops them in the thread.
They might as well be bots at this point.
The only reason why someone would sub to him other than wanting to support him is to hopefully get picked for a commission slot, which is a massive crapshoot. Having the polls go your way is an even bigger crapshoot, ond that's too unreliable to be a reason to support him. I know my vote for Pyra isn't going to mean anything even though she's in 3rd because the lead "Not Lucy" has right now is too big.
>Complaining about something that you didn't even pay for and got for free is just childish.
This argument is so tired and plain stupid that it's the "online critique" equivalent of "but why are there still monkeys???" or some other fallacious shit.

I actually agree with you that the Lucy comic is great, but this dumb shit you posted isn't doing yourself any favors.
>Why do I get no benefit from the system I put money into?
Dude, you sound like a little fucking bitch. You get all the paywalled content and are contributing towards him being able to produce artwork constantly. What can he possibly do to appease every entitled prick who loses all of the polls?
If not-Lucy is really beating the others so harshly, I'd be careful about talking about Lucyguy; he may very well be a mob boss.
It is free if you don't like it don't look at it. You don't see me "critique" Axel's dog shit every thread.
Fuuuuck lots of good choices here
Unpopular opinion: I actually like the Lucy's stuffing remake. It was Lucy's stuffing that sent me down the rabbit hole that is the internet and as such I have a slight fondness and will forever remember her as my first waifu. Call me a Lucyguy dick rider all you want.
>You get all the paywalled content
The content he dripfeeds onto twitter anyway? The explicit edits that someone else will post in the thread anyway?
>and are contributing towards him being able to produce artwork constantly
Not anymore. I actively benefit from unsubbing and disengaging, I lose out by being an active patron. Oh, he won't miss me? That's all fine and dandy, the thread is still here and all I have to do is lurk. Are you gonna up the ante, Undertaker?
>What can he possibly do to appease every entitled prick who loses all of the polls?
I don't know, Undertaker, have better moratoriums on series winners? Your buddy's own OCs lose constantly to the same minute population of characters people want to see despite others actually liking his OCs, maybe have OC-only polls? Anything is better than whatever your adhd-stunted brain can come up with. Stick to desperately and futilely astroturfing /d/ because the existence of a low-tier fetish triggers you. Peace.
Dude a continuation of 16 where she’s pops her belt damn that would have been something. Shame we’ll just get another whale Lucy to add to the pile
Fuck him, and fuck his goddamn monopoly.
I just wish at the very least the dude would have chosen a better character to mega simp for. Lucy is like the white bread of anime girls
Lmfao dude, your weird jabs at Undertaker are just dumb bullshit at this point, because I'm not him. Shit on me for being me, not for who you imagine me to be. It's just weird and sad.

Also, you just sound like a butthurt baby at this point. "wahhhh Salt doesn't eliminate all the popular characters from the polls leaving my super fringe waifu that nobody has ever heard of to win wahhhhh"
... has anyone drawn Lucy buying Wonderbread?
Tbh it’ll probably be voted onto the continuation polls a lot so it could get it’s chance eventually.
Maybe people will vote for it in December and they’re feeling in the festive spirit xD
How often are the continuation polls?
Hopefully and yeah it would be fitting for the holidays
People are allowed to say why they don't like things on the internet.
Pretty sure it’s once every three to four months, so the next one could be happening right around December/January
Just have to wait and hope that people can be based (for once xD)
You know you could just unsub if you hate his Patreon that much? That has crossed your mind, right?
Nah, he'd rather burn money on that Patreon shit
"Noooo how dare people like Lucy!1!!11"
sigh... nothing but disappointment here, guys. Every day, it's all about you complaining about lucy, lucy, lucy. Completely disregarding BWS' hard work. Besides, most people likely started finding more art from BWS because of Lucy and Rebecca anyway.
Had it not been for that comic series, we'd probably never have a thread for BWS by now.
Also, >>113308
if that's what the majority of people want, let them go ahead!
Just gonna say this: The Chiyo piece should get a fucking sequel sooner or later, even if it's just to celebrate season 2 or something. She clearly has the recognition since almost 130 dimwits voted for her
You just proved that you're part of the hive mind dick suckers. Your lack of shame is pathetic.
Keep seething, retard. You just proved that you can't let people be happy. Pretty sure you're jealous of BWS' fame too
How about you cope with it? In my honest opinion, you are the hive mind cock-sucker here. Just let people enjoy their fat girls in peace, regardless if it's Lucy, Rebecca, or some other girl.
I'd recommend a good dose of copium, once you've read this.
Nah bro, mfer too broke to even afford copium
>You just proved that you can't let people be happy.
Even though that's my argument against everyone who supports or is ok with Lucyguy's shit.
>Pretty sure you're jealous of BWS' fame too
First of all, fame is something I don't want. I prefer a quiet life with not much going on, and fame would ruin that. Second, even if I did want fame, I know I'd never succeed in getting it. Why the fuck would I be jealous of something that I both don't want and know I'd never achieve anyway?

How could I be part of the hive mind when I'm not part of the majority you fucking idiot?
>How could I be part of the hive mind when I'm not part of the majority?
Well... You are part of the majority who seem to be complaining about this.
A hive mind can also be a minority you fucking idiot
The people who complain are the not majority, dumbass. So many people like you come here to justify or defend him to the death, and outside of this site are even more people who vocally support him, and the latter can't be said for people like me who speak against it.
So what if people justify his choices and actions? Who the hell are you to say he doesn't deserve this? Outside of drawing the same characters every month he hasn't done anything worthy of his "evil" moniker. Heck, he's innocent compared to other artists with a Patreon presence out there
Fucking. Idiot. You couldn't even tell that I was talking about Lucyguy.
Keep screaming to the void, clown. Keep screaming until you run out of air and die for once, so you stop stealing oxygen
Let's not forget to mention a potential bumplock of this thread, too.
When do we go back to the fat girls?
I wish Patreon antis wouldn't be as vocal, but whatever. Let's resume the WG posting
BWS is kinda bad at doing pear shapes. The size difference between her hips and belly is glaring and it doesn't transition properly.
I mean it's a commissioned sketch upgrade. If this wasn't the shape the commissioner wanted I doubt they'd want to pay to have the sketch upgrade.
The first one is the same girl. the second was a commission from WelrodGuy. Have you seen the things WelrodGuy comms?
My argument is that I don't think the commissioner(s) is more specific about how the pear shape is done, so it's how BWS does it without instruction. So unless they specifically stated for the belly to be lacking compared to the hips, the commissioners shouldn't get any of the blame.
Speaking of WelrodGuy, hi there.
Considering WelrodGuy's reaction I'd say it's likely that's what he wanted. Also again, the piece you initially shared was an upgrade too a sketch. If the commissioner didn't want her belly that way they'd probably have requested it be changed.
How are your other waifus Serena and Nikume doing?
Can comfirm I specifically asked BWS to draw the proportions extremely exagerated when both the comm and the original sketch/sketch upgrade of goth girl was made
My guy, while I appreciate your honesty on the matter, your direction of the pear body shape is no good. Her lacking belly in >>113486 makes the transition to her hips and her body as a whole look very awkward.
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Seems to me like you're just looking for something to complain to be honest. I prefer pears the most and he draws lots of them and they're good I'd say. I can think of several more besides the ones I'm posting and there are a lot in the monthly sketches too. Even Nat has gotten more pear shaped over time. Your examples simply seem exaggerated on purpose and there's nothing wrong with that.
One word. Sociopath

Christ just learn when to back down. If it's what they wanted it's what they wanted. No need to be a winy cunt about it
I'm guessing this is the schizo responsible for shitting up every single thread so far?
Go figure all three of you would be people who have the (1) next to your ID numbers meaning you're just here to gang up on me for the sake of it because I dared to speak my mind.
"I said this artist is bad at something and used biased examples that were specifically commissioned to be a certain way to try and prove it and I'm being called out on my bullshit, oh no"
They aren't calling you out for speaking your mind, they're calling you out for being unreasonable and trying to divert the topic.

Your initial argument was that Salt was bad at pear shapes. Then when presented with evidence what you provided was intentionally drawn that way you decide to ridicule the commissioner to divert the topic. Then when you're called out for being a. "looking for something to complain," b. "a winy cunt," and c. "the schizo responsible for shitting up every single thread," you try to change the subject of one where you're being attacked for your opinion. No.

You're being called out by these people for being a shitty person and they wanted to make a point of that. I advise you back down, get some fresh water and just move on with your life.
I disagree, the pear shape he does is way too strong sometimes. There's a limit to everything bruv.

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