
>>105369 (OP)
This shit ain't hyperreal dawg, this shit hyper doodoo
It ain’t hyper realistic but I wouldn’t say it’s bad either
>>105369 (OP)
I don't know why people are allergic to the Weight Gain General thread, and feel the need to waste a thread slot for something so specific.
(459 KB, 800x592, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_EYIAkWXU0AARCw_.png)
>Pimples and stains should to in the general
>Elements of slob
>In the general
We have specific threads for this garbage and the intentions for this thread that you can glean from OPs post, in bbwalt where he made another thread for which I don't know if it was his fix or if he's just trying to get another going that can get furries in it.
I didn't notice that the OP made one in /Alt/ too. Never mind what I said about the wg general thread then, this thread should be removed entirely.
Is this because of what happened in the Thread for BWS?
Like photo moprhs? Is that what you mean?

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