
Anybody what's goin on with negative din on twitter, prolly my fav artist that consistently draws dokis
Who’s the artist for this?
Do you happen to know who the artist(s) is for the last two images?
Cloudboyo on twitter or DeviantArt
Natsuki wanting bigger tits to the point of gaining tons everywhere else is a genre I will NEVER get tired of.
Oh shiiit ahahah sorry mate, i was high af when i see these, my bad😂
waruiartsy from deviantart
(333 KB, 3241x2377, 81D3E11F-57D9-4CA1-8855-22BDAA729382.jpeg) (114 KB, 1059x800, 1EA94B03-7022-4153-86DF-E7D7F330B875.jpeg) (99 KB, 1115x717, BBDF4910-16F7-4E9E-A691-529B45BCDE2E.jpeg) (670 KB, 4096x3277, F92E7AB0-E4BD-46B4-A7E6-C4842AF75E74.jpeg) (593 KB, 3000x3000, 70CDA537-3B72-445E-9FB5-1D76CEFFC5C6.jpeg) (2.6 MB, 2048x1365, 45EA2624-F8CF-4032-93F9-3017258254B4.png)
Natsuki gaining tons is great, but I feel like Yuri also getting massive is too. She carries the weight well
To me Sayori is the most likely to gain a bunch of weight, Yuri and Natsuki next when shipped as a sort of tie based on how I feel like shipping them like that today. If Yuri and Natsuki shipped, Monika last normally although most if you take the obsession with the player and apply it over to the protagonist. But it has been a long time since seeing the game so may be wrong.
Aw damn that thread had so much gold in it. I hope the stuff doesn't get lost.
Same. pretty sure they're getting more into it, just by way of stockholm syndrome lmao. pretty sure most of those are patreon requests they get.
I suppose you could say that, then again for the last pic (the one with Natsuki) I had requested Monika to be that size since they were fine with drawing her that big, no idea how much bigger their limits are, but I doubt it’ll be crazy big
Reminder, save everything you want to keep or come across. It might not be there tommorow.
Yeah, this is why I'm trying to save as much art as possible. A thread might be deleted or an artist might close their twitter/pixiv/deviantart accounts on a whim
Commed graspin for the other girls. They're gonna be hyuge.
(304 KB, 640x846, 494m8lbrais71.png)
Combining Overwatch's Mei and Monika seemed interesting
NameTaken0 on deviantart
(107 KB, 755x1058, natsuki_weight_gain_part_1__commission_by_napolitane_deu7s5g-pre.jpg) (100 KB, 755x1058, natsuki_weight_gain_part_2__commission_by_napolitane_deu7sle-pre.jpg) (102 KB, 730x1095, natsuki_weight_gain_part_3__commission_by_napolitane_deu7spw-pre.jpg)
What girl do you think would canonically be the fat one? I'd say either Natsuki because baker and if she ever broke free from her dad she would totally binge,

But I would have to say Sayori.She's depressed, in her room all day, she'd totally snack her way to obesity. That bein said Yuri carries fat well too
lol what's good nametaken0
Almost as if a single artist started all this...
Has it really been 2 years already? Sheesh.
5 since the game came out lol
What the fuck is this?? Somebody delete it for once
It’s based off of an April Fools story by Trm-tum where a Yuri’s got fat and it turns out she’s dating Pierce Brosnan
Tummysuki is proper good.
I always felt like Nats would be the pear with a flabby, rolled belly and a gigantic ass (think Margot)

Yuri and Monika would be built similarly, except Yuri would have more belly to compensate for the larger breasts.

But the proportionally biggest belly would probably be Sayori
Always thought natsuki was made fat in the belly simply cause "skinny chef" cliques and she eats her own cooking.

Monika's thighs is a popular meme and sayori was left with butts cause yuri has breast already.
(6.1 MB, 3000x4000, yuri_sayo_grope.png)
LewDoodler is hands down one of the best BBW DDLC artists out there.
I wish there was more (relatively) wholesome art like this, instead of just another internet waifu shoving truckloads of food into her mouth while acting like a slob; instead just a girl finding out her BF was why she's been plumping up, and just a little nervous as she knows that the meals she's being given by her lover are just as much to fatten her up as they are to show affection
> Bump

anyone got the pic of yuri by the same artist?
they seem to have deleted their twitter
thanks a lot! the artist's name was full-armour3 i believe. real shame they deleted their account.
does anyone have the files for the mods that was posted on the old thread, with all the sprites?
sure, but you're gonna get mocked for it lmao
You need to be 18+ to post here btw
What the fuck is this shit? Get outta here, kid
Much too late but the only good ones the MetalForever pic.
Get that AI bullshit out of here
Face looks very cute and shading is good

There's something fittingly and dystopianly on-topic to have Monika being done in AI art.

(also AI art is cringe)
Sauce? Reverse image search has failed me.

Kinda thought it looked familiar. He doesn't post on DevArt any more, such a bummer. I loved his style.
Is he serious with this?
It gets worse, this was a fuckin commission
Jesus dude, and he wasn’t even subtle about ripping off salt

>ripping off salt
You stupid nutter. Who do you think is Naruto's father? Shut your stupid mouth up, and sit the fuck down while I awaken the world to the evils that hold us back, keeping us from greatness.
fuck off spickmasterdavid nobody in this community likes your shitty traced art
>fuck off spickmasterdavid nobody in this community likes your shitty traced art

Remember kids, it's always morally ethical to pirate all of xmasterdavid's content, seeing as he tried to create fat fetish NFTs back when the public ire was highest.

The only time you give him money is to download all his shit to upload here or kemono.
>>140106 I love how there's always 1 or 2 comments in every bbwdraw thread like these of some American idiot pretending to be part of "the community" for seemingly no reason, and then the comments are usually ignored by all the other anon. I'm going to start counting these. Fucking nutters
>>140112 Imagine bootlicking for a shitty artist, couldn't be me.
>>140128 You ever thought that maybe I really just hate you? And if such was ever the case then the best thing you could ever do was stop talking?
does someone have art of either natsuki/sayuri drinking butter from a large tube, I think I've seen it in the old thread but I haven't fount it after
(167 KB, 1365x2048, 1.jpg) (172 KB, 1365x2048, 2.jpg) (195 KB, 1365x2048, 3.jpg) (194 KB, 1365x2048, 4.jpg)
Might be wrong I believe there are two more “alternate” parts to this sequence. Having trouble finding them though, since Negative_Din privated their Twitter
Does anyone have @negative_din's Yuri Wg drive? I thought I had saved it, but I guess not
sauce? reverse image search returns nothing
>>148076 HeheheGross I believe.
what is his main account?
no i mean if you check that account it says it is an alt and he has a different main account for non-slob stuff
KrimDeLaKrimxon on Twitter
To think if the original VN went through an abnormal path where the girls find out their crush is a chubby chaser, it would be 10 times more horrifying:
>Losing mobility
>Health problems
>Practically they need a nurse for their basic needs
>At such a young age
>Yet they still want you
>Is up to the player to make intimate decisions
>Until Monika says otherwise and sends you to what she believes is torture by over-exaggerating their causes, but deep down you're enjoying every minute of it.
It could be a GOTY among fetish games, but also a cult classic in the horror genre.
Pretty sure normies would be scared away, anon
I never thought I'd see nintendo draw the girls.

I'm not complaining though, this shit is amazing!
there is a doki doki wg game out there if you know where to look
it went in a completely different (and imo weird) direction though
That Monika booty and thighs is top shelf.
Love how Monika's got the rear to match Yuri's rack.
I'm just glad there's a follow up.
Now the 3 biggest girls are immobile, only Natsuki remains.
I'm pretty much blind so could anyone tell me what his signature says? I can't read it
>>153209 My Japan's not rusty, but I think it says "Jaws".
(201 KB, 433x484, Drunk Monika has a fucking gun.png)
I'm friends with the guy who made up that Moni-outfit. I looked up the source to send it along his way thinking he'd be pleased.

he would not be pleased.
(513 KB, 1883x1738, IMG_4937.jpeg) (434 KB, 1519x1414, IMG_4936.jpeg) (452 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_4923.png) (393 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_4922.png) (604 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_4921.png) (2.8 MB, 1586x2036, IMG_4928.png)
Does anybody still have the MEGA that was posted last thread? It had all the transparent sprites of the fat doki girls from the 'That Special Day' WG mod along with other stuff, the archive is useless as always
(8.2 MB, 2566x4396, IMG_4930.png)
Gonna second this request
Yuri's sprites were amazing
>>155238 (Cross-thread)
Not after how much of a little shit you've been throughout the thread, constantly telling people to post packs and begging when not everything gets posted.
nah, I mean the DA account they took it from, took it from the actual artist
Post art, or let the thread die.
Bump. I tried to post by using copy and paste but it didn’t work. Probably because it only works on a computer and not a iPhone.
Bump 🖋️
Fuck off with that vore shit
Was there a fat Natsuki art piece where she is holding frosting and she is talking about taste testing her cupcakes? And she is visually very fat?
Nice work man, this is good stuff. (:
theres like a dozen different pics that are basically that, be more specific
(171 KB, 850x870, IMG_8100.jpeg) (164 KB, 850x870, IMG_8102.jpeg) (167 KB, 850x870, IMG_8103.jpeg) (79 KB, 850x870, IMG_8104.jpeg)
I always loved these edits. I wish they made one where the girl had the dress (or better yet her panties) pulled up over her belly so we could see how much it stretches them out when she tries to cover everything.
These are decent sprites, the issue was that the game treated Monika as if she was like 700lbs, when these are like, 250 at most.
That's kip for ya unfortuantly
Are you serious? Someone treats their game like this is 700 lbs?
Well Dr Blackjack is a shitty writer
(39 KB, 828x498, monika_1_3_by_sharkfatvault_dez49m3-414w-2x.jpg)
It just seems like there wasn't much coordination on Monika's art & arc. Her part was mixed in with Bamboo-ale's and the writing was geared for this size, but was left to a psuedo reality warping tease.
I’d say she looks like 300 in the last one.

I do wish they made her bigger though. Never played ddlc but there’s something hot about the thought of her squeezing into her clothes at 450 lbs with a giant belly while her freinds are all Japanese skinny girls
GOD SHE'S A BEAST i love how her asscheeks are making a bulge on the middle, do you know who drew it ?
To me this looks like it could be from kahuurinzan.
Does anyone know a pic with all the girls together; it might have also had a slob version? They were lined up from left to right, each having a different body part fattened (e.g more in the butt, more in the breast, etc)

I tried looking it up but no luck.
Why do I feel like that Sayori art was made by axel?
God, I miss the old thread. I feel like people should stop bumping this one so we can start fresh with a more organized DDLC 3 thread.
For starters, parts of a sequence need to be posted together. It's also helpful to post pictures of the same girl or the same artist together. Right now it's hard to track down a picture you want to see.

Kinda close but it's not it. It had more detailed shading/rendering.
Wasn’t made by that artist. The artist’s name is in the right plus good eye.

Yes, this is it! Thank you very much!
Azur lane
Dumbass mfer didn't even create the thread properly lmfao
damn that's some good stuff
These works are amazing. Does anyone at all know who made them? I'd like to know before this site goes kaput.
Do you have anymore of there work, they don’t post much on deviantart
Does anyone have a black & white hyper-blob image of natsuki?
If I had to guess, those absurd proportions belong to HikariJunction’s art
(1.2 MB, 1340x2160, yuri.png)
Colored Donmonan's yuri
I don't mean to turn this into a request corner, but would you consider doing the same thing for that Yuri date pic?
(1.1 MB, 1320x1620, Nat.png)
Natsuki done, might do yuri date tomorrow
Thank you! I love your shading on this one.
Who made this one? Looks interesting.

I don't think I'll ever play DDLC, but this guy's artwork does something for me and I like it.
These are only sketches but there’s something about this guys style that is just too good
>>180858 That's what I'm saying!
(119 KB, 1322x604, ymmrcn24r1801.jpg)
>>103780 (OP)
The fak Dokis from Cosmo-naut that were lost because " he's grown into a different mindset about what he shares".
holy shit this guy is so good
“Sayori is a trans icon”
Literally Who?
What the fuck are you on about?
I dont remember the name but i read this amazing weight gain comic that had this bad guy who would pat cats in reverse from tail to head so they wouldn't like it as much, and this girl would get fat to get stronger to fight him, and her friend has a force feeding fetish can anyone help me
You're the reason Sayori is plastered all over Egg_IRL.
(324 KB, 1200x900, GC73C5zXIAAyktd.png)
Hands down, this dude makes the best DDLC fat art, but I cant help but feel that the discolored bellies look a bit weird
does this guy do comms? would actually pay for more of this stuff
I like em, really gives a sense of pressure and fullness
Fuck, this guy is so good drawing the Dokis
(339 KB, 542x782, 33987939.png)
Anyone know the artist for this?
Sauteed-loin on deviantart, something like that
>>103780 (OP)
Somebody have nude version of Yuri art from op post?

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