
Run man! People are coming to call you a faggot cause you like an artist that makes male WG!
One of the best comic artists around, honestly
SDC has dropped working on male content recently, and now solely works on female characters.
Still, his MaleWG comic was one of the best. No matter how.much people complain about it
Then all we can do is hope people are honorable about not posting the males here. By the way, SDC is female, not male.
Anyone has the newest Page of Just One More Bite?
I thought SFC was a girl
She is, but she used to do this They/Them thing so a lot of people try to "Respect" her by using male pronouns. She is correct, I don't care if people support trans stuff but she was born a girl, she's a girl and nothings social media says will change it.
Honestly their men and women almost look the same lol
I like their comics though, one of the few that balances fats with "plot" (the limited amount needed to keep the fats and progression more interesting) very well
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Does anyone have the last part of the second mini comic?
Bump for new JOMB page
(7.0 MB, 3300x5100, p31.jpg)
Just One More Bite is amazing for sure! But do we have more pages for From Diva To Donuts as well? Here's the latest page found from Kemono for now.
Anyone have page 32 of diva to donuts
New JOMB page's out
Anyone got page 33 diva to donuts
Is there page 34 fo diva to donuts
Why do I feel like the fat girl from the start of the story will come back as skinny

I don't think so, but there is a new JOMB page, right?
(9.1 MB, 3300x2944, unknown-7.png)
New donuts tomorrow night, she does 3 comics a week 1 page each. We're all caught up.
New DTD page is up! Anyone has it? Thanks!
Anyone got the new jomb page
(4.9 MB, 3150x2550, kurisu_p1.jpg)

There's no new JOMB page yet. We have to wait until Tuesday for that one.

However, I think there's a page 2 that is not on Kemono for that new Kurisu mini comic. Anyone has it?

I'd like to thanks those who post new pages here so far!
Bump for new JOMB page
Just one more bite is such a fucking hot comic like holy shit
Anyone got the new diva to donuts page

Doesn't seem like it's up yet
People need to stop sharing art for this Hufkotf person. Bet this is the same beggar who keeps pestering for new content in other threads and always asks a day before or the day of content being released by the artist.
Seriously, I see this shit everywhere here. The comic comes out Saturday at 5pm like it always does every week but I always see the begging sometimes 3 or more days early.
Bro, don't be a fucking beggar and just wait like the rest of us
(7.0 MB, 3300x5100, p35.jpg)

Iris's pants button will pop next week, mark my words
Did they deleted weight of expirience from everywhere? Subbed on their patreon and cant find it neither on da:/
Fully gone, She doesn't do male content anymore and purged it all.
Aww man, what the fuck? Who is behind her conversion?
From memory, it got moved to another account— so it should still be there somewhere
It's a good thing that she doesn't do males anymore. There was no point in her drawing them in the first place as she made them look like women.
Idk it was like nice spice, their girl content is nice but it misses sense of wonder for me
Femboys are worse then traditional males. Both suck, but at least the latter is honest.
The latter is also burly and full of hair, but sure...
I, for one, am glad she stopped doing male stuff because in the end, From Diva to Donuts and Just One More Bite are my two favorite WG comics.

That, and I'm not into fat guys.
Also same! Just One More Bite especially has been a thrill!

scroll down and check announcements on DA. It should be in a file batch she made.
For the love of God, do not post them here. We have a good thing going on here right now, so please don't ruin it.
(4.8 MB, 2634x4375, image_2022-08-30_000032175.png)
SDC has put all that behind her, she moved on for the better, lets not bring that stuff in here.

Back on topic
Bump for new JOMB page
>Asking within the first hour if it being out.
What the fuck? Would it kill you to wait a few days so the artist can try to make something from her work?
In fact you've done nothing but ask for those pages, contributing nothing yourself.
Her patreon is actually a great deal unlike other artists of similar skill level like belt buster. I don't feel bad at all sharing most artists stuff but with her I want to give the new stuff a little time to breathe
What's wrong with Belt-Busters?

He keeps putting out banger content, so what is the issue?
All you get at his base tier is the comic. Sweetdream does two comics, a mini comic, sequences and all the non nude versions of her drawings for the same price
Belt's lowest tier is priced lower than Sweets tier.

And for the amount of comic he is posting, its easily worth posting equivalent of 6 pages a week of content for the long parts and 3 pages pages on the short part.

"18pages" worth of comic panels a month is plenty of value for his lowest price which is technically more content than Sweets lowest tier.

Long page = 32 - 36panels
Short = 15-18 panels.

Feels fairly priced to me.
I honestly think their both a good value, I sub to both of them and salt and feel like I get my moneys worth.
Same, all of those provide great value and should be supported!
>belts lowest tier is priced lower than sweet's tier.

No they are exactly the same price. I was subbed to both on base tier and dropped belts. I can wait to see his comic anyway. I would read it for two minutes once a week and then forget about it. Matter of preference i guess but I enjoy sweetdreams comics a lot more even if there are fewer panels
Not sure why this thread has suddenly devolved into a fucking circlejerk for the artist. If you have the latest posts just fucking post them in the thread instead of shilling their patreon and telling people that they have to contribute first. Anyways here’s the link to the comic on e-hentai with the latest page

Comparing patreon prices, it tells me I have to pay 3 dollars for sweets lowest and 2 dollars for belts lowest.

Well yea, its more taste probably, since sweets is more about instant gratification for the reader and belts being more about the story/characters with slower gain. So its about what you prefer and enjoy.
(325 KB, 1600x2071, useless_goddess_by_sweetdreamcoffee_df70l3u-fullview.jpg)
Because the guy you tagged does absolutely nothing but ask for her art. Doesn't give thoughts on the art itself, doesn't post any art themselves, nothing. I won't reward people who act like that. Plus as discussed, you do get a lot more then your money's worth from supporting SDC, between the quality of her art and the frequency of it. She deserves to make money off what she does, and posting her Patreon stuff early, let alone immediately after it's done, feels like a great disservice to her.
(6.5 MB, 3300x5100, p18.jpg)
It's still showing $3 for belt base tier for me. I'm in US, maybe it's regional?

Fine. I was coming to this thread because the Kemono took forever to update. Guess I'll go to e-hentai for both comics then. Thanks!
Bump for new FDTD and Kurisu pages
(6.7 MB, 3300x5100, p36.jpg)
Anyone got the new jomb page
Bro it isn't even up on Patreon yet, fucking chill.
You pulling this shit again after the beltbuster thread? Go to hell
(7.1 MB, 3300x5100, p19.jpg)
Holy shit this comic is so fucking good man
We get Two extra pages this month because SDC hit her monthly goal last month! I fucking need this.

Alex is looking comfortable right here ngl
(7.1 MB, 3300x5100, p37.jpg)

And here I thought Mana was being weird by eating just one hamburger. You go, girl!
I honestly cannot recognize the males from the females, he is unironically too good
She doesn't do guys anymore and purged it all, so there's nothing to get confused about.
I think the male fat drawings are still on kemono lol
Not like she could remove them from there. Whoever maintains it would need to.
Does anyone know why she stopped doing males?
She said it made her uncomfortable
Thank god she stoped draw males… how to say it, male weight gain eehh 🥵
Learn grammar first nigga
Путин водка балалайка! Understand? :D
... That emoji is commonly used as horny stuff. Also, male gain is a based fetish
okay, but as a man, I am not attracted to this, and I have heard about orientations in the West, perhaps it excites you there, which is difficult to understand (if you are men, of course) I don't blame you in any way, I just don't understand
Mods need to delete this gay shit, make a thread on the BHM board if your looking for this stuff.
Right? People bitched about not having a BHM board for so long, and now that they have it, they're still posting their male shit here. I don't care if it's relevant to the artist, there's no excuse for males now one this board.
Mind your fucking business, it's still relevant to the artist. I wonder why you didn't get triggered while we were talking about Sweet's male art
Because no one posted any male art on this thread until >>111951 did, as that character is male despite his looks. I hate male art, but there's a difference between talking about them and outright posting them, and me saying anything before then was unnecessary.
The picture is a girl from genshin impact, but the links are all male content which shouldn't be here.
>The picture is a girl from genshin impact
My mistake. I swear I saw that image on DeviantArt using Male tags before, but it doesn't now.

ага, андерстенд блин
I'm triggered by the word "boy" and some links I can't see, FUCK
i love the way she draws asses so much, especially hanging out of pants
I only posted it so retards like the posters above me would shut the fuck up and stop shitting up the thread with it. They're just links. Picrel is a female so stop being so assmad about it
>Picrel is a female so stop being so assmad about it
You overlooked me acknowledging my mistake about her gender. >>111997 You should calm down so you don't miss posts like that.
(6.7 MB, 3300x5100, p20.jpg)
Waiting a week for the next JOMB page is pain.
Anyone has the newest page of the mini comic?
New JOMB page is out, does anyone have it?
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JOMB is top tier man
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I thought that was all for Mana but I don't mind Iris destroying even more food.

And we're about to get some fat-on-fat action which is nice.
Why though, What makes it so good! Don’t hate, this is that good shit!

I bet she's cutting her off now that's she this fat. Which is why we haven't seen the other fat girl in a while. Knowing her character, Alex has no savings, and now she's on her own stuck in her 700lb body.

Ok probably not how the story will go.
Interesting idea, we should find out very soon
That makes no sense because of how into Alex Elizabeth was in the last few pages. That would be a drastic change in direction for having no build up to suggest that would happen.
This is making me glad that the artist gave up male wg for the superior gains
Let's not grasp at straws now...
Na, any artist giving up male stuff is a win, Too many artist go the other way.
I never heard of an artist doing the opposite of SDC (going from female wg to male wg) the closest I heard was Jeetdoh going from female wg only to doing both male and female wg (I think he still does mostly females)
Oh shit, you mentioned Voldemort!1!!11
Shysho gave up females for males.

Alex is gonna fall down the stairs either in front or on top of Elizabeth.
Well I haven't heard of Shysho until now, so I don't know how big they are
Does anyone have the new Hina pic?
I kinda hate to be that guy, but I really don't get the hype around the two ongoing comics. Like the fetish stuff is good in concept but it's kinda let down for me by the inconsistent and generally lackluster art and writing.
Don't get me wrong, it's clear SDC has a lot of passion and I want to see them continue to produce work and improve. But for me it's just not quite there yet.
Eh, I only care about the art style so whatever
I mean, that's a part of what I said though? The art is kinda lackluster and inconsistent and can use improvement in a lot of areas.
What areas of you don’t mind me asking?

I agree on the inconsistent art part. Even tho the comics are flawed, they are second to none when it comes to the fetish, and that's why they are so good imo. The writing is fine for me, as I simply want strings of hot WG and BBW moments that connect together, and those comics deliver on that.
That's another question though, what makes them second to none? There are other artists that produce great comics as well, what makes these better when you acknowledge the inconsistency of the art?
She hasn't been doing this for all to long, and although it was all male content if you look back she has improved massively . I too am looking forward to her finally perfecting her style. Even earlier pages of DTD look much lesser than current. I'm excited to see where she goes with more experience and time.
Yes, absolutely. I guess I just don't quite understand where the current level of hype comes from, because I'm not quite feeling it, you know? I see the potential, but I don't think she's reached that "this is second to none" level yet
I can agree with that, but I also don't feel that way about any artist. I'm a huge fan of her works, as well as Belt Buster, Kip, and BWS. All of them have pretty different art styles and some may be considered better than others, but I am hyped equally by all of them.
I mean, that's part of the problem for me, the things I mentioned stop me from finding it particularly hot
SDC isn't a dude so they're "playing for the same team" now lmfao
What about an eating contest between the two of them?
Is it me or is Elizabeth looking pretty chubby
Is the writing really that much worse than your average WG comic fare? I mean REALLY really? Let's be real, the competition isn't exactly Pulitzer prize material.
I'd argue that the writing was never the selling point to begin with. This comic already knows what it wants to be, so there's no reason to suger coat it. Let's just Alex's indulgence.
*Let's just enjoy Alex's indulgence.*
The Art is good but like things in this nature its a matter of opinion, so that will differ from reader to reader. OBJECTIVELY speaking both comics actually have it being a fetish work first and foremost with little if any sidetracking stuff (unlike a certain someone who often puts off the fetish for "development"). Lastly I do like that that they write larger sizes with actual mobility issues (like in JOMB having the main girl struggle to get off the bed or be too wide for the staircase is soo fucking hot to me)
Yeah, this is certainly better than a certain artist...
Better not me your referring to as the certain artist check my page out and you'll I've improved
I'll see I've improved I mean
Who the fuck even mentioned you? lmao
Eh, I find the faces pretty okay
Can someone upload the new jomb page, pls?
Is Elizabeth getting bigger or is it just the clothes?
Someone with the newest Page of the mini comic?
Anyone with the new jomb page?
nice to see they kept Gina fat I honestly though they were going for weight reversal with her and Alex for a while.
Honestly can’t tell who’s bigger
How is this hot too

This comic has been pushing all the right buttons
Shame they gave up their male art. I was hoping they would get into lewder territory.

But there's always futanari. Nobody draws fat futa content except for 1 person on Pixiv, but it's censored and gross looking.
It's disturbing how many people mention how they're disappointed that she gave up doing male art. Good riddance I'd say.

>But there's always futanari.
Fuck you for suggesting that she should start doing Futa. Futa is one of the worst fetishes for how vile it is, both in concept and in execution. You should be burned at the stake.
Let me guess, you're a Christian bigot? Fuck you for even suggesting people should be ashamed of themselves for being into a certain fetish. You're the one who needs to be burned at the stake
You must not have faith in what you're saying if you have to rely on partially copying the person you're yelling at, or resorting to religion on a goddamn fetish site. You don't belong here.
(57 KB, 800x450, ds34.jpg)
Can we not
go back to twatter pronouns nigger.
No, nigga. I don't waste time on "twatter" compared to you losers, nor do I defend people blindly. I'm just saying what I feel is right
U guys went just to a whole different tangent. Lets just keep it simple and agree that No one likes traps.
(1.7 MB, 498x373, objection.gif)
I like dick no matter who owns it. I also don't like slurs :)
Phoenix Wright in the right pose to touch his dick from under the desk
(66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)
Understand that word 'trap' here has a universal meaning for all fetishes.
Because it shows and emphasizes the cumbersome nature of weight gain, in a way that a lot of others don't (struggling just sitting up, stuckage, constant breathlessness. Also it plays well between the line of humiliation (which I like, but I know many don't and this doesn't go to hard into it) and fluff. Also like good fetish material nearly every if not every page is dedicated to the fetish.

I'm pretty sure the artist made a separate account for their male stuff.
The retarded mods think we don't notice it when they delete all those messages? lmao
The mod has been doing it to spite me. Got sick of me trying to be a "mini mod" in his words, and he's actively been leaving stuff up that's against the rules or otherwise not ideal for this board. I understand his issue with me, but when others start going after the same rule breaker stuff as I did, and he deletes your comments as well, that's fucked up on his part.

>I'm pretty sure the artist made a separate account for their male stuff.
No, she dropped males entirely.
Yeah, he banned me what, three times by now? I've gotten sick of this bullshit. When even the mods don't give a crap about the board's rules...you know the place is fucked
Unfortunately yeah, which sucks because other options like ehentai, 4chan, and Kemono Party are less reliable. His spite is his alternative to banning me, and I don't feel like any reports I make will matter anymore because of it.
>I'm pretty sure the artist made a separate account for their male stuff.
Her male stuff is gone. Deal with it.
Is there a new donut page
No, stop being fucking impatient for once
Is the second image from a new comic or something?
Holy shit, I have ASCENDED thanks to this Mai pic. I will go even further beyond if this gets a lewd version.
(526 KB, 532x582, edm.png)
see some improve in the art a bit nice
do you happen to know the name?
new jomb page?
>about to get fatshamed by former friend
muh dick
Well Gina is taller so the only was I see her weigh less is for plot point only tbh
She's either bigger than Gina or close to it either way she's gonna be shocked

I'm not sure on which basis she chose the cookie boxes, but whatever, she chose a lot.

Now, there's a new FDTD page out there, and the artist warned us about bullying and shaming as a reason to skip it. I can't see it yet since I'm not in the Patreon and it doesn't seem to be uploaded anywhere else yet.
eh could be worse plus if any luck that character might just come back bigger, but that's just me
I wonder if FDTD has any references to TWOE, since Mana's the sister of the guy who got fat in TWOE

Yeah really I didn't mind the bullying. What I'm looking forward to, however, is Mana realizing she's obese.

Aww shit, one week until we know Alex's weight...
You are wrong another one this week

Glad to be wrong then. Thanksn
I know that it's obvious as all hell, but I really hope she turns out to be fatter. Blatantly so too.
How do you know? And when?
She has a Patreon target for number of active members that if hit she puts out 2 extra comic pages during the next month, when she posted her content schedule for the month she said it was hit and the dates the additional comic pages would be posted.
bump for new JOMB page
Damn she's like 740 then
Anyone have the new diva to donuts page

No, since it's not out yet

I wish I could be sandwiched between Gina and Alex
Cow is an understatement. Alex is a fucking landwhale now holy shit

Holy shit she finally realized it!!!!
Dogs and cats living together!!!!

Next page she'll be turned on by the fat and be embarrassed about it.
Come on now, you're asking too much
Anyone has the ryuko piece?
Just what the fuck is artists' obsession with Rebecca? Lucy is the better-looking character bu a mile
It was a poll suggestion and winner so she didn't choose it, She even said she never finished watching the series. Blame the obsessed community. I agree as well that Lucy is hot I wish everyone latched onto her.
Yeah, sadly polls are extremely biased. Rebecca is a weird-looking alien with green skin
That's the thing about "seasonal waifus". One popular artist draws them at the time the character is most relevant so people become aware of them, even if the character doesn't deserve the attention. They then slowly fade out until whatever they're from gets another season. Rebecca is one of the weirdest ones.
Anyone have the new JOMB page?
(5.0 MB, 3300x5100, p29.jpg)
You're welcome. Beggers need to learn to say thank you more when someone gives them what they want.
Everyone wants a fat loli but nobody wants to admit it. That's where fake lolis like this come into play. Besides, have you even been on the internet since the show aired? She's clearly the favorite

Elizabeth is living the feeder's dream fr
Welp, ascension has been achieved. FINALLY someone did nude fat Mai

I don't speak for everyone, but Rebecca is a fun character who embodies the chaotic nature of Cyberpunk, both as a genre and as a franchise.

Lucy is great too, don't get me wrong, but put a gun to my head and I will pick the chaotic loli over the sad netrunner any fucking day.

As far as who has the "better design", it really just comes what you like in an aesthetic sense.

Lucy's design is reminiscent of Motoko Kusanagi's in the original GITS or SAC, which is great and all, but I don't need dollar store Kusanagi.

Rebecca's design, on the other hand, especially with the overall color scheme(gotta love them pastels, my mans), really makes her memorable. The eyes, the tattoos, the weird skin color she has, it all adds to an overall package that is more interesting.

Also, more people than you would like to admit like lolis. That probably has a lot to do with it lmao
Meh, I still hate Rebecca because she gets way more fat art (I've only seen a couple of NSFW Lucy drawings, and they were vanilla AF)
Is there a new diva to donuts page plus do y'all know when the come out

New Diva To Donuts pages come Saturday, like late afternoon or evening or something in EST.

I haven't commented on this page until now because it's pretty tame compared to what we saw lately. I bet Alex will end up stuck in the feedee state for the rest of her life at some point instead of going back to her rational pissed-off self, and that will be the end of close to it.
K thanks
Does Divas to Do(ugh)nuts have any references/callbacks to The Weight of Experience, since mana's supposed to be Haruki(the guy who got fat in The Weight if Experience)'s sister
I don't recall there being any
I don't think Haruki's been brought up at all
I think Divas to Donuts actually happens before TWoF, since it was stated that she was fat in the past and page 89 showed in the backgroud photos of her in the background with someone.

Nice page! Hopefully, by realizing that, Mana eventually gets into a mutual feeding dynamic with Iris.
Her arm is part of her boob
Her arm crease is hidden in the bikini line, You can see it going that way when you look at the higher part.
What are these proportions and anatomy.
oh nvm, it's normal for this artist.

carry on.

Not a lot of experience in value control is what causes the issue here.
I mean she started like a year or two ago, BWS' art wasn't top notch when he started either
Because its tough as shit to draw correct blob sized characters, almost always the limbs have to be stretched out or the character made bigger to make it make any sense.

Art has been great compared to alot of other artists in the scene, especially at the output she puts them out
Let's see your art or even your attempt at a hobby anon.
Nigger, you don't need to be an artist to see that something is wrong with the way its drawn.
I mean the anatomy in the first post of this thread is more accurate for sitting, so I'm not sure "blob proportions" are a valid excuse. Characters with a fat lap don't offer a lot of room for a stomach to spread, so it should push up as well. These are relatively easy fixes that can be figured out by studying real life ussbbws
Sweet dream is also taking a few creative liberties with how she draws her girls.
Neither of them have fat faces despite both of them being big enough they would realistically do so. So there are already creative liberties being taken.
She made a new schedule post on her Patreon. As I'm not a patron, and neither is the post transferred to Kemono, can someone post it here? Thanks!
Why is semi-realism a problem for you?
anyone know where to find the full comics of these?
Anyone with the DTD Page?
Ngl this story is starting to lose me. It might redeem itself depending on how it goes but right now this shift in Mana’s character feels really forced. And that sucks because it makes me feel like I don’t know her character at all, which for me actually takes away from how hot she is.
100%, literally from being oblivious and normal to a complete fat fetishist. This couldve atleast been more of a, her exploring her body and being curious, slowly coming around to it over a dozen pages and going from I dont mind this and it feels good to a fat fetish. I still think its hot but its just... Whiplash story wise.
I think we were seeing a lot of it from her reactions to Iris, from her getting light headed after falling on her, and finding her attractive in the change room.

She admitted that the denial was an act a page ago, so I'm guessing she was always into this but denied herself from exploring it. But is now horny as fuck and is caught in the moment.

Also knowing another girl is into it after her thinking she was weird and alone with her like if it could be reaffirming enough to make her finally accept this as a valid option as this happened right after she realized Iris was into fat stuff and weight gain.
Anyone have new JOMB part?
Quit being an impatient begger, it comes out 5PM eastern time. Anyway, I'm not posting it when it does cone out because of how frequently beggers like you bother this thread.
Might be the same guy tbh
You're likely right. It's usually a few hours early when they ask, and I know I'm not the first person to tell them that.
You know wich comic won the extra Page?
Bump for new JOMB Page
(5.9 MB, 3300x5100, p32.jpg)
(3.5 MB, 2400x3120, dtdgrp.jpg)
Didn't see anyone else upload it either but new cover for DTD that's supposed to represent SDC's "newer" direction in art style

So the blonde one will indeed gain some weight. Good to know. I also like this new cover.


Would be nice if next page will have lots of flabbing around while trying to exercise
Eh, it sucks. She shouldn't have bothered
I actually like it a lot, but Mana has been my fav character of hers so I'm always excited to see more of her. What artist are you a simp of? Or do you usually just throw disdain?
>Or do you usually just throw disdain?
Just average poc behavior. If you see someone randomly dropping salty bullshit with no explanation, assume their skin is the color of bullshit.
I can barely tell the difference and tbh I dont really care. If were being honest the drawings are not exactly the greatest alot of the time but theyre decent enough and he writes good stories too so its whatever
Oh? So there's actually decent people in this shithole? I'm surprised
Ah, completely unprompted racism. Thanks for being the reminder that this site is a shithole.
Oh, I forgot to say. You're a racist nigga

I'll take occasional trolls and genuine racists over Youtube comment sections levels of censorship.
Any1 have new DTD page?

Thank you.

Now can anyone actually do it?

Nice, some stuffing action! I knew this part was gonna be hot.
Why did she stop making those mini comics?
She didn't. She literally did a poll to determine the character for the next one less than a week ago.

Yeah there's a new one, but it's not the one you've posted here. That is page 2. We got a page 3 lately, and I can't provide it.
(9.2 MB, 3300x5100, p33.jpg)
I find it offensive the brown chick isn't gaining as well
One week until Alex's workout...
Anyone have the Quintuplets art
Yeah the Liz chick need to get fat like Gina and Alex
Could someone upload the new photo of Gina from the patreon please?
Bump for new DTD page
Anyone have the Yor art
(7.5 MB, 3399x4200, yor.jpg)
Bump for new JOMB
How often is the page release for JOMB?
>Gina has been fatter longer therefore she should struggle more.
Is Alex supposed to be a retard who is oblivious of the physics of her situation?
Like just to move her leg she has to require more effort to do it, especially when factoring in the moment of inertia of just one leg factoring all other things out.

She should just fall back on the couch and reach static equilibrium.
Anyone have the latest super-sized arts
Bump for new JOMB from Thursday
(9.2 MB, 3300x5100, p35.jpg)
You're welcome
Nice we got the new JOMB! We still have the new DTD to cover!
So this week double JOMB? Earlier and on Tuesday too ?
(5.8 MB, 3300x5100, p36.jpg)
New page
The new JOMB page is out
(5.2 MB, 3300x5100, p37.jpg)
Just keeps getting better and better
With the next page coming soon, I believe we missed the latest page of Diva to Donuts. Can someone post it as well? Thanks
So, can someone update those missing DTD and Temptation pages?
(464 KB, 1280x1978, p47.jpg)
Well at least I found this on e-hentai. Not the latest page but the one just before.
(6.8 MB, 3300x5100, p48.jpg)
Oh true, outside of the first and maybe second page, it was all in the past. The time skip will change things up.


This is about to get hot finally!
Could you please, upload the p.47 but in good quality?
Hi, can anyone please upload to wetransfer all FDTD pages? i want to translate the comic into spanish but i think i don't have all of them and they aren't in HD in e-hentai
>>129029 I need a reminder every now and then of why it is that I disowned memes and DISTRUST nerd culture thank you.
Anybody have the new nino art
Speaking of FDTD, we got a new page today...
Anyone has diva to donuts?
Does anybody have the new lono pic yet ?
New OMB page

Then post it you cheap fuck...
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Techinically they are but only registered users can access em.
Anyways just wanted to ask did anyone manage to the get the original page 47 hd source from e-hentai?
Anyone have the new holiday page?
Bump for JOMB
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Nobody uploaded the the latest Donut yet so...
Maybe I missed something, but is anybody else really confused about this new girl? The story felt like it was pushing Mana towards Iris, with Mana feeling attracted to her and having moments of seemingly wanting to pursue her, but now she has a girlfriend? I was thinking "oh maybe they've been on a date or two" but they're saying they love each other, so clearly they're pretty serious? It's weird to me

Yeah I'm waiting on an explanation about this.
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This is actually a continuation of the first 3 pages the Iris stuff has all been set in her collage years and was her remembering her past self when she was fat before.

Call me whatever names you want but I read her old comics and Mana was thin between her collage years and the current time were seeing now so were seeing her life leading up this to.
What? But there's no way it was set in her college years, she saw someone from college who said "You were always fat in college but you're even bigger now!" Also, there's no indication of how much time has passed? It feels like the current stuff is happening like... the day after where part 1 ended, because she's acting like she's dropping a bombshell on her girlfriend that she's fat. So it seems like it follows her realization... but then it also feels like there's a time skip, because the girlfriend exists out of nowhere... but then... what happened to Iris if it's a time skip? Why did they stop talking? Idk man this plot is a fucking mess...
Also she has long hair now so its been a while, wtf is going on anymore
We saw that girl early in when Mana talked about her highschool years so the skinny friend was from high school and the donut shop onwards is college. So like 2 years since they have seen each other.

The first few pages has her thinking back to where she awakened to her fat kink which when we caught up to her first realizing she had it we went back to present time in the bathroom.

New girl seems to have never had sex with her yet so Mana was scared of showing her naked body to her it seems.

I'm calling it now that present Iris gets involved somehow and it becomes some harem thing like JOMB
Oh yeah, I didn't even notice the hair! But that raises the question for me though, why if she was so into it at the end of part one is she not really any bigger? Where is Iris? I know the story will probably jump back to that at some point so we can see what happened, but I feel like it will be too little too late, because right now the story is too confusing and not in an interesting way.
Someone could update the new JOMB?
Someone could update the new JOMB page?
Man that profile shot of Mana's face in the middle page looks wierd
Yeah Alice has improved a lot since she made this last year.
Oh, I thought that was recent, geuss I'm wrong
Does anyone happen to have the JOMB page from yesterday? if so could you post it here please. Thank you in advance.

JOMB withdrawal is setting in
Does anyone have the two new totally spies art
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wait, yo, is this the end???
No. In fact there's a continuation slated for early next year
Does anyone have the newest DTD?
it was going to start on january yet new JOMB's new page just came out
Even if this is the end, this is a damn good one
Can someone upload the new page
She's gonna be making a continuation, so it's not over here
I'm going to like where this goes. She better get as big.
Someone please upload page 42 of JOMB
There a new page for from diva to donuts if so please upload
>their men and women almost look the same
No, that part is true, actually.
New page out of JOMB
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Anyone have the new from diva to donuts pages
Bump for JOMB and FDTD
New Jomb page is out
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Bros... he's been saved...
> a man, I am not attracted to this, and I have heard about orientations in the West
Kek based
Does anyone have her latest pics and DTD?
New jomb
Oh so it’s going to end off with picking up a new girl just like at the beginning.
Am I stupid being totally fine if they repeat the same story now with a new character?
Only if Liz is the other gainer.
Can't fucking tease us then blueball us to this degree
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At this point the comic could be just about Iris and Maya and it would still be good. The latest pages really did Mana dirty.
Someone has the new JOMB page?
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(6.3 MB, 3300x5100, p47.jpg)
ding ding we have a winner
Damn, i hope she gets her bigger than Alex

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