
Why do so many artists piss and moan about minors looking at their art, when they post it on fucking Twitter and Tumblr, instead of on some nsfw site?
They wouldn't have to worry, plus they could probably get a more dedicated (and possibly paying) audience instead of some short-lived Twitter clout from drawing Today's Popular Waifu
>>103342 (OP)
You should give up on people not posting these. Wonder if the Mod is going to change the thread name like last time?
He might not.
I think I summed it all up fairly well
I think its a matter of clout since Twitter gives you the biggest amount of exposure and all these "minors gtfo" bios seem like a good way to signal that you're "clean" since Twitter constantly gets arguments over the ages of fictional characters
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>Implying kiddos are that stupid that it's impossible for them to bypass the age verification without making it all up. Come on, you probably did that as well.
I don't think the idea of being attracted to kids would even pop up in the sane mind. Therefore, I think it's not only plausible, but possible to say that the twitter as a whole is filled with sick people who desperately try to paint themselves out as good. But we know it's all a gruesome lie.
As some say — a thief will yell aloud to catch a thief.
> Come on, you probably did that as well.

Well of course I did that.. I was even still lying about my age when this "no minors!!!" crackdown started. I just think it's goofy that artists put themselves on the spot, caring about kids seeing their work , then proceed to put their work very easily within the reach of children
>They wouldn't have to worry
Do you think minors are too dumb to lie to an "are you 18" button? I know I sure did at that age.
Also the paying audiences are on subscribestar and Patreon - which are NOTORIOUSLY "waifu of the week". This whole thing makes no sense.

>A lot of artists are LGBT or leftist
>LGBT people and leftists are being called groomers by dumb fucks like >>103412
>If you let kids see your porn, you're a groomer
>If you don't let kids see your porn, you're overcompensating and are a trying to disguise being a groomer

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The right have no good faith arguments.
It’s funny af watching twitter artists get groomed into becoming furfags, faggots, or trannies.
it's so funny because these are the very same people who scream and seethe over the CDC telling them to wear a mask or the government "lying" about basically anything

but the moment the CDC claims that monkeypox is the fault of gay people, it's easier for them to believe that a hundred million Twitter Fags™ are scouring the globe for children to abuse than it is for them to believe that MAYBE the CDC is being dishonest on THIS
>If you let kids see your porn, you're a groomer
>If you don't let kids see your porn, you're overcompensating and are a trying to disguise being a groomer

The "Fags are grooming your kids" argument is different from the "Artists shouldn't care about kids seeing NSFW" argument

The people who want artists to stop bitching about minors all the time do not necessarily care about any of this groomer shit, so your attempt to point out some perceived hypocrisy falls flat

>The right have no good faith arguments
And I'm not "The Right". You Americans are such addle-brained faggots
Center for disease control
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>LGBT or leftist
It's a mental illness on itself.
Oh, and it's purely a coincidence that the majority of groomers are LGBT leftists. And gaypox is also purely a coincidence. How many of them really!

Soyrce: https://archive.is/vGpKt
The frog is boiled slowly.
Heckin love the soyence! IT'S SETTLED, CHUD.
>You Americans are such addle-brained faggots
Good thing I'm not an American then, isn't it? Dumb cunt.
What's it like having a brain entirely pickled in imageboard culture? When was the last time you went outside and actually spoke to someone? When was the last time you felt an emotion other than vitriole or misplaced, smug self-righteousness? It sounds like it's been a while.

Go take a walk tomorrow. Stop in at a bar, talk to somebody you don't know.
The park is good too. Just not when there are kids around
At least you'd have an excuse then; you're way below the curve now
#paymoneywubby isn't really represented here or anywhere in the bbw community. Lets change that.
>LGBT ... It's a mental illness
Interesting, so, what treatment would you suggest pal?
This all started with that sex worker law that passed, not because they're trying to score virtue points.

I don't think anyone's actively trying to manipulate any of their fans, they find out are children.

>The right have no good faith arguments
People against it aren't just on the right, you also have the middle and the left. I'd say the comment is more about the internet being a vast faceless society where everyone exchanges their ideas whether they're innocent nothings or absolutely degenerate, so there's no way you're gonna be able to know who's really who they say they are and as such you shouldn't bother because everyone's gonna get on the internet and lie if they don't keep quiet. The internet falls in the court of the parents for them to choose to monitor their children and if anyone in the fats community sees someone actually trying to groom someone, I imagine they'd report them to Twatter who would then ban the one reporting it because the site has shown time and again that if it weren't for the laws, they'd be making Cuties look like it was made by devout Muslims.

>get groomed into becoming furfags
Greed truly is the strongest of all sins.

It's far easier to believe a liar saying something that goes against their ideology than a liar saying something in support of it. As for the CDC, them and the WHO have been constantly flip flopping on everything; take the mask issue, at the start they said they didn't work because the virus was too small, then they said they worked and even started trying to push double masking, and then either the head of the CDC or WHO said the masks everyone was using were useless against the coof.
What sex worker law? Expansion Art is not sex work, it's cartoons
The goobermint always makes laws incredibly loose so they can use them for things that have nothing to do with what they say they're for.
It's interesting that you find those things I mentioned so mesmerizing. Also, thanks for caring, the last time for me was today.
A while that felt like a mere second, I suppose? Any person would be miles better than those things that inhabit twaddler.
Assume there is a great variety to those treatments.
>Sex work
Good one.
Also true about the coof mascaras.
what does any of this have to do with fat girl art?
if the transphobia and homophobic conspiracy theories aren't isolated to this thread they'll flood the kipteitei thread (even more than currently) and seep into ever other active thread with discussions
Maybe we've reached the point where all the things were already discussed. I mean, its already the 8th general.
I'd repeat some things that I don't like. Let it be so.

I hate characters growing taller as they get fatter, I am fed up with lesbians in fat art (kip's comic, that one, was a great relief), I am tired of artists stuffing their political beliefs into their fat art, I am tired of a smug archetype in fat characters (it doesn't make them or cool or witty, rather something wholeheartedly cringe).
What else, hmm?
(31 KB, 819x810, 2011.jpg) (150 KB, 1280x812, IMG_20220725_002103_091.jpg) (156 KB, 1107x1080, IMG_20220725_003022_463.jpg)
Sure, dear sir or ma'am.
>You vill not be a bigot.
>You vill put your kid on puberty blockers.
>You vill consume SSRI's AND antidepressants.
>You vill eat ze human flesh.
>You vill consume pop culture.
>You vill read approved media.
>You vill approve ze sexed & gender classes.
>You vill support ze immigration.
>You vill support ze carbon tax.
>You vill eat ze goyslop.
>You vill take ze mandatory vaccines.
>You vill live in ze pod.
>You vill own nothing.
Und you vill, be happy.

You don't want to see two hot fat chicks making out and getting bigger together? You want a dude doing that to them instead?

What are you? Gay?
>>Maybe we've reached the point where all the things were already discussed. I mean, its already the 8th general.

What if we go back to ranting about commission whores wasting slots with the same characters, OCs and scenarios for the 50th time like it used to be a few years ago rather than being anti-artist all the time? It would almost feel fresh at this point.
Funny that you mention this, just by looking at various artist tweets, I'm starting to find out who the whales of this community are.
>rather than being anti-artist all the time?
There's very little faith in artists these days because they've all drawn their personal lines in the sand years ago, and the community here has gone downhill since then. If anything, I want to go back to the actual and positive artist participation this place had almost a decade ago, but with the site's current majority of obsessed troons, alt-right schizos, and genuinely brain-damaged autists, there's very little chance of this place being salvaged. Only reasons I even stop by here anymore is to find translations of Japanese artist image sequences/Ayano Diary posts and to check the atmosphere and various hot takes in artist threads.
>thinking that the "you will own nothing and be happy" quote is about communism and not the transition from capitalism into neofeudalism

Sure. You just continue typing this trash on the computer you bought on finance, or the phone that's on contract. Maybe once you're done you'll go watch some TV or a movie on a subscription service, in your home that you rent. Or maybe you'll go out somewhere in the car that you bought through a PCP contract.
>Assume there is a great variety to those treatments.
No, I'd rather not assume, I'm interested to hear the broad strokes of how you see LGBT mental illness being treated?
This is so funny in the context that most q-anon bullshit comes from facebook. You are very unique and smart and like the joker and edgy and cool
(250 KB, 882x583, Screenshot (287).png)
An update on the ongoing war on underage characters in fetish art: Roxas617 had a picture of his stolen by an art thief. Specifically the fat Yor/Anya one that made people shit their pants in anger. The art thief edited Anya out and called Roxas a pedo, and judging by the comments on the stolen pic art theft is suddenly okay as long as it's happening to the right people. You've also got that insufferable faggot Absolon stirring shit up and calling Roxas a pedo as well.
So what's your take on this? Surely you have an opinion of your own, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered posting this here.
You retards still bitching and moaning about fake fat chicks
If you read it again he seems quite enraged by this.
I haven't seen you moan about anything yet, Mr.retards...
It's absolutely ironic that Abso is stirring up shit when he's drawn a bunch of underage girls in the past.
It's retarded, but it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I can appreciate the fact that he's willing to draw loli but Roxas is an insufferable asshole so I struggle to truly feel bad for him. I guess I'm angered by the sentiment of this whole mess rather than the victim himself being targeted if that makes any sense.

Can you blame him for being an asshole when rando's are being an asshole to him? Plus all the fucking retards coming around. Most of the shit he does is requests on channer sites for clout and commissions anyways.

Also, I like how people are calling a drawing of a young girl in a swimsuit "child porn", like wtf... that's not porn. If they went down to a public beach and saw kids playing they'd probably call the FBI.

...yeah you know what I'm just gonna keep my popcorn out and watch the fireworks, we steal shit all the time. Who are we to judge?

Also yo jannie if we can make requests for thread titles, if we wind up getting another of these somehow can we call it the chimpout one?
Roxas is a piece of shit but his issues never made me felt it went beyond his insatiable need to feed his own ego. Their aim is as always city blocks away from the broadside of a barn they're aiming at.

>Can you blame him for being an asshole when rando's are being an asshole to him
The guy's been an asshole for the longest and has only gotten more insufferable since guzzling down the kool aid. Usually he's either the one who instigated it or he's getting a boner from the fight until he gets angry and blocks the person.
Oy gevalt, how unfortunate of you to see the things other won't.
The reason why we don't talk about things we did in the past, is because there's no touching the same waters twice.
>obsess over them
Oh please. We can stop talking about them and placate ourselves even further, thinking that's all about good and for the sake of progress (TM). But that only will help them out. This inept attitude of the west reminds me of the Rome with barbarians at the gates, but there's no one to defend it, for everyone is too busy partying.
First off, again thanks for your care, but I hold complete ownership over my property, I don't have any debts, I don't have any subscriptions, etc. Aristotle argued that usury was equivalent to sodomy, as money is incapable of naturally reproducing itself, and I rather agree with him.

I call the globalist totalitarian technocracy in the works "Communism" for convenience, because that's the closest political reference point we have, with its aims of abolishing nation, race, family, property, and traditional culture.

And create a new species of human, homo calergi, devoid of any things that we think are human. No freedom, no disapproved thoughts, no questions — only servitude. A perfected goyim.

I'd like you to understand, that political that they graft are merely the toolmaking process.
They're megalomaniacs with an eschatological vision, trying to bring about their messianic end times and create a totalitarian world government to rule the world for a thousand years.

To spice things up, there's quite a little time for messiah to arrive before the nightfall of September the 16th, 2240. Messiah will come in the first year after the shemitah. Kinda mainstream to mention, put the prophecy of Elijah of Vilna is also quite in handy. Crimea, Russia, Ukraine, all of those things.
>The reason why we don't talk about things we did in the past, is because there's no touching the same waters twice
you fags screech about twitter troons literally every thread
If we were to stop, they'll grow even more unhinged.
I swear they shut everything up.
>search for female art
>read the description
>they're trans tee hee
God fucking damn. Or when those retards think gaining weight makes them a woman. But they still look like Chris-Chan anyway.
It's a complex question. I will give you one of the perspectives on it.
First we need to tackle the hotbet of that disease. Online propaganda, classes in schools, faculties in universities, every single bit of media. Than come the rehabilitation camps, where the groomers will be separated from the groomed. Doctors, scientists and propagandists who participated in those atrocities will have a prison sentence for sure.
In other words you didn't like it happening, but think it was good that it happened to Roxas if it had to be anyone? Is that right?

Not really. I was 17 when i drew those pictures.
I think it's the fact Roxas went into a tard rage is what really sparked this whole thing.

It would've just slipped under the radar if he didn't act so autistic about his precious .png being "stolen"
>You've also got that insufferable faggot Absolon stirring shit up and calling Roxas a pedo as well
lmao good
let them fight, it's the bed they made so they get to sleep in it

I didn’t even call him a pedo. I posted a meme in response to a random commenter
Fuck Roxas but at the same time I don't get the clusterfuck people cause over underaged characters, lolis included. Like, it's just art. And considering there's at least one confirmed pedophile I know of still kicking around making fat art I find it kind of hard to care when people start screaming PEDO!!!1! over shit like fat Anya or fat MHA girls or shit like that.
I still think that Donald Trump should've the President instead of Joe Biden
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With the recession, inflation, shortages, and coming famine; /bbw/ are gonna be wanting that to have happened.
People actually like MHA and Spy x family?
Everyone posting endless spam in the Kip threads needs to stay in that shithole of a thread. Stop breaking containment you retards.
All the people who got an interest in capeshit after the MCU but with Marvel and DC having become complete and utter shit, they drove many of them towards Japan and that's just the normies, you've also got the shipper nuts, the big name anime audience, and waifu fags.

I haven't watched or read SpyxFamily but I imagine it's a comfy watch.
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>it's the "just because I jerk off to toddlers doesn't mean I'm a pedophile" episode again
What episode is that from?
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Too much lame stuff happens when people treat this as a "community". Why can't it just be isolated artists that draw overweight anime girls that sometimes interact and follow each-other? Because otherwise, trash like "complaining about greentext piracy memes for an entire podcast".
*insert obligitory comment about Bambooale's cabal of converting people into his artstyle and causing a singularity of tasteless art and "4chan grindset" while trying to keep up the facade of a BLM/LGBT ally, even though the thumbnail for the video shows Bamboo with an N word pass, which given the stupidity of the people Bamboo is trying to impress nowadays, could be misconstrued as implying Bamboo says the N word.*
yea, I've never seen myself as a "part" of the community, I just want to draw fat shit.

and had more negative stuff happen than positive things when engaging with it.

Lol. I had fun with that episode.

But yeah, looking back on my time as an artist I definitely had less fun in it as I thought i would. I mean I definitely met cool peeps and drawing what I want to see was nice but you’d be surprised how nasty people can be. Sometimes it felt like high school drama with how vain people were.

I’m not gonna say it was all bad, but i do enjoy where I am now that I’ve left.
yea, and almost impossible to disagree with people, since they view it as an "attack" and some just having way too high egos.

Absolutely. I think it comes with the territory of being popular anywhere, especially in the porn sphere. Im not gonna bitch, cuz this ain’t the place for it but the community does have some ugly spots.

Also i know you guys don’t care but today is my birthday so, being the insufferable faggot i am, why not do some QnA? Or you can just insult me if you want. We take those here. (It’s Abso btw)
Absolutely agree with the community bit. The only 'uniting' factor we all have is that we enjoy fat women but that's really it, and even then clearly there's a lot of division on certain aspects like pear-focused gains, slob, cellulite/stretch marks etc. I've met some really cool people, but I've also met people who I have nothing in common with other than liking the same sort of art and like, while that can be nice it does get old after a while. It's no surprise that the people I still chat to are those who I can just bant about with about anime, videogames, movies, and other hobbies, with our mutual interest in fats just being a nice bonus.

I think the happiest people in this community are just guys who post what they like to post, and enjoy the art that they want to enjoy without paying any mind to the riffraff that's happening elsewhere. It's very tempting to engage, and lord knows i'm not perfect about following this by any means, but more often than not getting into arguments about bullshit just isn't worth it in the grand scheme of things.
I'm sorry, what?
>Why can't it just be isolated artists that draw overweight anime girls that sometimes interact and follow each-other?
To be honest, it's nice to be able to confide in someone about what you like. For artists, they probably get to avoid a lot of the selection you have to do when dealing with randoms who can't draw. One thing artists don't realize is that for said randoms who can't draw, it's basically borderline impossible to find someone otherwise well-adjusted and why this place even exists in the first place. Just looking at who regularly posts in places like Salt or Eishi's Discord and what they post is enough for me to go "jesus".
If you're the real deal, now that some time has passed, what on earth was the point of that huge meltdown before you quit? This is totally the place for bitching too, by the way. It honestly would have been better back then if you just made a massive anonymous vent post here and went incognito for a bit to get away from it all. As a sidelines guy, my impression of you still isn't great after that but it seems like you went through some shit.
>It's no surprise that the people I still chat to are those who I can just bant about with about anime, videogames, movies, and other hobbies, with our mutual interest in fats just being a nice bonus.
No doubt. I actually interacted in an artist's stream for the first/second time because people were talking about fighting games and it was cool to see that people actually played instead of being passive sideline consoooomers. It's difficult to find a way to pursue that kind of conversation in these kinds of environments, at least on 4chan you can gamble on video game lobbies and Steam groups/IRC/Discord/etc.
I wouldn't call this place somewhere that you can find someone "well adjusted", even if you ignore the schizo posting that tends to happen in these threads you still see some insane shit on the other boards. Like the dude on /ssbbw/ who was actually angry at Kellie Kay made the choice to lose a bunch of weight and step away from modelling to take in her sisters kids... but that got in the way of his cooming so he ranted about how "She did this to herself. No one forced her to care for her drug-addicted sister's kids".

I really wish this place was a bit more chill.
What was the point? Well while I wouldn’t say it was a meltdown, more of a “how can i make people really angry when i leave?” I guess it was also just because I wasn’t happy with myself at the time. I thought I wasn’t drawing what i wanted to draw and i had nothing to show for being a good artist other than nsfw stuff and i guess my frustration bled into my messy departure. I don’t regret what i did, I still think it was funny to do.
Maybe it was also a thought of, if people get mad at me when I leave they won’t want me back in their space so the best course of action is to burn all the bridges with my audience. Cuz let’s face it… Alot of people who say “I’m leaving” kinda just… come back? I didn’t want to rebound and start drawing fats again, no matter how tempting the dopamine rush would be, I’d just be miserable again.

But it’s fine, man. I don’t expect or demand for you to like me. Optics never played too much of a part.
I'm glad that you are still around tbh. I'm going to admit that I didn't know shit about the entire situation because I don't really care about this community beside the big ladies. At the end of the day I always viewed this as simply as a taste and not really a concrete community. I do have a pretty silly question however. Did you move to the US? If I remember correctly from the time I used to follow your stuff you said you are brazilian but you also recorded a video with Kreat eating a hot chip.
To close this off I hope your future projects, if you have any, goes well. Cheers, mate.

Yeah I don’t like Twitter’s formatting so i come here sometimes for some good shit.

To answer your question i use to live in Brazil but i moved back a few years back (right before i started drawing fats actually) and ye I definitely just am here for the ladies.

Also thanks man, i plan on working on my projects for as long as possible.

Cheers and have a good one.
(297 KB, 1200x1200, 1658766124674850.jpg)
How did you manage to last as long as you did with all the fucking weirdos that partake in this fetish. Doubly so after the exodus from DA to Twitter. Having to deal with those nuts would be enough to drive me away from having a presence anywhere.

Oh, and Happy Birthday
I've been here forever just because this was the place people were sharing non-drawn content alongside drawn content, saw this place change owners three times; content dumps here are truly the source, almost all non-hardcore fat fetish empornium uploads were sourced from here. It was a LOT more chill outside of people inexperienced with imageboards coming for the free porn; still some 'tism but nothing truly insufferable. I'm not going to pretend it was perfect or anything close to actual socialization, but it was a lot better than the insane asylum this place is now, it's like hanging out in the same dump of a bar/other hangout because you remember what it was like when it was better.
>I didn’t want to rebound and start drawing fats again, no matter how tempting the dopamine rush would be, I’d just be miserable again.
That's understandable.
>But it’s fine, man. I don’t expect or demand for you to like me.
No hard feelings, you're just a guy on the internet living his life. It's just sucky that all artists lump everyone together when they do things like that, it definitely left me more suspicious of artists overall. I only really brought up my stance because I've seen people leave the scene and nuke everything, but in your case it turned into a global lash out and my reaction was "damn, sorry for clicking the heart icon on your tweets". Happy birthday and I hope things go your way as you work on your projects.
(21 KB, 178x249, smileman.jpg)
if by weirdos you mean randos who ask me to roleplay? just didn't accept their friend requests and didn't talk to them.

If by weirdos you mean other artists? well I'm not very good at talking to folks for long periods of time and i usually just stayed in small servers with mutuals.

Ye. there are good people and there are bad people anywhere you go, you just ignore and avoid the people you don't like.

Thank you broski.
(254 KB, 398x500, XeSEOuw.png)

yeah i get you. But don't let my Sperg-Antics paint a broad brush over others. The community has a lot of chill folk and like you said, I'm just one guy.

I appreciate it and hope you have a good rest of the year.
While I didn't really like the manner your exited this community, I do think that you seem to be doing well better now that you're out of it. Just curious, do you still chat regularly to the artists you used to hang out with back then or have you distanced yourself?

Also, what keeps bringing you back to bbwchan?

I do stay in contact with a good few. Like i said i prefer small groups over large ones.

>Also, what keeps bringing you back to bbwchan?>

you're smart enough to figure that one out lmao.
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Not nearly as big of a problem in Japan and honestly they've only become so bad because the companies stupidly supported their bullshit.

Shipfags are easily worse since they have roving gangs of cultists who have been a huge annoyance time and again. Since I don't see Idolshit and Waifufag as the same thing, I've only really seen the Naruto shit happen; but I rarely see anyone taking it seriously.

>Too much lame stuff happens when people treat this as a "community"
Can't very well treat it as a fetish or much of anything else with people actively pushing the sex threads into /bbwalt/ and the vast majority of creators putting out tepid art and stories that recycles what's already been done.

>Maybe it was also a thought of, if people get mad at me when I leave they won’t want me back in their space
No one will ever be able to replicate Inflation Bear's infamy.

>it was a lot better than the insane asylum this place is now
That's the internet as a whole but we've been getting a lot of stupid Zoomers. We need a culling more than anything.
> Im not gonna bitch, cuz this ain’t the place for it

But it is though lmfao

People on DeviantArt are insufferable. At least Axel has half a mind to just outright disable comments. Best way to avoid drama. But then he has Rolling Cutter being a fucking idiot.
As long they aren't like people on bbwchan or twitter, im happy.
As someone who posts on Deviantart I've see literally zero real drama. Maybe just cause I'm not popular
>Sometimes it felt like high school drama with how vain people were.
Honestly that's Twitter as a whole. It's filled to the brim with immature fuckwits that are either IN high school, or never moved past it and is vicariously living through Twitter to recreate it. Nothing but asinine cliques and drama everywhere, and it's obvious most of the people on the site don't enjoy it at all and are only still on it because their livelihoods literally depend on it.
>>103717 December 17, 2018. A day that will live on in infamy on the internet. Tumblr getting rid of porn was a huge mistake.
That was a fun QnA.

Thanks. I appreciate it.
Honestly, I don't think that Tumblr is all the blame. Of course it brought a entire new species of assholes on Twitter but the website was always kinda iffy. I mainly use it for art, but I do find it quite funny people that put their entire mental disorder list in their bios expectating that it will not backfire heavily in the future. Show your buttons to everyone and everyone will know which buttons to press.
The only thing besides the community is that the media tab from Twitter stinks, other that it is a good rounded website in design at least.
I ended up getting used to it, but why the hell DO people put their mental disorders in their bio? To what end?
>The only thing besides the community is that the media tab from Twitter stinks, other that it is a good rounded website in design at least.
That's a substantial flaw. If you use Twitter to view art it becomes a chore to navigate through and finding one specific art piece is needlessly cumbersome.
It fucking sucks because so many artists primarily upload on it.
>other that it is a good rounded website in design at least.
Like hell it is. Absolutely zero search function on a specific gallery, tags are not only useless but actively detrimental if they aren't trending, no way to actually organize gallery so people can seperate their art from their shitposts, etc.

It's easily the worst image hosting site out there.
No Sir, I have one more question: links for where you post?
Oh shit, I didn't even thought about the whole search function when I was typing this, my bad. Unless you know where to look at Twitter fucking sucks for new stuff. The website had more of a social platform in their design than a actual art posting website.
I just post on webtoons mostly. I barely use twitter

Jay is someone who I don't talk to anymore but who I hold no hate or malice towards so I'm gonna be respectful.

1) Pad was driving to visit me and his radiator broke down on the highway 30 mins away from the meeting spot we set up. I didn't have a car at the time. I don't know why this is something jay brought up or what i was suppose to do but me and pad never had any beef before or after this incident, so basically this is someone being mad on someone else's behalf.

2) yeah? What am I supposed to do on 4chan? Be nice?

3) A bit of a biased take.

4) No I wasn't. Jeet still draws fat art.

5) Orchard's Journey was a name Jay pitched in by his own choice when I asked for suggestions. It's a good name that i used, but It's not stealing if I use an idea that he willingly gave to me. Jay also willing decided to help me and Kreat work on our comic as well as a few other when we asked for help. That page is specifically designed to credit those who helped us work on it and how grateful we are for the help.
Oh look my funny pic got used finally, like a year after it was relevant :^)
Never thought I would so I'll ask please, how is your last "fat/weight gain" going or did you cancel it? Thank you.
Ok, thank you for answering my question, I really appreciate and I look forward when it comes out. Have a good day.
you all need to go outside and talk to women (or men for some of you in denial) maybe smoke a joint too.
(136 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20220729-000347.png)
I'm both surprised and disappointed with how many watchers she has even though she does a lot of male and furry artwork. She's such a bitch to people too.
What’s your username on Webtoon?
Well, leftists in those demographics.
I would say her making the vast majority of her art "Watcher Only" probably helps those numbers. But yeah, she's definitely a certified bitch.

My webcomic is Orchard’s Journey on Webtoons
What’s wrong with FFA?
(95 KB, 455x550, Depressed Seteth.jpg)
>Be a longtime writefag
>Make it big on DA with my first story because it starred an Overwatch character at the height of the game's popularity
>Actually get attention from fairly big name artists
>Have no idea how to handle the attention because of a history of low self-esteem, abuse, and hatred of my own writing
>Story uploads become sporadic, I start lashing out at people, have very public and embarrassing meltdowns
>Fold under pressure and delete fucking everything
>Return to the fetish scene several times over the years, delete my accounts every time
>Never reach even half the level of popularity I once enjoyed
>Grow to hate the community because of how many artists have turned out to be two-faced assholes who hold their fans in open contempt and stab each other in the back for clout
Not the right place for this sort of thing, but I've got nowhere else to vent and I'm tired of bottling it in.
that's rough buddy. People might tell you that you have to stop giving a shit about popularity because art should only be made for art's sake - nah, having loads of people consume your stuff feels really great lol, chasing that high after past success must suck real bad. I hope you can achieve some success in your future.

How unique were your stories that you deleted? were they worthwhile things or just cookie-cutter "X character is suddenly addicted to food and gets fat and likes being fat no. 1001"?
Not artist related, but why did weeblord quit translating? He was literally the only constant translator for fat content
>Grow to hate the community because of how many artists have turned out to be two-faced assholes who hold their fans in open contempt and stab each other in the back for clout
>>104036 It really does make separating art from artist a lot harder nowadays sadly.
(324 KB, 1736x410, Probablyatrollbutstill.png)
Dude is so down bad that every single fic of his that he writes was actually just some mental gymnastic self insertion the entire time.
Literally one of the reasons he gives for the underage debate is that with his fics he literally says "From my perspective, I AM the fat anime loli".
While I am at it, I find it extremely 'eye-rolling' whenever I see wannabe trannies like him complain about being misgendered, when at a first glance they just look somehow even less female than pic related.
There's a reason why English people learning Japanese is looked down upon when people like Weeblord give them a bad name. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if whenever he went to Japan he was one of those "I'm gonna fix Japan!!!" types.

Welcome to the club! I'm on my 3rd go round with that. Not as much with the notoriety, but the other stuff holds true.
(134 KB, 286x379, 07c320033a6fc064bf5a97a0c44d3c69d4f27480358b0d36a933e8c9daf795b3.png)
I don't know what's so surprising, there are a lot of furries and all of them are gay.
>She's such a bitch to people too
They like it rough.

The biggest problem we have are needy little shits who are their own greatest enemy.

>I hope you can achieve some success in your future
It ain't that hard, just find the next big series and write something.

>"From my perspective, I AM the fat anime loli"
Pic related; not my cup of tea but it's a respectable position to want to be the loli.

>I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if whenever he went to Japan he was one of those "I'm gonna fix Japan!!!" types
Dunno, if he wants to be the loli, I don't think he's gonna bother messing with that.>>104049
Degenerates regularly cook themselves into being autogynephiles because they want to personally be subject to the fetishes they have, instead of just projecting it onto other people like any self respecting person
Writing on DA for me has been a wild ride, I feel you. I appreciate the success I've seen, but barely interacting with anyone and being purposefully very socially isolated from everything is pretty much the only way I can still stand it.
Oh boy, the D-word is coming out again. Love how the line of what constitutes 'degeneracy' is always conveniently drawn around whatever the poster is into.
>Not artist related, but why did weeblord quit translating?
Probably some combination of it being generally unfulfilling and him becoming an insane schizo. He's like the quintessential model case of someone fetishizing the taboo/contrarianism and sliding down an infinitely deep hole of more extreme fetishes as each in turns loses its "pizzazz". I don't think I've ever seen a case as bad as him, it was something like:
> BBW -> Slob/Inflation/Berry -> Extreme Slob (Messing, Health Problems, etc.) -> Everything Prior + Furry -> Everything Prior + Gender Dysphoria.
You have to imagine at that point that it's probably less the fetishes themselves and more a desire to feel "on the outside". People don't go through that many fundamental changes in sequence unless they have a really screwy personal understanding of their own desires; traditionally the phenomenon has been pretty restrained to tumblrinas and seething twitter political activists, so it was pretty sad to see it happen to him. I think his writing is top-class, so it was unfortunate to watch it eventually pivot away from what I was comfortable with

>He was literally the only constant translator for fat conten
We still have fattyloveranon, shit as his taste may be. I'd bet he'd do a twitter/pixiv set or two instead of his usual doujins if you asked. There are also more sporadic folk like Zephyr, Malorne, and (Me)
>I don't know what's so surprising
It's surprising because she has more watchers then some big name artists despite how her male art is still very unpopular based on DeviantArt favorites. She even has comments disabled on all male art.
>there are a lot of furries and all of them are gay.
Is that why there's so much male furry art in general? Personally, besides a rare standout (Female) Gardevoir or standout Rouge the Bat, I'm not into furry art at all.
Doesn't help that there isn't a single fic he's done that doesn't have a character either experience extreme humiliation or become a bratty unpleasant loser.
And again, the self insert aspect of his stories has basically made the few Weeblord stories I liked before unreadable.
I remember reading one of his Tomoko fics and genuinely thinking it was one of the most unpleasant reading experiences I have had in the past 5 years or so.
The fact that people were praising him for "Representation" when he made a trans fic was honestly saddening.
TLDR: Weeblord has become so tasteless and perpetually coomer-fied that a TLDR summary doesn't do him justice.
It seems like they just got busy with life and from what I remember, they always asked permission to translate it and maybe that became a pain.
>there isn't a single fic he's done that doesn't have a character either experience extreme humiliation
this is a good thing. also why would you keep reading his stuff if you know he only covers fetishes you don't have?

It's all degenerate. But let's not pretend that there's a point where it goes off a cliff.

If you crank your dick to fat women on insta you're probably healthier than some guy reading stories about immobile fatties rolling in their own feces.
It's pretty common for porn users to get into more extreme stuff with time. They get desensitized to the stuff they were into and have to find something new to have the same effect. It's never happened to me but I'm scared to death it will.
It depends on the angle you're coming into the fat fetish at. Do you like it just because fat = warm/squishy/big , or do you like it because it's "wrong"? It's only the latter group, the ones that are into fat first and foremost because it's a subgenre of corruption, that are in danger of getting acclimated to it and needing a more intense degeneration.
Oh yeah, the furry artist should really not be throwing stones.

Especially RoyalJelly.
I think their rant is understandable tbh, if you find drawing underage characters unpleasant of course you'd get emotional if that's the only thing people seem willing to order from you.

I hope they finish their tenchi muyo comic before they quit though, been waiting for the conclusion to that for literal years. they started it in june 2013 and estimated it would last 30 pages and they released page 29 in may this year. I've been fapping to that comic since I was 13 and now I'm 22 lol.
Has he tried learning to code?
At the same time he's drawn a lot of underaged characters in the past, and with how many artists don't draw them anymore, it was likely for people to go to him. Does he have some kind of commission page that lists what he's willing and unwilling to do?
>We still have fattyloveranon, shit as his taste may be.
Fat love and mistakes is still the second bes fat girl manga
Adults don't get fan art because people will complain loudly that Cammy, Chun Li, Samus, Princess Peach, or Laura Croft are sexualized for teenage boys. Honestly, political correctness killed sexualization of adult characters, cause adults see themselves in video game icons. Just look at how petty Star Wars or Star Trek fans get if stuff doesn't cater to them
TL;DR: Meatspace Oldfag yells at cloud.

I just gotta get this off my chest. The Meatspace, not the God damn 'Fatty Wank' community is not in a 'Golden Age' or 'Renaissance' it's not even in a Bronze Age, it's an Age of Shit.

Sure, there may be skilled artists flooding the scene but more and more are being chewed up and spit out by the personal politics and petty drama behind the scenes. Threads like this are constantly flooded with stories and accounts from artist who have been back stabbed by those who think this internet cool kids club is their path to popularity, something they most likely never had in High School. I'm a writer who has been basically out of practice for a few years now and I find the will to post empty because it really doesn't matter. No one reads shit unless it directly caters to them, be it their own OCs in someone else's work or waifu flavor of the month.

This collection, conglomerate of fat loving freaks has been around for probably two decades at this point and we ain't build shit. Everything is just empty promises or cancelled projects because someone lost the drive or we can't fucking work together and get along unless someone constantly validates our fragile egos.

Speaking of which, I think that and the introduction of FUCKING politics is at the root of all this shit. I'm seeing fucking dumb commies on Twitter and here trying to convince me, a working class peasant that giving up my freedoms and sucking government dick is the way to go. I've asked a few people in discords what communism means to them, only to ragequit meaning they can't even defend/explain their position. These weak fucks just parrot whatever half assed/made up jargon some pasty white ambiguously gendered Breadtuber spews and because they can't think on their own because they are spineless just repeat it as if it's gospel.

My main complaint about all that shit is, what do these politics have to do with anime fat girls? if anything, believing in that shit and following through will ensure you're never going to get a big boned woman on your lap.

Lastly, shit like that Adipo City VN, I can see why some of you hate OCs. From my autistic writing perspective, Rooster Teeth has better writing and they are introducing character development for the main cast in Season 9
>Cuz let’s face it… Alot of people who say “I’m leaving” kinda just… come back? I didn’t want to rebound and start drawing fats again, no matter how tempting the dopamine rush would be, I’d just be miserable again.
That's completely understandable, you're your own person and people shouldn't be entitled to free fat art from you, yet you always come back here instead of just taking it as a phase in your life and just go on, why's that?
(147 KB, 451x600, 451px-DMcover52.jpg)
>This collection, conglomerate of fat loving freaks has been around for probably two decades at this point and we ain't build shit

The community of fatty wankers has been around even longer than that, and I would argue that things started out kind of promising then fell to shit.I mean, there used to be a damn magazine.
(44 KB, 750x562, FYqiMzEacAAFfNh.jpg)
>We're back on the "pedophilia is okay actually" topic
(777 KB, 1290x912, 54a.png)
>These weak fucks just parrot whatever half assed/made up jargon some pasty white ambiguously gendered Breadtuber spews and because they can't think on their own because they are spineless just repeat it as if it's gospel.

I really think video essays are a crime against humanity. So many people are ready and willing to outsource their thinking and defend conclusions they didn't come to themselves.

Just the other day I was watching a video essay about '50s horror comics and comic censorship. The video-maker does an hours long brutal takedown of state censorship and '50s moral panic-- then suddenly segues into villainizing some random author for a comic he did in the '80s, which might be interpreted as racist by a lazy reader, and in not so many words asks why the guy hasn't been run out of the industry yet.

I checked out the comments and thankfully I wasn't the only one who noticed the drift into hypocrisy, several others did. too. Several others too sought to defend the videomaker's position, clearly without actually reading the comic in question-- the videomaker said it was racist so they say it's racist too.They even got basic facts about the story wrong, such as it's name--at which point I gave up arguing, since they clearly don't give a shit about understanding things for themselves and just want to stay mad.

Because I’m not really engaging with the community if i just look in here every once in a while.
I don't think your preferences really matter in that regard, you'll start fapping to more extreme content if you're a sad sap like me who does nothing and for whom masturbating to something "different" or "wrong" is the most exciting thing you'll do all week.
>it's an Age of Shit
Modernist Age

>what do these politics have to do with anime fat girls
A tendency to cause hatred of doing fat anime girls.

>believing in that shit and following through will ensure you're never going to get a big boned woman on your lap.
Dunno, with their record, they'll end up forcing a woman onto their lap.

>Rooster Teeth has better writing and they are introducing character development for the main cast in Season 9
I thought Sony completely outsourced that garbage series to Japan.

I'd say it's been around since the 70s but what I think he means is this sites group.

That's a symptom of social media and being able to block the slightest of opposing views; people still had their own voices during the start of the 00s but everyone started to lose themselves after they started to overuse the block button and hungered for upvotes.
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Jesus Christ. I mean this in the nicest way possible but get some help or at least a hug.
I think it depends from person to person. I've been consuming this kinda of porn since I was a teenager and I didn't see a single change. I always liked the weight gain and fantasy part of thing tho. I believe that if you know yourself and your tastes, you don't have nothing to worry about.
I originally had the opinion that weeblord was okay simply because he didn't have a hair trigger like a lot of fat/expansion poseurs on twitter do
but man, the weird self insertion lore was just too much
plus not actually making content anymore, just blogging

like a lot of other oldfags I'm of the opinion that the whole scene peaked in the late 2000s
there's still good people and fresh artists out there but everyone sucks up to the asshole idiots these days
just make fetish content and keep everything else that is dramatic to a side account, it shouldn't be that hard
Same here. I've been beating it foever and still have yet to move up even from BBW to SSBBW
(31 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-1316245440-612x612.jpg)
>like a lot of other oldfags I'm of the opinion that the whole scene peaked in the late 2000s

Pretty sad I missed that. What was it like, not wanting to gouge anyone's eyes out?
in a nutshell, yeah
models never had a tendency to go on SJW spergouts
you could find all sorts of fetish stuff on youtube
artists actually had to work for positive notoriety because patreon didn't exist yet
In addition, most people were making the art because they liked it and got off to it. I've brought up how this site used to be much better back around that time period as well.
I remember finding a lot of big tit stuff like Milena Velba videos on youtube as well, there was a minor circle of unlisted videos for big tit and bbw stuff. There's still a bunch of fetish stuff on youtube, it's just got something on top of it as a disguise.
Back in the day, everyone mostly did it for themselves and would do something if it interests them before the advent of commissions. Now, almost everyone is doing it solely for attention or money and not because it's something they enjoy doing.

I miss when the Japs had their own sites and BBS Forum.
Never thought I'd see the day.

Fat Fetish Hipsters.
right? it's so funny to me that the fetish has been around long enough for people to whine about the gold ol days of being a degenerate
Hipsters never experienced the Age they are idolizing but claim it was good.

Boomers (like myself) remember the past with rose tinted glasses and huff nostalgia to deal with the perceived shitty present.

Get your terms right, retards.
Uglification fat.

Where a girl doesn't just get fat but becomes grotesque and hideous. Even worse when she's cute and pretty beforehand.

The above is why Huurin is possibly my least favorite fat artist.
But huurin's girls are cute. They're like big fluffy, marshmallows begging to be pampered and hugged.
The multiple face rolls and sagginess disgusts me.
>Jeet's now drawing his weight gain art of his maid self, as a dragon
Where the fuck did it all go so wrong?
As the Japs say ten men, ten tastes. To me all that extra padding just add to their cuteness, and on top of that he gives his girls sweet personalities.
2020. I think that was the time other artist got him into mutual
Downward spiral everyone is going through. If that global magnetic shift that will fry every electronic device doesn't happen, we'll all end up like that sooner or later.
Yeah that was the last straw for me, I tried to put up with his crap but not anymore. I remember very clearly how he shared his stuff here on this board, Oh how the mighty have fallen.

The juxtaposition between these complaints is hilarious. You whine about artists only working for money and not doing what they enjoy, but then when someone does do what they enjoy its a travesty because it doesn't line up with your tastes.
(279 KB, 1024x1158, oc__gamer_universe_garmine_by_aka_fa_dfaed3d-fullview.jpg)
>makes a depressed fat OC
>OC finally gets too fat, has a story arc about losing weight and getting down to a manageable size
>claims they will never be as huge as they once were in their canon again

>makes an AU of their OC at their biggest
>starts going on again about how they're not going to get bigger (but also not smaller)

Jesus Christ, stop having such a hard-on for your own character's misery and make a fat of she. We all know that's what you want, especially now with making her an even more pathetic archetype.
Huurin and Biroon jr both do very unflattering faces. No charm at all.

"Leave Jeetdoh alone!" Someone's butthurt.

I don't get why anyone would do this and think it's a good idea. There's nothing enjoyable about a woman that's miserable from being fat, it's counterproductive.
(56 KB, 602x530, Screenshot 2022-08-02 235451.jpg)
For me it's the pretension of the entire "anatomically accurate fatty" junta. Making a big deal out of the fact that most pictures of massively obese anime women aren't all that realistic isn't exactly an Olympian height to look down at people from. It just comes off as snarky and sad.
This thread is solely for hypocritical ranting, you won't find any self-awareness here.
>"Leave Jeetdoh alone!" Someone's butthurt.
There's nothing wrong with that post though.
I couldn't care less about Jeetdoh (quite frankly the complaints are all done to death and the sooner you give up on him the better) but compared to most other artists he's only ever opened for commissions ONCE and his entire online tenure before and after that has been him doing his own thing without trust fund commission whore whales interfering with shitty OCs and obscure characters nobody cares about. Even the way his Patreon is set up doesn't hold him to any content creating obligations, people can't even suggest characters for polls so they've all been his own choice.

By every aspect of '2000s was better' crowd's logic he's a goddamn role model. But nope, "his own thing" doesn't fit in with your tastes any more so he's EVEN WORSE than commission slaves now.
Hell, you even responded to >>104544 where it's clear AkaFA just likes humilation and weight struggles, but that doesn't fit in with what you like so it's bad.

Let's not beat around the bush any more. The Real Problem with the community is that it's just so much more bigger and mainstream, with way people being even more connected than ever and places like Twitter making it even easier to be exposed to people and work that can adjust and expand people's tastes. It's become a horrifying melting pot of sexual kinks and experimentation, so this is probably a golden age if you have multiple kinks or layers of degeneracy but for straight-cut BBW people it's definitely a lot harder to find a artists who will draw regular, realistic fatties without some kind of caveat or twenty.
And Jeetdoh has obviously been influenced by that. Sure he's happy and doing what he wants to, but you guys aren't.
people sure like to focus on the worst aspects, i don't blame them. I do the same

But i know that most fat art i make is because it makes me happy, but not everything that makes me happy will make everyone happy.
Just the way it is.
Jeet has drawn similar sizes in the past, if not even slightly bigger. I thought this was just quirky text to go by the squid character.

Wish he'd go back to humans, his Twitter feed is filled with retweeted fat art of his Transformers OCs
>It's become a horrifying melting pot of sexual kinks and experimentation, so this is probably a golden age if you have multiple kinks or layers of degeneracy but for straight-cut BBW people it's definitely a lot harder to find a artists who will draw regular, realistic fatties without some kind of caveat or twenty
Sorry for the double post but this hits the nail on the head, I find myself constantly discovering new artists lately whose artstyles I enjoy but their gallery is filled with all kinds of sub-genres like males, furries and whatnot

Yeah this makes a lot of sense. I wondering why people were pining for the 'golden age' because, having gotten into my kinks then, I really don't have any nostalgia for it. From my perspective, artists are having more fun than they ever had, myself included. I know a lot of people really enjoying drawing what they want and getting positive feedback for it. People seem pretty happy as far as fetish content is concerned.

But if all you want is vanilla bbw anime girls I guess there are less artists now who focus exclusively on that. At the same time though, how much of it do you need? There's an oceans worth out there already.
The same people who are easily impressed if you shake your keys in front of them.

So you lolifags are well behaved to keep it to yourself when little kids are around? Or are you too socially inept to even go the grocery store?
It's the self-pityness it was never about fat.

>Your waifu as a horrible 3d model mutilated through Gmod's inflation tool
>Only for $39.99
What a bargain, I want all the slots.
>It's become a horrifying melting pot of sexual kinks and experimentation, so this is probably a golden age if you have multiple kinks or layers of degeneracy but for straight-cut BBW people it's definitely a lot harder to find a artists who will draw regular, realistic fatties without some kind of caveat or twenty.
Because some artists don't know how to mind their space when it comes to the more out there or unpopular fetishes and just expect people to go along with what they want (which is a pretty big double standard just like those who complain here about the fetishes they dislike). The worst part is that many supporters lack the backbone to stand up for what they enjoy and don't voice what they dislike directly to the artist. Those are what created this "melting pot", and you believe the people who are "straight-cut" into BBW should just accept it? Asinine!

Why do you think you should have any say in what an artist feels like drawing unless you're paying for it?
Why do you think people should just accept whatever an artist starts doing when they expect people to just be fine with it? I was supporting Jeetdoh until males started becoming more common, and just before it did, I even offered suggestions to him as to what he could do for the people who don't like them, including myself. He didn't take any of them.
*supporting via Patreon*
Artist doesn’t need to cater to your interest if you are not commissioning them, if they are drawing in their free time, they can draw what they want.

If you don’t like certain drawing they do or if it’s stuff you don’t like, just ignore those thing and move on.
I think if you've tried everything to make an artist see everything your way and it hasn't worked then it's just time to give up and find a new one.
Sad as that may be that is simply the state of affairs, there's a lot of artists i loved that have straight up left the scene, no amount of money or begging is gonna make them come back.
Just gotta learn to live with it. Time passes and new artists who interest you will come along and the cycle continues.
>le juxtaposition
You tried this last thread and it's still such an insanely childish and asinine non-argument.

1. Contrary to what people still believe about imageboards, there's no hivemind or singular person (aka the "you" that you referenced) you can pin everything on. Fuck's sake each post has an ID and there's a element at the bottom of the page that tells you how many people are in a given thread
2. It is entirely fair and possible to support someone's choice to do what they want but not continue to engage with them even passively. I personally unfollowed Jeetdoh a while ago because he wasn't producing any content that I liked: he wasn't producing any good fat fetish content, and he hasn't done any cool non-fetish art, just the clowny and unappealing OCs. Do I think he's a bad artist? No. He's just another guy living his life. Do I like where he's at right now? No. Being a fan of some creative person doesn't always last forever.
3. Various threadgoers have proved time and time again that they're well aware of what it was like to see artists do things they liked doing in the past, and many have admitted to being financial supporters either currently or in the past.
4. Various artists have proven in recent months and years that yes, they ARE in it more for the money and to see various fanbases be dissatisfied, ranging from disappointing the oldfags on here and /d/ to pissing off the autists on /trash/, antagonistic attitudes towards all of those groups being a common theme
And that's what I did with Jeetdoh. I stopped supporting him after the suggestions didn't go through, and when he started doing the maid shit earlier this year, that was the last straw. I've thought of him as a lost cause ever since.

>Just gotta learn to live with it. Time passes and new artists who interest you will come along and the cycle continues.
Problem is, as said before by >>104570, the number of artists who do only vanilla weight gain is getting smaller every few months. I dread the possibility of new fetishes reaching the few artists I still trust. The increase of artists in 2020 branching out with fetishes I dislike is what led me to becoming a commissioner, because of the dwindling faith I have in them doing the things I like.
I find that's a very fair worry to have, not one I really have a solution to either. Comming's a good call but you're not made out of money so it's not realistically gonna support you.
I think forcing anyone to do anything isn't gonna make people happy so all I can say is:
Hope that the current swing of increased "degeneracy" eventually flips back to more vanilla content. If everyone's all making the same thing then somebody's gonna play the contrarian and do the default right?
Not much else to do but hope, Oh and make sure to archive all the stuff you love so you've got something to fall back on when the well dries up.
>Hope that the current swing of increased "degeneracy" eventually flips back to more vanilla content.
That's all I can do unfortunately. Yet for how it's gone on for 2 years now and with the current generation of teenagers and young adults, I don't think things will flip back anytime soon.

>If everyone's all making the same thing then somebody's gonna play the contrarian and do the default right?
Possibly? It would be the same as what I did with my comms. Best thing from them besides enjoyment would be if they inspired other commissioner or artists to do something similar. I would say who I am, but I've done too much scum spewing in trying to get my points across.
Boomer poster:

You guys do understand males have been in the scene just as long as females, right?

Dwarfpriest, Keiji and even Bannagalatic man did males very rarely but still did them. While I understand things like slob and mutual are becoming more prominent, like someone said, it's more a melting pot than any 'degeneracy'

Hell, I started to like males from getting used to mutual from seeing it and eventually wanting more. But this weird animosity towards people drawing new things you don't like really is a waste of energy and your fear of 'vanilla' stuff disappearing is really unfounded.

Sounds like you are more interested in frequency and quantity more than anything else.

But again, I personally think this fear of straight BBW stuff is unfounded. It's just some people don't want to draw blob Princess Peach for the 50th time, ya know?
>There's nothing enjoyable about a woman that's miserable from being fat
that's where you're wrong
>It's just some people don't want to draw blob Princess Peach for the 50th time, ya know?
On top of that, we already see this happen regardless. There was a dude whinging that Peach wasn't getting enough attention at all in one of the threads and he kept trying to say it was "all Daisy".
The pendulum always swings the other way. I don't know who exactly else you're following but there are still a bunch of artists doing "normal" fat fetish material as their most common output.
>Hell, I started to like males from getting used to mutual from seeing it and eventually wanting more. But this weird animosity towards people drawing new things you don't like really is a waste of energy and your fear of 'vanilla' stuff disappearing is really unfounded.
You can't say that what I'm feeling is unfounded after you admitted that you got used to men from seeing mutuals. Not everyone is going to change just because you were able to.

>There was a dude whinging that Peach wasn't getting enough attention at all in one of the threads and he kept trying to say it was "all Daisy".
I doubted them at first, but after going around and looking to see who people draw, I agree with that person.

You don't have to change but stop acting like the sky is falling. You're free to vent but understand things may not as be as you think.
(9 KB, 300x250, FDp5s60VkAUwvxF.jpg)
>People might tell you that you have to stop giving a shit about popularity because art should only be made for art's sake
Pretty sure people say that because it's a poisonous mindset to have. Obsessing over being popular on social media can consume you. It's like a drug, the validation is never enough, you always want more, chasing after that high. It eventually causes massive amounts of brainrot to the point where you'll do or say anything because you're desperate for validation from people you don't even know or care for otherwise. Speaking of which,

As was said long ago, Jeet breaking up with his girlfriend really fucked him up. Combined with his pathetic orbiters and enablers that would gladly drag him even further down the spiral he going through, it was only a matter of time that we reached here. It's only going to get worse from here on out.
I'm an oldfag and ive seen this cycle too many times man. When people first started transitioning from online I was worried but assumed it was nothing. Now the net seems to catch every chronic masterbator. Instead of taking a step back and having something else in their lives besides cum, they dig deeper and start mining the autognyophillia vein.
> Now the net seems to catch every chronic masterbator.
It's not even that, it's just an inherent flaw with social media in general. I've seen this happen even in innocuous sfw circles, people change for the worse the moment they get a hint of online popularity. It's a drug by design.
This thread is the celebrity gossip thread of this whole fucking "community", and you cannot prove me wrong.
(2.0 MB, 360x270, n5C4Bj4.gif)
>From my perspective, artists are having more fun than they ever had
From my perspective, whenever they're not posting art, the brunt of artists talk about how miserable they are and there's always somebody deleting their galleries.

>Melting Pot
This shit isn't a melting pot when all the flavors are fighting against one another for supremacy while many of which have absolutely no ability to adapt to one another.
On a lighter note than Jeet's depressive and stress induced horny-spiral...

Does anyone know why FFAnumber5 uploads in such shit resolution? I'd get it if it was the "Pay me for the full image, dipshit." argument, but afaik they shut their Patreon down so I can't even pirate a higher resolution.
Ugh, speaking of artists who went off the deep end. Know she's been brought up already, but her fascination with her new self insert pig OC is awful.
Anyone else find it weird how these kinds of comments always pop up the MOMENT Jeetdoh is mentioned?

>But nope, "his own thing" doesn't fit in with your tastes any more so he's EVEN WORSE than commission slaves now.
More like it became "his own thing" as a coping mechanism, and anyone with a brain can see that. Sorry for not wanting to see a dude's slow decline to insanity.

>where it's clear AkaFA just likes humilation and weight struggles, but that doesn't fit in with what you like so it's bad.
Funny you left out the part where AkaFA is a known antagonistic bitch that has displayed open contempt for his own audience. Yeah, no shit people are going to bitch about his wishy-washy nature when he's the one kicking the hornest nest to begin with.
(632 KB, 1160x518, fenkenstrain.png)
Obviously I understand not liking males but people chimp out so hard, especially when then its over a drawing of a chick except called "he".
I can't speak for the Jeetdoh shit though, I haven't seen his stuff in years
Yeah pig anthros especially ain't my thing but they do hulking fat sizes well, so I wouldn't mind SOME way to look at their stiff in better quality than a 360p youtube video

*pointing* the weird centrist christian has logged on
Jeet had drawn full on blob faces before. Heck, I'm pretty sure the dude has drawn bigger than this in less than 6 months ago. I'm just gonna hope that he desperately wanted to make an octopus joke.
Hating on Jeet is getting pretty old, but, for me at least, it's not just because "our preferences don't align". You say that he was a "role model" with how he acted online, kept to himself and how his patreon was set up, and that's mostly true, however the main problem that people are having with Jeet is the times where he spontaneously changed.
First, it started with him going on and flexing about how he was "Dating an SSBBW", which was kinda weird but not too bad.
Then it was how he quit doing art and made that big post about under 18 art. While he may have acted like it was just a personal preference that he no longer felt comfortable having on his account, his twitter posts said otherwise with how he was "so happy that people are having the 18+ talk!". This kind of stuff is par for the course nowadays, but we have to remember that this is basically one of the first mass outbreaks of people going crazy on "minor art". Admittedly though, this kind of thing was bound to happen sooner or later.
The third thing was how out of nowhere he came back, which we thought at first was a good thing, until all a sudden he became way more self indulgent with his kinks and had more of them being directed to towards himself in self insert scenarios, almost like he's somehow turning into those "UwU artists".

TLDR: Jeet ran a good course, but in hindsight, I would of rather him just stay being quit.
>Why's your will so weak?
Because I have spiraled the down. Forehead fat and skin issues, that's how I like my fatty now.
I feel like a hideous monster, I never asked for this.
>Anyone else find it weird how these kinds of comments always pop up the MOMENT Jeetdoh is mentioned?
It's not even just when Jeet is mentioned, but basically any decently-known to well-known artist. SUDDENLY the thread is "aptly titled" or the posters aren't "self-aware". You can tell the astroturfing is active when responses to criticism about the thread go unanswered and there are a lot of post IDs with counts of (1).
Her immobiles are some of the better ones. Too bad it's split between females, males, and furries so I can only enjoy 1/3 of them, and that she herself is a bitch.

Yeah, but no one fell harder then he did that's still around. Doesn't help that people are still willing to defend him and support his descent into madness.
(41 KB, 596x410, wtf.png)
>"hurr durr how can you say you like women if you don't like men!?!"
Twitter and it's consequences have been disastrous to the human race.
I do think some complaints are really specific and nitpicky but this is the dedicated thread for complaints so it's kinda pointless to really complain about the inherent idea about complaining.

My personal beef is that there's a lot of huffing and blowing about hypocrisy especially in response to the underage arguments but it's always kinda off when the threads tend to agree on one thing but say something completely the opposite about another, which just leads to the pot calling the kettle black.
BBWchan is definitely not a hivemind by any means but if you can't even get your common consensus straight I doubt anyone will ever take these threads seriously.

1) Everyone wants to live the dream about having a fat girlfriend/wife at this point, I do think Jeet should have been more responsible with posting about it given the breakup that happened shortly after but I really can't imagine any artist wouldn't wanna flex a bit.

Even Saxxon was flaunting his polyamorous relationship he was having, but I've heard that's ended too which must make his art packs involving them age like milk. Just keep that shit private honestly.

2) I'll be honest chief, I think it's still utterly hilarious how mindbroken you all got over Jeetdoh deciding to have "the talk" . Given "Who killed Hannibal" just came and went, it really should have been the warning signal that he had at least a small critical view of the state of the community.

But I understand, given up until that point Jeetdoh threads here were pretty much unanimous about sucking his dick. Top 10 Anime Betrayals, I guess?

3) As said before this thead, his return was around the time he had broken up with his girlfriend so he was probably in a vulnerable spot and in a more experimental mood. Even if he wasn't outwardly depressed in his posts there was probably a hole in his heart he needed to fill up.
Of course, the Melting Pot of Twitter gave him the idea to just be more open about Male stuff, Self Insert more and do more OC stuff, the amount of fanart he's gotten since then has probably conditioned him that it's the right thing to do.

But like my post said, these are all choices he himself made. There's definitely no financial or commission incentive to just draw himself being fed by Pokemon characters or as a giant Maid Dragon... though at this point there could easily be, it's Twitter after all.
Maybe Jeet's ex is the one to blame for all of this.
Note that every single person who thinks like this just talks about effeminate/androgynous men, they never say this about more masculine body types or hairy ones, unless they're gay or bisexual men.

I've never seen an ffa artist drawing male characters that ain't femboys or very androgynous types.
>Melting Pot of Twitter
You're insane.

>Maybe Jeet's ex is the one to blame for all of this
It ain't her fault he's pathetic.
>if you can't even get your common consensus straight I doubt anyone will ever take these threads seriously.
The general consensus for the underage shit is that it's seen as ridiculous, you can confirm this on 4chan proper, but this is also an imageboard. Just from your phrasing I can tell you haven't found yourself genuinely nestled in an imageboard community of any kind before: purely because of the open and anonymous nature of most imageboards, you're going to find voices of dissent for any topic. Especially with how this particular imageboard attracts people who aren't familiar with imageboards or their culture/habits and who hail from Twitter, Tumblr, etc., you're definitely going to find voices that contradict the main beliefs of the board. As you're an outsider you aren't used to the visibility of other opinions, which is why it appears conflicting: they may go against the grain of the board and are criticized, but they're not drowned out/downvoted/muted.
>I think it's still utterly hilarious how mindbroken you all got over Jeetdoh deciding to have "the talk"
It's equally funny when artists/their circlejerk/outsiders come here to comment on this. "The talk" and all of the subsequent ones were a giant trail of GENUINE contradictions because the actions and works of the artists in question are at odds with the words they publicly type on Twitter, and those that have "gotten clean" now whinge about things like a fictitious lack of older characters, loss of patrons and commissioners, etc. I can't personally speak to the comments in the Jeet thread here but he was responsible for a lot of really high quality and generally enjoyed pieces, seems kind of fucked to be like "heh fanboys getting [twitter meme]" when he had a much broader fat fetish appeal that wasn't limited to this imageboard before the downward spiral.

It's simple. Majority of women are extremely high maintence, especially the fatter they get. Women want to look good. Men? They almost never give a fuck, especially if they are fat fucks.
Do fat women dig FA artists at all? Granted: JeetDoh only wants his ego to be struck at his social media and Saxxon marrying models equals insta personal hell because their intimacy is out of the window.
(144 KB, 819x963, ReallyNormal2-1554545578780114944-img1.jpg)
What really pisses me off about this shitshow is the blatant hypocrisy at play here. Like, the assholes trying to cancel him aren't even bothering to hide it, while trying to shove this retarded controversy in everyone's faces.
she draws bears
but at the end of the day she's a woman, can't say I'm surprised by a woman liking men
In a perfect world, commies would be treated with as much scorn as nazis are.
Again, I'd feel bad about this if it was anyone other than Roxas. The guy's a total cunt whose one saving grace is that he draws loli and doesn't give a fuck about what people think.
What a fucking BLOCK of text just to pretend like you're different from the other guy drawing grade-schoolers. Absolute retard
Holy shit there wasn't even an attempt at hiding that projection.
>uhhhhh well i jack off to a character that's drawn as a child too but fuck you for doing that
>Getting her fat sucked out because m*n also objectify em'
It's like this fat pride bullshit went nowhere, just like actresses dressed up like sluts during the 60s only to realize they've been duped by degenerates at Pedowood.
It's like what the others have pointed out, the artist just has a thing for her humiliation and self-pity. Her character never had fat pride or anything, and I'm seriously wondering now if Aka is actually going to do that.

My beef is that he also chastises anyone who wants to see her fucking huge. It teeters that line of "ha ha nooo omg wouldn't it be funny tho" to "you people are sick for wanting this to a fictional character". Then again if it's all reverse psychology, then I'll admit I've been played. But don't dangle the carrot again with this AU bullshit.
(107 KB, 250x255, unknown-6.png)
If you jerk it to drawn pictures of fat chicks, that still means you're attracted to fat chicks.
If you jerk it to drawn pictures of feet, that still means you're attracted to feet.
If you jerk it to drawn pictures of children, that still means you're attracted to children.
If you're attracted to children, you're a pedophile.

Those are just facts, my guy.
(226 KB, 960x800, Summer Amira.png)
It's not even the hypocrisy with that guy for me, it's...the...doing...this...every...sentence...FUCK.

>She's 6
Pic related is 5, Kos Mos is 2, and they're both are about the mentality of a child; am I supposed to have no interest in them?

>It's like this fat pride bullshit went nowhere
It didn't and that's really saying something about the intelligence and charisma of the fat activists when the pedos are gaining far more ground.

A perfect world isn't that, a perfect world are commies and socialists being treated no better than the rabid dogs that they are.
(211 KB, 771x804, url(1).png)
>am I supposed to have no interest in them?
(77 KB, 527x551, 1651623959234.jpg)
Even if they both can kill me in a split second without breaking a sweat, if I bother them?
It's worth mentioning cartoonists who were caught as pedophiles who certainly love drawing lolies and shotas (John K, Shadman, 12 Forever girl and a good chunk of Disney employees)
(30 KB, 720x511, E_f8I48WQAk9y1K.jpg)
Except there are plenty of people that like to draw and appreciate fat art, yet have no desire to actually date/fuck a fat chick IRL. There's people that like to draw feet, yet don't care about them IRL because they don't have the exaggeration they like. And it's already been beaten to death about how actual pedos don't care for loli shit because they're cartoonish parodies that don't look/act like actual kids at all. In fact they're usually the ones that push for banning lolishit.

It's almost as if fiction =/= reality, and people are more than capable of separating the two, you brainless goon.

Shadman wasn't caught as a pedo, he was arrested for assault. John K is a creep in general, and the 1 forever lady never actually drew loli/shota. And I don't even know what the fuck you're even on about about that last one.
(91 KB, 850x850, 1650911575315.jpg)
I thought Sadman got caught on assault with a deadly weapon or some shit and that was long after he quit drawing lolis after the heat got on him for drawing Keemstars daughter and said youtuber suing him or some shit.

>John K
>love drawing lolis
John Kricfalusi, right? The guy whose characters with by far the most work being put into them being the grown women?

>a good chunk of Disney employees
Those were park workers.
>"Doesn't give a fuck"
>Bitches and moans everytime someone gets mad at him for drawing Loli
>Tries to frame those as hypocrites for calling him out
>Shields from criticism claiming he has more followers

He just threw a cat fight with Chilliday few days ago over the Anya draw and he went full retard saying "oh but you draw canon teenagers so you're a Lolicon like me"
>Tries to frame those as hypocrites for calling him out
They literally are, see >>104713.
Both the 12 Forever creator and John K. were caught for being pedophiles, the first case was even dumber bc she wrote all the shit she did on Tumblr.
Yes, but neither were known for actually drawing loli/shots art, which is the point.
I don't think John K ever drew prepubescent kids, but he did draw a lot of developing teen girls and sought them out irl iirc. I don't think 'lol' is a good descriptor for that art even if it is of people under 18.
The 12 Forever woman was the weirdest shit I've ever seen, if I remember right she has a tumblr connected to her name, her face, and writes a whole screed about her stalking a 14 year old boy and trying to talk to him lol. It's like if Chris Pratt had a public tumblr where he talked about smuggling drugs up peoples asses
What I meant to say is that he draws loli regardless of the complaints, sorry. Trust me, I'm not oblivious to him being an insecure little bitch.
>bbwchan is one person
every time with these retards
(32 KB, 638x392, thpm2aww2ig11.jpg)

>They heard

Didn't even have the bravery to come here and check.

And they do understand people like Yang? (Including myself but only her design)
thinner skin than lucyguy damn
>I'm gonna comm even more fat art to own the chuds!!!
Oh no, how terrible, how will we ever recover
Oh no no no chudbros we got too cocky... the annoying woman writer is gonna comm more of a character!
(40 KB, 1073x468, this is what tr4shywrites considers mad.png) (29 KB, 590x401, really not that surprising at this point.png)
Here's the context in question, for anyone curious. It was one anon mildly annoyed in the RWBY thread, with everyone else either being apathetic or disagreeing with his take. Literally making a mountain out of a molehill.

Doesn't stop his brainless sycophants from shitting on this place anyway though, Chillday being front and center.
Chillday is quite literally close to a dude who sent nudes to teenagers so his opinion means jack shit lmao
Gonna need you to expound on that
It's 2022 and people still think they can "own the haters". This has gotta be a diagnosable mental illness at this point, it's depressing how many creators I've seen spiral down the shitter after saying stuff like this almost verbatim
>think they can "own the haters". This has gotta be a diagnosable mental illness at this point
Most people who post on social media do tend to have mental illnesses. A person with a higher functioning mind wouldn't give a fuck about what a single random anon said.
Never heard of them before this myself.
Then again, consider how easy it is to be anonymous here and that they themselves could just be shitting on themselves and this could be (another) desperate cry for attention and twatter upvotes.
(134 KB, 630x1200, media_FGrJE6HVQAU5l3X.jpg)
>Goes out of the way to spite people
>decent person

Can someone tell me is there any actual substance to RWBY besides the animation before that one guy died and whatever's baiting the shippers?

As long as I'm an Eastern Goblin and not a Western Goblin; it's better than being called an Elf.
>>104894 Yo is that Frank Frazetta? Good shit my man!
Can't view Kemono Party comfortably anymore because some retard thought advertisements of literal fucking taking up half of someone's phone screen was a good idea, and changing to desktop mode hardly helps. RIP.
>Can someone tell me is there any actual substance to RWBY
No, there isn't. It's a really average and uninpsired action show that attracts the tumblr crowd who love shipping characters together and get really unhinged when doing so. It picked up a lot of Japanese fans for the shipping dynamic as well and it got enough traction for the anime studio Shaft to adapt the series into a genuine anime.
>Then again, consider how easy it is to be anonymous here and that they themselves could just be shitting on themselves and this could be (another) desperate cry for attention and twatter upvotes.
Based on the posts capped in >>104862 that's very likely what's happening. All the creative types call this place and /d/ all sorts of names but still show up regardless. Hell, they even do it on /trash/ where the dedicated fat fetish autism asylum is: that shithole genuinely hates the people who create their wank material and the fat fetish creators STILL cannot ignore that place and the genuinely batshit things that are posted there.
>RWBY anime
They're following Miraculous Ladybug steps in order to remain relevant, although Paladins and Smite skins were added to keep bankrolling, after all they share the same fanbase as League of Legends.
>hungry hammer in username
opinion discarded

>wasting money to own the one anon who disagreed

RWBY began life as a simple 3D action animation that spun wildly out of control after Monty passed away because they never had a show bible or storyline written out

it was taken over by tumblr-level losers that were nepotism hires inside Rooster Teeth
(52 KB, 598x602, 1585520860510.jpg)
>Throwing a fit over post
>When some of the replies even defended the commissions
Wew, these threads repeatedly show how much of a foreign concept criticism is to Twitter.

Also I gotta ask this and this is kinda a complaint but much more meant to be a genuine question: Why do so many commissioners go for the most obvious main characters? I can understand artists that need exposure doing it but when you've got the free choice and are a fan of the series you're commissiong, why not go for a more "exotic" character? Its the same thing with Final Fantasy, modern Fire Emblem, One Piece and many other things
kinda appreciate undertaker for that tbh
as far as IPs go, his is pretty obscure
(2.2 MB, 2144x3000, lf.jpg)
Richard Corben is another GOAT
>Why do so many commissioners go for the most obvious main characters?
Because, whether they admit it or not, a lot of people (artists included) tend to be pretty normie in what characters they like. They'll draw or comm popular characters because that's what they know. Same reason why a vast majority of Fire Emblem fats are from the 3DS era, and 3H(With the occasional main female lead, like Lyn or Eirika). All other characters you could probably count on one hand how many fats they have, unless there's a dedicated commissioner or artist that likes them.
Okusan, Uzaki, Tawawas, and other large breasted characters are proactive now. Even characters like Rangiku and Tsunade have high demands. Plus, Disney and Marvel are trying to make commerical fetish films, but failing cause they underpay the VFX artists
Chillday is close to VikingSkirts/SkalesStash, who got caught sending her troon tits to teenagers as young as 15 but nothing happened cuz she's a troon and "her art's good!!!1!!!"
>A guy who names himself trash is throwing a fit because his waifu is shit
I swear waifufags have a pea sized brain stroking their needledicks, these are the kind of dipshits who saturate their mom's credit card because their retarded character made a cameo in a shity game (Mario Strikers for the Switch for example)
Trashy's whole online presence is cooming over a single girl from a bad webseries, getting into fights, and defending himself. I couldn't imagine how sad that must be
I thought they were a guy? Who cares if a guy goes topless, I do all the time. Or are you delusional and think their a girl? Your mental issues have no place here.
(29 KB, 640x360, FWtqq2CWAAEWDmo.jpeg)

Bro, you keep spamming threads with this shit. Give it up, your campaign to cancel Skirts has failed.
>getting into fights
Are we the baddies?
>>104955 The dude was fully naked, not just topless. Either way according to society he's a she so they would be tits, even though they're far from it.
(261 KB, 1024x1459, 1623278984905.jpg)
God damn monkey's paw; at least I rarely ever use it.

>It picked up a lot of Japanese fans for the shipping dynamic as well and it got enough traction for the anime studio Shaft to adapt the series into a genuine anime
Two nukes was not enough. Isn't the anime funded by Soyny after their complete control of the big two western distributors? At least Roosterteeth looks like they're about to be kicked to the curb.

>Miraculous Ladybug
How does outsourced animation for French crap count?

The ones with all the money tend to be the ones without the ability to not think past what's constantly put in their face but the same thing can be said for requesters when an artists is offering free shit. Shit's even a problem with the Big 2 of capeshit, it's the same half dozen characters and almost all of them are actual garbage.

>Same reason why a vast majority of Fire Emblem fats are from the 3DS era and 3H
That's not why; it's because the Waifuemblem era watered down the formula and I think took away the permadeath it was originally best known for. It was also the first Fire Emblem for almost everyone making or buying fat, and as expected of the people who make up the fats community, they have a staunch refusal to go back and play older shit.

>Disney and Marvel are trying to make commerical fetish films, but failing cause they underpay the VFX artists
Fuck the VFX artists, they knew damn well what they were getting into when they signed a contract with the devil. The actual reason Marvel movies and series have been failing hard is because they're complete shit; the writing is awful and the whole collective is completely aimless and uncompelling. Shit's a lot worse when you think about all the people who dropped them after Endgame.

>The dude was fully naked, not just topless
Then why are you so obsessed with his chest?!!
> they have a staunch refusal to go back and play older shit
A lot of people are even pretty open about not wanting to play the older ones because they don't have self insert romancing but even then its exhausting to see Lucina, Tharja or Corrin for the billionth time but I guess this is where the issue >>104947 explained comes in
(124 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20220804-122326.png) (720 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20220804-122314.png)
What the fuck is with people posting content that has fats male characters, but then doesn't use any kind of male tags? It's extremely disrespectful for artists to do that when DeviantArt allows people to mute tags of things they don't like, and I have a lot of male tags muted. It's even worse when it includes tags for females because it makes the lack of male tags feel very deliberate. Second image is under spoilers for having fat males obviously.
>It was also the first Fire Emblem for almost everyone making or buying fat, and as expected of the people who make up the fats community, they have a staunch refusal to go back and play older shit.
I want to commission women from pre-Awakening Fire Emblem games like Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, and Shadow Dragon, but there's so many other women from other franchises on my To Do list, so it's difficult to get to them since I'm not wealthy.
>KINO-WBY anime
Kek. Based.


>Jiren in the background
Kekaroo! BrownydodyDoo!

Heroes is the only good fire emblem game. Ever noticed why classic and waifu’s emblem fans are both basement dwelling pit beards? Chadren bro btw.
(749 KB, 735x987, ENTER.png)
>giving a shit about marvel after the buyout
>Bejita, out of fucking nowhere.
Brownydododoooo and a Kekarooo!
Not knowing phones have adblockers
Toyotaco, pls.
(266 KB, 1113x945, 9wtWiPG.jpg)
Artists always give her such huge tits and never give her a pear shape.

>Heroes is the only good fire emblem game
>Hand rubbing intensifies

>Not giving a fuck about Marvel not yet having gone bankrupt and getting shut down. I can't believe they're doing worse than the shit that Yugioh's creator put out when given the ability to do a Spider Man and Iron Man comic.
I wonder how he got the busty daughter past their censors.
>Completely ignores the point I'm making
This response is pure autism.
(105 KB, 800x780, Jiren-Goku-Beijita .jpeg)
>>Hand rubbing intensifies
>Implying kiketendo cares about the shitngle player games.
>Too retarded to use ad block on mobile
>Pretending to be an oldfag on a fatfag site.

>Faggot fantasy fans
Would fuck
>Tales fans
Don’t exists
>Chadsona fans
They know only 1 was good.
>wild arms fans
Don’t exist
>smt fans
Are gay
>disgaea fans
Only one’s here who don’t give a fuck. And shitgaea is fucking gay.
>Suikoden fans
At last, its over
>Neptuina fans
They ALMOST don’t give a fuck
>Dragon quest fans
Should be killed
>Atelier fans
Should be in nu emblem
>bof fans
6 is literally the only good one. Only americunts, crapsnese, and yurotards disagree
>Golden sun fans
They don’t fuck
>Fire emblem fans
Should be blood on the dude’s crotch. Sitting next to hrt pills of course.
>Srw fans
Want to be left alone, but forgot how to fuck
>Pokemon fans
Unironically the most sane of the bunch.
>Chrono fans
Cucked by a mobage that got renamed faggot fantasy later on.

Final thoughts.
>Jiren in the background. Just standing behind them.
>Implying kiketendo cares about the shitngle player games.
I'm joking about you having money invested in Nintendo because that's the only way I can see anyone seeing a scam to surpass FGO, as a better game than the nongachas, even if they're garbage; short of the people who like the character designs and nothing else.
(2.4 MB, 1080x1620, Spar.png)
>FateFateFate Out of fucking NOWHERE.
>Implying any gachad actually needs money to see content.
Heroes is kino because you get kicked for a day if you lose too much. Making it more hardcore than the old savescum emblems. And it doesn’t even have any romance which the old games do. It has surpassed both kek emblem and waifu emblem without even trying.
Who the fuck is Yang, and why should I care? I don't pay for any of this stuff
(324 KB, 851x1200, Branded_6.jpg) (263 KB, 851x1200, Condition_4.jpg) (276 KB, 851x1200, Control_4.jpg)
Lol I love weight gain humiliation stuff, my only issue is that many artists tend to do soley one or another without mixing shit up. For instance Fusa used to do some really great humiliation, masochistic scenes in the past, but now only does fluff for the twitter upvotes, which is still great but he does nothing else. Then on the other hand there's Bijoroon who goes way too far in the humiliation aspect to the point he even has to fuck up their faces.
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I agree, especially when you get into larger sizes its almost impossible to draw them anatomically accurate yet still visually appealing. Its why I don't bat an eye at a character physically looking alarger when they get bigger or have their limbs more spread out, so that you can get to look at the enormity of their body in full view. If a person wants complete anatomical accuracy then they can go look at a real person imo
(39 KB, 1181x617, Oni.JPG)
You know in regards to animations I wonder why they don't just use better shaders to achieve a more stylized anime look. I think the only one I've seen actually used them and done the well was Jellinill but he dissapeared and hasn't posted in forever.
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Its in a Golden Age in terms of consuption, so many japanese artists have popped up that i'd never be privvy too if not for twitter, I guess its shit if you're "into the community" and all that other gay shit. I'm just here to fap not make internet friends, its a coomer's paradise
imagine being this insecure in your sexuality
It's part of the appeal for me when it comes to art of immobile women, because I know they'll never look that good IRL. For real women, the highest weight I'll go for is between 400 to 500 lbs.
>gaslight comment
Unoriginal response to someone's hatred of fat men. Why am I alone in thinking people should use tags for their art?
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has it ever occurred to you that people know what they don't like and like to avoid it?
This doesn't bother me in porn as much as it does in narrative discussion circles, because oftentimes the normie-est franchises and characters simply make for the best porn. A lot of what carries the big hits with normalfags is basic character design and premise, and surprise surprise, that almost directly translates to the quality of fap material. It's pretty divorced from the finer contributing factors towards narrative intrigue.

Don't expect human nature to change, just pray for more obscure waifufags.
They're rare because everyone knows that accurate immobiles aren't flattering to the eyes.
>Average Twitter user confused that Straight Men and Lesbian women do not want to see Men in their porn.

They really live in their own delusional bubble.
>straight men don't want to see sex
weirdest post i've read today
Imagine wanting to see a man and woman have sex, amirite?
some people prefer softcore pornography
has that never occurred to your cum addled brain?
If you want to see a dude blow his load so badly there are better options than fat anime girl porn. Keep your dick loving shit out of here.
is this a virgin thing? i'm asking this genuinely. you know you are gonna have to see your own dick if you ever find a woman that lets you have sex with them, right?
Shit take, but okay bro. Keep being a pussy
I bet they wanna stay single for the rest of their lives lol
Sorry I'm not a huge dick like you would normally enjoy interacting with.
(108 KB, 638x795, Smug Masuda.jpg)
Twitter tourists really hate it when people won't just mindlessly fall in line with what they want, huh?
There's a major difference between seeing one's own dick, and another man's dick. I'd greatly prefer to have my dick be the only one I ever see, unless I have to train my son to use the restroom or change his diaper.
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Why does that make the slightest bit of sense?!

I've never used tags until I had to figure out how to find what I wanted on Pixiv long before they made a translation switch. Most I do with them on DA is try to find out character names.

Really says something about you when you're appalled at someones aversion to out and out porn and especially when it sounds more like he just wants to monopolize the one thing he likes rather than mixing it in with something he doesn't over more he likes. Why was sex even brought up, not counting the Japs, who even does sex besides 2 or 3 artists and 1 writer, and interest seems rare with how few I've stumbled upon in my aimless travels.
Part of me just remembers the 4chan <--> Reddit mingling that began in 2011 where you could tell what posters were from where based on how said poster would react to views/posts that didn't exactly line up with theirs.
>"What, you dont wanna see a guy's dick? What are you, some kinda faggot???"
Lots of butthurt cocklovers in this thread.
The fag is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, coomer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a fag and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

One cannot defend himself against the fag. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense.

Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the faggot. Nothing could be more mistaken than to defend oneself. That is just what the fag wants.
(146 KB, 612x448, Average_bejita_fan.jpeg)
>Not just turning on the mature filter

Not using kinoblock to hide faggot’s work

>Being a femoid in these halls of scholars
Leave. Now.

Caring about sex in the first place

Cumbrian calling others Cumbrian

>Not knowing sex was always in this fetish on the crapense side and animeexpansion was the reason why so many doujins were never scanned.
>Jiren in the background. Playing with her hair,

KeiKeiiiKekkkyy Brownnny Seniclaldododooooo. Boombro btw

They could send DMCA's to the art thieves at DeviantArt but refuse to leave their echo chamber.
>KeiKeiiiKekkkyy Brownnny Seniclaldododooooo. Boombro btw

What does this mean...Are you schizophrenic?
sex between a man and a woman is as natural as breathing and taking pleasure in seeing it happen is natural as well. if you personally only watch lesbians or solo content then that's what you like but you are, and will always be, the minority and no amount of your mental gymnastics will change this. trying to pretend watching b/g content means you love cock because there is a guy in the video is the dumbest shit i've ever read. are all girls who watch b/g content lesbians too?
Yeah, this thread burns my neurons every fucking time I watch it. Are you telling me every WG fetishist is scared of seeing someone's dick (Or heck, even their own)? I really like girl on girl action too, but let's not kid ourselves: We all want to smash a massive woman. And whoever says the opposite is clearly lying...or hiding something, I'll let you decide
there's a difference between wanting to fuck a woman and wanting to watch a woman be fucked
>if you want to fuck a woman you HAVE to see a penis
Last I checked I don’t find myself staring at my crotch when I’m dicking down a girl, I’m either looking into her eyes or at her back
It's not a novel concept to want to minimize the presence of men in porn marketed to men you fucking tards. From Playboy Magazine to porno flicks that try and hide the male actors behind the female actors in-shot to modern doujinshi and fanart, the most prevalent idea has been to glorify the female form and only use males as props and/or self-inserts.

There's also a big difference between not wanting to see men in porn, what most people here are doing, and literally calling people who are ambivalent to it raging faggots, what you're idiotically insinuating.
I have no problem with softcore stuff, I'm ignoring the rest of this retarded convo about cocks and shit, but is it just me or is the amount of hardcore content (eg sex, blowjobs, full nudity, the odd belly button fuck) so much lower in fat fetish stuff than other fetishes? I guess there's not a complete lack of it, but it's a strange thing
>This is getting exciting

>GokuGokuGoku Out of fucking NOWHERE
what does your post even mean???

agreed. I don't know why exactly this is (probably multiple overlapping reasons) but I wish the conversation here focused on exploring this instead of everyone calling each other fags and pedos lol.
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I don't understand how anybody likes AshVenit and his art. His stuff reminds me a lot of aloysiuseroticart's where the fat looks like chewed up gum, grotesque and just "off" if that makes any sense. Throw in his absolutely annoying personality that seems to have only gotten worse over the years due to Twitter brainrot and you've got a shit package tied with a bow.
I don't mind how he draws the fat, what I do mind though... is the disgusting hyper stuff he does.

Ruins any image he makes.
I'm going to rant a bit too since the people on here don't seem to have their head up their ass like the beater babies on twitter.

Theres this weird like cult of personality shit that goes on too, and it's bizarre how people will support you for being an asshole because they beat off to you. I'm always expected to be nice to artists because they draw shit, but like, why should I? I pay people for a service, they aren't friends so I have no real obligation to be nice. Like, I had a dude blow me off for like 4 months, go radio silent, and then when i got my sketch it was kinda what i asked for but missing details and not what i said despite agreeing to it. I'm sorry, but if you keep me waiting with no updates, give me a shitty drawing when you do freebies for clout that are better for twitter "friends" I'm going to be pissed off about it.

The pretentiousness with people in general is unreal. Not just with the age thing, but like Cakecat in particular pisses me off. She *extremely* anti-furry but posts like catgirls and shit all the time, but when you ask her about it on her discord she freaks the fuck out and iirc said she couldn't even go into a gamestop without causing trauma because there could be like Crash Bandicoot in there.

It seems like a lot off bullshit/ infighting over dumb shit, which is part of the reason I decided to finally pick up some books and try learning myself. aAlthough part of it is my weird obsession with a certain IP that i want more of, and you'll be seeing a lot of if i actually stick with it.
(715 KB, 885x702, FurryChart.png)
>Anti-furry but posts cat girls.

Do I have to post the chart?
(647 KB, 2220x1553, EBHTe5JU4AAKmGz.jpg)
It isn't natural to want to watch people have sex, it's natural to want to have sex because it leads to children who will keep your species alive.

>We all want to smash a massive woman. And whoever says the opposite is clearly lying...or hiding something, I'll let you decide
I don't, I just don't have any interest at all.

Because most people who like fat art seem to not have matured past the mindset they had during their adolescence. Most artists seem to be lazy too so it'd be more work to learn how to properly draw a sex scene and the equipment needed. Your only real hope are the Japs increasing their production rates and sizes but even then the way their stuff has been going, you'd probably end up with a double edged sword, you faggot.

Greed breeds dependence.
Dude I don't want to look at some other guy's cock, simple as
>Theres this weird like cult of personality shit that goes on too, and it's bizarre how people will support you for being an asshole because they beat off to you.
Congratulations, you have discovered what's been pretty common knowledge for a while now. Most of your complaints sound like you're coming of age in some manner and are just learning about how socially stunted most of the artists who make this stuff are, which is honestly something to praise because some people simply never reach this state.
>but when you ask her about it on her discord she freaks the fuck out
I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way about interacting with some of these people, but for the future, you don't want to really interact with someone until you can get a bead on what they're really like. I was (unfortunately) a lurker in idle-minded's Discord for a bit and I saw how absolutely off-the-deep-end some of that circlejerk is just by lurking and reading convos, nothing but red flags.
>Although part of it is my weird obsession with a certain IP that i want more of, and you'll be seeing a lot of if i actually stick with it.
Godspeed, I've been overloaded with work and other activities I've had planned but I've been trying to do the same now that things are slowing down in my life. Just feels impossible to get commissions from someone sane because anyone who's on the level AND good is swept up just as fast as the skilled lolcows that power this fetish.

Same guy you replied too, I'm just at work now so ip is different.

I figured as much, I just kinda assumed people who draw this shit would be less pretentious, and I never really kept up with any of then because I never really cared and I didn't start actually getting comms until like a year ago and only made a twitter because of it. So until then I never engaged with them at all and had no need too, and I didn't know about this site either until recently and only started coming on to upload my ass ton of lucky star comms. The dude also made everything public (which I figured he would) because he was trying to prevent me from being able to get further comissions, but it turns out nobody actually cares (which I figured they wouldn't). I took that into consideration before burning that bridge, I wasn't going to hire him ever again anyway.
I like AshVenit's art. His stuff is very much out there, but it's backed up by undeniable technical skill that ties it all well. His style is also JUST stylized enough to where even the hyper shit doesn't feel too uncomfortable to look at.

Aloysiuseroticart doesn't have that at all, his work feels relatively amateur and uncanny. It almost feels like he's tracing most of his work, the faces he draws certainly evoke that feeling.
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>WorthlessChub's art is so impossibly shitty it's laughable. The second picture specifically.
... Why? The image with the girl sitting is hands down the best one.
I mean yeah, it's sort of a low effort sharp side profile shot, but they did add some depth to it with the limbs, and I get that the fat distribution of the ass and thighs could look off-putting to some, but everything else about it looks pretty solid to me. It's definitely better than 98% of fattywank that gets posted on DA every day.

Could you break down what exactly makes it "so impossibly shitty it's laughable"?

>I just kinda assumed people who draw this shit would be less pretentious
Why? The behaviour of the artists mirrors the community that they rose up from. They're not some different breed from the average poster here, there's no vetting process in becoming an fattywank creator, you select yourself for it.
Not to mention that the moment you start to gain traction as an artist, you'll be swarmed by all kinds of asskissers, autists, beggars, troons, mouthbreathers, roleplayers, literal thieves, the list goes on.
Getting that kind of attention 24/7 can easily affect someone's psyche and make them cynical in no time. And if you're already a toxic asshole, you'll probably become even worse.

I just thought that a bunch of people who did beater fodder wouldn't be picky about doing a 17 year old instead of 18 from a anime that ended like 30 years ago or some shit. It's just weird. Like I get the sentiment but it's a cartoon that never ages, and is close enough to where it doesn't even matter.
>They're not some different breed from the average poster here

That's kind of what I meant. It feels like a weird clique. You have the people fighting over stupid shit, then the people who defend each other because they both create the shit and act like you should be super grateful when you get mad over comissions and shit. Like, they aren't drawing it "for me" it's a service I'm paying for. They arent doing it out of kindness, so why should I tolerate someone's ineptitude? I'm not super hard to work with, if you are going to take a long time it should be apparent you are busy or you could shoot me a message saying "Hey, you are x in line, it might be a few months". It's really basic shit, it's not hard.
And just because you put all this civil rights shit in your bio, doesn't mean you are a good person, and it tends to be they are the worst ones.
> swarmed by all kinds of asskissers, autists, beggars, troons, mouthbreathers, roleplayers, literal thieves, the list goes on.

All those you can ignore except the thieves. You should expect that if you are going to become any kind of public figure. I can't stand beggars either but that's what the block option is for. Also it feels like 90 percent of any online community is trans now, but that's probably more because of the hard left dominating everything now. I mean whatever, be happy, but it's insane how everyone Ive ever talked too irl dislikes them or is indifferent and then the culture online is the polar opposite, and they are everywhere.
>I just thought that a bunch of people who did beater fodder wouldn't be picky about doing a 17 year old instead of 18 from a anime that ended like 30 years ago or some shit
They weren't but then cancel culture happened and most of the artists these days fall into the far left cult while most of the others are just spineless.

>it feels like 90 percent of any online community is trans now
The entertainment industry and silicon valley warped their little minds and caused a skyrocket of gays and trannies from confusing a lot of people.

This is a prime example of a weak willed person. If you or anyone gets influenced by pictures of fictional characters to get fat yourself then seek help.

This is basically the 'video games cause violence ' argument but 'Fat kink art of fictional kids makes/encourages pedophiles '
By Vern's own logic if someone started gaining because of Vern's art and then died from health issues then he'd be responsible for a person's death.
It's weird that megamilkwhite is saying this after he's actively encouraged males to gain weight before. He's the artist I hate the most. What shitty fucking person.
also the fact that apparently Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul is his fucking comfort character. like I'm not dissing the series I've heard the manga is generally solid but what a fucking odd choice to have your comfort character be from a fucking gory horror/thriller action series.
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I relish freakouts like this since the "community" could do with a great schism at this point because holy fuck does it get tiring hearing these whiny cunts cry over every single thing that goes against the "heckin' wholesome fat admirer community" bullshit that they all seem to believe nowadays.

Also just imagine how vern would freak out over people tugging their salami to health issues which fat people DO suffer in real life as well but fat art generally glosses over.
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Guys I have something to admit I've been playing a lot of GTA and I'm starting think I can actually jack cars and shoot random people in the street for money, and all I have to do is kill myself to get rid of police before they arrest me. Don't worry I'll respawn so all should be good. Christ almighty these people.
I love this guy's work but I think it's especially retard to go off of a moralistic tangent over a niche demographic when the same people would most likely be more sympathetic over his fetish art than the people he's pandering to. He'd outrightly be accosted by the same people with that similar frame of ideology. All of this shit is just fetish art anyways, no need to think you're noble for drawing fat people meant to be masterbuted at lol just have fun with it.
I originally followed him because I like both male and female wg art but I unfollowed him after he supported some rando harassing artists like Better-with-Salt for drawing Person, MHA, and Pokemon girls. I think this new meltdown shows I made the right choice in unfollowing.
Eh I don't blame your way of dealing with that. I typically don't follow drama bs for fetishists, just save their smut on my phone and will be consuming the next one that comes out. There are some chill fetishists like Owlizard who seems to have a personal life outside their niche treating it like a hobby of sorts but there's ones who are too terminally online and unhinged to be taken seriously with shizo antics like worrying about muh age of fictional abstracts despite realizing how much older they are than me.
>typed this on an electronic device
fraud detected
This guy is a piece of shit, he flip flops on everything. Says he never draws girls, then draws girls. says he doesn't draw femboys then draws femboys. All this means is he's jacking whatever he has between his legs to loili's and wants to moral fag. Guys probably into real kids and is trying to hide behind his words online. Total scum. Just barking at other trying to pass off some of his passive guilt.
(2.1 MB, 580x433, Into the trash it goes.gif)
In terms of douchey artists, Mister Man/MissThatMan doesn't catch nearly enough shit. I remember when he was a nobody posting his art on 4chan and here, and he was super cool and humble. But the second he went to twitter he became an insufferable clout chaser kissing the asses of well-known artists and becoming a total political sperg. Fucker didn't abandon his roots so much as he yanked them out of the ground and tossed them straight into a fire.
>>105371 I hate the idea of comfort characters, especially if it's coming from the Tumblr refugee side. I get being horny over a specific character, but being all over obsessive over a character with shit like "I'd die for him/her" is annoying.

But hey, that's just my two cents.
(745 KB, 1000x1006, 1654206363966.png)
He probably realized like woot did that this places has gone to shit and this thread proves it. When you defend lolicons/pedos, transphobes and other scum no sane artist wants to associate with you, well other than absolon which is telling.
>lucky star comms
Are you the guy who someone shrieked about in regards to some comic or another? Don't remember who they were but there was like some butthurt about like "this guy was a terrible commissioner here's the work he commissioned publicly". Guess it's just another page in the long list of "sides of the story the general public won't see".
>Also it feels like 90 percent of any online community is trans now
Yeah, there's a lot of hidden disdain the general population has for those types, they're very rarely good people when they were heterosexual but the instant they come out they're "precious" and have to be protected even though they're the same fuckup asshole of a person.
Based, someone else who remembers. He made that amazing Mitsuba (from Mitsudomoe) pic and several others, vanished because he was afraid of getting exposed because he's apparently "somebody" in some industry, but hopped on Twitter and instantly joined that cesspool. He definitely doesn't catch enough shit and probably won't; he's one of those people who will rarely post on Twitter but whenever he does, it's always some foot-in-mouth shit.
not even gonna sugarcoat it, this sped should kill himself for being so fucking hypocritical and stupid

only retards or minors go on these spergouts over ~shipping~

my mutelist is a fucking mile long with these sanctimonious morons, don't torture yourself by listening to these lunatics
Examples? I can't recall hearing him say a peep outside of his usual fatposting, not that I've gone out of my way to look. My internal image of him is as a generally pleasant oldfag who's fairly reserved
>When you defend lolicons/pedos, transphobes and other scum no sane artist wants to associate with you, well other than absolon which is telling.
So why is being transphobic bad when it comes to fetish art? That shit gets in the way of everyone who isn't bisexual.
...MisterMan did defend his loli drawings of Wendy's with his cope excuse:
>Just a drawing, bro
His true self popped up when he installed himself at his own safespace, just like Tom Preston!
transphobia is a natural response. go back
(55 KB, 320x800, uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg)
If someone thinks loli and pro-ship stuff is gross that's reasonable, but when it comes to writing paragraph upon paragraph over it, it wouldn't be the first time someone like her is outed.

>muh trannyphobia
Damn dude, I'm sorry no one wants to play pretend with you
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The hubris on this motherfucker, god damn.

Pfthahahaha, we have a Vern on both sides of this!

Remember all those people who shadow clone jutsu'd and Naruto ran into Area 51 to rescue E.T.? Good times...Good times!
How's jutsu'd an actual word?

>In terms of douchey artists, Mister Man/MissThatMan doesn't catch nearly enough shit
I don't think I've heard much of anything besides going anti loli and I already still post what he made.

>Not sudokuing yourself for you're shit waifu

Don't belittle Cattyn, he worked long and hard to be the single most hated individual on the internet who had anything to do with Expansion art.
>I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way about interacting with some of these people, but for the future, you don't want to really interact with someone until you can get a bead on what they're really like

I forgot to say it earlier when i replied at work, but she has a public art help server and my interaction was literally just asking what she counted as a furry/ and if it was only prohibiting sexualized depictions, or any form. She then lost her shit and started getting aggressive with me. I'm talking out of my ass because well, I don't know her but the implication I got is that she used to draw the shit, or was exposed to it and it traumatized her or something. I get not wanting furry porn and it's your server but IIRC she claimed she couldn't even walk into a Gamestop because seeing Crash Bandicoot or like Spyro would be too much. Like, how am I supposed to feel bad for someone that fragile? I got told she calmed down a lot since then and it was a few years back. I joined the server again and I wasn't banned suprisingly but it still seemed like baby mode, and I don't want to be in a server where I can't even talk about like a Looney Tunes cartoon. And seeing how most of my interest is in older cartoons, and grindhouse cinema I'm clearly not welcome. But I'd rather learn from books instead of Twitter beaters anyway.

Even if you don't count humans with animal features as furry, I still kinda consider it closely related and it seems odd to discriminate. Like, it's cool shes trying to help people but at the same time I don't want to hang around somewhere with people that fragile.
Yeah that's basically her MO, uwu i'm babey mode until you do anything she doesn't like (which you'd think is anything under the sun) at which point a switch flips and she becomes a horrible rude witch who will be a massive petty jackass until you start kissing her ass and telling her how right she is. Real shitty stuff.
It weirds me out when people censor words like "die" but not "fuck".

I used to be in Cakecatmechboyhoarder's Discord. Used to be is the important part. Catmechcakehoarderboy has so many former friends it's crazy (or should I say c****). If you're reading this and you haven't met this person, stay away.
>It weirds me out when people censor words like "die" but not "fuck".
That's just a twitter thing where any use of the word 'die' or similar words can be grounds for account locking or suspension if the post is reported.
>It weirds me out when people censor words like "die" but not "fuck".
Nuke the French?
>>105423 I think it's even stranger when they censor out letters of usernames just because they slightly offended them to "spread awareness."
I decided to go ahead and start using my general screen name since I guess I'm going to be in the spotlight if I stick with it anyway eventually.


That's a lot of people unfortunately now it seems like. I think a lot of it is kids growing up online and seeing all this radical bullshit and thinking that's normal/ good. I think people are a product of their environment more than they'd like to admit, same reason why political beliefs don't make you a good/bad person. I think it's all a scam to get people to fight over stupid shit instead of focusing on the real issues.
My personal golden rule is that people generally only care about what they can get from you, so never fall for the facade. There's actually friendly people I'm sure, but on the internet especially everyone is a vulture or super flaky. Doesn't matter, and nobody listens until it affects them, but people are trying to sell you a persona. It's also a lot of the reason why I'm an asshole now. I've learned from most of my personal experience that if you are kind people will just try to milk it. I'm sure i'm just preaching to the choir, but maybe someone will see this and actually at least consider it.

It's like every other content creation gig. Sharks in thew water, snakes in the grass, I don't like being an asshole either but you have to exercise caution and most of these people aren't friends.
It's actually the opposite, they censor usernames so people can't just search themselves on Twitter and find out someone's talking shit about them. It's also why certain artists censor popular character/franchise names, to avoid having angry normies on their tail (or attract underage users)
(7.3 MB, 672x1098, cursed.gif)
>No-More-Furries:Fetish art Nyanners mental-breakdowns again.
Gotta love when people literally promote and glorify morbid obesity and genially tell people in the eye that they don't need to lose weight, and yet they go the moral high-ground route when it comes to silly drawings of theoretical underage characters. (Funnily enough, this also applies to CakeCat as well.)
Can't wait for someone even more hopeless than Vern to convince him that his Kenaki drawings are "Shota-Coded", and that femboys are "gateway ephebophilia or some trash.

Honestly though, when it comes to fetish content and other lewd stuff, I personally like to know the least about the person creating it as possible. Like, I never wanted to know CakeHoarderCakeCatboyCatboyMech looks and sounds like, but alas, she went vTuber+blogger mode. I'm so glad that weird furry trend of people showing their faces to their tens of thousands of followers didn't breach it's way out of Furry-Twitter.

The artists that I know the least about and are the quietest like Miramiraclerun and Hypnagogum are the best, because that way, we have no idea how insane they potentially could be. But hey, maybe I'm just a weeb who's too used to the Eastern way of artistry.
>The artists that I know the least about and are the quietest like Miramiraclerun and Hypnagogum are the best, because that way, we have no idea how insane they potentially could be. But hey, maybe I'm just a weeb who's too used to the Eastern way of artistry.
I won't say much about him, but know that MiramiracleRun is well, and is definitely not insane.
Actually, is there another person with a similiar server to catcake, run by someone who's not stupid? I know there's some general ones but not ones specifically geared towards learning fatshit. I'm sure the beater clique sees me talking shit so I'm definitely not getting back even if I decided to deal with it.
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Imagine falling so deep that you think ruining your health and encouraging other people to ruin their health is you doing a good deed.

>Gets desperate to promoto your Vtuber account to the point where you use your fetish account
>Starts complaining about too many people knowing about your fetish account
(62 KB, 1280x720, whoamiwhatami.jpg)
They're a girl trying to be a guy that's a femboy. I don't know if she actually transitioned, has alway been a guy that downed a bunch of estrogen, or is doing the whole "I think therefore I am" shit. the last one wouldn't be surprising from what I saw
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>Admits that his art has made people into feedees
>Alot of people who moral fag about underage characters tend to be pedos themselves
Lol how long till we find out vern made a minor send him belly pics or something
(13 KB, 250x242, because he is a lazy slob.jpg)
She was born as a girl, she called herself a "trans boy" a few times. So many online transmen transition because of their obsession with and eventually fetishization of yaoi.

Oh wow, still talking about trannies? Never change, BBW-chan
Reminds me of that chick that was so obsessed with Ciel from Black Butler that she "became Ciel".
Next thing you know she got arrested for being a creep.
As much as this """community""" can be summed up as "Socially inept dudes hyper-fixating on the theoretical concept of visually appealing cartoon fat chicks", the socially inept chicks that were raised by the internet can be just as bad.
Gotta love it.
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Do you guys know where I can find the full run of Rapeman?. Every site I've checked reads it as ending at chapter 21.Did it really end there or did the scanlators fag out and drop it?
That second image is one of the most vile things I've ever seen on here. Men who dress like that have serious brain damage.
>But the second he went to twitter he became an insufferable clout chaser kissing the asses of well-known artists and becoming a total political sperg.
That's a severe exaggeration if I ever saw one. He's one of the more reserved fat artists out there; he gives the occasional compliment and has a hot take every blue moon, but they're so few and far between it's hard to call it annoying. At thr very least it's hardly worth bitching about compared to the actual basket cases the community worships.
I'm appalled; I can't believe Aka-FA just assumed their gender.

>Makes Incubus as VTuber avatar
But you're asking for it.

If all of Western VTubers dropped dead, the world would be better for it, 100%, no joking. Whoever the few good ones are, will have to go just to make sure.
>My vtube streams are SFW
Pal, if my boss saw me watching that shit he'd have questions.
Yeah, who the fuck cares if the streams are SFW or not? The boss would be more concerned about you watching a 2D anime twink lmao
I genuinely don't know. This fetish is so densely populated with crazies I doubt many people want to open up shop to the public. The few I've been in and am still in feel like fronts where the artist is elsewhere because there's pretty much no "real" conversation in any of them, maybe someone tries to post something to get conversation started but it usually falls flat. Others have just been full of people treating it like venting central.

It's something I'd like to know about too since I'd like to have some place where I can talk to "verified" people about drawing. Plus we seem to have a few actual fighting game players around here.
dude REALLY needs to make less threads, take more meds
until twitter fags stop using it as the ultimate hand-wave it'll keep being brought up, sorry but it's true
>the socially inept chicks that were raised by the internet can be just as bad
on average they absolutely are as bad, sometimes even worse
I like vtubers but watching whole ass streams in a populated office is just asking for trouble, no matter how seiso they are
The political tweets he's liked shitting up my feed say otherwise.
Just block him, it works (Unless you find idiots with similar political views)
Evidence good sir, otherwise you're crying wolf here
Set your feed to 'latest tweets' retard.

>Are you the guy who someone shrieked about in regards to some comic or another? Don't remember who they were but there was like some butthurt about like "this guy was a terrible commissioner here's the work he commissioned publicly".

Sorry I didn't respond to this sooner, I didn't see it. But yeah that's me. I'm also the same guy who got the ass ton of lucky star comms and keeps bumping that thread, which is why I started using mky screen name, you'd eventually figure out it was me anyway so might as well confirm.

I admit I freaked out way too soon, I have anxiety/temper issues. Also a lot of it started to dawn on me that I'm paying all this money so a bunch of ingrateful freeloaders can beat off, and not me, and I just don't think they communicate very well either. And when I get something months later with no communication and they couldn't even draw a fucking mole. Like, it's not hard to send someone a message saying "Hey this is going to be a while, I'm busy with other commissions/school/work, is that alright?" And then when I'm obviously getting agitated you just react with a fucking emoji. I also knew they didn't want to do it because they did that "request to commission" comms before that and ignored mine. Moomy does that shit too and that pissed me off, like it's not hard to send the 20 people who requested comms a "No" but maybe they do that to avoid arguments. I also decided that it's a waste of time and unless I can pay for a slot and then talk about it I'm not wasting my time.

Also I sent them an extra $50 as an apology for freaking out privately, because I did genuinely feel bad, and then I saw them trying to do that "alert the community" bullshit (I half expected it, because twitter user) and then regretted sending them the 50 because I didn't feel bad after that. No skin off my nose though, I wouldn't have hired them again afterwards and Most people genuinely don't care. I didn't really look at it past the initial first post but I'm sure they didn't bring that up.


I would start one myself but I'm still working through an intro book. It's not hard to create servers, and I have a dead one I could re-purpose but I would need someone who can actually do art to run it. You also have to keep in mind the twitter mob is going to join and you'll still have to deal with them, best thing you can do is try and run it fairly and not ban people for personal beliefs and shit.

Jay actually has a server with a bunch of FGC guys on it and it's public. He seems nice, and I don't have an issue with hijm, as well as he's one of the only two people I didn't need to fight with over a refund, so I don't have any issues with him. Although you will need to deal with a crowd that thinks "trap" is a slur.
I will never understand fat artists who say shit like this then draws characters like Kaneki, any Pokemon trainer like Rosa or Hilda fat when they are underaged
>Moomy does that shit too and that pissed me off, like it's not hard to send the 20 people who requested comms a "No" but maybe they do that to avoid arguments
This is exactly why, actually. It is hard to shoot people a "No" because it could snowball into an Internet Argument Situation, almost always better to just tell people who were chosen that they were.

Granted I don't even remember which artist did that but the exchange makes a lot more sense now. I would recommend being more careful of your own temper since it sounds like the artist(s) was not the only one at fault here.

>Jay actually has a server with a bunch of FGC guys on it and it's public.
There are a few "Jay" artists now, which one?
Heyo, I believe that I am the artist you guys are referring to. This dude commissioned me to draw a Lucky Star comic, and I had posted my experience publicly on Twitter. Since this guy decided to post his rants about artists on this site, I figured I would link my side of the story:


I don’t expect any of you to defend me or take my side in this, I would just like to give some context to what happened.
>>Jay actually has a server with a bunch of FGC guys on it and it's public.
There are a few "Jay" artists now, which one


I knew you'd show up eventually
Long time no see. Hope you’ve learned to express your concerns and actually communicate to artists before blocking them, giving insults/threats, and not giving them a chance to discuss receiving a refund.
If he's bitching about it here and trying to justify his sperg out then obviously not.
You're just as much in the wrong as your ex-commissioner is with this gay headhunting shit you're doing, all of us already heard your side of the story when you blew your top on Twitter. Both of you need to seek help with your tempers. So fucking tiresome, this shit is exactly what I mean when I talk about how every interaction between fan and artist in this fetish is antagonistic these days.
His thread wasn't headhunting, it was more a call to steer clear of a shit client for other artists. It's a natural and justified consequence of Gecko's actions. Look into the replies of the thread and there lots of non artists, some of which are known comissioners, in agreeance that it's suit behavior. You can't act like a dipshit to people and try to fuck with their bank and get a simple wag of a finger.
Quit sniffing markers. I have my ID because I previously posted under >>105553 but had to go on data.
If I may butt in on this conversation. My apologies for any and all disturbances I may have caused with doing this.

I do agree that the fan to artist line has been very antagonist lately for some people. I find that as long as you create a place where people can have fun in and talk like normal adults things can thrive.

I would love if you mochii and gecko could both talk these issues out, maybe not in text but in a voice chat in some sort as, I gotta be honest. Text is ass when it comes to sorting things out. Again I don't expect that to happen but I just want the best for everyone tbqh.

I did make a discord server specifically I was thrown out of an older server which I had a lot of former friends in. I still have some I contact but I lost a lot and the reason I made mine is so everyone can have a place to socialize and talk with.

Its with this I genuinely hope to make things better between artist and fan. There have been really really really bad issues in the past with other artists hating on their audience and I never understood why to ever be like that. Just be nice to each other is how i've been raised and this is also the reason why I have a refund system set up to where if any of my commissioners need a refund before they get their work that is totally fine. emergencies happen and or other life stuff.

I know a few artists are not gonna like me talking here on bbwchan or even here in the ranting channel but, I do want everyone to know that I geniunely do try my best and I want the best for everyone.

Life has been shit for me lately with my mom having stage 4 cancer and taking care of her, but that is no excuse to take it on anyone. If I can make one person happy with my art in any way, I'm happy too.
I'll try to be better I guess. Most people think I'm nice but I go from 0-100 pretty quickly when i get pissed off. When I give people the benefit of the doubt they try fucking me over. You know what happened like two weeks later? I had someone who outright kept refusing to do what they agreed to in sketch, I was nice about it, and they offered a partial refund and it never came, but I didn't make a big deal out of it because it was cheap. I was also told by people who weren't in the clique to go harder, and do a chargeback anyway for it taking so long, but I'm not that vengeful. If you did it then you should be compensated.


Who cares, if anything negative actions lead to free publicity. I'm like the stain in your underwear that refuses to come out. You'll need thw whole 20 mule team.
not our fault they all end up crazy
call it a consistent thread
You are so positive. I wish I could be like you honestly. I haven't said anything because I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to say and try to make things better, I'm not good at that. I just hope everything for you and your mom gets better soon.
Can you tell me your mom's wifi password then?
this is fucking pathetic. if either one of you was capable of just acting like a fucking adult you wouldn't be having this problem. and to have it publicly on fucking bbwchan of all places is beyond cringe
This is probably the most quintessential BBWchan thread ever.
Arguing about Trans people
Arguing about lolis
Multiple artist appereances
Complaining about Artists in the community
Complaining about Artists that left the community
People not realizing they are the reason why Artists have to treat commissioners with child gloves
A public twitter freakout
Random Personal Vendettas
And the furry chart
We should honestly make a BINGO sheet for this.
But who is the most sane/chill artists?

that's not who I was talking about actually but alright. First I'll say something positive and she's done the best one's I've ever gotten and I think she's amazing. I think she will do really well except for the fake personality.

Let's see

1.Acts super friendly and very responsive when taking your money, then blows you off

2.Taking people's money but admitting to not wanting to do anything.

3. I'll get it started x2 or 3, then just doesn't do it while complaining about burn out

4. "I didn't get any comms, you are jumping to conclusions. " But your username says you are taking them, and that didn't stop you from taking my $150 or whatever it was right before you started talking about burn out. Just because nobody contacted you in the downtime doesn't change that.

Burn out or whatever is fine, but quit taking them until you feel better.
All the Twitterites people are complaining about in this thread are the same people I unfollowed because they supported current thing. Whether it was whining about orange man, supporting wu-flu mandates, BLM, Ukraine flags, outrage over Roe vs. Wade, or whatever the next big official corporate-sponsored cause is, it's interesting but not surprising how reliably this correlates with undesirable personality traits like narcissism. Why do they think a fat fetish art account is an appropriate platform to repeat mantra from the mainstream media? Do they just pretend to believe in these causes to get likes and follows and retweets or do they actually care about any of it?
>Why do they think a fat fetish art account is an appropriate platform to repeat mantra from the mainstream media? Do they just pretend to believe in these causes to get likes and follows and retweets or do they actually care about any of it?

There's this attitude that you need to use any form of influence you have to spread your beliefs to your followers, and some people will try and shame you into doing it. I think it's both, like you have some people who actually care and others who are just selling you a persona. And then people who care on a superficial level, or maybe they need too to stay in their friends group. I've noticed a lot of leftists will outright ditch you if you disagree with them on anything political, so maybe they push shit too appeal to their social circle.
(3.2 MB, 220x140, B32C0BB8-C657-4F94-82FB-3A59272D17E7.gif)
I despise Twitter and all of its consequences not only in the fetish field but (Amerilard) society as a whole. I hate scrolling the Media tab, I hate searching for specific posts, I hate that it refreshes right when I'm about to like a new pic, I hate the obnoxious account personalities, I hate the moralfagging over drawings, I hate that the same ideas are recycled for clout, I hate artists going full schizo and their artwork reflecting it, I hate the children that stick their noses where they dont belong, I hate that everyone's too much of a pussy because they dont want to rock the Twitter boat, I hate those damn promoted tweets...

Don't forget the fact that you can disable retweets from appearing in your home page, but not likes.
Because I totally want to see a bunch of hot takes from people I don't even want to hear from. It's why I don't even follow any artists on twitter whatsoever. Part of the reason I don't even use twitter anymore.
>Also a lot of it started to dawn on me that I'm paying all this money so a bunch of ingrateful freeloaders can beat off
Careful anon, or you might find yourself turning into a pygmy midget biting off fingers to keep any eyes but your own from seeing what's on your precious flash drive.

I'm surprised no one's used the Adventures manga defense yet for Pokemon.

>You are so positive. I wish I could be like you honestly
That's suicide in current year. You gotta spend your hope where there's actual hope.

The dead.

>or whatever the next big official corporate-sponsored cause is
Monkey Pox surge wasn't because of gay orgies or civil war depending on how the midterms go.

>I hate that it refreshes right when I'm about to like a new pic
Just use Nitter; there's a button in the top right corner to open the twitter page.
Switch to latest tweets. Otherwise you are willingly scarfing up the shit the algorithm gives you.
>CattyN shit on by both sides
They're definitely following his path, they have to keep up with the wokeness or else. Remember it was:
>Future is Female
>You fucking terfs!!!!
>I'm surprised no one's used the Adventures manga defense yet for Pokemon.
Being what exactly? Is someone older there? I know Hilda is supposed to be 17 in B2/W2, which is legal in most countries, and in at least 30 states in the US.
>Monkey Pox surge wasn't because of gay orgies
It's been confirmed at this point that MonkeyPox is most easily transferred from person to person by gay/bisexual men, but it's something anyone can get. It's why most people who have it are men.
I always find it funny how I so often hear about these awful commissioning experiences, because I've never had a single bad egg in the ~4-5 dozen I've gotten. Not because everyone is secretly a ball of sunshine, no, rather because it's almost always extremely obvious that someone is abrasive and/or a schizo from their community posts and previous commissioner testimony. You really shouldn't be throwing your money at someone without doing research on them first.
(311 KB, 834x880, media_EaTUXi4UYAA2JLH.png)
Yeah, last I checked, Hilda was 16 at the start of G5's mango while G1's all grown up and I think G2 and G3 were at or on their way to 16.

That reminds me, Jessie and James are supposed to be 16 too.

Yeah, it can be passed through contact but it wouldn't have gotten so bad here in the states so quickly had the gays not thrown away the burgs for fucks.
Sapphire and Ruby (May and Brendan's Manga counterparts) is are 15, and the Gen1 protags are grown up as you say. I couldn't confirm White's (Hilda's Manga counterpart) age, but like I said before, the games have her covered.
Liberals (aka the mentally ill) are obsessed with the magic number 18.
>>105713 Where's that image from?
>Unless something's changed it's been 11 for the Japan based areas and 14 when they started basing the games in other nations.
Hilda and Hilbert were the first teenage protagonists for the main series, and they were specifically designed to be older then protags before them. Serena and Calem from X/Y are 10, which they don't look like. Selena and Elio from Sun/Moon were outright stated to be 12 in the games. Rosa and Nate from B2/W2 don't have confirmed ages, and neither do Gloria and Victor from Sword/Shield. A character in Legends Arceus comments that the protags look like they're 15.
only when it comes to fictional characters
there is now lower limit when it comes to real people for them
>i just dont rlly like interacting with kids lol
>dat reverse grooming psychology

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