
It seems to me that the best art was added to this board many many years ago and that it has since gone downhill, and that everybody knows that all of the art and content that ever gets uploaded is complete garbage and yet nothing is ever done about it. The newer garbage is always worse than the previous garbage and everybody knows but nobody cares. What are you going to do about the site being stuck with over 80 GB of mostly garbage content?

It would appear that the majority of users on this site are not only aware of the goings-on but are enthusiastically in support of more and more newer garbage being uploaded and discussed in the comments, yet nobody ever discusses any of these issues specifically.

I bring it up because if true then it means that most anon are intentionally trying to sabotage the quality of the content on the site while only a handful of anons such as myself and others are the only ones doing the complaining (about the content quality) and the uploading of the best content we can find. It also appears that comments are used primarily for this end across the site.

I am now beginning to wonder if the only solution to this would be for some anon to start a new chan that is tailored for the minority of the anon on this site
>>102125 (OP)
We already have one of these threads, and it along with this don't belong here.
The fact that it had such a short life means it wasn't a good idea for here. Should've been in the /ee/ board along with the femboy and trans characters to begin with.
>>102163 this has meme potential

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