
(99 KB, 1200x800, 9ca9bb2e31d7b8487af28b578de75212032db8504718eb0ab4c69fea79c072d5.jpg)
If you can think of something or someone that deserves a thread, add it in here, and maybe someone will make that thread. Don't let that stop you writing about one, including your own! Please make your own categories for such and let others follow your example. You can also feel free to share your thread ideas too.
>>101838 Is that a fat black thot jumping (gracefully) into a pool of mud?
Nope. this is a fat tan-skinned thot jumping (gracefully) into a pond of chocolate. A dream so sweet it's diabetes inducing.
And her name is Yoghurt.
(29 KB, 487x333, 1652485407636.jpg)
>>101833 (OP)
How do you fucks seem to always find out how to make even dumber and useless threads than what was last thought possible?
>How do you fucks blah blah blah blabbity blab blab blab blah last thought possible?
You're an idiot. Go take a nap
This thread is going to spawn even dumber shit then some ideas we've seen get deleted already.

God no, threads focused on only one or two characters suck.

That's too niche of an idea.
A thread on canonical fatties?
(37 KB, 887x901, sweer_chan_s_massive_pillow_belly_by_sweer_tomato_dbvxdpe-pre (1).jpg) (76 KB, 932x857, sleepeating_hifumi_by_comical_weapon_df8ufy7-pre (1).jpg) (2.6 MB, 940x29000, 3028319f62409a26242a6a016a85215c4fea398b21c06afe7ef0d28d4e4a8fa6.png)
So Farley recently I've had this "artist" from DeviantArt drawing me a lot of stuff about my waifu redrawn over other fat art. His discord is silver3408k#7543 and hopefully someone can get in contact with him cuz I loved the dude and wish to build our friendship once more. Sorry for being off topic but anyways one of the drawings he made was (to use it lightly) traced from the 1st image and also said that he liked vore with pillows instead of humans cuz of some earlier discussion and you could probably guess how confused I was about being into a Pacific kind of fat art yet It did grew on me a lot and kinda wish to find more pillow vore or just object vore in general tho I should probably post it on another sub section that's more into that stuff? And I won't post the traced art unless if someone dose want to see it for some reason.
(72 KB, 680x481, E9hhz6WVkAgbx4Y.jpg)
A retard thread replaces a content thread. Such is the way
>>101885 Why? What's wrong with retards? And uh... is that a gay dude or a lesbian woman?
i'd wanna say tracksuit fatties
Hi! Welcome to BBWDraw!
>>101833 (OP)
A YO MAMA tread, plenty of fat Yo Mama characters

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