
/bbwalt/ pls
Just say you're a pedophile bro
I want the pic of Nanako Dojima from Persona 4 by SoulInflatioN (Sou1StreamExpans1ve)!
/bbwalt/ man
Is it really hard for you faggots to find >>>/bbwalt/
There’s already dozens of fat Loli threads there for fuck sake
>>101485 (OP) dude theres literally 2 threads at alt
just add the stuff there thats all
What the fuck are you on about
I hope the jannies nuke you from orbit and rangeban you
(1.9 MB, 1600x2048, commission___puella_pudgy_by_kawaiidebu_d42vmcj.png) (619 KB, 731x548, D4ZmFPJWkAAbZE0.png) (122 KB, 645x910, feccf56084e042f206e98b01df275bca.jpg) (77 KB, 734x1163, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_EG8MrO3U4AAMVK6.jpg) (85 KB, 930x1200, 1576124657561.jpg) (829 KB, 2892x4096, media_FSQI3MZWUAAMBGY.jpg)
War, I'm on about war.

>I hope the jannies nuke you from orbit and rangeban you
If the mods decide against this thread, the most that'll happen is OP getting his thread deleted and me getting a smack upside the head before I go back to whatever I was doing before I noticed this thread.

Now please enjoy the pudgy little doughballs

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