
mans deserved it dude gives out some of the highest quality art this community has
My brother in Christ, the message right below the one you tagged says no dominos this week.
I lose more braincells every fucking time a retard asks for a new Domino Effect page, I swear
(98 KB, 720x303, 3547hw.png)
new page hurr durr
new page domino? just kidding, don't cry xD
I pay for Patreon yet still have to use the kemono for everything but the comic? Def cancelling after this month. Sweetdreamcoffee I'm keeping
You do know the cheapest tier is only for the comic, right?
Sub to it if u can’t wait noob
The new page its on saturdays or sundays?
Lately it has been sundays, sometimes saturday's I think. Don't remember.
Anyone got the new page? Please?
If u can’t wait, u can sub to his patreon, it’s 2.50
Anónimo 13/07/2022 (Mié) 05:53:49 Id: 7d0ebc No. 101909
>>101908 Could it be that we ask because we don't even have a place to drop dead?
Mi hermano en Cristo, el mensaje justo debajo del que etiquetó dice que no hay fichas de dominó esta semana.
Anónimo 14/07/2022 (jue) 19:57:05 Id: c0542f No. 102111
Pierdo más células cerebrales cada puta vez que un retrasado pide una nueva página de efecto dominó, lo juro
This argument is so stupid. This website was made to get content for free, and although pointless bumps asking for content are annoying, the guy has a right ask for it. You shouldn't be on this website at all if you're preaching about subbing.
Thank fuck, someone with common sense.
No matter how many times people have this conversation, they never understand the point of creating this thread. Bruh
I hate that new character already
we all know where the new girls going. right?
She’s already looking like the typical bimbo blonde bitch who’s gonna end up gaining weight because of her friend’s eating habits.
Anyone got the new domine effect page
Thank bro plus this is getting good😩
Np that's the last one I can do tho bro I ended my sub, other anons will carry the torch. I'm waiting for that drblackjack world tour one that bb draws
I had tried to post the last one and did one earlier this month but my id changes
The small little goblin meme killed me LMAO, also I'm already sensing that she's gonna forget about Nikolai really soon
hope not this frederik dude better not fuck up nikolais undeserved harem
Has anyone gotten the new Alice part?
Anyone got the new domine effect page
Anyone got the new domine effect page
Stop spamming, you fucking idiot
The new page isnt even out retard
Second one was an accident
New Domino Effect out.
Anyone got the new domine effect page
Anyone have the new domine effect page
>Keeps drawing blobs in order to tame the suspense from the comic
I like that.
If you're talking about >>106387, that's for a Patreon of his. He doesn't try to fill in gaps like Pixiveo does in his Log Myu comic by having massive one off characters appear every once in a while.
I think they just refered to the fact that belt has a lot of drawn fatties on the side of the comic, if some are too impatient or something. Since Belts comic is more focused on more grounded slow wg with character focus.
That's what I mean. Belt's not drawing bigger sizes because of the lack of them in the comic, but because they're Patron rewards for the highest tier.
Ah my bad. I misunderstood.

There is also the poll ones and the themed months too.
Yeah...even though Meatpedal could choose different characters once in a while. Nino again? Seriously, what the fuck?
Havent Miia been drawn way more for him?
I guess he's drawn both in equal measure
Especially when the tier is over $80 to be in, and only 5 people can be part of it.
Patreon tax/VAT is so stupid at times.
It's weird because not everyone I support has tax applied to what I pay them.
Might because Belt is from Norway, and maybe you are from the same area as other creators you support.
That's not it. There's 2 artists I support that are both in France and I'm in the US, but only one has tax attached to them.
I have a Patreon and I don't have an option to turn it off or on, but I'm also a low tier nobody so maybe it's only if their are pulling in a certain amount.
I tried reading up on it, and if a tier only has 'general support' as a benefit, then there is no tax on it when people is from US and other countries.
VAT is paid based on your (the consumer's) location, not the location of the party you're supporting
That doesn't make sense, because that would mean people should be either getting taxed all the time or never.
Yoooo new domino page
Anyone got the new domine effect page
Why the fuck do you keep copypasting the same message!?
Could someone please upload the new page?
Oh fuck you man, I thought it was an update 🤡
Oh fuck you ,man I thought it was the new page!
Ah fuck you dawg I thought there was an update
Ah fuck I thought the new page was up
New page?
Lol made u think it's new page
Anyone got the new domine effect page
Nope I cancelled my sub bc all you get is the comic for base tier
Pretty sure this is the same guy who said he'd cancel before August despite the ID being different. Might pick up the torch next month but I'm not sure. That one beggar >>106871 is a pain in the dick.
Was he the same guy who was updaiting in Kemono Belt's content?
I've never updated the kemono before, that's somebody else
Had a feeling it was two different people. Kemono Party is usually behind what gets posted here.
The new page its in kemono boys. Hope the anonymus hero keep updaiting
The Kemono was updated, but I don’t see the new page. Could you post it here?
Can't upload the other drawing because the file is large as fuck
Y'all are seriously only interested in that fucking comic...?
Of course
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Would you guys rather him do his comics in 1 page with panels or a big comic strip? It gets hard to tell where the good parts are when searching for the images again.
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(1.3 MB, 1408x2000, 13.jpg) (2.2 MB, 2283x3000, 14.jpg)
Bro look at the faces in the last panels
They have more expresiveness, detail and passion put into them than half the comics in the community
This shit is good even if the gains are slow
Well, this shit would be even better if the gains were a bit faster
>chunky to a blob
Holy fuck
and nobody had to bitch to get it, crazy. thanks for your service, great page
Has Belt released the 9th page of Alice's Appetite yet?
(5.7 MB, 5057x4586, 199 - Code Fat feat. Io (1).png)
I barely played through Code Vein. Only got this game because my friend recommended it to me because of anime.
Im not a math guy.
Is gaining 2 Kg per week a lot?
Yeah i know the conversion.
But is gaining 5 pounds per week a lot?
I genuinely dont know.
Yes thats alot to gain in a week, in calories thats eating about over twice what you would normally eat a day for a week.
Gaining 1kg a week is also considered a lot as well when considered IRL.

Belt is probably trying to keep it a bit realisitc, but speeding it up a notch.
She'd have to be eating about 4,000 calories a day at least 5 days a week for that kind of weight gain. If she did that for a whole year without slowing down, she would gain 60 pounds total. All of this would be assuming that she lives a very lazy lifestyle the entire time, because the human body does burn calories on its own, even in sleep.

Correct, the fastest people could realistically gain weight in one week is 2-3 pounds.

Honestly, I hope Belt Buster does a time skip just so it doesn't take 30-50 pages before the change becomes more noticeable.
well realistically people like mochiibaby have gained like 10lbs+ in a week so it is plausible but thats pretty much eating all day, but considering how much she ate on the weekend plus no money restraints id say ~5lbs is pretty plausible
>well realistically people like mochiibaby have gained like 10lbs+ in a week so it is plausible but thats pretty much eating all day
10 pounds in one week? Her intake would've had to be 6,000 cals a day for at least 5 days a week. Only way I'd think that's possible is if she ate a ton of those small cakes you'd see in gas stations. Things like Cosmic Brownies, Oatmeal Cream Pies, Fudge Rounds, Star Crunches, etc. They're all packed with calories but small enough that it would take a while to get full from them.
Yeah she gained 50lbs in one month, ate like 10000+ calories a day, insane shit
Good lord. No wonder people on the other boards have been asking for her, or if there's any other women who does that. Can't think of any other woman who's been committed to gaining weight that quickly and actually follow through on it. Many nowadays wish to remain where they are or take several years because of hesitation.
Shes pretty much at that state now, she was diagnosed as pre diabetic (no shit) and slowed down. but shes still like 350-400lbs nowadays
Understandable that she'd slow down and not push her luck. Still her efforts toward weight gain was one of the most impressive from any woman.
You also have to remember that this costs her thousands and thousands of dollars too, so I can see why not alot of people do it
True. They'd have to be rich themselves or be with a feeder with deep pockets to do that, and I know that a woman like that would bankrupt me.
it was something crazy like 8000$ she spent on food that month, it was only plausible because so many people subscribed to her onlyfans and shit to see it
I just remembered that though is new domine effect page does anyone have it
I dunno if it's my internet, or if you just posted a very low quality version of the page.
I mean...it does look kinda low res compared to the earlier pages lmao
(356 KB, 820x237, 357AA424-8801-4BC3-9BCA-6FC1AC0CBA43.png)
Final poll candidates for September.
With Mai on here guaranteeing her at least a b&w sketch + the Mai art from BWS a few days ago, we Mai fans are absolutely feasting this September.
Ugh...you're the same dude from the BWS thread, aren't you? I dread to imagine Mai in belt's art style, honestly. Her face just wouldn't fit
Guess we’ll see about that one buddy, because like it or not it is coming.
I don't care about your FOTW character that will likely be beat ass soon as the new anime/manga w/e comes out next week. Domino Affect is Belt's main draw
Can barely even make out what you’re attempting to say here with that super broken English but I can tell you’re baby-raging about something. Take it to the insane-ranting thread my man xD
Bump for new the Domino Effect page
Yooo umineko?? Wish there was more art of it, pretty fetishbait VN

And Nikolai is fckin' dead now, the end
Why the fuck is the Kemono page not updated yet? lmao
The recent chapter for Domino Effect's Ending was pretty adorable, if only nikolei can be with the girl who saved her here.
Pretty cool to see Eli's sister make an appearance again even if only in a dream
These are both furry shit. Giving the warning because this asshole didn't feel like saying what they are himself.
Bleugh...what the fuck is this furry shit!?
It's his shit. Its his content. How is this a problem?
What's with Belt adding secondary characters to the drawing? I noticed this with that Ran Yakumo one. What the hell is the point?
it's called worldbuilding
(4.5 MB, 940x13001, chapter42.5.jpg)
Wow, god damn its finally happening
And………. she’s now worst girl. Fucking creep lmao.
Maybe I'm biased as shit but this is legit my fav feedee scenario lol
lmao. tanya (the dark haired tan one) is still best girl for me
>>115755 This might have hurt her chances and likability.
I personally think she's the hottest one but this is uhhhhhhhhh
Speak for your self buddy this shits hot
Cue the Jontron clip. If I knew how to put videos here, I'd do it myself, but a quote will have to suffice.

Jontron: *Whistle* RAPE!

Still, yeah, the harem route seems kinda out at this point. Tanya is the only one Nikolai seems to reciprocate, Emma is likely gonna get with Fredrik, and Mari is clearly unstable. That just leaves Elijas' sister as an outlier, but hey, a three way is better than nothing.

Granted, Mari being kinda yandere doesn't completely rule her out, it just makes her the least likely of the harem. And even then, there are still plenty of other girls set up to have a role.
Will do!
My opinion has nothing to do with that blue bird app.
As the singular person only here for Elija's sister I will continue to wait another couple of years until she shows up again, hopefully in the flesh.
Yea i dont think being weirded out by her trying to rape him is a “twitter” moment just a general red flag
Tanya is cool, she I think has been the only one to besides this latest Mari incident to say things (in)directly to Nikolai but without being to heavy handed on it. I know a lot of people just want him to fuck literally every girl in the story but I like how some of the other background characters are hooking up with the "Nikolai harem" instead, Belt is pretty decent at subverting expectations. I say that because LenexAlexi, EmmaxFreddrick and what i'm thinking is going to end up being Marix(Nikolai's glassed friend don't know his name).

As for the rest of the plot development I hope after this "Mari arc" he does back and explores Tanya and that blonde "friend" of hers a bit, whoever the fuck Dryad is supposed to be and Elijas AND his sister also that strange brunette girl that left school because of Tine but got her revenge and is now back??
My god, those eyes are terrifying.
This looks like it was generated by an AI
What specifically makes her face look creepy?
Is it the empty expression, eyes looking a bit emotionless or empty?
Belts art looks better to be in flat colors/lineart. the shading makes it look weird a lot of the time, and this one is a good example
Belt draws emotionless/empty eyes most of the time, something I have to admit BWS does better
Why bring up BWS here when he's not relevant on this thread?
Because somebody else compared them in a different thread, but whatever
then keep said dicussion to that thread
Both are completely different artists who have their own techniques/methods. They have their strengths and flaws. But I still don’t get why BWS comes to mind first when there are other fat fetish artists that do eyes on the same level of quality as well such as Kip, Pixiveo, bamboo ale, etc.
Dude, keep that discussion in the manbaby thread. Don't make it bleed into here.
this artist is one of the few that have better looking faces when doing sketches than with shaded pics. the moment this dude starts shading the cheeks they start to look weird
Lot of the latest one I think looks pretty good face wise and all. The Ikumi one looked a bit creepy, but otherwise they've been great!
Such a wonderfully arousing sound effect.
Is there a new domine effect page this week??
Shut your fucking trap for once
Jesus just asking asshole
(1.2 MB, 1024x1021, Cammy.png)
This image is so fucking amazing. Maybe top 10 in my eyes. I don't even like pears all that much
New page?
okay, no lie, that's really sweet
I preferred it to be his harem after all, and not like in anime, where either one girl is chosen or other girls find other guys, there is a lot of this, why see it here
It makes for good storytelling thats why you see it, plus this is fetish art so we get nice drawings from it
well, yes, I agree here, but I don't know about others, but I position myself as Nikolai, because he's the main character, well, he looks more native, but then some guy breaks in and starts fattening a girl in love with Nikolai, pawing her and so on, even if it's at her request, but still smacks of netorare
And the Harem is back on. Luckily Mari isn't full Yandere and realized she fucked up.

Interesting though that flashback moment Nikolai had. Combined with his anxiety disorder, I wonder if it was a repressed memory that is likely connected to the source of his anxiety.
>>117878 Looks like she and him made up which is nice, she's getting another chance to be good to him.
Why I'm so invested in a fat fetish comic what da heck
(8.3 MB, 4960x3507, 634AFA15-1EC7-4A3A-8A73-0AD945B0720F.png)
Ironic that this pic is titled “The Waiting Game” cause that is the exact game I am playing waiting for the kemono to be updated witht the new Mai pic
(2.7 MB, 4953x3420, 7C2D19A1-5CC1-4883-B38C-9C7367D70616.jpeg)
The wait was so very worth it. Though I would’ve loved to see her maybe a little bigger and nude (there are seriously NO nude fat Mai pictures), this is still positively amazing
Hot as fuck. This is the first time I've seen her belly break out of her suit.
Too true. All the artists seem to get so caught up in the allure of the bunny suit itself, and thusly forget about the potential allure of her bursting out of the bunny suit
The wait was so very worth it. Though I would’ve loved to see her maybe a little bigger and nude (there are seriously NO nude fat Mai pictures), this is still positively amazing
I just wish there were more Mai pics where her belly wasn't covered by that outfit of hers.
Please put this under spoilers.
>>118842I thought the woman on the right was Emmeryn at first.

Also, No one make a comment calling out Sumia please
anyone have TDE Side Story - Tanya's photography outing
Anyone have the Tanya art thing
Is there new domine effect page
Yeah, it’s a mini side story thing with tanya
There, so you can finally shut up
"Tanya asked me out to join her with her photography today, and I'm not entirely sure why. I know she said she couldn't ask anyone else,  but I'm still uncertain as to why she needed anyone else at all. I don't feel like I provide much of a second opinion - all I could say about most of the photos she took were that they looked good and were very pretty. It was a refreshing experience being behind a camera rather than in front of it - I kept thinking Tanya was going to suddenly ask if she could take a photo of me instead, but she never did. Tanya did, however, ask me if I was alright; yesterday she saw when Mari had hoisted me out from that crowd of girls, and apparently been worried about me for the rest of the day. I told her things as they happened, but I did say Mari had taken me to the Nurse's office after she knocked me out, instead of the truth in the gym. It's too embarrassing - both for Mari and me - to be spreading what actually happened about. Tanya mumbled something under her breath, but seemed relieved that nothing worse had happened to me.

It's a strange feeling - Tanya being worried about me. She always has this professional aura about her. The way she holds herself, the way she stands, the way she handles her camera and lines up a shot... there's something elegant about it. A sort of... beauty, I guess? So when Tanya, who's typically focusing on her photography, says she was worried about me.... I don't know, but it makes me smile when I look at her."

For some reason though, I can't keep my eyes off of her backside, in particular..."
Tanya is my favorite thus far hope we keep seeing more of her!
Is he making a new page or naw
No, guess you'll have to find something else to do other than ask incessantly
Kill yourself, you black as shit nigger. You're not white.
No, you stupid fucking nigga. He is not making a new page, and asking incessantly won't help your situation. Go kill yourself first
Belt himself said the comic is still going in the Patreon post for the Tanya side story, I don't see him saying he cancelled it anywhere
sometimes when i'm feeling down it's nice to sit down, take a deep breath, and remind myself that at least i don't have to release years of pent up sexual frustration at randoms on a fat fetish image board
I know Elijas is supposed to be kind of the 'hero' since he's going around getting all the girls fat, but I can't help but hope he gets his face caved in by a bus
Elijah sister have an extra finger.
yea, belt reuploaded the part just now where he has removed it.
I 100% agree with this. Dudes so fucking annoying
(39 KB, 500x370, 58c1acf275115.jpg)

On a dark desert highway
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
"This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"
Then she lit up a candle
And she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted
She got the Mercedes Benz
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard
Sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain
"Please bring me my wine"
He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here
Since 1969"
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis
Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
And she said, 'We are all just prisoners here
Of our own device"
And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man
"We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave"
(4.6 MB, 940x12255, chapter44.5.jpg)
I got a membership. No more bitching from people who ask.
tanya page, based. I like her most of the girls so far.
(8.2 MB, 940x24000, chapter45.jpg)
He needs to do pinups of his sister
Right? How hasn't there been anything of her outside of the comic yet? Imagine her being immobile and naked while laying on her stomach wanting someone to feed her and make her fatter. That'd be so steamy!
Finally got a name for Elijas sister now: Anne. So right now Nikolai has Anne, Emma, Mari, and Tanya as members of his harem. He's already had intiment moments with Mari and Tanya, and Emma is likely building up to having one with him, so that just leaves Anne for him to have an intimate moment with.

...Good god I am actually this invested in the romance plot of a fetish comic. WTF is my life at this point?
I'm waiting because need to make a game out of this so I can have an option of having all of them at once.
>"Oh no i'm not proper" (upon next encounter)
>MC has already seen girl naked or basically naked
I wish people would stop doing this stupid trope, other than that it is great to see Anne now
Ayooo this is the good shit
People care about their appearances, anon— especially in front of people they're attracted to
I thought Tanya was the best girl but I've completely changed my mind when I saw Anne aka Elijas' sister, can't wait for the next chapter
Honestly I really like all of them except the blonde chick (forget her name) and even shes still pretty good, just not as good as the rest. Overall great girls, cant wait to see how fat they get
post the new one
Literally isnt even out stupid
Must you do this in every thread?
i heard he is putting out 2 pages this week. post the second one finally.
You spoon, how can he post something that's not on Belt's Patreon.... please check that first before yelling.
>>124551 i hope the patrons stop posting free shit just so you beggar retards starve
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Tried to get some panels of Anne when she first appeared in the comic. Sorry if the quality is bad, but these where kind of a pain to get ready. Had to download the pages, zoom in on the panels that had her, take a screenshot, then crop in even further. As a side note, until this these recent pages, we haven't seen Anne since March.
New plot thread ft. Nikolai being suspect?
At least the new girl seems promising, notwithstanding the darker undertones to her
I’m confused at what’s happening in the story at this point
>Nikolai being suspect?
You mean Elijah, right?
Seems pretty straightforward honestly, what are you confused by?
I kinda dont like how dark this segment is tbh, or how the story seems to be turning into a dark, everyone is fat and brainwashed/broken direction. I'm sure some people are into that but its not my cup of tea
I really am having a hard time following what exactly is happening in this comic. Can someone give me a recap of what happened from the beginning to the latest page
The whole broken aspect i feel like was shown since the beginning with Lene, with the bar scene and all.
Elija joins the school, and nothing happens until the first victim, lene, starts fattening up. She accepts to gain weight on purpose. This led her to Andre, where the mystery guy encouraged them to like it and date.
Late Tanya is the victim of drinking coffee from a shadow figure and then starts to get her old habvit back. This causes her to gain weight.
Maria is the next victim. Elijah told her that a picture of Nikolai's locker of a fat girl (Elija may plant it or a shadow figure.
Emma, the next victim from drayd (could be the shadow figure), told Emma that Nikolia is like a fat girl. This led to seeing him checking marai and lene, that are getting fat. Invite Tanya to the party and the photoshoot that make her believe Nikolia likes fat girls.
Nikolia does the investigation because Kai told and this soon led to him becoming a model.
Kai is now showing that he has a secret operation to get elija's expose and that this happen before.
Are you kidding this is great, but I can understand if you're not into it. My only issue is maybe there might be TOO many women to chose from but hey the more the merrier.

Lene ended up significantly smaller and got the happy ending of NTRing that other chick (who we still haven't seen return so that'll be fun)

1. Maja's sister got fat for Nikolai some time ago but he never got with her now she's just a fat shut in
2. Elijah and or the other unnamed guy where the cause of Maja's sister gaining weight
>My only issue is maybe there might be TOO many women to chose from
That's my issue with this comic right now. There being 4 of them was already pushing it as I almost always prefer no more than 3 at a time, but adding yet another character is getting to be too much, especially for a story that moves this slowly. Hell, Anne only had her name revealed recently after we haven't seen her since March.
100% agree 1 or 2 is fine but I feel like this is just too much, no actual opportunity to build relationships or romance which is why I hope he just ends up being with one person and everyone else finds who they want.

Its a weight gain comic but I honestly wouldnt even mind seeing majas sister lose some weight in the end and become happier. Once again literally the opposite of most people want but It would be sastifying to actually see someone happy and not where I think were heading which is where Nikolai becomes corrupted and starts using all the girls for his own pleasure and fattening them up, not caring about them romantically at all.
I agree with you on that but I found hard because the story is slow some arc are too long. Like the Emma that center around from the beginning of May to the beginning of October. That was long arc compare to other girls.
Yeah I agree. I prefer WG stories that focus on only 1 girl gaining, maybe 2 or 3 at most. This comic is getting pretty cluttered. i get what belt is going for; a harem anime with a weight gain angle, but (and I do see the irony in saying this) it is getting a bit bloated. It's a pattern a lot of WG comics seem to have, where the writer has an initially simple premise, and then, as it progresses, they just start throwing in everything and the kitchen sink.

Also as a sidenote, I fucking hate Elijas. He's ridiculously annoying. And more than that, I hate the trope of 'everyone just going along with one asshole being really annoying because the author thinks it's cute'.
I think most people hate Elijas and hes meant to be a fucking villian so thats good. And yeah it just feels like theres 1500 plotlines going and its just a fucking mess that loses half the appeal.
Belt is telling a story that will make sense eventually, beside it first time make a great weight gain story that is different then other. So give person a break.
It is just porn lmao. Chill bro.
Porn with extra steps
Doesn't mean we can't enjoy those extra steps
I don't think he is supposed to be the villain. He's supposed to be the quirky side character who will ultimately not end up having to face any repercussions aside from maybe an argument with Nikolai at some point. At least, that's my guess
Comic relief
I just want more of his sister
So long as she's there, he can be absolved
I think Belt is getting out of hands with the characters since he takes a long time between character arcs
Insane Theorizing

The Mysterious Feeder isn’t Elijah. If it is, there’s no reason to obfuscate it as he was and had always been the prime suspect- he is almost certainly a red herring.

The mysterious feeder seemingly isn’t Dryad, who has been described as feminine, while the mysterious feeder is masculine. But who is Dryad?

Dryad is glasses chick. Her voice is familiar *for some reason* to Nikolai (page 31). She’s playing the MMO which is the only time they’ve been featured (on page 20, with their influence continued on page 21).

But Dryad, despite being obfuscated, is not *certainly* the mysterious feeder (unless she’s hiding her features to appear masculine), and it seem to fit in the context of her crusading attitude against this mysterious “him”. Unless.

What is this unless? She’s trying to provoke *something*. That something is tied her sister, something to expose him for things he did in the past to her.

But who is the mysterious feeder? It’s not Dryad, or Maja- but Glasses Dude. Nikolai’s friend. He’s been working with her to help fatten them up. He’s the one who brought up the concept of trying to figure it out, trying to push him into spy shit.

But one more thing- the truth of the story that’s driving Dryad and Glasses Guy’s mission is already revealed. Sara, page 27, the girl who was humiliated by the bitch. Her pictures being shared is behind everything, and she thinks whoever she’s after (Nikolai or not) is behind it. Her humiliation and leaving school afterwards left her an obese recluse.

But, what is Elijah’s role? He’s shown on page 14 enjoying them falling, and has been immensely suspicious around it.

Nothing. He’s a chaotic weirdo who also happens to understand and enjoy the “show” and is prodding it in the “right” direction without being part of Dryad’s scheme.

Can’t wait to beat it out to the page which disproves all of this
Would anyone know how to commission him?
You can’t, he’s too busy with patreon stuff and commission outside of it already, the only way would be to get the tier that guarantee a commission each month, but they are all sold out and the current owner of these slots won’t leave anytime soon I think
This is probably the best theory i've read for the comic. It actually coincides quite well, and it sounds like you have figured it out.

So only things we need to wait for is to find out more backstory with some of the characters like Nikolai, and such.

I wouldnt be surprised if you are correct.
I'm not so sure. Pt. 20 went out of its way to show Dryad with the same silhouette as the mystery feeder, so unless Belt-Buster is using a generic silhouette for both Dryad and the Feeder, the implication is they are one and the same. And considering Kai was in the chatroom at the same time as Dryad and we saw where he was, he can't be Dryad too. There's also the fact that when Mari approached him asking about Nikolai, he just expressed confusion, whereas if he was the feeder, he'd not likely be confused since that seems to be their plan. Even when Mari rushed in to save Nikolai during his anxiety attack while Kai watched, Kai's only thought was about how she didn't need his help after all like she claimed, rather than anything like "All According to Keikaku".

I'm not saying Kai isn't involved. He probably is to some extent, since he goes out of his way to tell Nikolai not to let Emma know about their "investigation", and is the one who convinced them to go to Elijas' party which is where Tine got exposed while having a convenient excuse so he doesn't have to go.

I think he is indeed related to the glasses girl, who is also Tine's ex-bully victim Sara and Dryad's identity. Maybe she's his sister or an old friend, but he was specifically involved so as to expose Tine and possibly find a way to introduce Sara to Nikolai, following a similar idea to Elijas introducing Nikolai to Anne. It's just his extent of the plan was getting Nikolai invested enough in Elijas to go to his party so he could see Tine be exposed. After that, his only role is to be a passive observer.

After all, the common denominator in this whole ordeal appears to be Tine. Lene used to be in Tine's friend group but was more accurately another bully victim, and the feeder got Andre interested in her, giving Lene a confidence boost to stand up to Tine and Andre to break up with her. The party was meant to expose Tine's shitty treatment of Sara and turn her into a pariah at school, forcing her to take a leave of absence and leaving her other friend, Mine, to grow close to Lene and Andre while denouncing her. Sara probably told Elijas about what happened knowing he was a shit-stirrer and wouldn't tolerate what Tine did, and that he was body positive thanks to Anne, so she got him involved by getting him to host the party.

Now, an obvious question in all of this is, why is Nikolai a factor? Well, that's likely tied to the incident that gave him his anxiety disorder, and something hinted at in both Emma and Mari's backstories. Nikolai used to be more outgoing as a kid and would protect others that were being bullied as he did for Mari when she first met him. He probably tried to do the same for Sara when Tine was bullying him, but since Tine had popularity, he failed and was framed for leaking all the images of her and the fake rumors. The accusations and such eventually got to him, flaring up his anxiety disorder, and he withdrew in on himself, leaving him how he was when Emma met him in High School. It explains why Nikolai seeing Tine get exposed but not knowing why: he repressed his memories due to the trauma, so he didn't even realize that the very thing Tine was exposed for was the thing he was framed for.

Sara is possibly involving Nikolai out of gratitude for his willingness to stand up for her, and sorrow over being ruined by Tine. She wants to build up his confidence again, thank him for being the only one willing to defend her against that bitch Tine, and figured the best way to help the loner with anxiety issues is to surround him with people who love him. And its working since Tanya was able to stop his panic attack at the party, and Mari rushed in to his aid when he had another one thanks to his fangirls.

tl:dr Kai isn't the mastermind, he's just a cog in the greater plan like Elijas. Sara is the mastermind, it all leads back to Tine's bullying her, and wanting to help the one person who defended her but got vilified for it, Nikolai, while punishing the one who hurt so many people like her, Tine.
Ok calm down vaati vidya
>nooooo, not WORDS
You must be black. Go back to /booty/, you poc.
This has to be the most roundabout way of calling someone a nigger and telling them to gtfo
I swear that I had put a LOT more spaces and indents in that post beforehand, the formatting just got fucked up and made it look like a wall of text.
I'm not so sure. Pt. 20 went out of its way to show Dryad with the same silhouette as the mystery feeder, so unless Belt-Buster is using a generic silhouette for both Dryad and the Feeder, the implication is they are one and the same. And considering Kai was in the chatroom at the same time as Dryad and we saw where he was, he can't be Dryad too. There's also the fact that when Mari approached him asking about Nikolai, he just expressed confusion, whereas if he was the feeder, he'd not likely be confused since that seems to be their plan. Even when Mari rushed in to save Nikolai during his anxiety attack while Kai watched, Kai's only thought was about how she didn't need his help after all like she claimed, rather than anything like "All According to Keikaku".
I'm not saying Kai isn't involved. He probably is to some extent, since he goes out of his way to tell Nikolai not to let Emma know about their "investigation", and is the one who convinced them to go to Elijas' party which is where Tine got exposed while having a convenient excuse so he doesn't have to go.
I think he is indeed related to the glasses girl, who is also Tine's ex-bully victim Sara and Dryad's identity. Maybe she's his sister or an old friend, but he was specifically involved so as to expose Tine and possibly find a way to introduce Sara to Nikolai, following a similar idea to Elijas introducing Nikolai to Anne. It's just his extent of the plan was getting Nikolai invested enough in Elijas to go to his party so he could see Tine be exposed. After that, his only role is to be a passive observer.
After all, the common denominator in this whole ordeal appears to be Tine. Lene used to be in Tine's friend group but was more accurately another bully victim, and the feeder got Andre interested in her, giving Lene a confidence boost to stand up to Tine and Andre to break up with her. The party was meant to expose Tine's shitty treatment of Sara and turn her into a pariah at school, forcing her to take a leave of absence and leaving her other friend, Mine, to grow close to Lene and Andre while denouncing her. Sara probably told Elijas about what happened knowing he was a shit-stirrer and wouldn't tolerate what Tine did, and that he was body positive thanks to Anne, so she got him involved by getting him to host the party.
Now, an obvious question in all of this is, why is Nikolai a factor? Well, that's likely tied to the incident that gave him his anxiety disorder, and something hinted at in both Emma and Mari's backstories. Nikolai used to be more outgoing as a kid and would protect others that were being bullied as he did for Mari when she first met him. He probably tried to do the same for Sara when Tine was bullying him, but since Tine had popularity, he failed and was framed for leaking all the images of her and the fake rumors. The accusations and such eventually got to him, flaring up his anxiety disorder, and he withdrew in on himself, leaving him how he was when Emma met him in High School. It explains why Nikolai seeing Tine get exposed but not knowing why: he repressed his memories due to the trauma, so he didn't even realize that the very thing Tine was exposed for was the thing he was framed for.
Sara is possibly involving Nikolai out of gratitude for his willingness to stand up for her, and sorrow over being ruined by Tine. She wants to build up his confidence again, thank him for being the only one willing to defend her against that bitch Tine, and figured the best way to help the loner with anxiety issues is to surround him with people who love him. And its working since Tanya was able to stop his panic attack at the party, and Mari rushed in to his aid when he had another one thanks to his fangirls.
tl:dr Kai isn't the mastermind, he's just a cog in the greater plan like Elijas. Sara is the mastermind, it all leads back to Tine's bullying her, and wanting to help the one person who defended her but got vilified for it, Nikolai, while punishing the one who hurt so many people like her, Tine.
And you must be a child. Being racist doesn't make you edgy or cool, it just makes you cringe.

I don’t think glasses guy is the mastermind, even if I do think he has been part of the plan for a while. I think Maja, or Dryad, is behind this. It’s a revenge scheme. Sara *is* the cause, but not part of the (in-universe) plot.

the main reason I think Glasses Dude is the mysterious feeder instead of them being Dryad is the Feeder is described as masculine. It’s possible for it to be a disguise but I feel out of all the contrivances that’s lower on my list. Basically Glasses Guy is the Agent, Maja is the Handler.

Mari’s part in all this- I have no idea. I’ve never been too interested in her parts, though she’s obviously an important part. I don’t think she’s part of Maja’s master plan though.

Without the fluff: Sara = Glasses Girl who got bullied, who is now obese. Maja is her sister, who is the behind the plot and is Dryad. Kai (I like calling him Glasses) is a part of the plot and is the mysterious feeder, but he’s only playing a part in Dryad’s plan.
Is there a new domine effect page???
Is there a new domine effect page
Belt’s black and whites are so damn good.
(1.2 MB, 498x280, jiren.gif)
>Holding your insults THIS much to appease the jannies
ENNY RENNY ROO! KEKADODLLY DO DOO DOOO! Your skin is the same color as my poop.
Is there going to be a gag of his food tasting awful? It would peeve me if it was sinew thr recipie itself seems really hard to not screw up. I can understand if it doesn't taste amazing but if this was real life you can't magically make stuff turn inedible this easily like with anime logic, which this comic probably does follow
I think she's gonna think it's the best thing ever. Especially with her thinking about how easy her knife cut the chicken and how juicy it was.
I could see an Arc of her hiring him as a personal chef
lmao, the taste is so utterly wretched that she vomits immediately and loses a taste for all food, beginning her weight loss journey
Nah that is something Kip would do, not Belt lmao
So is Maja’s sister the girl that was bullied by what’s her name that was exposed during the party by elijah (I’ve pretty much confused myself with all these characters)

Likely yes. same hair color, similar glasses. very plausible to be set up like that.
I think you posted food wars by mistake.
(4.7 MB, 940x12000, chapter45.5.jpg)
Whoever called it, pick up your prize.

Based on what was said, Maja is indeed Sara's sister, and is convinced Nikolai is the one who aided Tine in bullying Sara. Kai is her friend and has been pretending to be Nikolai's friend to try and get dirt on him for their plan, but is no longer convinced Nikolai is actually responsible and is trying to tell that to Maja, but is willing to stand by her to the very end for Sara's sake.

Sara meanwhile has become a full on hikikomori, being close to Anne in size now, refusing to leave her room, and spending all day gaming.

Considering what Maja said about Nikolai being "punished" for it, seems clear he got scapegoated after Tine bullied Sara, either by the guy who actually leaked the images, or just by Tine herself, and Maja bought the lie and is convinced it actually was him, when really he's innocent in all this.

This is the worst comic I have ever read in my entire life. It feels.... as if it were made by retards. Is this what anime and manga is like these days?
Only got added to Kemono today. And it's only a few weeks old.
This is the worst? I'm guessing you've never read Marville. Or any genuinely crappy shit.
you must not have read kips comics lmao
I think it's just someone biased towards belt, and is trying to stir shit up. HIs take is obviously trying to russle some pants. Especially with the line ">as if it were made by retards."

just biased lashing
Not at all and it wasn't meant to amuse. I don't know what this is or who made it. I was trying to know if this is what anime and manga have become. The statement about retards can be found throughout this board and is not specific nor is it literal since I am sure there are actual mentally handicapped persons that can make better comics than this. It is merely the way humans communicate. You bots could mever understand. Let me know if you're s girl and need help making your hentai better. Fair warning: I will ask you how big your boobs are, and it is the only thing I will ask you.
oh, you are being ironic or satirical. good one.

please refrain from posting more like this though, since I don't want this one thread I enjoy being cluttered.
>oh, you are being ironic or satirical.
No, neither. I am surely being.
>please refrain from posting more like this though
Later, loser.
>You bots could mever understand

Hey uh, did your fat finger typo on that m?
Also, I can see you forgot to take the schizo pills. Did you confuse them with your autism medication again?
You're the bot here, you fucking idiot. A loser like you could never understand
Where's the new Alice part!?
Newest alice part and other images is a bit delayed due to belt dealing with moving, so that has eaten some time. So he struggles a bit schedule wise.
All he asked was a question
Belt outdoes himself with each installment
Nikloia has sin, he lost no nut november.
But it's not november anymore
In the comic it is still november, since it has it's own timebubble.
does anyone got a zip of all the pages to the current page. It'd be nice to have
We have reached peak Manga with that head slam against the ground now. All we need is the Fairy Tail "Wow" sound effect whenever something fanservicey happens and this will officially be Anime/Manga.
The kemono got updated but completely skipped all the posts that aren’t the comic?
I get that people like the comic but like… I am kinda here for everything except the comic…
FACTS, I honestly don't give a shit about the comic. I prefer normal drawings
Time for begging
Post art or let the thread die you fuck. Every thread needs to earn their right to stay.
Is anybody else noticing that posts are getting deleted randomly?
Power-tripping mod/owner
Here or on DA again? Belt Buster has been targeted more then once already.
Here. It’s happened in multiple threads, really weird

arguing pointlessly and basically doing anything other than posting images? it's against the rules, so your posts deserve to be deleted (as does this one.)
suck that janny cock some more, would you?
There's a new drawing and a new page of Alice's appetite out if anyone has thx
Anyone has alice's appetite
So for shady his behavior has been, Elijah is actually trustworthy?
well, for all we know. He could be two-faced. He is quite mysterious
That is a possibility still, yes. But this page was the first time we got any sort of background on him, although it was mainly about Anne.
So Elijas is a sis-con? ...That actually tracks with all we know about him. Honestly hoping he's not two faced or anything, since aside from being a tad pushy... he's a genuinely nice guy, and seems to genuinely want to be friends with Nikolai even outside of setting him up with Anne-Marie.
So is he making the girls in the school fat because he wants his sister to feel beautiful?
It could be mainly the idea of what beauty is. This explains why he was harsh on tina because it was the same thing his sister was being bullied. One thing is that he explains his reason for picking Nikolia, but this can be a bluff because he develops him to get a harem. I want to know if Nikolia's sister was in the same school as anne and if did she bully anne too.
Eli probably is a bad guy but not a "bad guy" a lot of the girls getting fat does seem like his scheming to make Anne happy, or at the very least to punish people he feels are like the ones who hurt Anne, That would explain the party and Tine's past but I don't understand how innocent girls like Tanya,Emma,etc. are all blowing up other than finding Niko's dark secret.

The plot and characters continue to thicken but I wish Belt would reveal Dryad or at least the true antagonist to this and somewhat reveal their end game parts of the overall story still seem so random.
>I don't understand how innocent girls like Tanya,Emma,etc. are all blowing up other than finding Niko's dark secret.
His "dark secret" of being attracted to fat women and those women having the hots for him. Not hard to figure out.
>alice's appetite
There must be something not good about it if no one's posted it yet.
It's very good, with peak shading and heft.
Why mister belt, why are you continue making this ugly content, why?
Wait, is what I said actually right? Is there something wrong with it?
Nah, nothing wrong with it.
Yet it hasn't been posted here? I'm not one of those beggers, but it's weird having a part of Alice's Appetite be slow to make it's way here for how it's been well received so far. With any thread for any artist, if something is slow or not posted, it's usually because there's something wrong with it.
Then why the hell don't you post it so we can see for ourselves?
That retarded janny literally deleted all the latest messages about Alice's Appetite, I'll take a screenshot after sending this so that my comment will never disappear lmao
>The janny comes in, armed with nothing but a broom and a bucket of soapy water
>He laboriously swipes away all the meme spam, changes all the tripcodes, and banhammers all the trolls
>Hours pass and finally, after long hard work, chan is clean once again
>The Janny smiles and disappears in a puff of smoke - no one was even thank him for his service
>You can always rely on this mysterious janitor to get the job done... for free
jannies have been shit lately,
>Completely fails to notice that I already posted Alice.
You couldn't have posted that a day sooner? Spent money on this when I didn't want to because people were taking too long.
That's shitty luck on my part. Still don't know why you posted her after I did.
Because I have this on tab and it didn't update until I posted it
Belt is getting to be really good at skin tone shading, although I think the face could use some work
how so? the face looks super gorgeous!
the mouth looks really small, idk. something looks a little off
Noooo she shouldn't have won
Fingers crossed the Kemono updates soon
I n e e d this in full HD— might just be his best work yet
Could someone upload this to Kemono?
I might unsubscribe from him because he's doing some weird subscription thing where the 4 dollar one is actually 45 dollars a month.
anyone got the pajama girl sequence? my lazy ass didn't saved it
Is it a Patreon glitch?
Does anyone have the Mirko image he uploaded yesterday?
Does anyone have the new chapter?
Anyone have the new domain effect page

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