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Does anyone have the newest demo for the super fatty rpg remake by impossiblesnail/weird midnight. Can't get it off kemono cause of the weird connecting your patreon to itchio. Any help is appreciated
Adding more content/mechanics/fetishes and "completing" the story. Actually stoked for it.
Too bad the finished version won't be free to play. I was looking forward to playing it.
is there a nice summary of what is being added? i remember liking some parts but finding the original a bit tedious
Does anyone have this? Is it pretty much just the same thing again or is there enough new stuff to make it worth it?
Bump because of new update
of the things that bothers me a little about this remake is the exclusivity of it all, any news is just for patreons dude doesn't say anything to the general public.it looks like he plans to do this remake exclusive for patreons, or you pay 2 and become a patreon or 5... which means that the only free version is an incomplete,outdated and poorly optimized version.

I hope that's not it

"exclusivity" dude he's just treating it as a paid product, I haven't got it but if it bothers you that much just buy in
By the looks of it, the game's going to be released officially this Monday
WeirdMidnight released update on his patreon. I expected he would share full version on some other sites like kofee where you can pay only once and come back later to grab updates with bugfixes, but unfortunately it is exclusive for $8 USD patrons.
"YES! THIS IS IT! THE BIG FINAL VERSION! Patreons get first access for a few weeks until we go public in time for the holidays! So if there's any bugs, please help me find them now lol."
WeirdMidnight wrote this information on his patreon. So, he is planning to share game in public later. Patrons are going to test it on bugs before that.
Bump for the new version
Imagine paying to be a glorified bug tester.
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Bought it, IMO it's def worth $10. Haven't thought of any good ideas for custom player sprites yet.
Send it to mega then post it
Was gonna try and get it myself but not letting me due to being not American so a link would be nice
Anyone willing to upload the game?
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been playing the game for a while, it's good but its somehow missing some good stuff from the previous version. I'll try to give an honest spoiler free review like the one I would have wanted before paying 10 bucks:
In a lot of areas, it feels like it could be expanded upon a lot. The farm hasn't changed, there are some characters missing, and those pictures of some characters you would get when talking to them are gone. Like when talking to the big tit fox lady, instead of getting a nice background of her, you just talk to the world sprite. Events like her getting a huge rack when you give her the cow supplement or finding her in the buffet and getting a nice cutscene are gone too. That gum thing outside her store is gone too as far as i've played. But there is a lot of freedom you feel on what to do, as the story is more simple. There isn't much incentive to go back to previous areas, you do get fatter npc's but thats about it. No reason to go back to the fair or farm after the story doesnt require you to go there, and you do the farm quest and minigames from the fair. So far I haven't seen any special events or changes in the world (like idk, characters doing glutton things, they just get a fatter sprite and thats about it). There is only one area ive seen so far that has interesting cutscenes and events. Its a factory that i dont want to spoil, but you can actually do stuff with the npcs or with yourself. if the rest of the areas had stuff like that, it would have been worth every penny. Sound is better now, and the option to mod the sprites is welcome. Not all npc's get unique world sprites, so you can have a sheep in the mall that has the cow sprite, and the crocs and wolves dont seem to gain any visible weight even when increasing it for the rest of the npcs. It feels rushed in a lot of areas, but i wouldnt call it a bad game. because of the loss of some good content from the previous version, id say this remake doesnt fully replace it, so if you haven't played the free version, play it first, and then play this one as a "game+". Again, its different, and better in some areas, but lacking in others. You can fatten some npc's by giving them food, but you can't fatten bosses you defeat and then see in the game. For an RPG about decadence and fattening up hell, you only get to fatten up npc's with the default spirit sprite, cows, a glutton cow, some npc's from the casino, a couple of story characters, like 2 students from the university, and the fox lady. The rest are one-offs, you fight them and never see them again, or feed them and next time their weight resets (like the sheep from the mall, you feed her and next time it resets, she doesnt progress in her gain over time, the moment you reload the map she's back to normal). Combat is pretty much the same as the first game, and eating lots of items or feeding lots of items is a pain in the ass, because you get like 2 windows of the same text for every press. So when trying to empty your fridge, if eating from your couch, you could press the enter key more than 35 times because you have to both select them one by one and skip the "look slike you have some food in the fridge", "you eat the food, belly get big, blah blah" text again and again. Feeding the npc's feels kind of worth it because they have nicer text, the casino bunny at least changes her performance depending on how fat she is. But again you will be skipping paragraphs of text over and over again until you feed them to the next level. Sprites are good, but it really feels like there arent enough. For a game that is 10 bucks, and considering that most fat fetish rpg maker games are free, there should be a lot more content. more enemy sprites, unique scenes, and world progression. The unnamed stuffing rpg is pretty much the best example of something like what i mean done good. you can feed and fatten pretty much every female character you interact with, backtracking is worth it, and there are good sprites. In its current state the game should be from 5 to 8 bucks. I'll keep playing and if something that i said was missing shows up, ill correct it. but i do know there are no more sprites, i checked the files.
Give the game through mega or other means please
definitely gotta agree on this.
the first game also feel like there was more "meat" to it than the remake, partially because there was less filler content and less in terms of walls of text.
the remake of course has a more. but from what i played before i got bored it really just all felt disconnected and felt like you NEED the guide to do everything/finish the story
another thing is the character sprites. currently they have the same problem as the first game's: rather than make new and unique ones for the largest sizes, the largest sizes are just upscaled. that could have been changed but wasnt.
there is definitely room for them to expand the game, really feed into the idea of limbo getting more distorted the further you go: such as a future updated opening the entirely blocked off building on the farm being and when you go back to the city through that you end up in the maps of the old game with a new story
just gotta hope the dev capitalizes on it.
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Would pay decent money to get a spritesheet for hourglass toriel growth. Trying it myself with essentially no experience in art with poor results.

How much would you be willing to pay for that sort of thing? I admit I do lewd sprite art myself.
Can someone upload the zip of it please?
Is that really your attempt? Like doing it badly is one thing but you've clearly not even tried to follow the character. Wtf are those ears? Sprites don't have to be small find out Toriels actual spritesheet size and use that (i believe 50x50)
It feels like some parts of this just aren't finished.
Does anyone know if the Demon running the bakery does anything special? I know you can just eat from the displays and pay her after, but the person in front claims that someone who went in never left, so... Is it just unfinished, or..?
Bump. I played this game once. I liked it, but I did not get very far.
Thanks mate, been searching for this everywhere!
Does anyone have a download of the sfrpg game?
Nvm I saw the download
>>24208 Does anyone have the new doom-like SWEET game? If yes, could someone share it?

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