
Someone post his morphs.
kemono doesn't have Ergos.
Anyone willing to upload his paid stuff. There hasn't been anything for 2 years now.
Still nothing. :?
His stuff has become as hard to get as that idiot that does that Badmaid comics.

Discord Paywall.
youre someone
There's nothing on it. He uses Patreon only as a paywall for his discord where he's now hiding all his art.
(732 KB, 1950x2500, Preggo_stroll.jpg)
I have everything he's released so far.

But I don't like your aggressive form of begging and I think Ergos is actually worth paying for, so this is all you get.
Sorry, just got frustrated.
(41 KB, 600x655, 4578A7D1-D604-4BCA-AFD3-0FFE5B525F12.jpeg)
“have everything he's released so far.
But I don't like your aggressive form of begging and I think Ergos is actually worth paying for, so this is all you get.“

1. You are turbo faggot
2. Nobody likes you
3. You were clearly never horny

I love these faggots who acts like they are better than other faggots with the same fetish
The content the other anon is withholding literally costs 2 whole fucking dollars. Honestly at this point the only 'faggots' here are the actual fucking manbabies who come onto this thread constantly demanding that the kemono be updated because they don't want to part with their precious pennies.

If the barrier of entry to get Ergos' content was like the typical range of $8-$15 then I would be probably mad at the other anon too. But it's literally a fucking pittance to get access to this stuff, pay 2 bucks to get into the discord server to take the content and then leave. If the people on this thread have Ebenezer Scrooge syndrome and would rather kill themselves then part with such a trivial amount of money then that's their problem.
t. shitters
If you're here to brag about how you have all the content and you're not going to share it, because you're so morally superior to whoever the fuck else, you're literally just trying to stir shit.
You're not contributing, you're not adding to the thread, you're not providing anything of value to the topic. You're just a shitposter high off his own farts.
Fuck off with the both of you.
Take your "I'm better than you, peasants" bullshit somewhere else.
I never endorsed or condoned the behaviour of this >>12551 scumbag. All I'm saying is that their behaviour is not worth getting upset over because the content costs 2 dollars. There's really no basis for moral superiority when whatever you're in possession of to claim such supposed superiority is easily accessible to virtually everyone with no detriment.

I don't own any of this content myself nor did I claim to, so I'm not sure why you're lumping me into this category. For the record I agree with everything you're saying. I just don't think that it's worth getting all in a huff over in this instance because like I've said a million times already, it's 2 fucking dollars. At that point there are so many other things out there that are actually worth getting upset about/
So no one gets it because one guy upset you. I don't know which is more annoying. The guy who was a dick. Or you.

Not trying to be a dick either, but you really did ask for it, just for being a dick.

I am trying to imagine you in College, ignoring the Teacher because you got upset at something they said. Or at a job, ignoring your boss for something he said why security escorts you out. Or Leaving your family because they were annoying.
We are missing over 2 years of content.No one is willing to upload, or atleast upload to Kemono?
Bump again for someone to upload 2 years of missing content!
Could we please get the Paid art? It has been so long, and I know we have missed out on so much...
Another request for the paywall art we will never get.
You really been here for more than two months begging for content that literally costs only $2, acting like it's some holy grail. Get the fuck over yourself. You're the only person here who whines about not having this art every other week, if you want it that badly then just get it yourself. There's literally no excuse for you not to unless you're an autismo or some kiddy who can't use mom's credit card.

You are literally the only person here who seems to care about having his patreon content THIS much, if you're not going to suck it up and spend the $2 to get your precious vore art then please do all of us a favour and just shut up about it.
Huh, there are other people too, and not everyone can use/have a credit card.

Plus if it's $2, then why are you complaining about it and saying it's easy.
>Not everyone can use/have a credit card.
Is this a fucking joke or are you really this gormless? I mean you're right on technicality but the amount of people who can't use credit cards in a global economy that is absolutely dominated by cashless transactions is so infinitesimally small that it's not even worth mentioning. Anon is probably just some petty turd who doesn't want to foot the money rather than someone who can't, I think it goes without saying that if someone can't afford to part with two measly dollars then they probably have more immediately pressing concerns in their lives than patreon content.

And yes there have been other people asking for this content, did I ever refute that? If you actually put your brain to work though you'll notice that the anon I'm emphatically calling out here has been incessantly whining about this shit more than anybody else, to the point of bringing it outside into other threads. I really don't understand how you could possibly miss that outside of just being dense.
every week? It has been almost 3 years since any of his paid content been uploaded.

The way you are complaining, makes me think you are Ergos and is just tossing out crap so no one does upload your stuff.
The fuck is your line of logic here exactly? All I've done here is call you out for being an autismo who's been bumping threads incessantly over this shit, and that apparently makes me Ergos? Lmao what.

Just save yourself from continued embarrassment and actually shut the fuck up, you don't have any good argument or rebuttal to what I'm saying so there's no reason for you to keep posting. You're doing nothing but continually showing that you're a sack of bricks with these nonsense responses. Doesn't matter if the content hasn't been posted for x amount of years, the barrier of entry is two fucking dollars. When the price is that low there's literally no excuse for you to not get it yourself if you want it this badly, generosity is one thing but don't expect people to coddle and spoonfeed you over here when you constantly beg for paid content that might as well be free.

You don't have any reasonable defence here, you're just a piece of shit who keeps crying on this thread because you're seriously petty enough to not want to part with such a trivial amount of money. Grow up. I may be the only person calling you out on this over here but if this thread were on the main draw board the anons over there would've already torn you a new asshole a few months back for this shit.
Only ergos would care about 2 dollars. especially since he went full paywall. Otherwise since you obviously have his patreon, why are you here harrasing the ones who want his art? Ergos
You're barking up the wrong tree, if you're really deluded enough to think I'm some D tier vore artist who came on here to bully you into giving me candy money then I honestly don't know what else to say to you other than you're a moron.

>since you obviously have his patreon

Oh yeah, OBVIOUSLY I do. Mhmm hmm, yes this is a very astute observation you've made here. I assume you came to this conclusion based on the fact I haven't mentioned owning any of his patreon content myself in any of my posts, yes? Brilliant detective work, Mr Poirot!

No, I'm not a patron of his ffs. If I was, I probably wouldn't even post the content here just to spite you for being a massive whiner. I don't care enough about this dude's art to pay for it, even at 2 dollars lmao. Seriously get a fucking clue, I'm just here to dump on you for being a whiner who's been clogging up threads for the past couple of months with your incessant bs.

Wow. Another Dodge from the question Why Are You Here Then??? If this offends you so much you are complaining this much whinning and wasting your time doing it? Why do you keep coming back?

Because Ergos has to make sure shit doesn't get posted. That is why. >:)
(549 KB, 480x270, autism.gif)
So you don't care about ergos at all, yet here you are in his thread, for three days now sperging about other people asking for content, which is the whole main purpose of this goddamn site.
Lol ok

Not everyone uses a credit card, not everyone wants to hear/read about you complaining about it's easy to pay $10 online.
the purpose of this thread so that one person has to pay, download stuff, post it here for others to enjoy.
I answered your question pretty plainly, it's not my fault if your pea-sized brain isn't capable of intelligent thought. Your argument here still makes no sense. Anybody is free to post the content at any time, an artist screaming at people in messages on an online board doesn't prevent those same people from doing what they want. If I were Ergos, why would I waste my time doing this when it doesn't actually stop anything?

I really wonder when the gears are going to click for you and you realise I'm not him, I do not care about the content begging I initially chewed you out for anymore. I'm literally only still here because I find your nonsensical accusation entertaining in its immense stupidity, every time you accuse me of being him you're just whacking the beehive and encouraging me to take the piss out of you more lmao.

Yeah, pretty much. I'm not lacking in self-awareness lmao, bear in mind that the other anon is just as much of a sperg though. I don't actually care about whatever argument I started about the begging, at this point I'm just getting enjoyment from the other anon continually showing how stupid they are. At the end of the day I get free gratification from wailing on some shit for brains on the internet for just 5 minutes of my time in a 24 hour day, I get to be self-indulgent and have my fun with no penalty so why should I care what anybody else thinks? This thread was already shit and mostly stagnant like half the threads on alt usually are, me turning into it even more of a shitshow doesn't really change anything in the grand scheme so whatever.
Someone just delete this thread if no one is gonna post anything.
Bump to get back on topic +

Another Bump for Ergos paid content please !!!!

Dude, just give up, no one is gonna post anything here, they'll complain and avoid it.
That was what they said about Sleeping with you comic, which took a while.
Im not reading that, does it say he will post something from ergos??
no, he's a retarded gorilla
Just give up plz

No one is gonna post any of Ergo's patreon stuff
Bump for Paywall Art >:) I think all the art above is free.
Most of it is free art, a few are paywall.
Maybe take some time to actually check if the “paywall” art you randomly selected is actually behind a paywall.

3 years of backlogged paywall art, and your going to sit there and say most of it is free?

Requesting Ergos Paywall art!
That's not what he said
Bump for more Ergos Paywall art >:)

We have had 1 awesome contributor so far, but that has barely scratched the surface.
+1 to the Anonymous Hero !
I will bump this indefinitely!
Anyone willing to update them on Kemono party?
Looks like his patreon is finally up on Kemono.

Now all we need is for someone to add his discord as well.
Anyone gonna upload anything, or are we back to "go pay on Patron yourself" thing and no one is gonna post anything?
Just subscribe, he makes quality content and it’s not like he’s raking it in already.
Thanks, are you willing to color the 4th image on >>8100
I think everyone gave up on this.
Any new stuff from Paywall Ergos?
Anyone got anything?
Could someone post something new here?
So, any marvel stuff?
Any Ahsoka Vore stuff?
(47 KB, 820x189, 1111.jpg)
could someone please upload all the new ergos content. We are missing quite a bit now.
Bump for Updates !
Yeh like twi years of content
Would definitely be nice !
Someone either post something new or delete this thread!
Bump again :)
Another bump for the Goal !
Another bump for the GOAL !
Another bump for the GOAL !
We need a Hero !
The Big Bump !!!!
No one is gonna post anything, stop asking for a bump.
Update needed !
The next post better have something!!
Seriously, stop posting bump, how hard is it to get to Ergo's Patreon or discord!
And no one better not post "if it's so easy why don't you do it" because it's annoying, unhelpful, hypocritically, and an excuse to not post any new images!
If no one is gonna be helpful and post any images or links to new stuff, can someone please delete this thread!!!
Do it yourself you cheap, lazy cunt.
That's what I'm talking about, making me do all the work, while everyone else is saying it's so easy, but it's the hardest thing for them to do!
We need a big bump for Content !
If no one is gonna post anything, then delete this thread!
How about we just delete all the idiots saying to delete the thread? or has Ergos come here himself to want this thread deleted?

Big Bump!
This thread deserves to be deleted, it's objectively one of the worst to exist on this board. It's been around for more than a year and has scarcely been able to justify its own existence, most of the posts here are literally just you begging for more content and nothing else. When are you going to realise that no one here gives a shit? Not even the content he uploads publicly is posted on this thread with any sort of consistency or promptness which just goes to show how little anybody here actually cares. It's just you.

Your hyperifxation isn't going to pay off, the user base on this site as a whole is already miniscule and most people won't have even clicked on this thread. Stop dragging this out and just shut the fuck up for once instead of wasting bumps on this dead thread. If you can't see the futility of your actions a year in, then you're just a fucking idiot.

Bumpity Bump, lets Bump This Again !!!
whee!! this is fun!
Fallow me on Instagram apollo_the_little_moth
Don't be like that. Sharing is Caring !
Big Bump!
Another bump for the Goal !
So far still nothing. We need a Hero !
We all do, but there are none left.
Well just have to wait for someone who shares.
(141 KB, 390x810, 32547820813.jpg)
>90% of the thread is just beggars being entitled
>No one giving him what he demands
You love to see it.
and your one of the 10% who cries about everything.
(998 KB, 220x182, laughing-laughing-hysterically.gif)
>Anon attempting to make a comeback even though they're a braindead sperg who's been engaging in a one-year loop of hyperfixation that objectively makes them more pathetic than most of the people on this entire chan.
someone who thinks their comment matters on then internet.

Bump for Ergos !!!!!
How much copium have you been taking to delude yourself into thinking there's any remote chance you're going to get what you want here? The site mods deleted more than 100 posts from this thread like two months ago entirely because of your incessant begging, take the hint. You're just a fucking idiot, posting here for months on end trying to draw blood from a stone with this begging when literally no one here gives a shit about this artist's work except for you lmao. Go touch grass and stop wasting your time here.
>stop wasting your time here.
>makes 100 words post
Yeah because this post that took me a minute to type and inconvenienced me in no way whatsoever is totally comparable to anon spending literally more than an entire year here doing nothing but making the same posts ad-infinitum. Such intelligent and infallible logic, why aren't you working at NASA bro?
>stop wasting your time here.
>makes another 100 words post
Whatever. I'm getting bored of these shit-flinging matches with a 10 IQ crayon sniffer, have fun not getting any of this shitty artist's content till the mods delete your posts again!
Is that Yaz or some random athlete?
pretty sure that is one of his oc school ones that ate someone got fat, and is working them off.
Ok seriously, there has to be at least one person who is able to access Discord and post something.
Another bump for the infamous art of ergos
Try asking on 8muses
Could someone please delete this thread, it mostly consists of bump requests, the few actual posts can be found on https://aryion.com/g4/user/Ergos
There's like 10 posts that are exclusive/on discord.

How hard is it to get discord, because apparently it's impossible according to everybody here.

So if no one is gonna post anything new here, then SOMEONE PLEASE DELETE THIS STUPID THREAD!!!!!!
>How hard is it to get discord
The server uses Patreon's discord integration so you can only get access to it if you're a patron, that being said the cheapest tier that gives you access to the server costs only $2 which really just puts into perspective how autistic and pathetic the year-long begging streak on this thread is.

Screaming in caps isn't going to get the thread deleted, honestly that just makes you look like as much as an autismo as the beggers. Mods will prune the retarded posts occasionally but literally only when they're reported because the mods are lethargic af and have let this cesspool of a thread fester unchecked in plain sight for the past year.
Ok, yeah, I'll admit that it is cheap and easy and it's pathetic that everyone is begging for someone to upload.
(And I really do want to post discord stuff, but I'm incapable of getting discord and paying $2)
It's just the fact that this thread mainly consists of weeps (who are fully capable of getting discord and paying $2), and those that aren't weeps get mixed in with the weeps, and those who are kind enough to post anything only post once.

The point is, I'm tired of getting my hopes up only for it to be some noob that typed "bump", so we're all better off with this thread to be deleted.
Why do these twits who Obviously don't want to be here, keep showing up saying to just pay the wall? Okay we get it, You pay, you don't need to constantly complain and demand thread to be deleted. YEESHHHHHH

Bump for Ergos Content !!!!
And this is what exactly?
A download link to a bunch of Ergos Patreon exclusive art in a .zip file
It's not working.
Is that it?
No there's more, sorry forgot to upload
I think that should be most of the exclusive stuff
Do you have a folder for all of this?
Any more in that zip file?
Again, all credit goes to this user, I just uploaded the images they gave
Most of it's WIPs of already existing free artwork (available on his Eka's page), but I can still upload those if you want
The file isn't working.
Could someone transfer it to Dropbox or something?
(2.4 MB, 2449x2500, Margeary.png) (2.2 MB, 960x1629, Olivia Wilde.png)
I bless you his edits. I'm missing one. an edit of Nicki Minaj
(4.3 MB, 1500x2085, Model 1.png)
sorry for posting the same mage twice
>.rar files
you son of a bitch
Anyone have access to some of his older Patreon art?
Is there any more by chance?
Any Ahsoka vore stuff?
can somebody post full ahsoka sequence
Does anyone has his old game of thrones patreon art and sketches?
(131 KB, 1280x1379, IMG_3133.JPG)
Hope Betterman pic is my favorite from Ergos art
I love how big proportions are on here
If anyone interested in rp I have a discord account DeepLurkers#3868 it doesn't have to be Hope it can be Ergos in general
I'm curious, where did you find this link
Could someone provide a download link for all the new images in one go?
Does anyone know why the Discord link on Kemono isn't updating?
How? That doesnt appear anywhere
I went to Ergos's Patreon posts on Kemono, and it was there under the "Sketch Poll - March 2023" post
Kemono has updated.
Whoever updated the ergos discord on kemono Let me tell you.
You're a god that deserves to be vowed to
Who's the redhead? >>33277
Does anyone has that urbosa pic ergos made?
Update kemono please
It's basically been 3 months since the last Kemono update
Although, I just noticed that only the general and art appreciation tabs are updating
Yeah... but no new content, honestly its been way to long...
Agreed, hopefully someone updates Kemono soon
Thank you to whoever updated Kemono, appreciate you
The Sketches and WIPs tab is up to date
Is there any Kamala khan or Qi'ra sketches?
There’s a Kamala khan bbw sketch I don’t recall qi’ra sketches I’ll have to check
Please update the discord kemono please
It's updated.
Good thread. More?
16 days to reach the absolute last place on this board's catalog.
Do I find these pics from his patreon or his discord ?

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