
(125 KB, 640x688, Serious_Nog_Yaia.png)
>>7453 (OP)
>Anon stole OP with nothing new
You should always wait until you find something new or until the thread falls off the first page!
Fat Gura is good stuff
anyone got mintrimos old dendy stuff?
(3.1 MB, 2162x1683, 87661026_p0.png)
I really wanted to do a thread question too.

Every time I see that picture it makes me think of the killer whales in noones furry text adventure game.
Gonna make a request while this thread is fresh, can we get some Tanya?
Can we get more Hat Kid?
(71 KB, 637x960, D2bAwO-UgAAorHU.jpg)
I don't think you'll get much of anything new than what was on the old thread of the inferior hat loli.
(276 KB, 640x360, bylgh2pnheh41.png)
I think O-tama (From One Piece) is a loli with a LOT of untapped potential. Her back story is simple enough, bad guys sucked up all the natural resources from her home and made food hyper scarce so she starving all the time. She has the power to make "Dangos", food that has no nutritional value but makes any animals that eat it completely subservient to her.

There is an entire group of pirates whos whole thing is being "Beasts", being part animal who will also obey this little hungry girl if they eat just one of her dangos. Spoilers for One Piece: In the chapter they released just today she is actively getting the Beast pirates to eat dangos and obey her so she can turn them against their captain.

I can easily see a lot of situations where she's majorly obese with an army of part animal people serving her on hand and foot.
(181 KB, 640x512, tumblr_dc14e7bb51310f154b952468cf46ba06_c46da703_640.png)

Kinda thought that's how people would feel, I haven't been the One Piece fan myself honestly, but I didn't want this little gold mine go unexplored so I fired my shot.

They haven't really explored the limits of her powers, though there doesn't seem to be many. This is all that I know personally from reading the manga.

She makes the Dangos by pinching her cheeks and pulling them off magically. This doesn't seem to affect her physically other than tiring her out the more she pulls off in one sitting. From today's chapter that came out, she can pull off a LOT before wearing out.

While we haven't seen a really strong-willed animal/part animal person eat one yet it seems to be a terrifyingly powerful effect. The control is instant and has completely switched their loyalties over to O-tama after eating one.

There doesn't seem to be a time limit on the effect either has one character, a part horse woman, has been under the effects of the devil fruit for what has to have been days if not longer now.

I'd also like to add that while I don't know how or why she'd be there, she could probably use her power on the Minx tribe on Zou as well since there all just anthros anyway.

What really sells me on her potential though is the fact that her whole back story and part of her character is focused on starving and trying to bring crops and stuff back to Wano.

Always fun in my opinion when a potential large loli has way too much power.
We need some more art in here fam
(807 KB, 1200x858, media_EgOUTSlUwAEILO9.jpg)
>Kinda thought that's how people would feel
Could be worse, could've ended up finding a Gintama loli that you like or gotten into Berserk from liking Schierke.

>I'd also like to add that while I don't know how or why she'd be there, she could probably use her power on the Minx tribe on Zou as well since there all just anthros anyway
She could be using the animal pirates she captures to look for food, crops, and recipes so she doesn't have to go far herself and having them "recruit" more followers with some Dango she gave them before they set off. The only question would be if she'd become more and more corrupt as her follower numbers and wealth increases or if she'll remain pure and only want to help out her hometown but with both roads leading to her becoming a chunky little kunoichi from taste testing and getting rid of the surplus they won't be able to send over.

>Minx tribe
So that's where that one furry I thought was a transformed Nami came from.

Your wish is my command, fam.
(92 KB, 340x191, Tama%27s_Devil_Fruit_Ability.png)

Well, Zou is an island on the back of a giant elephant that has been cursed to walk through the ocean forever, so that complicates things a little.

I don't really know what their deal is, but yeah the Minx pretty much are just another species in the OP world, all of them some kind of mammal anthro creature.

While I could imagine her being a kind of "Kind" pirate captain that goes around bringing food to the less fortunate and having feasts all the time, I think it's WAY more fun to think of her turning into a gluttonous tyrant, enslaving animals and animal people to cross the oceans and bring her more food.

Especially because I'd like to think if she turns evil she'd use her powers in conjunction with the "Smile" fruit: artificial devil fruits that can be mass-produced. They have a 50/50 success rate and will always either give the consumer some kind of animal attributes or remove all other emotions except happiness.

Such a shame really that as far as I know there is ZERO weight art of her.
(261 KB, 600x330, 2gDiiwt.png)
She'll have to make sure she keeps everything low tier so that she doesn't gain the attention of the Marines or strong human pirate crews because then the best she could hope for is ending up as some high ranking government official or Pirate Captains prize piglet they keep well fed so that she'll be compliant to their desire for an army of totally loyal beasts.

>Such a shame really that as far as I know there is ZERO weight art of her
Closest art to weight gain on Pixiv is just cum inflation and honestly I never seen anything besides the scene in pic related for One Piece lolis. Oda is making a middle school One Piece manga for some reason, so that might end up producing something.

I'll never fully get why the lolis in these types of series are always ignored with how popular the series tend to be. I never expect much since they always focus on the teenage characters but you'd be lucky to get even one crappy picture.
(56 KB, 606x998, 3236984 - IHateThisFS One_Piece Tama edit good_or_evil.jpg)

She'd need to keep a low profile AT FIRST. If she kept expanding her army she'd basically have her own military, after all if her powers are permanent than she could literally just keep feeding animals and make new beast people with the smile fruit. If it turns out her dangos works on sea life as well then it's ALL over cus now that also gives power over sea kings, giant fucking ocean monsters, and the entire fishmen race of people.

As for the art thing, I think there's a few reasons but maybe the biggest one is how One Piece normally depicts fat people in general. While they are still interesting designs by themselves the fatties of the OP world tend to be rather ugly. The quite literal biggest example would be Big Mom. A pretty decent villain design, absolutely hideous BBW design.

It's understandable and I'm not gonna complain that some manga isn't appealing to my fetish, but it's still disappointing.

Also by the way that blond girl from one of the movies has always thrown me off, she looks like she belongs to a completely different manga.
Bruh stop clogging the thread and post some art
(1.2 MB, 2004x1395, media_EuQmqZCVoAgAJpg.jpg)
>She'd need to keep a low profile AT FIRST. If she kept expanding her army she'd basically have her own military
Yeah but in the world of anime, where an army is meaningless to a single well trained individual, she's gonna have to get some heavy hitters and those kind of people tend to have the ability to notice something off about the dangos and know about the fruit. To gain their power, she'll need to find mostly human beast folk that are very attractive so that they can toy with the heartstrings of the beast that O-Tama needs and sneak the food down their throat.

>I think there's a few reasons but maybe the biggest one is how One Piece normally depicts fat people in general. While they are still interesting designs by themselves the fatties of the OP world tend to be rather ugly
That wouldn't stop anyone from fattening up the skinny characters, they'd just take liberties with the end results. I used the scene to show how badly One Piece lolis have by showing the closest thing to weight gain is a single scene of a stuffed loli within the anime. The thing I'm getting at with Odas designs is that the faces can be practically abstract.

>Also by the way that blond girl from one of the movies has always thrown me off, she looks like she belongs to a completely different manga
Isn't that Odas designs in a nutshell? That he's the antithesis of peoples complaints for Toriyama?

Don't have a cow, bruh. There's no rule about having a conversation and the fat loli well's pretty dry. If you really want something you could go look at this guys stuff:
(167 KB, 1280x907, com___magic_stuffing_by_sofuki_ddadqtt-fullview.jpg)

Ooooh, like the idea of her basically creating a team of hyper sexy spies to seduce the super powerful for her army. Though there's always the chance that after the straw hats beat his ass eventually that she could have the chance to enslave Kaido, likely the most powerful beast devil fruit user, which of course could give her a HUGE head start.

I mean I can see it, but I still don't think it's the biggest problem. Like you said, people are crafty and work around things. I still believe it all subconscious.

And nah man, something about that girl in particulars eyes, them and her hair. Just seems different, not bad but different than how Oda "normally" draws girls.
(179 KB, 1020x1447, media_EnoBt87VkAEruUH.jpg) (259 KB, 1020x1447, media_EnoBwabVEAAb9zS.jpg)
>she could have the chance to enslave Kaido, likely the most powerful beast devil fruit user, which of course could give her a HUGE head start
Are there any hard numbers on powerful beasts because she's gonna have to keep some as her personal guard while all the others are away, doing her bidding.

>something about that girl in particulars eyes, them and her hair
Maybe he tried to do something different with her since she's 200 years old.
(346 KB, 715x1024, db58fyn-188ae7f7-74a7-4aa8-a01b-394ec1813f3d.png)

There probably is somewhere, but I don't have it on hand. There's a good few notable ones in Kaido's crew though, namely the vice captains who all have devil fruits based on dinosaur's. There's also the mythical creature devil fruit users who by default are over powered that she could capture. Though something else is rather or not she would even leave Wano. Being an island country that has deliberately closed off all it's boarders for centuries, if she where take control of the previous tyrant Kaido and just wait until the Straw Hats leave she could easily put it back under dictatorship with her in command.

Still, if she wanted to actively expand beyond Wano her main advantage would be numbers. If she takes charge of Kaido she gets the smile fruit, meaning essentially an endless supply of slaves with total devotion to only her.

And yeah maybe, IDK maybe it wasn't even by him since it was a movie anyway.
(1.8 MB, 1593x1600, a_contest_of_wills_by_trinity_fate_d9kr7xf.png)
>Though something else is rather or not she would even leave Wano. Being an island country that has deliberately closed off all it's boarders for centuries, if she where take control of the previous tyrant Kaido and just wait until the Straw Hats leave she could easily put it back under dictatorship with her in command
Wait, is she stuck on the island? I thought she was off of it and looking for stuff to bring back. Will be a lot harder to get a food line going in a closed off country and for her to become corrupted while still living around her people. She might need the help of someone smart to figure out a shipping line to sneak supplies past whoever's patrolling ways into the island at the beginning of it all before she got around to consolidating power.
(7.1 MB, 3960x3496, 84340573_p1.png)

So, the whole Wano arc is about this closed-off island country. No one knows why it was closed off and they haven't revealed why in the story yet so IDK. It was closed-off long before the bad guys showed up, they turned the island into a base of operations. Theoretically, the island is super easy to open up so long as the current ruler says to, otherwise, it takes literally going up a giant waterfall to get in. They basically turned into idolized old japan by being cut-off from the rest of the world, samurai, and shit.

So point being that if she took over O-tama should have no problem getting shit in and out. Though I do like the idea that while she's bidding her time and building her forces that she positions herself as a new ally as the new ruler of Wano now that she's opened its borders to the World Government sounds intriguing. Just laying low and enjoying her power quietly as she planes her next big move.
(80 KB, 659x800, DtZq6QLUUAAduIW.jpg large.jpg)
>it takes literally going up a giant waterfall to get in
Hmm, guess I might have quit the anime right before they got to her island.

You think after she establishes her power, that she'd end up accidentally cause her attendants to fatten up beside her from constantly asking them to try some new food the beasts found or would she be too greedy to allow even a morsel to enter anyones mouth but hers?
(150 KB, 889x976, 1so7Frd.jpg)

Kinda depends on just how evil she would turn. I can see her being a benevolent dictator that forces everyone to get fat cus she thinks that'll make them happy in the end.

But I think it's both more believable and WAY more fun to think she would be totally and completely greedy. With her sad back story being all about being starved I could easily see her falling straight into self centered hedonism, being surrounded by basically yes man on all sides only furthering this. The idea of her subordinates starting to thin out to scary degrees but still compelled by her devil fruit to act subserviently with a smile as their child empress starts to over reach her thrown is wonderful.
(517 KB, 1500x2200, 1474954849350.jpg)
>I can see her being a benevolent dictator that forces everyone to get fat cus she thinks that'll make them happy in the end
I think she'd force stuffed to bursting food stores upon the people so that they wouldn't have to ever worry about starving again and leading to people excessively eating either because they enjoy to eat or because they don't want to waste anything before she got around to something that drastic.
(101 KB, 480x755, ddadh5m-b0eeb356-5163-4fee-80f5-80ab4a02fd49.png)

This could run both ways actually. She tries be a good and caring ruler in the beginning, but over steps her bounds thinking everyone wants to eat as much as she does, basically flooding people with food.

In one direction the people would accept this, they were all starved like her after all, and Wano pretty much becomes the land of plenty as weights sky rocket.

But back tracking the people could also start complaining, appreciative of the food but finding it too much to handle, but O-tama still being a young child of course takes it the wrong way and more or less goes "Fine, if you won't eat it, I WILL." starting on her decent as the gluttonous tyrant.
does anyone have any audio from her
(447 KB, 860x774, 73088410_p0.jpg)
Any other lolis you've been wanting to see fattened up besides One Piece?
Does anyone have any of the videos from her Fanbox?
People didn't like the ending so the author decided removing the BEST ARC of the series was the best thing to do.
(20 KB, 600x450, media_Eubw7U7UcAsUHZz.png)
Guess I lucked out with being super lazy with watching anime. Guess I'll just check out what type of voice they gave Emma and wash my hands of it and at best start reading more of the manga.
eishiban posted a spirited away pic on his discord a few months ago, anyone got it?
does jouzi currently have an active account anywhere?
(33 KB, 576x681, eli.jpg)
oops well meant to spoiler it anyway
Anybody know any good loli servers for discord and if you do make the invite permanent
(2.0 MB, 2579x4335, 88200021_p0.png)
>One in three lolis are predisposed towards feederism
>Fails to outpace the well adjusted loli who needs help
Guess forced feeding is more productive than having someone who loves to stuff themselves.
anymore lana pics?
That story existed after the image, even the author admitted he found the image somewhere else and doesn't even know who the artist is.
Anyone have the 5 part Sabrina the teenage witch pancake stuffing weight gain? It was black and white
sauce on pic?
Sauce? Image search is only bring up this page.
Don’t know what this says
(3.8 MB, 3507x2480, IMG_0724.PNG)
Can someone translate this
But is she cuter than the Monster Hunter 4 blacksmith loli?

If no one in the translation thread on /bbwdraw/ has translated it, you'll find no one here that can.
Well can someone add her to Kemono.party please?

who's the author of the last art?
Can we get some Peacock and Hat Kid?
TFW when no Tanya
Anyone got any of cuteconi's chub fetish stuff from fanbox?
Can anyone tell me what the definition of a loli is? I thought it meant very young, but in order to have huge tits and to become a nun you've got to be in your late teens. Anyone help?
(285 KB, 1088x504, 9840bc40f5967cf95f7b56564327403c.png) (372 KB, 1200x1600, media_Ex4cL00U4AEXmXD.jpg) (374 KB, 800x1415, media_EyxaI14VgAAwu8V.jpg)
There are two feuding sides; Loli is a bodytype and Loli is an age. I myself hold to the bodytype standard and look towards first pic related as the best rules for loli (no birthing hips).

>I thought it meant very young, but in order to have huge tits and to become a nun you've got to be in your late teens
>Thinking this when it involves the Japanese
Yo holy shit where did you find these? Didn’t know he was back
They found those ones from the fatty arms thread. I don’t know if anyone know’s if they’re actually active right now, since these could be old art that was just rare or something.
you reckon we should lump shotas in here too or should that go to /ee/?
No shota allowed here.
(460 KB, 500x706, 1571424726315.png)
>Suggesting we mix shota and lolis
If it isn't a reverse trap that just looks like a boy or an ambiguous character that never had their actual sex revealed, it doesn't belong here.

I can confirm that most of his art is loli, including the ones in this thread
Can anybody find the artist for these images? All I find are weird fake poorly constructed breaking news sites in korean when I reverse image search
Link don’t work
Can we get some more Gura in here?
How come no Jenny Sanderson from Chibi-Robo?
(329 KB, 1648x1300, media_ExJj7HKUUAMQ91L.jpg)
How are they ever gonna wobble their way home if they sleep all the way to the end of the line?

No one played Chibi-Robo; it only really survived as long as it did because of Iwata.
(1.9 MB, 2003x1129, hat and bow.png) (1.5 MB, 3200x1800, emma neverland.png) (229 KB, 755x1029, gaz.png)
I don't visit BBWchan very often, but I wanted to let people in this thread know that I am someone willing to do fat lolis for commissions, and they're all 25% off right now. Here's some examples of my work.

If you want more info, here's my current com sheet https://www.deviantart.com/roxas617/art/About-Commissions-25-off-all-categories-864012482
Is cuteconi worth paying the 8 bucks for on fanbox? Or should I just wait for someone to dump her stuff onto kemono?
I think you might have to bite the bullet before she disappears again.
I paid it and immediately revoked. Deffinitely not worth. Her older stuff was better.
(260 KB, 498x396, hal.gif)
Do the post anywhere else?
The best kind of chubby loli.
It's alright. Not the best thing I've seen but not a waste of time
(110 KB, 900x1200, media_E3SNd2nVkAgysJd.jpg)
My mind has been so distracted by suspenders cutting into heavy potbellies, that I never thought about the straps that lolis gotta bind themselves with when they're heading out into a firefight.
That feel when you can't see past her original life being that of a 30 year old salaryman. Why does life torture me so?
(1.1 MB, 1158x1637, media_E29nvciVEAo02yh.jpg)
I've started being unable to see Tanya as anything other than a duck.

She makes it too hard to see it as a prior life from never acting cute?
(389 KB, 833x1303, media_E2j6BDDVkAMtCpT.jpg) (613 KB, 974x1404, media_E2j6thAVUAM5WKt.jpg) (215 KB, 1024x1447, media_E28-7fQVEAAEZx_.jpg)
Kanna truly is a deadly influence.

Why is she handing you an umbrella?
Does she need help covering the curve of her belly from the rain?
Is she just being a good and considerate little girl?
Did you offer her a big bag of candy for it because you honestly forgot your own umbrella, or just want to see her end up with most of her belly soaking wet from growing so much bigger?
Man I wish Arkveveen would do more of these. These are really next level stuff
(111 KB, 640x899, media_E4Ql-64UUAIo570.jpg)
I save this pic just for this occasion, literally last night.
Since the mods seem to be taking a fuck it stance on their rules; put the furry art under spoilers.
I thought I had found all the possible Tanya art but you proved me wrong, good on you Anon for bringing this to my attention!
L-Loli slob?
Anyone got anything of nezuko from demon slayer?
any more salad?
(278 KB, 750x1000, 5634860e3f13d89fe68fbcd2a931e82ddc3a95f3f093762befdca013abff8796.jpg)
ChoCho gets her bit but it's spread out since the brunt of it comes from Japan. I'm honestly surprised that Boruto got as much art out of the West as it did with so many people against fattened lolis and the series having pushed so many people away; it couldn't even cause a huge spike and fat Anko art.

If neither issue existed, I wonder what the chances would have been that we would have seen a boom of weight gain art and lit that depicted Sarada as a feeder in a Hidden Leaf Village that has booming waistlines from the peace but what are the chances she'll be known as a handsy pervert?
God Bless Fat Anko. Need to see that meat squeezed into her old fishnets.

That aside yeah, Sarada's a pervy little beauty and I really wanna see her tease and expand fatties.
Do you have more of frisk and possibility chara?
also I've been looking for that art piece again, so I thank you for that. :>
(486 KB, 1536x2048, media_E41INybVEAAvaFG.jpg)
>Sarada's a pervy little beauty and I really wanna see her tease and expand fatties
It would explain how she ended up as best friends with Chocho out of all people.
Her ego makes it sound like Chocho would be easily manipulated into being Sarada's doughy puppet who she can feed whenever and however much Sarada wants.

If Sarada was able to make her own squad, who do you think she'd fill it with to create a harem to fatten up?
(391 KB, 1024x1707, Boruto Yoda.png)
Besides Chocho I don't feel there are many other really cute lolis, all the leaf genin are "eh"

Yoda's cute though, would love to watch her fill up that outfit. Plus the punk vibe is hot.
(830 KB, 1433x1012, 90470372_p4.jpg) (230 KB, 2144x2276, media_E4Vm2wSXoAs_16m.jpg)
One other thing, I looked at the screen captures of her on the Naruto wiki and am I wrong when I say her skinsuit makes her look leggy?
Well a harem's gotta be recruited from somewhere. I think I couldn't find many cuties sadly aside from the present company.

And yeah for sure I think it's the baggy top offsets longer legs. Would kill to see her become a bottom heavy lil piggy who can't stand up.
(436 KB, 848x1200, media_E6gEIcnVEAM8gtV.jpg) (850 KB, 2895x3933, media_Ez44TZqUYAQ9thC.jpg) (744 KB, 2895x3933, media_Ez44URVVIAMHyCV.jpg) (99 KB, 1482x1318, media_E6iThfWWUAAPCBR.png)
Not even the crybaby that's in the same team as the dog girl?

>Would kill to see her become a bottom heavy lil piggy who can't stand up
Before she's immobile, she'll have to deal with the recoil of her sound blasts making her lose balance from her monumental ass being sent into heavy wobbles

>I think it's the baggy top offsets longer legs
I think it's from them absentmindedly drawing the lower body suit as pants.
(998 KB, 1292x727, Left and Right but not middle.png) (542 KB, 1000x747, Mmmm Sure.png)
I love that lil lady so much, just a proper butterball, and the guy's style is so beautiful genuinely wonderful stuff.

>Who here loves the idea of absolute lardballs being just as energetic and nimble as if they never put on the ton of weight?
I'd like to add "try" personally, I love to see blubbery lolis try and do stuff all the slim girls can and failing.

>lose balance from her monumental ass being sent into heavy wobbles
Knock that tiny fatty back on her ass where she belongs.

Is the crybaby the one in the middle here? Ehhh the lil samurai loli is actually pretty good tho. Wasabi on the left doesn't do anything for me i'd have to see her drawn cute n chubby.
(511 KB, 1684x2381, media_E6-HhmBVUAIHEEH.jpg) (44 KB, 466x687, media_E6-HmrXVIAEoQw0.jpg) (220 KB, 1500x2001, media_E63zOYkXsAYUvTC.jpg)
>the guy's style is so beautiful genuinely wonderful stuff
He's one of the few I like even with them having their biggest sizes being ball fats and for him he has a lot of skill put into his backgrounds and mixing it in with his plump lolis.

>I love to see blubbery lolis try and do stuff all the slim girls can and failing
To the point of them running out of energy quickly and having to rest their aching muscles and cool off their sweaty bodies a lot or all the things that involve always needing help to get through doors and out of chairs, help getting her clothes on, and her sheer mass causing issues for everyone and thing in her immediate vicinity but with none of the borderline slob elements; give or take not enough strength to properly carry her massive body?

>Knock that tiny fatty back on her ass where she belongs
But then you'll never get to see her struggling to become a ninja despite her ballooning weight.

>Is the crybaby the one in the middle here

>Wasabi on the left doesn't do anything for me
That's something I really hate about what little I know about Boruto; If they changed the hairstyle and made her a full blown tomboy instead of a girl that dress for the job or confortably and she'd probably be one of the characters I'd see as a reason to actually give Boruto a try.
>To the point of them running out of energy quickly and having to rest their aching muscles and cool off their sweaty bodies a lot or all the things that involve always needing help to get through doors and out of chairs, help getting her clothes on, and her sheer mass causing issues for everyone and thing in her immediate vicinity but with none of the borderline slob elements; give or take not enough strength to properly carry her massive body?

Yes! Thousand times yes, it's so precious and hot.

>But then you'll never get to see her struggling to become a ninja despite her ballooning weight.
She's still part of the sand 3 she needs to do the Kazekage proud.

Yeah, I think one of Boruto's prime issues is that the anime started at the academy before the manga takes place so they padded out the roster with extra characters and I think it shows in some of their designs.

Just bummed I pretty much built a folder out of this thread so after those last few naruto pics I can't contribute back lol. Fat Lolis are a niche i'ven ot been able to search much.
(1.0 MB, 1240x1754, media_E6_CPhXVUAIzXjn.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1240x1754, media_E6_CPhSVUAktTEt.jpg)
Puppy has finally noticed what all those pastries given to her has been doing to her tummy.

>it's so precious and hot
Imagine the loli having a massive ass and having to share a small bathroom with her little sister, which leads to big sisters energetic toothbrushing unknowingly causing her swaying hips to constantly slap the side of her little sisters face with the soft jiggling flesh of her ass and having steadily twisted her little sister from a smart and pure girl who adored her big sister, into a devious little feeder who has been successfully manipulating her best friend into putting on weight.

>She's still part of the sand 3
My money was on her being from the Land of Sound.

> Just bummed I pretty much built a folder out of this thread so after those last few naruto pics I can't contribute back
It's okay, it's only ever annoying when it's someone just bumping threads; you're at least having a conversation about the threads theme which is something a lot of people refuse to accept is half the purpose of an imageboards purpose.

Since you're new, have you figured out who the top three lolis you want to see from anything? Know what bodytype you see them getting?
(241 KB, 1122x1500, 1442749988232.jpg)
>into a devious little feeder who has been successfully manipulating her best friend into putting on weight.
Like the idea of methods like that slowly perverting the lil brains <3

>My money was on her being from the Land of Sound.
Nah nobody comes from Oktogure anymore, actually Mitsuki does, he's actually a transfer student to build relations between the villages since they went legit apparently. (even though sound makes so much more sense)

>top three lolis you want to see from anything? Know what body type you see them getting?

Hmm, Sarada was my gateway loli so she's always gonna be my tops, and honestly just wanna see her explode with fat like the way Nao draws em.
Outside of Sarada and chocho most my lolis are western, basic stuff like Gwen and Wonderloli which gut centric for Gwen, and bottom heavy for Wondy just to offset the default busty adult wonder woman.

Shit i forgot about chichi, okay no chichi still does things.
(3.4 MB, 1536x1536, 42475c56bd025449852463dacaa496a4.png) (359 KB, 800x1000, 5019630_p0.jpg) (96 KB, 848x1200, DqQWb4jWkAA6NfS.jpg) (119 KB, 735x981, ea77219a242972f9c0d7a2739b0eddc9.jpg)
>slowly perverting the lil brains
It has my interest up until people start throwing incest and slob into the mix.

>gut centric for Gwen
You're a rare one; I think I've only seen one other person who wanted her in a position to be pinned in a chair by her belly rather than stuck in a chair by her booty.

>bottom heavy for Wondy
How would that even work with that outfit; she'd be running around fighting crime while looking like she's wearing nothing on her lower half but boots and because of her Amazonian pride, she'll never think anything of it until it starts affecting her fights but with her super strength, it'll be a ton of fat before she notices any difference.

Sadly it's just chubby pics of her and fat pics of her older self wearing her childhood armor.
(326 KB, 1212x720, ddv0t82-018773b5-7bf1-4e3d-b66f-25f008b9b117.jpg) (80 KB, 604x1000, sample-1fcc2b61e580a0c3d9021ddbbeb81114.jpg) (308 KB, 874x964, 068519e95146cd78d7b2507acdd1c2d0.png) (503 KB, 1192x900, 481d68d1f520f30816cecbffc47290b6.png)
>incest and slob into the mix.
Big same, slob is not something I get, I can get lazy and the scarce burp is fine but I don't find anything attractive about slob or gas.

I think for Gwen it's because she already has a butt in all the loli art, even some perky budding boobs but I like the idea of the gut outpacing them by a mile and before she realizes her assets are being dwarfed she's already become a food addict.

>How would that even work with that outfit
that's the joy of it, I see it as like, fat piling up slowly, so I imagine filling out the butt till the bottoms disappear up a pair of greedy cheeks and then the catapillar belly comes in and starts pushing out the breastplate until it needs reforging or throwing away.

>Sadly it's just chubby pics of her and fat pics of her older self wearing her childhood armor.
Sad indeed, she was a real cutie. still the pic reminded me I wish LightsourceD drew more lolis.

Also I remembered my old Naruto crush anko had a pretty cute genin incarnation. Now I just wanna see young Anko at Boruto Anko's weight.
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>I can get lazy and the scarce burp is fine but I don't find anything attractive about slob or gas
It used to be a problem with fat lolis but it seems to have died out overnight along with a chunk of writers.

>even some perky budding boobs
Boobed Gwen is bad fanfiction to me, Gwen should always be flat.

>but I like the idea of the gut outpacing them by a mile and before she realizes her assets are being dwarfed she's already become a food addict.
I like the idea of her being so self-conscious about her keg of a gut that she's practically become a master of dimensional magic to make her look as skinny as possible but the effect is purely visual besides it giving more room from her body being distorted inward; so she she's the same weight as she was and still having to walk like she did with it all hanging out. She'll act as confident as always around Ben and will make excuses as to why she does it and why at times she'll try her best to stay in the rustbucket and spend her time on her laptop with her belly squeezed under the table (secretly allowing her magic to recharge) but not always being allowed to avoid going outside by Max.

>then the catapillar belly comes in and starts pushing out the breastplate
Has Wonderwoman ever worn a breastplate outside of special circumstances where armor gives her a power boost; my knowledge only extends to the DCAU and the movies. That would leave me seeing her fighting crime with her leotard hugging every crevice of her doughy belly and her humongous ass making people out on the street looking the other way out of embarrassment except for the few taking quick glances so no one realizes they're checking her out. Even with all the collateral damage her weight being thrown around causes, she'll only really see it as an advantage from her heavy gut and tiny arms making her choke holds far more tighter and her shelf of an ass being a certified wrecking ball she throws around that takes the wind out of them from the initial butt bash before the springy flesh sending them shooting off to slam into walls. I do wonder if she's playful enough to think of flying up as high as she can before coming down at full speed with her ass properly in position for maximum cannonball effect.

>I wish LightsourceD drew more lolis.
At least the Japanese make a good substitute for that size.

>Now I just wanna see young Anko at Boruto Anko's weight.
Well they've already started pulling time hijinks so it would only take one misstep if they start going even further back to end up with Anko losing her ability to hold herself back from her love of sweets. Once that happens, I can't see her not blowing up fast and to such a degree that people are surprised she's not part of the Akimichi clan.
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Glad to be of service. These pieces are from professordoctorC and bbwonder. I don't have anything from chara, but there should be plenty on deviantart
>died out overnight along with a chunk of writers.
RIP the writers but i'm glad it's gone.

>Gwen should always be flat.
I like overall WG so for me she'd always get some boobage but nothing like what she's often depicted with flat > budding b-cups but i wouldn't want a cup more.

>I like the idea of her being so self-conscious about her keg of a gut that she's practically become a master of dimensional magic to make her look as skinny as possible
Yeah thats dynamite, gotta keep it a secret, and keep reinforcing the magic because as time goes on it'll take more magic to keep up the charade.

> maximum cannonball effect.
Wonderloli is definately this kind of personality type, she's sensible and smart but she's still a kid and she probably fucks around a lot more than Adult wondy would. And yeah in the comics the chestpiece is armored more so, probably less of a breastplate more like a curiass.

>surprised she's not part of the Akimichi clan.
She kinda is now it seems, apparently she was Chocho's tutor and thats how they excused her WG, but yeah would love to have some butterfly effect esc, "Drops Thunderburger in the past, budding chef finds it, and brings out burders years ahead of schedule and Boruto finds himself in a much thicker future.
(105 KB, 772x1200, media_E7D78bnXsAM9Smy.jpg)
>budding b-cups but i wouldn't want a cup more
As long as it's not enough to turn her into an oppai loli, it won't be enough to replace her loli status with shortstack because of the huge ass she's rocking like pic related.

>and keep reinforcing the magic because as time goes on it'll take more magic to keep up the charade
Whether Charmcaster likes it or not, the moment she sees Gwen with it all hanging out, she's gonna dig her claws in deep and leave Gwen so miserable she'll refuse to leave the Rustbucket for a week; hidden fat or not.

>Wonderloli is definately this kind of personality type, she's sensible and smart but she's still a kid and she probably fucks around a lot more than Adult wondy would
You ever thought of what other DC females would make cure lolis?

>Drops Thunderburger in the past, budding chef finds it, and brings out burders years ahead of schedule and Boruto finds himself in a much thicker future
In that kind of a future, I can't see Sarada's gain not being mostly from emotional eating, even if she hangs around Chocho a lot. If it's drastic enough to effect the entire ninja civilization, would Himawari end up having inherited her mothers capacity that helped her get that Ramen eating title.
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>oppai loli
Never! It's like taking away what makes them so.

>she's gonna dig her claws in deep and leave Gwen so miserable
we talking some WG + Humiliation? I'm down to clown with that.

>Other DC lolis
Well this one artist did some rough (traces of wonderloli but with different heroes) Spoilered because it's western and there's already a thread for that.

>would Himawari end up having inherited her mothers capacity that helped her get that Ramen eating title.
Definately, she wont be riding on Naruto's shoulders anymore on Parent Child day. That's for sure, even in 9 tails mode. The Byakugan Butterball of the Uzamaki household (shoddily self made edit related lol)
(168 KB, 1200x1600, media_E1QaTwTVUAICe-9.jpg)
>It's like taking away what makes them so
>Unknowingly talking shit about my daughterus status
If they keep the purity and have innocent situations, oppai loli can become cuter than a regular loli. Fight Me

>I'm down to clown with that
I honestly can't see Charmcaster not giving life and the ability to get around to Gwens belly so that it drags her all across a massive supermarket just stuffing itself with any morsel of food it can find until the magic wears off and Gwen is stuck laying on her globe of a belly with her eyes clinched tight in her attempt to shut out all the name calling and murmurs she's been getting throughout this ordeal. Charmcaster being Charmcaster wouldn't be able to keep her self from poking fun at Gwen's expense both literally and metophorically but this time whenever Gwen starts getting lippy, Charmcaster will lessen the effects of her magic just a slight bit to shock her back into line which is the only thing holding Gwens belly together. After playing around and humiliating Gwen, she'll act like she'll leave Gwen stuck that way just to push Gwen past reason so that she begs Charmcaster to change her back which was just another phase of Charmcaster messing with her by using powerful magic that burns away all the food and fat but utterly destroys her metabolism in the process and warps her appetite but unknown to even Charmcaster is it mixing in with the magic holding Gwens belly together to also give the red head an inhuman stomach capacity. After a good amount of time, Charmcaster will go finish off Gwen with what Gwen allowed to be done to her body.

>Well this one artist did some rough
I've seen those but I guess it is kinda hard to think of anyone who didn't start out as a kid in DC comics.

>Spoilered because it's western and there's already a thread for that
Dude, I just posted a picture of Wonderloli and these threads were never Eastern lolis only; this is the loli general thread and as such is the hub for expansion involving lolis but the title got warped with every change of hands. Once in a blue moon, someone will try to split the thread and fail but the last time survived from a couple artists was putting work into keeping it alive, along with the conversations going on.
>oppai loli can become cuter than a regular loli.
for sure, I think I just like flat chests more, SUE ME.

>That charmcaster stuff
Okay yeah that's pretty rad, she'd become an embodiment of gluttony and thats amazin.

>Western Stuff's fine
Ahh I just knew there was a west thread so I figured the distinction was on purpose, good to know!
(1.5 MB, 4096x3843, media_E2Y6uchUUAIZdKM.jpg)
And I'll stack the court with lolis!

>she'd become an embodiment of gluttony
Maybe a while after Charmcaster visits a couple months later to break Gwen after she ends up tripling the weight she lost. Gwen's mind will have to find some way to cope and what better way than to ravish in it. With gluttony taking full hold of her, I doubt she'll feel all that bad about using her magic to force people to love her and tend to every need and desire; except for Charmcaster who Gwen wants to thank by making her bunkmates to enjoy all the pampering with her but Gwen's gotta get her properly fattened up so that Charmcaster will have something nice and soft to rest on.
(1.4 MB, 1230x1816, kairi.jpg)
"Sora, you lazy bum. I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here."
>And I'll stack the court with lolis!
Ah no, fuck, I'll be powerless.

> nice and soft to rest on.
Peak Living <3

Only realized, which Charmcaster are you envisioning? I always default to the original but I remembered there's a loli one now too.
>kh1 kairi
Fuck yes
(67 KB, 277x341, Lawli.png)
Since Kairi is packing both a gut and a butt, does this mean Namine has a belly and Xion a butt?

>I'll be powerless
We'll all held in contempt of the court

>Peak Living
Only question is will Charmcaster be using a belly as a mattress like Gwen or will she be laying back on a massive couch of an ass.

>I always default to the original
I don't know who doesn't.

>I remembered there's a loli one now too
I hate loli Charmcaster; they not only ruined her design, they ruined her character by making her into a hopeless fangirl before making her into an angry little asshole. If I were to go with a loli Charmcaster, I'd just shrink the original down. The only good thing to come out of NuBen10 is loli Frightwig and turning Gwen into a little glutton. The sad thing about that series though, is that some of the specials proved they could write a story close to the original if they tried but for some reason preferred to stick to making villains that made D listers outside of the series look on par with Darkseid.

Whatever happened to it anyways, did Warner throw it on its streaming platform?
Might be a bit of a hopeless ask, but do any of you know of an artist that's currently open for comms that'll draw this stuff? Fat, muscle or inflation, I've got a few ideas for each anyway.
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You live in an apartment complex next to a family. Since the parents are heavy workers and of the hands off approach to parenting, they leave her by herself a lot but give you a key to check up on her since you work from home, though over the time she starts popping in from time to time before steadily sticking around for longer periods until finally, she just jumps over to your house while her parents are leaving and only ever going back to get something before quickly heading back to your apartment. Now she's hanging around you so much that everyone has started jokingly referring to her as your daughter whenever you're out shopping together which always ends in her nudging you into getting her a treat which eventually becomes centered around getting you to buy her huge creampuffs you both found at a bakery.

With all the time with her around, you find more of your free time away from the keyboard, revolving around her whether it be cooking her breakfasts/lunches/dinners that are unknowingly badly proportioned for someone of her size and age, and playing games and watching tv with her who is always trying to trying to sit on your lap (confirming her main reason was to feed her attention starvation you fucking pervert) and making you worry about how much you've been feeding her from how wide and soft her butt has been getting over the weeks. While trying to get the words out for sparking a conversation about her ballooning weight, her parents pretty much confirm their disinterest in their fatter daughter by giving you extra cash to buy her more of those creme puffs she likes and telling you to expect a package of clothing for her before they quickly head off to work. With that done you close the door and turn around to see the girl standing there, her shirt is stretched tight across her belly which has grown so large that the little droop its got over her waistband is about two inches of thick fat and can't even make it past her belly button, her thighs have gotten large enough that there's no space left between them even while walking and jiggling, and as she turns, you notice with amazement the biggest growth in her that you'd never expected, her butt had grown to such a size that her shorts could barely cover the bottom of her cheeks from them being squeezed out from under them and was filling up with so much fat that its looking like she'll be sporting a shelf of an ass pretty soon but from the size that it already is, she may not have fully zipped her shorts up behind her belly.

Do you...

>a) Be a responsible adult and help her slim down as much as possible.

>b) Bring her back to her apartment to find different clothes

>c) Go about your day as normally as possible and just give her what she wants

>d) Take the day off to start meals early and slip her snacks while you both play games and watch tv as she cuts off the circulation to your legs

Dunno but the few I've seen do loli expansion are Goblant, PinkForsythia, and Eishi. People who are open is something a lot of artists seemingly make difficult to figure out along with whether they do loli or not.
I guess I would pick D, assuming I don't lose my legs to the lack of circulation, or my job by taking a cheeky day off work XD - Otherwise C lol
Does anyone here roleplay with fat lolis
Y’all got any Kanna or Tanya? (Hey that rhymes!)
Go back to deviant art with your cringe RP.
Don’t bother, if you REALLY want to do interactive stuff about this just use AI dungeon or something.
A sweaty neckbeard dude pretending to be a little girl... Just go to the gay club seriously.
they actually autoflag underage stories now, even if you’re writing them privately without posting.
You’re calling them a neck beard yet your on a loli thread posting weight gain about little girls
I'd pick C personally, cos why not...
Hey, personally I'm a bisexual chubby-chasing lolicon, I know that's very abnormal, but some rare folks, such as myself, happen to be into fictional loli bbws *and* real-life sweaty neckbeards, and I just wanna take a minute to stand up for us and say there's literally nothing wrong with that. At least not any more so than it's already wrong to like lolis
Realistically I'd pick A. Even if it's just fetish stuff, I don't want to risk sexually traumatizing any kids, I've been through that myself and it can fuck you up for life. Plus I don't want to get in trouble of course. But that's the boring answer.

In the magical world of lolis, where human nature is different and trauma doesn't happen, my answer would be some mix of B, C, and D.

First order of business would be, simplify my own lifestyle as much as possible to increase my leftover / disposable income, and put it all toward spoiling her. It's fine, her lovely company will be all the luxury I need.

Her new clothes would be stretchy one-size-fits-all material. Actually even smaller than the clothes she's already wearing; her old clothes are already for chubby little girls, but she's not chubby anymore, she's getting *fat* -- whereas the new clothes, though nominally one size fits all, are modeled after medium, i.e. girls her age who *don't* eat like grown-ups.

I'd throw out the excuse that we need clothes that will keep fitting her because I can't afford to keep buying her new clothes at the rate she's growing. Which is probably true, but of course the real reason is to get her into clothes that are very comfortable enough for her to wear and yet also clearly much too small for her. To maximize the amount of her titanic tummy and tush she exposes, of course, without her suspecting anything or being in any pain.

The rest of the room I'd have made in my budget, I'd spend on games, snacks, and extra groceries. No more "unknowingly;" in the evenings, I'd deliberately cook her huge meals for the next day, bigger and richer than I myself would eat, perhaps a time-and-a-half my own needs. As much as I would eat if I were noticeably overweight. I'd also keep the sofa stocked to the brim with sweets, chips, etc.

I'd serve her her breakfast in the morning before heading out, spend my lunch break video conferencing with her to make sure she ate her whole breakfast and eats her whole lunch, and spend the evening cuddling with her in my lap, massaging her belly and filling her up with her dinner while watching her play. My hips would sink quite a ways into the fold of her gargantuan bottom, and, once she's gotten large enough, they'd probably disappear entirely from view, her cheeks and thighs enveloping my lap completely.

Once she's finished dinner, I'd keep massaging, get snacks into her at her request so she can stay fueled up without taking her hands off the controller, and let her stay up playing later than her bedtime, but only a little bit later, maybe an hour, since she needs plenty of sleep as a young one to begin with, and a little more on top of that to digest all her food.

I work an office job. It would be feasible for me to work from home. If I could talk my boss into an arrangement like that, I'd let her bury my lap in flab all day long.

She wouldn't stay small enough to bathe herself for long. At bedtime, I'd make sure she gets her hygiene needs met, and would be quite enthusiastic to handle such matters for her as it becomes necessary. Never mind if she ever outgrows the tub; we'd find a way to get every inch of her scrubbed nonetheless.

In bed each morning and night, I'd make sure she gets certain bare minimum exercise to keep her blood flowing. For several reps, I'd push her legs back, and then set them back down. This is an actual common bariatric care routine. I'd totally be doing it just to make sure she maintains good circulation in her thighs. Totally not motivated by how her enormous rear sticks out and spreads for me when her legs are up, absolutely not.

In all seriousness, while a certain extent of poor health would be to be expected, her *basic* health and comfort would remain our top priority. Aside from that very light exercise routine, her meals would be prepared from high-quality and healthy ingredients (even given that we won't compromise on deliberately making them very unbalanced and very high-calorie) and tummy aches absolutely would not be tolerated un-rubbed. We'd do what we could to get her outside regularly for fresh air and friendly company her own age. And if, even with these precautions, her weight ever became life-threatening or very uncomfortable for her, then I would deign to give up the lolicon feeder dream, consider it fulfilled, and help her slim down.
Don't think you have to worry about censoring here
(18 KB, 952x231, EcRzRh_WkAAZEhg.png)
Any idea what this was? The tranny that cancelled him posted it on Twitter.
(276 KB, 1571x2048, media_Eu2vv7gWYAEJlER.jpg)
I had an interest in trying that shit out at one point but then I saw what a lot of them produce and favored, while also practically all being stuck on Pisscord, I just noped.

What really was the draw of that, what I've read that people posted sounded brain numbing.

Doesn't that mentality kinda ruin all WG fiction that's not written in 3rd person? Now if you're going between each other in a sex scene, then I'd have to agree.

One of these days I'm gonna have to play Ape Escape 3.

>assuming I don't lose my legs to the lack of circulation
Lets say that happens, what would you do?

>a) She's a strong loli and wants to give you piggyback rides while you're both out grocery shopping which you'll enjoy because her butt has gotten so big that it's become a nice seat for you while you hold onto her shoulders

>b) Get two sets of prosthetics, one to walk about town with her and one one being for home use only because you had a literal seat built into its lap along with massage chair parts so that you can send her into a jiggling fit whenever.

>c) Get a big reinforced wheelchair that she can ride up

You're stalking that neighbor kid hard.

>In the magical world of lolis, where human nature is different and trauma doesn't happen
>trauma doesn't happen
Anon isn't watching the wrong anime.
Goddamn she's perfect. from the thumb I thought that was a team rocket shirt.
Anyone have any mother/daughter stuff? Particularly forcefeeding?
(209 KB, 707x1000, 92499488_p0.png)
Damn, not only has Tixil risen from the grave, he's making pillowy buns and holding the a la mode.
went by Offbrand Mayo on tumblr. They disappeared a long while ago
Damn. I wouldn't had guessed. is some of his art still floating around? or is it impossible to find it now?
(2.8 MB, 2815x4041, aw5.jpg)
Third one is finished.
(2.0 MB, 2726x3508, commission.jpg)
I remember someone wanted weight gain art of Saylu from demon floor maou, I commissioned this a while back:
This is very good for quick! Do you use GIMP? What tools? I've been using the warp tool as much as possible but it gets annoying having to redraw the outlines.
nah it's really just paint and the curved line tool, certain images are way easier to change than others. Thanks though!
More of Ashley?
>"I'll kill you"
nah. you should buy it.

i deleted the image i posted, it be like that.
Go be a cringelord somewhere else.
Literally in a loli thread and your talking about cringe stfu
sauce on that rika image? Or any more?

I assume that's rika anyway...

And here's the other side of the cringe
Can't wait to masturbate over a sweaty neckbeard pretending to be a vwv uguu rori. It's normal in the west to sexually interact with the other males?
You self projecting here?
But it’s just funny how one dude can live in y’all heads rent free. He could’ve meant that as a joke and y’all were after his head
anybody got any more Sarada or Chocho

I'm thirstin' hard for the good borutos but there's so little content.
Maybe I am maybe I’m not. Discord?
The etiquette dude would be to post your discord first, that way the people to embarrassed to share their own that might be down to DM ya will be able to add you without posting in the thread.
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Calling your enemies, names is an age old tradition with humanity.

>It's normal in the west to sexually interact with the other males?
Guess that means you're either in China or the Middle East.

He'd have to exist for more than one post to live rent free.

Chocho is still stuck with people giving a sizable rack to go with her sizable back.
Finally a Kishirika!
Hifumi isn't a loli
Can anyone post all 4 parts of myfetishsituation's Pooh-Chan comic?
(184 KB, 1607x1840, media_FCm_GgkX0AUdO8t.jpg)
>Bellybust has fallen so hard that he actually bought a commission from the Russian
He really needs his friends to stage an intervention.
Cozy, myfetishsituation, what is it about Russian fat artists that gives them the extreme tism?
if anyone is on his subscribestar, all 4 pages should be on there
What is the most autistic about them? Just a bitching at some point?
does anybody have some slobby lolis?
No one is going to touch that crazy russian with a 10 foot pole.
I gave it a go --- hopefully it isn't too inaccurate.

Page 1
This milk is highly nutritious,
and will make you big in no time.
Would you like to try some?


Uh, wha?
My belly.
It's getting bigger!

It's gotten so big.
I just wanted to be taller.
That was all I wanted!

Page 2
Hey ...
When is this going to stop?
My body feels so heavy, and I'm just standing here?
It's getting hard to ...

Aah, it's so painful ...
I can't stand up anymore!
Haaa... Haaa...!
Help me!
More Peacock and Kanna plz
lolis being extremely overweight stuffed belchy pigs is so hot
I’m looking for a weight gain sequence from a previous loli thread. It’s one where there’s a loli and her mom at the docks, the loli goes extremely into blob and the mom only becomes immobile but the end and complains about her being easily surpassed by her daughter. Does anyone still have that?
anybody got more saikawa?
Oh wow 3D models what a surprise
Sorry dude, I'll never edit a differently sized belly again.
(232 KB, 1005x1546, media_FF5hDulWQAEIlTF.jpg)
I'm just saying that it'll be easier to hide without the need to redraw sections of the pic like how Chet and the others do.
does anyone have the Vanellope this same artist did?
It's the result of a drinking contest with a dwarf.

It's real.
Nezuko is a loli?
Sauce on these two?
These are well done

Gift from DecisiveTang
what's this artist's name again? I remember they had a twitter and I see them on this thread, maybe someone said it and I just missed it
Bro you do realize that almost all of these pictures that you're masturbating to are content made by other men? Of course the artist is irrelevant, which is also the case for authors of writing. Roleplay is literally just real-time sexual writing, so it doesn't matter who the other person is. You're getting hard to the things they're writing, not the person themself.
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What do you figure caused her to pork up so much without ever realizing she needs to get a bigger shirt from her belly being about five sizes too big for it?

A) Big sister who dotes on her like she's a puppy.

B) Found her first real friend at a new school but she's a glutton with an infectious personality

C) Started hanging out with a group of high school girls that helped her during one of her many ego trips that leave her lost and ends up with a harem treating her like the princess she thinks she is

D) Other
(250 KB, 1416x2000, media_FIu4YnhakAUerf9.jpg)
What's cute about it, she's not only a sumo, she has the look of someone staring at someone they see as walking shit.
(2.0 MB, 375x310, clilov9.gif)
>Posting that dumpster garbage Chinese knockoff of the Simpsons edit request here
If you're gonna bug someone with your shitty incessant request, you have both the edit threads and the renegade loli thread.
(399 KB, 596x625, 1603759741568.png)
Yeah, I got them off of /trash/, so I don't know where exactly they were posted though.

I wonder what the cat loli is thinking; is she just laying there with her shirt yanked up to see where the noise is coming from before patting her doughy tummy as she stares at you with big doe eyes begging for a big plate of tasty morsels?
(219 KB, 1240x1754, media_FKdoo32aQAA9jp9.jpg)
She could just be playing her belly like a drum when you walked in and interrupted, leaving her with a questioning experession.
I want to have a daughter and make her as obese as possible if you think the same add me on discord Heartwo#8617
I am curious, what deets
Have a dozen ssbbw daughters

(908 KB, 675x675, 1636151264651.gif)
I honestly don't know why people even bother with the crud that gets produced.
three letter agent glow so bright!
Why is it your business, you’re already in a loli thread for heaven’s sake
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So happy somebody in /trash/ did a Chocho fat drawrequest, I swear this stuff is gold dust.

Need more goddamn Boruto fats so many cuties.
thanks for the source yo.

Chocho's gotta be a waddlin' wide apple imo, spread all over mainly torso n butt.

Sarada's my fave so Idk what'd be the best spread for her, I just know i want her to be an out of shape little piggy.
Wish the dude would draw nipples on more of his stuff. Barbie doll anatomy isn't really hot
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A loli so focused on being set apart from her twin that she accidentally grows a small potbelly from sitting around brainstorming about it so much while munching on snacks. After finally noticing it when she's getting stuff stuck in her hair being picked out by her twin while her flat tummy unknowingly is smacking against the fatter twins pot belly, causing it to slightly jiggle. After pushing the smaller twin to pose in front of a mirror, she decides not to diet but to double down and eat more to set them further apart. After months of focusing on gaining weight, the dumb twin has deluded herself into believing her big belly leaves others in awe and steals all attention from her sister but from having been focused on helping the fat twin, the slim sister has grown a love of fattening people up and has been the cause of their friends starting to grow softer too which has has the parents seeing the fat twin as the bad influence and them attempting to push their children into sticking closer to the thinner of the two they see as the good girl.
Read it again, but slower this time.
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I loved his concept, the execution, and I don't think I ever saw a way to support his art to keep him around to get more. But also pretty sure I'm way late
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>I don't think I ever saw a way to support his art to keep him around to get more
Genius didn't run off because he wasn't getting paid money; he apparently saw the lefty cult starting to attack artists and tried to join them so they wouldn't go after him, just to get dragged anyways.
That'd be funny if it wasn't so pitiful. That whole underage scare irreparably damaged the entire fat community. Its like everyone suddenly wanted blood in a fit of mass hysteria and was looking for ANY excuse just to get some.
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>That'd be funny if it wasn't so pitiful
The funny part is that it happened long before the no one under 18 virtue signalling bullshit.

>Its like everyone suddenly wanted blood in a fit of mass hysteria
Nah, they didn't actually care, they just wanted to look good or were chicken shits.
my sketchbook lol
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I want a village full of obese kunnichis.

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