
If you find any good transformers send them to the Transformers board >>512 (Cross-thread)
Great sequence...the ifunny watermark ruins it though
Can we get some more Assaultrons?
Bumping the request for Assaultrons
That’s good stuff, keep it up my man, in return I’m gonna go find you some Jenny
You know what? Why not. But only if we get to see some cybernetics. Some noticeable stuff, we need to know they’re cyborgs at a glance.
More Assaultrons fam
Well, they do have mechanical arms, is that enough to count?
Oh and some fat Anthro Glados too
Sfm? Go ahead and post em
I remember there are actually quite a bit more fat Assaultrons, they are just hard to find, but if you come across any, please post em here, I’d appreciate it a lot
Can we get some more Assaultrons and Glados?
Also how tf do you use this site? There are like 50 different download buttons and ads are everywhere, also why is it a rar file?
anyone got FatHaydee archive?
I got some good roblobs I can post here if you guys gimme some Glados and Assaultrons in return
anyone got the tron bonne and roll caskett image on eishiban's patreon
it’s on the EishiBan thread
it isnt tho, thats just tron bonne, he recently released an image of tron bonne and roll
gonna bump this
Thanks for the links. I'm definitely interested in any more Haydee SFMs that anyone may have.

It's just the big orange "download now" button.

The second link in >>7633 has some, but I don't know if it's the entire collection. It's a shame they deactivated their tumblr, since I found out about them after the fact.
Can we get it in a zip and not a rar file?
Bumping since it got buried, also requesting some Haydee
There is like no difference, just open it in the same program
My device can’t open them
Finally, someone who isn’t lazy lol
Bumping so you lazy mfs actually post
Finally, keep it up my man
source of that second image?
that's bswb from tumblr. Their blog's long gone, and I haven't been able to find many pics from them.
Finally, the thread is getting the attention it deserves, now if any of you find any Assaultrons or Glados, lemme know ASAP
There’s a lot of fat Glados art on Twitter, can someone find it all?
Xj9 is canonically 600 pounds, I don't get why most artists don't at least look up her weight.
Also can we get a fat haydee archive in zip form or something?
Bumping, btw does anyone got any new Glados?
gonna need a name for pic #4
you got the slob alts for those?
Are you the same motherfucker that was making these kinds of posts on the hazbin thread: >>9414 (Dead) >>9419 (Dead) ?

Seriously how hard is it for people like you to not act like self-entitled pricks?
Reminds me of this one annoying FA on Tumblr, called Howleen, obsessed over one character.
>>9414 (Dead) >>9419 (Dead)
"I dOn’t SEe yOU CoNtriBuTing Do I?"

If you're going to be a blatant hypocrite then do us all a favour and take after the story of Charondas.

There are enough autists on that site as is, we don't need someone like you coming onto threads cussing people out for not posting content every time you blink. You're not Palpatine on the Death Star, no one here is bound to serve you or obligated to give you shit just because you make posts whining like a baby.
This. I stopped posting my folder because you spend the time dumping exactly what someone wants, and then the only thing they respond with is "You got any more?" "I dont want a Rar file, I want a zip file!"
Apologies for asking, but what folder are you talking about?

is it one of fat robots?
My own collection of fat robot stuff.
Anon please, just shut the fuck up.
please shut up, You're the only person calling people lazy just because there's not much art of a topic
bumping this one
It doesn’t matter if most people don’t admit it, people with fat fetishes like fat robots. It’s almost absurd but not entirely absurd at the same time, we just have to try our hardest to find them. I think fat robots are becoming more and more common, sexualized robots are becoming popular so it makes sense that fetish art would come next. So I think this thread or a similar thread will prosper soon enough.
This is the stupidest thing written on this site.

And there have been "Yo Momma" threads that venture into absolute retardation.

By your dumbass logic, people with fat fetishes should also like fat furries and fat loli's and hell, they should also like fat men.
I’m pretty sure you like men, seeing as how gay this post is
>"Haha your post gay"
God imagine unironically posting this insult thinking it's a good comeback lmao, I hope you're just a dumb fucking kid or something because my god would it be embarrassing for anybody over the age of 10 and with a functioning brain to post something like this.

Anyway the other anon is right, tastes are subjective from person to person and not everyone is going to like fat robots in the same way that not everyone who has a fat fetish is going to be into slob or hyper sizes. If this revelation genuinely upsets you for some reason then I suggest you go out and touch some grass.
Let’s end it here, there is a high probability basing on the fact that there are tens of thousands of fat fetishists out there and when hundreds of thousands of people begin to accept sexualized robots more often it is extremely likely fat fetishists would like it as well. It varies from Androids who look human to full on tin can. Regardless robots fit a variety of tastes sexually, and fat art is already surprisingly widespread. Basically, mathematically it’s more likely that robots become more common in fat fetishists’ online presence.
That being said fat fetishists aren’t normal, they like fat things/people but that varies a lot. Some people like certain particular sizes, some for only certain sexes or genders, some people even only like fat art of inanimate objects. It’s so particular that there’s also a good chance only a few people at best will care about fat robots, since they can’t be fat in any capacity realistically so they’re sort of just a fun thing to draw and look at but are super niche in that capacity.
Basically there’s a high chance robots as a whole, if encompassing all types of robots will probably become popular because of general popularity of specialized robots but it’s also likely it doesn’t go very far due to just how many people have particular tastes and how varied any fat fetish group is. So it’s probably more likely it doesn’t catch on.
Yeah, let’s get back to posting fat bots, I mean that’s why this thread was made in the first place.
This link expired, does anyone have a new one?
Anything new?
If any of you got any assaultron weight gain fanfics hit me up asap ive been trying to find one thats about an assaultron going into a super duper mart and eating molerat meat
There is one on deviantart, however, you must post some Assaultron art and then I will link you it
I’ll also accept Glados, but I mainly want Assaultrons
Bring me about two more and I’ll call it good
Wow, I'm surprised to see that this thread is still up.

>Can we get it in a zip and not a rar file?
>This link expired, does anyone have a new one?

Here's a reupload of the SFM pics from >>7633, in .zip form: https://www108.zippyshare.com/v/C16lihgx/file.html

If anyone has any more SFM stuff, especially of Haydee, that would be great.
Thanks my homie
Anyways, let’s all keep up with the good work, I’ll do some digging myself
can u reup again pls i just discovered this thread
Any new Assaultrons or Glados?
(342 KB, 1024x815, 9ac.png)
Bumping request
Good work fellas, keep it coming, if you have anything you wanna see, lemme know
Revive bump
(222 KB, 1155x1280, 1595628616.mineredgar_commassultron.jpg) (269 KB, 1280x1058, 1595892110.mineredgar_protectronfinal.jpg) (532 KB, 997x846, 1615884589.pakaproductions_error.png) (179 KB, 1280x800, 1564703042.shamelesss_e5430096-636a-464a-839d-0b91722a2e76.jpg) (804 KB, 1200x1126, 1631413144.everythingisedible_robuttsmall.png)
Don't know what exactly this focus of blobots falls under, but fuck do I wish it was easier to find
Also, does anyone else remember there being a green or two based on this that originated way back in the day over on /trash/, or am I recalling that wrong?
Sorry for the unrelated image, I thought it was something else
Got more Assaultrons?
hello? is anyone still here?
why is everyone pretending I'm invisible!?
It's because no one has drawn it, because she's super obscure.
oh... well i did saw one on the furaffinity? except its just four robots into fat
I'm plannig to do a robot oc tummy
Who has smokii’s stuff saved? They literally just terminated everything without warning
(51 KB, 928x862, 946c8206e261c2410ee429922fd44d27d1221f000153189a971f8da2de95bf5d.jpg) (83 KB, 962x830, 8ccc61fc812e2442b2359bd678deca896c06af1f0e69026c57a419c18adaa6d2.jpg) (115 KB, 1280x960, c4e63e4d368366a5e0a838787800c83aa87cc6cd969e1e8b9304b4baba25f9ec.jpeg) (129 KB, 1280x1044, 7e976d06928c8e8c503a87e0ee89a7e33251e481f59f827176c53e85df1bf267.jpeg) (184 KB, 1032x774, b0c5b4ae69ceb4002792481d8dd5a5ddc28b8f100d1ecdcc2277bb1662e51847.jpg) (313 KB, 1535x2204, 3d51078f7fff40de11fb9fcfdce792c87a9a80a92aad3fc8928edf1427fc9398.jpg)
some bots I found on The unfappable 2.0 thread
(94 KB, 631x548, 833b340d88c473bf25b9093ec79ac0f3cc93ad140dfe950d0cd64e5e9a7561f8.png) (78 KB, 1180x677, 77dbd1492888383f6d1d5424272cce8348db599c854645b993310a4821b54dc6.jpg) (74 KB, 1280x958, 26867390767254e3bf5117bfd6320c5841364c0fd976f9a1bbb28ba27ed2ecb3.jpg) (186 KB, 1280x905, e64a107a063f054da38886c97c169ef0020368493a56ff4d4ee1dd157fe7ee72.jpg) (1.0 MB, 2000x2000, 7b49b21472bed0be994cd29a2257296484c475a7df18a31b950ffd0d5fe7a126.png) (186 KB, 2048x1014, 9dd4c93cb09e9e6526bacd96900294b0df43c10e2f2ea51c6349ffcafd8fb410.jpg)
(2.1 MB, 3716x2605, 2771940_tradicon666_glados-gigantic-cakes.png)
I like Glados but this makes me love her more! And I would like to do an Portal Rp which I have never done before actually and I was wondering if someone would play as her? If that's alright and I have a discord account 1-UP#3868
(275 KB, 2048x1152, E1Ec51iXoAM-yjr.jpeg.jpg)
Exo's okay?

might as well ask as Exo's arent technically robots, but they're a robotic humanoid nonetheless
The Id is invalid
More Glados please and thank you
Never thought I'd say this
But more Karen please
(218 KB, 1577x981, FqkHYqZWIAECu2A.jpg) (93 KB, 1200x675, Fp1GDNrX0AABGrZ.jpg)
What's this? Overworked, underfed Soviet ballerina-bots getting spoiled rotten by greasy Western Imperialist food?!
Oh, I am very much in favor of these two getting fat as fuck.
(243 KB, 1400x1031, tuva_v.png)
We seriously need more art of her. So I drew this
wheres she from?
Alien News Desk
That's adorable, nice work!
oh i love this, dont reckon you have a twitter or something, hell i'd love to comm you even lol
(650 KB, 775x782, FAT ROBIT.PNG)
Anyone got the full quality version of this?
Where the Hell did you get these?

These pretty damn well made.
You're not.
>Source. I wrote that Greentext.

>Warning, core temperature reaching critical overheat values. Cooling processes are running at maximal efficiency. Unable to suitably vent heat from internals. Recommend immediate cessation and shutdown to allow for cooling.
>Warning. Exhaust filtration unit offline due to compression and overheating. Exhaust emission systems running at intermittent capacity due to overheating and compression. Recommend immediate cessation of activity to allow processes to recover and deal with backblockages.
>Warning. Joints and internal skeletal structure is at 195% carry capacity. Rotator joints are featuring spikes of ~410% capacity. Recommend immediate cessation of activity and transmission of signal for assistance.
>Warning. Adequate walking motion is mechanically impaired due to built-up petroleum storage component tissue. Considerable portions of petroleum storage component tissue around [ankle] subunits making impact with ground and preventing walking motion...
>Error, critical internal and external components are significantly damaged from mechanical stress and fluid damage. Repair protocols unable to be activated/enacted due to mechanical interference by petroleum storage bulk buildup. Recommend cessation of activity and shedding of 75%-
>Override. Strategic value of petroleum storage component tissue absolute.
>This unit is physically unable to maintain itself, and is in a considerable state of disrepair. The presence of such an overaccumulation of tissue has prevented this unit from performing all tasks above locomotion. The combined mechanical stresses threaten imminent near total systemic failure.
>Override. Strategic value of petroleum storage component absolute. Petroleum component critical to function/task.
>...A reduction in just 249 kilo-
>Override. Strategic value of petroleum storage absolute. Willing departure of a single microgram of petroleum from storage = unacceptable action.

>Be me.
>Wasteland engineer. Was vault engineer but oh well.
>Hack an Assaultron one day. New model, advanced self-repair, particularly sturdy, high end kit.
>No idea what to use it for. Already have better bots patrolling my little camp.
>Order it to go out and acquire petroleum or some shit. Always low on petroleum.
>Two weeks later, remember the assaultron.
>Find it over twenty miles away, sucking on a service station hose in a fuel depo.
>Looks like >>40956621 (Dead) . It's covered in stains and smears and sloshes faintly when it moves. Can practically hear the metal screaming in structural torture as it slowly lumbers its form around. The hardened chassis has been stretched, warped and in places burst off due to the massive uptake of petroleum.
>It's issuing belches of dirty black smoke every so often, and it's own limbs aren't able to reach around past its expanse. Several components are visibly running red hot.
>Nearly bottom out my big truck transporting it back.
>Plan was initially to siphon the petroleum out into storage, but turns out the massively overexpanded storage system makes it look kinda...womanly.
>Its posterior petroleum storage compartments major, over six foot wide, pressed upon by the original armoured chassis component and dripping with water, cooling fluid and spilt petroleum...does something to me, as it shakes and shudders and almost sways with its clumsy waddling gait.
>I want to fuck the multi-ton robot in its unfathomably titanic ass and make it ripple and shake while it tries to free itself or stop me.
>Mfw the vault members were right about me all along.
Can we get some assaultron art to celebrate the return of a absolutely banger greentext?
the sites gone, does anyone have this?
(333 KB, 1904x2048, c474512830fee9f37c171d371313166e9597349aa94f07fd70ae815f61f3ab94.jpg) (442 KB, 2042x2048, 044227c37b956154c8d21600b873977fc76f2e30b03d787c28383296913c8b75.jpg) (362 KB, 1915x1877, 1ef11e4f07aa21e9e911236feac49347c077f91df591da60a36396210dfd6a3c.png) (599 KB, 2143x2810, 299e2c7d9032eebeab4b9878933fd910b4cf2fa299b7f5ffe8c394ed1fa72d1c.png) (1.4 MB, 1526x1511, curvy_brace.png) (3.1 MB, 1950x2215, Curly.png)
Man, DaysDays. That brings me back. I miss his art
Is there any new Glados or Assaultron art? I haven't seen some in quite a while
More please and thank you good sir.
Can we have more Assaultrons and Glados from you good sir?
Can you do a Neco Arc?
(6.8 MB, 3840x2160, Boggarak Bloat.png)
>"One surprise rhotuka has already inflated Nokama rounder than a Razor whale, and she shows no sign of stopping!"
(1.9 MB, 3000x1500, Phyllis.PNG)
Bumping request
(847 KB, 1750x2000, jen.png)
(1.6 MB, 2612x3021, EnormousEmmy.png)
I'm not sure if this goes here, but oh well. Been wanting to see this character get big for a while already (she's from an online comic called Emmy the Robot)
Sauce? And more please and thank you
Anyone have that Jenny Wakeman P.E.T (Puffy Empress Transformation) pic from TheNeverWere?
Well then, keep commissioning more dawg, also, do you have any more you have commissioned?
Other way around. I drew them for a commissioner.
there's a transformers tread
Save bump
I'm not letting my favorite robots die in this thread!
we need more glados

I love that "inflatable doll" look, with rough seams.
If only there were more "rubber doll robots" art.
Can someone post one more time the fat-haydee SFM images pls?
Why pull out the gun on subway. Now he got shot with his own gun & got charged. Squatters the real bosses
Haydee is a robot?
& mio sport drink. Felt on both your butts
More bots?
holy shit y ou have no idea how hard I buss to this
Where can we find your stuff? These fat, jiggly contraptions don't have any watermarks.
does ANYONE know where or who posted an audio version of this sequence?
There was an audio version?
Bump? Sorry no images, but i saw a 3 minute 2 parter with the robot from >>54320 in the how to draw thread from bbwdraw.
I'm interested in seeing this, go forth searchers!
Go fuck yourself, we're not your personal explorers. If it exists, you can look for it yourself.
If you didn't want to search for it you could just not, you're not obligated afterall.
Twas a month last time we ate scrap metal
(138 KB, 1280x720, IMG-20240828-WA0000(1).jpg)
I made this after playing Mighty No. 9, mid game and i get why people hate it but Dynatron is hot

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