
Okay so returning frim where we left
Dark didn't mind someone leaking his art he just didn't want people leaking his ocs and the ocs art that is understandable now if there are any cabal members watching pleeeease share some of that stock so it isn't lost forever


Like in the previous thread, we don't owe you anything. Nothing is "lost forever" by you not having access to a pic, so stop pretending this is for a greater cause other than "I want to see his pics." If folks want to share their art, they'll do so. And if not, that's their choice. There's no benefit to sharing stuff on here other than having more people beg for free art, as almost every other thread with an artist on it will show you.
Obviously people aren't entitled to receive anything, and neither are people obligated to give anything, but you could be a little less dickish about it. I myself hoarded tons of Darks stuff and kept it to myself, thinking that some of it would eventually leak to this place. I eventually realised that either I was the only person who had that art, or, that anyone else that DID have that art was also hoarding it like I was, so I eventually decided to upload it here.
In a way though, it is kind of like yelling at a wall, because, apparently, most of the people who would even have the really obscure stuff are the extreme gatekeepers. Aka the one who dropped the Eri pic with a cropped alt and then never posted the uncropped one. Or the guy who dropped the extremely blurry uploads of the river city slob pics that only caved in to post HD versions because at that point we had enough of people who clearly felt cheeky enough to leak shit, but be weird about it by cropping and blurring shit, almost like a "I have it and you don't. Fuck you XD". It's understandable why people are pissed at this sort of stuff.
To play devils advocate, I do think there it is quite whack to be constantly asking for more even after we get stuff, or assuming the uploader has more than what they have, and I can't lie, that annoys me a little bit too (Like, aside from the uncropped Eri, for all we know we could already have everything), but at the same time, you can't really blame people for that type of thinking.
This is gonna be some mega autist shit, but it's also a fact that barely any artists do the stuff that Dark does to the same quality and genre, because pretty much most other artists that even dabble in this stuff are the really cringe ones that do it to their fursonas and self inserts and shit, but the fact that Dark does these more obscure kinks to anime and game characters, it's refreshing and is more satisfying that just gratuitous "self-love" type shit that is only of worth the commissioner. Also the fact that Dark actually does humans. That too.
No one does any of this shit for "benefits". They do it for the love of the game and because they just feel like sharing. People shouldn't need a reason more than that.
Maybe there's something I'm not getting from this, but, by "OC", does that refer to the "Original Character" acronym, or the "Original Creation" one? Because as far as I can tell I haven't seen a single pic of an "exclusive" original character get leaked? Maybe I'm just not understanding the severity that that kind of thing getting leaked actually is. Also I didn't even see any Dark's OCs in there, just other peoples.
Now then, I would really appreciate it if that cheeky fuck with the nude Eri alt actually posts the full image.
Let the slob garbage stay buried.
(1.2 MB, 1536x864, Its a Lie.webm)
Heya, actual owner of the ""Slob Cabal"" here, just gonna write this to clear the air for people involved and hopefully bury this for good since its been flooding this thread with drama for a while and has become a way bigger topic then it needs to be.

The truth is there is no ""Slob Cabal"" and never was, there never was a super secret server that existed for 3-4 years of high class snobby artists hiding their art from the public like some people here are claiming or imagining. The ""Slob Cabal"" no clue how it ended up getting given that name was literally just a small server made for muts, friends and literally anyone nice or cool that people knew in the community it wasn't at all an ""artist only"" or snob server hence why a few people on here were invited to the server with no issues and lurked it which is fine!

The server literally only existed for 1-2 months and was shut down not from me having a "mental breakdown" or from "huge outcry's of leaked art". the leaked art was only a concern since in the past it has caused artist to leave servers before from feeling unsafe. It was shut down because it was just supposed to be a small relaxed server but ended up becoming a cease pool of drama between people in it and complaints to the point where I was dealing with people dming me weekly or daily to complain about other people in the server, drama or the server itself and I got sick of dealing with it. I never wanted to moderate a community it was just supposed to be a chill small friendly hang out spot for people that I hoped would have no issues or drama between people, so due to all the constant annoying drama I shut it down.

A few smaller notes,
1. there was a secret art channel for only artists in the server but it was literally only used for sharing wip and sketches of incomplete pics and talking about them or getting critique and help from other artists. Everything in there was practically posted elsewhere once finished.

2. I don't lurk these threads looking for drama or hunting out leaked art lol. I have been using bbwchan for years even before I even started drawing and use it to find new cool artist or drawings, I just avoid interacting with it due to how toxic and over the top people get most of the time.

3. Most of the sketches posted there were old ones they drew ages ago and posted elsewhere and posted in the server to share old art or if it related to a topic or kink that was brought up, it was never secret art just for that community and that oc sketch leak that they complained about didn't even come from this server it came from somewhere else.

I know people love Dark's art but ultimately its up to them and artists whether or no they want to post stuff and where they want to share it, a lot of the time artists only share stuff like this privately not because of a higher up snobby nature of wanting to keep art from people but because they are sketches or quickly drawn/poorer quality drawings that they aren't fully proud of or don't want to upload flooding their gallery/feed or were just drawn to experiment.

TLDR: The ""Slob Cabal"" was never real it was something you all made up in your minds, a server did exist and it was a small community anyone could join with an invite but it was never this huge 3-4 year old private hidden snobby art server people are implying and was deleted due to server drama and people fighting with each other behind the scenes constantly instead of talking and sorting things out between themselves

Hopefully this helped clear more stuff up for you guys and can help bury this topic for good so the thread stops flooding with it
Wish you all the best! Peace ✌️
(214 KB, 406x412, Alright.png)
And to make things absolutely clear: My annoyance isn't directed towards artists. It's moreso directed to the people that leak shit but act really weird and gatekeepy about it. Like, it's to be expected that people will feel unsatisfied when they see a never before seen pic, but it's horribly cropped and blurry. I'd like to think that whenever people here ask for Dark to make an alt or whatever is just something they think would be cool and not some personalised request for him to abide by their whims and demand more art. We just think it would be cool if we could support the stuff more directly.
Have a good day
Okay i don't mean to cause more drama but if the server was deleted some of the art was lost forever could someone just dump a few pieces so it isn't lost forever
Funny you all went insane thinking someone was withholding art of blob women shitting and farting.
>Disrespects my kink
I went insane a long time ago buddy.
I'll have you know that withholding art of obese anime girls shitting their guts out is a serious crime that must be treated with utmost seriousness.
>>67601 deku using 100% of one for all to help ochako up the stairs of ua while she's shitting her guts out cause she git kidnapped and fed by toga
if darkfireballz died tdookus and socius would die two days later
I don't even know what point you're trying to make but...ok???
Are you trying to say they copy Dark?
I think all the rambling around here is gonna make someone get a comm from dark of the most extreme shit imaginable and then hide it out of spite
(99 KB, 714x452, image-8.png) (327 KB, 1287x842, image-9.png) (238 KB, 1293x550, image-7.png) (438 KB, 1048x556, fsfsfsdf.png) (172 KB, 1153x786, image.png) (2.3 MB, 4500x3000, baphocommtoot.png)
Post stuff already like someone from the private server or something please that art might be lost forever if you don't share it think about it like that
The Minako one is actually pretty cute
who tf are the characters in the second image
Have not played the game, but I think the 2 girls are those twins from that one Monster Hunter game. The one in the middle might be the player character?
It's a chie and 2 yukikos but monster hunter style

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