
(143 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg)
Interesting game, ever heard of wicked pump basic execution?
any of the gain jam games got good enough art to crank off too?

also indulgences on the projects category looks promising
Loop Garou was peak. Close second was Don't Fear the Jester. Both were tragically short, but looking forward to a full version of Garou.
Anybody have the most recent version of Myre's Massive Mealtime?
loop was short but promising. Not a fan of dudes and only the cat was cute. I dont think the art in jester is that good

It shocks me that with how many talented artists in the kink community we havent just gotten a good "feed the waifu simulator" with just a good story.

Archerquest is promising though
Anyone got the new update for Apocalypse XL?
Someone can share the last build of Gorge Valley pls?
There’s a session going on 4chan right now. Maybe you can find it there?
got a link? its a big place lol
This is a fat fur ttrpg called 'Gorge World'
Anon was asking about Dandychest's farming game called 'Gorge Valley'
Kind of you to try though phahaha.
Dear Lord I’m so embarrassed.

I need more Gorge Valley too, I want to see the cute plant girls.
Here is the latest Gorge Valley build

Newest super sweet demo anyone?
anyone knows what solitary scribbles is brewing lately ?
Anybody got anything from Anonymoose? Specifically, Housewife Simulator.

Anyways Fattening Career's latest version doesn't seem to be out yet despite the fact it's been over two weeks.
Here's the download for windows
Does anyone have virtual gainer 2?
Does anyone have chunky cheerleader chapter 5?
Anyone have The Weighting Game 0.8? :)
Who made that Famished game posted in the last thread?
I might be blind but I cant even find the developer in the credits section that came with it.
its honestly incredible that people beg for renpy slop. this garbage is worse than rpgmaker by a mile not simply because 3d assists are invariably pathetically bad but also because everyone that makes a renpy game seems to be legitimately retarded ( cant write, design, etc..). everyone knows the adage about correlation and causation but it cant be a coincidence that everyone that makes and consumes renpy shit has a room temp iq (celsius) and almost all of the scams are renpy
how does one generate income in gorge valley? i have no clue on how to actually make money in the game and i constantly finish all of my money
You can sell part of the materials im the chest, at least this is the way i get money
while we're asking questions does anyone know how to get metal? that resource chest from the earlier updates has been empty for me so i can't really access the oven or fridge
(90 KB, 992x992, stuck.png)
Made this cow 10000lbs and got stuck before saving lol.
Disappointing update.
Oh great, the furries got their claws into this one.

Hard pass.
brother just play the damn lmao its really good, arguably one of the best wg games i've played in a while
Anyone have the new FMA for mac? Kemono link isn't working ):
Any reup for that Bento game?
LMFAO you gigantic retard
The creator is a furry.
Furries got their in practically every WG game.
Out of 9 characters that you can fatten up there's only 1 furry, and it's just to expand the barn

Any other wg game recommendations that are of a similar quality? Gorge Valley feels way beyond most I've played.
I haven't played it all, is it mostly stuffing? It'd be a shame because from the first few minutes I can tell it's really high quality.
How do I use the code
to get gorge valley?
search up base 64 and decode it brother
Imagine having kung-fu this fucken weak
(461 KB, 794x445, rXLi97.png)
Anyone have the full versión of memories un calorie?
As person that bought this game and uploaded it in fifth game thread, i believe that reason for enjoying it may be that it is something else than visual novel, it has minigames and models (for me at least) look good to some point of fatness - at 200-300k/g it just starts to looks awful.
But my main problem is that eventually you start to gain weight too quickly.
Sorry, but I still can't figure out which application I should use to decrypt this text?
I get this - aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlL2M5dTB3M2V0bTI5NmFvZC8wLjAuNS4yLnppcC9maWxl
If the output looks like the input just run the output through the decoder again til you get an actual link as output
Thank you very much! I didn't know that I needed to decode twice.
anyone know how to get metal in gorge valley?
royaljellysandwich.itch.io/gutbuster is out now!
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>>67581 Shit was not worth it
brother i had a whole save go to waste because the same cow fell through the damn ground!
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does this mouse get any fatter or is this really the limit for this built?
Metal spawns in the chest outside the barn, this build seems to have a glitch where it can be empty though so you may need to start a new save.
It would seem so. Dev needs to add a less furry version of the character like how the cow TF has stages.
Does anyone has the full "OVERFEED: dragon crisi" 0.2 version on mobile
Katar, you will find them at Aryion/Eka's Portal.
Playing Gorge valley, its pretty decent but I dont know how anything works. It doesnt explain how to harvest dryads, just a mini game appears and nothing happens while i try to press random buttons to figure it out. needless to say I havent harvested anything yet after about 3 opportunities.
Is there a guide for this somewhere cause im lost. on almost every aspect.
Now that gainjam has ended, we're backing again to waiting months for new update for already existing game, or someone making new game.
Even though gainjam only had a few quality games, i miss it already.
Now at least 2/3 of threads i see on weight gaming are with games focused on furry, were furries always that big part of weight gain kink?
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>Now at least 2/3 of threads i see on weight gaming are with games focused on furry, were furries always that big part of weight gain kink
Honestly, as godforsaken abominations, they're surprisingly the most dedicated to creating fuel for their degeneracy.
>were furries always that big part of weight gain kink?
Ignoring the fact Weightgaming is ran by a furry, yes? Hell, I would argue they were here/occupied this space well before any "BBW WARRIOR" came into fruition, Most inflation and stuffing kinks can be sourced back to Looney Tunes after all, and furries are the people with the money to pay for the extra resources to make huge girls. It's baffling you even need to ASK.
>were furries always that big part of weight gain kink?
Yup. Sometimes to the detriment of things but, honestly, as a rule I'll take furry over some of the weird shit that people have been obsessing over lately. Why are we inundated with fucking goblin porn for fuck's sake?
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>were furries always that big part of weight gain kink
>Most inflation and stuffing kinks can be sourced back to Looney Tunes after all

I never thought I'd see a Boomer and a Zoomer interact on this site. Think most people who had their interest unlocked by Looney Tunes, has moved on and now are by far outnumbered by Totally Spies, Willy Wonka, and accidentally surfing into it on the web.

Also, and I'm being completely serious, if you don't keep yourself under control, you will eventually degenerate into a furry; at least if you're an artist, seen it happen so many times, and especially with the Japanese.

I'd take the goblins if they weren't being made by idiots who don't know what a shortstack i, makes them shortstack, and take away their violent nature.

It would be great if people did chill it with Elves and Goblins, and used any of the other fantasy races that aren't Dragon or Orc/Ogre.
A couple questions for those who played Gorge Valley.

How many dryads is too litlle or too much and is there a point to raising their red bar after theyre full grown?

and does making the cows obedient even matter or is that just for different dialog?
10000 holy crap, my cows capped at 900 they arent getting any bigger. howd you do that?
Hey guys, I recently started working on a mod for Feeder Fantasy. I intend to add all the character art and portraits I can find on Sunny's fanbox, many of them being made years ago but unused
very curious too, it seems like they peaked in size for me around 900 / 1100
So im realizing every dumb question i asked was solved jist by playing the game but anyways.

Despite the actual sprite design capping at 900 for immobile stage i noticed when my first cow got to 3k lbs her sprite was significantly larger than the other immobiles. I figure the sprite just gets larger hence why first guy git his cow stuck.
That sounds awesome. If you don't mind, could you post a link to the artwork? I tried finding it ages ago when it was mentioned in the WG thread but had no luck on his socials or kemono
I posted all the artwork here instead, there's some stuff not found in the game like the USSBBW Karen drawing and Ai's portraits. Oh and the new ojou-sama character
So playing through Gorge Valley and I have a question.
Is stage three the max for the dryads?
Dang, thanks for posting that. Now I say this not to sound ungrateful but I swear sunny also did the dark-skinned elf who feeds you. Would you happen to have that one too?
Welp...I couldn't find anything about the elf feeder, I looked through every nook and cranny on both Patreon and Fanbox
Hey, thanks for trying at least. I may have mixed it up with another artist since I’ve seen those default RPGmaker characters have cgs made for them multiple times
Is anyone has a new mini story alice from TT2, he is who make the weighting game.
(2.0 MB, 200x200, bf4.gif)
>start game
>immediately get smacked in the face with a fuckload of info-dumping exposition
BOY, this is already off to a rough start.
"Two week delay" was a lie.
Fattening Career still hasn't updated. It's been three weeks now.
can anyone share the new quimbly update, or at least just tell us what's in it? still waiting on kemono to defuck itself
I mean I think it's cool waiting a little longer for a polished and good game. Don't want to repeat the past like Cyberpunk.
got a question for the people here; what do you consider more important in these games, the gameplay or the kink content?
If I'm being serious, when the story/gameplay sucks, it detracts from my enjoyment. If these don't matter to you, fap to videos and pictures, no need to play games specifically.
Usually like interacting with the girls, seeing them get bigger and get to know them better then el sexo, its why Fattening Career been the one I follow the most
True. "A delayed game is eventually good. A rushed game is forever bad."
Gameplay. I can get fat content anywhere, I play games for the games.
This game is awesome, thanks! Can't wait to see where it goes.

the dialogue when you inflate the dryads to bursting is so fucking hot

...Why are you surprised? He's done this before and he's ignored actual feedback...dude literally did a poll on Patreon asking about who the favorite character was (it was Hari) and then also saying the same day on Weight Gaming that she wasn't going to see an update "for a while."

Apparently he updated his patreon recently regarding a "status update"....which is paywalled lmao.
I know the game is far from being done but I feel like all im doing is slapping fat plant ass all day and not much else and still not getting much resources.
definitely kink content, but i think most fat fetish game creators are horrible at balancing between good and bad game design, and its something I really want to rant about.

for a fetish game, you need to assume your players hand will be in their pants the majority of the game. I see a lot of people here complaining about renpy vn slop for being very derivative (which it is), but i feel the problem is less in that theyre renpy games or visual novels and more that most of the creators of these games are either terrible artists, terrible writers or ai fags (or god forbid all of those), which is what makes the vns bad rather than the actual format of game. simple games that require less player input work the best for fetish games by nature, and visual novels are the perfect conduit for this because its literally requiring clicking to progress and choose options and reading.

on the other hand, I find that a lot of games are too demanding or ambitious with their gameplay. I find gorge valley to be pretty decent overall, and Dandy's an awesome artist, but (aside from the feeding one) I feel like the minigames try and do way too much. like for milking, why the fuck would you demand so much attention from your player when the main goal of the game is getting them off? the focus needs to be put on the player cranking it, not making the game as traditionally fun to play because I know for a fact I dont play any of these games for their riveting gameplay experience, i play them to masturbate.

in a similar vein, i see so many games (especially renpy visual novels for some reason?) try and be ambitious with concepts like in game currency or energy, and it completely ruins the flow of gameplay and just makes the game super tedious. for example, i was playing the weighting game v0.7 (the art and writing are not good I have no idea why I play these), and the whole currency and work system in the game was so tedious and annoying and made it take so long to advance to the next stage of fatness for the main girl that it was actually pissing me off. its good to try to implement systems to engage with the player more, but thats literally not the point of the game. I shouldnt have to click a work button and spam through useless dialogue 3000 times to "enjoy" the other content in the game, its so retarded. even one of the better renpy 3d slop games, fattening career, has this problem but to a lesser degree. I like that working and making money in that game at least gives some solid interaction with the cast though its still not great. renpy slop creators, use your brains and implement even just a little bit of gameplay into the game. clicking work and spamming space bar is not fun and makes me soft. the bar is already so low

of course if a gameplay loop is too stale it makes the game itself a slog and bad for spanking the monkey, but at the end of the day a fetish game will be carried by its art, and if its a vn its writing. I feel like making a game thats playable should not be this difficult, and its honestly more work to fuck it up like so many people have. and before any retards go like "oh why dont YOU make a game then?", its because I can't draw and cant be bothered to learn 3d software. I gurantee within a timeframe of a year, if I really wanted to dedicate that time to a fetish game (I dont, I actually have a life outside of jacking off believe it or not), it would be better than 95% of the weight gaming dogshit out there right now. any fetish game devs reading this, hire some better artists and watch some gdc videos on youtube good lord. autistic rant over
Honestly, when it comes to the fetish aspect, less is more. Treat it like a spice when cooking a dish. Too much and you might as well forgo the other elements and learn to enjoy eating a spoon of paprika.

The issue I have with "kink-first" development is that often there's no subtlety or art to it. You either get perfunctory wank exercises called something like "Feed the Waifu" which service your need like a hearty German meal of boiled ham and potatoes; or you get battered with such on-the-nose concepts that they sound like parody. Things with absurd titles like "The Fatocracy of Lardlandia".

Dick-first development isn't all that smart or engaging. To me it demonstrates a lack of faith in one's abilities to convey a meaningful and stimulating experience or trust that the player will do the same. It's the difference between a partner putting in the effort with a sexy outfit and foreplay and them just walking around your house bare-ass naked.
Gameplay matters. How the gameplay itself ties into, or leads to, the fetish is the primary reason to play an nsfw game. If you only just wanted to look at the pictures or the writing, you could just go look at a wg sequence or go to Ao3 and save yourself the time. The gameplay needs to be satisfying, because the fetish aspect is often your reward.
Another Gain Jam another ROBBERY of Failmuseum
Good to see he's got avid fans.
Anyone have issues launching Fattening Career 0.09 on Windows? Downloaded it from itch.io, extracted, and when I try to run the .exe it loads the splash screen then just crashes.

No useful info in the log, and I tried running it in compatibility mode and from different drives, restarting my computer, redownloading and extracting from itch but no dice.

Any ideas on how to get it working?

for whatever reason, holding shift during launch and disabling the gamepad resolved this issue, just in case anyone else runs into it
Anyone got the Android version for Sultan's Harem? Would appreciate it!
My guess is that while they work on the gameplay stuff they needed a bunch of kink stuff upfront for the coomers to hook them and get them onboard.
I'm honestly pretty shocked, didn't expect him to not even place. That Gain Jam build must have been ROUGH.
Heroes on a Budget is delayed once again fro this failure.

There's pretty clear balance and game loop issues. There's no way to mine steel, you end up playing too many minigames for resources, the prices for everything is fucked. It is the end result of this being a pre-alpha, it really is more a showcase of ideas than even a vertical slice of what to expect. It's fun and hot, but not the most coherent of concepts, especially if you are paying to beta test.
This is why I don't put too much stock into >>67943 's longpost, it assumes too little of the player's desire for an experience ("I want to be the horny corrupting farmgirl") and too much emphasis on "all you need is good art". Artists aren't game designers, there's a lot that goes into even the most basic of concepts, especially on how you will sell it.
the best balance is somebullshit and archer quest. It's got good writing, gameplay thats interesting enough to keep my charmed but not too distracting or tedious to get through, and dedicated "coomer" segments that are obviously just there to crank off. topped off with good art the whole way through.

then you had forks which was basically the perfect visual novel but tron fucked it all up by losing all the writing and insisting foxfire redraw everything and work on a second game on top of an unfinished game
I probably should have made myself more clear, I do think gameplay is very important. there is much more to making a good fetish game beyond good art and writing, because like others have said theres a certain point where its better to just create a comic or fanfiction at that point. My main point is though, is that if none of the art or writing is good, then what is even the point? I also do stand by what I said about gameplay not being too complex. I do agree with >>67945
in that so many of these games become tropey feed the waifu games with literally 0 substance, and that these fetish games should try a lot harder to interweave the fetish material with the gameplay. If I came off as saying that "dick-first" development should be a priority, that is not what I meant (though I did articulate poorly). I really wish more games actually tried to make their mechanics engaging and actually related to the fat content, not just a cycle of "work in game, buy food, feed girl". That being said, I'm still going to double down that gameplay designed for a fetish game should still strive to be more simple and less demanding for the player so as to not detract from the fetish side of the game.
I think the best example of a near-perfect gameplay loop for a weight gain game is Eat the Dungeon. It is simple, decently fun (although a bit unbalanced and awkward at times), and complex enough where it actively involves the players attention without detracting from the weight gain elements. I feel that the way weight is tied into the game mechanics is excellent. I usually dislike games that make you need to revert a girl back to skinny for progress, but with the mechanics + variety of characters in that game it takes away any negatives I might've had with it. a shame its only on browsers from what I could tell

Like >>67985 said, I really like the gameplay loop of some bullshit and what was made of archerquest. It had good writing and awesome art, and the generic rpgmaker formula is really hard to get wrong. I think forks writing kinda sucked but the art carried what was made of it imo, and I'm impressed as much of it was completed before it was abandoned based on how other VNs go. I wish there were more good jrpg weight gain games but some bullshit and archerquest are really the only ones I could find
Anybody gots gorge world pdf? I want to play with some friends
It's 2024 and you're surprised that more RPG maker slop with default assets didn't place finalists?
I wouldn't say it was a failure but out of of failmuseum's last jam entries it felt the weakest of the three. Felt overly complicated and overstuffed for what should have been a simple gameplay loop of "put two ingredients together -> make a potion to test" now I get that a more crunchy experience has its appeal for some but that would still narrow it's scope and accessibility.

Yurri's Magic Potion Workshop, despite being a far simpler game, had me making way more potions than Marcel's Metabolic Mishap. Failmuseum has ambition and scope but it needs to be honed and shaped better.

I'm sure he'll find some valid takeaways from the experience. And the game still holds an appeal for some. Not a waste at all.
So, anyone gonna post it?
I started Gorge Valley last night and I just have a couple questions on the dryads. I know the sugarcane and potato ones have different personalities, but do all 4 have multiple versions? Also, do they only have 3 stages apiece at the moment? And unrelated to the dryads, is there any way to actually acquire metal outside of the chest that you're given? Loving the game so far. Thanks!
watch out one of the dialouges for the potato dryad crashes the game
I'm not surprised it didn't place, I said this in WG but it is a frustrating game to play.
You don't get a lot of clarity into what you're doing with the potions partially due to RPG maker just NOT being built to handle what is a menu-clickathon for potion crafting and the other being that you don't get reveals on the ingredients until you've 'used' them (either at the book or in a potion) 10 times in that build.
I'm pretty sure he actually expected you to have notepad open on the side to track these things.

The other issue is that the loop just isn't all that great for a potions game.
Money is always tight, the forest was broken in that it started double charging you energy, on top of just not being very fleshed out, and the mine is....weird.

Games with this flow are usually right up my alley but actually getting to the potion making and doing it was so frustrating and tedious that the game just got annoying at a certain point. I honestly think the biggest issue was his choice to do this in RPG maker as its not a very good system for what needs to be constant tracking, note taking, item management, etc.
The idea was there but the execution was flawed.
Does anybody have the latest d.i.e.t update ?
>I know the sugarcane and potato ones have different personalities, but do all 4 have multiple versions?
I haven't gotten all of the dryads yet in my game so I don't have an answer yet.
>Also, do they only have 3 stages apiece at the moment?
At the moment, yes. But the dev did announce that he planned on adding a 4th stage later in the game that can be achieved with a specific item.
>Is there any way to actually acquire metal outside of the chest that you're given?
Not at the moment.
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I can specifically tell you for a fact that RPGMaker is FANTASTIC for constant tracking of specific variables and item management. A major aspect of why RPGMaker is so handy is that it has its own fleshed out inventory system and you don't have to code one (that is one of those things that sounds simple but is actually a pain in the ass to actually do, I just have to say the word "array" to start causing migraines. It's why you don't see a lot of Unity or Godot games on the site have an inventory or even items.) It's all on Failmuseum not having the time or know-how to create a proper menuing system for potion making, needing to use all the workarounds. That's probably a bit much to do in 3 weeks, but it was his decision to try it, especially at the sacrifice of all the other systems and game design.

You aren't wrong that the game design is pretty busted, especially compared to Draconic Expansion or even Idol Maker. It's a life sim with no random events to spice up the routine and the main fetish is removing things to do and see instead of increasing it, and it's a potion making game where there is just too much to track and too little attempts to get it right. It's just far from RPGMaker's fault, especially when it's not that complex of a game compared to his other attempts (man really should move on from SRD_HUDMaker...). You can see By the Light's Grace and Mystical Boardwalk being up there that it isn't a matter of "lol lmao engine sucks perish". Still, I expected to place for being a moderately-completed game where the theme of the Jam fits the actual mechanics and writing and not just a goofy twist ending.

Yurri was cute but honestly far less engaging because it very much was too simple of a game stretched out for too many scenes. Failmuseum's stuff may be gameplay-maximalist to a fault but that's a bit too much on the other end of the spectrum. Brewing Cat, in terms of potion-makers, had a pretty core progression that made its simplicity actually work, even if it is a prime example of "Art Project > Video Game", a staple for Gain Jams at this point...
i'm also pretty bitter they didn't actually code the pregnancy ending in but still left the fertility potion recipe there as a tease...

I "respect" those games but I don't really appreciate them for their game designs. Perhaps it's just the influx of clones based on SB that been grinding my gears, but they are pretty much VNs more than RPGs nor do they want to even BE RPGs. And they aren't really adventure games as even their most in-depth puzzles don't require much thought, barely any more than a crossword puzzle on newsprint. RPGmaker CAN be used for such, but when you pretty much have fake combat scenes just because that's what the engine can do, why not just cut the chaff?

SB is better than those that came afterwards since it WAS trying to mix fetish and gameplay at the beginning before Clinko steered the ship waywards, and its dense amount of content means there's a healthy amount to do in its limited capacity. It just that its not really my example of what I envision a game that strives to be as much a game as a vehicle for lewd scenarios.
Does anyone have newest version of gain of life? I usually download it from kemono, but importer is not working, so 0.47v is not available there
Oh yeah, when i asked on weight gaming if dev is go fix double energy usage in forest, he replied to every question but this one.
It's like he does not care about fixing this bug, it's annoying with how hard it is already to collect resources, you can't even increase you attack (besides buying better staff)
It may just be his implementation of the system like you said, I do know the later versions of RPG maker he could have marked the new ingredients as 'side quests' along with potions so that its easier to see what does what instead of "Go to book to go through x menus to see x items stats"
It may be a bit of antagonism on my end slipping in as I've seen enough RPGmaker games that the combat is just tedious at this point and the forest in particular was annoying, even if he did admit it was a last minute addition.
And yeah, I can see how coding an array into it may be an issue.

Be that as it may, it still doesn't really shock me as while the concept is good, the game, like you said, is a life sim with no events.
It turns into a bit of a groundhogs day event with incremental gains.
He did also seem to greatly overestimate how much time people would have the patience to sink into it with how long it takes things to trigger.

He for sure needs to look at that as that is a 100%, experience damaging bug.
That still doesn't feel worth it.
(99 KB, 1285x717, Screenshot (112).png)
Following up on my earlier post now that I got all 4 of them. All 4 dryads have different personalities.
Also, I got the most hilarious name for a dryad
I have had that happen already, lol, but thanks anyways!

I also have a berry dryad with that name, lmao. Anyways, thanks for the info, I guess I just got RNG where my wheat and berry dryads both happened to get the same personality when I planted another one. Is it 4 personalities apiece?
Is Cicada Springs any good?
Its enjoyable, personally i love clovers story line and someone generously shares the newest version time to time
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Anyone know last news about fattening career 0.10 ?
What a bad decision, why does he feel like making his game even more tedious if good?
I hope he will change it eventually
I haven't heard anything. There's been nothing on Weight Gaming since 10 days ago. It's been three weeks now.
he made an update on his patreon like 2 days ago but its locked behind the paywall

Fugg. Any chance of a re-up?
Does anybody have the latest d.i.e.t update?
Wish someone qould be the hero for the newest version
Does anyone have the full version of the pirates fate? The one that i downloaded seems to be bug

(I know its tecnically not a WG game, but it does contain some elements about it, so...)
Does anyone know how I can get Lela in the Sultan game? She is the only part I need to unlock Fatima the baker.

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