
>>65937 (OP)
This is literally identical to the thread @ >>65517 (Cross-thread).

Can we like, not create the same thread twice OP? If your thread is dead on arrival and doesn't get traction that's not a fucking excuse for you to make the same thread again and it's not going to help it's chances. If the anons here don't give a fuck about the subject matter of a thread then they don't give a fuck, let it die.

Every new thread creation kills off an already existing thread in the catalog, this retardation of creating the same thread repeatedly does nothing but clog up the board with junk and delete other threads. Don't do this shit.
(194 KB, 1748x2048, DzZgoztWoAAs2c6.jpg)
Lolis don't make a thread too dubious for /bbwdraw/; the males, Heartless, and furries would do that.

This honestly should've just been dumped in the Squeenix thread, just for the simple fact this series fat content is a sea of Aqua.
Yeah sorry I fucked up by naming the thread YO it’s not cos it dead it’s cos I fucked up and named it yo and not KINGDOM HEARTS
(5 KB, 259x194, 232313.jpg)
>Cringeworthy autistic hyperfixation
>Standards so low that you're incapable of scrounging up any art better than decade old black and white shit scribbles that barely even look like the character in question
>is insecure from being put down their whole life
>projects by calling everything shit
Wait but isn’t kh 1 kairi a child?
Schizo found the thread.
Holy shit. It's incredible how utterly incapable you retards are of collecting any art that isn't middling or straight up garbage tier, some of this stuff is only a couple of rungs up the ladder from genuine bottom of the barrel ms paint circletool shit.

This is why we should discourage franchise and character specific threads, cos literally all they do is attract hyperfixated autismos who lack the brainpower to think about anything other than *insert IP here* . All we end up getting is threads full of old and terrible art.
Go back to /draw/, retard
And you need to start actually saying things of substance, instead of plopping down catfaces next to every vaguely negative comment posted to this board. I stg you've been doing this on most threads for like three months now and to what end, really?

Like if you have something against what another anon says, why don't you refute their words with a counter-arguement? Or at the absolute very least come up with a witticism that's smart and funny, instead of these nothingburger ":3" comments. If you have nothing of value to add to a conversation then just shut the fuck up and don't say anything.

Maybe you don't give a shit yourself, whatever. But people who have long-term investment in this chan are within reason to express their opinions about the perceived quality of the site if they want to, its a public forum and not an echo chamber or hugbox. Maybe you don't agree with what people say on here sometimes, that doesn't mean that their points aren't valid. You need learn to grow uo anon.
No, how about you go suck your daddy's cock instead? Oh right, your father is dead
Dude stop getting upset over a fictional character
You're a retardes autistic nigger asshole
jesus fucking christ dude why do you have one of my draws
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