
>>65703 (OP)

I really don't trust this site, yet so many people seem to jump to it because places like Patreon is trash, so I'm opening up a new thread here.
>>65703 (OP)
>Might've been a bad idea to post to the other board.

It's a bad idea to post it to this board too, as there's already a paid content thread here. There's literally no reason for this thread to exist. You could've figured this out if you spent 5 seconds checking the board catalog before posting, retard.

Not sure why you're even bothering to ask for this content tbh, the amount of paid content requests that actually get fulfilled over here is absolutely abysmal. The ratio of begging autismos versus content posters is like 99:1 and the fact that you're asking for something that's 25 bucks astronomically decreases the already miniscule possibility that someone will get this for you.

Under the generous assumption that you're not an unemployed sperg still living with mommy and daddy, you're genuinely better off just biting the bullet yourself and parting with the money if you want this content. Unless you want to wait months on end just to chance the possibility someone will come through on this, by which point your request will be buried by a sea of other anons who just want free fattywank.
Somebody must've pissed in your cereal if you have to be this much of a prick over a guy asking for free stuff on a partial pirated website. This place already is a mess of threads that rarely seem to be deleted or shrunk down for better navigation.
Bro. I just hate Subscribestar. Place is a piece of shit business and a bigger scam than Patreon. Ain't worth paying anything for something of this caliber just to see a small set of pages for free on some guy's DA page. Don't blame me. Blame greedy creators and their lack of skill that they have to rely on paywalls to make bank.
You'd think Happypokeyboy would've learned that people are more inclined to paying for your shit on a normal store front than some subscription site that you're more like to jump off once you get the one or two things you want out of it.
Would be more easier if some people just harass Kemono Party admins into allow subscribestar to update on their site again. Then we wouldn't have morons like this constantly begging for other people's hard earned money to spent on this crap.
Got to be a lot of e-begging threads if another one decided to start up about subscribestar specifically.
>'Morons like this'
Why are you suddenly referring to yourself in a derogatory fashion in the third person? Don't tell me, did you seriously try to make multiple posts to this thread under the same id and attempt to frame them as coming from different anons? Holy fucking shit, you are retarded.

I'm not even going to acknowledge the rest of your weird schizo babble about subscribestar, such a weirdly specific fixation means you're either a speeg or a spaz. I already made my point, you can literally go to the already existing beg thread yourself and see how little of those requests end up fulfilled. But keep huffing copium I guess.
>'Morons like this'
Why are you suddenly referring to yourself in a derogatory fashion in the third person? Don't tell me, did you seriously try to make multiple posts to this thread under the same id and attempt to frame them as coming from different anons? Holy fucking shit, you are retarded.

I'm not even going to acknowledge the rest of your weird schizo babble about subscribestar, such a weirdly specific fixation means you're either a sperg or a spaz. I already made my point, you can literally go to the already existing beg thread yourself and see how little of those requests end up fulfilled. But keep huffing copium I guess.
Idk if this is off topic or not but I'm requesting for Paogrodo's Sebscribestar

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