
(99 KB, 1050x750, IMG_1420.jpeg)
Could someone edit this image to have the following:

1: lots of burps
2: lots of farts
3: she is sweating a lot
4: she is covered in food stains and even entire bits of food like pizza slices and ice cream scoops
5: a huge tub of ice cream in one hand
6: a huge greasy 6 patty cheeseburger in the other hand
>>65424 (OP)
Could this anon please do the following:

1:Stop wasting thread slots on things that don't need their own thread.
2: Learn to actually fucking check the board catalog before posting, there's already an existing thread for edit requests.
3:Stop being retarded in general, there's enough smooth brains here as is.
4:Delete this thread to spare the mods from having to clean up this idiocy.
5:Never come back to this chan.
6:Either kill or castrate yourself so that your blatant autism doesn't enter the genepool, thus sparing the world from future retards of your ilk.
did this need to be a thread

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