
(1.1 MB, 1000x3046, deviantart_1080559123.png) (2.9 MB, 5000x3333, mentalcrash-ember.png)
Always loved me the trope of monsters or cannibals fattening up their prey for consumption! Feel free to post your own pics of hapless soon-to-be-meals getting nice and plump before getting vore'd, implied or otherwise
>>65026 (OP)
this is a good idea for a thread, I wish I had my vore folder intact because I had a few pieces to share lol (pretty sure plumpknight draws this scenario a lot)
(395 KB, 2048x1277, 1722386810337357.jpg)
marmalademan dropped this peak through woot out of the blue
(212 KB, 2048x2048, GUfuG_OXAAAVAir.jpg)
well what do you know, right after posting this I went to woot's twitter and found this
Where is the "no furries allowed" thread, then?
The fact that you have an entire board dedicated to furry shit.

Stay in your lane furry.
There isn't one. But I don't think you need to use your fucking brain too much to understand that furry shit isn't allowed here, take for instance the fact that 99% of the content posted on here has nothing to do with furs and there are no fur-centric threads.

The mods actively delete fur content that's posted to alt and there's an entirely seperate board dedicated to that niche, so there's literally no argument here. Furry shit does not belong on alt and that is the last word. It amazes me how genuinely retarded you newfags are sometimes, you could figured all this out through processing basic context clues.

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