
(93 KB, 1682x1088, IMG_3891.jpeg)
Does anyone have his pics from his other accounts including the archive folder?
Does he have enough content for 400 posts? If not, please delete the thread and save catalog space.

>>64164 (OP)
There's literally a thread @ >>5076 (Cross-thread), that already exists for the exact purpose of preventing this pointless spam. If you're capable of creating your own thread then you're also capable of looking through the catalog and seeing that there's already a thread that caters to lost art, not sure what the excuse is here.

Just migrate your post over there and delete this thread to spare the mods the trouble of having to clean this up.
I stg I've seen this exact same anon replying with cat faces at any post with complaints about the perceived quality of threads/posts for like the past two months. I struggle to understand the point of this targeted behaviour to begin with, but I genuinely don't know why you're doing it here. Like...the other anons are right, there's literally no reason for this to have its own thread.

OP still gets what they want by posting in the other thread, it just saves a spot on the catalog from being wasted. Which is important because every new thread created kills another thread that's already on the catalog, so if low quality threads starting swarming the site en masse then we get a chan full of spam, redundancy and not a lot of content. It literally benefits every anon on the site if good practice in thread creation is maintained, so idk why you're being like this lol

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