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Pretty self explanatory isn’t it?
The image above me is from twangyman
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"lol haha autistic thread stupid" ok and? This hub has threads for everybody, don't cross over a fence to tey to fix something that said people over the fence don't think is broken, if you got a dick and like fat things you're gonna get horny with this
>"if you got a dick and like fat things you're gonna get horny with this."
It's amazingly retarded how presumptious you're being about other people's kink interests, whilst on a chan that is literally seperated into different boards for the explicilt purpose of ensuring that anons for the most part only have to interact with content pertinent to what they personally enjoy.

Like what you're saying is just emphatically untrue lol, tastes and opinions vary wildly from person to person. Being into fat as a kink doesn't necessarily mean that a person is going to enjoy depictions of fat inanimate objects, it's ridicloulous to think that's true of everyone. Most objectfags here do recognise that it's an extreme niche, so you're either narrow-minded or too mentally stunted to possess any self-awareness.

Anyway, this thread really doesn't deserve to be here regardless. This already fits under the existing inanimate objects thread, there's no reason to seperate into two different threads. Especially not when the already existing thread is struggling to justify its own existence with its glacial activity rate, this is even more niche as it's not generalised. Creating a new thread kills off another thread, so we shouldn't encourage spergo mc gees like OP over here to create dead on arrival garbage threads as its terrible site etiquiette and just makes it harder for the mods to do their job as the board gets clogged with nonsense.

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