
Can someone get the comic called Experiment gone wrong? I’m think the artist was Nommersu but I don’t remember.
(120 KB, 1024x659, img_20220130_0003_by_allstarman_dezd9ct-fullview.png) (112 KB, 828x1437, chara_s_chocolate_habits_by_allstarman_dcsdmfs-414w-2x.jpg) (525 KB, 1089x1149, 1683129553.nightmarebros_krismassivedinner.png) (98 KB, 1280x931, 1520694380.ddddude1_chara.jpg) (1.6 MB, 829x600, get pear.gif)
i still need to actually draw more of this trio at some point, but they're adorable as fat blobs!!
i wanna see kris convince everyone to get just as big and blimpy as them, all while they keep getting fatter and cuter >:3
(240 KB, 715x666, image.png) (218 KB, 674x608, image.png) (101 KB, 382x417, image.png) (88 KB, 813x631, image.png)
Gentlemen, allow me to bring the best fat Kris art you’ll ever see. Originally I got this as a request from an artist~
hyperslob is always great, id gladly lick every single roll of her's before fucking her navel which is probably meters deep =^^=
EVERY single gigantic HEFTY roll? Anon you'd be there for eternity! There'd be no time to do any navel fucking and it would be a real shame if you missed out
taking that in mind then i'll pound her navel first, and once it's completely full of my cream i'll begin the licking process!
it sure will take a LONG while, but nothing's impossible with the power of determination! ^^~
once you give even a single plap, it'll ripple through those folds for years with just how wide she is, and i dont even think you can even confirm it's the same one with how much fatter they get!!
i wish more plushies like that existed in general, and that would be nice to lay down on after a long day,,,
i love seeing chara succumb to their own gluttony and weight, only to be fed more before they can ever do anythin about it
watch your footing on them then. youre laying on an ocean of ever thickening rolls, so ride the wave and thrust in time with the rhythm

maybe the sounds of them greedilymunching on more chocolate will help!
oh this is GOOD.
begging you to draw kris and frisk sometime - maybe even clover, all three would be incredible
(24 KB, 451x364, pants.gif)
i'm always in a Chara mood, and she looks pretty great here, thank you
That I agree with. there needs to be more chara fats, along with some frisks, kris' and clovers.
(48 KB, 2500x993, lovethese3fatasses.png)
i didnt get to the rest of the humans yet and my shapes might be janky, but i hope this is still acceptable and i deeply appreciate seein more like these >:3
(102 KB, 1098x824, F03vd2UWcAAMsKG.jpg)
Hey, I know you from somewhere. You're that anon who made that amazing moon rabbit cookie blob face
Swear to god this is just Chubby Chimera
i can confirm that's me, and i wouldn't mind hearing any other requests even if im just about to sleep, and i deeply appreciate it and i love all the cute moon rabbit edits in that thread!!!!
if you mean on the idea front, you aren't wrong about the chara moods
if you mean the image attached, it's from the sr pelo animations that might make for a funny doodle
if you mean the original series of images, i definitely got inspired by their work and ddddude1 when i first started drawing fat art and had heavy frisk/chara bias and it definitely shows
I would love to see more moon rabbits from ya
this is so good~!!
now make a huge clover too :3 (and also more of frisk and kris of course)
(577 KB, 850x670, 1711828263.clover89_1000031236.png) (279 KB, 1920x1080, 1702441703.donutlord_yellowclover_belt_snap.png) (268 KB, 1920x1080, 1702367637.donutlord_yellowclover.png)
i still need to get to this at some point, but my art motivation keeps leaving my body every time i sit upright :(
i still think what i've seen of clover is really cute and they deserve more fattening, i just keep forgetting to get to it
i'd love to draw more of her too even if i dont have any particular ideas besides just making a proper blob of her, and of course i'll probably post it in the cookie run thread instead/if there's any way to directly slap it at you
What’s your discord man~! I’d love to talk to you!
Dude, please tell me that you made that
You have some sort of contact details like a discord or something? you can't make this and just vanish completely from this thread without letting others know your awesome current/future work!
As someone who writes stuff based off Chara, this? Super based.
>dumps fantastic animation
>refuses to elaborate
S E Q U E N C E!!
what stuff have you written?
Do any of you have the image of fat Kris at a table where Susie is placing down more food for him?
that 5th one is so good, know the artist?
sauce for the first and second pics?
Sauce for the first two pics are from rottenducky, they've since deleted the second pic but the first one iirc is still up

I just find the second image's shape to be hot as fuck~

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