
(416 KB, 4096x2168, EQXfgwfU0AEKDFo.jpeg) (402 KB, 3000x2000, EQSRf0-WAAARBW1.jpeg) (377 KB, 2100x2000, ENYuM6KWsAIJma6.jpeg)
>>622 (OP)
It's nice to seeing him drawing Komaru again but I do wish this one was more belly focused since the last one he did of her was also ass focused. But what can you do huh

Anyways he's easily a top tier artist and I hope I can commission him one day. Because damn are there certain characters I want to see drawn from him
(117 KB, 1200x929, Dqy9jolWsAAQ5OI.jpg)
Ah gotcha man. Glad to see someone else who feels that way. Don't get me wrong it's very well drawn but other than the forementioned reason, I'm not much of an ass man. I know I'm uncultured but I've always been a belly guy personally. And say which characters would you want to see him draw? For myself personally I'd love to see him draw La Brava from MHA, Isabella from TPN, Minami from Rokudou no Onna-tachi, Oska from Choujin Gakuen, and Tenko from Danganronpa V3. Sadly I'm not the richest man around and with where I live his commissions cost more. So I'd at most be able to get only two done, but most likely one. I pray that you have more than enough money to commission him anon for the characters you like when he opens up again
(502 KB, 4096x1583, EGg8FTQXYAAyTFm.jpeg) (247 KB, 1640x1460, DpgJY-FXUAI0gXK.jpeg) (335 KB, 1500x2000, DgTPswvXcAAVAln.jpeg) (433 KB, 2500x1650, DmIGu0EXcAAQIfA.jpeg)
That is very true! And say what kind of a man are you then? When it comes to what you like most in fats, like arms, belly, face, etc. Oh and also what are some of your personal favorite drawings of his? I would say these four would be my pick
(130 KB, 1200x800, ENymTJtX0AI_39q.jpg)
Oh yeah and I'm not familiar with the two characters you picked but looking them up they seem rather cute. And also I'd say you should go for it, it be worth the money, well I think so at least. Well here's to hoping were both able to commission him at some point!
Never seen these drawings before. Does he have a discord where he uploads certain drawings? Because I’ve seen people post drawings of his in other places like chan that I’ve never seen show up in twitter/da gallery
(477 KB, 2000x1550, 1553846059459.jpg)
Honestly at first I thought dark's a gnibbles alt account
(64 KB, 829x552, 1582044120457.jpg)
Not much of an arm man, but I do like them from time to time. I do love fat faces however, those are wonderful. And good picks, you got great taste anon!
The only time I've mistook the two is when Dark does black and white images

Also not sure if I should be posting this but someone at the /ceg/ thread at chan posted this drawing from Dark. And I looked at their twitter and DA and it wasn't posted there. So I can only assume that he has a discord and someone is sharing the drawing he posts there. Unless it's he himself posting these but I really doubt he goes to places like chan or here
(741 KB, 1950x780, grody scat version.jpg)
this is one of his rare scat drawings since he apparently does that, but i have no idea where he's putting these hidden pieces so this is going here and i apologize for that
if you can find more of their art like this, please do. it's rare but it's also extremely great
(218 KB, 692x691, EKqou6XWoAA1VPs.png) (186 KB, 2388x1080, EG5lNkJXkAAlERU.jpeg)
I mean the only way I'll be able to find drawings that he hasn't posted is if whoever has been posting them, well keeps on posting them to 4chan
At this point I'm pretty confident that he has a discord and someone that is friends with him or is a part of his server is posting those drawings elsewhere. Course one of you mad lads can ask him if he does indeed have one to confirm it fully. I just assume that he does. Unless he posts to some other unknown site

Also to go a bit off topic here, but I hope he does some more screen cap edits in the future. Cause the two he's done were really good
As much as I love how he does blob faces, this Tatsumaki he did is still my least liked. It's for me at least way to big, which I know is a dumb thing to complain about. I think the blob faces he did in this >>647 and the Toga one >>660 here are the size I like most for bigger blobs.
(142 KB, 1300x1400, D938HHrW4AEInku.jpeg)
Oh and also this other blob face he did with Toga as well
So I'm curious, anyone here have prior experience with commissioning Dark? Or are we all in the same boat in wanting to commission him but to poor to do so?
Where did you get this anon? Is he your friend?
Not them, but I'm doubtful he's close to him. Anon said he doesn't know where Dark is putting these drawings. And if he was close with him I doubt he would have mentioned that. Like I said way before it's very likely there is someone who is close to Dark who is the one posting these drawings of his
Well that's interesting, does anyone know who this person is?
Okay, so these are the five pieces that have mysteriously shown up but no one knows where they’re actually being posted from.
This is a pretty damn big mystery, if I do say so myself
I'd imagine it's someone who is a friend, maybe?
Alright lads I went asked the main man myself and here are the results! He does not have a discord, and how is drawings get to other places, they are posted in different servers and groups which then leak to places like 4 chan. And the reason he doesn’t share them is because either there to out there with the subject matter or they aren’t up to snuff with what he would want to post, according to him. I probably am butchering what he told me but that’s the gist of it. So mystery solved!
(348 KB, 2850x1850, darkfireballz.jfif) (1.3 MB, 3900x2800, bukiwaddle.png) (102 KB, 459x562, every_hero_needs_a_sidekick__buki__by_midori_muffin_dbvlc9k.png) (108 KB, 294x575, yatto_by_midori_muffin_dcotzrn.png)
Well, that kind of solves things. I still wish to see all that other art of his that's leaked because, damn it, it's pretty good shit though I'd hope that more of it could be salvaged from the boards, groups and servers because they're just that damn good
also, for someone to check out his tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/darkfireballz
It be hard to find it if you aren't a part of those servers/groups that it gets posted at. And it's rare to find it in the wild as well, since the people that share it aren't the most consistent. I'd say you're best bet would be asking him over at twitter if he'd be willing to share the drawings he hasn't posted publicly with you. I personally don't feel comfortable enough to ask such a thing since I'm a stranger to him pretty much and I don't feel that would be appropriate of me to ask as such. And I feel it would be rude of me as well. But again you could always give it a go
Yeah for someone who doesn't draw furry much, he's really good at it. I adore how he did that rat girls face in particular. So I too would be down to see more fat furry from him, well certain furry characters at least

Also since you posted it, how do you all feel about the sumo drawings he's been posting as of late? For myself personally I love it, the man made a convert out of me. Now I can't get enough of it. Though sadly looking it up there isn't much sumo girls to be found. Which is why when he opens up again and more importantly when I have the money, I plan on getting some blobby sumo girls. And as such a secondary question for you all, any gals that you personally want to see as sumo?
I'll admit I'm not the biggest fan of Ibuki but damn is that a great drawing, his fat faces are so good. You know I hope he does some more bust shots like this of some of the other Danganronpa girls. And if you don't mind me asking another question to you all, any Danganronpa girls you want to see done by him that he hasn't done yet? I myself hope to see some blobby fat bellied Tenko from him some day. Certainly hope he doesn't hate her though, haha.
Fat Muffet huh, neat. Is this a recent drawing of his or an older one?
Best girl is now best blob.
I'd love to see Sonia as a blob.
(523 KB, 3000x2000, ESL_YuKWAAE-0de.jpeg)
Fresh off the presses, okay kinda cold at this point, but here's a drawing that he posted earlier today
The sumo thing um Arachne from Soul Eater, Cinder Fall, and Shadow Weaver
what exactly do you mean by that? did you find more of his art through that?
Im doubtful since I had asked way back when about which girls you would want to see as sumos from him
You know I wouldn’t mind seeing more fat guys from him, he draws them pretty well
Also where’d you get these all from anon?
(98 KB, 1100x700, tumblr_pgb951dzwe1ti2keko3_1280.jpg)
found these all on his old tumblr. He's got some more pieces that aren't on here in the scraps of his DA account and twitter, as well as even older pieces on his tumblr. it's a hard search, though.
also, if anyone can go find those pieces that he's only shared in servers and 4-chan and stuff, please put it in here.
also, if you can ever find more of the art like the stuff down below or tell us where you found them at, please do.
Oh that’s right he did have a tumblr account, I honestly forgot about that. And I only found the Ann by chance since someone posted it in another thread over at 4 chan, like I mentioned way back when. And finding things he hasn’t posted is tough since it’s usual scattered about and you have to rely on whether or not people who receive that art will want to share it or not. The easiest thing to do would be to ask him. But I dunno how comfortable I am personally with asking him to share art he hasn’t uploaded publicly. So again I’ll leave that to someone braver than I
I meant, could you send the thread over here? The one you found it in?
(139 KB, 1000x725, image0-13.jpg)
Blobby inventor
Not a fan of Miu but this is nice. And you know I’m surprised of the V3 girls he’s done, he hasn’t done Himiko yet. Granted I guess I don’t know his exact taste, I sorta assumed her design would be up his alley. And you know someone had asked earlier about girls they would want to see as Sumos and I’d like to see a blobby Tenko sumo wrestler. Not that it has anything to do with what you posted but I just thought of it. Also where’d you get this from? Didn’t see it posted at his twitter.
I’m curious is that fourth drawing supposed to be Nanako?
I know he mainly dabbles in the fatter kind of fats, but I’m digging this uneven fat belly he did here
Sorry for the late response, and I can’t find the thread it was posted in. But from what I recall that was the only drawing of his that was posted in it. I’ll try looking for it again though.
Didn’t see this posted anywhere in the usual threads I lurk at. This posted in a discord server you hang out at by chance?
Different strokes for different folks after all. Though I guess I am a little surprised as well. And also good taste in sumo btw. Feel she’d be a good match for it.
Hey anon after some more looking I was able to find the thread again! And I was wrong there was some other drawings of his posted, but the only new one posted was the sumo Ann. So here’s a link to the thread for ya. And sorry for taking so long.
(372 KB, 2048x1489, Dw5GubgX4AA-M_G.jpg large.jpg)
Holy fucking shit, that is ultra rare dark material of best girl
Thank you so much for posting.
If you can share, where did you find it?
anyone know of these servers where he posts stuff like scat?
Sorry to disappoint you anon but they don't, refer to this message if you want more info. >>782

So unless you ask him for his scat drawings yourself or someone who knows him shares those drawings in your server or else where like chan you're out of luck I'm afraid, sorry
So did anyone here get their suggestion taken when he was doing this, if you offered up a suggestion that is. I wasn’t around for it sadly so I wasn’t able to give any. Though I did see some of the choices people gave and its because of that I’m kinda disappointed with who picked in the end, even if it is very well drawn
i suggested kaede, and i'm happy she got drawn
Ah lucky, that Kaede turned out pretty good. She wouldn’t have been the DR girl I would have suggested, but I’m glad you were able to get it done. I’m a bit jealous I won’t lie
I was the one who suggested Aisha, at least I did on his twitter. I didn't even know he did a stream, so it might've been someone else who suggested her during that.
Wonder if this is supposed to be inspired by the oni from Nioh, just with how the horn is done

Wasn't aware he did one either, not that it would have mattered since I missed out in the first place. But glad that you were able to get your character of choice done though
Oh I was aware of that, it’s just the way the horn was done in his part reminds of how they designed the demons horns in Nioh
Haven’t visited this thread in forever so I’m surprised to see that’s it’s still alive and kicking for the most part. Nice to see though. And since I’m here and also curious as well as to get this thread a little more active, how many of you here plan on commissioning him if he opens up again? And if so if what? Though you don’t have to include that part if you don’t want!
Ah so you’ve commissioned him prior huh, and if you don’t mind me asking which one was it? And while she’s not a character I’m fond of, I do hope you’re able to get the money needed to commission her my good man!
Oh no, I meant to say that I want another chance at commissioning him since he rarely does them. Sorry for the confusion.
Ah I gotcha, and no need to apologize! And in that case you and I are pretty much in the same boat. So here’s hoping we’re both able to commission him then when he opens up! Just be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the end of May since that’s when he plans on announcing if he’ll do them or not, you probably already know that but thought I’d mention it just in case.
(615 KB, 1600x1000, deviantart_727501233_Metric Ton of Meaty Training.jpg) (864 KB, 1600x1000, 1543366135310.jpg) (1.3 MB, 1800x1500, 1543366169028.jpg)
Was lurking on this thread earlier and seeing the riverside girls scat alt actually made realise I actually have a couple of Dark's elusive scat alts saved. This is an extension of a standalone Ochaco drawing he did a while ago, it's a short sequence with hyper scat and vomiting. To those of you who are looking for this kind of stuff, enjoy!

Sorry to dissapoint, but before any curious anons ask me. No I don't have anymore of his scat alts and I am not one of the people who has direct access to them. I came across these pics whilst browsing an archived trash thread a couple of months back, for whatever reason it didn't click with me that these were done by him until now. Hopefully more will show up in the future for those that are interested...
I myself have already seen this sequence before as well, most likely in the same place you saw it at if I had to guess. Not the biggest fan of it to be honest, but thanks for sharing it for those who potentially haven’t seen it. And the only way we’ll see more of this kind of thing is if people who are close to him leak it like the other drawings he hasn’t posted. Or if someone commissions it, and then also leaks it to places like 4chan
Why does it matter if we’re slow when all of his drawings are easily viewable on his Twitter anyways, excluding the ones which he doesn’t share publicly. Which none of us have access to. And with how we already shared most of his other drawings and discussed as much as we could in regards to him and his art, this thread just feels pointless now. And I only speak for me here but his recent output hasn’t interested me much either. Which is why I haven’t come to this thread as much as I did before
Is there an alt without the scat?
haha no you're not degenerate enough
So he's opening comms again soonish. Thinking about gettibg one. What were the costs last time?
he just opened his comms, £35 for flats, £45 for color with shading, and £60 for full detail, slob and sweat alts dont cost any but outfits cost extra
Unfortunately lady luck wasn't on my side, so I won't be able to commission him now. Which does blow I won't lie, but while I can't I do hope the rest of you are at least able to. And with that in mind I wish you all the best of luck and hope you're able to get your favourite gal or guy done by him!
if only he made more midna slob
im not lucky enough to be able to get one but if i could id see if hed do some deku stuff
(1.5 MB, 2600x1200, decuplethedekucolour_by_darkfireballz_dbn4c0c.jpg) (102 KB, 700x500, dekutits_by_darkfireballz_dc12adw.jpg) (65 KB, 1019x784, doubling_the_deku__ssbhm__wg__by_sir_wales_dauql2f-pre.jpg)
Assuming you're in the same boat as I, that sucks man. Though lucky for you, and assuming you haven't seen these yet, he has done a few Deku's before. Though if you do have enough money I'd say you should try. Better to try then to not try at all ya know. Who knows he might end up really liking your Deku related idea!
i have seen those, i just wish he would make more cause these are pretty good
Well the only way you’ll see more of Deku is if you commission it. So if you do have the money you really ought to send him your idea. You’ll only end up regretting it if you don’t ya know.
Who the fuck cares you stupid cunt
the fucking thread, retard?

Sorry for tha
Most anons that come to this pointless thread follow him dumbass and have seen it already. So to reiterate, who the fuck cares

Fuck off you condescending pricks
Feisty lil warrior, aintcha
Well, you're in a foul mood. What's wrong, kiddo? Did your chicken tendies burn?
(504 KB, 1500x1000, 1547582015805.png)
Well boy howdy this thread sure went places, last I was here huh. Well anyway, I come bearing new art for you lads! Well kinda old at this point, but new to those that potentially haven't seen it yet! Admittedly I was sorta slow on the intake since the content of the drawing isn't something I like really. And I was still sorta sad about not being able to comm ole Dark after having waited so long. Though I am so thankful to HE who has been doing god tier fat edits over at 4chan recently. Their general kindness, the wonderful chats, and just the stellar edits they have made, helped to make me feel a lot better. Anyway that's enough off topic talk from me, probably making you all cringe anyway, haha. And I was curious, but did any of you lads here manage to get onto his queue?
(61 KB, 800x800, EYjs8bsXsAQLr3N.png)
You know what I can't just act like everything is all fine and hunkydory with that last post I made, and pretend like nothing happened. I'm really sorry to everyone in the thread for my abhorrent behaviour earlier, especially to the one who I initially lashed out at, and the one before that. I've never been the best mentally truth be told, and even with getting help last year in regards to that, with all the terrible things that have been going on lately I've been slipping really hard. And the night I posted that idiotic and rude comment of mine, I was near the breaking point. And then I just exploded, and unfortunately this thread was the ground zeros for that. I know I'm anonymous and all but I'm still embarrassed and ashamed of myself for what I typed back there, and I wish I could get rid of it all. And I didn't come back here and post this looking for any sympathy or forgiveness, I most certainly don't deserve either from any of you. It just wouldn't have sat right with me, if I had left the thread they way I did after quite frankly, fucking it all up with my childish tantrum. I wish there was more I could do then just simply apologizing, it just doesn't feel like enough, especially after having ruined the whole thread for everyone because I couldn't control myself better. The best thing I can do is just leave all of you and this thread alone, I don't want to make it any worse than I already have with my moronic, rude, and childish comments. I'm just really sorry to all of you.
It's all fine, anon.
Say can you come back for a second? It's me, the edit anon on 4chan who left because of assorted reasons. Is there anyway I can contact you besides 4chan? I just know how much you loved to chat with me and the stellar edits I did for ya. I was just wondering if there is anywhere else I can contact you? You seemed to have taken a liking to my OCs, that's something I don't see every day.
I just wanna say that I absolutely LOVE fat feet like that
Nah, he really needs to make more, just at smaller weights.
Or, like, just draw characters who are 18+. Plenty of good characters for kink stuff that are 18+.
I'm so sick of this stupid argument, it doesn't matter
They're not real, who fucking cares.

Go whiteknight somewhere else.
I hope the fictional girl sees this, dude
Theres now a persona alt art thread to put the art in now
Bro who cares
>smaller weights
Where do you think we are?
New art
(1.7 MB, 3750x2275, file.png)
New art from Dark uwu
(72 KB, 594x782, file.png)
Dark got his account hacked so this isn't him atm
anyone know if dark got his acc back or was the hack thing a joke?
(88 KB, 1064x751, IMG_8047.JPG)
Sorry if the alts are low quality I can’t find better ones.
It wasn't a joke and his account got suspended, he said it in a DA journal
what happened to his account?
Someone hacked it
If this incident gets him verified on Twitter. I’m going to fucking lose it.
It won't the account was suspended
dark made a new twitter
same handle but with _2 at the end
Link please cause I can’t find it
anyone got the full kasumi sequence he did? his old twitter acc got nuked
The three fattest parts were posted a while ago here >>693
its missing the first two and the final image
Does anyone know why @ darkfireballz's twitter account was suspended?
Does anyone know why @ darkfireballz's twitter account was suspended ? 60061af6b3efca628f4b14ce
got hacked
It got hacked as previously said
(9 KB, 296x171, download.jpg)
anyone got a full version of this art that he tweeted back in November? (its not on his deviantArt)
awesome, thank ya kindly!
What about the two other Alts?
You know he has links to the files on his DA, right?
Yeah but the alts are not in HD
So there hard to see
You only need to recharge the page and the picture you selected will become hd. Try it, it worked for me.
You mean refreshing the pages correct?
Our boy is on a roll.
Whos the one in red?
A friend’s OC, I presume,,,
twas his own in part of a collab with another artist
If I was in charge of her feeding times, I would make sure to feed her a few hours after she gets hungry, so she starts to beg for food. Then when I feed her, I turn up the pressure so it hurts but it won’t kill her.
I will keep doing this till I break her mind.
Did anybody save that Chie pic he had on his old Twitter? The one with the 'before & after'
Ayy, that's the one I wanted! Thanks!
Sad that there wasn't a brap alt for this one, I might just have to take matters into my own hands.
Do it. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Anybody got more of his scat stuff? I'm not usually into scat but I like the way he draws it
This, if you would be so kind.
I don't want to rain on your parades or anything anons but I'm pretty sure his scat alts have only ever been circulated in private channels to his friends and such. It's dependant on one of the chosen few using this site, reading this specific thread on this specific board and deciding to upload the goods behind his back. The odds of that aren't great.

He's pretty sociable and open to messages on his Deviantart and Twitter though so I guess if enough people asked he might be persuaded to host the content on pixiv or something.

I'll leave other folks to bite the bullet there though, I may be a scat degenerate but I do at least have enough self-respect to not randomly slide into an artists' DMs and beg for poop content with puss in boots eyes.
(97 KB, 1024x491, IMG_0725.JPG)
Deku and uraraka would make an EXTREMELY ADORABLE CHUBBY COUPLE in my opinion
May I ask where are you getting his scat content from? I've seen a few unique pieces and alts he's drawn of this stuff before but it doesn't seem to be posted anywhere publicly.
Hey, does anyone has his Image of Kaede on a forklift with her being called miss v3 tons or something? I checked both his twitters, but it's just nowhere. Am i mixing it up with another artist or have i been imagining this??
Ahhh much appreciated
got that first one in higher quality?
Where did you get the scat content from? This dude is one of the best fat fetish artists out there at the moment, the fact that his extreme slob stuff is hidden from the public is practically criminal. The people who post this stuff never give us answers or sources, I just want to see the rest of his ultra slob content gosh darnit.
The "Slob Cabal" a private server where most of the old slob artists hide away.
In part cause people bitch if content like this is posted publicly.
It's been pretty inactive though.
Archive it on Kemeno
Could folks maybe update this with his newer stuff?
that's cool man, not sure why you're talking about it here lmao.
can anybody post that alt for Komaru's Keister being the link for it isn't working

Where did you get this from?
And could we get a high quality version!
So are you ever actually going to list the source for his extreme slob pieces and post them in quality that isn't ass, or are we just going to be cockteased with sporadic postings of postage stamp-sized images indefinitely?

I don't want to sound like an ass but this has been going on for almost 2 years at this point and it's pretty irritating. So sick of the people in this dude's inner circle who have access to this stuff drip-feeding this thread low quality content every few months with no explanation. If you have his scat stuff then just be a bro and post more of it and in a quality that's actually palatable, please.
Link to the archives plz?
Is there anyway to get access to this server?
Any more sta.sh link pls
you got the high res versions of the scat alts for hospital toga and the first river city girls pics?
If you’re going to archive ALL of his stuff, are you going to back to get his tumblr and Twitter stuff too, to complete the package?
anyone have stuff with his ocs? because like, their designs fuck and i wish he did more with them
Anyone got his fat forehead art?
hey did he ever do any blob art of junko?

Has anyone found an HD version of this?
Has anyone seen more of his “riskier” stuff on the web, or is it all still hidden away?
AFAIK all of his extreme content is shared only within a closed circle of friends and acquitances, almost exclusively in one discord server that's apparently a massive artist circlejerk where a lot of big players in the community share art they wouldn't post publicly. Allegedly anyway. In any case the only reason some of that art makes it's way to us unworthy heathens is because it gets leaked by people within that circle intermittently.

I've been going through Dark's web prescence with a fine tooth comb and haven't found any indication of these pieces being published publicly on more niche and obscure sites. This could all be ended relatively quickly if the people who have access to this content and obviously read this thread just imported the Discord channel IDs of this suppossed server into Kemono party, giving us access to the mother lode. But it seems none of them are interested in or willing to do that unfortunately.
(32 KB, 400x400, btxNnW5h_400x400.jpeg)
Don't think this have been uploaded here yet.

(I hope I'm doing this right, I don't use these types of sites)
Where is this from? I don't recall seeing this on either his DA or twitter, although it might just be that my memory is utter shit
It's the profile picture of that Latoria guy on twitter. I have no idea if a full version of it exists somewhere.
define riskier because you just peaked my intrest
They're probably referring to his scat and extreme slob works, which sometimes show up on this thread although the anons who have this content have never shared the source.
(276 KB, 2048x1365, E8N_sNkXEAM6HB0.jpeg)
This was a thumbnail Dark did for one of Tintrue's old stories. Even though 99% of those are gone, Tintrue reuploaded the thumbnail some time ago.

Dark has done a couple other drawings for Tintrue back in the day, so if anyone has them that'd be pretty nifty.

(Spoilered for health issues, vague gore and light horror)
Have any more progress have been made about his slob cabal stuff at all?

The problem is, we don't even really know if "The Slob Cabal" is a real thing, or at least in the way we think of it. People have been speculating about it for literal years. My guess is that it's less of an actual dedicated Discord server and more of just a string of group-chats and conversations with occasional private commissions and requests.

But who knows at this point.
(968 KB, 2500x1000, sSfgoS3.png)
(Spoilered for Slob + Loli and BHM)
Massive kudos for this anon fr, the only way this stuff gets out to us darkness dwelling goblins over here is if people like you share it so I appreciate that.

Boring question, but where have you been stumbling across these pieces of art? My natural assumption is that most of these are pieces done as gifts or trades as he only seems to post that sort of stuff to his accounts sporadically, but idk. The only one I've seen previously is the Dimmerolls blob image set and that's only because I archived their twitter with gallery-dl a couple months back.
Massive kudos for this anon fr, the only way this stuff gets out to us darkness dwelling goblins over if people like you share it so I appreciate that.

Boring question, but where have you been stumbling across these pieces of art? My natural assumption is that most of these are pieces done as gifts or trades as he only seems to post that sort of stuff to his accounts sporadically, but idk. The only one I've seen previously is the Dimmerolls blob image set and that's only because I archived their twitter with gallery-dl a couple months back.
I've now gone from liking blobs to absolute monstrosity deformed pools of lard. Beautiful.
I got a lot of this art just by stumbling across it in the wild and recognising it as Dark's art.

Some are from his old alt Tumblr called "DarkFartButtz". I believe the futa stuff came from there as well.

A couple are comissions/gift arts from Twitter that Dark hasn't posted to his own accounts.

Some are also from other threads that I decided to upload to this one for convenience.


Unfortunately no, I haven't seen a high quality of that one yet.
(164 KB, 1280x768, tumblr_ou2kkzhnCF1ulyo0ao2_1280.jpg)
I'm only aware that these were posted on an alt account he had on Tumblr before the purge happened. I certainly remember seeing all that, along with pic related, over there.
I'm glad someone held onto these, this thread is a goldmine
Absolute chad. These are great, thanks for sharing.
(479 KB, 1280x904, 138835c15534f8b235ab04e5c22378346fae8289d892f25b689749d0483d23f0.png) (449 KB, 1280x904, 0adc426ead759e0f362cd2bab8857fce7c82f5b3b9e226b334e9be1f2febab47.png) (539 KB, 1280x904, 1e876e1fd23cef48e36402f1f5cc365225a9feab47686986b03fb65401c8935e.png) (685 KB, 3000x2000, 4996888006b0e2ecd08bb5f51b0b30df1e5590e6d755c7ffc52cfd6fc0c9cb1a.jpeg)
More Tintrue gift stuff.
I thought these were lost, but luckily the Katawa Shoujo thread had them.

I'm so glad someone else managed to save that first pic. I found that one a couple years ago but never saved it. You a real one my man.
(31 KB, 542x271, FA3MJdAVcAA83ek.jpeg)
I don't get how a roleplay account that just uses Dark's Tomoko art and tries to claim it's their OC somehow has access to this much "secret art".

Also I think this art may be new as well? It doesn't look like anything that's been posted yet. If only it wasn't cropped.

Those first 3 aren't Darkfireballz
I think that might actually be a colored version of the Miu pic he did awhile back. >>985
(394 KB, 2645x2428, FSpxKZFXwAIR-ve.jpeg)
So glad Dark still does lolis, even if it's in "secret art". Dark doing Eri is literal perfection.
Absolutely, thankfully Dark and Eishiban still do incredible fat loli
where did he post this? does that first one have a full image?
Where do folks keep getting these blurry scat pieces??
That's a great Froppy
Nice. Thank you.
hey what happened to that kemono archive thing?
You can't just leave us hanging with that cropped pic. Is there at all a full image? Can't find it anywhere Dark usually posts.
so if anyone is in the discord where he posts stuff like >>21380
can they put that discord on kemono?
(also anyone got that toga in hq?)
I don't think he posted it anywhere public. Which is kinda sad because he never used to shy away from openly liking Lolis. (But then again, the "Eri-Protection-Squad" is quite ruthless) Most likely it's a commission and the commissioner or someone they know posted it here to throw us a bone.

I think the idea of some centralised discord server that somehow has all the secret slob stuff is little more than a pipe-dream. It's mostly likely just a bunch of individual group-chats and other stuff that eventually get leaked here. Heck, for all we know, Dark could be doing this himself. Heck, he made an entirely seperate stash folder just to include the scat picture with the other river city pics. But hey, at least point all we can do is speculate.
(149 KB, 1300x520, f0988f123ad0e1ac30ee6e6c88916c44ef6321ed3a9f71e8b03492f554be34e1.jpeg)
New secret art discovered
>>22973 (Cross-thread)
Spoilered for Forehead, Scat, Health Issues.
At this point, I yearn for Dark to make some secret weird alt or something and share us the link. Dark is one of the rare few to draw this kinda stuff, and one of the even rarer to not be exclusively in tasteless furry self-inserts.
More Lolis would also be appreciated. We need more WG artists that draw Lolis that aren't total creeps or complete assholes.
He truly is the hero we need but don't deserve.
Wanna talk on Discord at all?
Where did you find the 2nd and 4th images?
Obligatory asking for where you found these. Most of these I've never seen, and yet there is also some that can be easily found on his deviantart.
(10 KB, 222x222, bbVovuvz_400x400.jpeg)
I don't remember if this is part of something that is officially available.

Yet another person setting their profile picture as art that we can't view yet, and it's been this way since before this year.
The dead chiaki discord the slobby Mt lady discord every single one I got from discord and before you say no its nor dark's secret stash discord I just got lucky that someone shared it and also that yumeno pic is a comm by massive mage I wish I could follow hom
(449 KB, 2250x1361, FZFQ6uzXkAMBmSm.jpeg)
Sad that this is apparently the end of the drive even though it basically just started. Was looking forward to some hyper blob lum. Still good though.
Straight up snuff isn't exactly what I was expecting to jack it to when I woke up this morning.
Man, I'll bet dark has all kinds of great stuff like this locked in the vault

It's a Futurama reference, I think
>>23335 it's not that one it's from the human bender episode
my guy really built himself up from nothing huh
Okay I found a new dark art but it's a comm from a friend so it's gonna take a while before I'm allowed to post it here I'm just gonna give you guys a clue

Blob and bratty
Hah, I found it too. Also, it's 2 drawings.
Nuh I'm gonna give you another clue its from an anime and the character has pink hair that's it
The one I'm talking it's only 1 maybe you have a different one?
Louise from Zero no Tsukaima?
I sure hope it is
god seeing Dark draw like Anya and her whole family fat would be so perfect, I wanna all three of them obese together and he always gets that fat family dynamic down good
Okay thus might sound like teasing but dark drew an unhealthy toga with health issues and slob for her birthday I just can't share it without permission
has it been a while yet?
anyone got the pig alt or the high res of that toga?
blob, bratty, pink hair

Anemone, Louise, ZeroTwo,
Ah of course, it was Perona. Out of all the One Piece characters Dark would draw, she seems like the most sense considering his tastes.

Hope you don't mind me asking, and I know you say you get these on Discord, but who is the one sending you these? Are they just getting them from other image boards like /trash or what? At this point with the amount of his "Not up to quality/"out there"" stuff that is leaking, I almost think he or whoever is leaking them just posts them here directly.
*should just post them here directly.
holy fuck i never realized how much i need mipha in dark's style
never realized I needed to see Mipha in his art style.. I might colour this
Damn, these are amazing
If the person who is sending you this art sources them from a discord server, would you be able to convince them to export the server image contents? A lot of people here want to see Dark's private content wall be knocked down finally and that's basically the only way it could happen, if this person is already leaking stuff to you like this then I can't imagine they'd be opposed to doing that.
Actually in sharing this without their permission so this might be the last amount of dark content I will ever post
I pretty much expected that, and understand it. Still worth
Curious what the hell we're even looking at in the 3rd picture
I'm just really glad he's doing more blobfaces
is there a second part to that mitsuri drawing?
(387 KB, 2813x1875, 20220824_151117.jpg)
I heard there is an alt to this does anyone have it?
To be honest, at this point I wouldn't be suprised if the majority of his art had secret alts/sequels that we just havn't seen.

On an unrelated note, I'm a newbie to these sorts of sites, but how can we tell when a thread is nearing to be "bumplocked/deleted"? I say this because this thread has gone on for over 2 and a half years and we have tons of secret stuff here, so it would suck if we lost them all.
Funnily enough, the bump limit is almost up. It's 400 replies and this thread is now at 393. It won't be instantly deleted though, once bumplocked the thread will simply be bumped down the catalog with each reply that happens on a non-bumplocked thread until it reaches the last spot and once it passes that it's gone.

Activity on this board is somewhat slow so this thread should still be accessible for 1-2 weeks even after being bumplocked. But yeah, I would suggest people start saving the non-public art locally because it's unlikely all of it is going to appear again on the next iteration of this thread.
Use DownThemAll to mass download all the content in the thread, i have a folder with everything in my external drive.
Good thread

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