
(241 KB, 1254x1771, ec022fdd3029311e216419ad240927c71f091fa79ad4f8c9c21f35906dc77a68.jpg) (741 KB, 1950x780, 4f819b93601f6fca84baaeef83f555b21fa2aff312df323d8294310cabb7bd93.jpg) (1.5 MB, 2449x2211, 1714837092831649.png)
Making another unrestrained thread because the other one is so god awful. So post all your slobby, shitting girls here. Remember, furries, inflation, Loli, men/futa should be spoiled. Images are priority and don’t forget at least some slob elements. Other than that, anything’s game, including all the things mentioned from the first thread.
(796 KB, 1920x1080, Ejf3dhsw.webm)
>>62064 (OP)
>Me make new thread because me think other thread bad.
This is beyond retarded. There is literally no reason to do this, there is nothing wrong with the thread that already exists. The only issue is the prescence of an anon who's a massive sperg and keeps nosediving the quality of the thread with their bs. Creating another thread for the same topic doesn't solve that issue, that retard is still on the site and will move to this thread within a day. It's the perrogative of the mods to deal with that specific anon, all you've done is kill off a thread for no good reason.

This is just flotsam clogging up the board. So thanks, you fucking moron.
Wow great job! You have done nothing to solve the issue! Just please shut up, you ironically are clogging up this thread too. Maybe instead of getting angry over this, you should get a life. Maybe if you weren’t an asshat, I would actually have listened to your complaints you dipshit.
Someone hurt your feelings
Not really… look I apologize for making this thread. I thought this would fix things but it probably won’t. But now you can either let this thread die, or post things. I know I’m a major idiot, but I don’t want this thread taken up by pointless arguing like the last one.
Not all of the people on this site want to see them, and they tend to be pretty vocal about it.
What's the source of that first image? I recognise the art style from something there's got to be more somewhere
A sequence by squarewave.
As lne of those weirdos who likes farts but not scat I appreciate it
(1.6 MB, 4622x3096, Mansion Foster para Morbidas Gorrrdototas cagonas.png) (1.7 MB, 4622x3096, Mansion Foster para Morbidas Gorrrdototas cagonas v2.png)
Hi everyone, I was a bit of let down with the last thread but i'm back here with some new stuff just finished, my Frankie pic I made back then is now on color, and also comes with TWO scat alts for it.

There's also some new hand drawn scat pics on my stash folder, remember you can check them out here https://sta.sh/21j5o41v5p7i
Massively appreciative of the fact that you're sharing your slob alts with us in spite of their explicit nature, as many artists don't make this sort of stuff public in any capacity. You're a great boon to this community, keep up the good work!!
These are great, thank you for the "toned down" alt. Hope to see more of your work
Is anyone ever gonna pull the trigger on Krim's DDLC packs? They're really expensive but I am so curious
>Krim's DDLC packs
I don't even know what artist you're referring to.
>'They're really expensive'
They're $5 a pop, even if you get all 4 of them it's only $20. I'm all for breaking down paywalls, but we're talking about a pretty trivial amount of money for a fairly small amount of content considering the packs only consist of small variations of the same 4 images. It's also pretty plainly obvious that each pack is the same, the only difference is that he drew a different head on the same body for each one. So it's not even worth forking out the full $20 for all four.

If you don't have $5 to spare you're either the world's biggest poorfag or some teenager stuck at mommy and daddy's without access to your own cashflow. Whatever the case is, the images aren't worth posting to this thread anyway. No scat and neither the slob or weight gain elements seem to be extreme enough to justify posting them here instead of the regular brap thread.
(1.5 MB, 3596x2698, ValPOPOtamo.png) (1.5 MB, 3596x2698, ValPOPOtamo 2.png)
Just finished these ones, I'm very proud of the overall results with the original and the alts.

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