
Blueberry belongs in /inflation/ moron.
Dude, it's already have a thread in /inflation/, please remove it
>Gets called out for posting in the wrong board
>Tries to change thread while still having content that's not allowed
>Now also posts Furry and Male content.

Good fucking lord you are retarded.
I think I've seen this guy in the furry board before
This is more than likely the lordstormcallerfag anon, who I'm 90% sure is the same smooth-brain who was posting generic blueberry art to the Violet centric thread and non-slob art in unrestrained gluttony. They're incapable of following basic instructions even when told and the mods refuse to do anything about them, have fun.
They might also be the same fag who keeps making threads based on niche concepts and artists nobody has heard of
you MUST be retarded, what even is this now? dickhead can't even follow his own schizo thread
(897 KB, 2160x1499, IMG_6709.jpeg)
>makes a thread that doesn’t belong here
>panicks from the backlash for being stupid
>post male and furry
>keeps posting blueberry art

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