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Post body contrast showing fat girls with skinny guys.
This thread would be gold if people interacted with it.
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To the rescue!
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I interacted with the thread!
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As Megumi and Reika leave the boutique with their purchases, along with Hakuro, they meet up together with Elizabeth outside of the gift shop.
“Hey babe,” greets Reika to her blue-haired girlfriend. “So did you find anything at the gift shop?” she asks as she notices Elizabeth without a bag of purchases.

“Well, I did find a photo booth…” says Elizabeth nonchalantly. “But other than that…”

“A photo booth!?” says Megumi excitedly. “We’re doing this! Let’s go!” she exclaims as she grabs Hakuro’s hand and rushes inside the gift shop with her boyfriend in tow.

“Well, I guess we’re getting a group photo,” says Reika to Elizabeth to which they follow their friends into the gift shop.

Megumi and Hakuro enter the photo booth first, followed by Reika and Elizabeth. The four friends squeeze into the booth for a series of group photos.

“Are you comfortable, Hakuro?” asks Megumi to her boyfriend.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine Megumi,” confirms Hakuro who sits at one end of the booth with his girlfriend.

“I don’t know how we all could have fit into this booth,” says Reika. “I’m like… Way too fat to be in here right now,” she says while chuckling to which the booth fills with a chorus of laughter.

“Well, let’s see how quickly we can get this done,” says Elizabeth sitting close to her girlfriend.

As the group prepares for the first photo, Reika and Elizabeth embrace each other while Megumi and Hakuro make a similar pose to which the camera flashes.

“I’ve got an idea,” announces Megumi. “Elizabeth, why don’t you and I switch places?” she suggests.

“Sure. I can do that,” agrees Elizabeth.

After the group shuffles around in the photo booth, Elizabeth whispers an idea to Megumi to which they giggle. Megumi and Reika embrace each other as best friends while Elizabeth puts her arm around Hakuro’s shoulders and look into the camera as it flashes.

“So you think that you’re too fat to be in here with us, huh Reika? We’ll let’s just see how…” begins Megumi to which she sinks her hands deep into her red-haired best friend’s soft and squishy belly. “Uh oh. Someone’s been pigging out on more desserts and getting herself even doughier. Right, dough girl?” she says while playing with Reika’s belly.

“H-hey! Megumi! Stop grabbing my belly!” chuckles Reika as she feels her blonde-haired best friend grabbing handfuls of her massive round gut. “I didn’t need to relive that moment… Wha? Hey! Elizabeth!” she says as she feels her girlfriend poking her doughy paunch.

“Well, Megumi’s not wrong. You have been eating all of those desserts I’ve been making for you,” says Elizabeth playfully. “And besides, I love how much softer you feel, my fat piggy dough girl,” she says as she rubs her cheek against Reika’s jiggling tummy.

At this point the camera flashes and takes a picture of Megumi and Elizabeth fondling Reika’s plushy fat.

“Oh gosh! Now this moment’s been immortalized,” says Reika blushing in embarrassment.

As Megumi puts her hands over Hakuro’s shoulders, her boyfriend wraps her arms around her hips and smiles. “That’s was kind of cute, Megumi,” says Hakuro, whose face looks pale.

“Well, maybe you can do the same to my belly tonight,” says Megumi flirtatiously to Hakuro.

“Well, I guess that was just a teaser for what I’m going to expect for tonight, huh babe?” asks Reika seductively to her girlfriend.

As Reika and Elizabeth look deep into each other’s eyes, everyone in the photo booth is suddenly interrupted by the sound of Reika’s loud growling tummy. At this point, all eyes shift toward the red-haired fat girl’s massive jiggling belly.

“Uh…” begins Reika to which she shifts her eyes left and right. “Is the buffet ready yet?” she asks while giggling nervously.
“Fatty!” says Elizabeth and Megumi simultaneously as they begin tickling Reika’s soft and doughy paunch.

As the booth erupts into a chorus of laughter, Reika and Elizabeth kiss while Megumi kisses Hakuro on the cheek. At this point, the camera flashes and takes the final picture. The group exits the gift shop with prints of their photographs, and wander around the ferry to experience all of the amenities that the mini cruise had to offer.

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