
(1.6 MB, 250x250, 3dgifmaker67474.gif)
A thread discussing the works of LordStormCaller.
Share some creative artwork, modify artwork, do color tweaks, remake, mend mistakes, etc.
>Return of lordstormcallerfag
Reminder that this OP is legitimately a massive retard and one of the worst regular users on this entire site, they've been consistently making multiple threads centred on this shitstain of an artist for like two years on alt even though they KNOW the furry board exists. They constantly fail to understand the premise of threads due to their sub-50 IQ, leading to shit like them clogging up the unrestrained gluttony thread with swathes of non-slob art.

OP seems entirely incapable of learning what's wrong with their posts, considering this is like the 10th time they've tried to make this thread here even after being told not to. This anon has also replied to and bumped actual CP threads at least twice, why the mods have not done anything about this guy is beyond me 🙃

Wildcat was the worst bbw-channer.

Reminder that this OP was legitimately a massive retard and one of the worst regular users on this entire site, they had been consistently making multiple threads centred on this shitstain of an artist for like two years on alt even though they KNOW the furry board exists. They constantly failed to understand the premise of threads due to their sub-50 IQ, leading to shit like them clogging up the unrestrained gluttony thread with swathes of non-slob art.

OP seemed entirely incapable of learning what's wrong with their posts, considering this is like the 10th time they've tried to make this thread here even after being told not to. This anon had also replied to and bumped actual CP threads at least twice, why the mods have not done anything about this guy is beyond you. 🙃
(348 KB, 790x888, 9404 - game_asset meme Naomi.png)
>Wildcat was the worst bbw-channer.
You still are, fuckwad.
The fact you copied an anon's post in its entirety, not even quoting it via greentext, shows you're obviously coping and seething at the truth.
Go fuck yourself, furry retard
Great thread.
You sure love patting yourself on the back, huh wildcat?
Lol, what the fuck is the point of this post. You trying to take a jab at me? Yeah, how dare I take pot shots at this literal mentally stunted faggot who has done nothing but post the most inspid shit imaginable to this chan whilst killing threads on boards left and right with their constant sperg spam.

Do I need to repeat again that they've bumped actual CP on this board before? And in the two years they've been browsing this site the mods have literally done nothing, in spite of the multiple complaints that crop up each time this autismo rears its ugly head. Go fuck yourself anon.
You didn't realize that was fucking Wildcat himself, huh?

He's gone. Deal with it. Now post art here.
You're still here, idiot. We recognize your writing style

Oh? well, I'm wearing his pelt! Right?
Shit thread kill yourself

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