
any good rangikus?
Is there a larger version of this anywhere?
who has some nelliel?
Tite Kubo really fell off a cliff after he finished Burn the Witch.
Full original version of second pic?
Does anyone have te full draw?
Better with salt
Any Yoruichi?
Any rangiku?
>I'm hyped as fuck watching the TYBW
I wonder if Disney will outdo Funimation and 4Kids.

that third image, source?
These are all by Saxxon
Any orihime?
It's as good there as it is here.
Had to ask given that it’s the twins getting fat. In any case, artist is Lamosca99.
The only thing you can't do with lolis in /bbwdraw/ is make a general.
I also posted here because I asked about putting Nanako in the Persona thread in /bbwdraw/ and was told to go to the one here.
Bleach ever had anything to fuel weight gain besides Orihime's appetite? It feels like you'd have to create a character with a power set built around the rules of Bleach.

You should've lurked a little longer so you wouldn't fall for people who don't know the rules or are trying to mold threads to only their interests; you'd have not only noticed lolis getting occasionally posted in threads, you'd have noticed large hives of lolis in the form of the Pokemon, Madoka, Yugioh, Naruto, and Precure threads.
(100 KB, 884x1200, SugOrihime.jpg)
>Bambietta going from a proud warrior to a bloated zombie hambeast for all eternity
Considering how she treated random guys in the Wandenreich the slut deserves it
>Bleach ever had anything to fuel weight gain besides Orihime's appetite?
Did you see the Squad Zero lady in the new episodes?
Let me ask the question in a different way; has there ever been something you could use to fuel weight gain in characters that didn't already exhibit large appetites/fast metabolisms or timeskip weight gains. Only thing I can think about is a flawed Gigai.
>Considering how she treated random guys in the Wandenreich the slut deserves it
Who gives a shit? They were nameless extras that were also Nazi's.

Bambietta at least was somewhat sympathetic, especially with her being a scarred little girl beneath her acting like a crazy bomber.
Any soi fon
Any more Unohana?
Sorry for asking but any art of
Kirio Hikifune??
(Any form is fine)
Not every Shinigami was guilty of the genocide, only the eldest ones like Yamamoto, and that was only a last resort since Ywhach is a nutcase who doesn't care about destroying reality so long as he purges hollows.

Plus, their outfits are literally based off the Nazi's, they have a racial purity motif, and their naming scheme is German. They're pretty much Nazi Lite.
Those were done by Nikutsuki
I know he just posted something to do with Neliel, can anyone access his tweets?
I could do it a few days ago but when I checked today they suddenly became private again. Anyone know why?
I download a lot of the pics he uploaded to his Twitter, including the nelliel one, i'm currently translating those pics and uploading them on my Deviantart, with the respective credits to nikutsuki
How did you translate them?
Very well done. I still can't access his twitter, so thank you a lot.
I use the Google translator app that includes a tool where you can draw the letters, so i draw the kanjis and translate them to english, then, once i finish translating everything, i use a drawing app to delete the kanjis and replace them with english letters
What's this Soi-Fon one say?
Any orihime
Rangiku: Can you stay away from my captain?
Harribel: You're talking like if he's from your property
Inner globe: It's so cold and feels nice
Any orihime
Any orihime
>Bleach ever had anything to fuel weight gain besides Orihime's appetite?
Do you know anything about the series at all? Hollows literally have insatiable appetites that drive them to consume. Ones too weak to leave Hueco Mundo hunt each other or subsist on passive energy and suffer, ones strong enough to leave hunt humans, and the really powerful ones only hunt other powerful Hollows or Shinigami, because those are the only things with enough energy to satisfy their hunger.

Not only could you justify weight gain and vore with literally any of the female Hollow characters, you could do it with anyone who has Hollow powers as well. You could also easily make some claim that Hollows can carry a spiritual disease that inflicts hunger on Shinigami and humans that catch it, since they're just hungry ghosts as a trope. Or that certain spiritual wounds dealt by Hollows inflict that. Or even that the Hollowfication process Ichigo had to undergo, which is technically a lethal condition, has a cure that stops it but gives you a Hollow's endless hunger. Which means it could be inflicted on anyone.

Or if you don't like the Hollow angle, it's outright shown from the start of the Soul Society arc that the guys responsible for creating Gigai are creepy and that they sexualize it. Do you really think "recreational gigai" don't exist? Or that the Shinigami don't use them? It would be pretty easy to imagine they do. It's not like they have anything else to entertain themselves with in their weirdo concrete commieblock Edo period heaven.

Or hell, you could just say that eating regains energy, and anyone hurt badly enough is bound to end up eating their own body weight in food, or more, while they're recovering.

Try and be the slightest bit creative.
This is pretty hot.

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