
>>60953 (OP)
OP, we should be way past the point of creating threads centred around individual artists. They do nothing but clog up the catalog and kill off other threads when they're created.

These kinds of threads rarely ever recieve enough consistent activity to justify their own existence here. The homestuck thread basically already is the expontential mass thread considering how much of his art is posted there and there's already beg fags clamouring for his kemono to be updated there too. We don't need more.

There's no reason for this thread to exist. If you want to post his art just do it in existing threads that are thematically relevant to the art you want to post. Shouldn't have to explain this shit, learn better chan etiquitte ffs.
>Necrobumping a pointless dead on arrival thread
Gee, I'm sure glad that there's smart people like you on this chan using your initiative and making positive contributions to the boards. Hey whilst you're at it, do you mind creating individual threads for all of the other 6745849337 fat fetish artists in existence? We REALLY need them.
Yeah me too, I really wonder. Guess this one will forever remain a mystery...
Are you retarded?
Are you stupid or something kid? I’m asking the game of the artist who did the drawing. You think I’d know who the artist is?
The artists name is the name of the thread
You're a FUCKING idiot
>>60953 (OP)
Why did you make a whole thread for only one artist?
Because nobody cares about your shitty niche artist
FUCK, a whole thread down the drain
Ah shit. My bad. I didn’t notice that it was the trend name: expotionslMass.

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