
(60 KB, 494x795, RDT_20231205_2322428798128247990507194.jpg) (230 KB, 1108x831, 20181203174527-31630865-la.jpg) (213 KB, 794x856, 20181203174231-a66cbeeb-la.jpg) (312 KB, 2168x2792, RDT_20240108_0015331099118764959318135.jpg) (460 KB, 2207x2249, RDT_20231205_2323096269462240472478100.jpg) (64 KB, 1250x1008, RDT_20231205_2322509160663270778048963.jpg)
here's some stuff to start the thread.

ah, I assumed this would fall under alt.
Alt is more of a branch of the draw board than it is the main bbw/ssbw threads, there's not a lot of irl content posted here. Personally I don't see the subject matter of this thread being niche or especiallyobjectionable in comparison to what usually gets posted to the main bbw board, so you should be good to just post it there.

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