
(358 KB, 478x508, Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 11.35.24 pm.png)
The tenth one.

FICTIONAL!!! Little chonkers that have had too much pizza and thus must suffer from the consequences of their actions.

Preferably no western lolis. Theres a thread for that. (We make exceptions sometimes if it’s anime enough, or an actually good artist. Really, the western thread is just quality control.

Previous thread: https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/48459.html
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(Art Cred: Milk-Knight on DeviantArt.)
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(Art Cred: AltzEgoz on Pixiv.)
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>>55950 (OP)
>Got deposed within a single night while I was away playing Granblue Fantasy and Daemon X Machina
Mark my words Anon, I'll return with a loli army so massive you'll be too distracted by the bouncing caused by their strong waddles and the steeds gallops for the ones too heavy to make it on foot, threatening to burst their armor wide open because it's intentionally sized to be big enough that it doesn't restrict their breathing but are still small enough that every ounce of flesh possible, ends up being forced to ooze through every possible opening.

Who's the better Xeno loli, Momo or the potato from Chronicles X?

>>55931 (Cross-thread)
>I've even seen tumblr thots reblog pictures and videos of fat children and be all like "I want our kids to look like this! This is the society I want
Unless they say something more than that, it just sounds like they're huffing to the idea where weight gain has happened to so many people and to such a degree that a future where obesity is the norm is all but impossible to avoid.

>>55935 (Cross-thread)

>>55945 (Cross-thread)
>>55947 (Cross-thread)
6 is the best age for a loli if you just want to dote on them and have precious memories of them fattening up because that's when they're at their purest while having a sense of the world. 9 would be around the age where you'd want them when you want them getting into hijinks or at least don't want them capable of doing bad. 14 is where if I were to focus only on age instead of bodytpe, loli status would end the moment they turn 15.
I’d say 18, but I agree with that last part. Let’s see some of Baby Peach!
do u have any socials? like twitter or discord
Does anyone have all 5 pages in English?
I was gonna say that too. But with the Japanese version.
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(Art Cred: Allstarman on Deviantart.)
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(Art Cred: Bellyfamish on Pixiv.)
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Anyone remember Super Milk Chan? I’d thought it was neat, but still weird.
(Art Cred: YourCoolCatCassius on Deviantart.)
Hell yeah 6 year old lolis best to pamper on dote on and watch as their heavy steps turn to waddles <3
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I’ve always had a thing for teen lolis,
Believable; if only the dummies brain had enough IQ points to realize her track record will make this impossible to end as anything but her being the immobile blob with Kanon being the one caring, albiet with a good bit of extra weight having padded her own body out from all the food she got stuffed with at the start the constant side eating that started picking up more and more as things slowly shifted over to Koyori being the feedee. Even with her belly having fattened up enough to pass the middle of her thighs while sitting down and legs that have softened up enough to close in just enough that she can still move well enough to properly care for Koyori but whenever Kanon has to be focused on maneuvering her widening body in areas that are a lot smaller to her now or focus on keeping her balance when she's carrying something or whatever, she unconciously ends up waddling instead doing her normal walk.

I can't believe Spaghetti-chan ended up taking the yuri route.
Big heart in the street was for me. Dont let go this time
I find it so funny how even WE don't wanna touch Misty Stuffer's garbage lmao
can you don’t
what did Mistystuffer do? I never knew anything about him
He's just a terrible artist, he's been active for around 20 years and has somehow managed to defy every single convention of art by not improving his drawing ability in any percievable way during that entire timespan.

No one likes his art, the only individuals that consume it unionically are mentally stunted spergs who have literally no standards and hyperfixate on this sort of slop.
(184 KB, 512x512, 1594931452151.png)
Nothing's funny about being stuck with our own Inflation Bear/Sonichu autist. The whole things became a meme because of it but even that doesn't keep people from being fans of his garbage produced by two decades worth of stalled growth.

Made me wonder, what do you think is the best world to collect lolis to fatten up, high fantasy, the space age, post apocalyptic, or normal?

It's not even really the art that made him so fucking infamous that he's still ran off to this day; you can see that in the garbage that still gets posted here and the threads for "artists" of the same ilk, but doesn't really get much of any flak.
he used to good early, but now kinda bad
You dont cut ppl dry & call them bad. Thats called opression. Try again
and talents are developed through experience and practice, mistystuffer is probably mentally retarded/stunted in some way since he is a self admitted pedophile (like an actual one, not just drawings)
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He was never good.

Drawing isn't a talent, it's a skill that some just have an easier time developing; you just gotta keep your focus and buckle down. Shit's why so many artists eventually start degrading and looking worse than their older art.
Oh god no, this line of thinking could not be further from the truth. What's important to understand is that people like Mistystuffer and Robot001 are gross exceptions to the rule. 99% of artists who put consistent long-term effort into their work will see tangible improvements over time.

Most artists you perceive as having inate 'talent' more than likely spent anywhere between 5 to 10 years honing their craft to reach where they are now, that's the reality of art and its true of literally any other learnable skill.

Don't let this preconception of needing to be 'talented' stop you from putting pencil to paper, any able-bodied person is capable of becoming a great artist. You just need to understand that starting out with minimal experience and knowledge in art a lot of what you create initially will be sub-par and more than likely won't live up to your own hopes and expectations. It's a pill you're gonna have to swallow in order to evolve as an artist, just have patience and don't give up.
About ur second tag, I think the best is post-apocalyptic or space age, since there ain’t gonna be a lot of people on Earth, to my knowledge.
Anyone remember her?
anyone have a picture of slightly chubby klee and qiqi next to each other? i saw it on her on an old thread.
Best is for sure space age. Like c'mon if we're that advanced then fat-related diseases are a thing of the past and there is def some form of like, quick fatten cream or something lol. Make em huge super quick and no need to worry about em getting "too fat".
Also there's probably something to keep them looking that age :P
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Does anyone have a link to these photos?
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>there ain’t gonna be a lot of people on Earth
What kinda sick shit do you have planned that you need less eyes at the cost of more lolis to fatten?

>Best is for sure space age
Unless you get stuck with a cyberpunk future where the field of obesity support is intentionally stunted so everyone obese needs to use floating chairs to keep their bodies regulated and strengthened to the point where they're just as fit and healthy as if they were the perfect weight for their age and strong enough to easily handle any weight they achieve, but because they can't leave their chairs or at least only for a short period of time before the effects wear off and they start feeling the need to huff for air and their legs start to feel heavier and heavier as their footfalls get louder and louder and leaving the absolutely massive loli who just minutes ago was moving as nimbly as a ballerina while her body jiggled like the waves of a calm sea, is now barely able to move as her heavy breathing and slow stomps as she waddles fowards is sending her body into a chaotic jiggle clashing against itself reminiscent of waves clashing against one another during a powerful hurricane.

Anon, you're gonna have to become a bounty hunter to keep your ships kitchen absolutely overflowing with food and the chairs properly maintained and always with a good amount of the nanites or whatever that keeps your lolis healthy, but risking your life will be worth it from the end of every job having you be met with your lolis waddling over to give you hugs and to try to pamper you while the ones stuck in the chairs will float up against you so that their gargantuan bellies are all squished up against you, as their way of giving you a hug. Will you be having them help out with information gathering and feeding, manning your ships guns, and taking the ones still a little pudgy out into the field too look like a father who overly dotes on his daughter instead of a bounty hunter?

Twins born from gachas seem to always attract bigger and bigger waistlines.

What's best, a mother fattening her daughters up, a big sister fattening her little sisters up, a girl secretly fattening up her best friends little sisters, or a loli fattening other lolis?
The space age part was about how I thought that people would be in different planets. You go to a deserted one, and bam! You have privacy!
Lmao, what a story just to have fat lolis. Worth it all in the end tbh. Cyberpunk future wouldn't be easy though. I think the best would be some form of established society throughout space, kinda like Star Wars without the massive ongoing war lol.
A whole planet dedicated to a loli collection! You can make them bigger with next to no bounds!
Exactly! Plus, in case you wanna preg them, you can do that~.
Big agree, girl secretly making a friend's little sisters fatter is sooo good.
It's a tough choice lol I love all of those options! Maybe mother fattening her daughters up? Then again big sister fattening her little sisters sounds cute too. But so do the other two!

I love how cute they look in those pics I sent though. They're normally so skinny but get so fattened up and spoiled, led to believe they're healthy <3
> led to believe they're healthy
Idk man, they certainly look healthy to me >:)
Same ;)

No reason for them to slow down, instead they should eat even more <3 It's sooo good <3

Also I love the 5th pic so much <3 <3 <3

They're so plump, so greedy. And it looks like their mom is happy with it <3
These are the best drawings that I ever seen, they are amazing, wish the artist did more.
Sequel to the 3rd pic where they've gotten so big they need to be weighed with a sattle scale
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I wonder how fattening Yaia's fried rice is; it must be pretty dense in calories if it could even make fujobait put on a sliver of weight.

You're gonna have to be really far from the starways that the galactic civilization uses to get that and at that point you'll find it hard to get enough food and gifts for your lolis.

>I think the best would be some form of established society throughout space, kinda like Star Wars without the massive ongoing war
>without the massive ongoing war
>Star Wars
>Not Star Trek
Pic related; Barclay coming here to tell off some SOB who's been incessantly reporting this thread and seeing your comment.

Sucks the Japs are shit at making up or using other races for Scifi as much as they are for Fantasy; everything is pretty much just humans or humans and elves; yes, space elves, I'm not shitting you.**

That makes it sound like Anon will be taking a page out of Braniacs book and collect every world he passes, collection of lolis before blowing it up and bringing the new members of his collection back to his planet to halt aging and to "make them perfect".

Ah, nope, he took the Elon route; terraform a planet and ignore the laws of humanity because the planet isn't Earth.

I've been stuck on lolis fattening up women for a good long time now so I'd also be partial to #3 with my mind eventually twisting the tables so the loli's fattening up her big sisters friend but far worse.

>it looks like their mom is happy with it
>their mom
>Anon has never watched Wataten
Pic 2 related; Miyako isn't their mom, she's the stuffed practically to bursting, lolis (Hinata) big sister who goes out of her way to bake treats for the fat loli, so that the loli will visit often because she has a massive crush on the loli and wants to see her model her clothing for pictures.
Ohhhh okay, that's honestly even better! Baking lots of treats for her little sister and to fatten up her friends, love it! I really need to watch Wataten soon, I've heard it's really good, and I'm hoping to see cute lolis in cute outfits

I love that pic even more now <3
>They're so plump, so greedy. And it looks like their mom is happy with it <3
Nah, even better, it's on of the girls older sister that is a hopeless lolicon and is obsessed with making cosplay outfits for lolis
IMO Wataten is good but not amazing or anything. Maybe that's sacrilege for me to say here tho
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More Roll fan art should pop up. She’s the perfect candidate with her adorable personality!

(Art Cred: gigadyne on DeviantArt.)
Sorry anon, never watched Star Trek before lmao.
Also that big sis fattening lil sis + friends is super good
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>Maybe that's sacrilege for me to say here
Nah, the sacrilege is not knowing about it since it's a series about baiting a loli with a lot of food.

The series is one of the easiest to think up a way to fatten them all; Hana is a foregone conclusion and will eventually find herself needing help getting up because her globular gut weighs her down and its bouncy softness keeps her from being able to find her balance while rising up, Hinata will think she's cute and fun to hug, Noa will try to regain Hinata's attention, then Miyako will shuffle sideways into the room from her body having absolutely exploded in every area from all the testing and snacking with the girls and not having a childs metabolism while being a shutin who only leaves the house to attend college and being forced to do errands. Hinata hearing and seeing her sister appear, instantly rockets off square into Miyakos large doughy gut, instantly knocking the breath out of her big sister before frantically groping and rubbing her drooling face into Miyakos huge plush body. Noa feeling self conscious that she may no longer be the cutest in Hinatas eyes, asks Hinata if she's still the cutest, to which Hinata being pure, will tell her yes but put the thought in her head that she might be even cuter if she was as big and soft as Hana and Miyako.With everyone putting away large amounts of fattening treats, even an energetic athletic loli like Hinata will find her clothes starting to squeeze her softening body and especially since I can't see Noa having Hinata and herself hand feeding each other until they're both absolutely stuffed since Noa will be too distracted by Hinatas smiling face to her belly has already popped her shirts buttons off and isn't really expanding nearly as much as it should with her heavy breathing.

There's also Babylon 5 before everything turns into a giant cosmic religious war

Maybe Dragonball
Marvel and DC if you end up in a universe that forked off from Marvel 616 at the year of 2013; all you really need to do is avoid certain areas of space and I imagine the same remains true of DC.
I wonder if Xenoblades universe is as fucked as Xenosagas.
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Itaneto is an absolute legend, truly one of the best out there!

I hope he eventually comes back, his art style is just too cute!

I especially love the way he draws extremely fat and squishy face and arm flab! <3
Bro, she is terrified. 😂
I do have some. There’s “Kirby: Right Back At Ya,” which has Tiff. “MegaMan: Once Upon a Star,” is an edutainment OVA, but it does have MegaMan’s robo sis, Roll.
Adding them to my list!

YES! Already watched it and totally agree. Surprised there hasn't been any fat art yet given the whole idea of the show
Why are u hanging his kids when he isnt around. Thats a weird flex we hope you all know.
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His older stuff was better before he started making everything sentient blobs of fat.

Kirby isn't a loli anime and if you want Mega Man lolis, you can only really suggest Mega Man EXE or if any electronic series goes, any Digimon series that isn't Savers

Ichigo Mashimaro
Gungale Online (the only good thing to come out of Sword Art Online)
Made in Abyss and Black Bullet if you can handle endless loli suffering
Yuru Yuri
Non Non Biyori
Still haven't watch Idol Master Cinderella Girls U149 but I haven't heard anything bad about it.
Early Pretty Cure.
I dunno if Girls Und Panzer would count since they're all spread around.
Hare Nochi Guu is an anime I've only ever seen clips of but it seems funny enough
It really sucks that it looks like they had cheaped out on Maou Sama Retry; the only isekai protagonist who'd spank any woman or loli that disrespected him.

I really need to find a way to dig up the old shit stuck in the back of my head.
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>Older stuff
My man, some of their older stuff were bigger than anything they did on Itaneto.
I think I get what you're saying tho, the Itaneto account had a bit of a higher percentage of much larger sizes compared to some older stuff
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I mean it's cute art and all,
But I don't understand how you're supposed to find it hot.
There's barely any human resemblance
Some people like that. Loli so helpless and massively obese she can barely be recognized as a person.
Sometimes concept is king. Whatever made you have your kink doesn't care if it's conventional. It will make you see beauty and hotness as whatever fits the emotional beats. If you fetishize the helplessness of being super fat, then it doesn't natter that it stops resembling a person, if you know a person is there, it hits the buttons. I'd you fetishize youth, doesn't matter if the blob kink erases most signs of youth, if you know the subject hits that kink, that's enough.

If your kink is something more conventional, or you're more turned on by a conventional aesthetic, then stuff outside of that convention will just seem alien, because you're used to this really intense familiarity, a sense of it just not being hard to find, and a high standard of quality
(428 KB, 1086x1455, 99442816_p9.jpg) (457 KB, 1058x1510, 99442816_p8.jpg)
Oh damn, I somehow didn't noticed the new fat loli general thread until now, gotta catch up
Joe is here thought they killed you
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>some of their older stuff were bigger than anything they did on Itaneto
But they weren't all bigger and they had more form. Now they look little more than victims of alien tampering, leaving them steadily piling on weight, their bones having dissolved and reconstituted in a lightweight super springy lightweight substance to make bouncing around far easier and less energy consuming than walking was back when they were normal, and with brains drowned in chemicals to dull their intelligence and keep them in a constant euphoria. That film coating their bodies isn't sweat but the excess virus that's changing them and infecting anyone who even so much as pokes the little balls of fat, their fellow lolis who might've touched their massive bellies out of morbid curiosity or simply just to bully them, find themselves bursting out of their pajamas the next morning and shorter if they were tall lolis. The shotas who might've groped them to tease them or perversion, find themselves having become lolis the next morning and if their genes are far more susceptible to the virus, they find themselves already with a pot belly or legs fat enough to leave their night pants looking more like sausage casings. Their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and teachers who might have dragged the infected lolis around to try and get them help, will find themselves no better, just slower gains from having to shrink their bodies down and work overtime in dulling their mature minds. When the goobermint finally sends people in to stem this pandemic, it will only lead to them seeing the virus oozing out their pores and suggesting everyone use saunas and anything else to have the infected sweat it all out but it only leads to the worse case scenario, mixing with the molecules in the air to become airborne and sweep over the globe.

Who edited Victims pic?
>But I don't understand how you're supposed to find it hot
Get one of them to shimmy up on top of you.
(82 KB, 900x738, GK2u97YXUAA_HUE.jpeg)
"When i see children
They make me horny
I fatp to futa
I fap to lolis
Then i see children
I get a boner
The law says 14
But i like then younger"
Thanks for the recommendations! Adding all of those to my list (hoping to see some loli butt in some)

I've already watched some like Made in Abyss and Non Non Biyori though. Love Renge so much <3

There needs to be more fat art of her and the rest of the girls. Love thinking about Renge getting fed so much junk food and getting so spoiled and lazy <3 <3
Is this supposed to be an own?
Getting smaller yet bigger! How far would you take it?
To the extreme where they're just a blob-baby, one big quivering mound of blubber that only wants to eat and fill her pamps
i want more fat infant content but i don't want to have to be the weirdo who writes/draws it
Sound absolutely wonderful! So soft and huge yet so tiny 😍
Commissions exists.
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That's one of the curses of this place, you start thinking about extremely niche content
Yeahhh just a big sloshy beanbag of lard to jiggle and knead
Commission whomst? I don't see much overlap in these fetish communities
(91 KB, 1141x700, emeraldarwgpig.jpg)

Mental Crash does a lot of age regression WG, she'd probably be down for it.
Just commission any artist who did art for a Tanya chad in this thread.
Tanya tits huge look like they stink though big big tits
(68 KB, 723x526, 1694672810971284.jpg)
It's been my experience that it's much easier to commission loli art with diapers than it is to commission fat loli art
Iskk ass oh my fucking good the nuts id bust
(1.7 MB, 2040x1164, Based.png)
Based Senshi
(116 KB, 1080x1409, Screenshot_20240418_125704.jpg)
Ponponpanpan seems to wiped out his entire pixiv even though it was meant to be an archive. Does any of you have an archive set up with his work?
>>56924 It's all still there. Did you change your Pixiv account's location to be in Japan?
I did as you said. Nothing there
I just checked and all there content is there, do you have NSFW togfled off or something weird?
you made my brain cave in
Bet you have your country set wrong. Are you in "Japan"?
Another great Tanyas!
Needs to be bigger
Perfect smug energy on top of being a fat fuck
Wow it's ALREADY deleted. From what I saw the comments were actually positive. Its to be expected that it would be taken down when the word child is explicitly said
Plame the guy who posted the pic it's based on. They fact they explicitly said "child" makes me think they're genuinly a child predator.
(205 KB, 322x395, 1549589150714.png)
And you're whining about this in a loli thread why? It's all fictional characters
Make sure your obese child gf is big enough that you need a flatbed to move em around
Yeah, they're just proving the picture's point

what's the source?
I don't even use Twitter. Not my fault lolicons say shit like this and then wonder why people hate them.
da is a wasteland of what it once was
so is pixiv really the only other moving option

any other sites that is like da
cause i feel like da is dying and i want to know where to abandon ship
(343 KB, 1086x1600, 001.jpg)
Any fat loli manga? I'm looking for something to translate, and this is the only one I found. Some type of horror.
Don't shit yourself, transphobe
Yes, that was the point
Both arguments are strawmen, and are just as equally stupid.
"Pedophiles are pedophiles" and "people that aren't pedophiles are pedophiles" are not equally stupid arguments.
Like spanish uncles who love drinking
I remember seeing this back in the day, I wanna see it translated because of the weird ass stories imagery in it, so I can get some actual context for things.

Also, the debaters and transients, please take things to general discussion, we don't give a fuck about what you two are bitching about with your political shit.
I know who you are. The words you use familiar in person. When you want to seem intelligent.
(1.4 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_1975.png)
Here some bioshock Doodles.
I’m surprised I don’t see any fat little sisters art or stories from bioshock. I feel likes it’s an untapped market especially with the whole Adam stomach thing. Like that could be a fun weight gain scenario…
all her expressions are so cute, amazing work :D
This shit makes me snore. Where's the massive hanging gut

Well, the creator never intended to do that. To be honest, he finds different types of women attractive: fit, curvaceous, and plump. He like creating stories that feature characters who gain and lose weight, as well as painting them at various sizes. Both can, in my opinion, be adorable, seductive, and enjoyable. He does not hold individuals accountable for their preferences, and he does not feel bad about sharing his own content.
Best you can hope to find are side characters and one offs.

I gave you my answer in the loli thread on /elite/.

It was an issue that went both ways; nobody here just unloaded a mountain of the lewdest loli expansion art to piss them off, instead of just replying.

>Mitsuba Marui
The real thing that deserves surprise; no good yuri doujin where Sugisaki secretly became Mitsuba's feeder and has been dosing the food to get the eldest's appetite increased and her metabolism destroyed. Mitsuba being who she is, she'll slip a little of her large stash of snacks here and there to show off to the other girls with the tasty food her "boyfriend" got her, and unkowningly causing the other girls start to slowly become gluttonous doughballs like her. Sugisaki will be freaked out at the start, thinking Mitsuba is gonna blow their secret but she'll eventually find herself too distracted by her widening class to have time to worry.

Think Arakasa, MS, and Gnight, were the only ones whoever went that far with Mitsuba; no wait, there was one other western artist who did a sequence. I'll see if I can find where I put it, tomorrow.
Thank you. I always like the idea of a fatty little sister getting harassed and chased around by splicers. Unable to get into any vents as she’s unable to climb them without getting exhausted or getting stuck halfway showing their big fat butt
You're an absolute idiot.
This is so good, she deserves many more puffs
>Best you can hope to find are side characters and one offs.
That's pretty rare too. I only found two fat related oneshot's and those were by total luck
(501 KB, 1784x2858, mitsuba_marui_by_inkbottleinc_d8msxx8.jpg) (115 KB, 415x600, f8bdcac72b8f85b9aee424461bb687c9.jpg) (563 KB, 1049x1115, f32dff14bd690d22ef994e13bc81f32e.jpg) (71 KB, 753x1163, f94f70ad9c95ae6d04a730edf8d5f6ce.jpg) (199 KB, 891x643, 8fed84f63a8ebb931d879d8af618344965242bcc808efdd627f9fe03d18a119f.jpg) (103 KB, 1040x696, 28131f9d9604015472800ffcc63baecdd8b8fcbca0aeee1e1fdcd13976bf63c9.jpg)
Sorry, Anon, didn't see it in my files even with it being a blood moon event where my thumbnails actually show pictures. I was able to finally find the Fat Chiyo and Miu pictures that Fatfoxlower did, that I mentioned a while back for whatever reason.

Was more thinking about expansion scenes. I wonder if any loli can out do Kagura from Gintama with their number of stuffed scenes.
That's called being normal
>"that's called being normal"
You have absolutely no room to talk. And there's no such thing as "being normal"
And you're an idiot for giving them attention
The reason lolicons don't like trans folk is because they don't want competition in molesting children
Take your meds schizo.

No one has an issue with LGB, it’s the delusional shits that have co-opted it for their own ends and keep adding letters that people don’t like.
No thanks, I'm good!!! :3
Damn I really wish I could find the pig eri version of this
You know, the more i see people saying that....FUCKING statement, the more it makes me want to end someone's life.
Hitting to close to home, schizo?
Try it. And ideally get yourself shot to death by a pig in the process, you'll be doing the gene pool a favour.
Studies show that 95% of pedophiles are straight/non trans people, deal with that.
Transphobia isn't an argument
Agreed, these people tell shit about their ideology like saying that shit that never happened are real
Shit isnt a word used commonly by wealthy. You all need me around lol bunch of dumb fucks
I don’t get why the people who don’t like this thread just flat out ignore it as a whole
Lovely blobby Tanya
Again? Proof that this actually happened?
because they are mentally ill
and they will do anything for any type of validation

its sad honestly
It does seem that way
Also could say that they might be closeted lolicons
Anyone got this in a higher res?
(3.7 MB, 2560x1498, dejiko blob (20240507042813).png)
Artist here! First time posting on here.

Was gonna save this after I've done an alternate version of this but wanted to ask you you guys for some ideas for what retro loli characters to draw. SPECIFICALLY ones from 1995-2003. Some bonus points if they got animal ears and tails.

I've been drawing alot more recently and I've been in the mood to draw some more lolis.

Love that artist! Their Eldridge got me to try Azur Land in the first place.
Adeleine and Ribbon from Kirby maybe? I'd love to see them both blobbed up massive. The pic you did here's real nice, though I'm curious just how big you can make 'em.
That's a great Dejiko. Honestly other Di Gi Charat characters would be nice to see, like Piyoko or Rinna. Some other lolis from that era could be Princess Silver from Crayon Oukoku or Lip from Panel de Pon.

There's also Chip-chan and Chap-chan from Chip Chan Kick. A PC-FX game with the two characters having animals ears and tails.
(58 KB, 128x445, Th07Chen.png)
Would Chen count? Perfect Cherry Blossom released in 2003, though Chen would debut in the trial version of the game in 2002.
20-30 years seems pretty retro to me boomer
if mario then only bros 🔥
I feel like a boomer now

Anyways young chichi?
Ever stop and think the suicide rate people like you flaunt around might be, y'know, BECAUSE of people like you?

And no, genuine surgical procedures are not "self-mutilation", no matter how much you want to convince yourself that trans individuals are just lunatics who take a meat cleaver to some body part.
"I want to commit murder over people calling out my inability to tell unrealistic stylized cartoons from real people, WHY CAN'T THEY SEE I'M THE NORMAL ONE?!"
i just would like to request kirby 64s ribbon
maybe as a aftermath after being on a few dates with kirby
I legitmately can't fathom these responses, the upper end of that time frame represents 21 years from this current year and the lower end 29. That's basically three decades at the extreme end, how the fuck is that not retro?

Y'all are either insane or huffing crazy amounts of copium in a desperate attempt to convince yourselves that time isn't continously moving day by day.
I can make them pretty big (city, mountain/continent, planet, galaxy, etc). B)

>Chip Chan Kick

Oooo, that's a pretty good idea! Been curious to draw them for awhile, as well. I'll deff see what I can do with the other Di Gi Charat characters.

>Would Chen count?
Yeah, they'd count. I'm not too picky if it's one year out of the time frame I gave lol.
Love it or hate it, the late 90's is considered retro now. It's literally from over 20 years ago. Back in 2008 we had no problem calling SNES games retro, and it's been 15 years since then.
Do you have any more loli art you want to show off or is that Dejiko the only one so far? Also you should try Meimi from Saint Tail.
(377 KB, 1535x2048, media_Fmu5RYtWQAIkmzx.jpg) (170 KB, 1573x885, media_GMg6GT1bMAE8kIZ.jpg) (412 KB, 827x1379, media_GMRZ6yqbYAEfa7c.jpg) (293 KB, 1416x2278, media_GMKBw0ca8AAeVE3.jpg) (394 KB, 2731x4096, media_GL4vIiAWAAANDot.jpg)
Why is it so rare for Gundam lolis to get fattened; do lolicons just don't care for mecha?

>Young Chichi
That's the 80s.

Time isn't a great signifier of retro when it comes to something like anime; it's why people look at the old days where it was hand drawn or at least had the gritty texture before they went full computer graphics as the retro period.

The only thing I'd call retro from the late 90s are DCs cartoon series since they're starkly different from the garbage that came out of the west for the last decade.

That was the last completely or near completely sprite based generation of consoles.
For now, I don't but I'm hoping to make some more.

>gundam loli
Who's the character, in question? While on the older side, I've been tempted to draw the two main gals from Witch from Mercury.

>That's from the 80s
To be fair, I did mention retro titles, in general. I just put a specific date since I was in the mood for that stuff. I'm open for suggestions from even the 60s haha.
(681 KB, 2024x2741, media_FJINn1SVcAIsfuw.jpg) (4.9 MB, 3300x7264, Ple.jpg)
>Who's the character, in question
Not saying anything specific, just saying, but the one in the pic is Elpeo.
Two people are responsible for about 90% of her and her clones normal art in just the last couple of years, and a lot of it's yuri with her clone, which is hilarious when you know what happened between them.

Beyond those two, only other loli I know off the top of my head with my lack of any real time in Gundam beyond Wing and G (beyond the little dictator in the Wing movie) are Minerva in Zeta

>Witch from Mercury
I hope that isn't your first outing in Gundam since I have heard jack shit about it besides yuri, the tanuki is cute, and that the mech model sells well.
(1.9 MB, 400x300, fvwtzQR.gif)

Nope! Not my first outing. Saw the original, Zeta, War in the Pocket, 0083, 08th MS Team, etc.

I saw three or so episodes of Witch from Mercury, so far. It's pretty neat, I guess.
(423 KB, 4096x2625, GMHWHuYWwAAmY3x.jpg) (342 KB, 733x1527, a4cbe4c39fa792062891a6d942cc2d80.jpg) (226 KB, 850x1204, sample_109d8820ddf9fe75160abf1fae83a94d.jpg)
>Apartment-wife Ogawa-san lets herself go and gets fat as fuck
>Realises she can just activate her de-aging, hoping to become skinny
>The fat just stays there and she's just a loli with all the fat of an obese 28 year old strapped onto her child body. Tiny muscles all sore and tired from the mere act of standing because 500 pounds looks way fatter when you're 4ft
>War in the Pocket
That's one I really wanna see but my imagination has been going with the name even though I know it's not what I'm thinking so I'm probably gonna end up making myself disappointed.

>08th MS Team
That's one I want to watch just because of the badass Gouf fight.

>I saw three or so episodes of Witch from Mercury, so far. It's pretty neat
All I know is that they created it to pander to the young peoples who don't get war and accidentally attracted the nuts on twatter, and gave it an ending that everyone saw as shit.
who is the artist? i have seen them so much. also this thread needs more lille
Don't listen to that guy, WfM is one of the best entries in the franchise. Ending is a bit rushed but it's still pretty great
Just pitching in to say that war in the pocket is fucking brilliant, if you like the anti-war messaging prevalent in UC gundam then you'll probably see this as the best the UC timeline ever got. But I will say, it's totally a your mileage may vary kind of thing due to how different it is from other Gundam series. Even considering the older UC shows, war in the pocket is VERY sedentary, grounded and prosaic as it takes place entirely from a civilian perspective. It has a very sparing less is more approach to the usage of mobile suits in the show, so it's a bit different from what you might expect. But it's amazing in it's own way nonetheless.

Show's soundtrack also absolutely bops and at only six episodes in length you could watch the entire series in one sitting if you wish.
(449 KB, 544x412, Idol Laughter.png) (270 KB, 2057x2796, media_GK0Z4qLXkAAZ_M8.jpg) (150 KB, 1244x1510, media_FtBSRS7aQAADChG.jpg) (175 KB, 2000x1579, media_GKj44_mawAAEWe1.jpg) (315 KB, 595x842, media_Ek4q5ECUwAAIpLp.png) (89 KB, 1075x1518, media_EkOTo54VgAECcgF.jpg)
What loli in any mecha series do you guys want to see get fat?

>WfM is one of the best entries in the franchise
>The school life side series
>Pic 1 related
That sounds like it would be blasphemy.

>Ending is a bit rushed but it's still pretty great
Wasn't the whole thing rushed?

>Just pitching in to say that war in the pocket is fucking brilliant
That's what a friend in my guild said when I asked for suggestions.
(222 KB, 1920x1080, 5.jpg) (222 KB, 1920x1080, 4.jpg) (504 KB, 1920x1080, 3.jpg) (962 KB, 2048x2048, 9.jpg)
Last thread is dead. I am still going to shill for this new VN that is really not a fetish one but there is a WG mechanic for one of the girls for some reason. Its called Progeria: Vae Victis and it is available on Steam or torrents (but the pirated version is really buggy)

Anyone feel free to post other games
>>58629 where is my twin turbo full bolt on r8
Sorry :(
What did I do wrong?
Nothing. Your little bearded dragon wont stop looking LOL
Oh shit I really did post a thread in a loli topic lol
(1.5 MB, 217x217, HE368z.gif)
>mfw my shitposting is solely responsible for the mass self-deletion of transformers and other freaky mutants
Holy shit you're right.
Someone get that guy a medal.
>mecha series
Shit i barely see any lolies from mecha series, the only popular one is technically that young Zero two from DITF... and uh yuh

like the issue with mech series is that either they are too unpopular so fatfags dont bother, or they are reverse jailbaits (case in point: Paz from MGSPW)
This conversation just reminded me they had Asuka pilot Shin Getter in the Super Robot Wars mobileshit.The idea is surprisingly hilarious to me.

>barely see any lolies from mecha series, the only popular one is technically that young Zero two from DITF
Don't just mean main character lolis.

>the issue with mech series is that either they are too unpopular so fatfags dont bother
That's not an issue, if it was popular with fatfags, it would more than likely be trash and at best be dull.

If it's hard to think of a loli you like, how about just thinking of a list of lolis from mecha series?
(59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (44).jpg)
"hahah lmaooooo these trannies are so TRIGGERED!!1! They can't handle my dank memage and trolling like the kids at school who avoid me lol what CUCKS!!"

Kill yourself.
Nice big lolis~
(6 KB, 259x194, sus.jpg)
Tatsugek1 on Twitter/X

are yall in your 40s or something, or just trying to construct 'retro' as a static label defining one specific era? Time passes and people's interpretation of 'retro' will shift accordingly. 25-30 years ago would certainly qualify as retro presently. Comparatively speaking--with the specific type of media in consideration, 1985-1990 would have been considered 'retro' in 2010-2015. That's around 35-40 years ago today. 1999 was 25 years ago and would probably be considered at the upper limits of retro.
Lot of u men on here fucked less then 10 women so I can talk shit to your face trust me.
And I'm saying there has to be something other than years to qualify something as retro; it needs to bring something from another time that you don't really get anymore.
Anyone know why she is obbessed with him? She is unhinged & married.
(146 KB, 600x1004, IMG_1300.jpeg)
Would you rather get stuck in the forest with a Man or Pooh Chan?
(431 KB, 1200x908, 061f0a60dd7e6e70c68a1941a26bf6e1.jpeg)
Does anyone know if there's an archive of this artist's work somewhere? I've tried looking for a pixiv and deviantart for them.
How are you utterly incapable of taking a simple joke?
This dude wife always wanted to fuck me. I let her feel on my dick from time to time. And give her sexy looks to keep her pussy wet. Must be a new york thing
(24 KB, 400x400, 20230617_132806.jpg)
Hot take: the word "loli" has lost all meaning, and the "western loli" bs is proof of this.
(3.3 MB, 4155x3300, ashley_fat_by_eishiban_dd2nwf5.png) (3.9 MB, 4384x3600, ashley_fat_2_by_eishiban_dd35cq7.png)
Of course it's lost meaning.
Heck, it lost meaning even 10 years ago.
You look up the definition of loli and you get 8 different answers, and thats kind of because it didn't even really mean much of anything to begin with really. It's a messy extrapolation of different pre existing words and book titles to where the word loli doesn't even really actually make sense. All I do know, is that sexy lolis are hot
(334 KB, 839x1322, dg0m5fi-b54f9a23-6703-4549-92b9-b2083d956b18.png) (462 KB, 897x1037, dg0m5h2-7033ed19-d79e-4c93-b0e8-88e31d3fbc5f.png) (402 KB, 987x980, dg0m5fo-a14d1a9c-6526-4861-a631-94e00ab6b91e.png) (537 KB, 1134x1318, devqhfz-7508daae-060d-4b89-9788-6e079a2f200e.png) (2.6 MB, 3402x3000, 17ebc2097595a9c80a1e984f6e3f204edb717f1b45c81d6ad6e8d2d03238159e.png)
this artist has done a lot of work ft the twins and lillie. could someone sauce me up? also, I am looking for a certain picture of lillie. she is not super fat, just chubby. her face is embarrassed

in return here are many tanyas
It's like the word "woke". Literally nobody can come up with a consistent definition, leading people to throw the word around to the point it means literally nothing.
The Man; he should be a super chill bro that you can talk fat lolis with. I'm fucking tired of Pooh Chan.

>Loli hangs around a group of older girls
>Older girls overly dote on the loli to the point their little friend starts to develop a pot belly
>Loli has an internal meltdown from her brain saying she needs to cut back on the snacks but her far stronger appetite saying no
>All the older girls either don't notice the gain or start thinking if they can afford more treats

The Western Loli thread started off as a place to post SB99 art and now only really exists as a place wherew people who can't stand Eastern characters while somehow being able to stomach Western characters.

What are you both going on about, there's definitions for both, it's just that the majority of people on the internet are lazy dumbasses who misuse words. Take shortstack for example, that thread has multiple posts of fat assed midgets but you can't have shortstack without an equally large rack to go along with it; and then there's "waifu" which is being used for peoples favorite characters instead of that one they just can't live without.
Source for these?
YES! <3 Need to see this done. Love all of those pics, and I love the idea of her letting herself go and getting as obese as in the first pic. Need to see her obese while she's de-aged though, that would be sooo good
Hefeny was right about you & your sisters. Thanks for the warning. My bad see you soon.
Woke means ppl who know about things peole do that doesnt catch the normal eyes. You just dont want people figure you out. Old people been there before so of course.
Love these so much! Especially the Anya and Kanna ones
But Pooh Chan is cute though
Who drew that last one?
(1.0 MB, 500x269, TQdnx4H.gif)
Because my computer is almost completely braindead and can no longer save images; here's a link to a fat assed Kino:

>Fat Koume
>But belly ring
>Fat Koume
>But belly ring
Pic related; my mind.

I'd hunt down Pooh Chan, stuff, and then mount her, and nothing I've said is what's going through your mind.

That first pic always gets stuck in my mind when it's posted. Would she be indifferent to gaining a jumbo ass or would that be one of the few things that actually gets to Tanya if her use of the special magic regulator made it so there's no ill effects beyond taking up more space.

It's criminal that Saikawa gets jack shit even though Kanna is a massive bad influence. Who's the girl in the last pic?
I’m trying to find more this art what’s the Artist name again and where can I find this?
Rare BB Hood spotted
She's an absolute "gremlin", and it's a big shame she doesn't get that much art

Matter of fact, would she even truly count as a loli?
>would she even truly count as a loli
Why wouldn't she? Are you solely focused on Anita?
What the hell does that mean?
I have never evem heard of Anita before
Has the artist made more stuff like this? Its great
Monster Hunter Loli's have such untapped potential. Litterally have only seen like 5 images of them fat on the internet and it was only the ones from Rise
Aource for the Tron one?
So...any princess lolis?
(380 KB, 1341x1458, 1582004947414.jpg) (342 KB, 859x982, 1582005001239.png) (137 KB, 1485x1053, 1582005073441.jpg)
>only seen like 5 images of them fat on the internet and it was only the ones from Rise
Everyone has only played post World MonHun.

>Monster Hunter Loli's have such untapped potential
Hilariously enough, the Rise lolis seem to have the most since I don't think any of the lolis in the older entries had jobs selling food.

>need sauce
Good luck, I think that pic might be older than DA.
(6.5 MB, 6071x8598, 71708200_p0.jpg)
Anyone knows how curry loli is as a character in Disgaea?

Could've sworn that was thrown out back around the fighting game sprite fattener.
(11 KB, 216x330, MHGU-Millsy_Concept_Art_001.jpg)
>any of the lolis in the older entries had jobs selling food.

There was Milsy in Generations Ultimate, her dialog shows she keeps the local pub stocked with everything wich could include food and drinks (dunno why a kid is doing that but do your thing Pub Loli)
(537 KB, 1246x1938, 62a898773b19fb8ada257bda4b3eb13edfdd31fb25bc82329649f410d4890a0c.jpg) (677 KB, 800x1200, 21083336_p0.jpg) (819 KB, 800x1200, 24868713_p1.jpg) (185 KB, 600x794, 1576205841934.png) (814 KB, 1535x1402, burrito_by_ramironia_ddg2qxz.png) (57 KB, 1024x707, comm__kirari_and_anzu_by_remramwaluigi.jpg)
>dunno why a kid is doing that
When there's a never ending supply of monsters to hunt, a child must grow up fast because they're likely orphans. It would be a great job for a loli with a good mind to have but not so much for her waistline since everyone, bar employees and customers alike, will funneling goodies to their adorable little supplier. Even when Milsy's small tummy has become so big that her top has become so taut that every fold on her sides and her deep belly button are completely outlined and even moreso when she's sitting down and confusing people with how the little one hasn't had to get a new top yet with how much lap her belly takes up and making said outlined points even more obvious. I do wonder what character in that game would be the type to max out their strength just to be able to bounce such a heavy girl in their lap, high enough that the lolis large rear will leave the persons lap for at least a second.
If pumpkin shorts are so absolutely packed with a lolis rear, that there are no more creases, does that make it no longer pumpkin shorts?

Hold on, I need to find my elephant gun and hunting outfit so I can hunt Pooh Chans species to extinction. I wonder if scatfags would pay top dollar for their skulls and a gallon of rocky road ice cream.
Anymore Mitsudomoe fanart?
(633 KB, 850x958, 36955bf4427ea65529ff357480512b60.jpg) (767 KB, 900x700, 15940499_p0.png) (341 KB, 545x714, 8857346_p0.jpg) (759 KB, 1200x1600, 1576205214461.jpg) (148 KB, 750x1063, c6b2a4d84284e0772835789b8148102f.jpg) (5.2 MB, 2363x2192, 86840531_p0.png)
>Pooh species
>Gun user
Pick one.

Just a bunch of old stuff if you've been around for years. Which characters were you most hoping for or would've loved to have found got a good deal of fat art of back during the series high point?
I love it when fat lolis are drawn like this, a big round beer belly with bitch tits. It's like her body doesn't now how to fatten up like a woman yet, so she ends up more like a fat boy.
Because thankfully there aren't that many trans around
But the majority within it, yeah, pedofiles
Lmao you're sensitive
Lolicon means anime that contains stuff that people would consider animated CP or a person who's into that stuff. Loli just mean a little girl or a female character that looks very VERY young.

Same for shotacon and shota
>Me when I spread misinformation.

You are projecting hard.
I get all the butts lol
Megumin is a loli?
Any loli blobs?
(88 KB, 427x960, 59cc52aaa0d20ff416d51671a17efe2ec79a9658f1cdbdac478c457ed6d2be34.jpg) (721 KB, 1054x1503, 06c73c909b6cbcfb57d9d7e9751ef270.jpg) (381 KB, 1280x967, 7f94627737a481118a02a60836633053.png) (139 KB, 800x1135, 15935555_p0.jpg) (1.8 MB, 997x1080, 1570772012435.gif) (2.3 MB, 1414x2000, 78082558_p0.png)
I had a thought the other day when thinking about how shit would pan out if every female in Mitsudomoe started packing on a ton of weight, when I came to a thought; how would the Hopeless Squad use it to hound Satou?

Found a reverse Isekai with a loli: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQluibIpqBY

That's like asking if Darkness is a woman!!
What's the artist for this one?
(773 KB, 1270x1629, cg1.jpg) (123 KB, 1280x1567, cg2.jpg) (127 KB, 1280x1321, cg3.jpg) (519 KB, 1038x1280, koume.png)
According to the site I found it on, it was from this guy in a now deleted twitter post.
No clue why he deleted it or what the context was, guy doesn't seem to draw this type of stuff ever really. His usual stuff seems to mostly be foot fetish art.
(93 KB, 696x776, foot.jpg)
(1.3 MB, 1254x1771, CringeJack.png)
Edit of the most recent Jack drawing SquareWave posted to remove the fart garbage from it.
Link to the original?

As someone into both lolis and mecha, the intersection of the two... doesn't really interest me... at all....

In general I prefer original characters to fattened fanfiction, but gundams in particular are just about the farthest away from any of my sexual thoughts that it's physically possible to be (in the era when I was young enough to have crushes on every female anime character, I wanted Rain to get her romance plot the fuck out of my martial arts gundam series). Like I would say if I associate them with Gundam I am likely to be actively unattracted to them.
Might have deleted it BECAUSE it's not the normal content they draw. Fetish commision stuff from artists who don't even really do that fetish is kind on the rise lately (See that Pooh Chan guy comissioning every loli artist under the sun for pot belly Pooh Chan even if they don't even do chubby lolis at all usually)
(104 KB, 1024x793, undead__unfed__feels_like_uncooked_bread_by_darkfireballz_dcqrmz1-fullview.jpg) (928 KB, 3100x2400, dcqrmjd-87ce0377-9181-484b-bc39-75d3c494f88c.png) (2.9 MB, 3750x2500, dgc4xyj-481daaa6-241c-4e27-a3d0-8cad9271ec5d.png)
>>60215 first time typing on here, tbh everytime I try commisioning fat koumes I get declined/blocked so I basically went radio silent for the past years until I stumbled on this boards and frankly I'm learning how to reply while at it so in case it might completely miss on this function, who's the artist on that one?, thanks in advance
(248 KB, 2048x1448, bWVkaWEvRnJwOTFVeWFBQUFXQ3dILmpwZw==.jpg) (349 KB, 2048x1415, media_FtGpPhQaMAQnGDZ.jpg) (248 KB, 1636x2048, media_FsYY8tlagAUBED0.jpg) (913 KB, 1884x1188, 84234525_p2.jpg) (308 KB, 595x842, media_EqXB_IoVoAEykgP.png) (270 KB, 595x842, media_EqXB7S2VEAApH2X.png)
>As someone into both lolis and mecha, the intersection of the two... doesn't really interest me... at all....
Not even in something like early Basquash where it's just mechs playing basketball, or IGPX where it's just Nascar but you can elbow the other car off the road?

>In general I prefer original characters to fattened fanfiction
It's the other way around for me; almost everyone puts little work into their character beyond the visual elements and those are always bland.

>I wanted Rain to get her romance plot the fuck out of my martial arts gundam series
I was young during G's airing on Toonami but I never really paid any attention to the relationship. Was G airing during the time they kept rerunning the Namekian arc of Dragon Ball?

>Like I would say if I associate them with Gundam I am likely to be actively unattracted to them
Even 9ball Cirno?

>I try commisioning fat koumes I get declined/blocked so I basically went radio silent for the past years
Just stalk Tanya Anon; he always seems to know where to go.

Always had that curse of immobility but it's better than the curse of almost literal butterball.
>Slob guys have found the thread

Great... Hate having loli relegated to /alt/...
Who got the basment nude
(758 KB, 4096x3077, GNLMskpXcAA81OV.jpeg)
thanks, honestly I'll vibe with anything since it's hard to come by really...
not really a fan of inmobility / slobs in general but that's basically all you get from Koume outside of like preg. for commissions I always asked for shapes like the Mitsubas or flandres above at >>57784
(209 KB, 707x1000, 92499488_p0.png) (4.2 MB, 4200x2100, 91444284_p0.png)
>that's basically all you get from Koume outside of like preg
Boobs too. There was one artist who liked to give Koume, meaty thighs.
(152 KB, 1125x1500, EVgNxAuU0AA7wtv.jpeg) (833 KB, 1131x1980, GCCFyL3aQAAWFQb.jpeg) (29 KB, 500x930, 88854755_p0.png) (30 KB, 500x930, 88854755_p1.png)
yeah, the fat meaty thighs is Pureaki.
he started doing them around 2019 when Riamu released, before that, his koumes where normal size..
There's also Geroika which I did got a slightly fatter koume from at some point since he can do the chunkier at times, also huge ass/thighs combo most of the time from him.
the comment was more so inclined to what I've seen as the norm since the days she was unvoiced around 2012-2013 before getting voiced with the SYG in mobamas.. at some points you could get some experimental artworks here and there and there's an old af one which I liked up back then on the simple chub it provided but not really the futa aspect of it hence the personal spoiler on it. :>
there's artist that are ok with loli stuff but, going from that to actually not declining a comm. is another deal on it's own... hopefully I'll find someone to do the biding for me at some point, until then everything works and I guess darkfireballz is just gonna provide some slobs which while not my cup of tea, I can for sure appreciate
Seeing all this Idolmaster art just makes me kinda depressed, you know? There's a lot of cute idols who deserve to be fattened up, but most of that kinda stuff is drawn by amateurish artists. I wish Niku-no-katamari or Sunny tackled them instead
Who is the artist behind them?
(465 KB, 1349x1909, 107230947_p0.jpg) (89 KB, 884x1172, media_Fwpyy4PaIAgsvE1.jpg) (258 KB, 1195x1946, media_GD0Dm73aAAA3A5h.jpg) (39 KB, 664x755, media_GJyLIlmbEAAAKXb.png) (213 KB, 600x800, media_GHggRspaAAAOkxG.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1367x1904, 71487574_p0.png)
>he started doing them around 2019 when Riamu released

>but not really the futa aspect of it
That annoyed me back when I came across it a while back; seems every time I find new art for characters I really like, there's always a cost.

Isn't he completely obsessed with My Hero Academia now?

Acid has done Idols; think it was before he started transforming characters into fat furries.
He was in on that artist collab picture but now he keeps them all behind a paywall.

What Im@s lolis are at the top of you guys list?
Do realize im reading all of this right.
Risa and Momoka are easily my favourites, but I also like Haru a lot. I guess you can count Iori too?
(1.1 MB, 1866x2598, bebb9835-7406-4504-bf9c-8f10723d2792.png) (1.1 MB, 1866x2598, 58c5be8f-5552-4a37-aba4-a48286f040eb.png) (858 KB, 1866x2598, b59c4953-e899-4319-b63b-fbaa726307a7.png) (996 KB, 1866x2598, bc14b38e-d434-462d-8dc7-dad99a3e238f.png) (3.4 MB, 2134x2988, 0eb2131d-35ed-41d5-bf7b-5ec16ee310a4.png)
>>60408 yeah, he's full on MHA but he might do another Koume at hallowen which will probably get postponed to a later date (which seeing how it's been going it's probably gonna be hard to analyze where does her body regardless)

as for my top, the futamis started my downwards spiral on loli back in the arcades so... (They also had a short scene in puchimas losing against takane on eating ramen iirc)

-Mami Futami
-Koume Shiraska
-Nono Morikubo
-Syoko Hoshi (if shroomed, she's good to go fat af)
ML has Momoko and Iku but, they get forgotten easily from Momoka and Arisu, Kaho is supposed to be SC loli but she's fucking massive so we can't complain...
uk what?, I regret not asking artists to draw fucking Ayane Suzuki (Cineria) before they blocked me of for requesting as comm.
> Koume
> Fat / obese / burping / etc

there's one artist I like but lately I've seen him posting pokemon stuff, Oruka0827 he's the one getting comms for Rankos, and he has done loli stuff... I'd say he's a good candidate for any im@s loli you want to send to him, that is, if you can get to commision him which I haven't been able, I always seem to remember him when he's out of comms room lol or I used my budget, my b for the rants before as an anon and Rina here from Oruka or hell even Ranko, since those are more so teenagers than lolis regardless.
(3.5 MB, 2134x2988, 4185786f-ed5d-474d-8787-970bbdd09a62.png) (3.4 MB, 2134x2988, 0eb2131d-35ed-41d5-bf7b-5ec16ee310a4.png) (3.5 MB, 2134x2988, 56ad5db9-e222-4eb1-85c3-0eefaed37269.png) (3.4 MB, 2134x2988, b6797ea8-4ea6-4c93-8239-ad26c23a8469.png)
oh lol, the site didn't let me post the 4 Rinas for being too fat in size alongside the sketchs, I recall there being a recent one and I believe a Miku but, it's just part of these essays... might post later but again, I'd say is unrelated to lolis in general so my apologies
I have the basement nudes. Live with the lie die with it
Fuck those lying bitches expose all their nudes for me.
(1.1 MB, 1080x1396, 114303205_p0.png)
nvm his twitter got suspended, then again we consider megumin a loli on this boards so rina / ranko should be alright...
I believe he's accepting commisions now but I lost budget at casino and weiss yesterday so I'm fucked lol
Does anyone know who the fuck this dude is? He's been spamming random comments like a retard for months at this point
(228 KB, 480x270, k2navm7.gif) (2.3 MB, 2480x3174, media_FyQQyxCaQAAS3tz.jpg) (2.7 MB, 2480x3174, media_FyQQz04akAMvWt4.jpg)
I'll never understand how she go so much fat art but I guess I do have a bias against animal print, even if I'll admit that Risa is cute. What even could be the reason why she'd start wolfing down pounds of food every day to pack on such a large amount of weight anyways; did she catch her father shifting his interest towards big women when she sees him and her mother being far more affectionate after her mother start putting on a good deal of weight, herself, while the only diet her papa seems to be interested in giving her is more fattening food?

Could Haru have the voracious gluttony that most tomboys tend to fall into and with them hanging out a lot, her eating habits helped to eventually largly expand Risa's stomach capacity and also have Haru's gluttony rub off on the idol but obviously didn't do well for waistline since her metabolism is at best normal and when your friend has not only helped you to easily put away 3x your normal amount for meals, but also find yourself always gobbling down even more until there's no delicious morsels left or your belly feels like it's about to pop.

Rare for her to get anything but boobs and preg, though I think I've stumbled upon more AI fat art of her than normal fat art.
The name of the group she's in with Risa, makes me think that if the productions studios in IM@s had been geared around fat idols; MomoPearBerry would be a group of lolis with astoundingly large asses.
>Mami Futami
>No Ami along with her
Why? They're distinct enough to play favorites?

>Kaho is supposed to be SC loli but she's fucking massive so we can't complain
She only has height while everything else is 100% loli.

>Ayane Suzuki (Cineria)
Looking at that character just makes me think of Marie Rose and that one video where someone used Cheat Engine to make her put on weight whenever she got hit:

I've known about him for a long time but I never knew he took commissions; how much does he go for in burgerbucks?

>I've seen him posting pokemon stuff
All artists eventually degenerate into something else; the Japanese seem to favor furries.

>nvm his twitter got suspended
He made another one: https://nitter.poast.org/orukaniumu

>we consider megumin a loli on this boards so rina / ranko should be alright
There's too many things about her that makes it hard to rationalize her as a loli. Riina has cleavage where Megumin is flat, Riina is taller, their personalities are drastically different, where Megumin makes it hard to not see her as a loli while Riina acts like a responsible young adult.

She's one I've considered a loli but people have been pushing me closer to the fence about her.

It's as bot someone's using to annoy the whole site.

sounds great, yeah that's basically it
as for the futamis I just forgot to put Ami with Mami since I have her name implanted on my brain cells that much even if it's just 1 extra letter, there's some key dif. but at the end of the day they are both mesugakis which worked under the same name at the beginning to maximize wins since working apparently is fun.

> oruka0827
I believe it was 200$, I quite like him so id say it's fair but it's probably easier to just check the form on pixiv rn

> Riina
correct, I was more so inclined to the mere idea of people calling anything under like 16 lolis nowadays which honestly has completely lost all meaning nowadays, as for the previous inputs on Risa, idk... some of us P's just wake up at times and decide to put cash where our dicks aim I suppose, like, there's "fat" idols if you can consider them at that rate (in-game slightly chubbier thighs in 3d model, Kanako for example) yet you don't see them toss around in general outside of some artists farming comms. of some P's

smh, also fuck AI even though recently I've seen it nailing the faces and some details decently on pixiv...
I'm sure at some point in my life I'll see basically every idol in im@s fat af (guarantee after retirements)
>All artists eventually degenerate into something else; the Japanese seem to favor furries.
Yeah, that's an awfully common occurrance for some reason. Occasionally I even see a couple of Japanese fat artists drawing furries, but I guess that's mostly because of skeb requests or whatever
(9.9 MB, 2996x3015, 111335789_p3.png)
as we long as they provide they service, it's alright... just gotta have the budget at hand and commission the moment they open the forms lol
>Schizo anon is a bot
I don't know why people keep saying this or even thought it to begin with, the situation is well clarified now. The individual behind this was literally taunting Barclay about doing this shit in the general board not even that long ago. It's a person, they talk in absolutely inscrutable non-seqiturs but it's still a person. No bot talks like that and no one is going to waste the time and effort to make a captcha-solving bot for a bakcwater chan like this.
Oh right, it's Kisame17 all over again. I thought that idiot only hated hyper pregnancy art or something? It's weird to see him all over the website
Holy shit what is the sauce on this one
(6.9 MB, 3508x2480, 103564884_p0.png)
kevabWTF on pixiv

no idea if he does comm, rarely you see the fats but I would commision him:
> koume
There called Kevab/KevabWTF. And this is litterally the only fat Loli art they have done in the history of ever
(7.8 MB, 3876x3035, midnight_x_miruko_inf.png)
Wait wait wait. I looked on Kemono and they have a Discord page set up there. Behold! The 2 other Fat Loli arts they have ever done
Since you dont hear me. I guess giving her a toe tag is my only way out. Which fucked up I dont want to black out & kill her. But im getting there.
(285 KB, 1088x504, 9840bc40f5967cf95f7b56564327403c.png) (217 KB, 600x2000, 2f0c175c2c83c5c1b9c1e6d11aba1f3b.jpg) (192 KB, 595x842, media_EqXCA9BUcAEG8Sg.png) (425 KB, 1463x2048, DzdQmOlU8AAmbse.jpg) (1.1 MB, 3092x4000, 1583748725642.png) (706 KB, 4096x2860, ECgM8eKU8AA-7Go.jpg)
>I believe it was 200$, I quite like him so id say it's fair
Compared to what western artists want for a quality far lower, I'd say it's a good deal. The only thing I'd be wondering about is how you'd tell him exactly how you'd want the picture if you don't know Japanese.

>people calling anything under like 16 lolis
I'm in the "loli is a bodytype" group but there are times where age is age is needed to help figure things out. I think of pic related is useful to help figure out what is what.

>as for the previous inputs on Risa, idk... some of us P's just wake up at times and decide to put cash where our dicks aim I suppose
I was thinking more like a world where it's flipped and fat females are beautiful, a world where the studios would try their best to find skinny girls to make into idols because one of the major draws of idol fans wallets, is the chance to help their favorite idols "grow".

>fuck AI
I didn't care one way or another at the start beyond thinking everything's gonna be bland but then I remembered everything's already bland beyond an interesting pic or two once in a while. Now with all the artists flipping their shit, I find myself in support of it since everyone complaining about it was either shit, growth as an artist has been completely stalled for years, or they're complete assholes; as far as I'm concerned Skynet can wipe them all out because the ones that are actually working hard to better their craft and aren't dicks, won't be going anywhere and probably end up with better income.

I don't even hate the Jap furries since I can't understand what they're saying unlike ours in the West, and they can actually make cute pics while also giving nice ideas.

Being reminded of Acid's pic of Io transformed into Lu Woh but instead of just being a yellow eastern dragon, she was that but with untold tons of fat; that combined with Re:Link making her look cute, has my mind flaring up again on how she'd be like had she been one of the dragons that reign over the elements but during a generation where they all were unspeakably obese females and how she'd be like in her human form.

>I don't know why people keep saying this
>The individual behind this was literally taunting Barclay about doing this shit in the general board
Well now you know why no one knows about it. I haven't bothered with that board in years.

(325 KB, 800x800, EN_1Xf9VUAArJrE.png) (663 KB, 4000x3000, EIPu7IuX0AIfwix.jpg)
Some Koumes I found before my computer crapped out again.

It's funny how the first one is one of my favorites because she can still go running around haunted houses.
Holy shit I need more, Loli Mirko in my life
Calls the office to scream to somehow sos you to know im in abuse relationship. They cut me off because of this bitch. Now I have to let her go when it pops off again part 2.
Hot damn, there really is a lot of Koume fan art...most of it is drawn by unknown and amateurish artists, but eh. I just wish they'd give the same amount of attention to the other idols from Cinderella Girls
(1.3 MB, 1577x2000, 5101735b-62ce-49dc-9db1-8a4aadb42d15.png) (1.7 MB, 1384x2000, 835e9fb2-eb63-4660-af83-25553ee0c029.png) (491 KB, 719x1000, ead1887f635882cc246d3bc498f5015e.png)
in a way is fun seeing the pics we probably all have or had saved at one point or another, shorstacks are neat and for what is worth Takato Kurosuke can draw some fats but sometimes I tend to forget he exists due to all the scat he does on his fanbox :>
then again, I'm aware 2 of these are preg.

iirc hallowen one above is also from darkfireballz and that's the last time he drew one that could at least walk or you could understand where her body assets where lol.

> yayoi is one of those idols that honestly "deserves" fat art
$18 big mac thanks how could I forget
(404 KB, 752x1062, 10a3b40d9339bd917fa8f3730d71414c.png) (394 KB, 601x800, 1dca8a4e635c090a3ed584385ec1443d.png) (414 KB, 752x1062, cfadc4b4aa9425c3ea536d65ed4c62c9.png)
you could say it's a community effort over the years, how it ends up happening?, even being there I have no idea since shit is so random from amateurs (keep it up)

seeing how this shit works, kinda, now made me want to input my nick for maybe some chit chat with equally degenerate anons on this niche, surely no im@s P from the boards is gonna recognize me haha...

damn 18$ for a big mac what's wrong with this economy
No therapist. No lawyer. Just amazing weed to help let years past by while I wait.
Good ol' Darkfireballz...I miss the days when he didn't focus on blobs, slob and crap like that lmao
(792 KB, 850x1050, sample_effe136e3f0bdc01069603504f577669.jpg)
same, like sure the last time he made a Koume I was eager to go for it, the moment I actually saw it instead of the filename I was so fucking confused as to where the fuck her tits even started???, it was just a blob face which I did upload above and some guy thought the blob guys found the thread, nah fam, just some KoumeP bored of just watching the board.
still liked the pic for the burping part since it's hard to find burping / fats in general im@s related, specially of the lolis
sometimes I would like to just dm Darkfireballz to ask for references on those bodys to at least know what am I even looking at but there's no real reason to bother artists if you're not commissioning them front hand :(
Yeah, I don't think he's that good anymore. I wish he'd start drawing more..."normal sized" fatties so that we could see their entire bodies, but I know asking is useless at this point
(741 KB, 4096x2997, FvFFH-1XgAIFa2r.jpeg)
it do be like that, I'm sure if I commission him a Koume he will provide a normal size if asked, like hell I'll take even the previous blob that you could still see her back / belly button in mind, but just like basically any artist mentioned before it's a matter of remembering them at the right time with cash in hand lmao
(44 KB, 700x700, DyEx1eGV4AAzwim.jpg) (59 KB, 700x700, DyEx2fbUwAAIiJn.jpg) (105 KB, 809x1057, media_GECSBVRbwAAEkN4.jpg) (116 KB, 900x1200, media_GIEtg1daEAA2UUb.jpg) (159 KB, 1621x752, media_GJMWvj_WwAAwz1m.jpg) (377 KB, 2039x2800, media_FrujPHWaIAAgsOl.jpg)
I wouldn't call the first pic amateurish, guy's focused on comedy that somehow has evolved into him drawing Koume bullying the living shit out of Riamu and he also created one of my favorite reaction images.

>yayoi is one of those idols that honestly "deserves" fat art
How Iori has completely outdone her, just makes it look like Yayoi rubbed off on her before discovering something she liked about a fatter Iori that can actually keep her focus on "helping" Iori while seated next to a huge table completely covered in delicious food.

>for what is worth Takato Kurosuke can draw some fats but sometimes I tend to forget he exists due to all the scat he does on his fanbox
Damn, paywalls are actually useful.

>there's no real reason to bother artists if you're not commissioning them
Dude, you could just ask them in the comments section what's what.
(172 KB, 1040x1680, GHBscY_bIAA7bEa.jpg)
nah ofc takato is out of the picture, paywall sure are useful to skip on that part of him god bless

I honestly completely forgot at the time trying to figure it out myself, Iirc he posted it on twitter > link to stash at deviant alongside other blobs that he made sometime when he retired or something
As an aside, what are y'all opinions on the girls from Gakuen Idolmaster? There's like 11-12 so far, and I guess the only real loli is Hiro, but they look kinda cute
I'm actually enjoying gakuen far more than what I did at SS/ML/SC, I miss mobamas still but gakuen is actually good (story is so bad but who cares lol)

9 girls + 3 outside rivals, honestly in gakuen everyone is a rival with each other so, it doesn't have the same impact as project fairy..

just make Hiro / China fat af
I like Mao, she basically the inverse Makoto of this game.... and yesterday they fucking made playable Ume on Milk's day and she's like... smaller than Takane but bigger than her bust wise... based bandai

even liking chub, I can appreacite Saki's abs and I'm sure most folks will simp Sumika or Rinami which is fair
I've tried playing the game but I gave up after like two days, I just couldn't understand jack shit without learning Japanese first lmao
It's a shame because this seems really fun
(500 KB, 458x260, 1670287976321481.gif)
I never gave much of a shit beyond the original group and Cinderella Girls where I actually took a lot more interest in the characters.
I thought these were love live characters but she's surprisingly getting fat art.

>based bandai
Pic related, was it outsourced with Bamco too busy to sabotage the companies efforts?
>was it outsourced with Bamco too busy to sabotage the companies efforts?
I mean...maybe? But the company they outsourced it to clearly had experience with this kinda games, and it shows. I just hope it'll last more than 1 year
(202 KB, 1462x2048, GD4lSgObcAA6jwc.jpg)
basically the nihonjo gatekeeping, else im@s would be on the same category as touhou nowadays lol

no reason to trust me on this and I'm sure it wouldn't make anyone play this crap but, I'm bad at summary but, gakuen gameplay is basically:

- same 3 stats as always, vocal / dance / visual
tutorial wise you usually get told: "focus on one" while Asari tells you to: "increase the stat that's lower so you can pass the exam anon"
in reality, having a mix of all of them means you can do exams with no drawbacks on scoring as long as you don't get fucked by rng which is basically all you're playing against on your cards

- sense idols, aka, anyone that can actually score normally from cards play around stamina / burst (the flex icon / some explosion like one?) ideally you just want to increase stam at least twice with skills so you can increase the potency of the burst buff, stamina decreases by 1 at end of turn, the burst stays and there's skills that scale in score by the number of stacks you have of them in play

- logic idols are basically: "buff the entire run and burst at the end of it"
there's like and fists, likes work like stamina for sense but instead of improving the buffs, they score at the end of turn an equal amount, you lose 1 at the end of each turn so basically you're stacking them and using at the end (unless bad rng) claps to use their stacks to actually do score in the turn, since likes don't really have many skills to straight up score since the gameplan is passive.
As for fist, they increase the amount of shields you get by 1 per fist, they don't go away, the idea is to get like 100+ shields and use skills that score scaling of that... hence the many memes around from nihons with Hiro basically killing herself since the good scoring skills for it take health directly instead of getting walled by shields.

- items are key, you start unlocking them while you increase your producer level, either by doing quest / getting achievements on idols or just playing productions, there's some broken ones along the road but the basics one are basically: both types of buffs + 7 base shield, and a drink that heals 3 life and upgrades all the skills presents in the cards for that turn

- the real game unlocks itself at mission 40 of the board, PRO difficulty where you get stats uncapped to 1500 and you can score past 40k total, the higher your end score note the better (RNG) your produce cards will be for future runs, it can still get screwed though but it's worth to make some for producing other idols of the same archetype.

- as mentioned above, at the end of production you get a producing card which you might have saw at tutoral, you can equip up to 4 and they will neet you at the end of first week of productions their skills. ideally you want to focus on % for either stat you're focusing at (you can check each idol's top raw stat before any production) since they are what makes your skills actually scale higher score wise in those exams.

- there's multiple type of events with random bs outcomes, but it goes down to 3 types:

1- gift, Asari gives you (RNG for base rarity of them) an some cash, 1 item 1 skill of choice

2-class, basically choose one stat you want to increase, if it cost energy it gets a base increase on the total and sometimes (8 nrg) can net you a random skill, rng again.

3- shop, yeah just shop with your points/cash, for 100 you can upgrade 1 skill, the same goes to deleting one... they get a tax of 25 for the next time you want to use them since it's limited to 1 x visit.

my apologies for ruining this board with how gakuen basically works, if you have have more obese/fat/chunky im@s lolis I'll thank you in advance lol

> I'm sure obese koumes will come at some point, or futami twins, or ....
(139 KB, 1492x1873, media_GBS-bvDXoAAYWMP.jpg) (112 KB, 1200x1012, media_FhApdDeakAEHvvJ.jpg) (255 KB, 2048x1483, media_F0nHx-JaAAEKE_M.jpg) (231 KB, 1437x2022, media_F0rlwNNXoAITD1p.jpg) (372 KB, 2289x2582, media_F0XaFTWacAEsGlR.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1000x1342, 5687f7db55d2601c9cacb8c0658fd277.png)
I mean that practically every fandom of their games all have been vocal about their contempt for Bamco since said company has been screwing them over and putting out crap. Looks like they've even fucking with the Tekken fans with that battle pass bullshit.
don't get me wrong, bamco sucks
but I'll give them credit for what they did here, as long as gakuen last more than a year... at least I'll have something to work with after SS departure in the future (not like cgss dying means I'd like cg any less in the future)
>as long as gakuen last more than a year.
They suck but I don't think they're on the level of Squeenix in managing mobileshit.
>my apologies for ruining this board with how gakuen basically works, if you have have more obese/fat/chunky im@s lolis I'll thank you in advance lol

I really want to try contributing to this thread at least a little, but I swear god finding Idolmaster art is incredibly difficult. Pixiv has an unironically shitty tag system, Rule34 lacks fat girls and Danbooru just locked the loli tag behind a paywall lol
>Pixiv has an unironically shitty tag system
Seemed great back when I was using Pixiv; there was even a tag specifically for fat IM@s. Think it was either pochamas or debumas.
I think it's only shitty because English users don't how to properly tag things. There's japanese tags and then there's english tags. Japanese tags usually give a definition of what the tag means, a little picture showing an example, a bunch of related tags, and it will show up in auto complete if you know what you're searching for. English tags are just words and thats it. English tags are way less organised and it leads to a lot of English art on the site being hard to search for english you put in the EXACT tag that the artist used. If a japanese account posts oppai loli, chances are the artwork will be tagged "ロリ巨乳", where as an English oppai loli artwork could be tagged literally anything, you'll have no idea if it's "Oppailoli" "Oppai Loli" "Oppai_Loli" or what.
A lot of new pixiv users also for some accidentally tag these with the complete wrong tags. Bambooale accidentally tagged a pic of his (boring) giant ass OC as a tag for touhou, and a bunch of other artists use the tag for Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid on complete unrelated artwork sometimes. ZeroLightSource also had a bunch of normal SFW art that he mistagged as "Elementary Schooler with huge breasts". I think it's a good tag system, but it's easily turned bad through idiots not understanding it
(540 KB, 1200x1600, 95751327_p0.jpg)
This is the only half decent drawing I could find on Pixiv, most of the other good stuff was already posted...goddamn, there's a lotta shitty art from the 2010s and 2000s lmao
So funny to see how much utter garbage we were able to not only tolerate, but actually liked 10+ years ago. The fact that back then people like W-oo-T were considered by many to be the upper echelon of deviantart fat stuff is hilarious to look back on.
>>60536 finally a man comes & clears out all that yard. Lazy fuck.
Let's not forget mistystuffer, he was an utterly dogshit artist but he posted a lot of pokemon art...and people even liked it back then
(14 KB, 480x480, 1650913227502.jpg) (102 KB, 430x815, _fa__onpu_segawa___magical_doremi___1_of_3_by_goblant.png) (287 KB, 1394x2048, 3fbbe3ad0894287f2eb71d0e33c3325d.jpg) (295 KB, 1483x2047, 425fa221ba7bd430f460cd1756f44b06.jpg) (417 KB, 1200x740, 1576205511372.png) (187 KB, 909x818, 1576124857809.png)
When I look at this pic, I can't help but see Hazuki somehow stumbling into being a really dominate feeder as Doremi being too stupid to see it as anything but Onpu innocently getting fed delicious food without having to lift a finger while Onpu herself is being fed too much, too quickly to correct Doremi and ask for help.

Seriously though, why is it always Onpu? Everyone else from that series is incredibly rare to find but it feels like she's outdoing even Sailor Moon and Madoka Magica characters.
Great pic.

In Woots case, it isn't something crazy since it felt like the base skill level was still pretty low.

>and people even liked it back then
Everyones great shame.

I would've never noticed just how badly handled the English is since I only use Japanese for tags.
Wow, there really is a lack of Ami and Mami art...I wish I could commission some stuff, but no way in hell most of the good (western) artists are okay with drawing this
I was trying to find the source to the first Tanya picture and apparently its artist basically purged the entire profile, so...there's that. The second picture leads to a twitter profile, but the dude's asking for 135 dollars lmao
(688 KB, 1280x1792, 56.jpg) (421 KB, 1280x1807, 24.jpg) (254 KB, 1512x2000, 72453828_p0.jpg) (3.4 MB, 1771x2508, 117938076_p0.png) (170 KB, 1133x1700, 56083835_p0.jpg) (991 KB, 850x1200, 70888222_p13.jpg)
I forgot who made that edit of the twins but it was jack-off material

basically, at least with Koume there's some material to work with overtime,but, for what is worth in 765PRO, Takane and Iori fatarts are basically most of it, so overall for 765 pro there's some lack of content iirc.

honestly at least there's something between cum inflation, breast expansion, pregnant???
could be even worse imo, just like basically unvoiced cg idols in general or lolis for this board's matter.

> since someone posted that artist in particular, I recall him drawing a Koume which wasn't good but, I believe it was old

> yoshino isn't a loli anyways, but she lacks the tits of Miria somehow

somehow bbwalt recognizes my ip as a spammer when all I had done was post some pics here and gave an essay on how to play gakuen while saying I'd like to comission fat koumes :>
(1.9 MB, 400x279, 512979288bd2954d955bf98a2629358c744c84b0f1ff7cfcbb2b593a52b0440c.gif)
It wasn't Mareena?

>I forgot who made that edit of the twins

>unvoiced cg idols
I fucking lucked out with all my top faves getting voices.

>somehow bbwalt recognizes my ip as a spammer
Maybe you posted the wrong dupe of an image.

If you don't scroll all the way down on the twins, you can imagine Tsukiho volunteering to set the twins straight after they started messing over food, by making such a delicious meal they can't help but eat their meals but with Tsukiho being a surprisingly godly cook, it backfires towards the complete opposite direction. Ami and Mami have absolute control of themselves after the first taste of Tsukiho's cooking and voraciously wolf down plate after plate of the food, all the Tsukiho is constantly putting out extra servings until the two are so astoundingly stuffed, they can't swallow another bite but have gotten so addicted to the taste they're stuck daydreaming of themselves still eating more of Tsukiho's food as they lay in a bloated stupor and leaving Tsukiho to leave the room while worriedly looking back at the twins gargantuan bellies squished against one another and wondering if she made them too much food. No matter if Tsukiho found herself shrugging off the idea that she needs to massively dial back he mountain of food or vowing to make sure the twins get proper meal proportions; Ami and Mami won't allow Tsukiho to change anything that isn't more, even if they have to chase Tsukiho down day after day and force her to make them more meals and even snacks no matter how much tighter their shorts are feeling every day, how there's a weird bouncy/jiggly feeling around their bellies every time they go chasing after Tsukiho, how their shirts are both perfectly molded against their bodies and are completely showing off the divot of their belly buttons and the rolls at their sides. Ami and Mami are far too obsessed with Tsukiho's food to notice even a single extra pound hanging off their fat frames.

TFW you finish your tiny story right before the browser crashes and you have to try to type it out from your shit memory.
(4.4 MB, 3200x4200, super_stuffed_sachiko__art_trade__by_bbjangles22_damh2g2.png)
You can only have one to fatten up, who do you choose?

Elegg belly grab is a meme.

Where does Anon see Koume's fat mainly ending up? Is there another idol Anon sees encouraging the gain or being pushed into it by Koume?

Every time I see these pictures it feels like they're not even trying to gain weight. The Mushoku Tensei loli looks like she found an endless source of food and is so drunken with gluttony that she never ever realizes how deep her hand sinks into her belly whenever she gives the monumental orb a good satisfied slap when she's finally had her fill or how every day her hands sinks even deeper than the last.

The twins look like the energetic one is enthusiastic about her gain, thinking about what ways she can use it to torture the inmate, with a focus on gaining more weight just so she can slap his face red with a gut at least double its current size. The calm one is simply invested in stuffing food down her twins gullet and watching her belly grow bigger with every gulp until she's unable to move and breathing heavily as the calm one massages the packed gut, and enjoying feeling of her sisters thick layer of fat and how it feels pushing it up against a stomach so taut it couldn't hold a single crumb more of food, and she also finds the chaotic noises emanating from it to be a nice calming lullaby.

>Commissioning Japanese artists
How do you get the context of your commission through to them, google translate? How much does Squarewave go for in burgerbucks?
(1.8 MB, 1600x1200, 114253007_p0.png) (82 KB, 827x1004, F2D5XEFW4AAtKd8.jpg)
here, mainly on her thighs/gut in fact that sachiko is like the most simple non horny minded comm I ask most of the time with a burp added for flavor purpose of sorts...

ofc Ideally I'd like to see them drawn like Oruka0827 usual treatment refeer to the previously posted Riamu / Ranko / Rina / Nono above.

> JP gatezone
if you don't know JP / Are native, I could suggest DeepL, ofc do considerate how context is key and try to word your comms. thoughtfully since some words literally lose meaning between languages or straight up don't exist hence the existance of katakana.

recently I've gotten some dms on discord from artist that are probably scam asking if I'm interested in commissioning them, the moment I actually take them seriously replying: "how fat would you go?"
they instantly leave the DM lmao
the 2 ones that actually proceeded of 10 asked: "which char" to which I sent them a Koume and some refs. and they told me to fuck off LOL

so yeah, I do check this board to see if there's anything worth to jack off or if there's anything of interest to convo for with other anons, I would like to have more fat lolicon artwork to just post off I suppose but this Is what I have in hand rn.

also, I believe my issue with the IP being recognized as Spam was me trying to post something before and my ISP having a connection error with made the server just fuck me over... if there is a fix outside of using a VPN or putting a name I'll thank you all in advance
>How do you get the context of your commission through to them, google translate?
All of my commissions so far barely have any complicated context to communicate. Skeb has a translation feature built into it, and a short character limit for writing commisions, and square-wave's in particular is even shorter, so you really have to keep things concise (Which also works to make the translation more accurate). There really wasn't much context TO communicate in the comms tho. For the Kishirika one I basically just wrote "Draw this character as 400KG and slapping her belly with a prideful expression. Here's the reference for the character: _" and that was it. The Caroline and Justine one had a little more specifications for it, and even though it really wasn't nearly as complicated a commision idea as other commisioners, it still led to me almost hitting the character limit, even though it was basically just "These characters: __ with this body type: _ posing like stereotypical sexy models while sweating excessively in nothing but micro-bikinis.". Basically, I don't really ask for much in my commisions.
(177 KB, 1024x1243, cute.jpg)
(462 KB, 849x1200, FEuEYUcaUAIOU72.jpg) (314 KB, 1269x1648, 71161814_p0.jpg) (313 KB, 1283x1600, fatty_idol_miria_by_reallynicegains_dfu3moc.png) (2.5 MB, 2800x2600, 93570060_p0 (Sakamoto_9rg).jpg)
>Where does Anon see Koume's fat mainly ending up?
It's hard for me to imagine Koume having boobs that aren't disproportionately small, even fattened up. In my view if hers were to exceed the size of Shizuku's (the bustiest Cinderella Girl) she'd have to be about a quarter-ton heavier than her and near-immobile. Belly and butt-wise, I imagine her being mostly balanced but a little bottom-heavy. It'd make those long horror movie marathons just that bit comfier.

>Is there another idol Anon sees encouraging the gain or being pushed into it by Koume?
I could see Rika rubbing off on her if she somehow got the impression being fat was attractive. Anzu has a terrible diet and is extremely lazy by nature, so if the two started hanging out more I could see Koume's metabolism failing to keep up. And I guess there's always Kanako or Airi being the avid bakers they are.

If Koume got fat she'd probably rub off on Mirei before anyone, since they're pretty close (and I'm not at all biased). Syoko's also an obvious choice since the three are in a unit together and have a lot in common.
Kishirika is good taste
(281 KB, 1240x1753, 3a7833a8a8d9c305d4137e30e6ca9763.jpg) (465 KB, 906x861, 0041a4ffdd8553c253a95476af43e638.png) (32 KB, 634x600, 391c6b46f3845dace83015091b74aefaa9af7444d0efa52eefe8c2889bc99da8.jpg) (180 KB, 465x840, 7618030_p0.jpg) (721 KB, 800x1200, 18863878_p0.jpg) (663 KB, 1170x940, 18863878_p1.jpg)
>short character limit for writing commisions, and square-wave's in particular is even shorter
Well I'm fucked.

It's hard for me to imagine Koume having boobs that aren't disproportionately small, even fattened up
Fat better used elsewhere to help her get stuck easier while chasing ghosts and yokai through "small" doorways, very narrow alleywways, and cracks in walls.

>Rika rubbing off on her if she somehow got the impression being fat was attractive
Rika always struck me as someone who'd only start thinking that if her big sister started packing on the pounds.

>Anzu has a terrible diet and is extremely lazy by nature
While it isn't said or shown, I can't see Koume having any better of a diet than Anzu. While Anzu is the type to snack through the day, Koumes habit of binge watching horror movies makes me think she'd be absentmindedly gorging on snacks she stocked up on in preparation for a long night or days of watching movies and culminating her sleeping in bed under a large mound badly hidden under her sheets.

>and I'm not at all biased
That she's another of your favorites or that you have a love for the flavor of dark clothed loli?

>Syoko's also an obvious choice since the three are in a unit together and have a lot in common
I had an idea while thinking of Syoko and her being the Death Metal idols; what if always being subjected to all that constantly booming chaotic earth shaking noise, was actually tenderizing her newly fattened form and leaving the fat hanging off her body being abnormally bouncy and capable of longer bouts of jiggling when subjected to sudden movements, compared to any of the other idols who might have blown up to the same weight.
(39 KB, 610x762, etna_fat_by_eishiban-d3dbtxl.jpg) (137 KB, 1353x1962, D1YPm0rUcAUQFF5.jpg large.jpg) (1.9 MB, 2894x4093, etna_and_a_little_extra_by_strangest_danger_dcz72ey.png) (21 KB, 598x732, raspberyl_fat_by_eishiban_d3dbtjw.jpg) (566 KB, 1352x1800, fat_raspberyl_2_by_eishiban_d6l8r92.jpg) (86 KB, 1029x837, mirai_but_with_boob_by_zn895_deti909 (baqua7).jpg)
>Fat better used elsewhere to help her get stuck easier while chasing ghosts and yokai through "small" doorways, very narrow alleywways, and cracks in walls.

>Rika always struck me as someone who'd only start thinking that if her big sister started packing on the pounds.
Yeah, she seems to copy what she does most of the time. It's possible Mika might be putting on weight for some other reason, probably inadvertently, and Rika could then misinterpret it.

>I can't see Koume having any better of a diet than Anzu
Yeah, me neither. She strikes me as a sedentary, snack food kind of girl more than anything.

>That she's another of your favorites or that you have a love for the flavor of dark clothed loli?
Both, really. But she was one of the first lolis I felt attracted to, so she has a special place in my heart.

>what if always being subjected to all that constantly booming chaotic earth shaking noise, was actually tenderizing her newly fattened form and leaving the fat hanging off her body being abnormally bouncy and capable of longer bouts of jiggling when subjected to sudden movements, compared to any of the other idols who might have blown up to the same weight
That's a cool idea, actually. I bet it'd feel super soft to the touch as a result, too.
(102 KB, 1754x1240, IMG_0595.webp)
Does anyone have more works of her by ネ暗イト
(1.0 MB, 990x990, 73183828_p0.jpg) (411 KB, 3027x4096, media_GJ2n5R4XAAAUn_0.jpg) (76 KB, 1000x918, f1dec66973bc8f1d85b40e7c2faaa1ae.jpg) (179 KB, 1020x1447, media_EnoBt87VkAEruUH.jpg) (259 KB, 1020x1447, media_EnoBwabVEAAb9zS.jpg) (115 KB, 1013x718, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_ESKod8LUcAU-x3a.jpg)
Any idols or characters you want to see get turned into lolis nice and ripe for weight gain?

Is anyone gonna watch the Sakuna anime?

Honestly, Koume's the one character who'd be a willing conduit for possession and always ends up in bed the night of it happening, with a turgid belly of abnormal proportions from the dead wanting to experience life again but they always end up packing away pounds of food into the little idols tummy.

Now that I think about it, if you find just the right group of gluttons (or gluttons + distractingly interesting person) that can keep her too unfocused to notice them rubbing off on her, all you'd need to do is have Mika praise her, whether Mika's started developing an interest in weight gain or not for others or herself.

>She strikes me as a sedentary
When she's got a string of horror to watch but Koume likes to go exploring haunted places and I imagine there are shops she enjoys going to or can't help it because it doesn't deliver. She'll happily waddle to and forth while someone like Ryo or Syoko plays the role of emergency support whenever Koume finds herself needing to be unstuck from what was already said or the bad flooring in the supposed haunted houses and crawl spaces.

>But she was one of the first lolis I felt attracted to, so she has a special place in my heart
Koume was the second idol I got interested in because she shares my love of horror, while being cute enough I don't mind all the piercings.

>I bet it'd feel super soft to the touch as a result, too
I can see the younger idols using her belly as a huge pillow if she isn't careful where she falls asleep and god help her if she can't control herself and end up with a mattress like belly she won't be able to get said younger idols off, whether the little ones were sporting pot bellies or not.

>Mirai with tits
Do you have anymore
(2.1 MB, 1505x2125, 109728482_p0.jpg)

>Any idols or characters you want to see get turned into lolis nice and ripe for weight gain?

not really, I like how they look already as is and just putting weight on them is enough but if I had to pick it would probably be anyone of A20 / Nana, Noriko, Sakuya

>koume speech

did I actually find KoumeP's to share degeneracy?, unexpected, even if her depiction will narrow to degeneracy / horror, good to know I guess :>
then again, I wasn't expecting my degeneracy asking for failed attempts at commisioning fat koumes to develop into this on an alt board of all things... if you all actually play these shitty games instead of being casuals maybe add me so we can try live party grind

>I can't see Koume having any better of a diet than Anzu

if you start reading their commus (not limited to cg) you will find many such cases, even stress eating at times like Kotoha or at skills by default like Chiyoko

I will not go in depth as to why I'm a KoumeP in any shape or form, but I will considerate it a curse for the past 12 years lol

anyways, some degeneracy while I use a random nick to see if it actually helps with posting here
(1.4 MB, 1061x1080, 103039699_p1.png) (129 KB, 1080x1634, media_FfmHdjXUoAAaRK1.jpg) (2.0 MB, 1601x2367, 102025581_p0.png) (502 KB, 1867x2000, 96344963_p0.jpg) (5.5 MB, 4047x2867, 102608476_p0.png) (966 KB, 3269x4817, 101401848_p0.png)
I wonder if the rules of anime would turn her into a tomboy or if her mind would hold after being turned into a loli.

>did I actually find KoumeP's to share degeneracy
I wouldn't say that; every time I tried to watch the Cinderella Girls and U149 animes, something came up, and my attempt to play the Cinderella Girls game was blocked by my inability to read moonrunes. Right now, the only thing I really play with Koume in it is Granblue Fantasy, with my hopes being the next collab will be a SSR tri unit that includes her and the new idol SSR will be either Haru Yuuki or Hikaru Nanjo, and that either can be as strong as Luffy the collab pirate who stole core status from seasonal limited units.

While she's up there with them, what little interaction I've had with the actual media, I'd say since I've listened to their songs more and been slightly more invested in their fanart back when I was actively looking at Pixiv; Haru and Hikaru would be the ones I'm more focused on since the thought born from all the yuri art from two artists, got the thought in my head of tomboys being awkward and their separate innate gluttony coalescing into such a destructive force that it completely destroys their metabolism from the nonstop huge meals they both encourage each other to do that are large than what's their usual and constantly ending up in eating competitions with each other, and both hobbling back with an arm over eatch others shoulders to whoever's house is closest and winching every time an audible glunk signifies their swollen guts have smacked together.

Once my money reserves recovers, I think I'm gonna finally set up a paypal and find someone who'll make a great pic of Hikaru's Sentai belt buckle being rocketed off by her huge belly and smacking Haru square in the face.

>not limited to cg
Im@s lost my interest with how the newer games character designs look closer to what I'd expect out of Love Live.

Only thing that has my interest is Hikaru and Kaho intentionally getting weak belts so that they can blow off their Toku belt buckles at each other, with their large bellies.

>I will not go in depth as to why I'm a KoumeP in any shape or form, but I will considerate it a curse for the past 12 years
That's a torturous thing to do to a curious person such as myself. Is it a curse because it's a bitch to find any fat Koume's, that you would've been better off if you were interested in preg?
Does anyone have that image of Harper, Sarah and Lana from Pokémon in a weight gain sequence?
Yup thanks bro 👍
Do you have one with better resolution tho?
Does anyone know the source for this?
Anyone got a collection or something of all the baqua7 tanya's?

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