
(348 KB, 1587x1920, doom-patrol-3.jpg) (113 KB, 735x734, f3d53650b732d4afde131037390c167a.jpg)
Guys I think I may have accidentally stumbled upon the most obscure and disturbing weight gain inflation scene of all time! it's from unstoppable doom patrol assault of main Street. It features a antagonistic hero hired and created by Amanda waller called meta woman! Keep in mind this is a comic exclusive universe and she shares no relation with the DC universe online character. Not that it matters as I almost guarantee nobody's busting a fat one to this! But it's interesting for scientific purposes nonetheless.

Anyways so meta girls ability uses nano bots that can morph the physical cells in her body responsible for superpowers in the DC universe. These abilities are usually gained and activated from a stressful scenario. KEEP THAT IN MIND! it's the reason why earth has so many meta humans, because specific stress and genetic codes mixing at the right moment makes DC superpowers in short.

So meta woman has the power to manipulate that gean to adapt into anything similar to a particular marvel superhero and basically copy powers. Problem is. It's all on her mentally on what she copies she can copy multiple abilities but it's on her to hold those abilities strong.

So where does that leave us dear audience?

Well doom patrol and her fight, she copy their abilities and whether it's because they're from a different earth or there just too quirky of abilities to handle she instantly loses control! Starting by morphing her arm fatter then her body and the rest.

And due to stress triggering powers in overdrive ! The fear of what she's becoming overwhelms her. Turning this poor woman into a inflating puss ball of flesh!
I dare you to find another scenario that isn't Akira that is honestly more gross in any media but yeah you may argue it wasn't worthy of its own thread but I say this is so disturbing it needed to be gatekept away from other content in general.

Although the idea of someone blowing up because DNA wackiness or stress inflating them like a balloon is a perfect concept for a superhero. It didn't need to be as horrific as it was.
It's also implied she lives through it but whether she pops or not isn't really fully confirmed. Again she's super obscure to the tof having zero wiki! Just a screen rant article and a YouTube video in which was the only source for one of the horrific images!

Honestly in my opinion I feel like I need to see some wholesome inflation art of meta women just to clean my palette of this disturbance! Hopefully the community will I don't know.?
Use this useless thread as a meta woman appreciation thread and do just that. That's all. I'm dipping. Up to you guys to do what you will with this!
A thread died for this literal garbage.
>>55631 (OP)
Holy shit, this might be one of the most cringe threads to come to this board in a long while. I really don't understand what the fuck you were thinking here anon, you straight up admit that this content isn't even worthy of being posted to this site yet you did it anyway. This has nothing to do with weight gain, it's body horror that sits outside the scope of this board and I gurantee 99% of the userbase are not aroused by this.

Your attempts to pathetically engagement bait and drum up discussion by being quirky and all "HuEhUE, LOok At thIS gUyS IsN't ThIs WACky?!" doesn't justify you making a thread for this. Like seriously shut the fuck up, you're not funny. It's even sadder that you try to solicit art from this, you actually came here expecting that people would draw inflation art of this literal nothing character.

I can practically smell the autism emanating from you anon, if you're somehow not an actual retard I will eat a goddamn shoe. Delete this shit and never come back.

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